Peradix Kick Scooter for Kids Ages 8+ and Adults, 4 Adjustable Height Teenagers Scooters, 200mm Big Wheels Foldable Scooter, Set for Childre

kick scooter

Why Choose Commute Scooter Nowadays?

Do you feel uneasy when you are in a crowded group on the way home or to the office because of recent special events?

Do you want to have your own transportation but do not have money to spend on a car?

Do you want to do exercise but busy stuff drives you crazy and you do not even have time to get relief?


It’s time to upgrade how you get around! Peradix commuter scooter is of quality materials, portable designs, and affordability.

You can have the most fun on two wheels while still looking like an adult.

It also saves money and time on your daily commute to and from work.

Kick scooters offer excellent, low-impact exercise that works all core and leg muscles at once. On flat ground, a kick scooter burns more calories per mile than cycling and fewer calories per mile than walking. You can do exercise without going to the gym!

stunt scooter

  • Wheel size: 200mm/7.88″, Larger wheels is of better rolling efficiency, it can get longer glide distance per push.
  • Deck size: Larger deck is easier to step on and off the scooter, generally more comfortable.
  • Deck height (distance from the ground): It is one of the biggest, but least known factors influencing the comfort of a kick scooter. Increased stability with lower center of gravity. The lower the deck, the more comfortable it will be to push the kick scooter.
  • Folding mechanism: Peradix chooses one click folding system, enables you to fold or unfold the scooter easily and quickly without getting hurt.
  • Bearing Quality and Rating: ABEC-9 Bearings, the higher the bearing rating, the higher the performance, and 9 is the highest.
  • Suspension (shock absorbers): More comfortable on rough or uneven surfaces.
  • Other attachments: Kick stand, handle bell.

one-click folding system

The Biggest Difference Between Peradix Kick Scooter & Other Brands

  1. Peradix commuter scooter’s handlebar is of all-in-one design, you do not have to worry that the handlebar will fall off when you get a violent impact or suddenly stop the scooter.
  2. The one-click folding system ensures safety during riding or when you are trying to fold or unfold the scooter. The foot-operated system might cause an accident during riding if you uncarefully step on the button. And the bolt system might hurt your fingers.

Peradix has successfully solved the above issues after a 2-year study on producing customers the most economical but of best quality scooters!


Weight: 5.43 Kilograms
Dimensions: 101.5 x 86 x 44 cm; 4.8 Kilograms
Brand: Peradix
Model: SCT001
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Peradix
Age: Adult

41 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Monopattino perfetto per un bambino come il mio di 6 anni,robusto sicuro visto che tutto ferro e nn plastica!

  2. LorrainMeece says:


    My son loved it. Was easy to put together and came with the tools to do so.

  3. linshoes43 says:


    My 7 year old daughter loves this. Lightweight and easy to assemble. Seems pretty sturdy.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ottima fattura e robustezza, ottimo il manubrio a pezzo unico.

  5. BillyHansen says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSo far, I’m happy with this scooter. I’m 5’3″ about about 165lbs and have no problem riding this. It is adjustable for bigger kids and larger adults, as well. It was easy for me to assemble. It is a pretty smooth ride and I like that it has shocks. You can really get going on this, so you’ll need a helmet. There was not too much of a learning curve for me. It’s pretty easy to hop on and go. It seems very sturdy. I don’t have much use for it being collapsible but if I needed to, it does so easily. My kids are too small for this currently and I got it to ride along when they ride their own scooters and bikes. This should definitely hold up to transition to the kids as they get bigger. I find the kickstand useless.

  6. dahida says:


    Articolo testato grazie al programma vine, messo alla prova a lungo durante i mesi pi caldi fino all’arrivo del freddo. Arriva in una confezione, ripiegato e da assemblare parzialmente, manca da montare il tubo dello sterzo e quello delle manopole, oltre che il piccolo cavalletto, ma in 5 minuti sar pronto per essere utilizzato. Sono rimasto meravigliato dalla robustezza generale del prodotto, oltre a sorreggere pesi di ben oltre 100 kg non si scompone minimamente. Le ruote hanno un diametro notevole, gli pneumatici di gomma rigida hanno anche il battistrada disegnato, a differenza di quasi tutti i concorrenti che le hanno lisce. La pedana antisdrucciolevole e questo garantisce la stabilit di marcia. Il freno, posteriore, il classico parafango che esercita pressione sulla ruota, efficiente. Nel manubrio troviamo anche un piccolo campanello, sempre utile. Chiusura a scatto tramite una leva posta sotto il piantone del manubrio. Soddisfatto del prodotto, qualit prezzo ottima.

