ivoler 4 Pack Screen Protector Compatible with Nintendo Switch OLED Model 7 '' 2021 with Easy Frame tool, Tempered Glass Protection Film – without air bubbles -Ultra Resistant Hardness 9H

Dimensions: | 18.7 x 10.5 x 1.4 cm; 100 Grams |
Model: | AMUSA030110015 |
Manufacture: | ivoler |
Origin: | China |
The application process with absolutely amazing with the guide. Loved that it’s perfectly straight so it passes my OCD test.
Ottimo per il prezzo pagato l’adattatore fornito in dotazione molto utile per una facile installazione.
I just got this screen protector today for my switch! It was easy to put on, I see no bubbles. I’m glad they have the yellow thing because I’m terrible at putting on screen protectors on devices
Super easy to install with the help of the instructions and the plastic guide that lines up the protector perfectly.
Il prodotto di facilissima applicazione e non da alcun problema di touch…non doppio quindi entra facilmente nella dock. Consigliato
I put it on my switch fit perfectly. I did have some trouble with putting on the screen protector, but about all things I think this deserves a five sta
Indispensabile su switch, sempre meglio proteggere gli schermi soprattutto se grosso come quelli della switch, facile installazione ed ottima aderenza
Ottimo vetro temperato per la nintendo switch, comoda anche la “scatola” di plastica in cui arrivano, inoltre grazie alla guida l’installazione facile e non lascia bolle
I’ve had two Nintendo Switch consoles, several tablets and as many phones as most people have owned and this is the first and only time that I’ve had a screen protector go on this clean and effortlessly. It comes with four entire kits and one application frame. I was honestly a little disappointed that it went on perfectly clean on the first attempt. What am I going to do with these three extras? The screen protectors themselves are very robust and not at all flimsy. An absolute steal for the price!
Great initial value for the 4 pieces of screen protectors. They are shipped in a hard plastic case so they won’t be broken during delivery. Super easy to center and install with the included plastic guide. I will add comments after the first couple months of use to better review the product’s durability. Overall I’m extremely happy with this product.
Ich hasse zerkratzte Bildschirme !! Also war es ganz klar das die Switch auch Panzerglas bekommt so wie unsere Handys und andere Gerte. Diesen Hersteller kannte ich zwar noch nicht aber ein Versuch war es definitiv wert. Das Panzerglas kam schnell und super verpackt an. Dank der Schablone sa das Panzerglas beim anbringen an der richtigen Stelle. Feuchttcher und Trockentcher war alles dabei. Das Panzerglas legt sich ohne irgendwelche Probleme und ohne Blasen auf das Display Farbintensivitt und Touch ist wie vorher. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!
Veramente carino l’includere la guida gialla per lo schermo, ho applicato il pannellino veramente in un lampo, son rimasto davvero sorpreso, TUTTI Dovrebbero spedire anche la guida, alla fine un pezzo stampato in 3D ma che rende l’installazione una GODURIA, non scherzo, piacevolissimo e semplice da installare, consigliato a tutti i genitori che comprano una switch per i pargoli e rischiano di traventarla per terra una volta si e l’altra pure, la pellicola sembra bella tosta e copre OGNI ANGOLO dello schermo
Poche parole per descrivere il prodotto: grazie alla pratica guida, il vetro si posa perfettamente allineato sulla superficie della console. All’interno ci sono tutti gli accessori necessari: 4 vetri, 4 salviette umide, 4 salviette asciutte, adesivi per la rimozione di polvere e l’accessorio per premere il vetro delicatamente.
Lo ricomprerei ad occhi chiusi.
the glass did feel like decent quality so no complaints there. one down side is that it did not come with a microfiber cloth to finish drying as i noticed smudging even after cleaning the screen with the dry towl but it’s no big deal the reason and only reason i really rated it 4 stars is because i haven’t really been in a situation where i can prove if this item works for its intended purpose and hopefully im never in that situation in other words i haven’t dropped it but it will definitely help with Accidental scratching from constant wiping the screen. overall don’t hesitate to get this item its big value for your money
I accidentally damaged the plastic built in screen protector on my oled switch so I managed to peel it off and replace it with this tempered glass one. Looks perfect!
