Lefant M213 Robot Vacuum Cleaner, 2200Pa Strong Suction, 7.8cm Thin, Quiet, 6D Collision Sensor, Unique Suction Mouth, 3 Year Warranty

robot vacuum cleaner

Why choose M213 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Lefant M213 smart robot vacuum is an effective way to freed you from the rather boring household chores,allowing you spend more time with your family members,or concentrate your energy on your work.

The robot vacuum cleaner with smaller fuselage can improve the pass rate and coverage. The battery has a longer life. 2200Pa powerful suction can pick up pet hair, human hair, dust etc., ideal for families with pets.

Suitable for use on low and medium carpets and very dark floors.Not suitable for high-pile carpets.Please tidy up the room. Do not place cables, socks, etc on the ground, otherwise the robot may be entangled when running.

robotic vacuum cleaner

Unique Suction Mouth Design

  1. Targeted to solve the fine dust, hair, the robot vacuum cleaner with suction mouth can solve the shortcomings of the roller brush entangled hair, while improving the efficiency of hair and dust cleaning.
  2. For the people who have pets prone to hair loss, the robot vacuum cleaner with suction mouth can clean the hair more efficiently.
  3. Most of the handheld vacuum cleaners on the market are unable to solve the problem of cleaning hair, and this is where our robot vacuum cleaner has an advantage.

robotic vacuum

FreeMove Technology 2.0

Traditional Robot Vacuum Cleaner:

The traditional robot vacuum cleaner adopts the traditional mechanical bumper structure. During the robot vacuum cleaner process, the mechanical bumper detects if there are obstacles. This structure is very easy to damage household items. At the same time, once the mechanical bumper has problems, the machine can no longer be used again.

Lefant M213 Robot Vacuum Cleaner:

Using the new FreeMove 2.0 technology,Equipped with 11 electronic sensors with increased sensitivity to the front,360 degree detection and environment planning,so that the whole body of the robot vacuum cleaner can sense collisions and can detect changes in the body’s posture, and judge the sweeper’s walking Circumstances, the whole body has a more comprehensive sensing range, and the electronic sensing sensitivity is higher, and intelligently prevents the robot vacuum cleaner from being stuck and Low failure.

robot vacuum

Vacuuming an Mopping (No Water Tank)


  • Our robot vacuum cleaner comes with a dry cloth and a disposable wet cloth, unlike other vacuum cleaners with a water tank.
  • The disposable wet wipes are very easy to clean and replace and can clean the floor thoroughly.
  • Perfect for people with pets, families with children and people with high demands on household hygiene.

Frequently Asked Questions Q & A:

WiFi cannot be connected?

  • Please check if the username and password is correct, is it within the signal range of the router, only supports 2.4G, does not support 5G.

Not working, no response?

  • Please check whether the machine power switch is on, please keep the machine power switch on and put it on the charging stand to avoid long time standby battery feed damage, if not used for a long time, please turn off the power switch after full charge and keep charging once every month.

Low suction power?

  • Please clean the dust box in time to avoid rubbish blocking the air ducts. The suction power of a sweeper is different from that of a hoover because the working time of a sweeper is much longer than that of a hoover.

Many collisions?

  • Please remove the protective film and clean the front window frequently with a dry soft cloth.

M213 M210B F1 U180 M213S
Suction Power 2200Pa 2000Pa 4000Pa 3200Pa 3200pa
Sweeping & Mopping Sweeping & Mopping Sweeping & Mopping Sweeping & Mopping Sweeping & Mopping Sweeping & Mopping
Max Runtime 100mins 100mins 200mins 120mins 150mins
Dust Collector Capacity 500ml 500ml 600ml 660ml 500ml
Water Tank / / / 160ml /
Product Height 7.8cm 7.6cm 6.9cm 7.9cm 7.8cm
Crossing Capacity 12mm 12mm 15mm 15mm 15mm
How to Control APP, Alexa and Google Assistant APP, Alexa and Google Assistant APP, Alexa and Google Assistant Remote Control, APP, Alexa and Google Assistant APP, Alexa and Google Assistant
FreeMove Technology 2nd Gen 2nd Gen 3nd Gen 2nd Gen 3nd Gen
plan cleaning ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Weight: 3.31 kg
Dimensions: 28 x 28 x 7.8 cm; 3.31 Kilograms
Brand: Lefant
Colour: Black
Colour: Black

152 Responses

  1. DinaWallner says:

     United Kingdom

    This has to be one of my favourite purchases in a long time, we ask Alexa to turn on the Hoover when we leave the house and it cleans the rooms whilst we are out. It runs for about 45/50 mins then makes his way back to his little charging station
    I’m always amazed with the fluff and stuff it picks up.

  2. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wir haben einen Labrador, der sehr viel Haare verliert. Der Sauger schafft diese Haare, wenn wir ihn zwei mal am Tag saugen lassen. Fr einmal am Tag ist der Staubbehlter zu klein. 60qm EG. Das Ist absolut in Ordnung, denn er ist recht leise und startet ja automatisch. Wir sind echt happy fr diesen Preis etwas brauchbares gefunden zu haben! Liebe Gre.

