LEGO 42095 Technic Remote-Controlled Tracked Stunt Racer Toy, 2 in 1 Race Car Model with Power Functions Motor Building Set, Racing Vehicles Collection

Dimensions: 38.2 x 7.05 x 26.2 cm; 226.8 Grams
Model: 42095
Material: Plastic
Colour: Multicolor
Pack Quantity: 324
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 6 – 99 years
Assembly: Yes
Colour: Multicolor
Material: Plastic
Quantity: 324

244 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Present for my son, which fun to build and play with

  2. Austin Parker says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersEase to assemble is a difficult one, I gave it 5 stars because…. yer it was a bit fiddly, I think a child would struggle, I bought it for my son and ended up doing a lot of it with him. I found it easy, he didn’t…. depends on your age!

    Really good value compared to the Lego store, about half the price, but let’s be honest, all Lego is double expensive!

    It’s really robust, it’s been endlessly driven into stuff in my house and it’s not broken, the power it puts out is impressive!

  3. LincolnAguirre says:

     United Kingdom

    My son loves the sturdiness of the wheels compared to other Lego remote control vehicles.
    He is only 8 and didn’t require any assistance to make it. He has had much fun with i

  4. MadonnaGoshorn says:


    voglio cominciare conil prezzo…quello trovato su Amazon era molto pi conveniente dello store on-line LEGO…..poi come messo in oggetto LEGO e sar sinonimo di garanzia. Le usavo io da piccolo (30’anni fa’) ma la qualit sempre la stessa. L’articolo molto bello, non facilissimo da montare per un bambino di 7 anni, mentre molto intuitivo nel controllo remoto.OTTIMO REGALO…

  5. Florida4434 says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Schon etwas anspruchsvoller mit dem Verkabeln. Meine Tochter hat ihre Freude.

  6. Peach Gallagher says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI like that it comes with the motor, that I do not have to buy separately like other Lego technic sets. It wasn’t’t hard to assemble for my 11 year old. I also like that another model can be built using the same pieces, and my husband and him are going to try to build other vehicles and use the motor for it.

  7. Xiomara Blanco says:

     United Kingdom

    Kids very happy. Simple enough kid bought when on sale. Great remote control easy to use

  8. MarjorieRichey says:


    Lego typisch recht teuer. Bei Angeboten zu 50 kann man getrost zugreifen. Es sind nunmal nicht viele Teile.
    Letztlich kauft man es sich nur wegen der Power Functions.

    Aber das Auto fhrt.
    Aufbau super einfach. Und Steuerung natrlich auch.

    Insgesamt ein wrdiger Nachfolger vom 42065.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Grandson built it on boxing Day kept him quite all day

  10. LewisL01ixvexu says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for my son as a Christmas gift. It was our first venture into lego technic, definitely won’t be the last. We gave 5 stars for easy to assemble, but lego should be a challenge and it was, you’re not going to pop this together in 30 minutes.
    Remote control features are great and it’s a nippy little thing and quite sturdy when you crash it. We haven’t built the second model it turns into yet, I will update when we do. I truly recommend this product.

  11. GertrudeMccool says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersPurchased as a gift for my nephew on Christmas day. He was very happy, although I’m sure his mum wasn’t when they had to build it Immediately. However, the remote has not left my nephews hand and as an adult, I can see why. Hours of fun, very sturdy and is fantastic to watch it do little tricks!
    The one thing I will say is… Stock up on batteries (holds 6 AA in the car part and 3AAA for the remote)!

  12. HunterNewell says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Habe das Lego Stunt-Auto im Angebot gekauft, daher Preis-Leistung gut.
    Etwas schwer zu bauen, auch wenn unser Sohn recht gut im Bauen ist.
    Die Technik!
    Aber wenn er erstmal luft , dann fhrt er gut!

  13. ToryTaverner says:


    Das Technic Fahrzeug bereitet viel Freude. Der Aufbau ist auch von kleineren Kindern mit etwas Hilfe gut zu bewerkstelligen. Der Fahrspa ist garantiert. Tolle Umsetzung von Lego.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Impegnativo ma gratificante!
    Ci vuole un po’ per costruirlo e devi rispettare perfettamente i passaggi ma poi hai una macchina telecomandata molto divertente.

  15. RussEggleston says:


    Cosa aggiungere oltre a dire LEGO!
    OTTIMO in tutto. Perfetto nella guida fluida e divertente. Perfetto negli incastri.
    Unica pecca magari la quantit di pile da usare…. 9!

    Semplicemente LEGO!

  16. Anonymous says:


    Spedizione lampo Amazon, prodotto molto carino, relativamente facile da montare e molto funzionale. Non economico ma la Qualit si paga e cmq pagato meno che in qualunque negozio fisico. Consigliato.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent kit which assembles into a very useable remote control vehicle.

  18. Anonymous says:


    L’ho regalato a mio nipote e ne rimasto molto entusiasta. Come al solito lego non delude. Questo modello gli piace particolarmente, dato che mettendo le pile poi sfreccia ovunque. Rapporto qualit-prezzo normale, ma non molto conveniente. Consegna perfetta e puntuale. Consigliatissimo!!

  19. Anonymous says:


    Se vi piace passare del tempo con vostro figlia/o, questo il gioco giusto. Montato insieme a mio figlio di 8 anni in circa due ore. Qualit Lego che si vede sia nei mattoncini che nelle istruzioni di montaggio. Il fatto che sia radiocomandato (molto efficiente) lo rende ancor pi interessante per i piccoli. Il sistema di controllo come quello di un mezzo cingolato, quindi le due leve comandano distintamente il cingolo di dx e di sx. Caro; la qualit si paga ma almeno si vede che c’!!!.

