IPEVO VZ-X 8MP Visualiser, Easy Setup, 3 Modes of Connectivity — Wi-Fi, HDMI, and USB, Compatible with Web Conferencing Software in USB Mode, Works Wirelessly with iOS, tvOS and Android


IPEVO, document camera, visualiser, education, teaching, video, streaming, presenting, Wi-Fi, wifi


distance, teaching, learning, video, streaming, work-from-home, wfh, classroom, remote, Wi-Fi


presenting, Wi-Fi, wifi, camera, projecting, presentation, IPEVO, document camera, visualiser,


presenting, Wi-Fi, wifi, camera, projecting, presentation, IPEVO, document camera, visualiser,


presenting, Wi-Fi, wifi, camera, projecting, presentation, IPEVO, document camera, visualiser, wfh


IPEVO, document camera, visualiser, education, teaching, video, streaming, presenting, Wi-Fi, wifi


distance, teaching, learning, video, streaming, work-from-home, wfh, classroom, remote, Wi-Fi

Dimensions: 11.6 x 10.8 x 32.2 centimetres
Brand: Ipevo
Model: 5-902-4-01-00
Part: 5-902-4-01-00
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)

13 Responses

  1. Tammi82Ykpjfyu says:

     United States

    PROS: Item is almost perfect. I use it for class.
    Picture is good. I can move around and have my students present.

    CONS: Unfortunately, it does not directly connect to a smart tv as advertised. I use an Apple TV and its app to directly connect to the tv.
    Also, I wish it had a “freeze” button so I could remove the document from beneath while I’m changes pages to present.
    Last, this might be a bug, but the activity done while presenting doesn’t register to the Apple TV, so it goes to “sleep” every 10 minutes in the middle of lecture. (Yes, I checked with my IT department , we’ve changed all the settings on the Apple TV, it has to be an app issue)

  2. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I purchased the Wi-Fi version of this camera because I wanted to be able to showcase my art anywhere without being plugged in.

    This has perfectly and easily fit the bill. Truth is I have it plugged into my computer most the time as I share drawings and processes on my desktop.

    But when I go to my easel or even outside painting a mural on a wall, I flip the switch to Wi-Fi and can still stream live (I had to see the instructions to make that happen!)

    The visualizer on the computer makes it easy to share screen. I’ve also used it on my phone.

    I recommend this camera to all artists who want to share their work!

  3. HollySolomon says:


    Meine Ipevo V4K gibt langsam den Geist auf und ich wollte mir nicht den Nachfolger holen, da er mich nicht berzeugt hatte. Deswegen wollte ich einen greren Sprung machen und ein besseres Gert haben. Rezensionen und Produktbeschreibungen haben mich zum Kauf der VZ-X animiert.

    Wofr nutze ich die Kamera:
    Ich streame Kunst auf Twitch und wollte nicht noch mehr Technik fr Kameras auf dem Tisch haben. Daher ist eine Dokumentenkamera recht ideal.

    Es gibt zwei Mglichkeiten die Kamera zu nutzen. Entweder bers WLAN/WiFi oder Direktanschluss.
    WLAN sollte man wirklich nur nutzen, wenn der Router auch mitspielt, besonders beim Streamen. Unser Router ist dafr zu schwach. Vor dem Streamen klappte es gut mit der Kamera, whrend des Streamens ist die Kamera komplett ausgestiegen und ich hatte nur noch ein Standbild. Ursache: veralteter Router.

    Daher habe ich die zweite Variante gewhlt und die Kamera mit HDMI und USB C Kabel mit dem Rechner verbunden. Wichtig ist, dass das USB C der Datenbertragung dient! Ein gutes Kabel ist also erforderlich fr ruckelfreie bertragungen.

    Wichtig ist den VirtuelCamController zu installieren und zu nutzen, da eine Virtuelle Kamera ntig ist (zumindest bei mir). Dort lassen sich nur Kontrast und Drehung einstellen, sonst nichts. CamControl funktioniert bei mir nicht, warum auch immer.

    Wenn alles eingerichtet ist und funktioniert, hat man einiges an Arbeit hinter sich.
    Die Bildqualitt ist meiner Meinung nach gut, aber nicht sehr gut. Vielleicht ist meine Erwartung einfach zu hoch bei dem Preis. Jeder hat andere Ansprche.
    Positiv mchte ich anmerken, dass viele ntzliche Bedienelemente direkt an dem Stativ verbaut sind, alles wirkt wertig. Das verbaute LED Licht ist fr mich eher naja. Es hat seine Vor- und Nachteile. Der Zoom auf Knopfdruck ist sehr praktisch, ebenso das Locken des Fokus. Fr verschiedene Bedrfnisse gibt es verschiedene Mglichkeiten. Die Filter haben fr mich keinerlei nutzen. Die Rotate Funktion finde ich dagegen sehr praktisch, sehr praktisch beim Zeichnen.