    Veramente robusto

  7. Erika Brooks Adickman says:


    Environ 113 pour cette petite trottinette bien sympathique. Le prix est correct pour une trottinette trs pratique.
    Bien sr elle n’est pas lectrique, mais c’est aussi ce qui fait son charme. En l’utilisant, on fait un peu de sport et ce n’est pas du luxe.
    La hauteur du guidon est rglable, donc utilisable tout ge. Le tout c’est de ne pas dpasser le poids de 100 kg.
    Le montage est trs facile et trs rapide. Tout l’outillage est fourni. Aprs, plier et dplier, tout se fait aussi trs rapidement et trs facilement.
    Avec environ 5 kg, elle est transportable partout, dans les transports en commun ou la maison, elle est petite, compacte et se case partout.

  8. Mark Jansen says:


    Einen Tretroller hatte in den 70igern jedes Kind! Das ist ein “paar” Tage her, der hier ist mit dem Spielzeug von damals nicht ansatzweise zu vergleichen. Seinerzeit wre man damit der “King” der Strae gewesen ;-).

    Nach heutigen Mastben bekommt man einen soliden, gnstigen Einstiegs-Cityroller fr Jugendliche und jung gebliebene Erwachsene, der schon richtig Spa macht. Dass die Rder ein wenig leichter laufen knnten ist nicht zu verkennen, aber bei der avisierten Kundschaft – Einsteigern – eher von Vorteil: Er reagiert ein wenig trger und erleichtert somit die ersten Versuche. Die Verarbeitung ist prima, die Fahreigenschaften sicher.

  9. HudsonCameron says:


    Premetto che il primo monopattino con cui ho a che fare, quindi la mia esperienza sar quella che pu avere qualsiasi neofita di questi prodotti.

    Pensavo arrivasse da montare o comunque da fare pi di quello che in realt va fatto, infatti vanno assemblati un paio di pezzi ed pronto, in ogni caso nel pacchetto troviamo tutto il necessario per renderlo pronto.

    A livello costruttivo mi sembra molto solido e robusto, partendo dalle ruote che sono abbastanza grandi per facilitare gli spostamenti da quanto ho letto, e dovrebbero darti una maggiore velocit e una migliore stabilit, quindi probabilmente sono anche la scelta pi adeguata per chi inizia e prende confidenza con funzionamento ed equilibrio.

    La pedana come l’intera altra struttura robusta e abbastanza ampia da poter poggiare comodamente i piedi, certo non dovete essere bigfoot ma se nella media ci state; la superfice ha un leggero grip in maniera da fare aderire bene il piede evitando che scivoli.

    Il freno posto sulla ruota posteriore sembra funzionare bene, ovviamente viene vanificato nelle situazioni di bagnato, ma per lo stesso funzionamento del tipo di freno.

    Come primo monopattino direi che ha una buona qualit.
    Lascio un po’ di foto.