Facilissimo da installare. nella confenzione sono presenti anche diversi panni per pulire lo schermo prima di applicare il vetro e 4 vetri protettivi
I got a Switch OLED recently and I had bought this since it had the alignment frame and multiple screen protectors incase I messed up. Instead I easily installed it perfectly on the first try and there were NO AIR BUBBLES which is amazing.
my family got together and surprised my brother with a switch for christmas, and everyone was getting him games so I was in charge of a case and screen protectors!! worked perfectly!
It took a couple minutes to clean, put on the guard and the screen protector. Once the guard was on the screen protector adhered evenly and quickly. I had a bubble and gently lifted the corner, put it back and the bubble was gone. When I tried that with the other screen protectors they would break.
I don’t have steady hands and this was so easy to install. The screen protector itself is high quality and the guard makes it almost impossible to mess up. Instructions are easy to follow. I’m glad I purchased these and I recommend them to anyone looking for a good screen protector that will go on easily and evenly.
The little hard shell alignment tool makes this a breeze. It might not wind up 100% centered up and down but like 95%. No issues with clarity or adhesion. Very nice tempered glass.
Muy fcil de instalar, con tres recambios adicionales y sus instrucciones, protege muy bien la pantalla de la Nintendo, y con un marco gua q hace q la instalacin sea mucho ms fcil y perfecta.
The template makes for simple application. The only problem I had was putting on latex gloves to clean the screen. Adhesive from the dust remover pad got on the gloves, which was transferred to the screen protector when I went to put it on. Put on gloves after cleaning and just before applying.
Recomiendo ponerlo nada ms sacarla de la caja, sobre todo si es el modelo OLED, ya que tiene una pntalla muy sensible.
Adems con el sporte incluido para poner los cristales es muy dificil dejarlo mal colocado.
El cristal encaja perfectamente, si queda mal es por una mala instalacin.
Noch einfacher geht es nicht! So einfach aufzukleben, sogar ich habe es hin bekommen!
Dank des Rahmens trifft man die perfekte Position und die Folie legt sich fast komplett ohne Blschen auf das Display. Die ein paar Blschen bekommt man ganz einfach mit dem Spachtel weg!
Super Ding, wrde ich wieder kaufen!
This screen protector was a breeze to put on. Took less than five minutes. Highly recommend for the price! You get four of them and enough supplies for all of them and it comes in an awesome case to store all it it so I don’t have to figure out how to keep screen protector somewhere they won’t get scratched up.
Das Glas ist durch den Plastikrahmen super einfach aufzubringen. Es passt auch genau auf das Display! Das Touch Display funktioniert auch ohne Probleme, trotz Glas !
Man muss nur beachten das es fr die Nintendo Switch OLED Version ist und nicht fr die normale, da kann es sein das es nicht genau passt!
Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!
I was stuck on which brand to buy from but taking a chance on this one worked out. Super easy installation and I’m still on my first protector 3 months later. I take my switch everywhere with me and with as much as I abuse it, the screen is still perfect. Definitely recommend this one
Lo recomiendo muchsimo, muy fcil de instalar, queda muy bien si haces lo correcto y sigues las instrucciones, suelo ser torpe para cosas como esta pero con la gua fue demasiado sencillo colocarla.
Facile a poser, ne laisse pas de bulle, pratiquement invisible, rentre parfaitement dans le dock.
Dans l’ordre:
– nettoyer avec le sachet numro 1 (pour ne pas avoir de bulle l’cran doit tre nickel)
– essuyer avec le numro 2
– pauser le guide
– retire le film plastique de la protection insre un coter dans le guide et lcher.
– appuyer doucement au centre de l’cran et laiss la magie opr.
normalement si vous avez suivi toute les tape dans l’ordre vous n’avez aucune bulle.
Ottima protezione per la switch oled. Facilissima da installare grazie alla cornice fornita. Bisogna ovviamente essere molto attenti a eliminare sporco e polvere prima dell’installazione, con gli appositi accessori forniti, per evitare bolle e punti in cui la pellicola non aderisce. Io ci sono riuscita al primo tentativo ed aderita perfettamente e completamente.
Vi ricordo che Nintendo ha specificato di non rimuovere la pellicola preesistente sullo schermo della console perch protegge il vetro dal frantumarsi in caso di spiacevoli incidenti. Potete tranquillamente applicarla al di sopra (io sinceramente non me ne ero accorta che ce ne fosse un’altra sullo schermo).