  20. FredricSholl says:

     United Kingdom

    8 year old Xmas present he loved the way it moves and the how you have to build it, also use the motor for other cars he builds

  21. ShellieM50 says:


    Ho usato questo articolo per mio figlio di nove anni e lo ha costruito con qualche difficolta ma questo il bello del gioco, una volta montato, fatto bene materiale resistente, unico neo, co vogliono tante batterie, 6 per la macchina, tre per il telecomando!

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a Christmas present for my grandson who both adores and is good at building Lego. It is difficult to comment comprehensively on a present for someone else. However, all the Logo products have given my grandson endless pleasure & I reckon he will become an engineer!!

  23. MariaHardeman says:


    Je l ai acheter Pour le nol de mon fils mais a monter avec l aide d un adulte car en dessous de 9ans c est dur pour l’enfant . Sinon le produit est trs bien , bonne puissance au niveau du tlguidage, mon fils l adore .

  24. Anonymous says:


    ottimo prodotto non difficile da montare ma i bimbi si divertono veramente tanto in quanto il reparto motore elettrico li diverte tanto e poi premetto che va veramente veloce.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersHabe gleich Modell B gebaut, wegen dem deutlich besserem Schwerpunkt. Tauscht das Fordere mit dem Hinterem Antriebsrad. besorgt euch Loom Bnder (siehe Bilder) fr nen paar Euro und ihr habt super Grip.
    So macht er richtig Spa.

    Als Modell B mit kleinen Überarbeitungen richtig gu

  26. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLego radiocomandato ad alta velocit, completamente motorizzato, con cingoli e grandi ruote dentate posteriori. Supera terreni accidentati ed ostacoli, ha quattro direzioni avanti, indietro, sinistra e destra una direzione per volta. Ha necessit di 6 batterie AA per il veicolo e 3 AAA per il telecomando.
    Lo stunt racer telecomandato ha le seguenti misure: 17 cm di altezza, 22 cm di lunghezza e 15 cm in larghezza.

    Lego Technic

  27. LynneMoralez says:

     United Kingdom

    Son loved it! Enjoyed making it together and has built things to ram and assault courses as a challenge. Just as fun driving it around the house too.

  28. CorinneEmbley says:


    8-10 anni….un piccolo mostro di perfezione che necessita di montaggio accurato, ed a cui arrivare per gradi dopo il montaggio di numerosi altri Lego. Per tecnica decisamente un passo avanti alla normale produzione Lego ed solido e molto ben funzionante .

  29. Claire Reilly says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Userspas facile monter mme pour un enfant de 9 ans plutot dou avec les lgo habituellement, le papa a pris la relve et a avou que ce n’tait pas si simple, il a mis lui-mme 2h30-3h pour la monter. Peut-tre aussi que mon fils tait trop excit par ses cadeaux de noel et avait trop hte de la faire rouler, pas assez de patience pour la monter. Mais franchement, il faut tre dlicat, et trs patient. Une fois monte, elle roule trs bien. Attention nombreuses piles mettre, non fournies… Y penser ! Mon fils s’clate avec, elle fait 4×4. attention toutefois aux chocs dans les murs ou les meubles, les petites pices peuvent se dmonter…

  30. LashundOjeda says:

     United Kingdom

    lego mad grandson ( 9 ) loves anything technical so this was a much appreciated birthday gift. will keep him engrossed for several hours constructing and more racing it around the house.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Enjoyed doing this with my 8 year old took a couple hours to construct . Gutted nothing works with the new batteries . Gonna have to disassemble to check battery compartment . Disappointed
    Updated review
    Didnt realizes the battery compartment held batteries underneath aswel , my mistake 5 stars

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Currently just over 60, well worth it, fun to build, great fun to drive. I bought it for me to build with my 11 and 8 year old to play with and we all enjoyed it, just the right length and complexity. I feel a bit mean giving it 4 stars, it’s more of a 4.5, the only reason is the badly designed battery box, one of the batteries is horrible to get in and out, also 2 9v batteries or a lithium pack would make way more sense weighing less and allowing a longer life.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Der absolute Hammer. Mein Sohn hat sich mega gefreut und hat es geschafft diesen selbst zusammen zu bauen (11 Jahre). Danach ging es los und das Auto musste viele Hindernisse meistern und hat es super berstanden.

  34. Jaime says:


    Il motore potente per questo veicolo che non grandissimo, infatti quando parte impenna sempre. E’ un po’ difficile da controllare perch ogni leva del telecomando controlla un lato di ruote quote se non si muovono perfettamente insieme la macchinina non va dritta.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome kit, 7 year old had so much fun building and even more enjoyment playing with it.

  36. Anonymous says:


    Bausatz in bester Lego Qualitt!
    Mein Kind hatte Spa beim Zusammenbauen und kurvt damit immer noch gern herum!
    Die Steuerung verhlt sich wie bei einem Panzer und macht schtig, auch fr die Erwachsenen. Mal was anderes als vierrdrige Autos!
    Das Auto wurde auch schon umgebaut und mit diversen Steinen erweitert!

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I brought for my nephews birthday, he absolutely loves Lego especially this one with remote control and power functions

  38. Harold88Cabgb says:


    Mein Sohn ist vllig begeistert und hat schon viele tolle Sachen daraus gebaut. Ich htte mir fr den Preis etwas mehr Teile gewnscht. Allerdings sind ja auch einige elektronische Teile dabei. Fr alle kreativen Knner auf jeden Fall geeignet. Und fr Leute die kostengnstig Lego-Motoren erwerben wollen.

