Kidult Addictaball Addict A Ball Small Maze Puzzle 2

Do you have the skills for Addict A Ball?
Available in two styles. These fiendishly addictive 3D puzzle mazes contain numbered stages with spirals, drops, swinging arms, flips slides and more.
Seriously addictive, they will provide hours of entertainment for the whole family and are suitable from ages 6-100!
Maze 2
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Contains 100 numbered stages. As you try to guide the ball through each stage, the Addict A Ball will challenge your dexterity, hand-eye coordination and patience. It is sure to provide you with hours of entertainment, exhilaration, frustration and elation until you finally complete it! | The Addict A Ball measures 13cm in diameter. Addict-A-Ball is an astonishing 3D maze which twists and turns through the middle of a ball. The aim is simply to get the ball from the start of the maze to the finish without it falling off the maze! | The start of the maze is simple enough, but it lulls you into a false sense of security as the ball suddenly starts tumbling down stairs and slides and you even need to negotiate a bizarre swing! True to it’s name, once you’ve started, you won’t want to put it down until you have succeeded. Get all the family involved from age 6 – 100, it’s fabulous fun for all! |
Dimensions: | 27.94 x 5.08 x 7.62 cm; 80 Grams |
Model: | Addict A Ball,14 cm |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 6 – 18 years |
Assembly: | No |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 1 |
Brilliant, frustrating puzzle ball, a little hard to see the tiny ball and numbers but still really recommend.
Fun time wasting thing. Great as a cheap gift or stocking filler for anyone I anticipate buying more as gifts in the future. Only deducting a star because the numbers that let you know how far through the maze you are are pretty hard to read and I can’t work out which number is the last one.
Exactly what it says on the tin – addictive – grandchildren love these things
Pasatiempos increble, muy recomendable. No le he dado 5 estrellas porque es un poco dbil. Si rueda desde un sofa o una mesa y se cae, algunas piezas internas se desprenden. Se puede seguir utilizando pero no se puede reparar y se pierden algunas movidas
Would make a great secret santa present.
Note that it’s actually quite big, the picture is deceptive. Would NOT fit in a stocking 🙂
Smaller than I expected but was my own fault for not reading description properly, still provides hours of entertainment for the kids
Part of the game broke after a few days. Still good fun but can only navigate the ball half way around before you get to the broken bit! However it’s one of those things that you lose interest in after a while anyway so not really a problem…!
Brought for my 11 year old lives upto its name as I’m addicted to it aswell
Great gift idea, was a hit with everyone at Christmas everyone wanting a try.
This is an entertaining puzzle for the kids to play with.
bought as a secret santa santa for someone with little patience hope its driven him mad over the holidays.
excellent product. its already the most played toy in our house since christmas. if your thinking about buying it then just do it. its fab.
Thank you so much, my partner is going to have hours of fun!
Wie der Name “addict” schon sagt, macht dieser Ball schtig.
Ziel ist es eine Kugel durch Drehen des Balls durch ein Labyrinth zu fhren. Das hrt sich erst einmal einfach an, aber schon nach wenigen Versuchen muss man zugeben, dass es sehr schwierig ist. Ich drehe und wende, dabei verrenke ich mich und meinen Arm, aber trotzdem ist es mir bis heute noch nicht gelungen das ganze Labyrinth zu schaffen.
Der Ball hat eine schne Gre, so dass man ihn gut mitnehmen kann. Ich habe ihn z.B. immer im Restaurant fr meine Kids dabei und der Addict-A-Ball fasziniert meine Kids so sehr, dass sie die Wartezeiten gar nicht mehr wahrnehmen…………….. rgerlich ist es nur, wenn dann die Erwachsenen den Kids den Ball wegnehmen weil sie selber damit spielen wollen.
Daher besser mehrere Blle mitnehmen, wir haben 2 und brauchen noch mindestens einen ;-).
This is a really good fun puzzle and keeps my children amused for hours. Good and solid and simple fun that takes them away from the electronic devices.
If you are going to get distracted these are really useful. They are also great for keeping small children quite.
Brilliant toy for 4-8y old! taken on trips and given as birthday presents
Present for my grandson, who was delighted with it and is still loving trying to master it.
Waiting to see what grandson thinks of it.puzzle maze
Quiet hard but lots of fun and takes up lots of the childrens time and concentratio
Very cleverly designed, bought as 11th birthday gift but all of the family have picked it up and had a go!
This toy made a little boy very happy and occupied him for quite a while
Bought this for Christmas and everyone, of all ages, had a go at it. Very addicting.