    Il mio primo monopattino

  10. Anonymous says:


    Der Roller ist sehr solide in der Konstruktion, das Brett stabil, der bergang zum Lenker ebenso. Die Aufhngung der Rder macht auch einen guten Eindruck. Die Hinterradbremse greift zuverlssig und wirkt ebenso stabil. Etwas anflliger und weniger solide sieht m.E. die Federung des Vorderrades aus. Bei einer Belastung mit fast dem vollen Gewicht kommt sie frher oder spter an ihre Grenzen. Hier htte es noch etwas Stabileres gebrauch – oder gar keine. Der Aufbau ist superleicht: Lenker anstecken, los geht’s. Schn ist der kleine Stnder, sodass der Roller allein stehen kann. Die Trittflche reicht bei einem Erwachsenen tatschlich nur fr einen Fu (bequem), wer also lnger rollen lassen will und mit beiden Beinen drauf stehen, braucht einen lngeren. Da es kein E-Scooter ist, sehe ich da keine Gefahr. 😉 Die Rder selbst laufen gut und frei, auf Asphalt natrlich etwas besser als auf Pflaster. Aber auch dort sind sie durch ihre grere Bauart gegenber kleineren im Vorteil. Die Verarbeitung ist gut, ohne berragend zu sein. Der Preis ist mit derzeit rund 100 Euro dafr ein klein bisschen zu hoch, finde ich. Die Konkurrenz nimmt 20-30 Euro weniger.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPremetto che non amo particolarmente i monopattini a spinta perch utilizzano ruote piccole (poco stabili) e non sono in grado di reggere pesi importanti.
    Questo modello invece di un livello decisamente superiore! A partire dalle ruote che penso abbiano un diametro di 9-10 pollici, la piattaforma sufficientemente lunga e larga per consentire di mettere entrambi i piedi (utile in discesa) ed dotato di ammortizzatore anteriore.
    Il montaggio decisamente semplice, visto che arriva pre-assemblato, basta montare l’asta del manubrio (regolabile in 4 altezze) ed il manubrio.
    Nella scatola vengono forniti gli utensili necessari al montaggio.

    Una volta montato ho potuto verificare la capacit di carico (dichiarato di 100KG massimi) e nonostante io pesi circa 82 KG il monopattino non ha fatto la minima piega, merito sicuramente dell’utilizzo di alluminio e acciaio di ottima qualit.
    Il peso totale di poco superiore ai 5 KG lo rende facile da trasportare e grazie alla chiusura a scatto risulta anche molto compatto, ideale per essere caricato nel baule dell’auto.
    Viste le “future” normative sulla circolazione pu essere una valida alternativa ai monopattini elettrici.
    Come detto all’inizio la piattaforma sufficientemente lunga per ospitare due diedi senza alcun problema e grazie al trattamento antiscivolo le scarpe restano ancorate molto bene.
    Il freno, ottenuto premendo il parafango posteriore sulla ruota abbastanza potente per fermare il monopattino in spazi ristretti, meno se usato per frenare in discesa.
    Davvero un ottimo prodotto, che trasmette una sensazione di solidit e robustezza mai riscontrata in prodotti simili (ad esclusione dei modelli elettrici) e con una bella capacit di carico il tutto ad un prezzo decisamente buono!

    Spero che questa recensione vi sia stata utile.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Der Roller kam gut verpackt bei uns an. Der Aufbau war einfach und die Anleitung gut lesbar. Im Lieferumfang ist auch eine Klingel enthalten, die sehr praktisch ist.
    Ich benutze den Roller hauptschlich um von der S-Bahn zur Arbeit zu kommen. Das Zusammenklappen in der Bahn geht sehr schnell. Er ist schn leicht, sodass man diesen auch Problemlos mal eine Treppe hoch tragen kann. Ein Tragegurt wre noch schn gewesen.
    Der Roller ist sehr Robust und alles wirkt sehr Stabil. Die Rder drehen sich sehr leicht und es macht sehr viel Spa damit zu fahren. Der Stnder ist auch sehr praktisch, nur etwas schwergngig.
    Ich bin sehr zufrieden damit und ich kann damit einige Minuten am Tag sparen.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Une chouette trottinette noire en mtal pour enfant partir de 8 ans et adolescents / adultes car il existe 4 niveaux de rglages de hauteur qui permettent de la faire voluer avec l’ge.
    L’ensemble de la fabrication est excellente et mon petit-fils de 10 ans apprcie particulirement les grandes roues de 20 cm en polyurthane qui permettent de monter facilement les trottoirs, l’amortisseur faisant le reste.
    Sa grande stabilit est rassurante et facilite la pratique des dbutants.
    Elle est pliable et dpliable en un tour de main.
    Les roulements sont de bonne qualit et chaque appui au sol permet de prendre une grande vitesse et de rouler longtemps.
    Bien sr, elle possde un frein arrire et mme une petite bquille pour la maintenir l’arrt.