  39. PriscilBeaumont says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersPremetto che io l’ho regalato al mio bimbo di 7 anni (cresciuto a suon di costruzioni).
    Detto ci il gioco molto bello ma con qualche piccola pecca per esser considerato perfetto:
    1) non trovo corretto che per costruire il secondo modello ci sia da collegarsi sul sito (va bene “obbligare” a passare dal sito per della sana pubblicit per il “libretto di istruzioni” ci dovrebbe sempre essere!)
    2) il motore non ha alcun controllo di velocit: passa da “completamente fermo” a “tutto gas” all’improvviso… cosa che permette al modello di “impennare” alla partenza ed una cosa divertente ma – passato il momento – ci che resta la difficolt di controllo nella direzione;
    3) richiede una quantit di pile impressionate (n6 AA nel veicolo e n3 AAA per il telecomando) sulla macchina sono anche “tanto peso”
    Infine rimarco una caratteristica del giocattolo: per girare a sx e dx ovviamente si deve fermare(o invertire) il cingolo opposto a dove si vuole andare….ci molto diverso rispetto ad avere uno stick dedicato alla direzione che scorre a dx/sx; il veicolo oltretutto va molto veloce e questo rende ancora pi difficile “pilotare” in modo preciso.
    Materiali buoni servizio di consegna ineccepibile (come sempre).

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for 10 years old child and for father as well:-)

  41. MarciaKozlowski says:


    Toller Artikel, leider mit defekter und verdrckter Packung angekommen.
    Versand in Plastik Tte durch Amazon ist nicht ausreichend.
    Daher zum verschenken nicht (mehr) geeignet.

  42. JerriCroft says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersLa calidad de este juguete est fuera de toda duda. Se pueden montar dos vehculos diferentes. Sorprendentemente solo uno figura en las instrucciones en papel. El segundo hay que descargarlo en internet. El primer vehculo est pensado para acrobacias aunque no tiene capacidad de subir pendientes y apenas obstculos porque rpidamente vuelca. Para dar volteretas est bien. El segundo vehculo que no viene en la caja para m es el ideal. Sube pendientes sin problema y est mucho ms pensado para rodar que para hacer cabriolas. Creo que es mucho ms utilizable por un nio un poquito mayor, mientras que el otro resulta gracioso para un nio ms pequeo o para llamar la atencin.
    Las pilas se pueden usar recargables porque si no es una ruina.

  43. Amanda Hernandez RD says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIm 25 and this made me so happy. This wpuld make the perfect christmas gift for any kid who loves lego! The motors are fast!

  44. jennifer zuna says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as Christmas present for my grandson, am sure he will like it as he thoroughly enjoys making things

  45. LeonardoBadgett says:


    A mi hijo le ha encantado, lo mont l mismo en unas horas y es slido, rpido y con la calidad Lego, muy buena. No le falta detalle y no ha decepcionado en absoluto. Muy buen juguete, bien de precio – calidad. Lo volveramos a comprar.

  46. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe diesen Racer meinem Neffen geschenkt und es ist super. Zwei groe Motoren enthalten, das machte meinem Neffen sichtlich spa. Fr den Preis ein sehr schnes Angebot. Die Motoren haben deutlich mehr Kraft als die Ketten auf den Boden bertragen knnen -> er dreht beim Start ordentlich durch, aber das ist wohl gewollt. Etwas Gummi an den Ketten wre noch nett gewesen.

    Achtung: Nicht fr matschiges Gelnde geeignet. Mein Neffe hat es probiert und es funktionierte nicht gut. Aber gewundert hat es auch nur ihn. Kein Punkteabzug dafr.

  47. Andy Altman says:


    Tolles Set, macht unserem Jungen mchtig Spa! Qualitt von Lego ist eh bekannt.
    Einzig ein bisschen viel Saft braucht das Ding, man sollte immer Ersatzbatterien zuhause haben.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI dont know why this has to be so damn expensive. Not too many pieces. But at the end you make your own remote controlled car which moves in all directions.

  49. Nannett2860 says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEs un lego bueno, bonito y casi barato para lo que trae. No es que tenga muchas piezas pero es muy original y se mueve como loco!

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My husband is a big fan of Lego and mostly works with the Technic range as he’s an engineer and that is the most appealing style to him.

    My 4-year old is also really enjoying Lego now that he is old enough to help his dad and to build a few of the easier ones himself too.

    So this particular set is my husbands really, and he really enjoyed building it and getting the Power Function and remote all up and running.

    We have lots of these Technic sets, and subsequently have quite a few motors etc, which means that you can go off-piste a bit with your own inventions as well as building the actual design that is in the set.

    Great fun and fairly challenging – perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon in the autumn or winter!

    5 stars.

  51. ValentiXCDA says:


    Schnell zusammengebaut, und ab geht die Post. Das Ding geht ab wie die Luzie, wie das HB-mnnchen,
    Das Angebot mit den Motoren Fernbedienung ……Passt, so einfach mach ich mich das, es passt.

  52. Anonymous says:


    Da dieses Produkt bald bei Lego nicht mehr zu kaufen gibt, und hier auf Amazone der Preis unschlagbar war, habe ich gleich 2 bestellt.
    Diese beiden stehen im Wohnzimmer auf dem Boden und jeder der uns besucht wird schtig nach diesem kleinen Spass.
    Ich gebe mir regelmig kleine Battles mit meiner Tochter und wir haben sehr viel Spass.
    Hier gibt es gleich 2 l Motoren eine Fernbedienung ne batteriebox und den RC Receiver . Diese Teile allein kosten bei Lego mehr als das ganze set hier bei Amazone. Dieser Racer ist auch perfekt fr kleinere spieler… (ab 3) also das fahren nicht das bauen. Denn wenn man mal nen Crash baut… was am meisten Spass macht … kann man die Teile einfach wieder anbauen.