I love this puzzle but I hate it at the same time as it’s so addictive! Good way to pass some spare time!
This was a fun item in the Christmas stocking, but very annoying, until mastered then the kids are bored with it and left to one side!!
I actually ordered this for a friends son and from what I’ve been told it is excellent and has brought many long but fustrating hours of fun 🙂
My grandson is quiet for ages playing with this, it is frustratingly fun to play with. Very attractive with its lovely bright colours. We have the larger version for the adults
What more to say than this: given the choice of playing computer games or playing with the Addictaball, my five year old chooses the Addictaball more often than not.
It was a Christmas present and two months on it’s still in use most days; he’s still determined to finish all of it and never, ever gets frustrated with it.
We’ve all played it and it’s great fun (and yes, very hard in places).
His grandma just got one, by request, for her birthday…
The puzzle ball went down well for my son. Even thought it had a fault the seller replaced it straight away and paid for the return. The new ball worked perfectly and we are having hours of fun!
I bought this for my 6 yrs son.
He is not at all patient and I thought it to be an interesting thing to make him concentrate and focus. Otherwise interested in guns an cars, he enjoys it thoroughly and relish the challenge to make it to the end. A lovely game indeed.
The game has three ways to play from three start points that go through different routes. Each one has its own difficulty level and excitement. The vibrant colors keeps the interest high.
– vibrant colors
– interestingly structured maze
– easy to carry to your picnic trips
– the plastic of the ball is very thin
– plastic in the maze route is not very smooth in some parts. However, not that bad to stop the fun.
– the route guiding numbers embossed on the maze is a little tough to read. Well, you can follow the route without numbers as well. I considered it as an extra help.
Yes, I would recommend to try it !!
Excellent hours of fun bought 3 well worth money will be buying off you again soon good quality colourful thanks
It kept all the family, adults and children alike, amused Christmas day, it is difficult to know what to get a 9 year old girl these days but she was very pleased to have something she could “play with”
Bought this for my 19 yr old son who loves puzzles he wouldn’t put it down all Christmas Day. It will go back to uni with him.
Great toy. Ordered this for my 13 year old but my husband ended up playing with it last night and was totally entertained by it. 10 year old also loves it. Great product .
My son has a larger version and it is really addictive. You would have to be a real grump not to appreciate this.
This is not an easy thing to play. You have to have a lot of patience, because if you don’t, you will easily give-up. This is a small version. It is cleverly made. Not for young children. It can be given to adults as well and in-fact an adult is more likely to persevere at it!
Really good bought it for my son he love’s it!!!
But it is very easy to complete.
So goes quick (use wise).
I would recommend it very much
LOVE It, so many hours of fun at home. The dexterity is posses!!! Truly excellent early present for Christmas, new Year, Easter!!
This was purchased for an autistic child who has taken great delight in it.It also proved a great hit with his friends and siblings.
My great nephew was overjoyed when he received this as a present and it has given him many hours of pleasure.
It is really fun but needs someone patient and doesn’t take it seriously 🙂 great for the family xx x
Bought this for my 7 year old son who requires constant amusement! Despite finding this a little frustrating, he spends ages trying to achieve the goal. The grown ups have had a few goes too…..
Als Besitzer der greren Variante, wollte ich diese kleine Version als kleine Ablenkung besitzen. Man mchte denken, dass auch der Schwierigkeitsgrad mit der Gre sinken wrde. Das Gegenteil ist allerdings der Fall.
Die Verarbeitung ist, wie beim groen Bruder, sehr gut und auch die einzelnen Bahnen weisen keine Grate oder berstehenden Zipfel auf, an denen die Kugel hngen bleiben knnte. Zugegeben wnscht man sich solche Fehler an manchen Stellen des Balls.
Das kleine Puzzle ist nmlich schwerer. Die bliche Stahlkugel im inneren hat einen kleineren Durchmesser, womit sie wesentlich empflindlicher auf Ste und Bewegungen des Spielers reagiert.
Wer also beim groen Addict-A-Ball Probleme hat, sollte vielleicht nicht direkt zur Zwergenversion greifen. Oder gerade deswegen. Die hohe Sensibilitt des Puzzle erhht gefhlt die eigene Koordination und man schafft Stellen im groen Ball, die vorher schwer zu knacken waren.
Wer ein Puzzle sucht, welches zu gleichen Teilen Frust und Sucht erzeugt, kann hier seinen Einkaufswagen fllen. Denn obwohl man bestndig und unkontrolliert zu fluchen beginnt, kann man das Spiel einfach nicht weglegen.
