Philips UV-C Disinfection Desk Lamp for Home, Indoor, Hotel and Travel. [Energy Class A+]

UV-C Lamp
UV-C Lamp
  1. UV-C Lamp
  2. UV-C Lamp
  3. UV-C Lamp
UV-C Lamp
UV-C Lamp
UV-C Lamp

Weight: 1.32 kg
Dimensions: 35.4 x 17.5 x 16.4 cm; 1.32 Kilograms
Brand: Philips UV-C
Model: 929002473101
Part: 929002473101
Colour: White
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Manufacture: Signify
Colour: White
Quantity: 1

56 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Uno dei migliori acquisti che io abbia mai fatto, non so dire se sterilizza davvero, ma non credo che philips venda prodotti fasulli. L’oggetto esce tiepido dalla scatola, segno che “qualcosa” avviene, comunque io mi ci trovo bene, c’entra il mio iPhone, tranquillamente occhiali da sole molto grandi e anche portafogli da donna (non so se un modello diverso da quello dell’utente che afferma che non entra nemmeno un portafoglio da uomo).

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this lamp. You have couple settings. It would be good to have 1hr setting. Motion sensor works good. Sensor will turn off lamp once you in the view of the lamp. It will give you voice message when interrupted or finished cycle. Easy to use

  3. Jorge Jimenez says:


    Nonostante non sia un prodotto ingombrante pi capiente dei prodotti della stessa categoria.. molto semplice da usare basta premere un solo pulsante ed attendere che smetta di lampeggiare! a differenza di tante cinesate qua parliamo di Philips e la qualit maggiore si percepisce (anche se parliamo di un oggetto interamente in plastica ma non da l’idea di essere qualcosa che si rompe al primo utilizzo..)

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It is a nice bit of kit. Well packaged. Feels great with brushed metal.

  5. Christopher Jasper,Siddharth Vikram Philip says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I got this box after the bulb went out on my other one. This ones better and was less price wise than the first one I had. I bought it to sterilise my babies bottles and it’s soo fantastic!! It fits about 5 mam 260ml large bottles ( if you keep the metal basket in without it you’d definitely fit more bigger ones) then about 3 small mam 160ml bottles under the basket or if your using tommee tippee bottles you can fit 2 full size 260ml bottles due to it being wider. I tested the uv strength with a uv light strength detector and this definitely is strong enough to kill bacteria. The dry function can get quite hot which I like the only thing I would say is I wish it had a 10 minute dry function option due to it being soo hot my glass bottles dry in no time! Apart from that I absolutely love this box.

    Absolutely love this box!!

  6. Anonymous says:


    Sto restituendo il prodotto non perch non funziona, ma perch in famiglia non ci siamo coordinati e ne abbiamo acquistati tre, quando ce ne serve uno solo.
    Attenzione per al packaging perch la scatola Philips risultava tutta sbiadita, come se il prodotto fosse stato gi usato.
    Do 4 stelle per via della confezione.

  7. MarciaBertles says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Useful size, very easy to use and sterilises on a short 10 minute cycles. Love it!

  8. MiltonFexhm says:


    Die Box ist wirklich toll fr alles, was man stndig berhrt! Handy, Schlssel usw, alles lege ich regelmig in die Box zum sterilisieren. Es gibt mir in diesen Zeiten ein gutes Gefhl. Ob es tatschlich hilft, kann ich nicht sagen, aber der Glaube daran hilft mir persnlich!

  9. Leandra4041 says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersHabe mir das Gert gekauft, da es in Zeit von Corona echt Sinn macht. Leider ist der Platz fr mein Samsung S21 Ultra echt eng, und Ich bekomme das Smartphone nur angewinkelt in das Gert.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    No substitute for the daily washing of BiPAP/CPAP masks and tubing but excellent for quick drying and disinfecting. Highly recommend