  53. HildegaMacdouga says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great set for the reduced price it has and comes with power functions. Motor is very powerful

  54. LashundOjeda says:

     United Kingdom

    5 years old boy needs my help to build it. Great fun to play and just 48. Really good value. Don’t hesitate to buy it.

  55. Africa says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersLe montage est un grand travail de patience et a oblig mon fils de se concentrer et ………. russir faire fonctionner ce passionnant ouvrage ! Beau exercice pour un enfant de 10 ans !

  56. Anonymous says:


    Meine Frau hat meiner Tochter und mir den Stunt Racer geschenkt um ihn gemeinsam aufzubauen. Und ich muss sagen es macht genausoviel Spa wie vor 25 Jahren . Lego typisch ist die Qualitt sehr gut, die Anleitung sehr gut verstndlich und der Spielspa sehr hoch.

  57. DVNOdellulsnnbz says:

     United Kingdom

    My 12 year old son bought this and built it by himself, he thinks it is grea

  58. The Motley Fool says:

     United Kingdom

    My son is 8 and enjoyed building this with minimal help. The fact it seems quite sturdy and able to be used to roam around the house and garden is a bonus! (I expected it to be more fragile).

  59. AlejandroLamar says:

     United Kingdom

    8yo son loves it. Only drawback is fiddly to change the batteries in the car which need changing quite often.

  60. Anonymous says:


    I lived my childhood one again with this innovative design which proof to me that Lego is always Lego a inevitable trade marke ,even I opened the music very loud when I was building it and cast away with the pleasure a d forgot that my neighbor ring the door four times and it crossed the 22:00 time and I was so flighting;-),… sorry neighbor again.

  61. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersComme toujours avec LEGO, la qualit est au rendez vous.
    La notice explicative est claire, nanmoins quelques erreurs surviennent s’ il on est pas attentif et concentr.
    Certaines images de montage peuvent prter confusion.
    Utilisation de beaucoup de piles sur le long terme. A prendre en compte.
    Il est donc un peu dommage que LEGO n’ inclue pas de srie des batteries et tlcommandes rechargeables sur secteur. Pourquoi pas dans un proche avenir.

  62. James says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersAchet pour l’anniversaire des 8 ans de mon fils. Vendu sur Amazon moins cher que dans les supermarchs ou magasins spcialiss.
    Mon fils l’a mont avec son pre, seul, c’est un petit peu trop technique. Comptez une petite heure d’assemblage.
    Une fois monte, elle fonctionne du tonnerre. Aucun problme, a roule super bien en intrieur et extrieur sur route , trottoir, vitez cependant les endroit accident tout de mme ! Nous semble finalement moins fragile qu’une voiture tlguide style EXOST pour ne pas citer qui n’ont pas rsist longtemps (2 voitures casss trs rapidement)
    Je recommande ++++

  63. ErwinLizotte says:


    Den Stunt Racer habe ich inzwischen. 2x gekauft.
    Das erste mal zum spielen fr meine Tochter und das 2. mal (um einiges gnstiger) zum Ausschlachten, um die Motoren in einem anderen LEGO Technic Set zu verbauen.
    Was den Bauspass angeht, der hlt sich zwar wegen der wenigen Teile arg in Grenzen….
    Dafr macht der Racer (als B-Modell gebaut) echt Laune und kommt – zumindest – Rckwrts sogar ber so manches Hindernis.
    Solange man nicht den Listenpreis zahlt, ist es ein Technik Set welches sich m.M. nach lohnt zu kaufen.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersTolles Set bei dem fr einen sehr guten Preis zwei L Motoren inkl. Fernbedienung + Infrarot Empfnger beiliegt.
    Die Fernsteuerungs-Mimik werde ich noch auf einen S Brick umstellen, da Infrarot im Freien nicht gebrauchen und auch im Zimmer die Reichweite drftig ist.

    Einen Tipp: Baut am besten gleich nur das B Modell auf. Liegt deutlich besser auf Strasse ( ist breiter ) , lsst sich durch das Tauschen der groen gelben Rder von Hinten nach vorne auf den Antrieb auch gut in der Geschwindigkeit tunen und kann per zustzliche Gummi Noppen ( im Legoshop erhltlich ) auch fr den Parkett oder die Fliese angepasst werden.

    Daher klare Kaufempfehlung von mir weil Mega Spassfaktor bei super Preis Leistungs Verhltnis. 🙂

  65. LeoraMcLerie says:


    Eines der wenigen Modelle wo Preis-/Leistung bei Lego noch super ist … empfehle das B-Modelle welches die Kraft besser auf den Boden bringt und dadurch deutlich besser zu kontrollieren ist. Gumminoppen wrden perfekt sein, aber leider nicht dabei

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThis is a very well designed LEGO vehicle. And best of all it drives very well and easy to control with the remote unlike other cars which simply go fast but are uncontrollable. My 10 year old could not keep it down till it was fully assembled. Highly recommend for LEGO enthusiasts.

  67. SeymourWester says:


    Golden Review Award: 46 From Our UsersEine wirklich tolle Idee von Lego, diesen wendigen kleinen Racer mit einer Fernbedienung zu kombinieren. Mein fast 10 jhriger, Legobegeisterter und schon sehr gebter Sohn, hat dieses Set, innerhalb einer Stunde zusammengebaut, mit Batterien ausgestattet und uns das Modell vorgefhrt.
    Schon das Zuschauen bringt Spa und sieht sportlich und dynamisch aus. Die Fernbedienung ist gut zu bedienen und schn handlich klein. Lediglich die Lautstrke ist zu bemerken,denn durch die Ketten auf glattem Boden, entsteht ein relativ lautes Gerusch. Wir werden dies entschrfen, da es auch von Lego, Gumminoppen gibt, die man montieren kann, leider sind diese nicht im Set enthalten. Den Motor hat mein Sohn nun auch an ein anderes, von ihm selbst entworfenes Modell gebaut, somit sind der Kreativitt keine Grenzen gesetzt. Vielen Dank fr Eure hilfreiche Stimme.

