LIFX Colour Pack of 2, A60 1000 lumens [E27 Edison Screw] Twin Pack, Billions of Colours and Whites, Wi-Fi Smart LED Light Bulb, No bridge required, Works with Alexa, Hey Google, HomeKit and Siri [Energy Class A+]


Hands on

The App is simple, but advanced when you need it to be.


…or hands free.

Forget the app and use your voice, schedules, or assistant routines to control the lights while you relax.

Weight: 130 g
Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 10.8 cm; 130 Grams
Brand: LIFX
Model: HB2L3A19LC08E27IN
Part: L3A19MC08E27
Colour: White
Pack Quantity: 2
Batteries Required: No
Manufacture: LIFX
Colour: White
Quantity: 2

46 Responses

  1. ElvisCansler says:

     United Kingdom

    The product is wonderful, mobile and siri integration amazing. The app is a bit slow on responsiveness. I have been following Lifx for over 4 years now.
    Am not so sure about the 1000lm brightness as it seems a bit less brighter than the 800lm Phillips bulb that I replaced it with. However, it works perfect for the room.

  2. BasilSousa says:

     United Kingdom

    I love the product and the how I can control it via an app. However I would prefer if the colours where a little stronge

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    simple to use connected to ipad to change colours would recommend

  4. Jeff Dunn says:


    Tenia ya dos Philips HUE white ambiance y ahora he aadido esta a la misma lampara y ninguna diferencia en tema de brillo o de respuesta a los comandos. Dira que incluso es ms bonita pues tiene un diseo ms clsico que las Hue.

  5. DeanHammack says:


    Cost un poco establecer la conexin con alexa pero lo conseguimos

  6. NorineMayberry says:

     United Kingdom

    Has great integration with apple HomeKit and is very bright. Works very well and app is very well created has lots of colour options and scenes/modes

  7. ArronRaymond says:

     United Kingdom

    Alexa integration is a surprisingly good bonus feature I wasn’t expecting to use so much. I actually got this light with the intention of having a nice early sunrise type wake up.

    Admittedly it is a little bit of a faff to set up for sunrise. A real sunrise starts off with a low redish tinge and takes time to progress to full daylight colour.

    I’ve found by setting up 3 different fade ins you can get this effect quite well and I’ve personally found it really helps me wake up in those dark winter months of the UK.

    Overall I love all the colour options, the light is in a reasonably small form factor for a WiFi light which helps, and seems pretty sturdy.

    I do think Lifx need to work on their sunrise protocol so it can fade gradually through the visual spectrum from red through to bright daylight. Maybe this can be a future firmware update …. lifx?

    Wake up

  8. Anonymous says:


    Es ist genau das, was ich gesucht habe – funktioniert einwandfrei

  9. Judson1005 says:


    La consiglio, i colori sono molto belli e la luminosit sempre soddisfacente. L’app semplice e intuitiva, e permette la programmazione dei colori della luce a diverse ore del giorno

  10. Tania González says:


    Ich hab n neuen Router bekommen und das war ein sehr aufwendiger Akt das Licht mit dem neuen Router zu verbinden, aber ansonsten top. Ah und die app find ich nicht so nice

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo accessorio per Alexia. Con il programma possibile in qualsiasi momento cambiare il nome alla presa.

  12. Henry Catchpole says:

     United Kingdom

    I am very happy with this wifi light – I now use this light at my entertainment area. Easy to install and works very well with Apple Home Hub. I have a home pod set up and is very fast with voice commands. Automated functions and voice control works really well. The LIFX app is very well made, different colour modes and themes make it a really great product to use. Would highly recommend.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great buy.
    Requires a separate app though but easy setup.

  14. EmilioRoughley says:


    Klare Verbesserung im Bereich Helligkeit und Farben als die Vorgnger mit schneller und verbesserter Reaktionsgeschwindigleit.
    Leider aber immernoch Probleme mit der ersten Verbindung bei der Einrichtung mit WLAN 6

  15. Anonymous says:


    Bonne ampoule je l’ai achet en promo l’application qui est avec et clair et bien pens Alexa la reconnais bien elle a une bonne puissance d’clairage comparer d’autre ampoules moin cher c’est la seul ampoule dans mon salon de 22m2 et fond elle claire trop que du bien dire !