  11. Anonymous says:


    Piccolo ma contiene comunque uno smartphone. Ottimi i supporti in plastica che mantengono gli oggetti sollevati dal fondo, consentendo alla luce di agire anche sulla parte sottostante degli oggetti. Il led si trovano solo sul lato. Lo sterilizzatore si disattiva nel caso il coperchio viene aperto.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Having bought and regretted buying a cheaper UVC lamp (returned to Amazon), I ordered one of these. I must say it feels a lot safer to use than the original one. The in built safety works well and the voice instruction is a great feature, as is the motion detector. The light is very robust and I feel very effective. The Philips brand name gave me more confidence in the product.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Premetto che lo sterilizzatore non emette alcun suono o parola, durante il funzionamento lampeggia il pulsante d’accensione, quando poi finisce il ciclo di trattamento la luce rimane fissa e dopo un paio di minuti s spegne completamente. Il filo (piuttosto lungo) per caricare da un lato attacco C e dall’altro USB, manca la spina per la corrente

  14. GiselleAQGG says:

     United Kingdom

    I trust Philips quality. At first I thought I had a faulty one, after several try and error, I realize the machine is ultra sensitive. Any single floor movement even if outside the door, the machine would stop. If you leave the room alone and not to walk near by, it does it’s job.

  15. Marty Greenwell says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAvevo paura che i miei telefoni non ci stessero ma in foto vedete l’iphone xs quanto sta largo, ci sta pure l’iphone 12 pro max quindi su questo aspetto si pu stare tranquilli!
    Ci si pu inserire anche chiavi, portafoglio se non enorme o carte che solitamente maneggiate.
    In dotazione ha un cavo usb da attaccare ad una normale porta o caricabatterie e con un type c nel senso del box, 1 metro di lunghezza.
    Una volta collegato rimane accesa la spia blu per due minuti per far capire che appunto si acceso, poi va in standby e si spegne. Per usarlo basta inserire l’oggetto all’interno, chiudere e premere il pulsante, inizier a lampaggiare per 8 minuti e poi si spegner, a quel punto potrete rimuovere l’oggetto. Se aprite per sbaglio prima la luce UV-C si spegner in automatico.
    Consiglio: per i telefoni, separate cover e telefono. Con tutti gli altri oggetti, cercate di esporre maggiormente le superfici ai led laterali.

    Ricordo che disinfeziona solo le superfici e non sanifica!

    Mini Box - Più spazioso di quanto sembri

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    V well made. Smell ozone afterwards. Does the job nicely with plenty of Star Trek warnings!

  17. nichhola says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersGreat item, ideal for sanitising, keys, jewellery, watches, mobile phone. Make sure you never press the ‘dry’ button for electronic/battery items. Reading instructions, it will damage your phone. So this button is out of bounds for me.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersNon avendo trovato recensioni esaustive ho ordinato l’articolo sperando di sterilizzare le mascherine oltre che piccoli oggetti come descritto. Il problema che davvero troppo piccolo! Amo Philips da sempre ed ho casa piena di elettrodomestici di questo marchio, quindi ho acquistato il mini box sulla fiducia.

    Purtroppo le uniche mascherine che si inseriscono bene per avere una sterilizzazione garantita sono quelle kids! Come potete vedere dalle foto assolutamente inadatto per le ffp2, quelle chirurgiche da adulto ci stanno solo ripiegate col rischio che la luce uv non arrivi nelle pieghe.

    Anche per il classico portafoglio maschile troppo piccola o inutile perch ci sta solo chiuso (quindi come per le mascherine dove non arriva la luce non sterilizza). Quelli da donna solitamente sono pi grandi e ingombranti dei portafogli maschili quindi non ho neanche provato.

    Per sterilizzare il telefono perfetto, abbiamo inserito un redmi note 8 pro e ci sta preciso, naturalmente da sterilizzare senza la cover!
    Nota positiva: il poco ingombro che lo rende trasportabile ovunque ed utilizzabile anche in auto grazie alla ricarica usb.
    I materiali ed il design sono di qualit come per tutti i prodotti Philips.
    La parte interna del mini box vero che di plastica grigia ma prima della plastica c’ un rivestimento di acciaio.

    Conclusioni: considerato il limitato utilizzo del mini box e il suo alto costo (quasi 60 euro!!!) non mi sento di consigliarlo, sempre che non lo vogliate utilizzare solo per chiavi telefono e poco altro magari acquistando a un prezzo scontato.

    Mini box sterilizzatore Philips

  19. HildegaMacdouga says:

     United Kingdom

    Motion sensor very sensitive
    There is a distinct smell after use- suppose let u know the room been done?
    So far so good

  20. BlythePonytailParades says:

     United Kingdom

    It works good, however, I never know when it has finished! I have to guess the time always. If it can connect to my phone with wifi and apps and let me know when it finishes the job, I would be happier!