  3. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sopra le aspettative. In pochi giorni mi ha sollevato parecchio nelle pulizie quotidiane. Ho 2 cani e peli ovunque. Ho impostato l’orario in cui il mio efficace collaboratore domestico che ho chiamato Pablo (primo nome che mi venuto in mente) deve mettersi all’opera…..e lui parte. Lo faccio andare mattina e sera, ho provato a lavare a terra subito dopo il suo passaggio e non ho notato peli! Un miracolo….spero nella durata della batteria. Torna da solo alla base quando scarico. Sono veramente contenta non mi sembra vero!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This product is great value for money, cleans well and is a great time saver.
    I needed help with an small issue and the company responded very quickly.

  5. fredrik says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely love this lefant robot, its cleaning is fantastic, I have to dogs and a busy household and it pick up so much , I can honestly say its the best buy ever.
    No more hoovering for me.

  6. shelleyrae @ Bookd Out says:

     United Kingdom

    Great produc

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good. This does return to its charging dock automatically as some peop!e peop!e says it does not. Very easy to clean also.

  8. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMISE JOUR
    Aprs 6 mois d’utilisation, il ne fonctionne plus… soit il se met en route seul en pleine nuit, soit je n’arrive plus le metrre en route ! due et en colre !
    au dbut… c’tait un achat “caprice”… et puis au final, je ne regrette absolument pas !
    ayant 2 chats, les poils jonchent vite le sol avec les poussires quotidiennes, les miettes de croquettes, les grains de litire… et tant handicape, sortir le gros aspirateur est toujours lourd et difficile ! l j’ai juste appuyer sur le bouton et mon appartement est nettoy ; il aspire trs bien les poils d’animaux, autant sur le parquet que les tapis
    les seuls bemols selon moi : il n’est pas 100% silencieux et la batterie se vide assez vite…
    le reservoir sur le dessus est trs facile vider, mais il manque une petite brosse pour nettoyer le filtre
    mais sinon, parfait !

  9. VictoriUwu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersbrilliant didnt think it would be …but wow love it….WELL DONE

  10. Nidhi Rawat says:


    Golden Review Award: 72 From Our UsersQuera esperar un tiempo para la resea, para ver su funcionamiento, la tengo desde hace un mes y realiza bien su cometido. Tengo dos perros en casa y recoge bastante bien los pelos, tiene buena potencia de succin para recoger pelos y polvo. En su recorrido a veces es bastante fiel en su funcin de zigzag, pasa prcticamente por todos lados, a veces si es verdad que es un poco errtica y tienes que ponerla para que pase por un sitio en cuestin o acabo barriendo las zonas menos accesibles, para aligerar y pongo la basura en su recorrido, pero quizs es cuestin de paciencia y tiempo. La vuelta a casa es lo que lleva un poco peor, ya que la mayora de las veces sobre todo cuando esta lejos de la base, no la encuentra y la tengo que llevar yo, por que empieza a dar vuelta por todos lados. Por lo dems funciona bien y deja el suelo limpio. Es pequea y pasa por casi todos lado. Es fcil y rpida para quitar la base donde va la basura recogida. En resumen dentro del margen de las ms baratas, es bastante funcional, ahorra tiempo en la limpieza, que es al fin y al cabo su cometido y estoy contenta con ella.

  11. EleanoreMaltby says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bon rapport qualit prix Manque des accessoires supplmentaires en vente il pourrait avoir en vente un rservoir d’eau pour le nettoyage. Mais trs bon produi

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Maybe for the price I was expecting more..
    It does a fair job at picking up the most obvious tiny bits.
    I was emailed to ask to change my review and they would send me a new machine in a few days from changing 2 five-star so that’s good if they honour that
    Maybe I’m not reading the instructions properly or maybe it’s just the price of the machine that I found it very difficult for it to to get back to its charging base when it got stuck under my table and chairs

  13. Craig Cole says:

     United Kingdom

    This vacuum is amazing easy to connect to WiFi and programe via the app. Used on wood floor we now dust free with minimal effo

  14. AveryClemase says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Provengo dal modello precedente con una spazzola sola laterale e senza mappatura…
    Con questo ci sono stati dei miglioramenti sul non travolgere gli ostacoli e pulire in maniera schematica la stanza.
    Come paragone sto notando che mentre nel primo modello il cassetto di raccolta si riempiva ogni 2/3 giorni, con questo passa anche 1 settimana e il volume simile.. quindi penso abbia meno potenza di aspirazione

  15. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Discreta durata della batteria, un po’ complicato scaricare l’app per il controllo remoto. Non capisco perch nella registrazione voglia il numero della carta di credito. Sembra pi un giocattolo abituati come siamo ad un roomba pi potente e anche pi robusto. D’altra parte c’ una notevole differenza di prezzo.

  16. KarolPickrell says:

     France 🇫🇷

    suite mon achat du robot lefant M213 je suis trs satisfait , autonomie trs bien niveau bruit rien a dire avec c’est rglage de puissance de 3 niveau d’aspiration avec l’application au top aprs il arrive des fois qu’il se bloque dans les obstacles le plus bas au niveau du sol comme fil de prise…..les capteurs ne doivent pas les reprer a reste un dtail sinon super efficacit de l’aspirateur que se soit petit cailloux miettes et poils de chien je suis trs satisfait pour ma part de ce robot.

