NOXTON 4 Burner Gas Cooker, Built-in Stainless Steel Gas Hob with Flame Out Protection, Cast Iron Pan Support, NG/LPG Ki

NOXTON gas cooktops range features a stylish, modern.
Thick stainless steel surface that is easy to clean.The stainless steel base ensures a black burner and black iron support at home, ensuring your hob is safe and sleek.
The gas hob has four accessible knobs which independently change the temperature of the hob ring. Each hob ring has a power range, giving you complete control over how food is cooked. This means you can easily cook a variety of dishes at the same time and change the temperature to best suit your dishes.
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Flame Out ProtectionPulse ignition is fast and reliable. Use an automatic and feature thermocouple protection, safe grates. Also flame out protection device (FFD) installed on each burner. | Burner NozzleThe product comes with gas convert kit and other small part. Replace the burner nozzles to match different gas supply. | Interchangeable ElbowAccording to the instruction to replace the elbow to match different gas supply. |
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4 Versatile BurnersThe gas cooktop comes with 7.8 KW power equipped with four versatile burners. Rapid burner 3.0 KW Semi-rapid burner 1.75KW * 2 Auxiliary burner 1.0 KW | Knob ControlWith automatic ignition, the gas hob is very easy to use. Simply turn the knob to ignite the gas, saving you time and effort. | High EfficientEach burner distribute even heat to meet a variety of cooking demand. Such as braise, fry, stir-frying, roast, steaming, boil, melting, etc |

Weight: | 11.2 kg |
Dimensions: | 59 x 51 x 9.3 cm; 11.2 Kilograms |
Brand: | NOXTON |
Part: | PF640STX |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
elle est trs jolie et pratique, mais j’ai prfr la faire installer par un professionnel, j’en suis contente et la conseille
La plaque est trs fine et il en est de mme pour les couvercles de brleurs.
Pas d’instruction pour les gicleurs mais ceux installs par dfaut taient trop gros donc remplacer par les autres fournit avec.
Installation assez simple en remplacement d’une ancienne plaque.
Fonctionne trs bien pour une plaque a ce prix, reste a voir la dure de vie dans le temps.
buon prodotto rapporto qualit prezzo , facile il montaggio, bello esteticamente e funzionante bene .
Di negativo il nastro da porre tra il top ed il piano cottura sottile poco adesivo e poco funzionale, consiglio comprare mastice apposta per piani cottura.
Schn, robust, tut seit Monaten was es soll und schnell geliefert – was will man mehr?
Ho aspettato a recensire l’oggetto perch volevo verificare certe caratteristiche.
Bell’oggetto, esteticamente aggressivo e di buona qualit
Preferisco la disposizione a rombo, ma gli spazi sono buoni e le griglie, in ghisa pesante, sono piuttosto alte. Alcuni tipi di cottura (es: moka) possono risentirne nei tempi, ma la sensazione di solidit controbilancia tranquillamente questa inezia.
Vediamo alla caratteristica pi importante: la qualit dell’acciaio. Ottima. Basta un panno umido per pulirlo perfettamente. 5 stelle inox.
contente de cette plaque pour le prix (142e) par contre 4 casseroles en mme temps , pas possible pas assez large
Es bleibt ein Rtzel warum dieser Fitting nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist.
Ebenso passen die mitgelieferten Ersatz-Dsen fr Proban-Gas nicht den vorgeschrieben ntigen Werten, so dass mit den Pobangas-Dsen nicht die gleichen Brennwerte erzielt werden knnen.
Die Bedienungsanleotung ist sehr drftig, vor allem wenn man auf Probangas umrsten will.
Das Blech des Gas-Kochfeldes ist ziemlich dnn, aber ausreichend.