  21. AdelaidaDas says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    For an UVC Lamp, you need to set expectations. It’s only going to sanitise the surface area the light is shined on, it’s not going to reach 3 meters and beyond and It’s not going to take seconds.
    This lamp is for those who don’t want to use sanitiser gel on every object all the time. Or for those who don’t have the time. It’s a fantastic piece of kit and very well made and sturdy. The extra cable length comes in handy for harder to reach places and the voice guidance is user friendly. It’s great for peace of mind.

    If you want to concentrate on a specific area of a room, I would recommend moving the lamp at a different position and tilting it to reach more UVC light coverage.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For an UVC Lamp, you need to set expectations. It’s only going to sanitise the surface area the light is shined on, it’s not going to reach 3 meters and beyond and It’s not going to take seconds.
    This lamp is for those who don’t want to use sanitiser gel on every object all the time. Or for those who don’t have the time. It’s a fantastic piece of kit and very well made and sturdy. The extra cable length comes in handy for harder to reach places and the voice guidance is user friendly. It’s great for peace of mind.

    If you want to concentrate on a specific area of a room, I would recommend moving the lamp at a different position and tilting it to reach more UVC light coverage.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI purchased this brand of unit really because of the name “Philips” as they always were a very good brand. It is a bit expensive, but it is a nice unit and the protection works well (it is a bit overkill, the motion sensor being very sensitive, but that is ok).

    Whether it does actually disinfect or not I cannot say yet, but I did the “Banana” test and at a distance of 50 cm it seems to work. I wanted to perform a test using the UVC dosing cards you can buy (as someone else has done in a review), but they were expensive at around 70 for 25 cards, so I didn’t get any. It should be satisfactory for my use as I really want it to irradiate dark places to protect from mould (wardrobes and other dark places. Despite lowering the humidity, good ventilation and cleaning, I still get some form from time to time). The lifetime of the lamp is quoted at 9000 hours and on the Philips site, the number of power cycles is quoted as being 20,000 cycles. This would work out at about: 5000 lamp hours at 15mins, 10,000 hrs at the 30 min setting and 15,000 hours at the 45 min setting, so the quoted 9000 hours gives a reasonable product lifetime. Depending on usage, it should last years for me. It would seem that better than the 1 year statutory warranty could be given. Overall I am quite happy.

  24. Claudio Rebuzzi says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased this brand of unit really because of the name “Philips” as they always were a very good brand. It is a bit expensive, but it is a nice unit and the protection works well (it is a bit overkill, the motion sensor being very sensitive, but that is ok).

    Whether it does actually disinfect or not I cannot say yet, but I did the “Banana” test and at a distance of 50 cm it seems to work. I wanted to perform a test using the UVC dosing cards you can buy (as someone else has done in a review), but they were expensive at around 70 for 25 cards, so I didn’t get any. It should be satisfactory for my use as I really want it to irradiate dark places to protect from mould (wardrobes and other dark places. Despite lowering the humidity, good ventilation and cleaning, I still get some form from time to time). The lifetime of the lamp is quoted at 9000 hours and on the Philips site, the number of power cycles is quoted as being 20,000 cycles. This would work out at about: 5000 lamp hours at 15mins, 10,000 hrs at the 30 min setting and 15,000 hours at the 45 min setting, so the quoted 9000 hours gives a reasonable product lifetime. Depending on usage, it should last years for me. It would seem that better than the 1 year statutory warranty could be given. Overall I am quite happy.

  25. DarciMarin says:

     United Kingdom

    Not sure on the efficacy of the product but using it as part of my Covid clean routine. Compact, mobile, very easy to use as the unit has spoken instructions each time you turn it on.
    I think its a neat bit of kit. A little on the expensive side perhaps but if it works and my guests love the idea of it…. then its been a good purchase.

  26. KathleeXeb says:

     United Kingdom

    I used this to sanitise deliveries in a sealed porch
    Mine has no issues.
    Requires some venting after an exposure to clean the air.
    Won’t turn on if anything/one moves near it
    I got mine when the item was on sale so happy with the cost v performance

  27. Iva14Ruyuedm says:

     United Kingdom

    It works and gives you confidence when in an epidemic.