I received the product I ordered exactly as described, which was the iVoler Tempered Glass Screen Protector (4 Pack). Everything included in this product came in its original box, original packaging and was very tidy and neatly packaged.
The installation process was beyond simplified, and I was more than impressed with the quality of what I received in this product.
With the included “tools”, you won’t have any difficult properly installing the screen protector, nor will you deal with any dust, dirt, smudges or even bubbles between the screen and the protector during the very brief “installation process”.
After extensive time testing the product for quality assurance, there appear to be no issues (at least at this given time). The shipping was well timed, as the product came within the week that the estimated shipping projected that it would, so overall I have no complaints and I would HIGHLY recommend this seller!
Thank-you very, VERY much!
– Kai
Kit de 4 cristales templados con todos los tiles para una correcta instalacin. Lo acompaan 4 paos hmedos y secos, los adhesivos para quitar los pequeas partculas de polvo, un marco para encuadrar mejor el cristal y una esptula antiburbujas. Adems trae un manual de instrucciones con un cdigo QR que te remite a un video explicativo de su instalacin, pero bsicamente el orden a seguir es usar el pao 1, despus el 2, a continuacin el adhesivo, colocar el marco y dejar caer el cristal, luego con la esptula quitar las burbujas que puedan quedar. En mi caso el resultado es bastante bueno, pero si que es verdad que se aprecian pequeas burbujas que de momento no se han ido, quizs ms tarde desaparezcan. Buen kit y fcil instalacin, producto recomendable.
Works great! So easy to install and I love they way it goes all the way to the squared edges- not rounded off like other screen protectors. The extra supplies also come in a plastic case. Nice touch.
I give this a very strong 4 stars. It installed fine and doesn’t seem to hamper touch function at all. The only tiny issue I take with it is it doesn’t quite fit as perfectly as I’d like, even having been very careful in placing it during installation. It’s not a big deal at all; functionally it won’t matter, but it keeps out from being perfect. Still, I’d buy this product again for sure and I do recommend i
It came with 4 glass protectors, 4 cleaning packs, 4 stickers, a bubble remover card and a placement guard. The placement guard was super helpful and made it quick and easy to put on. The bubble remover was gentle on the new screen and helped with a smooth adherence with no bubbles. Everything came in a hard plastic case to store.
ero sicuro che avrei buttato tutte le pellicole a causa bolle etc, e invece stato facilissimo pellicola 1/1 seguendo il video dell’applicazione che trovate nella pagina del prodotto, davvero ottimo, (spero mi salvi lo schermo della switch a lungo termine) consigliato!
La pellicola si applica alla perfezione anche grazie al pratico supporto in plastica incluso che fa da guida. Nessuna bolla, nessuna imperfezione ai bordi e nessun leggero sollevamento ai lati, cosa che capita spesso con pellicole di scarsa qualit ad esempio degli smartphone. In questo caso invece la pellicola aderisce perfettamente e, una volta applicata, diventa totalmente invisibile non inficiando n le caratteristiche estetiche della SWITCH n il touch. Io la consiglio al 100%.
Wet and dry – Putztcher sind dabei, genau wie Installations- und Staubwegaufkleber.
Sehr praktisch ist vor allem der Installationsrahmen, habe schon einige Schutzfolien geklebt und diese war sehr einfach zu installieren.
Wrde ich wieder kaufen, aber ich denke 4 Folien reichen erstmal……
Das Konzept mit dem gelben Rahmen zum Aufsetzen ist genial. Bereits mit der ersten Folie hat alles perfekt geklappt. Sie sitzt dank des Rahmens exakt ausgerichtet und mit dem 3-stufigen Reinigungsset (Feuchtreinigung, Trockenreinigung, Staubreinigung) ist auch unter der Folie alles sauber. Es gab 2-3 kleine Luftblasen am Rand, die aber problemlos rausgedrckt werden konnten.
Bei meiner ersten Switch hatte dich damals 5 Folien gebraucht und selbst dort war mittig am Ende ein Staubkorn unter der Folie, der mich jahrelang genervt hat. Dieses Folienset ist durch den gelben Rahmen so viel besser. Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
I’ve bought and installed a lot of screen protectors over the years, but this one was by far the best, and easiest install I’ve ever had. It’s flawless! The guide alone makes it worth the price, and sets it apart from other screen protectors. I would absolutely buy it again, but they made such a great product with four protectors included that I’ll probably never need more!