  17. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersTrs satisfait de cet aspirateur.
    Ses points forts :
    – Il aspire trs bien pour un aspirateur de ce type, en silence de surcroit. quip d’un modle d’une marque concurrente, je peux facilement comparer.
    – Il se contrle facilement avec un smartphone.
    – Il quadrille efficacement la zone aspirer.
    – L’autonomie est bonne, conforme l’annonce.
    – Sa taille rduite est un atout, il lui permet de passer partout ou presque. C’tait un de mes premiers critres de choix.
    – Le compartiment poussire est trs facile extraire et vider

    Je recommande cet aspirateur robot. Il constitue selon moi un trs bon rapport qualit prix.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersSicuramente il mio miglior acquisto degli ultimi anni. Ho 3 cani e sono fuori tutto il giorno per lavoro. Lo uso tutti giorni quando esco di casa e quando torno la casa effettivamente “pulita”. Lo uso anche quando il giorno di pulizie per aspirare il pi grosso, poi uso l’aspirapolvere per raggiungere i punti in cui non riesce a passare (che sono pochi).
    Lo uso da un mesetto circa, quindi non sono in grado ancora di verificare la durata della batteria, ma per quello che serve a me fa perfettamente il suo lavoro. Il serbatoio si pulisce con estrema facilit e anche quando uso il pannetto per “lavare” si toglie e mette facilmente. Il pannetto ovviamente non lava in profondit, toglie le macchie superficiali .Probabilmente in commercio ci saranno robot pi performanti ma a me interessava qualcosa di semplice ma efficace e direi che questo ha rispettato ampiamente le mei aspettative. Lo consiglio vivamente.

  19. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our Usersormai con noi da pi di un mese e posso dire che stata una scelta giusta, un buon prodotto di facile uso e che aiuta in casa, l’installazione facile , ha 2 cassetti uno per la polvere e uno per lavare i pavimenti, allora quello per la polvere ha anche un filtro e pu contenere polvere per 100mq di casa il temo di pulizia varia d quanto deve pulire, per mediamente impiega meno di 1 ora per aspirare il tutto , ha 3 livelli di potenza di aspirazione e comunque rimane abbastanza silenzioso, quando passiamo al sistema di lavaggio si riempe il serbatoio di acqua (io consiglio bella calda con alcool) e sotto si mette lo straccio in dotazione ( ben 2 pezzi ) e si avvia il robot e anche l si puo scegliere il dosaggio di fuori uscita di acqua, e per il tempo lo stesso della pulizia , io di solito faccio passare in funzione aspirazione e poi lavaggio e devo dire che fino adesso la carica della batteria sufficiente per entrambi i cicli, ha anche un telecomando per la varie fuzione dove si pu decidere di farlo pulire o fargli fare solo i bordi o impostare delle ore di lavoro , poi si pu scaricare l’app gratis dove si pu comandare a distanza il nostro aiutante e in pi possiamo vedere la mappa dove ha pulito e il tempo impiegato, si puo anche collegare agli assistenti alexa e google

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This robot is excellent. It is easy to setup and use straight out of the box. It is easy to download the required app and set the robot off cleaning. Our robot will be mainly used in the hall on the hardwood floor as this seems to collect little dog hair dust balls most. The robot quickly and easily made light work of these hairs. The robot managed to navigate its way around the space well sensing and avoiding obstacles along the way. It also easily returned to its base recharge when asked to do so. The compartment for collecting the pet hairs is easy to remove and empty. All the robot commands can be given easily by the press of a button on the app. I have only given it 4 stars because its price seems a little bit higher than other robot hoovers on the market although I have nothing to directly compare it against in terms of performance.

  21. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bonne qualit d’aspiration, mais les dimensions, surtout la hauteur, ne sont pas corrects, il fait 7,5 cm de haut et non 6 cm comme renseign. Sinon excellent produit, dommage pour la hauteur car je l’ai achet sur base de sa hauteur. Une marge d’erreur de 1,5 cm cela me semble quand mme beaucoup. Une tlcommande en plus aurait t la bienvenue. Mais cela reste un excellent produit. Bon rapport qualit prix

  22. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 64 From Our UsersPassato una volta al giorno, tutte la mattine, con un aspirazione media mi lascia la casa pulita in modo profondo fino al giorno dopo..ho 2 gatti ma di peli in giro per casa non se ne vedono pi. Fantastico. Un risparmio di energia fisica enorme. stupendo poter stare in una casa sempre pulita e senza fatica tranne quella di passare il mop vero a mano dopo che robottino ha finito. Ma devo dire che raccoglie cos bene i peli di gatto.. polvere e altra sporcizia che passare il mocio a mano alla fine e davvero una passeggiata
    Il mop in dotazione io lo attacco dietro senza bagnarlo in modo che mi raccolga la polvere pi sottile. Ed per questo ulteriore aiuto che in fine il pavimento risulta primo di polvere e super pulito. Lo consiglio. Provate e vedete che magnifica cosa questo robottino aspirapolvere. Un vero e valido aiuto. Da remoto non l’ho ancora usato. Ho solo provato ad azionoare ‘app da remoto, ho fatto piccola prova e parte…poi lho staccato. Prossima recensione dir come funziona da rsmoto

    Casa sempre pulita anche con 2 gatti

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Top value robo cleaner. It does a very good job of cleaning carpets and solid floors.

