Persona 5 Strikers (Nintendo Switch)

Dimensions: 11 x 1.5 x 17 cm; 50 Grams
Model: ATLA23.UK.45LE

20 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great game! However, this one is from Europe so the dlc code for the bonus content won’t work on a US account. I contacted sega and they basically said they can’t provide a new code for me, but there is a loophole. I had to make another Nintendo account on my switch that is set to the UK region. So after going to the Nintendo eshop with the new account I was finally able to redeem the dlc code and get the bonus content. Hope this helps the next buyer that is from the US or anywhere except Europe that wants to download the bonus content with the code. It is a part of what we paid for after all

  2. AnthonyGMZ says:

     United Kingdom

    Great game if you are a fan of Persona or any JPRGs

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome game! A must for persona5 enthusiasts and Dynasty warrior style game fans.

  4. David Katzmaier says:


    Product came way earlier than expected, undamaged and the seller is very nice. Thank you!!

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I will certainly buy more gifts from Amazon they are reliable & deliver when they say.
    Highly recommended

  6. MaryellCoghlan says:


    Pedido recibido en el plazo, lleg en perfecto estado y no hubo ningn problema. Hay que recalcacar que el juego es de importacin (Austria) por lo que la caja viene en ingls. El juego est en perfecto espaol (subttulos) adems de en otros idiomas. No debis preocuparos por comprar juegos de importacin si vienen de otros pases miembros de la Unin Europea o incluso de EEUU, pues siempre estar disponible en los idiomas a los que se ha traducido el juego.

    El nico inconveniente a la hora de comprarlo es el hecho de que Persona 5 Strikers es una secuela del juego Persona 5 (los acontecimientos aadidos de la edicin Royal no se toman en cuenta, es por ello que, por ejemplo, Kasumi no aparece) y Persona 5 no est disponible en Nintendo Switch, nicamente en Playstation 4. Es perfectamente jugable y no es necesario conocer los eventos de Persona 5 para disfrutar de l, pero se hace ms ameno si conoces a los personajes (Ann, Ryujii, Makoto, etc.).

    Que nadie se confunda, es un juego estilo “musou”, algo atpico y ms estratgico que otros juegos de este estilo, por lo que todo lo relacionado con subir estadsticas sociales, mejorar a los confidentes y, en definitiva, la vida social, no existe aqu.

    En definitiva, si te gust Persona 5, Strikers tambin te va a gustar. El nico aspecto negativo es el hecho de que sea un “desconocido” en el catlogo de Nintendo Switch, pues Persona 5 no est disponible en esta consola (a pesar de que “Joker” es un luchador DLC en el juego de lucha de Nintendo Super Smash Bros Ultimate).

  7. EdgardoBrunker says:


    Je n’avais pas vu qu’un nouveau jeu Persona tait sorti, j’ai vu qu’une version Switch existait j’avais fait Persona 5 Royal sur Playstation 4, mais l je peux jouer en nomades, le jeu et vraiment gnial on retrouve l’univers incroyable de Persona 5 Royal les musiques sont gniales, en plus la version bote ne ncessite aucun tlchargement je m’attendais devoir tlcharger une partie du jeu mais non c’est cool ! Moi je vous dis foncer acheter cette Madeleine de Proust, il tourne superbien sur Switch ! C’est un vrai bonbon les jeux Persona franchement ! a se prte superbien la Switch ! je sais que Persona 5 Royal tait long, parfois j’avais envie d’y jouer pas longtemps mais bon c’tait trop long de m’installer du coup j’attendais d’avoir plus de temps, l sur Switch on gagne le ct nomade on peut jouer partout comme on veut !

    Une suite géniale à Persona 5 Royal ! Magnifique sur Switch Oled !

  8. llehman says:

     United States

    I finished the game and I loved it the only thing I would say was bad is that at some points it feels Tedious because of the side missions.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This game is amazing! The story and combat are flawless! I love Zenkichi Hasegawa!!! The best new game I’ve played in years!

  10. LanceHanes says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersReally fun game. Has that warriors feel, but also has that Persona touch on the gameplay.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Despite this only being a spinoff of the much beloved cult series, there’s still an awful lot to enjoy about this enjoyable romp.