Great at keeping you all quiet at some point. Looks good too when on its stand so not something you need to put away and forget about.
Got this for somebody for Christmas and we have spent ages playing it. Strangely therapeutic!
Comes in great when your other half insists you stay with them while they watch their favourite soap…
Ideal present for my neice’s son – I think he will have lots of fun with it.Good quality item. Pleased with it and impressed with delivery arrangements. Thank nyou very much
Love it! My daughter and I often set each other challenges with this puzzle ball, providing hours of fun and frustration. That you.
A great puzzle for the whole family to play and contest with. Definately worth the price and highly recommended. Even got the teenagers away from their mobiles!
Grandson asked for one , it is very hard to put down . Harder than Rubik cube and I never completed tha
Wir haben das beim Markedplace Hndler Find-me-a-gift-UK gekauft.
Der Versand ging schnell und das Produkt ist auch selber gut verpackt.
So nun mu man diese Plastikkugel also irgendwie Bewerten und erklren.
Klar ich kann 5 Sterne vergeben aber irgendwie auch wieder nicht.
Diese Kugel umfasst einen Weg den man mit der Metallkugel zurck legen mu. Ist ja so was wie ein 3D Puzzle. Es sit so konstruiert, das man 3 Bereiche hat von denen man anfangen kann die aber immer zu dem selben Weg gehren.
Ich nenne das jetzt einfach mal Abschnitte.
Jeder dieser Abschnitte fand ich (mit ein wenig Geduld und bung) recht einfach mit einem groen ABER.
Bei jedem Abschnitt gibt es ein Glcksfaktor, da dann die Beweglichen Teile dazu kommen oder weil das Konstrukt gefhlt Fehlerhaft ist.
Wenn nur ich bei diesen Streckenabschnitten Probleme gehabt htte wre das ok aber dem ist leider nicht so.
Dafr ziehe ich ein Stern ab aber ansonsten ist es ein gutes Spielzeug.
Es war eigentlich fr meine Frau gedacht aber die hat es aufgrund der oben geschilderten Problematik nach einigen Tagen gelassen, da es sie dann nur noch frustrierte wird.
Arrived in one piece box undamaged. It is frustrating but certainly keeps people occupied. I leave it out for visitors to play with!!
Purchased for daughters xmas present. They have got back into this and rubixs cubes. So far unable to complete which I imagine is the point. To provide hours more fun and well priced.
Excellent puzzle, requires a lot of patience, suitable for all ages. Haven’t managed to get all the way round yet, but will enjoy having a go! All the family are enjoying the challenge.
Great birthday party gift to give,many positive comments given from parents. Keeps little minds busy for hours and helps develop motor skills,patience/practise required or child can become frustrated.
I brought this for my teenage nephew for Xmas and he was so pleased with it. He started trying to crak it immediately and he keeps going back to it to do a bit more. Very good value for money
Brought it for my husband and i Can’t put it down. Good fun, annoying because you got to have patience but good buy.
The package arrived within a few days of ordering, it was securely wrapped and was exactly as described. Good service
This game is ideal for hand eye co-ordination, lots of fun for all ages. This game really brings out the competitive streak in us all. Family love paying it!
bought as a birthday present for a 6 year old and I his mum says he’s enjoyed it, uses it for car journeys or while they’re out. Better than staring at a games screen all day!
We bought this as a works xmas party secret santa gift for a twenty something male. We had to have a go with it before we wrapped it. It’s brill. We then bought a few more for other xmas presents, including one for ourselves, (We’re in our late forties) Hours of fun – It’s so addictive. 🙂
Really enjoy the maze balls as they keep you going for ages until you finish each stage. Good time passerby and fun to play with.
I bought this as a gift and it is somewhat smaller than expected. I would recommend buying the larger product so there is more to do, as once completed, it’s not that interesting anymore.
I don’t understand how it can claim to be educational. However, it is fun and addictive for a while.
It is basically a clear glass plastic ball that has a brightly coloured maze inside as well as a little silver ball. You have to get the ball from one end of the maze to the other without it falling off. Sounds simple enough but it is actually quite tricky because you have to turn the outer ball around to get the little ball along all the little paths and bridges. It does require patience – you have to guide the ball slowly so that it doesn’t go flying off the end of the path. However I think it is much more `doable’ than a Rubiks Cube for example because you see how well you are doing as you are going along. It has 100 little challenges (or stages) that are all connected together to make the whole maze. They are different, although the essence of them is the same.