  28. Amanda Ellis says:

     United Kingdom

    Was sceptical at first but having used this lamp I’m impressed.
    Leaves the room sterile and all odours are gone
    Very simple to use, just follow the instructions.
    No chemicals or wiping everything just place in the middle of the room switch on, and leave the room.

  29. Amanda Walker says:

     United Kingdom

    Does what is says on the package – use it for classrooms and offices

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The lamp works well. Three time options – 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 45 minutes. Gives you 30 seconds to leave room. Has effective motion sensors so it will stop if someone re-enters the room.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely brilliant product. It leaves a slight smell afterwards but the rooms just feel as though they have been disinfected with no chemicals.

  32. bf in az says:

     United Kingdom

    I like this as it helps to remove any germs left about. But I also think it’s overpriced for what it is. It is very plasticky and if it wasn’t for the COVID virus being around I wouldn’t of bothered with it.

  33. GenevaAgaundo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    With all the uncertainty and worry about COVID at the moment, this item will just give that little extra bit of assurance .
    Can tell the difference in the areas this has been used straight away. A subtle cleaner smell and feeling to the room that is hard to describe.
    Easy to use even without looking at instructions as it’s voice guided when you power it on.
    Well worth the money and I would highly recommend this quality product for a germ free environment.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    With all the uncertainty and worry about COVID at the moment, this item will just give that little extra bit of assurance .
    Can tell the difference in the areas this has been used straight away. A subtle cleaner smell and feeling to the room that is hard to describe.
    Easy to use even without looking at instructions as it’s voice guided when you power it on.
    Well worth the money and I would highly recommend this quality product for a germ free environment.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This product is packaged really good.
    It kills mold and the covid19 virus
    It’s safe to use.
    It is expensive, but good safe products usually are and usually work out cheaper in the long ru

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great name you can trust. I use the lamp mainly to disinfect grocery delivery. Very easy to use. As we have a small for this it takes 15 minutes to do that. It’s easier than wiping everything.
    I’m planning to use the lamp when we go away to a cottage. Again, easier than wiping all surfaces.

  37. Karisa Langlo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBrilliant! Not only the uvc light! But also I can smell O3 it is effective can kill the gems as I checked the O3can kill the virus as well! The only thing is not good, as this modern world, why the light doesn’t have remote control! It would be great to build in a WiFi app control!

  38. Sarah Head says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBrilliant! Not only the uvc light! But also I can smell O3 it is effective can kill the gems as I checked the O3can kill the virus as well! The only thing is not good, as this modern world, why the light doesn’t have remote control! It would be great to build in a WiFi app control!

  39. SergioWinning says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI expected a good device from a company like Philips and that is exactly what I got. The device is simple to use and with the built in safety features it is a breeze to set up. If you want a UV-C device from a respected manufacturer rather than some unknown Chinese one then the is the device for you. Yes you do pay more, but frankly for peace of mind that you actually have a device that does what it says and not one that you are never sure whether it is just pretty coloured light or a UV-C device then pay the extra a be safe. I should also add that the device does not detect through walls or doors so no problem leaving device running in a room with the door closed .

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI expected a good device from a company like Philips and that is exactly what I got. The device is simple to use and with the built in safety features it is a breeze to set up. If you want a UV-C device from a respected manufacturer rather than some unknown Chinese one then the is the device for you. Yes you do pay more, but frankly for peace of mind that you actually have a device that does what it says and not one that you are never sure whether it is just pretty coloured light or a UV-C device then pay the extra a be safe. I should also add that the device does not detect through walls or doors so no problem leaving device running in a room with the door closed .

  41. DouglasCostanti says:

     United Kingdom

    It feels fragile but does what it is required to do. Nice produc

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersNice bit of kit. word of warning, the sensor is not as sensitive as one would hope.