  24. Eric Franklin says:

     United Kingdom

    This little guy is a total game changer. Vacuuming is just one of those things that after all the housework I groan about having to do. As if cleaner my house is not enough when you are done you’re not done as you then have to vacuum so Robo as I call him is absolutely ideal.

    I can set him (yes him ) up in a room and leave him to roam whilst I do other things I just need to remember to put certain bits on higher levels to give him free range of the place.

    I’m always impress with the results as the suction power is clearly doing its job. I have tiles in my kitchen and carpet in the living area and Robo travels from one type of flooring to the other without any issue.

    This product is well worth the investment and saves a whole lot of time.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with this item only just wish I had one with a docking station but it’s brilliant at what it does

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely love it. Literally gives you hours of your life back. Still hoover every few weeks to get under sofa but on a day to day basis this keeps on top of it brilliantly. With 2 spaniels and a toddler the house seemed to be dirty 5 minutes after I’d cleaned but now I can just use this and leave it running. plus I don’t get stressed as it’s not my time been wasted if he does make a mess straight away. Would strongly recommend

  27. IsolouGadson says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely loved this vacuum cleaner. Now I have 2 dogs now and the second one is a German shepherd so lots of hair and her paws bring in a lot of rubbish. I just leave the vacuum on while I get on with my other jobs. Love love love!!

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Our house gets regular vacuuming every couple of days but with two dogs, there always seem to be the odd drift of dog hair and dirt brought in from outside so we wanted something to do a bit of cleaning in between doing the house with the regular vacuum. I was sceptical about these cleaners but ordered the Lefant to try. It was one of the cheapest that seemed to have good suction and HEPA filters. We have had it for a few weeks now and I have to admit, I am most impressed. It works its way around quietly doing its job. An hour’s use and it is full. It even picks up hair and dust our regular, premium brand vacuum cleaner has failed to pick up. Cleaning it out is easy. Despite being very slim, there is still some furniture it can’t get under and It works best if you move obstacles like dining room chairs to allow it space to get under tables although, given time, it will work its way around most things. If it hits anything with its soft bumpers, it just backs off, changes direction slightly and carries on. Its drop detection works well and it backs away from the stairs. In retrospect, if I had known how well this works, I would possibly have spent a bit more and gone for a model that self-docks in its charging station and maybe one with remote control. Nevertheless, We are pleased with it and put it to work regularly now.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am very pleased with this product. It is much quieter than a conventional vacuum and is remarkably thorough in cleaning.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with this…. Have dog an fed up with dust and hair… Great product for light use… So use often!…..

  31. RenateHerman says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent. Wish i had purchased sooner. Set it off in one room. Go back 10 mins later and all clean. Recharge over night. Use every day in kitchen on tiled floor .

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This robot is great on short pile carpets and rugs. Just a shame after 10 months for no obvious reason it stopped working after a few seconds running and bleeped. It had been used twice a week and emptied after each time as it was full. Would I buy again definitely.

  33. AngieGoossens says:

     United Kingdom

    Disliked. Expected it to come ready to use. I’m 74 years old wouldn’t have bought it, lying in my cupboard waste of money

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We have 2 cats and were constantly vacuuming to keep on top of the shedding. These little guys are great at picking the hair up and dust and what ever and keeping things tip-top. We got the first one and were not expecting much but were so impressed we recommended friends and family to invest and we also got a second one so it can trundle around upstairs when the other is down. Wish it would work out how to do the actual stairs and I would be even happier!!

  35. BradforSledge says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best thing I’ve bought in a long time! I wasn’t expecting it to be brilliant considering the cost but my vacuum cleaner broke so I thought I’d give it a go. It really is great! We use it almost daily and it saves so much time.

  36. Catalin8895 says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic thing, I won’t say It dose an amazing clean but it just keeps on top of things, during the week and means at the weekend when I do a deep clean it dosnt take me as long. Whole family have been realy impressed with it. I usually have it run round before people come over or whilst I do the cooking 2 jobs done in one.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wasn’t sure of the ability of such a small looking vacuum to do a job compared to a traditional vacuum, but i was so impressed with how well it performed I went out and bought a more expensive RobotRock S5 Max, mainly because i wanted a more room by room cleaning control, but mainly because i like tech and the S5 maps out the rooms with laser precision.

    The Lefant Robot vac is now being used by my auntie, she loves it and the simple controls are perfect for her to use.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love it. Just her going and leave her to it.
    No longer need a cleaning lady

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Such a time saver! Great suction power for such a small item! Very happy with product!

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is much better than I ever imagined it would be. It cleans up everything. Very quiet, thorough abs very easy to use. Just charge it up, switch it on, and off he goes – happily cleaning up the house. Very happy with my purchase.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For the price this was excellent value and the suction is really good. The robot hoover picks up a lot of dust and material you can’t see and gets right under things. It doesn’t fall off heights/landing even though it looks like it is going to. It is really fun to watch and looks like it won’t do the room properly but it does. Definitely love this purchase and would recommend. Such a nice feeling to have something doing the hoovering while you are doing something else!

