OTTOLIVES Star Projector Night Light 2 in 1 Star Galaxy Projector & LED Nebula Cloud/Rotatable Ocean Wave Projector with Remote Control & Bluetooth Music Speaker for Kids Adults Bedroom Decoratio

Weight: | 590 g |
Dimensions: | 16.9 x 16.6 x 13.1 cm; 590 Grams |
Brand: | OTTOLIVES |
Model: | BL-XK01 |
Part: | BL-XK01 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | OTTOLIVES |
Colour: | Black |
Meine Tochter liebt den Projektor.
Er ist vielseitig und versetzt das Kinderzimmer in unterschiedliche Stimmungen.
Prodotto di buona qualit gli effetti sono molto belli proiettore luminoso. consigliato
Ich habe das Gert als Geschenk gekauft und das Geburtstagskind hat sich sehr darber gefreut und nutzt es auch nach ber einem halben Jahr noch sehr gern.
Selbstverstndlich ist der Sternhimmel, der entsteht nicht mit einem Echten zu vergleichen, aber er sorgt fr eine gemtliche Stimmung. Es gibt sehr viele verschiedene Einstellungsmglichkeiten und jeder findet etwas fr sich, was er gern mag.
Die Fernbedienung funktioniert nicht sehr gut und muss sehr gezielt genutzt werden und gut auf das Gert ausgerichtet sein, um zu reagieren, was aber verzeihbar ist.
Der Ton bei der Rotationsfunktion ist etwas laut, strt aber nicht extrem und man kann ihn ganz gut ignorieren.
Der Lautsprecher, ber den man sich per Bluetooth verbinden kann, klingt etwas nach dem Klingelton eines sehr alten Handys, allerdings ist das ja auch nur eine schne Nebenfunktion und sollte daher nicht verurteilt werden. Die Soundqualitt ist daher sicherlich nicht mit einer JBL Box vergleichbar, reicht aber aus, vor allem wenn man den Preis beachtet.
Ich kann das Produkt nur weiterempfehlen und wrde es wieder kaufen.
It was a gift for a friend and she is absolutely happy with it! The only thing she told me was that it was a little hard to place it where the lights could be used in the best possible way, because her room has high ceilings.
Ich habe es eine Freundin geschenkt und she is sehr glcklich damit! Das Einzige: sie hat mir gesagt, dass es ein bisschien schwer ihn zu pltzen war, wo die Lichter am besten genutzt werden konnten, weil ihr Zimmer hohe Decken hat.
Bought this for my nephew and really pleased how easy it is to work, the colours are really bright and there are many combinations to choose from, well worth the money
Bought for my son’s bedroom. It gives of a variety of beautiful colours and lights. Very effective.
Bought for a Xmas present for granddaughter and she loves it.
Purchased as a gift which was very well received. My friend loved it!!
Great and comes with a little remote to control remotely.
Creates a lovely ambience
Trs bonne appareil sauf qu’il faut vraiment bien viser avec la tlcommande et fait pas mal de bruit sinon il est vraiment sympa et change l’ambiance de votre chambre.
Ich liebe ihn! Die Bedienung ist super einfach. Die Helligkeit ist super er verbindet sich sofort mit dem Handy spielt die Musik toll ab. Ich nehme ihn berall mit in den Urlaub und im Bad darf er bei mir auch nicht fehlen. Absolute Entspannung
Brought for niece for Christmas and we all loved it. Magical, calming lights. Very relaxing to watch.
This is just gorgous , would definitely recommend, my friend has ordered one for her pub
Amazing little machine. You have to get the controller in the correct place to use it and takes some time when clicking certain buttons but the actual machine is amazing. My daughter falls asleep every night start gazing and it’s so relaxing half the time I start falling asleep just giving her bedtime cuddles. Fab buy
Das Licht ist sehr schn, nur rattert es ziemlich laut, wenn es sich dreht, um die LED Lichter an der Decke zu bewegen.
Simple and effective item. Played with it briefly so to make sure it worked. My daughter loved it when I showed it to her. Anymore details will be added later via edits to the product review
Premetto che ne ho gi un’altro (a sx della foto) perfettamente identico ma di marca diversa, comprato in negozio ad un prezzo superiore. Dal confronto Ottolives ne esce nettamente vincitore almeno per queste caratteristiche:
1) Maggiore luminosit sia del colore di sfondo, sia delle stelle (pi nitide e di dimensioni diverse)
2) il meccanismo di movimento silenzioso a differenza dell’altro
3) il movimento di colore che simula l’acqua decisamente pi marcato
La qualit globale migliore, consigliato.