It is recommended for people over the age of six years, which I would say is a pretty good recommendation on the whole. Children under that could probably be entertained by its dual purpose as a rattle, but if that’s what they want, it’d be cheaper just to buy them a rattle! I think it is suitable for just about everybody else really. Even if you don’t have the patience to sit and do it until the end, you could have a competition against somebody else to see who can get the furthest. I have actually found that I am better at it than I thought I would be, which gives me the desire to carry on and actually beat my husband at something!
It is a game that can provide hours of solitary fun but that, like I said, can also be played against someone else. The makers claims that it can increase your dexterity and concentration which I think is a pretty fair claim and it does this in a fun although sometimes frustrating way.
It is a gimmicky gift, there is no doubt about that, but I think it is a good one and one that is worth the money. It makes a great gift idea for anyone who likes a challenge and even for those who don’t! It’s particularly good as a stocking filler or a Secret Santagift.
ein geschicklichkeitsparcours der Sonderklasse, der nicht so einfach zu bewltigen ist und anfangs sucht- und frustpotential hat. Mittlerweile dient es nur der Entspannung zwischendurch, den gesamten parcours habe ich noch nie geschafft.
es gibt 100 kleine abschnitte und 3 einstiegspunkte (damit man nicht immer von vorne anfangen muss). Ins wohnzimmer gelegt, greift man immer wieder hin und auch Gste haben ihren Spa damit. Zu mde sollte man nicht sein, da kann der Frust schon hoch werden, wenn der kleine Ball schon wieder herunterfllt.
Was die oft angesprochene kleine Schrift angeht: die braucht man ja nur dann, wenn man nicht wei, wo es weitergeht (dort steht die nchste Nummer). Wenn man sich die zusatzaufgabe stellt, auch das selbst herauszufinden, braucht man nicht lesen und hat eine knifflige Aufgabe mehr 😉
Teilweise sieht die Bahn billig aus und wahrscheinlich ist sie es auch, da das “original” aber ebenfalls nicht hochwertiger verarbeitet aussieht, gibt es keine Alternative 😉
entertaining toy, kept my grandson quiet and occupied while on areoplane. Seems quite sturdy as been dropped a few times, my only complaint was that I had trouble seeing numbers but grandson had no problems so probable my eyesight!
The whole family is hooked on this addictaball and on our Easter Family holiday we had to wait for our turn 🙂 It is good fun for any age group and improves the fine motor skills. I have also bought the bigger one since, which is good fun as well, but my personal opinion is that I would recommend this smaller one. Buy it, enjoy it.
Excellent Product – I had so much fun i just had to purchase another with different maze. Highly reccommeded. Great fun with the family and friends.
This is a superb toy it stimulates the mind develops coordination and keeps the kids out of trouble
highly recommended we have had hours of fun with it.
Meine Frau, meine Kinder (4 u 9 Jahre) und ich haben damit ne Menge Spa. Mein kleinster hatte den Ball im KIGA dabei und sogar die Erzieherinnen waren von den Ball begeistert.
absolut fr den Preis OK, aber man darf das Plastik nicht stark drcken sonst bricht es
Kratzerunempfindlichkeit ist gut
Pdagogisch sinnvoll:
ja unsere Kinder sind seeeehr aktiv, aber bei den Ball spielen sie damit in vlliger Ruhe bis zu einer Stunde
Motorische Fhigkeiten und vor allem die Geduld wird gefrdert
Ich kann das Teil nur empfehlen und werde mir noch paar Bestellen als geschenk fr die nchsten Kindergeburtstage
Hoffe ich konnte Euch helfen
This was for my 6yo nephew primarily but every member of my family spent a good amount of time each playing with this trying to get as far as they could. My nephew picked up how it works quickly and it even managed to keep him quiet and still for 30 mins!
I want one for myself =)
great product that can be entertaining for when you have friends or family over. create a challenge to see who can get the furthest in the maze! the only downside is that with this ball being smaller than the large size the numbers are alot harder to see. I would recommend this product to any age!
I saw this ball on The Gadget Show originally, but rather than sign up for another online store I searched Amazon. The price was the same, if not cheaper. When it arrived it was smaller than I imagined but ideal for both kids to handle as well as adults. Very addictive and not for those who don’t have patience or a steady hand. The best thing is that is doesn’t require batteries!!!
i bought this for my dad for christmas , so far i have had no complaints , which must mean he likes it . this speaks volumes , as this is the first time ever that my father has not complained about an item that i have bought him !!!