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI love my little robot, named ‘Mr Robot’ (after the tv show)! He does a really great job. I’m disabled and thought a lot about whether I should treat myself to one of these and I’m so glad I did. My floors are always looking great now. I live with four hairy monsters, my long haired son and my 3 cats and I got a lot of fibres and hair caught up as I’d been doing a lot of throwing out, making a mess. I went to cut the fibres off one of the robots brushes, my hand shook and I cut some of his bristles!! I contacted the company and they have kindly offered to send me a new brush. I dont know why you’d pay so much for a handheld when this one is so much cheaper and cleans up for you!! His battery is really good, so he gets a lot done!

  43. FrankliRbw says:

     United Kingdom

    We purchased this to see if a Robovac would be of benefit to our lifestyle. We have four dogs and vacuum daily or did before we bought this several months ago. This is a basic model that does not have a base station. We were aware of this when we purchased but that suits us as he lives in a small room on charge when not in use.
    We set him loose most days and still vacuum with the main vacuum cleaner a few times a week to get into areas with the crevice tool etc.
    Always has a full dust tray after his two hour trundle. Pop him on charge for a couple of hours and he’s ready to go again.
    I know he doesn’t have the bells and whistles of the more expensive models but I would buy this model again when he packs up.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    OMG!! This is bloody brilliant. I have a Shark vacuum cleaner and I had already vacuumed the living room then used this…..the dog hair it picked up was unbelievable. I’ve sat here just watching it do its thing and I’m in awe. So quiet and does what it’s meant to do.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We got this less expensive model as a trial to see if we liked the concept. But he’s absolutely brilliant!! The carpets upstairs are fabulously clean and the hardwood floors downstairs are dust free. We love the way he just roams around until he taps something then turns around and goes another way. So easy to empty and clean. Battery life is around an hour or so, but that’s ok.
    We didn’t want the expensive ones that follow a route, we wanted him to roam round and that’s exactly what he does.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I absolutely adore this hoover (yes, that’s how you know you’re an adult, when a hoover makes your life).
    After researching and trawling through the internet looking for best robotic hoover, this was the outcome. It sucks up dog and cat hair, stray bits of litter, crumbs, dust bunnies. It really is a treat.
    Battery lasts for approximately two hours. This is more than enough to let it do it’s thing but it takes a while to charge for only two hours worth of hoovering so that’s the only downside. Also detects when near the edge of stairs. Very impressed!

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works fine, thought I had an issue but it isn’t explained in the manual.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This thingy has really helped change things in the house. We have three dogs and so it helps me keep up with the fur on the floors so that I don’t have to keep getting the heavy vacuum cleaner out. I can get on with other things while it’s going around. It will pick up most things and when I’ve emptied it it’s full of dust and fur. Remove all wires from the floor else it will get stuck in them. I recommend using a ‘proper’ vacuum once a week just to get a deep clean. Works on carpet and wood floor. I love i

  49. ClintonChaves says:

     United Kingdom

    Straight forward. I was tired of dust pan and brush and I live in a small place, I didn’t want to have a hoover.
    This does the job. I get my living room and kitchen in less than 1h, so I can then mop like I used to with no hair in sight.
    Super easy to clean and I like to see all the dust and hair collected in the bin.
    Cannot recommend it enough

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My first ever amazon review…. it’s so good. I just had to!!

    I actually can’t believe how good this is. Buying at entry level I expected to buy a bit underwhelmed, but absolutely not! It’s brilliant!

    Works just as well on my laminate in the dining room as it does on the carpet in the lounge. It’s so quiet, the dog doesn’t even look up when I turn it on.

    Suction power is excellent. I thought my beige carpet was fairly clean, but couldn’t believe my eyes the first time I emptied it!

    Sure, the fancier ones with memory and mapping probably add a little more ease, and eventually I might upgrade to one that Reuter’s to its charger, but plugging it in is no hardship really.
    Given long enough, it easily covers a whole room, it just seems a bit random in its directions sometimes.

    If you’re in two minds like I was, go for it!! I’m definitely not disappointed!

  51. Anthony McGlynn says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the first robot vacuum I have ever purchased and to my surprise it’s really good. Technology has so advanced that i do not need to hover no more. This great machine runs around everywhere from my kitchen and lounge and does a really great job cleaning. So far everything is good as I have had no other experiences with any other robot vacuum there are no pros or cons for now.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I named my robot Ruby, and so far Ruby is life changing. I am disabled and in a lot of pain using my old hoover was agony for me it would leave me so breathless, now I can put my feet up and watch as Ruby takes care of it all for me and she can even get under my units and sofa’s which I couldn’t before she is so easy too use and empty.

  53. JannaBraddon says:

     United Kingdom

    Ordered this as we have a golden lab who sheds hair constantly! After hoovering in the morning, little tufts of fur would float around the room annoying the heck out of me! After charging, we set the little thing going – my husband was not expecting much. It worked like a dream, under the sofa, tables everywhere! The dog is wary of it, but not scared, which is good. It works well on both carpet and hard floor. I had to empty it twice as it found so much hair! Now, if I notice hair floating around, instead of getting the big hoover out, I just set this to work.
    Absolutely love it – took a chance as the price was reasonable and so glad we did. If you have a dog, I definitely recommend it.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This bot has the same cleaning power as the more expensive ones without the wifi remote docking station I purchased this from Amazon prime m301 and cost me 109.00 and I just admit a great little cleaner same cleaning power as top models over 200.00 because underside the cleaning equipment being 2 x 3 brush spinners left and right r the same and the cylinder like upright brush hovers is the same so save some cash if your not sure and buy the one lefant m301 does try it’s best and I am impressed plus great at getting all the dust out of your carpet and flat surfaces like my kitchen tyled floor and the bathroom the robot that keeps cleaning cool and well Awesome cleaning

    Lefant m301 robot cleane

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s an amazing vaccum cleaner that removes even smallest dirt from weirdo places. Slips underneath furniture easily. Fast and simple to clean. No negatives from me.