Great for all ages solar like night light very relaxing all different colours and moves looks like water I have bought 3 others as gifts for newborn babies
Ni peintures ni papiers peints , envolez vous durant quelques minutes vers une voie lacte ! Chez vous !rsultats impeccables si vous choisissez des murs blancs !
I bought this for daughters room and she is happy with it.
Teenager loves this in her room, just what she wanted
Ma fille est trs contente
Fonctionne la perfection
Trs jolie avec un bon rendu
Has a usb lead and it’s easy to use and can change the pattern and colours with the remote
Searched through a lot of these and the reviews and finally decided on this one, it’s amazing after testing I bought 2 more for presents and everyone loves them real good value for money and has so many different options compared to other pricier ones I was looking at.
Buon prodotto, buona luminosita e belli gli effetti.
Unica pecca, era preferibile che si potesse ricaricare tramite usb…in modo da poterlo posiozionare nella posizione ottimale in centro stanza senza bisogno di cavetto usb per alimentarlo
I was a bit skeptical of this when I saw it on a friend’s gift list, but when I got it out to test, I was very impressed with the overall effect.
It creates a wide star field effect on the ceiling with an overlay of gas clouds/distant galaxies. It looks pretty cool and the blue light is very relaxing.
There are no fans etc so it is completely silent and runs off a usb connection so you can use a powerbank to run it if you want.
It has a speaker built in so you can play music via Bluetooth. I found this a little tinny but it’s a nice to have, and would be perfect for quiet ambient music to create an atmosphere, just don’t get any ideas about using it for a loud party!
I’m sure my friend will love it.
Very nice lighting. Very easy to use with the remote control. Our baby loves it. Great brightness .
I would definetely recommend this to anyone who would like smt like this. The remote feels a bit cheap but it does the thing so what can you want more? It comes with a little instruction manual so things are quite clear and easy. The only disadvantage might be that it’s not cordless but can’t say it bothers me that much. I’m a happy costumer with this one.
**Update: This is absolutely amazing. The moment it’s on I want to sleep don’t know if you guys have the same experience
I bought it for a sleepover party. It has different settings, including moving ones. It lights up the ceiling and walls beautifully with many little coloured stars. Has gone down a storm!!! My daughter uses it too put when she just wants to chill and listen to music in her room.
Would absolutely recommend this! Fantastic gift for all ages (from 3 year olds – to older teenagers- young and maybe adults ! (I may have borrowed it a couple times) Bargain price too.
Farbkollise ist super. Klingt auch vom Sound nicht schlecht. Nur leider kein Netzteil und keine Mglichkeit fr Akkus.
C’est trs jolie et donne des effets de lumire super sympa.
Ma nice a ador mais a cass la vitre bomb des le premier soir. Heureusement que je bricole…
Objet poser dans un coin soigneusement et ne pas mettre au sol 😉
bon reproduit bmol l’orque l’on met le projecteur en mode rotation a fait un bruit assez drangent et le contrle distance de la tlcommande est pas top il faut vraiment diriger la tlcommande sur un point prcis sinon a ne fonctionne pas
Parfait pour crer une ambiance dans la chambre. De plus le contrle distance et le fait que l’on peut programmer une dure pour que l’appareil s’teigne rend l’appareil plus intressant.
The remote is so easy to figure out, and once set up your whole ceiling is filled with beautiful colours
Love all of the different functions and modes available and covers majority of ceiling and surrounding wall
I was skeptical, but this is brilliant. Lazer spots are so bright. Its like you have LEDS in the ceiling.
Comprato per un regalo, mi aspettavo ci fossero pi possibilit di scelta tra “onde” e laser, per esempio il laser ha solamente il color verde, non si pu cambiare, invece la luce soffusa ha vari tipi di colore, si pu collegare tramite Bluetooth il cellulare e trasmettere musica, ma non ha una batteria, quindi va per forza collegato vicino a una presa,se non si vuole fare un regalo troppo costoso per il prezzo va benissimo.