    Sportlich, wendiges Modell für Technikfans

  68. BennettDNIP says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing son loves Lego and this is perfect brought for hes birthday

  69. TerrenceReid says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPrezzo ottimo considerando che o risparmiato 40 non andando in negozio, un ottimo regalo di compleanno consegna puntuale bimbo felice

  70. Special to The Washington Post says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice Lego kit, easy to build and it is quite fast for a Lego car.

  71. SoonENFOlqco says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s hard not to love LEGO because it is a wonderful antidote for children spending too much time stuck in front of computer screens. This product has me in two minds, really.

    On the one hand unlike the ancient stuff I had as a child back in the 1970’s this is a very targeted build more like a single build hobby remote control car than a product that is designed to be made, taken apart and then remade by a child using their imagination. There’s no doubt that it’s a great bit if kit but, does it really allow for extended game play? Not sure.

    But, the world has changed and children expect to be able to make something better than the multicoloured blocky things that I made as a child. This is progression, I guess and a natural process. I played with Lego Technic as a child but my grandfather would have had practically nothing apart from wooden tops and old pram wheels.

    This set does allow a child to make something fun, interesting and of course great to look at. Which my test subject, my nephew, did very willingly. At 10 he made this with no difficulty and of course loved the fact that it did things, i.e. moved and was controllable.

    And despite my early misgivings about this being a ‘one hit wonder’ he already has buckets of LEGO parts and then included motors and controllers can be re-purposed which, is what it’s all about. By itself it’s slightly limited but with more bricks you have a much better chance of the child remaking this into something else.

    So to sum up. Expensive – as all LEGO is, easy to build, limited but if you already have a bit of LEGO, perfect for being able to make many more things.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersOrdered this yesterday. Boom. Quick as a flash its built today now. So much fun to mess about with. Simple but sturdy build. Looks pretty good although I like the style of the b model a bit more. I’m going to mod mine I think. Be a good prezzy especially at its reduced price currently. Good set of power functions come with it so a great starter kit.

  73. Caitie says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersFar more useful set to obtain 2 large motors, remote control, RF receiver and battery box, than the current supplementary motor set with 1 medium motor and battery box. As well as the provided model build which is fun to play with, can use all the elements to motorise and remote control your own models. Finally, if you manage to get a discount off the RRP works out similar to buying all the individual parts separately from Lego store, as well as getting useful Lego pieces including the new large track wheel gears. Only downside is Lego is switching to power up motors and Bluetooth tablet control, but unlikely this model will be replaced with this new technology until next year and then will be far more expensive anyway.

  74. Lin9735cytzjycy says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a present. My Grandson aged ten loved it and assembled it relatively easily. Very pleased with it.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent Lego model. It provided several hours of intense thought, joy and a great sense of achievement when competed. The Lego set was a present for one of my grandchildren and there is considerable enjoyment from using the radio control.

  76. Anonymous says:


    Lego no defrauda. Es un poco caro para el tamao.
    Poca pieza pero trae todo el kit de motores, mando y pilas.
    Algo diferente pero emocionante.
    El ser teledirigido aade un plus y alarga la experiencia de juego

  77. TabathaMacklin says:

     United Kingdom

    9 year old built it in no time, he loves i

  78. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis LEGO had quite a lot of components to it which was quite daunting for my 8 year old who got this for his birthday. Between the 2 of us, we had so much fun putting it together. He absolutely loves it, showing off what his LEGO racer can do. Easy to follow instructions, make sure to have 6 AA batteries for the racer and 3 AAA batteries for the racer remote control, time and patience, most of all have fun .

  79. By Pamela Maragliano-Muniz, DMD says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an interesting set – and you get a nice remote controlled vehicle at the end. This isn’t though either a technically challenging build nor one that exposes you to much engineering – it’s pretty much a remote control unit around drive elements.

    What you do get in a reasonably priced package is the infrared remote, the battery box, controller and a few motors – which can be useful for other sets.

    This is the ‘older’ remote unit, which uses infrared – some lego sets now use Bluetooth. The infrared doesn’t have the same range and you need a degree of directional consideration BUT you barely notice this and it works straight away – having used the Bluetooth units, while they offer more depth, they’re much more fiddly to set up – so this is a good choice in this unit.

    I personally am not a fun of tracked models – nothing to do with how they look, but I just find the repetitive task of putting together the tracks somewhat boring and also oddly painful due to the way you have to do it – a personal thing, but i much prefer big wheels!

    This is an easy build really – and in keeping with other lower end recent Technic models you get a robust and easy to play with toy at the end – this is not a model that needs to stay on a shelf.

    You learn different things from these models – no where near the same engineering principles as the big sets, but nonetheless still some good basic concepts.

    If you want a quick build with a quality enjoyable toy at the end, that also gets you access to additional power components for you own builds, then this hits the mark.

    If looking for more engineering, look at the higher priced sets which combine both depending on the model.

