Samus always has her trusty Arm Cannon to hand but as she explores planet ZDR, sheâll discover additional weapons and abilities thatâll help her uncover the truth about her mission. As you freely explore the planet, youâll encounter locked doors, ledges out of reach and areas too hazardous for Samus to safely venture into. By acquiring power-ups and upgrades, youâll not only overcome these obstacles, but also discover new paths and shortcuts through the environment.
Although your time in this game maybe somewhat brief for a modern title, it sure makes up for as a masterclass in suspense and intrigue. A must for 2d metroidvania fans.
In 2022 to be able to buy a game that is complete with no download required, no bugs, and full of content is a god send and testament to the ethics of the developer. A game this good to boot that does the legacy of Metroid justice? It’s a no brainier. Buy this.
I grew up playing the original Metroid. This game is like that brought up to the modern age. Totally worth i
I liked everything about this game. Very challenging and rewarding.
This is an absolute blinder of a Metroid.
It’s hard as nails in places, but it makes the whole process so much more rewarding. The level design is tight, and the boss battles are spot on. Visually it’s a looker as well. This definitely deserves its place in your collection.
If you like super Metroid you will definitely like this game
Its Metroid 5, if you’re into Metroid that is all you need to know.
If you’re considering giving it a try I’d highly recommend it, though with the caveat that this is probably the hardest entry in the series so don’t expect it to be a cake walk.
I’ve only dabbled in the Metroid franchise but this is by far the best offering to date in my opinion. The gameplay is constantly evolving, and manages to keep the very simple mechanics interesting by teasing upgrades every 30min items or so of gameplay.
The graphics are really lovely, pushing the expectations of a 2D style game. It’s a little fiddly to see detail in handheld mode, but on TV it’s great.
My only downside is that once you complete the story, aside from collecting all the extras I wasn’t really interested in playing the game all over again. It’s satisfying first time around, but beyond that not so sure.
But it in physical format with a view to trading in after a couple of weeks.
Metroid, a great series that isn’t talked about much or given any hype as it should have like Zelda or Mario games get. But all it’s games are great, 2D & 3D. Metroid dread is a great continuation to the 2D games timeline after Metroid fusion that was on the GBA in 2002. Metroid dread is what the switch needed from a Metroid game, it plays exactly like a Metroid game would on the switch and is so much fun. You will not regret in buying this gem of a game. Good to keep your Metroid fanism ogoing until Metroid prime 4 or prime trilogy finally comes out on switch, eventually I hope.
As a user of VR, I thought my days of flat gaming were over but then comes a game like this with the classic meticulous Nintendo design. Challenging, beautiful, engaging and makes you just want to come back for more. The animation of the main character is particularly fluid. Yes, the game is difficult but I think it is one of those rare games that the challenge actually improved the way that I play and definitely has made me more proficient at platform gaming and boss battles. One of the games that I will always remember and I’m glad that I have completed.
Not as good as many of the main stream reviews had me believe. I saw this getting lots of 10/10s on YouTube etc. I think they may have been exaggerated, pretty good game I imagine more so if you are fan of the series. For me the graphics were dark and grainy, game play didn’t have the flow I expected and the sound track was a mish mash of noises. Not the best switch game but not the worse either.
Really felt compelled to write a review to balance out some of the negativity expressed in other reviews. The main complaint seems to be levelled against the EMMI sections, where instant death can occur. Whilst the areas these interactions happen are fairly large, the object is to find a route to escape quickly into the next section, avoiding contact entirely. They can be challenging, but are fair and were, for me exciting in the tension that results. The development team have looked at the current expectations of gamers, and the increasing challenge players now look for, which can add longevity and have updated amazing games like Super Metroid and Fusion well, the later serving as a prequel for this game. There’s a huge area to explore, covering 7 distinct areas, each very large and with lots of hidden secrets to find in the Metroid tradition. I’ve read several reviews comparing the boss Difficulty to Dark Souls and find this to be, frankly, ridiculous. I’m a seasoned Metroidvania player and found the boss challenges pretty intermediate, with the exception of the final boss, but I like to grind and be as powered up as possible to Boss battles. The challenge level of the bosses is far lower than Dark Souls, lower than Axiom Verge and probably comparable to the excellent Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Interesting storyline, and good nods and additions to existing Metroid Lore. It does play fast, so I’d say there is probably around 20-25 hours of content, less than Hollow Knight, but then again nothing really compares to this masterpiece. Highly recommended, and I’d love to see a follow up from the same team.