Misure perfette, Ottimo piano cottura arrivato con tempo previsto dalla consegna e con tutti componenti compresi i riduttori GPL e metano
Installato con facilit. Se avete il classico tubo del gas con fascette (quello da cambiare ogni 4 anni) necessario un adattatore non presente in confezione. Una volta posizionato ( presente nel kit anche il mastice) e collegato alla corrente, ha funzionato perfettamente. Da tenere conto che la parte sottostante del fornello scalda parecchio; quindi, se avete un cassetto o qualcosa sotto, tenetene conto. Le fiamme sono omogenee e fanno parecchio calore verticale, anche pi di quello che mi aspettassi. Per il prezzo sono soddisfatto. Rispetto ad altre recensioni non si rigato e la pulizia tutto sommato semplice o comunque nella norma. Le griglie sono sicuramente in ghisa.
Beautiful item & good value – must be made in China etc. Great quality. Fitted in a new worktop yesterday. Worked fine so far (need to knock the wood, and did seem to have a capable gas engineer).
Particularly surprised by its leaked gas auto-off function. If the flame is blown off and gas is still out, the hob auto stop the gas leak after exactly 20s – not sure how it achieved it, but tested it a few times this feature seems working. Slightly impressed for a 135 low-cost utility with such advanced feature.
Delivered fast and on time, next day delivery. The true story was I order a Boche Gas hob of 305 and paid for delivery but didn’t arrive, so chose this one on the night and it was delivered to our home next day – Wow. Whatever people saying about Amazon – it works for its customer, and it’s generation ahead of Argos delivery.
Im Gert sind Dsen fr den Betrieb mit dem Erdgas in den Gren 1,3 und 0,97 verbaut. Auf den Dsen, die fr die Umrstung auf das Flssiggas beiliegen, stehen die Gren 0,86 bzw. 0,65.
Erste Frage, die man sich stellt: welchen Druckminderer brauche ich?
Eine Recherche im Internet hat ergeben, dass die Umrstdsen bei 30 mbar mit dem Flssiggas in etwa dieselben Leistungswerte wie die Verbauten mit Erdgas liefern.
Also braucht man einen Druckminderer auf 30 mbar.
In der Bedienungsanleitung ist die Regelung der kleinen Flamme falsch bebildert und beschrieben.
Fr die Regelung muss man jeweils einen Knauf abziehen. Mitten im Gashahn ist ein Loch gebohrt. Dort passt ein max. 2 mm breiter Schraubenzieher rein. Er muss mindestens 5 cm lang sein. In diesem Loch befindet sich eine Schraube, ber die die kleinste Flamme eingestellt wird. Siehe Bild.
Da ich keinen solchen Schraubenzieher hatte, habe ich mir einen aus dem Endstck einer Antenne gebastelt.
Im Ganzen ist es ein ordentliches Gert, wenn man wei, wie man es richtig in Betrieb nehmen und einstellen kann. Ich hoffe, dass ich dem Einen oder Anderen mit dieser Rezension Zeit gespart habe.
Auch ohne Strom lsst sich das Kochfeld betreiben. Man muss dann halt das Gas mit einem Feuerzeug anznden, da die eingebaute Zndung Strom bentigt.
Very happy with this, it’s replaced an induction hob which was a dreadful old thing.
Great to be cooking on has again!
It looks good, controls are at the front, the double burner is at the front (makes sense but they aren’t always positioned there) and is a lot more powerful that I was expecting.
So far no negatives, would recommend!
Gazinire que je recommande , les casseroles ne glisse et ne bascule pas sur la grille. Elle se nettoies bien sans laisser trop de trace. 1 point ngatif le gros feu a du mal se dclencher.
Well pleased with this unit. it came with the jets for propane butane. beware the holes are different sizes, two of them are the same and the one with the large hole goes on the large ring.
I love the eight spoke arrangement and that pans do not tip over (my previous hob had only four and pans could easily tip over.
slight black spot engrained in the surface of the appliance,but not worth the faff to return it.
Well, I shopped for weeks to find the right gas hob.
I was after the burners being in the same positions as the old hob. I wanted the heavy cast pan supports, I think these heavy supports are safer too, a pan is less likely to slide off these. The largest burner has 2 rings of gas, one inside the other and a much broader surface area which is designed especially for a wok, and having tried it out now I found it pretty amazing. It held the pan securely for two handed stirring and mixing because it actually sits inside the pan support and stays there and me being disabled I can get into quite a mess trying to hold the pan still.