  12. gepnobara says:

     United Kingdom

    One of the most creative and thoughtful sequel/spinoff there is. I’m so glad how it turned out.

  13. Dana Rousmaniere says:

     United Kingdom

    [no spoilers] [check 2nd last paragraph for switch version (above summary)]
    this game is an action rpg spin-off, it is also a sequel to the original (not royal) persona 5. as it’s a spin-off, the price may look steep but i promise it’s worth it – as it’s an entirely new game with a new story, new combat, new characters and brilliant voice acting from the original persona 5 cast + more.

    The main story has themes of societal corruption, pursuing your true self and having to save others, which are synonymous with the rest of the persona franchise.
    For SMT: Devil Summoner fans, this game is a good intro to the persona franchise, however, i’d advise that you’re at least familiar with the basics of Persona 5 as this is a sequel. The reason im saying this is because Persona 5 Strikers (p5s) is an action rpg, like the devil summoner series, it involves the use of demons (or Personas) in combat. The combat maintains certain features from persona 4/5 including ‘1 more’, ‘all out attacks’ and showtime attacks from persona 5. However, the style of combat is actually most similar to the warriors games as it is co-developed by koei tecmo. Even though the combat is similar to warriors, it’s not exactly a ‘persona 5 warriors’ per se – moreso a persona game, with the turn based combat replaced with action through the use of combos, melee and long range damage but most importantly – persona skills. pressing and holding the right bumper will bring up a menu in which you can use your persona (equipped demon, which you can collect and fuse to make stronger demons. similar to pokemon, but megami tensei – persona’s parent franchise did it first. more on this later) to cast spells to attack, buff, debuff, heal and inflict ailments. in MegaTen games, buffs, ailments and debuffs are much more useful than other rpg’s, as they have much more effect and inflicting the right ailments will allow you to get technical attacks which deal additional damage, all these mechanics come with weaknesses you can exploit with most demons/personas in this game – exploiting these will help you deal loads of damage and makes you feel like a pro when you pull off a devastating blow.
    The demon/persona fusion mechanic is also present as this is a MegaTen game – it functions most similarly to Megami Tensei games from persona 4 golden onwards, with the ability to choose certain inherited skills, having a list of which personas/demons you can fuse overall making the experience to fuse the perfect persona/demon a lot less luck-based. unlike with other monster collecting rpg’s, Megami Tensei (including persona 5 strikers) doesn’t encourage you to keep the monsters (in this case Personas or demons) you collect and instead requires you to fuse them to create more powerful Personas once your current ones begin to lag behind in combat.
    Persona skills require SP (similar to MP in final fantasy/dragon quest or PP in pokmon) which is hard to come by in the early game and will be hard to manage at first – i recommend learning how to use combos, as the same three combos will cause different personas to cast different skills without costing SP.
    Joker (main character) has the ability to hold multiple personas at once, whereas the rest of the cast only have one, meaning you will need to organise your party to find out who works best in battle to target weaknesses in certain areas of the game. Using other party members to cast skills can also help Joker save his SP as he is the most useful.
    STORY (no spoilers)
    I won’t go too much into the story (only before 1st boss) to avoid spoilers, but it involves Joker and the Phantom thieves being reintroduced to the metaverse – worlds created by different people’s cognition. In here they defeat the shadow of whoever’s jail (area of the metaverse they control) to “change their heart” and stop them from taking other people’s desires so the masses do their bidding. There is an over-arching plot as to the reason people do this and it really begins to get interesting after the 3rd jail. I especially like the new character, Sophia’s character arc as well as the heartfelt story of the other new addition – Zenkichi.
    The game also has a handful of side quests which can grant you rewards and the ability to fuse more powerful personas, completing certain ones of these will allow you to unlock new game + and the merciless difficulty.

    i own this game on the switch and im surprised at how well it runs. by no means is it as good as the ps4/5 and pc editions, but for a switch game it’s incredibly solid. The frame rate has only slowed when ive played in handheld mode, specifically when a mass of enemies appears, when i’m performing an all-out-attack or using a skill with a detailed animation at the same time as inflicting an ailment. The models have a lower resolution which can bother some people, if you’re unsure i suggest looking up a demo on youtube.
    Very fun, action rpg and a worthy follow up to the original persona 5 with a detailed plot, interesting and slick mechanics – cried at the ending.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Possibly one of my favourite JRPGs in a long time.