Excellent game I highly recommend this to everyone who owns a switch 10/10
Great game. Graphics are pretty good on the Oled Switch and the boss levels are hard. Takes me back to the SNES days. Hope the next one is a FPS, like the ones on the Game Cube.
Great solo game but you need to be comfortable with the Nintendo switch before you play Metroid as it is a difficult but rewarding game
Gifted this for a gamer for xmas. All he could say was it was awesome and gave it 10 stars! a must buy for gamers who want to turn on that nostalgia while using new consoles
Metroid Dread was my first Metroid game and I really enjoyed it. I’ve played metroidvanias before I always sort of ran out of steam after a while because the exploration aspect got a bit frustrating to me after a while. Somehow, the regular upgrades to abilities and the beautiful areas in the game always kept me excited about what would come next. The set of skills you earn gradually make Samus a formidable and nimble character that makes traversing the world a breeze. Moreover, by the end of the game I was regularly fighting fairly challenging enemies, but I found I could learn their moveset and react to them fluidly because of both the new abilities I had acquired and the way the game had made me learn how to use them. It’s the sign of a very carefully constructed player progression arc that is very hard to get right.
If I had to point out a flaw, it’d be that some of the moves are a little complicated to execute at speed. I would often find myself unable to execute a particular sequence of actions as I intended. Somehow my intuition about how the move should work and the dynamics of them in the game didn’t always line up. I did manage to master this more or less over the game though and considering the breadth of skills I imagine it was difficult to map them all onto sensible controls. Besides these particular difficulties, Samus moves around very fluidly and is a joy to constrol.
Finally, when you unlock enough abilities, the game becomes a sort of puzzle game based on the abilities you have. I would really recommend getting 100% of items to experience this element of the gameplay, because you could easily miss it. You will likely need a guide though as some of the capabilities of Samus aren’t obvious, especially regarding the nuances of the speed boost.
Getting all the items and completing the game took me about 15 hours. That might not sound a lot for the cost of the game, but it felt like the perfect amount of time for me when the credits rolled.
I was waiting for this game for a long time and boy it definitely doesn’t disappoint the graphics are brilliant on the switch the controls work to perfection the game play boss fights shooting mechanics are spot and and I’m enjoying every moment of playing through this game I would extremely highly recommend this game and it’s one of my favourite games for the switch to date
I used this product to play Metroid dread. Very good game. Thankyou
Arrived in good order and good time not opened it as it is a pressie.
The gameplay and movement is phenomenal.
The bosses are super challenging and fun.
The game is very open, doesn’t force you in a straight line like fusion and other M.
The soundtrack is a little lacklustre, not gonna lie.
But everything else makes up for it 100 times over.
Well worth my 45
I loved loved loved this game!
As a huge fan of the metroid series and having played every game, I’m seriously having a hard time deciding which is my favourite between this one and Super Metroid! It’s that good!
If you’re a fan of the 2D Metroid titles then you’ll fall in love with this game
11/10 energy tanks
Well done Mercury Steam
It’s Metroid. Samus has gotten a good bit quicker on her feet than she was in Super Metroid, but feels good to leap around with blasting stuff.
There are some decently fiendish shine-spark mazes for missiles and such. Power-ups come in an unexpected order (you get the morph ball surprisingly late)
The EMMI sections are kinda fun but do wear out their welcome a bit. The actual EMMI fights at the end of those sequences are kinda great. You’ve got a temporary enhanced cannon and have to melt the robots’ faces off with the particle beam before hitting the exposed core with a charged shot. The timing on those sequences is really satisfying.
The cat-and-mouse gameplay where you’re in the EMMIs territory and can’t hurt it but it one-hit kills you if it catches you can get a bit rep
One of the finest games to be released on switch. As a long time fan of the series its a dream come true. It runs really well, looks great with some top quality animations, controls fluidly, has epic boss encounters, and overall is a fantastic experience from start to finish. This all comes from a dev team that know what they’re doing with the genre as their level design is from the top draw.
Please be aware however that this is not an easy game. This is not the usual nintendo family friendly stuff. This game is challenging, mainly in its E.M.M.I. and boss encounters. However its always a fair challenge. The bosses have patterns to learn and the E.M.M.I. are brilliantly tense to deal with. Also the game is generous with checkpoints, so you won’t be kicked back to the save room either.