    I stupidly forgot about it and walked into the room which it was disinfecting and glanced for a second or two at the pretty light whilst my brain tried to figure out what I was looking at. lept back out but too late. I. got “weld arc” for 2 days. uncomfortable conjunctivitis like symptoms. Exercise caution with this or any UV C lamp.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI find this product very good. It has a sleek compact design, long power lead and is lightweight. I have used it several times since purchase. I move it around to a different location each time it is used in the same room, I obviously can’t see that it kills any viruses I just have to trust that it does, I can see its effect on an area where we have a problem with mould so this reassues me that it does work, it has very good safety feature like the lock and auto shut off it it detects movement so nobody will be harmed. I do find the auto shut off is very sensitive and does see to shut off even if there is movement in the next room when in use, I just end up turning it on and sitting still in the nex t room until it had run through its cycle. The few minutes of inconvenience to allow it to do it job is a small price to pay

  44. Alejandra58L says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI find this product very good. It has a sleek compact design, long power lead and is lightweight. I have used it several times since purchase. I move it around to a different location each time it is used in the same room, I obviously can’t see that it kills any viruses I just have to trust that it does, I can see its effect on an area where we have a problem with mould so this reassues me that it does work, it has very good safety feature like the lock and auto shut off it it detects movement so nobody will be harmed. I do find the auto shut off is very sensitive and does see to shut off even if there is movement in the next room when in use, I just end up turning it on and sitting still in the nex t room until it had run through its cycle. The few minutes of inconvenience to allow it to do it job is a small price to pay

  45. FawnBostick says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHandy but wish it could be larger in size to cover larger area

  46. MollyZimmer says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe safety sensors are really sensitive, so you can’t go anywhere near the door of the room being sanitised. There’s a fair bit of trust required with uv lights as there’s no visible sign of it working.

    As a safe solution, I think this a good product. You really would want the precautions as uvc exposure isn’t advisable.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe safety sensors are really sensitive, so you can’t go anywhere near the door of the room being sanitised. There’s a fair bit of trust required with uv lights as there’s no visible sign of it working.

    As a safe solution, I think this a good product. You really would want the precautions as uvc exposure isn’t advisable.

  48. Adam Ismail says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersMy wife is officially happy now. With the kids coming back and forth, this gives us a chance to disinfect the house (safely), and minimise our risks of catching anything. Importantly, we can use for the longer-term as it helps with killing all viruses and bacteria (e.g., the “super bugs”), as we’ve a relative who’s immune compromised.

    Super straightforward to use, simple buttons and instructions. On the safety side, I tested a few times and the motion sensor always caught if someone sneaked into the room and it shut off. No issues with false motion detections in our house. The cord is super long, and lets me place pretty much anywhere in any of our rooms. Actually looks pretty nice too and is a compact size, so we keep tucked away on one of shelves in the living room, cord wraps up nicely with the velcro strap.

    Did a lot of research on this, and this felt like one of the better ones out there, and with “Philips” on the box (a healthcare company that makes machines for hospitals!), we’ve a sense of trust that this is a safe product and will last for the long term.

    Will also use in my office to give it a clean in the mornings, when I go to get a coffee. I suspect I might have to lend it to a few folks.

    Update: I like the set timer function (15/30/45min). Means I can turn on and walk away (e.g., go grab a coffee, go out of the house, go to bed, etc) and will automatically turn off after it runs a cycle. Kinda handy…

    As well, we find it useful to give our fruit and veg a scan to limit mould. My wife did a bit of research and found it was used in industry for this. Doesn’t damage the food / affect the taste and it helps limit spoilage.

    Great Product. Makes my home and office feel safer. Good brand.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersMy wife is officially happy now. With the kids coming back and forth, this gives us a chance to disinfect the house (safely), and minimise our risks of catching anything. Importantly, we can use for the longer-term as it helps with killing all viruses and bacteria (e.g., the “super bugs”), as we’ve a relative who’s immune compromised.

    Super straightforward to use, simple buttons and instructions. On the safety side, I tested a few times and the motion sensor always caught if someone sneaked into the room and it shut off. No issues with false motion detections in our house. The cord is super long, and lets me place pretty much anywhere in any of our rooms. Actually looks pretty nice too and is a compact size, so we keep tucked away on one of shelves in the living room, cord wraps up nicely with the velcro strap.

    Did a lot of research on this, and this felt like one of the better ones out there, and with “Philips” on the box (a healthcare company that makes machines for hospitals!), we’ve a sense of trust that this is a safe product and will last for the long term.

    Will also use in my office to give it a clean in the mornings, when I go to get a coffee. I suspect I might have to lend it to a few folks.