  56. RMIMarisol says:

     United Kingdom

    Thank goodness for the lockdown and the urge to buy things….. in all honesty this is something that would never have been on my radar as it seemed inconceivable that anything would cope with my floors. I have rugs and hairy dogs and steps and am so messy myself. What a revelation. This thing needed a lot of emptying initially but is indefatigable and stays on top of the kitchen floor. It doesn’t self charge. It doesn’t self empty But actually none of that matters. It is a sweet toy that is keeping me company and keeping things clean. (At least on the floor!)

  57. Karina9497 says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product
    Couldn’t believe the amount of dust it picked up

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 30 From Our UsersFor this knockdown price, I can’t fault the Lefant auto robotic vacuum. Easy to set up out of the box and had it vacuuming within minutes due to the battery charge which it arrived with. I had to read the included manual to find out how to empty the contents but it’s very easy to do. I only had it running about 10 minutes before I emptied it. I was amazed how much it picked up in that short time space. The suction power bowled me over. It’s so easy to turn on and forget about it due to how quiet it is. We’ve alo tried it on the landing and watched while it diverted itself away when it came close to the top of the stairs. Very intelligent little thing. This is excellent value for money as I can tell it’s made with quality materials. I’m not yet sure how long it takes to charge because we charge it when we’re asleep. Overall, it does a great job on short pile carpet but excells at hard flooring and transfers between both effortlessly.

    For the price, this robot vacuum will not disappoint.

  59. WilburBanuelos says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis is one of the more basic robot vacuum cleaners, but it was the perfect solution to an already full home that just had a couple of missing spots that other cleaners weren’t getting to…mainly the upstairs landing. After putting this up i was happy to find out that it won’t just fall down the stairs and will clean every inch of the landing without issue, just remember to set it so that it comes on in the middle of the day as it would be too loud for a nighttime clean (like the ones i have set up downstairs). It’s really simple to setup and comes with everything to get going straight away, i’d even venture into saying that you hardly need to read the manual it’s that self explanatory. Very happy with mine.

    If you like my comments let me know by clicking helpful below

  60. EileenSymons says:

     United Kingdom

    Only 3 hours just got it but so impressed lol my gf loves it as she never has to hoover again. It’s so clever lol doesn’t go down the stairs and really gets in the corners and is thorough and even goes under the tv and over small /medium sized objects no problem it’s intelligent haha

  61. DamienSaenz says:

     United Kingdom

    Product came well packaged, instructions and assembly straight forward to get started. I switch this on in the morning and the downstairs is cleaned, the vac picks up everything and more than I expected, it’s quieter than some of the others – the vac gets under objects and into corners. All you have to do is to make sure you don’t leave anything on the floor wires etc. I like the product I like the design – This model didn’t come with a remote and it doesn’t return to it’s charging base – This wasn’t a problem for me I clean mine out and put it on charge. I got this product on special offer and feel it was value for money.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this product, makes life easier, very self efficient and does a really good clean.

  63. The Ravenous Reader says:

     United Kingdom

    Highly recommend, it has a great power suction and gets on top of the rug without any problem…I’m very impressed.
    Simply amazing, worth the price!

  64. RoseannL06 says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m really glad i purchased this. The best thing about owning such equipment is that it allows you to have some extra time for yourself. This is certainly an investment for anyone, especially full time workers.

    But this can only be used as a light cleaning Vaccum for daily use. Further deep cleaning has to be done otherwise.

    My only concern about this item is the running time. Why does the company claim to have 2 hours of running time when in reality, only runs for not more than 1 hour. The charging also requires same amount of time.

    But other than that, very pleased with the purchase.

  65. RickWarrick says:

     United Kingdom

    Has been really effective and useful on my hard floors. I charge it up, close the doors and let it roam and clean. Repeating for other rooms. It occasionally gets caught up in things and troubleshooting can be a little confusing and timely (different beeps to indicate issues), however after trial / error and some perseverance its cleared the faults I’ve had so far. My wife still uses the bigger (manual) Hoover for speed, stairs and carpets. I’d be inclined to buy the more advanced model for self charging, Alexa and other additional features.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have had this for 4 months and are very very happy with it.It has great suction .I wish I had bought one years ago.

  67. DeloresRBI says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this. Come home to a clean house.
    Easy to use and empty.
    Would recommend

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very impressive , super vacuum ,great ease pressure of my household chore, I got old one but cannot compare to this , definitely recommen to anyone I know .

  69. MaggieHertz says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this. Its a game changer! It picks up so much dirt and dust. I had no idea our house was so filthy!

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m very pleasantly surprised. It picks up heavy debris and pet hair extremely well from carpets, rugs and hard floors and moves easily between the different surfaces. It’s quiet enough to watch television while it tootles around and the battery lasts much longer than it takes to clean 3 downstairs rooms and a hall. Its also very easy to empty it. What a super buy!!