  14. ClaritaAntoine says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTEST E CONSIDERAZIONI

    Mi ha positivamente sorpreso questo monopattino che mi stato proposto di provare tramite il programma Vine di Amazon.
    realizzato molto bene, solido e con tutte le parti ben rifinite. dotato di due grandi ruote da 20 cm di diametro, piuttosto sottili di battistrada, ma che danno un’ottima stabilit e scorrevolezza sull’asfalto. La struttura robusta e il piano di appoggio per i piedi piuttosto ampio e con un buon grip.

    Il parafango posteriore ha la doppia funziona di riparare dagli schizzi e di agire come freno. Basta infatti appoggiare il piede sopra il parafango, per premerlo contro la ruota e farla rallentare per effetto dell’attrito.

    Si monta molto facilmente in un paio di minuti visto che sono solo da fissare i due tubolari del manubrio e, a questo proposito, vengono forniti tutti gli attrezzi per poter stringere le brugole presenti.
    L’asta del manubrio si pu poi ripiegare sbloccando semplicemente una leva alla base, cos da far occupare al monopattino uno spazio molto ridotto, quando lo si vuole trasportare o riporre.

    In conclusione trovo che sia un buon monopattino a spinta. robusto e allo stesso tempo scorrevole e veloce. Nonostante il coupon presente, trovo per che il prezzo sia un po’ elevato rispetto alle marche concorrenti. Spero la recensione possa essere utile.


  15. Louise says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIt is easy to install after receiving it. It has three height adjustments, suitable for adults and children. The biggest feature I like about this scooter is the large size wheels and the front wheel with shock absorbers, allowing me to ride smoothly on uneven roads.

  16. Kellie Ell says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersUna de las cosas que mas valoro en un patinete es que sea sencillo de plegar. Y este lo es!! Siendo muy fcil su proceso de cierre:
    En el bajo del patinete hay un botn, lo presiono hacia bajo, y listo! puede doblarlo y llevarlo donde quiera.

    Adems me resulta fcil guardarlo en el maletero del coche al reducir asi su espacio. Asi que para vacaciones puedes llevarte el patienete para pasear por el paseo del puerto por ejemplo.

    Podemos usarlo cualquier miembro de mi familia, ya que el peso mximo es 100kg, ademas tiene 4 niveles de altura ajustable.

    Detalles importantes a tener en cuenta:

    Posee un Amplio manillar
    Trae un Timbre incorporado
    Posee Freno trasero
    Incorpora una Pata de cabra para que asi se quede de pie sin caerse
    Sus ruedas de goma hacen que el patinete no sea ruidoso y amortige los resaltos. Por lo que puedo conducirlo en liso y un suelo mas desigual.

    En resumen: Ligero y rueda bien! No necesito ms!

    Facil transporte y buena conducción!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIt’s not a bad scooter but I think as I was riding it, the base is not long enough to put my foot comfortably on it after kicking off. It needs to be a bit longer to be more comfortable to have both feet on it at the same time. It could also be a tad wider and that will make it even more comfortable to have your feet on it but it’s not bad. The folding mechanism is a bit tough to do if there is a lot of pressure on the little bolts on the side so you have to maneuver it to get the pressure off so you’re able to fold it.

    It’s not a bad scooter but I think as I was riding it, the base is not long enough to put my foot comfortably on it after kicking off. It needs to be a bit longer to be more comfortable to have both feet on it at the same time. It could also be a tad wider and that will make it even more comfortable to have your feet on it but it’s not bad. The folding mechanism is a bit tough to do if there is a lot of pressure on the little bolts on the side so you have to maneuver it to get the pressure off so you’re able to fold it.

  18. CandraBonet says:


    Cette trottinette est d’un design sobre et lgant avec ses stries sur l’appuie pied. Elle se monte facilement grce aux outils livrs dans le colis. Elle a de bons amortisseurs, des roues suffisamment grandes pour franchir les trottoirs et une glisse parfaite mme sur les petites bosses. Le guidon est rglable et adapt toutes les tailles. Le plateau tient bien sous les pieds. Elle se plie facilement et est assez lgre pour la porter dans les transports en commun. Je la recommande vivement.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Este scooter es perfecto tanto como para nios como para adultos debido a su funcin de crecimiento del manillar, en este caso lo utilizo yo como adulto para poder moverme en las distancias cortas ya que me pareca ms til y econmico que uno elctrico.