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBislang habe ich nur die Philips Hue Produkte verwendet. Dann bin ich ber YouTube auf LIFX gestoen da diese Produkte fr HomeKit keine Bridge bentigen. Auerdem sollen Sie farbintensiver wirken. Auf Grund dessen habe ich mit bei BlackFriday diese Konkurrenz bestellt und ja… ich bin begeistert.
    1. Einfache Installation. Keine Probleme gehabt. Alles einfach und schnell. Lediglich knnte die App etwas besser sein. Hier ist Hue besser.
    2. Gute Verbindung. Viele berichten von Verbindungsproblemen. Bislang reagiert bei mir alles flssig und schnell. hnlich bei Hue braucht die ein oder Lampe mal 10 Sekunden, aber das ist ja normal, gerade wenn viele Gerte auf einmal geschaltet werden durch Szenen.
    3. Farbe und Helligkeit. Absolut begeistert. Die Lampen sind gerade im Farbmodus deutlich heller und somit auch krftiger wie Philips Hue.
    4. Verarbeitung. Sie wirkt hnlich hochwertig wie bei Philips Hue.

    Overall wrde ich diese Birnen zuknftig der Konkurrenz bevorzugen. Aktuell berlege ich sogar nach und nach die Hue auszutauschen, da mich die Bridge nervt. Mittlerweile stehen bei mir die Aqara, Hue und Bosch-Bridge rum. Am liebsten htte ich gerne alles nativ in HomeKit… Aber das wird voraussichtlich noch nichts, da Hue einfach die grte Produktvielfalt fr Auenbeleuchtung usw besitzt.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Wirklich sehr gute Glhbirne. Tolle starke Farben die einem auf 100% Helligkeit die Augen weglasern wenn man direkt hineinsieht.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto molto buono ma caro. Poco rapporto tra qualit – prezzo

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good mood lighting sets the room off nice would recommend i

  20. EllisGantt says:


    Trs bonne affaire dans le cadre d’une promo avec un Echo Dot mais sinon l’unit, les ampoules sont chres! Nanmoins, au bout d’une semaine d’utilisation, je trouve que l’installation a t relativement simple (installation de l’appli de la marque avant de la relier Alexa) et que la luminosit est plutt meilleure que des marques concurrentes.

  21. TobiasArmstrong says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve got a few Lifx bulbs in the house and needed one for my office now the evenings are drawing in. I wanted something fully adjustable in terms of brightness and colour. This just simply does the job.
    Very easy to setup and link into the app.

    Highly recommended!

  22. Anonymous says:


    j’ avoue que j’ ai un peu galr pour la configuration, mais aprs quelques tentatives Alexa me commande cette ampoule au doigt et l’ oeil.
    Les varits d’ intensits et coloris sont infinis , rend une ambiance au gr de l’ humeur du jour.
    Trs satisfaite du rendu.

  23. QuyenKrimper says:


    Messe in una lampada a doppie lampadine belle le varianti di luminosit prezzo ottimo sicuramente le aggiunger anche nella camera

  24. Anonymous says:


    Por 11 en l pack de oferta con Alexa echo DOT 3 es un precio ideal, pero no es lo habitual. La calidad de entrada parece ptima, la garanta de ser Philips. La recomiendo mucho si ests comprando un Alexa Echo Dot, pues es compatible 100% y es una funcionalidad muy chula con Alexa.

  25. Emilio93Vv says:


    Fcil instalacin y configuracin a travs de la app de la marca. Controlable por Alexa. Ahora puedo tener en el saln distinto tipo de luz he intensidad. Sin duda comprar ms de sta marca

  26. FawnBostick says:


    Ero poco convinto per via delle recensioni negative, ma la luce si collega facilmente, molto luminosa e fa il suo dovere smart.
    L’unica cosa nel configurarla non rileva il qr code, bisogna inserire manualmente il codice che si trova dentro alcuni ( non tutti) i manuali delle istruzioni

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Only connects using 2.4GHz and not suitable for a router running 5GHz so can not operate this light using my Alexa

  28. KarolinASUI says:


    El producto es correcto, tal y como indica la descripcin. Cuesta un poco parejarlo con Alexa y estara bien que tuviese alguna opcin ms en la activacin mediante un echo dot. La aplicacin para Android que se instala es bastante completa e intuitiva

  29. DarrinMathews says:


    Bombilla con una potencia mas que aceptable.