  71. MavisWalls says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this robot hoover… delivery prompt and It works well on all the dog hair it’s amazing. It does have a mind of its own though and will go where it wants to go despite me. It covers my carpet well.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This seemed to have the same spec as others but at a somewhat lower price. I bought it speculatively as a novel Xmas present and did not disappoint You can leave it for an hour or so to wander round the rooms and come back to find a much cleaner house!

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great works well I hate hoovering now don’t have to would buy agai

  74. Ryan Whitwam says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic little helper around the house. Turn it on and off it goes.

  75. Haley8113rfrst says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI bought this for about 100 and it’s back to 140 ish so quite happy as it’s worth every penny of the full price.
    Buying this brought me a ton of trouble as about thirty minutes after clicking “buy” my wife told me not to get one as “robot vacuums are rubbish”. She’s wrong, I’m right. They’re the future. This one doesn’t have any kind of programming function but goes around the room in a far more systematic way than I would.
    Disappointed that I can’t ride on it nor hover up stairs like Daleks can now.
    I only gave it 4 stars for suction as it doesn’t make loads of noise that I would associate with suction power but it always clears up.
    I love showing my wife the full dust box causing her to exclaim how filthy our house is. I’m only showing her how good my purchase was. I still use a manual vacuum occasionally but they’re boring now as I have a robot which is only right in 2020.
    Something that wasn’t clear to me when I bought this was that this version will NOT fall down stairs. It’s stops as if hitting a wall and goes back on its way. I’ve set it going on top of a small table and it did not fall off which I think is clever.
    It even works in the dark. How does it see?!!

  76. EwanVieraf says:

     United Kingdom

    So far so good with this, cleans the place brilliant, my floors have never been so clean. Great on dog hairs

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSo impressed with this cute little robot vac! Since moving to a new home that has only wooden floors and no carpets, I’ve found the floors always look dusty and I can see pet hair all the time – even with vacuuming every day. Having this little robot vac means I can switch it on and get on with other things and when I come back the floors are spotless. It angles itself so the brushes can thoroughly get into corners and it vacuums the whole surface of the room without missing any bits. It’s not noisy and takes seconds to empty – wish I’d bought one sooner!

  78. ShantelSLD says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product. Excellent value for money. Does what it says on the box

  79. MommaBBabyboy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersThe performance of the vacuum from a floor cleaning perspective is very good, it picks up well both on hard and carpeted surfaces. If the algorithm follows a particular pattern for where to go, it isn’t obvious, so you have to not watch it and just leave it a while, unattended, and it will eventually clean all over, even if it looks like it is going over the same spot for the 6th time, and has still to reach others. It navigates it’s way out of a cul-de-sac very well.

    It does not detect stairs though, so be prepared to have to somehow block off access, I added two hooks to the skirting and stretch a bungee cord across the top of the stairs so I can leave it working on it’s own.

    But for the money, and as a first journey into bot vacuums, this is a great little starter one, and there is still satisfaction of leaving it unattended, coming back later to see the floor is all cleaned without you having to do much more than transport the bot to the place, and press the start button… it’s like magic!

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great little hoover for the price! I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it is. Was brought as a Christmas present and now we use it all the time. The amount of dust and debris you find in the tray after use shows how well it’s working.

  81. NoblePearl says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersI’ve had this only a few days but already I can’t imagine managing without it. I tend to only manage to hoover the house fully every few weeks bolstered by intermittent blasts of DustBuster/ broom. With three kids and animals it feels like a constant battle to keep the dust/ dirt under control.
    My sister in law got a pricier model before Xmas which she was raving about so I decided to take the plunge but bought a cheaper model as I was not sure if the machine would cope with our mix of carpets/ rugs and tiles
    I needn’t have worried. It is truly fantastic. Yes I do need to clear the clutter to give the machine a free run at the whole room but our rugs , hearths and odd corners have given it no bother. The floors have never been so clean. I can’t believe how much dust keeps coming up. The carpets look amazing. The unexpected bonus is it’s quite hypnotic to watch. We all
    sat and watched telly last night while it cleared the front room but we spent more time watching the machine !
    The only downside is that it doesn’t have the return to charge base included like the pricier models but as I tend to move it from room to room manually I probably wouldn’t keep moving the charger anyway and plugging it back to recharge is no bother.
    I’ve already recommended it to everyone I know!

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant starting point. Knowing what we know now we would have been better with a programmable one or a learning one as it can get stuck under a seter and around wires. But works grea

  83. Tony45Cojzpf says:

     United Kingdom

    Really happy with this item. Suction is great and it leaves the room spotless clean!

  84. David Watsky says:

     United Kingdom

    Practical and good value for money. My house has carpet everywhere and we have a dog, no struggles!

  85. LashondCapasso says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived quickly. Easy to set up and follow the instructions.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAbsolutely fabulous machine! It learnt very fast it’s way around my very small home. MY Niece has a much more expensive model but I recommend this one for all round value for money.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Wife very happy with this robot vacuum, good power and better than expected, recommended.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersBefore releasing it into the wild, you are supposed to clip the side brushes on, RIGHT TO RIGHT, LEFT TO LEFT (the L/R on the brushes is a bit hard to see, but it is there). And charge it a long time, like any new device. I imagine that’s what caused issues in a couple of other reviews.