  80. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersRegalo per mio figlio da parte dei nonni. Bello di qualit, si messo sotto e lo ha montato velocemente…non vedeva l’ora di ” muoverlo”. Soddisfatto ed entusiasta ha giocato per un paio di giorni ed ora come tutte le costruzioni l in esposizione… ancora adesso se gli chiedi un parere dice che bello, ma come mamma devo dire e non solo per questo, che tutte le costruzioni di questo genere costano un po’ troppo per la fine che fanno… poi se non sbaglio occorrono 4 o 6 pile non ricordo.

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Userslgo offert pour l’anniversaire de notre fils de 7 ans. Il lui a fallu environ 2h pour le monter seul. Maintenant il est trs content de pouvoir jouer avec son bolide qui fonctionne trs bien . Il est juste dommade de ne as avoir la 2eme notice pour monter l’autre vehicule.

  82. DorisHauslaib says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersOur family loves Lego. I have two Lego mad Children, I myself love Lego and my Husband has recently discovered a love for Technic.

    My Husband thoroughly enjoyed this build and our Children have enjoyed playing with the finished stunt racer.

    As usual from Lego the instructions were straightforward and easy to follow and he has currently built the Stunt Racer but does plan to build the Racer model too at some point as this is a 2-in-1 model.

    The set has 324 pieces along with some small spares and does have 18 stickers to attach carefully.

    Once built the Stunt Racer measures 23cm long by 16cm wide by 18cm high to the top of the fishing rod aerial as I have measured it. I love how Lego think of ingenious ways to use Lego parts to create other things such as the use of the fishing rod to look like an aerial

    Once built you simply move the switch on the side to the on position and the stick controls on the controller operate one track wheel each and you can drive the Stunt Racer forwards, backward, left and right. The Stunt Racer goes at a pretty decent speed too and is lots of fun to drive.

    As usual from Lego a brilliant build and this is suitable for those aged 9 and over.

  83. zZ0uN1iW5t says:

     United Kingdom

    Normally when Lego comes in to my house, it’s for my 6 and 8 and 3/4 year old nephews, who are both Lego fiends. But this time, their Dad flat out refused to let them have the build, laying claim to it for himself. He loved the look of this set… and hasn’t stopped loving it now that it’s built!

    The build is a middling difficulty, with 86 steps to it – making this on the easier side for a larger Technic set. My brother opted to make the main build stunt racer, and he and the boys haven’t yet decided to take it down and build the alternate racer (non-stunt/can’t do wheelies) – the instructions for which can be downloaded from the Lego website. (Unusually the alternate build seems slightly more complicated than the main one, with 91 steps). The battery pack for the car goes in mid-way through the build. At some point, needing to open this back up to replace the batteries will probably end up being what stimulates making the alternate build. The colours are great – vibrant and in keeping with the stunt racer/racer theme.

    It took a 39 year old experienced Lego builder a little under 2 hours to complete – with significant interruptions from the kids, who were a bit nonplussed by the idea of Daddy’s Lego! Based on past constructions, my older nephew (who’s an experienced Lego-er, and very patient with assembly instructions) could probably have managed this with minimal assistance.

    Something they have found about this in use is that the car does a wheelie whenever they start using the remote. It doesn’t seem to matter how lightly they use the controls, or who’s controlling it – there’s always this unintended little wheelie. Goes really quickly and spins well on tiled and textured laminate flooring.

    Overall – a relatively straightforward Technic build that produces a very satisfying remote controlled vehicle, appealing to both older and younger generations of family members!

  84. BeulahF03knpjxt says:


    Vorweg, der Racer ist nicht sehr gro. Er hat nur 324 Teile und eine Menge Aufkleber. Dafr bekommt man fr das Geld auch gleich 2 Motoren.
    Wenn man Glck hat, bekommt man ihn fr 55 Euro (etwa 17 Cent je Stein). Den OVP finde ich persnlich zu hoch angesetzt.
    Der Remote-Controller funktioniert prima. An die Steuerung gewhnt man sich schnell.
    Das A-Modell legt beim Star (wenn der Boden nicht sehr glatt ist) einen coolen Hochstart hin und macht ordentlich Betrieb. Leider kann man keine Geschwindigkeitsstufen einstellen.
    Auch fr Erwachsene macht dieser Racer super viel Spa!

  85. EnriqueReiniger says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersJa, ich habe mir gleich 2 von den Dingern hier besorgt. Nicht, weil ich hellblau, h, medium azure ? schick finden wrde, sondern wegen der (alten) Elektronik:
    Nachdem der Tracked Racer von 2017 ausgelaufen war, meinte LEGO ein Nachfolgemodell auf den Markt bringen zu mssen, den 2019er Stunt Racer. Und da die neue Bluetooth-Fernbedienung fr Technic erst im 2ten Halbjahr auf den Markt kommt, ist dies die letzte Gelegenheit, eine Fernbedienung zu bekommen, die auch mit den alten Motoren kompatibel ist. … und da LEGO wohl keine M-Motoren mehr im Lager hat, gibt’s halt stattdessen 2 L-Motoren zum gleichen Preis ^^. Auerdem gibt’s die Kettenlaufrder jetzt auch ‘ne Nummer grer: Zu den 3ern und 5ern kommen die 7er hinzu, und hier liegen 2 Stck bei.
    Also, schlagt zu. Bevor es eine LEGO-Fernbedienung nur noch in Form des groen Baggers fr 400 im 2ten Halbjahr gibt…

  86. LelaSchott says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersReu trs rapidement. Mont sans difficult. Les chenilles fonctionnent merveille. Les 2 moteurs sont puissants et le bolide fonce. Chaque chenille se pilote indpendamment. En avanant avec l’une et reculant avec l’autre, l’engin tourne sur lui mme. Moi qui rvait depuis des annes de piloter un char, je suis ravi d’avoir offert ce vhicule mon fils. La tlcommande fonctionne parfaitement. Jouet volutif.