    Update: I like the set timer function (15/30/45min). Means I can turn on and walk away (e.g., go grab a coffee, go out of the house, go to bed, etc) and will automatically turn off after it runs a cycle. Kinda handy…

    As well, we find it useful to give our fruit and veg a scan to limit mould. My wife did a bit of research and found it was used in industry for this. Doesn’t damage the food / affect the taste and it helps limit spoilage.

    Great Product. Makes my home and office feel safer. Good brand.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is exactly the product I needed. I was looking for something easy to install and safe to operate and I’m glad Philips came up with this solution.

    The motion sensor gives me extra peace of mind having two kids at home, and voice notifications guide you clearly through the process.

    It’s the perfect product to sanitise rooms before you start living or sleeping in them, and the small size makes it easy to move it around the house.

  51. MargareMereweth says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAt first, my wife and I were anxious about running this, as we read that incorrect use of UVC lamps could cause harm. However, this product was really simple and felt safe to use – the voice commands were perfectly clear as they gave me confidence that I was not doing anything wrong. After pressing the button to start the routine, I left the room, closed the door, and started my own timer. When I knew the routine was over, I entered the room and the device was in lock mode. Obviously I can’t know whether there was any Covid viruses around before, but I felt safe that whatever was there before is now no more!

    Easy to use, safe, and kills viruses!

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is exactly the product I needed. I was looking for something easy to install and safe to operate and I’m glad Philips came up with this solution.

    The motion sensor gives me extra peace of mind having two kids at home, and voice notifications guide you clearly through the process.

    It’s the perfect product to sanitise rooms before you start living or sleeping in them, and the small size makes it easy to move it around the house.

  53. ChiquitMcLoud says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersAt first, my wife and I were anxious about running this, as we read that incorrect use of UVC lamps could cause harm. However, this product was really simple and felt safe to use – the voice commands were perfectly clear as they gave me confidence that I was not doing anything wrong. After pressing the button to start the routine, I left the room, closed the door, and started my own timer. When I knew the routine was over, I entered the room and the device was in lock mode. Obviously I can’t know whether there was any Covid viruses around before, but I felt safe that whatever was there before is now no more!

    Easy to use, safe, and kills viruses!

  54. Sarah Rainwater says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis really is an excellent product. As we have a vulnerable person in the family, and with the heightened need for protection from viruses, we thought we should take extra measures to sanitise our home. As the effectiveness of these lamps are invisible, I wanted to buy a trusted brand. In addition to being able to trust that the lamp’s doing what it should, you also get a solid attractive design (we leave ours out when not in use) and nice, extra features such as the built-in voice instructions, auto-cut out for safety which turns the lamp off when it senses any movement and simple operation. A decent product which is well worth the money for the peace of mind.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis really is an excellent product. As we have a vulnerable person in the family, and with the heightened need for protection from viruses, we thought we should take extra measures to sanitise our home. As the effectiveness of these lamps are invisible, I wanted to buy a trusted brand. In addition to being able to trust that the lamp’s doing what it should, you also get a solid attractive design (we leave ours out when not in use) and nice, extra features such as the built-in voice instructions, auto-cut out for safety which turns the lamp off when it senses any movement and simple operation. A decent product which is well worth the money for the peace of mind.

  56. YvonneFriese says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI already own a strong UV light and this is my third. I have been using UV light as a way of cleansing for years now way before the current covid pandemic and they are excellent in general but I needed two as we use ours several times a day to cleanse deliveries etc.

    This Phillips UV light is particularly good for families and people who are experiencing the joy of UV disinfection for the first time. There are three reasons why:

    1- The light uses a voice activation service which helps as a reminder
    2- The automatic sensor switch off function is brilliant for families or homes with pets
    3- The light is the correct strength for a home or office

    This small unobtrusive light is way more attractive then my medical grade version which I still love. But perhaps the feature I appreciate the most is the cable. The cable is very long, can be detached at base and also has a Velcro strip for keeping it tidy when using it close to a power source.

    This is not a medical grade UV lamp but is the correct power level for regular sanitizing of a home, family home, office or home with pets. I’m really glad a mainstream company decided to take this on board as with all that is going on families need to be able to sanitize areas quickly and efficiently.