    La compr con la oferta del pack de Echo (3 gen) + Bombilla por 30 y creo que es muy aceptable tanto el altavoz como la bombilla.

    Se sincroniza bastante bien con la app y de momento no ha dado problemas de ningn tipo.

    Seguramente vuelva a comprar el pack si lo vuelvo a encontrar a ese precio, ya que las bombillas de este tipo ms parecidas y “baratas” son las de Xiaomi y con el pack, estas salen mejor.

  30. SylvestDasilva says:


    Ho acquistato questa lampadina insieme al mio primo Amazon Echo per dare alla mia casa una prima impronta di tipo Smart

    Arrivata con tempistiche diverse rispetto al dispositivo Amazon Echo, non ho potuto fare a meno di addentrarmi nell’abbinamento alla sua app dedicata LIFX.

    Premetto che per l’abbinamento a lifx , necessario “montare la lampadina”, ed una volta accesa eseguire la sequenza off – on – off – on – off – on – off – on – off – on (spegnerla ed accenderla 5 volte ) dopodich la lampadina si spegne per un attimo e poi emette 3 colori in sequenza ( questo il segnale che la lampadina si trova in modalit abbinamento )

    si procede poi andando nelle impostazioni del cellulare (nel mio caso iphone) e all’interno delle reti WI-Fi , selezionando la rete che riporta il nome lampadina , per poterla configurare.

    la prima cosa che chiede di collegarla prima all’app CASA installata di standard nei sistemi Ios.


    ad essere sincero inizialmente mi ci voluta un bel po’ di pazienza, in quanto , nel cercare di abbinarla, ho notato che la mia app LIFX PER IOS ( ho un iphone x ) aveva un bug molto significativo ; l’app saltava un passaggio necessario alla connessione della lampadina, ossia il collegamento della lampadina alla rete WI-Fi.

    Provo adesso a spiegarmi meglio.. Guardando i tutorial di abbinamento, notavo che all’interno dell’app , in fase di abbinamento della lampadina, a differenza degli altri a me non veniva chiesto a quale rete volevo fosse connessa la lampadina e la relativa password della rete, questo faceva si che, anche una volta rilevata la lampadina, l’app non riusciva a connetterla. ( NB. HO PROVATO IN SEGUITO A COLLEGARLA AD UN TELEFONO SAMSUNG, E NON MI HA DATO ALCUN TIPO DI PROBLEMA )

    Questo inizialmente mi ha portato ad utilizzare la lampadina solo con l’ausilio dell’app casa, e comunque ero molto soddisfatto del risultato ( attraverso i comandi vocali potevo accenderla, spegnerla, cambiare colore, cambiare intensit, e anche a creare qualche automazione del tipo quando dicevo a siri che stavo uscendo di casa , spegneva automaticamente la lampadina) … Insomma, UNA VERA FIGATA .


    in generale, UNA VOLTA CONNESSA, la lampadina non mi ha mai dato alcun tipo di problema, se non ( solo inizialmente e solo un paio di volte) che siri mi diceva che la lampadina aveva problemi di connessione e non poteva accenderla.. a quel punto mi rendevo conto che non rispondeva perch il cellulare si era collegato automaticamente alla rete a 5 GHZ mentre per il suo funzionamento (almeno inizialmente) necessario che il cellulare sia collegato alla rete da 2,4 GHZ.

    dopo qualche giorno di utilizzo, sempre andato tutto liscio e riuscivo a telecomandare la lampadina anche da altre stanze

    Diciamo che a parer mio , IL MASSIMO DELL’ESPERIENZA DI UTILIZZO si ha se si collega la lampadina ad alexa ( servendosi di un dispositivo intelligente quale amazon Echo ) che permette di controllarla ovunque ti trovi, anche se sei fuori casa, in un’ altra citt .