I became addicted to this when I played with my friend’s larger version (Maze 1), and thought I would get one for myself. I opted to go for the smaller version as I hadn’t tried it. It is really a lot of fun, but the trouble I have had is that small pieces that would have usually been rolled over on the larger one create major problems due to the ball’s size. There is a section in which some left over plastic used to connected an adjacent bit of track has been left covering a rather delicate position of the puzzle, making it nigh impossible to get past. That’s my only problem I actually have with it though.
I bought this for my five year old son but it was a little ‘old’ for him. However my friends and I soon got into it. I would certainly recommend it although it does drive you mad at times.
This arrived in very good time, whih was excellent as it was a Christmas present. It was well packaged and it was very reasonably priced.
what a fantastic idea. kept all the family from 5 to 70 busy all christmas. now I know what to buy them all. will definitely purchase more. we also bought a large one, but they are equally challenging
Bought this for Xmas for my 8 year old. She got to use it twice i have been glued to it trying to cross all the obstacles… now we both are fighting for it. Must have if u like maze puzzles
This was a very popular family present on Christmas day. It was greeted with excitement and once the first person had picked it up was very difficult for anyone else to get a look in! Only two gripes – the small numbers were a bit small to see and the light reflecting off the globe also made it difficult to see clearly at times. Overall a brilliant concept though!
I got one of these a few years ago and couldnt think of anything to get my cousins for christmas! shes 31 and a big kid at heart! i ordered this for her and she loves it! its so much fun to play with.. and very entertaining if slightly alcohol intoxicated when playing! lol
Great fun, everybody wants to have a go. I would still recommend to buy the bigger one as the numbers are easier to see and it also seems to be of better quality. The biggest difference is the size of the marble inside. The smaller one seems cheaper and not as well-made.
Someones review said that the goal is to get into the center cup. That’s false. When you reach the center cup you have to turn the ball and do the center spiral from inside out…
I purchased two of these for Christmas presents and couldn’t resist having a go. This is a brilliant gift for the man who has everything – at least they won’t be stuck on the computer all day…they will not be able to put this down. I just wish I’d bought one for myself.
Enjoyed by teenagers who already had the larger maze ball. Hours of fun with some challenge. Would suit younger and older ages, as long as they have patience. Larger maze is more challenging. Ideal as stocking filler or just for a small present to mark any occasion. Great toy and good value.
This is a great toy, I would recommend it for anybody looking for a challenging yet fun puzzle, as it can provide hours of amusement.
The toy is a clear plastic sphere, inside is a 3-D maze, around which you have to guide a small ball bearing until you get it into the cup right at the centre. There are 100 moves, each one requiring a steady hand and an ability to think round corners as you try to work out how to tilt the sphere.
The maze is ingenious, with lots of clever obstacles for you to get around. The toy is quite well constructed and durable, and I can see it lasting a long time. It is also highly addictive and very frustrating! Once you have a go you will not be able to stop, and if you do complete it I guarantee you will be starting all over again straight away. It is hours and hours of fun.
As well as being fun, the game is a good educator/trainer – it promotes had eye co-ordination and problem solving abilities. All in all a great buy!
i think it is great and so does mum, i am a puzzel addict but she is a rubix fan who wanted a new cube…cube still in it’s box.
Gave it as a gift to my cousin (who is 30 years). He enjoyed it and we all spend lots of time trying to solve it. Great fun for the price!!
A great toy for very little money. Will keep any age, including adults, entertained for ages. Addictive and frustrating fun!
Father Christmas bought this item for my eldest son to try and help him with his dexterity – I think it’s going to work – all the family are enjoying using it although it can be somewhat frustrating at times 🙂
But the stage numbers are not very visible .. and some of them are missing .. I cannot find stages 31,32,33,34,35. I am wandering if it is a fault in my product or all are the same.. It would be helpful if the stage numbers would be painted in a different color.
Anyway .. it is a nice toy to be used by anyone. It is annoying .. but addictive and requires lots of patience.. so you feel like you moved a mountain when you finish one stage. My son cannot play yet with it (he’s under 2 years).. so till he reaches the age when he will enjoy it I will have enough experience with it not be be beaten from the first try 😀
For under 10 I think it’s a fabulous fun gift which will drive you and friends crazy trying to complete it. I still haven’t managed it yet – there’s this one bit I get stuck at time and time again!
Don’t expect quality craftsmanship for your money – it is just a chunk of plastic after all. What you’re paying for here is a novelty item which will provide a few hours of fun, and many more hours of frustration.
Enjoy it!