I was a little worried about the fact that it’s made in China but the gas engineer says that a whole load of branded hobs are actually made in China.
The hob: It looks great, it works well and it’s very very affordable, 10/10
pour allumage grand bruleur modification sur facebook sinon exelent produi
facile da installare e di buona fattura, per ora funziona benissimo
facile da installare e di buona fattura, per ora funziona benissimo
Great value for your money looks good works very well
Gas hob fitted to replace electric induction very good with sturdy pan rests
Very pleased with this has hob. Very sturdy and easy to keep clean, would definitely recommend
Der Herd ist jetzt seit einem knappen Monat in Betrieb und funktioniert super. War aber auch ein langer Kampf…. Fr die Montage sollte auf jeden Fall zwecks Versicherungsschutz eine Fachfirma hinzugezogen werden. Die mitgelieferte Dichtung war leider nicht dicht und es msste eine neue aus Graphit besorgt werden. Ein Tipp fr zuknftige Kufer: vor dem Bestellen mit der Produktbeschreibung zur lokalen Fachfirma gehen, da fr den Versicherungsschutz die Herdleistung mit dem vorhandenen Raumvolumen hochgerechnet werden muss, ob die Montage dann berhaupt zulssig ist. Htte in der Artikelbeschreibung mit stehen knnen. Deswegen und wegen der Dichtung einen Stern Abzug.
It looks great, very tidy and functional. Very happy with this product. Xx
Tutto ok.
Come accessori sarebbe utile aggiungere uno snodo ad L in prossimit dell’attacco del gas per facilitare installazione nei vari modelli di cucine componibili.
Tutto ok.
Come accessori sarebbe utile aggiungere uno snodo ad L in prossimit dell’attacco del gas per facilitare installazione nei vari modelli di cucine componibili.
A differenza di qualche recensione negativa io ho trovato il prodotto perfetto. Funziona perfettamente anche nella accensione dei fornelli
A differenza di qualche recensione negativa io ho trovato il prodotto perfetto. Funziona perfettamente anche nella accensione dei fornelli
Ottimo piano cottura . Avendo il fuoco grande e la doppia corona in alto a sinistra , permette di aver pi pentole sul fuoco anche se si tratta di 4 fuochi . Ho avuto il problema con il primo piano cottura ma il venditore ha prontamente sostituito L’ articolo
Looked good. Not yet fitted but sure it will fulfill our needs.
exactly what i was looking for, works great in my camper van. works perfect with LPG jets which are supplied
I love it just wipes clean. Was a perfect fit.
Bella e buona…comoda e sicura..
Usare dei guanti da lavoro perch ci si pu tagliare nel montarla..
La base in acciaio bella e robusta ( non si riga facilmente ) anche la griglia in ghisa ben fatta
unico piccolo neo usando il fuoco pi grande si scalda un p troppo il pommello di accensione
La base in acciaio bella e robusta ( non si riga facilmente ) anche la griglia in ghisa ben fatta
unico piccolo neo usando il fuoco pi grande si scalda un p troppo il pommello di accensione
utto . rapporto qualit prezzo prodotto regolati i minimi fiamma. ottime griglie ghisa 8 denti
Il fornello grande e della parte esterna quindi dissipa meglio il calore. Le manopole sono in unangolo dando piu espazio ai tegame
Need a reasonably priced replacement for old hob., Looks good sturdy construction ,
Easy to clean ,nothing negative to say about this produc
Prodotto molto buono, arrivato prima della data di consegna prevista. per arrivato fornito di presa inglese.
Disposition des feux trs agrable, de bonne qualit. Vendu avec embout pour durite gaz. Penser changer la prise car celle fournis est non europenne.
Disposition des feux trs agrable, de bonne qualit. Vendu avec embout pour durite gaz. Penser changer la prise car celle fournis est non europenne.
I had two sent me but they did not fit so I sent them back, hopefully I have had my money back
Hold down clamps could be better, apart from clamps it seems to be well built and works great.