    comunque va benissimo anche se collegata alla sua app oppure all’app casa e utilizzata attraverso Comandi vocali con SIRI.

    inserisco in allegato 1 VIDEO per dare un idea ancor pi chiara del FUNZIONAMENTO DA APP ( il controllo della lampadina avverr attraverso l’App LIFX che sono riuscito ad installare solo su un telefono Android )

  31. Anonymous says:


    Da mucha luz. Muy configurable tanto en colores, como en tonos de blanco y en porcentajes de iluminacin. Muchos efectos luminosos disponibles. La respuesta es rpida y funciona muy bien con Alexa.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Impresionante la cantidad de tonalidades capaz de recrear esta bombilla y ademas completamente integrada con Alexa.
    Todo un acierto.

  33. WNEP Web Staff says:


    Mucho juego de crear distintos ambientes a travs del movil

  34. JoycelyDowell says:


    Sono veramente soddisfatto di questo acquisto. tutto bello, facile da installare e funziona bene con Amazon Echo. Scelta economica per chi vuole salvare il pianeta.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Todo prefecto, pero el precio es elevado, pero buena bombilla, yo la pill con echo dot 4 rebajada y muy bien.

  36. TonyJacobson says:


    Es un buen producto, a mi la aplicacin de android del movil para interactuar con la lampara me va genial aunque en los comentarios de la aplicacin nola ponen muy bien, yo la he conectado a la primera y responde bien a los cambios de luz.
    La lampara pesa mas de lo normal en una bombilla de este tamao entiendo por la tecnologia wifi que llevar integrada nada preocupante

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent bulb that works very well with Homekit. Very bright and I’ve had no issues whatsoever using the Apple Home app. Their own app is also very nice. Would happily buy again!

  38. Anonymous says:


    Un trs bon rapport qualit prix vraiment ! Seul bmol elle ne se contrle pas la voix via Alexa. Le gros plus, la gamme de couleur est tout simplement incroyable et les options multiples. Mais via l’application du fabricant…

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works with apple home kit without the hub as well!

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It was easy to set up and integrate with Alexa and Apple Home app. Has various colours to choose from without moving a finger. Just ask your digital assistant. You can set routines and different scenes easily.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSie lsst sich super ber die LIFX App steuern, auch unterwegs! Die Farben sehen sehr gut aus. Wer Probleme hat bei der Einrichtung sollte die Lampe 5 mal an- und ausschalten damit sie sich resettet. Preis ist absolut fair und viel unkomplizierter als bei den berteuerten Philips HUE.

  42. EkoustiQ42 says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s my second Lifx bulb, I plan to buy more. good stuff if you like gadgets

  43. FloreneBaskervi says:


    El precio caro. La instalacin muy fcil. Lifx son las mejores Smartlights de todas! Colores intensos. Brillantes. Multitud de blancos, regulables incluso via escala Kelvin. Muchas funcionalidades va App

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe old version only has 800 lumens, while the new version only has 1000 lumens. LIFX Color 1000 is better than other brands of smart bulbs with the same specifications! Whether it is more color temperature selection, color saturation, or application experience, it is the best.

    The new carton packaging is the same as the US version!

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bulb arrived within a day and it was very easy to set up. I just scanned a barcode and like magic it was set up and ready to go. The inside of the box was kind of broke which confuses me.I started to think maybe it was a repacked return but the bulb is working fine so far and I’m happy with the output. When it gets bright it’s bright! Like daytime bright in my room. When I dim the light it’s still bright lol I wished the colour became more saturated when dimmed. Instead more white light seems to come through. Other than that I’m very happy with this bulb for now.

  46. JosieEswsgkitog says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersUpgraded 2 bulbs from the original 800 lumens to these new ones at 1000, in honestly they didnt make as much difference as i thought they would, If your light fixture takes more than one bulb i would just use 2 of the old 800 ones, Then the lifx app needs some serious overhall, took me 30 mins to delete the old bulbs, Removed from cloud via pc, no change, had to delete app data to complete