Trs facile a installer surtout avec le cadre pour mettre en place le verre tremp, je vous conseille ce produi
My son isn’t even going to notice that his Nintendo Switch has an awesome screen protector on it when he opens it on Christmas morning. And I won’t have to worry about him scratching it.
It looks great!
I’ve always used these screen protectors for each of my switches. To tel you how good they are, I’ve always put them on the first time with no bubbles and perfect placement. They come with 4 and I’ve only needed 1 for the 3 years I had my Switch Lite. Now I have it for my OLED and it’s been the same experience. Definitely recommend to everyone.
Sehr empfehlenswerter Display Schutz. Dank dem beigelieferten Rahmen ist die Anbringung ein Kinderspiel. Das verwendete Glas kenne ich schon von meinem Handy, da benutze ich eins von der selben Firma. Es fllt weder optisch noch vom Gefhl her auf, was natrlich wnschenswert ist. Hlt am Handy locker ein halbes Jahr, auf der Switch warscheinlich noch viel lnger, da man den Touchscreen ja so gut wie nie benutzt. Da man gleich 4 Stck bekommt hat man fr die Lebensspanne der Switch sowiso ausgesorgt.
Preis/Leistung definitiv top!
After viewing several options I tried this one, despite some reviews mentioning the protector being too small compared to the OLED screen. Installing is simple enough, I was satisfied with the result after one try. For me it covers the screen well enough, horizontally it’s perfect. Only on the bottom there is a tiny gap, but I don’t mind.
The square alignment tool is very helpful, it makes it easy to put your screen protector perfectly without being misaligned. There are additional screen protectors in the box in case if you fail.
If you live in a very dusty home, I recommend putting it on after a steam shower, the water moisture from the steam will latch onto the dust and fall down so it is safe to put on the screen protector with fewest amounts of dust possible. I did this method and it worked the first try.
Very good product took me me about15 minutes to apply, including getting 2 bubbles out. I was worried I wouldn’t get the yellow bracket, as I’ve seen many complain they did not get one.
Thankfully the installation process was easy, especially with the video guide that’s on Youtube.
You get 4 protectors, which is more than enough and its the first I’ve seen, usually you’d get only 1 or 2 with other companies. I hope its not a sign that I’ll be having to change it out often.
5/5 stars overall: An excellent way to protect Oled switch from the scuffs and screen wears, best is that it wont detract from the image quality.
The kit comes with all you need to install the screen protector onto the OLED Switch.
My first attempt was a failure as the drying cloth leaves dust behind and you have to be very thorough with removing the leftover dust, else the screen will never full adhere. Using a flashlight or a cell phone’s torch can help immensely with spotting dust that cannot be easily seen.
There is, from what I can guess, about 1mm difference between the size of the glass and the actual plastic display of the OLED Switch. The corners are shaped to fit just right, but the whole protector is just a bit too small (see photo for example). I do not know if this is a manufacturing flaw, improper design of the plastic installation frame, or from human error, but if the screen protector could have been just a bit larger, it would fit exactly to the T.
Enough about the cons… This screen protector feels like it is made of quality. The glass is flexible enough to not feel brittle and it sticks to the OLED Switch very cleanly, with no signs of it obstructing any pixels within the display. Touch input feels just as fluid as without a protector and the material makes drag touch feel great.
I recommend this screen protector to those that want to have a safer experience in using the OLED Switch without worry of potential scratches.
One of my biggest mistakes with the original Switch was not doing something to protect the screen. I’ve had the OLED for about 6 Months and there are a few very minor scratches on the screen. I put this on over them and they really didn’t effect the outcome. I did have a few problems getting these on without having any dust bubbles, but that’s kind of my fault. These honestly feel better than the actual screen on the system and when installed correctly don’t look out of place at all. For the price they are excellent, as GameStop sells just one protector for $12 and here you get 4 for $8
I have to tell you, it went exactly as the video showed, and it was the smoothest application of a glass protector I’ve ever seen. It went on flawless. No bubbles, no little dust particles under the glass. Perfectly framed to the exact edge of the Nintendo glass. I took off the yellow plastic guide frame and literally sat in my room saying” wooooooooow”. I was all by myself and just wanted to show somebody!
I am seriously beyond impressed. So impressed I wanted to remove it and do again!!
This product is magically amazing.
