Radio Flyer Fold 2 Go Tricycle, Outdoor Toddler Trike, Pink Fully Assembled, Ages 1.5-3
Dimensions: | 15.35 L x 14.76 W x 21.26 H inch |
Model: | 415PAE |
Material: | Alloy Steel |
Colour: | Pink |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 18 months – 3 years |
Assembly: | No |
Colour: | Pink |
Composition: | 51% steel, 31% plastic(PP,PA,PU,EVA,TPE),18% hardware(screw,nut,rivet) |
Dimensions: | 15.35 L x 14.76 W x 21.26 H inch |
Material: | Alloy Steel |
Lovely, well made little trike, much prettier than I expected too, very happy
Bought this for my grandson he lives it, still getting to grips with coordination but it’s very study comes assembled which was a relief, fill adjustable so hopefully it will last and his little sister will be able to use it to
My grandson loves it, its sturdy and safe and fun.
my grandaughter loves this and comes already assembled which is a plus would buy agai
Perfect fit for 2 year old toddler, decent quality as well. feels more on premium side rather than cheap plastic
Very nice trike our baby loves it. The trike came without the basket lid on the back, bit dissapointed about that. Also wondering if there is a parent handle available for purchase that goes with the trike?
It’s a little heavy for very small children but folds nicely for storage. Careful of sharp cornering as it can tip over. My 2 year old loves i
Is a little smaller than I thought, but really good
Great bike my 2 year old grandson loves it, he cant pedal yet but its great..
The bike is brilliant, looks better than on the pictures, perfectly made, easy to pedal very smooth and looks beautiful, was looking for bike for 18 months old very tall baby (I’m buying clothes for 2-3 year old) and this one is just right for him and in the future I can push the seat back so more space for growing baby. Didn’t expect this quality for this price but I can tell that looks better than 80 bikes.
Great little trike. It looks great. My little boy will love this on his birthday.
Gorgeous little trike for my granddaughter and what’s best is it came ready assembled….win win!
had it 2years now and still good as the day I got i
Bought this for my 2 year old to learn how to ride a bike. It’s a small cute bike definitely good starter bike
Brilliant little bike and really fast delivery. My grandaughter loves it.
On est trs content de ce produit. On a hsit de prendre un vlo sur internet mais, trs bon produi
Lovely little trike and really well built my son likes the storage compartment at the back he can put his drink and snacks in there
Excellent bike came assembled which was brilliant great for toddlers and the basket in the back is a great feature too
Very cute tricycle. Would have been beter if the sizing was a little better on the seat – more of a significant difference in adjusting. It’s a cool looking trike and I think any little kid would love it.
La bicicleta lleg sin la tapa de la cesta trasera, no me di cuenta hasta que por casualidad vi otra bicicleta igual en un video.
Ojo compradores revisar bien el articulo cuando lo recibais
Such a cute little trike. My little boy is only 18 months so hasn’t got the hang of the peddles yet but loves being on it and pushed around. Nice size and will grow with him.
Got this for my niece. She can be pretty rough on her toys. Thankfully this is solidly constructed and will outlast all the other gifts she received for her birthday. I expected her younger brother will come to love it too, once he is large enough for it.
I was looking for a traditional Trike for my Grand daughter, saw this, thought perfect and wasnt disappointed, she absolutely loves it and diesnt get off it, totally value for money and the colour is stunning
He took off on it after Christmas. Really a great tricycle.
My 2 year old loves it! The little back trunk basket is prefect for my daughter’s collection of small toys to hull around the house as she rides her bike. 🙂
This little tricycle was just perfect for our 2 year old grand daughter. She was so excited about it and the only thing missing that I want to get for her is a little bell so she is able to push it and make noise as she is riding the trike. Would definitely give this a thumbs up!!!
Grandson and daughter love , very sturdy old school trike , folds easy to fit in cupboard or tidy in corner of porch
My 2 year old son loved it in his words
‘ Wow’
Cannot fault it and can;t get my grandson (2yo) off it! He loves storing things in the back, which is the main reason i bought this bike. he hasn’t quite got the hang of peddling yet, but scoots everywhere with a huge smile
I wanted my toddler to have a tricycle for christmas and i’d seen her on these ones at a place we go and play and they looked a good size for her to reach the peddles. The seat can move to 3 positions so as thier legs get a little longer it moves back. It’s the perfect size for her and she’s figuring out the peddles slowly for surely! It looks cute and it’s very well made. It feels like it’s built to last not like alot of tricycles you can get now for not much less. The wheels are hard wearing which is great if you want to go outside with it. It’s got a little compartment at the back where they can store random things or if you go to the park, a drink and a snack. My daughter is 2.5 years old.
Excellent little bike, already assemble – perfect! Lightweight but very strong and safe
It was easy to assemble , my grandson loves to ride this bike. Well worth the money.
Vlo qui fera sont effet Nol, assez lger et qui a l’air trs rsistant. Ma fille de 2ans va l’adorer.
Envoi rapide… !
This trike came ready assembled… Great for grandad!