  87. CandraBloodswor says:


    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersIch habe es fr 55 Euro gekauft. Dafr ist es in Ordnung. Was ein bisschen schade ist, ist das das Model ein wenig lieblos zusammen gestellt wurde. Ein paar mehr Teile htten schon geholfen. Bedruckte Teile finde ich immer besser, daher habe ich die Aufkleber nicht angebracht. Ist auch nicht notwendig. Warum Lego keinen Akku benutzt, sondern eine Batteriebox beilegt wei auch keiner. Man bentigt 6 AA fr die Batteriebox und 3 AAA fr die Fernbedienung. Der Infrarot-Empfnger ist auch nicht mehr der neuste Technik-Standard. Trotzdem macht das aufbauen, und dann das fahren auf Teppichbden Spa. Auf glatten Bden haben Ketten nicht genug Haftung. Fr einen guten Preis kann man es aber sicher kaufen.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Per chi ama i Lego un articolo da prendere assolutamente, divertente da giocare ed molto versatile. Mio figlio l’ha provata sia su strada che sul terreno e devo dire che va alla grande, molto veloce rispetto al modello precedente. Amazon come sempre eccezionale nei tempi di consegna sempre una garanzia.

  89. Anonymous says:


    Zwei sehr interessante Modelle.
    Die Bauanleitung ist sehr ausfhrlich – somit recht leicht zu bauen. Leider muss die Anleitung fr das zweite Modell separat heruntergeladen und ausgedrckt (am besten in Farbe, sonst nur schwer zu bauen) werden.
    Krftige Motoren sorgen fr gute Geschwindigkeit. Die Fernsteuerung beruht auf dem IR – Prinzip, so wie eine Fernseherfernbedienung. Daher muss die Fernsteuerung das Fahrzeug immer “sehen”, da sonst kein Signal ankommt.
    Das Modell ist robust, fllt bei Crashs nicht gleich auseinaner. Die Batterien lassen sich auswechseln, ohne das Fahrzeug auseinander bauen zu mssen.
    Wegen der Plastikketten sehr laut auf Parkett und Fliesen.

  90. Allison Matyus says:


    Golden Review Award: 43 From Our UsersMit knapp 320 Teilen (wovon 60 alleine fr die Ketten sind) ist dieses Set wirklich wirklich klein fr ein Technic Set und LEGO spart sich einen Servo-Motor da es ein Kettenantrieb hat. Ansonsten sollte man dieses Set eigentlich nur fr die Power Functions kaufen und vielleicht die langen schwarzen Liftarme um andere Sets zu motorisieren.

    Das A-Modell hat den Trick das es durch den hochgelegten Schwerpunkt sehr weit hinten, jedes mal einen “Wheelie” macht wenn man los fhrt, was jedoch dazu fhrt das es extrem schwierig zu steuern wird. Leider werden keine verschieden groe Zahnrder mitgeliefert um die bersetzung zu ndern.
    Das B-Modell ist hier ganz klar der Sieger da der Schwerpunkt weit unten in der Mitte liegt und sich so der Kettenantrieb ordentliche bedienen lsst. Auerdem lsst sich das B-Modell verschnellern in dem man einfach die die groen gelben Zahnrder fr die Ketten austauscht.

    Gut für die Power Functions, mehr nich

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWith only 324 pieces and that includes sixty for the two tracks, this is what I would call a junior Technic kit so it’s easy to build and then get on with the fun of wheelies, zooming across the living room floor and climbing over small obstacles. Very impressive acceleration, especially with new batteries.

    Instruction forty-four requires the installation of six AA batteries in the power-pack and the instructions continue to the end at eighty-six. A spread at the back of the instruction book has seven illustrations showing how to easily remove the battery-pack and then remove or replace the batteries.

    My grandson and I built it in about three hours, a slight delay with instruction sixty-six because the illustration wasn’t quite clear but as the pieces are repeated on the other side of the vehicle, instruction seventy-three, where the illustration was much clearer. Other reviewers have mentioned the rather high price for this Technic kit, I would agree but it does include two motors (one for each track) a receiver and a remote (that takes three AAA batteries) so there is plenty of scope to make additional models.

  92. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Users..mein 5jhriger sohn hat sich wahnsinnig gefreut und ihn mit viel ruhe und geduld an eineinhalb tagen zusammen gebaut…und fhrt seit dem berall damit rum…heute wurden rampen gebaut und befahren…das fahrzeug lsst sich gut steuern wenn man den dreh raus hat mit den einzel ansteuerbaren ketten…auch ohne turbo ist es flott unterwegs….ein grosser spass…typisch lego ebe

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMy daughter was given a previous Lego Technic tracked racer (42065) for Christmas and had a great time building it over an afternoon. So much so that she asked for another. I’m a a dad who was reintroduced to Lego a few years ago via Technics and became hooked, much to my surprise, so we have sallied forth working together on a big Technic kit.

    But these smaller kits are a lot of fun and with quick results, give the builder rapid satisfaction at seeing the finished item do its stuff. This kit was just as much fun as the previous and, as with all Technic kits, the instructions are clear but require you to pay attention. Mistakes can however be corrected, albeit a little taking parat with usually be required. All parts were present and fitted perfectly.

    Yes, the kits with power functions are not cheap but just as much fun was had with this compared to an equally expensive afternoon at the imax….and you can take the finished vehicle apart and build a different machine using instructions online. The best bit is that it it a brilliant r/c ehicle with independent forward/reverse functions for each track. And it can operate on any one of three radio channels so you can race more than one vehicle…..the cats in the house are having minor nervous breakdowns as my daughter and I race this and the earlier vehicle.