    He de decir que me decid por este modelo despus de haber ledo muchos comentarios sobre muchos patines similares. El montaje es muy muy simple y trae absolutamente todo lo que se necesita en el paquete, que al fin y al cabo es tan solo dos llaves Allen, pero se agradece que vengan junto con las instrucciones para no tener ningn problema en el montaje.

    En total no se tarda ms de 5 minutos en montarlo. El patn trae unos frenos bastante buenos por todos los lados as como amortiguadores para evitar cadas o golpes, y una campanilla o timbre para poder pitar cuando vayamos montados. El manillar se puede ajustar hasta en 3 posiciones distintas, como comentaba antes, por lo que cada persona lo puede usar ajustndolo a su altura sin problemas. Adems, el patn en s trae bastantes detalles chulos como una cobertura para evitar que el pie se deslice en el freno.

    Ademas, trae ruedas de 200mm, un parachoques frontal, los agarres de goma y no esponja lo cual hace que sea ms seguro llevarlo. Adems se ha puesto bastante atencin a la seguridad, el manillar frontal es una nica barra que no hace falta montar para evitar que se pueda romper o desmontar mientras lo estamos usando, as como evitar que haya riesgo en cualquier zona de hacernos dao en los dedos. Reduciendo la fraccin entre las ruedas y la estructura, para que con un solo empujn se pueda avanzar bastante distancia sin fatiga. El patn se puede doblar fcilmente, lo cual es un extra para poder guardarlo en cualquier lugar.


  20. Albertina54C says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDavvero un bel monopattino, facilissimo da montare, molto bello esteticamente e poi funzionale, si riesce a camminare bene anche con un po di salita, avendo la regolazione del manubrio. Ultimo pregio si pu piegare e portare in treno. Una bella sorpresa devo ammettere. Servizio Amazon ok

  21. Thomas H. Lee says:


    Simple d’utilisation. Fait pour de l’utilisation standard.

    Le rglage permet de l’adapter l’adulte comme l’enfant.

    Pliable donc facilement transportable.

    Semble robuste dans l’ensemble.

    Prix lev (110 la rdaction de ce commentaire).

    Le produit semble bon dans l’ensemble mais le prix peut rebuter.

  22. Pat93Jstiklb says:


    Qualitt und Preis passen sehr gut zusammen.
    Hatte lange geschaut und verglichen und bin froh mich fr diesen Roller entschieden zu haben.

    Der Zusammenbau ist kinderleicht. Am Lenker ist eine Klingel montiert. Der Roller rollt sehr geschmeidig.
    Hatte den Roller auf Asphalt und gepflasterten Wegen gefahren, Resultat ist sehr gut.
    Man merkt kaum Erschtterungen und die Rder fahren sehr leicht.

    Fr Erwachsene hervorragend geeignet!

    Super Cityroller !!!

  23. StefanClisby says:

     United Kingdom

    I really recommend this scooter. It’s fast and very sturdy.

  24. BerniceOrdell says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMuy buen patinete manual valido para mi y para mi hijo. Tiene una estructura muy resistente. Se monta en 5 minutos y trae las llaves necesaria para ello. Trae un gran manillar y timbre incorporado. Sus ruedas son muy grandes y consigues muy buena velocidsd y estabilidad. Trae freno trasero y patilla para mantenerlo depie. Se pliega por la mitad para poder guardarlo o transportarlo con facilidad. Pesa poco. Un gran patinete.

    Muy manejable y ligero

  25. Maryann6190 says:


    Der Markt bietet so einiges an Roller die meist aber unbrauchbar sind. Daher ist die Entscheidung immer ein wenig schwierig und man muss sich auf die Rezensionen verlassen.
    Dieser Roller hat mich sehr berrascht. Der Preis bei derzeit 93 (mit Gutschein) ist in normalen Bereich.
    Der Roller selbst ist sehr stabil. Ich mit meinen 100 Kg hatte whrend der Fahrt keine bedenken. Einzig die Federung spricht bei meinem Gewicht sehr schnell an. Bei meiner Frau sieht das schon anders aus und bei meinem Sohn sowieso.
    Die Krpergre sollte mindestens 1,20m sein damit man auch richtig fahren kann.
    Die Reifen haben eine super Gre. Fahren auf dem Rasen oder leichtes Gelnde ist kein Problem. Hier klappert leider die Bremse einwenig. Es ist aber alles festgeschraubt.
    Der Lenker lsst sich problemlos einklappen und kann so sehr platzsparend transportiert werden.
    Die Oberflche an der Lenkerstange ist sehr anfllig gegen Kratzer. Diese lassen sich auch leider nicht vermeiden. Auf dem zweiten Foto sind die Kratzer sichtbar.