    The performance isn’t great on the switch but it never stopped me playing or made me want to stop.

    The story is gripping and paced reasonably well.

    And the music, like all Persona games, is amazing. I’d recommend the game just based on that alone.

  15. Dan Ginn says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersPersona 5 is arguably one of the best video games I’ve seen, but unfortunately never got around to playing as I don’t own a PS4. With that in mind, I decided to give this spinoff/sequel a go and I was not disappointed!

    Taking place a few months after the main game’s story, the Phantom Thieves are planning their summer vacation, only for it to be postponed due to a resurgence of Shadows similar to those they fought before. But what could be behind this turn of events, and can their new friend Sophia be the key to solving it?

    This is one of the more unique hack and slash formula games akin to Dynasty Warriors and it has plenty to offer for fans for Persona 5. Definitely would recommend adding this to your Switch library!

  16. KristiAstudillo says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI loved this game it was fun but id really love for the main P5 game to come over hopefully this sells well enough for atlas to finally wake up and realise this

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI love Persona and the spin offs, I’ve played almost all of them, and for presentation alone, Strikers sits at the very top of pile of spin offs. The game is presented almost 1:1 how Persona 5 was, and with how the story follows on from Persona 5 it’s almost just Persona 5: 2. I’m a fan of Warriors gameplay so of course I love it, but even if you’re not as inclined as me, Strikers adds loads of it’s own bells and whistles to keep things interesting, you still have to exploit enemy weaknesses like a traditional Persona experience, there’s far more environmental attacks, exploding cars, swinging on Telephone poles and dropping chandeliers on Shadows are all great fun and insanely satisfying, you still have Technical Attacks, All Out Attacks and One More attacks for added damage and you can still Ambush a Shadow for a free All Out Attack. Each member of the Phantom Thieves plays uniquely and they’re all really fun to mess around with, new characters included. The new characters are great, Sophie and Zenkichi are both fun and interesting, far more on the level of Kasumi and Labrys than Marie, and the story itself is great fun, I wouldn’t say it’s as good as Persona 5’s story, but it’s certainly in the same area of quality. I can easily recommend this game to Warrior and Persona fans alike

  18. Kate McCusker says:

     United Kingdom

    Great game. Loved getting back to see the characters from the first game I look bed so much. Package came on release date and was in perfect condition.

  19. DoreenDavies says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely amazing game, so much fun from start to finish. On Nintendo switch the graphics are downgraded but it runs at 30 rock solid on television. On portable there are some occasional stutters here and there but nothing too distracting or noticeable. If you like JRPGs do yourself a favour and buy this!

  20. LeopoldKeyser says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersTake the classic Persona formula, mix it with something like Dinasty Warriors and this is what you get, more or less. Perhaps you didn’t see it coming…

    I find this game to be a bit more “tactical” than the usual hordes annihilation genre, because you can effectively stop the action, select the magic abilities you need and check enemies’ weaknesses.

    All in all it is a great game, with a notoriously successful IP (characters, style, music!, environments). If you have played Persona 5, don’t be put of by the change in genre because it had been well executed.

    The reason why I have scored it 4/5 is connected to 2 points:
    – the game referes frequently to what happened in the original P5 and the crew meets at the beginning of the game, assuming that you know what happened before. I believe that this may make little sense for someone who doesn’t know what the Phantom Thieves are… in essence, you should really play P5 first, before starting Strikers.
    – the game is a bit heavy on the story/text side. Whilst this is perfectly fine for an RPG, it might be heavy to digest for someone who is expecting an Action/RPG experience. The game mixes fighting parts with dialogues and story progression. Sometimes the second is just a bit too long.

    I would still absolutely recommend the game, instabuy for P5 fans. For anyone else, play P5 first.
    One last surprise: graphics and performance are good on Switch. No particular glitches nor stuttering even during crowded battles. This makes the Switch version my preferred one as I can play in handheld mode.