    Ich habe die VZ-X gebraucht in einem sehr guten Zustand erstanden fr ca. 45% des Originalpreises. Fr den OVP htte ich mir die Kamera nur bedingt gekauft, nach den Problemen aber tatschlich schnell zurckgeschickt. Selbst fr meinen gezahlten Preis finde ich es kritisch. Htte ich noch einmal die Wahl, wrde ich eher die V4K nochmals kaufen als die VZ-X. Die Preis-Leistung der VZ-X ist leider fr mich enttuschend.

    Wie bereits erwhnt, hngt vieles von den persnlichen Anforderungenan das Gert ab.

    Edit: 15.08.2023
    Kamera ging zurck, sie ist abermals im Stream trotz direkt Verbindung ausgestiegen. Fr mich also unbrauchbar. Schade!

  4. adughinia says:

     United States

    I first used this at an art event I taught at. I was sold immediately on it and ordered my own so I could teach my online art classes with ease. I can’t say enough about the features! I can lock the image on my painting so my hand movements don’t cause the camera to keep refocusing. I can zoom in and out with a touch of a button AND turn on the light and adjust brightness. Once the Visualizer app (free) is uploaded to your computer, the features get even better. When a student needs asks a question about a certain part of the painting, I can draw on the screen to circle key areas or draw arrows to point to a specific location. You won’t regret this purchase!

  5. CristinGoodchil says:

     United States

    Had a little trouble getting it to connect wirelessly at first, but it’s been really easy to use since then. Portable, good quality image, and the build in light is nice to have.

  6. lindsey@beckersasc.com Steven B. Reed Senior Manager Blue Consulting Services says:

     United States

    Finally found what I desperately needed to teach. I have a classroom with a lot of natural light (which is wonderful EXCEPT when you need to use the document camera). The picture quality is the best and so is the LED light. Just make sure to turn it off if you’re going to use YouTube to show an educational video because it will interfere with the wifi since this camera runs on its own wifi bandwidth… other than that, AWESOME! =)
    I can finally teach after fighting with my old document camera for the past 5 weeks…Thank you!

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is a must for teachers who want students to see their work! You can save problems quick and easy with this camera. I LOVR IT!

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I purchased this to use for making videos of my cookie making. It works great for that. It has pros and cons. One of the downsides, it not having much information included with it for how to use it. However, you can find information on YouTube on it which helps a great deal.
    Some of the Pros:
    High resolution camera dn a nice image
    Multiple connection options – UBB, Wi-Fi-, HDMI
    Works with all major desktop and mobile OS
    Good battery life
    Small footprint with multiple adjustments and swivel head for optimal view
    Strong, sturdy construction
    Easily transportable – folds up
    LED light with built in diffuser
    Multiple buttons for easy access to needed features
    Built in microphone
    Software included with product
    Some Cons:
    Not able to use 2 Wi-Fi networks simultaneously. Initially it doesn’t have a secure network, you have to set that up
    No optical zoom, only digital
    No physical manual focus
    You have to charge the battery to use, even for USB Mode.
    It does not come with an HDMI cable if you wish to use that.

    The software is quite robust and has multiple advanced features but is still quite user friendly. The fact that it has multiple buttons on the unit itself lessens the need to interact with the software much in the middle of a presentation.

    the 8MP camera is quite sharp in quality. And I love the fact that it works on Bluetooth. It has a 9-12 hour battery life which is quite good. I really like the built in LED light and Microphone. And the fact that it is so adjustable with the rotating head and arms make it so nice to use.

    Considering the price of this, it packs amazing features that you would normally only get on much more expensive equipment.

    I am very pleased with this purchase and I would highly recommend it.

  9. ErikaKtffv says:

     United States

    People say it looks good, and it has built in FX which can be fun.

  10. Tabitha says:

     United States

    Document camera is easy to operate and the picture quality is great!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Outil essentiel pour la prsentation des annotations sur les dessins techniques (par exemple sur Teams)

  12. JFVLoukstgzobia says:


    Essendo nato come device wireless fa ottimamente il suo dovere. Lo sposto da un banco all’altro della classe e gli studenti sono molto coinvolti nel vedere che il lavoro che stanno svolgendo pu essere condiviso in simultanea. Comodissimo quando ho dovuto avviare la DAD causa Covid.

  13. RoxanaBerryhill says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI don’t think this product is touted as being a WebCam but it absolutely is amazing! All you need to do is plug it into your PC or Mac and it is available and ready to use in any application that utilizes a camera. I needed something that could raise off of my desk but not clamp onto my monitor. I was very surprised at how easy it was to figure out, even though it didn’t come with any directions? If you having any trouble, make sure you switch it from Wi-Fi to USB and it will function as you expect. There is also a button to rotate the camera view, once you hook it in and try to use it in a conference call you’ll know what I mean.