Finally, and I really don’t like doing this, but please be aware of reviews from OC35 and Edward W here. Everyone is going to have their own experience with the game of course, but these reviews in particular make some false statements about the game. I recommend watching YouTube videos if you are really unsure, but this is most definitely a must play.
Hope this helps
Great game if a tad repetitive but the bosses are just at the right difficulty level to keep you coming back for more.
for all the one complaining about it being hard, get rekt noob!! thats how metroid games are supporsed to be. now trying a run for less than 4 hours.
I never played Metroid before but delivered what was expected in a game like this. Very pleased with the graphics, controls and overall atmosphere is the worlds and story.
If you own a switch and are considering getting this game, I would say it provides a very good experience overall, I really enjoyed the game. There are a couple important considerations to have in mind.
Metroid Dread is a hard game. Not in general but the boss fights are hard and will require several attempts unless you are used to very fast, agility focused games.
Metroid Dread is not a very long game. I had a hard time with some bosses and enjoyed exploring to try unlock all items and this took me around 12 hours. This is not much for a game nowadays – not necessarily bad, could be refreshing especially if you are tired of those never ending 40+ hour games.
That said I recommend this game, had a really good time playing it and was a great introduction to the Metroid saga and its lore.
It’s a great game and it arrived very quickly in good condition.
This is easiest the best Metroid title since Prime and a worthy continuation of the franchise. 100% completion takes 10-20hrs depending on player ability and there’s replay value to unlock additional play modes and extras. Would have liked to see better Amiibo integration though
Fantastic, challenging fun. Metroid is back after 20 years. The game that put Metroid into Metroidvania.
I’ve been playing Metroid since GameCube, and I’m SUPER happy to see Samus return.
The game is almost perfect, next to zero bugs, or noticeable framerate issues. Graphicly it looks really nice ( I played on Switch Lite ), and the sound/music is spot on.
My first issue is the difficulty spikes – I’m happy with a challenge, and most enemies are every well balanced, however, the bosses ( especially towards the back end of the game ), can be EXTREMELY hard – I’m talking Sekiro hard ( which I’ve beaten ). You will NEED to be pixel perfect with the timing of attacks, counters & dodging, anything less and you die – its that simple.
Next is the controls, for the most part there good, but could do with some tweaks IMO. You aim by holding L, and the tilt the left stick, and for rockets, hold L+R and then aim the left stick… WHY NOT JUST USE THE RIGHT STICK TO AIM? If you could use the right stick to aim, you could simply press their L or R to fire laser/rockets as needed. This issue mainly comes up during boss fights, when there is so much happening on screen, and you have to press/hold so many different combinations of button while dodging attacks it becomes somewhat overwhelming – especially on a small screen.
I would still HIGHLY recommend this game, just with a warning that it can get frustrating at times…
Graphics & sound 5/5
Level design 5/5
Controls 3/5
Story 4/5
Difficulty curve 3/5
Metroid Dread is an overall fantastic game. The music, gameplay, story, atmosphere, it’s all there for you to take in and enjoy. There are only two downsides to the game that I have to mention however.
The first one, is the fact that you will be getting lost quite a bit. Throughout your time playing the game, you will absolutely reach a point in which you are not sure where to go, what to do, etc., I tried to tough it out for a few hours before giving up and checking out the part I was stuck on YouTube. This is fine, however, you do reach a certain point where you’ll be pulling your hair out trying to figure out what you missed or where you need to go. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but as I stated it becomes a little bit annoying when you spend hours trying to figure out what to do next.
Finally, the only other downside is the controls. They’re not bad, but also not great. You will master it within a little while of playing, but it does feel like you have to be very precise when jumping, shooting, etc., it’s not at all a downside but it’s also something which takes a little while to learn.
The graphics are gorgeous, the aliens are creepy and fun, and the E.M.M.I. robots who relentlessly pursue Samus really do explain why it’s called “Dread”! Definitely had my heart pumping.
It has quite a high difficulty level from early on, so this will not be a great choice for young children or inexperienced gamers. But the game is designed with lots of checkpoints so it’s not too frustrating if and when you die.
Use of map, items and controls are all intuitive once you get the hang of it, and there is a nice balance of gameplay complexity and storyline which keeps you interested.
I haven’t liked a game this much since Breath of the Wild and would highly recommend it to any Switch owners who like action/ adventure games.
All in all though top game from nintendo when they try, if anyone from nintendo reads this by some miracle tell them to stop selling mobile games on the switch focus on these good games