    Ich finde den Roller sehr gelungen und zu dem Preis empfehlenswert.

    Sehr guter Rolle

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My first thought about this scooter is how sturdy and well made it is and therefore understood why it was a bit pricey. If your child has outgrown the normal flimsy scooters like mine had, I would reccommend this. It still has the convenience of being able to fold up easily without comprising the sturdiness . I like the added features of the included bell and kick stand. I have good faith this scooter will last a while.

    10 year old approved

  27. Michelle Resendiz says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersI really like the larger wheels on this scooter. Compared to other kick scooters, this is WAY less sensitive to pebbles, small rocks, cracks and bumps in the sidewalk, ect. They just roll so much more smoothly than smaller wheeled variants. The smoothness with which this rolls makes it feel faster than it really is. Good for kids, teens, or adults (though it could be a tad longer for adults, especially if you have big feet). It’s also deceptively light. 5 stars.
    Totally recommended.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersThis scooter is awesome!!
    I ride it with my daughter to ride a bike, I ride this scooter. It gives me a very smooth ride.
    it easy to fold and lightweight, and it is very portable!
    It can be adjusted to three heights, and both my daughter and I can ride.
    Its direction control is very flexible, so it takes a little time to adapt.
    Really recommended i

    Review after a month of use!recommend it!!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersSo glad I got this one. It’s so easy to assemble from out of the box. I loved that you can fold it for easy storage or bring it along to the park. As described, it is lightweight , making it convenient to carry around. I weigh 150 lbs and it gives me a stable ride. I’m having fun using it around my neighborhood. I can’t wait to bring it to the boardwalk.

     So glad I got this one. It’s so easy to assemble from out of the box. I loved that you can fold it for easy storage or bring it along to the park. As described, it is lightweight , making it convenient to carry around. I weigh 150 lbs and it gives me a stable ride. I’m having fun using it around my neighborhood. I can’t wait to bring it to the boardwalk.

  30. ErmaLWEhvitb says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersThis scooter is exactly what I expected it to be. I was on the lookout for an adult scooter because my daughters love going to the park to ride theirs and I’m always so far behind but now I’m able to keep up! The scooter rides smoothly too, no jamming or anything. When I took it out of the package it was super easy and quick to put together, took less than 10 min to do so. I also love how easy it is to collapse and carry around while on the go at the park.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersThis is a really perfect scooter for an adult, especially if you are new to riding one of these kick scooters. The wheels are nice and big and glide over pretty much any obstacle in your path, and the deck is plenty large enough (for my feet at least). The scooter adjusts for height. I’m 5’4″ and the adjustment was plenty for me, plus I could see that the handlebars would adjust even more for someone taller than I am. It was also the little things for me: this scooter has a kickstand (another one I’ve tried didn’t, and yes, I like that this one has it), and it took me approximately three seconds to figure out how to fold this scooter. It was super easy, and I didn’t get the skin of my hand pinched when I folded or unfolded the scooter. I love this scooter so much and ride it in the neighborhood or down to some local shops if I just want to get out and get a couple things. Highly recommend!

  32. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersI have a number of these cruising scooters and this one feels the most solid and sturdy of them all. The frame rigidity is excellent.
    -Black color looks sophisticated and similar to electric commuting scooters.
    -Kickstand works great and uses 2 bolts to hold it securely in place.
    -Wheels are a rubbery type with some tread. A bit different than the rollerblade type polyurethane material that other scooters use. The Peradix rubber feels like it may have better grippy traction in comparison.
    -Deck size is on the smaller side. Unless you have very small feet, you won’t fit 2 feet on there. If you have large feet (>13), you may have trouble even fitting a single shoe on the deck.
    -Included bell works well.