First time ever I never got air bubbles,it’s so easy to put on and getting 4 screen protectors is great value.
The frame you use to attach the protector is great.
Would definitely recommend this produc
The plastic installer you get really helps you install your screen protector. Great value for money since you get 4 screen protectors
For the price its brilliant. They give you three which is more than needed. Honestly the easiest application and no bubbles. Its a great product and worth a buy.
Easy to use
Simple instructions
Great kit
Would highly recommend
Easy to use and comes with extra screen protectors. Mine only have one small air bubble so I’d call it a success. Happy with it. No issues
If you’re worried about installing a screen protector. Get this. I watched a YouTube video (iVoler switch OLED screen protector it is so simple. I had a 2 big scratches on my previous screen protector so wanted a new one. Peeled my old one off and this was so easy to install. No air bubbles and fits perfectly. My scratches are gone. So happy with this purchase.
This is the first time I’ve ever managed to put one on without bubbles. Very easy to do & went on perfect.
Great product, fits perfect, no difference in the quality of the screen which is really important when you want to benefit of the Oled quality. Easy to fit, i have done everything as they say to fit and when i put it on, because of my environment something got stuck to it, but i undo it, used the dust absorber, stick it back perfect! They should do it for phones as well especially for a Samsung Galaxy note 20 ultra as i can not find a good one.
I really can’t fault this product, it’s is easy to install, it fits the screen perfectly and doesn’t effect either touch screen or image quality
Very Easy install, the frame positions it bang on the money. No issues
It was so easy to install and the guide made it near impossible to apply the screen protector wonky. I definitely recommend this product!
Barely notice it when it’s on the switch and it was so easy to install. Would definitely purchase again.
This is a great screen protector but I wasted 2 of them finding out that the protector isnt sticky on the back. When you peel it you should just place it down even when its not sticky. Don’t know if its me being stupid but never had this before with others. Hope this is helpful for others
If you’re careful and have no kids, it’s not really needed, BUT it does what it does really well. The plastic guide supplied is amazing useful to get a near perfect finish every time. This is from someone whose awful at applying screen protectors.
I tried 3 screens before this kit – all had that annoying small bubble you couldn’t remove. This has everything – wipe/dry/guide to place it correctly and bubble tool to easily push the bubbles away. Couldn’t recommend more – bought 4 screens because I thought I’d mess it up. One and done – now have three spares. Brilliant.
I’m someone who is usually a bit OCD when it comes to screen protectors. I want them perfectly aligned, air bubble free and dust free. And even when I achieve the latter two, the former is near impossible even when employing the hinge method. I don’t have to worry about alignment anymore with this really handy frame that’s included. I’d suggest pushing down the 4 corners of the protector before lifting the alignment frame up however as the top right corner of mine got kind of caught on it when trying to lift it out.
I employed the shower steam method and compressed air for the most dust free application and I still managed to get two small hairs on the black border / bezel (which I don’t care about) as well as two tiny specks of white dust / debris on the bottom right of the visible screen. These specks could possibly be an imperfection with the protector itself instead of dust, i’m not sure. No air bubbles though so in the end I settled for that small imperfection as its basically unnoticeable in game outside of a bright coloured screen and even then, you usually have to go looking for it to notice it. Learn to settle for tiny imperfections when it comes to protectors or you’ll go crazy. The peace of mind is knowing its not permanent and your perfect screen under it is protected.
As for the size of the protector, I don’t think it fills the screen 100% fully as maybe the Orzly one does but you’re still gonna need a tiny gap to take the protector off if it ever breaks so no big deal. So overall great value for money. Others at the same price would only give you half the protectors and no alignment frame.
I bought this to put on my switch sine i got a small sort of noticeable scratch on the screen.
This was an absolute breeze to intall, just clean the screen, put on the guide, and put on the glass protector and work out any bubbles (i didnt even have to do that as no bubbles formed for me which is great.)
If you need a screen protector then i recommend this one.
Great packaging. (Black instead of gold) but didn’t affect contents. Lots of wipes and glass screen protectors inside. Yellow frame was incredibly good. Perfect fit first time. Some minor air bubbles which could be pushed out with pressure. Some minuscule (2) specs of dust that are only seen if really looking close but that is not due to the screen protector being bad.
Cannot be faulted and would buy again (not that I need to!)
Amazing product, easy to install, very strong.. what more can you ask fo