    This is an amazing little vacuum. I was impressed by how smart it is, too. Basically, it runs straight ahead, and when it meets a wall it doesn’t just go back. Rather, it hugs it and runs along it for a while. This means that a) it will actually clean corners very well and b) if you have a weird-shaped room, it will still go everywhere by following the wall. It’s also impressive in its’ ability to get out of dead-ends – it actually got out of a T-shaped dead-end which barely fit it, in under a minute!

    It also is quite strong in its’ movement – it can climb over low things like a big cable, and it can move a light table (yikes!). And yet, it is not hitting stuff forcibly, when it bumped on me, it was just a nudge, not a crash.

    I’ve ran it for 80 minutes and it doesn’t seem to be running out of battery yet.

  89. JuanaLindsey says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s not the most expensive robot vacuum so I was slightly nervous about buying this. I shouldn’t have worried. I DO actually love it! I have a long haired black collie and it lifts all the dog hairs. Empties easily. Really pleased with it.

  90. Patricia Puentes says:

     United Kingdom

    Haven’t tried with Alexa but really happy with hoover so fa

  91. CharlesHeld says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI love this. I wasn’t expecting too much but have been pleasantly surprised at how well it works. Easy to operate and empty. It won’t replace my main vacuum but is perfect for the in between clean and you can just leave it to do it’s thing. My dog doesn’t quite trust it – especially when she moved out of it’s way only for the bone she was chewing to get sucked up!

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have been using this for a week now. Staggers me every time, still. Works so well, I didnt really expect it to be much more than a gadget! Would definitely recommend.

  93. Blair says:

     United Kingdom

    This robot cleaner is brilliant it does every thing the advert says it does , it is great for tiles , wood floors and thin rugs , i am so pleased with it .

  94. Beli says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersRobot vacuum is amazing! Thought had problem with red light and beeping after a week but customer service was second to none! Very prompt and helpful with issue and all sorted! Excellent product and customer service.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What a fab little machine, really good for the price.

    To be fair this is a glorified carpet sweeper, it’s not a vacuum, so don’t expect to get the same level of cleaning that you would getting an upright cleaner on the job.

    But there are so many advantages, you just switch it on and off it goes sweeping up the worst of the detritus. Fluff bunnies, crumbs, hairs etc are all swept away easily. It does a good job of going along the line of the skirting board as the little sweeping brushes poke out far enough and not even too bad at getting into corners.

    It does work better on hard floors, but is fine on carpet and short rugs (I have a mixture of all) and it transitions easily from one to the other.

    Assembly, emptying the dust pan, cleaning the roller are all easy peasy, you even get a little tool to slice the hairs off the roller brush.

    The battery lasts a surprisingly long time and recharges relatively quickly.

    Where it’s not so good is picking up those bits of lint that seem to velcro themselves to carpets and rugs. You need to get the big boys out for those.

    But it saves me dragging out the weighty and corded upright I have and actually because it is so easy to use (just set it off and forget about it) then the floors do get swept more often than they have in the past.

    Also you just can’t but help thinking of it as a pet, it’s really cute and seems to have a personality (a bit if a dopey one as it’s banging into doors and skirting, which it doesn’t damage). We call ours Jones, or Jonesy, after the cat on the Nostromo!! 😀

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    She has been called Annette. Now one of the family.

  97. Tarrant Figlio says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersFirst off.. I wanted a regular hoover but they’re all a bit the same and I hate vacuuming. I have this product a go..if you’re lazy like me and never clean under the bed or sofa.. This is for you.. Gets on with it, to a really great standard.. It’s better if you clear unnecessary obstacles bit it’s not mandatory and the machine will just get on with it whole you’re out so.. I love it…mine is called Winston..

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great on both tiled and carpeted floors. This is my second one, bought it for upstairs as I was so please with the first.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIt is first time i own a robot vacuum although i had a lot of vacuum, this one is a nice piece, i was thinking it is a small one but it is really big . I use it when i wake up and it will do the job all by itself. It is a powerful vacuum,even can clean pasta,it is quiet enough when it working. Overall, i am really glad to have a robot vacuum,it is a fantastic product thanks amazon.

    Very good robot vacuum

  100. JohnnieJeffreys says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersThis is our first robot vacuumer and we decided to buy one even if we have a regular cordless vacuumer. I’ve seen these robots advertised for a while but always been little bit sceptical about them cause i was thinking that may be it won’t work that good as handheld vacuumer, may be it will not run the entire area and so on, but then we were talking with some friends about them and i said let me go for of them. Didn’t want to go for an expensive one so i was focusing on cost, suction power, well-built design and the way it runs and after using for few days i think that i made a right decision buying this one. Its sensors seems to work quite good, runs S-shaped as described but the only challenges for it are cables and our son’s toys , these two things sometimes are misguiding it. Suction is good enough, at the beginning i thought that suction power is low because it is pretty quite but after checking the dust bag i realised that actually is not that bad as i thought it sucks pretty well. And the last but not less important in my oppinion is its battery life, it runs more than an hour definitely but may run even longer cause i never drained fully the battery so i can’t say exactly but in my case even one hour is enough. Also, if you have little kids than the robot vacuumer will be part of their toys.