    Assembly was a bit more difficult than other scooters because there is no guide for alignment of the post. It took multiple attempts to get the handles aligned straight.

  33. Brad Bourque says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersAs an adult, I like to ride a scooter like this. I weigh over 200 lbs, and I can ride this with no problem. It is sturdy and solid. The platform is large enough for one of my feet (size 13). I wish it was a little larger so that I could put both feet on it, but this is not so bad because I’m usually pushing with one foot. You can use a foot to press down on the brake on the back wheel to help stop. The height of the handlebars has 3 adjustable heights. The scooter is easy to prepare to ride and has a kickstand that holds it up. It is a good scooter for any age.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersAlways wanted a kick scooter- will try this one out for awhile- easy to set up and fun- great for a fun bit of outside activity

  35. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis scooter is for bigger kids and that’s great. It’s elongated with a nice footbed. The wheels are large and sturdy, ready for kickstarting. Great scooter.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our Users– Everything needed to assemble comes with
    – Instructions are needlessly complicated, it’s an easy assemble. 4 screws
    – Weight limit 220#
    – Adjustment of the handlebars is done with spring buttons, about 6″ apart

    It’s fun having a kickstand. I’ve never seen a scooter with one.

    I was made to remove the bell. He thought it was beneath his dignity. It’s not a loud one.

    Decent enough tires. The foot plate is that stuff industrial places use on stairs and such, the stuff that’s 1 grit sandpaper. I ruined a thumb nail discovering that.

    There are a couple of damage spots from shipping rubbing despite it being well-packed. See my pix. Nothing huge but it was noticed.

    It’s fun, though, and feels pretty sturdy (according to my husband, who had to “test for safety”). 5 stars for us.

    Don’t forget to use the address – It’s an Amazon program where many everyday things you buy will generate a small donation from Amazon to the charity of your choice at no cost to you. Info here:

    Sturdy, easy assemble, works well

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am really impressed with this scooter! It is really well made and feels really sturdy.
    It has large wheels that can take the weight of a fully grown man easily and the frame is solid. I really like the front suspension, as it takes the impact out of the handle bars when riding on uneven surfaces and up and down curbs. The foot rest has a really grippy surface, similar to a skateboard and makes performing tricks, such as jumps etc much easier.
    The break actually works really well, unlike the break on my sons other scooter, which is useless! The handle bars can be adjusted to three different heights and would suit anyone from 6-7 years up. My 7 year old and 11 year old have both had a go on it and found it really nice to ride.
    The bearings are really smooth too and you can really get some speed out of it, especially when going down hill! It also features a little kick stand, so it can be stood upright or you can fold it down for more compact storage.
    Very happy with this purchase.


  38. MeaganNugh says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersA gift for the child, a scooter of very good quality. Easy to install .My son has 140 pounds. This one can bear his weight and is very flexible when playing. My child loves i

    A gift for the child, a scooter of very good quality. Easy to install .My son has 140 pounds. This one can bear his weight and is very flexible when playing. My child loves i

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for myself after reading that it can be used by adults. Wasn’t sure if it would hold my weight (78kgs) but it was an absolute breeze. I specifically chose the non electric version as I can ride this without needed a permit or licence. Very easy to set up and folds away nicely. Very sturdy and the brakes are very slick so I’m really happy with the overall quality!

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This item arrived safe and well packaged.
    This is a fantastic scooter! It has a long, thin and solid foot board that is the perfect size for both adult and children to use. The handle bars are also fully height adjustable, allowing this to be setup to the exact size required for the rider each time.
    It is finished with a very cool satin black surface and decorated with an awesome looking white geometric line pattern.
    The wheels seem very sturdy and have a great size for taking on many different surfaces. It also means the wheels appear to be sticking out both front and rear, giving it a little bumper just in case. The whole scooter is very sleek looking and stylish enough that anyone of any age or size can enjoy it.
    This entire package seems like a great investment for plenty of fun times!
    I highly recommend this product.

    Sleek and stylish

  41. WarnerKilfoyle says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a phenomenal scooter for the price! I mean phenomenal! I am 21 stone and I’ve been scooting around for the last few hours without a problems or clothing! The bearings are great.. and the look of it is amazing!! My favorite part is the suspension at the front!!!

    Suspension that holds my weight!!!