    In summary, a kit especially suited for someone new to Technic or a younger member of the family…a great alternative to a ready made r/c vehicle. Easily recommended.

  94. Sara Kay says:

     United Kingdom

    Another top quality build from lego as always. Every piece there and easy instructions for someone used to the more technic side of things. The remote is a nice addition and works well so not only do you have the pleasure of building it but also using it. My son and my husband loved this so much so it’s well worth buying. It’s not just a model but a use able toy too.

  95. DeidreTaulbee says:


    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersScelto da mio figlio di 8 anni, comprato su Amazon risparmiando 16 euro, arrivato il giorno dopo. Spedizione velocissima.
    Questo lego piaciuto molto perch unisce la costruzione di mattoncini alla possibilit di utilizzare una macchina radiocomandata. Inoltre c’ la possibilit di montare con gli stessi pezzi un altro set le cui istruzioni si possono trovare sul sito Lego.
    Per farlo funzionare servono 6 pile stilo e 3 mini stilo non comprese nella scatola.


  96. BridgetteFalcon says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 168 From Our UsersI’m a huge fan of LEGO, especially Technic, which I have loved ever since I was given the original Technic helicopter back in 1979 or thereabouts. I still buy and build a lot of Technic sets, particularly the larger, more complex models.

    The relatively high price tag of this set might well lead you to believe this is one of those, but it isn’t. This is one of the newer breed of Technic sets which have started to appear in recent years which prioritise appeal to younger children, and for which the aim seems to be a quick build of something to play with once built, rather than something which is an enjoyable building experience. These sets also tend to make minimal use of the more interesting Technic elements such as gearboxes and clutches.

    The high price of this set is due to the power functions components – two motors, a switch, a battery box and a remote control. These enable you to build a remote-control tracked buggy which can be steered, moved back and forward, rotated etc. But this means that you get relatively few actual components – a couple of hundred at most, of which the majority are pins and track elements. I’m an experienced Technic builder, but even so, this took me well under 45 minutes to build from scratch.

    If what you want is a remote-control buggy which has a degree of buildability – but which won’t frustrate the child who is desperate to play with the buggy, then this is probably just what you want. But if you are a fan of actually building LEGO, and learning about mechanics from the use of Technic components, this set really isn’t for you, and the enjoyment you derive from it will not be reflected in the high price tag.

    As long as you know what you are buying – a quick build experience and then something to play with when assembled – then this is fine. But a “serious” Technic fan may want to look elsewhere.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For a seventy-quid-ish Lego set this buggy-tank-thing is a little on the small side, with only 85 steps needed to build it, but it’s the power functions that bump up the value. 6 AA batteries (not included) can provide a surprisingly rapid wheel spin that makes this thing race along the floor at a surprising pace- certainly faster than the Lego Batmobile remote control thing we built last year. On its plastic caterpillar track it rattles and clinks its way at speed into furniture, feet, pets, anything!

    It zips along so fast that, thanks to the rear wheel drive and back-heavy weighting, it really does do wheelies a lot of the time. The caterpillar track doesn’t get a lot of grip on polished wooden flooring so it skids quite a bit as well. This isn’t a precision-driving machine, like a Big Trak or (to a lesser extent) the more easily controllable Lego Boost 17101, or anything like that- this is a bash-and-crash, wheel-spin-friendly fun toy, and there’s no shame in that.

    It’s built like a tank and will withstand a full speed hard impact into a wall. It’s very durable, save for a couple of the details- such as the wing mirrors or the aerial, which perhaps not coincidentally are the most vulnerable bits on full-sized vehicles as well.

    The instructions also contain a rare case of an error- in step 52 you’re told to attach the cable from the receiver to the main battery pack, yet in step 51, it’s shown already attached. Errors in Lego instructions are quite rare so my daughter was quite pleased to spot this one, strangely enough. Otherwise it took under three hours to build and didn’t afford much of a challenge, but it did provide an opportunity to do a quick physics lesson while we were at it.

    Down the line I’m sure that we’ll end up borrowing the battery pack, the receiver and the motors from this and using it to build our own design instead- it might even be possible to extricate the power function bits and keep the chassis of this mostly intact, but I haven’t tested it. A remote control powering Lego motors is always very welcome of course.

    It does seem just a touch pricey for what you get, but most of that is really the power functions. If you like building, but you also like a bit of bashing and crashing- or there’s a younger brother involved who’ll get a lot out of that- then it should be a bit of a hit.

  98. JannieMcDonell says:


    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our Users…aber besser! Wer den Tracked Racer mochte, wird diese verbesserte Version lieben. Es erwartet dem geneigten Kufer 2 L-Motoren, anstatt der beiden M-Motoren wie beim Tracked-Racer und die neuen wunderbaren groen gelben Kettenrdern, die natrlich aufgrund ihrer Gre Geschwindigkeit bringen, welcher der Tracked-Racer auch ein wenig vermissen lie. Es ist ein groartiges Modell und sollte fr LEGO Technik Fans ein Must-have sein.

  99. Nate Freeman says:


    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersDas B Modell gefllt mir persnlich besser aber das heit nicht das das A Modell schlecht ist.
    Zum A Modell kann Ich nur sagen, es ist sehr schnell dank der 2 L Motoren und dank der heck lastigkeit geht es vorn immer hoch.
    Zum B Modell, es ist langsamer aber fhrt dadurch auch viel kontrollierter. Es kann besser Steigungen berwinden und ber Hindernisse fahren.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fun little kit to build. Great introduction to Power Functions. Had loads of enjoyment out of using it so far and will no doubt try building the B model too.