Very pleased with every aspect of this purchase.
Fantastic little tricycle for my 2 year old grandson. He loves the tassels and the little boot he uses for putting his dinosaurs in.
This is a good little trike for toddlers. The plastic lid in the back compartment does pop off sometimes but my kids are pretty hard on toys. Otherwise, it’s very sturdy.
My child loves this bike. She is learn how to control it. There’s a lot of fu
Part four grandchildren they love it they are 2 1/2 and 1 1/2. Would recommend the bike
Perfect for a smaller toddler, my small 2 year old loves it and can actually pedal it.
Came fully assembled looks lovely but it’s a Christmas present so we’ll have to see if the little boy who’s getting it likes it as much as I do
This bike is the perfect size for the toddlers. Easy to assemble, easy to take and go to the park.
Great value for money looks a lot more expensive than it is
my grandson and all his friends love this tricycle, great buy
Good quality little trike! It is super cute and sturdy! It came assembled, just in the folded up state. Easy to unfold and nice that it folds for more compact storage!
Made up with this purchase for my grandson, it is very sturdy and good value for money.
So pleased with this trike, such good value for money.
Great tricycle. Only wish it had the push bar, as my granddaughter is still a little too small to reach the pedals herself. Should have bought the one with the removable push bar. This is what was requested though, so bought this one. It really is a nice sturdy bike, just not adjustable for height in anyway.
I actually didn’t like this trike for my son, I no longer have it because it kept tipping ove
Bought this great little trike for my granddaughter 2nd b-day ..
extremely pleased with it so sturdy & robust
Lovely red colour wiv handlebar tassels
She was one happy girl ,so one happy nana
I love that it came already assembled and ready to use! This is a good, sturdy Trike I would definitely buy agai
It’s great for my grandson who’s shorter than the average 2 y.o. He can’t reach pedals yet but he can scoot himself around and he’s almost able to pedal it. He can get on and off by himself.
Gave this to my 2 year old grandson for his Birthday.
He doesn’t know how to peddle yet but I think this is a cute little trike. I bought a bell for it which makes it even cuter.
My daughter wanted me to get a classic Red Trike and this one had good reviews so I got it for him.
It was a birthday gift for my granddaughters second birthday.Very age related.
Bought this for my son, literally took it out the box and extended it.Its designed to fold up. It has a small bucket type thing on the back,great for hiding toys.
I bought the bike for my grandson and he loves it. He was able to peddle with the adjustable seat.
It’s a fabulous little trike. My two year old loves it, even if he hasn’t quite figured it out yet. The only part that I’m a touch worried about is the cover for the back compartment, he enjoys pulling it off or trying to push it inwards. Luckily it’s fairly sturdy plastic, and easy to reattach when it’s been pulled off, which for a curious toddler is all you can really ask for.
I wanted something for my toddler who just turned 3 that he could ride inside our home because he’s another trike is really big and takes a lot space. The quality os this one is great and it folds its easy to carry it.
The small trikes were perfect size. they will last for a few years. they are easy to transport when they travel
My 2 1/2 year old granddaughter loves this bike. Perfect size for her and she can actually peddle the bike easily. We just have to coordinate steering and we will be chasing her down the street.
This product arrived fully assembled (so rare these days!) and is exactly as described. A good value for the money.
This little trike is the PERFECT size for our youngest. He is 19 months old, 28lbs, and 32 in (I think). We bought him this because he has been wanting and trying to ride his older sisters bike. He still hasn’t gotten the hang of pedaling, but he seems like he will get the concept soon. For now though, he’s happy being pushed around on it. Just a hint for other buyers, it says for 3 year olds, but I wouldn’t purchase this for my 3 year old unless they were on the smaller side of the scales.
My daughter loves it and is the perfect size. And it being able to be transported makes it even better.
Perfect size and lightweight for my 2 1/2 year old grandson. He loves it , hadn’t figured out to use the pedals yet , he scoots around it with his feet, he’ll figure it out !:)
Great little trike for 2 or 3 year old , most trikes of this kind are difficult for little ones to peddle however radio flyer trike have mastered this issue and it was easier to use than other trikes of this sort. Great buy
Our little 2 year old loves it to bits and can ride it properly on her own.
This is an excellent purchase and over the moon.
Would purchase from this supplier again.
This comes fully assembled and ready to go. My toddler grandson can reach the pedals and enjoys putting things in the storage area. A lot of this is plastic, but seems sturdy enough to last until he’s ready for the next stage.
Bought for great granddaughter who is just over 2. Love that it folds for storage and packing in car. With adjustment should be able to use for a long time. That it was assembled was great! She was delighted.
This is perfect. Though it’s been updated over the years, the Radio Flyer Fold 2 Go Trike fulfills every nostalgic joy as we watch our granddaughter tooling around, finding her ground.
I bought this for my 3 year old grandson. I watched him open it today and try it out. What is especially great is that it folds up to take camping. It also had a trunk where he can put his little metal cars and other small things. He loved it and rode it up and down the driveway for s long time today. Obviously a big hit.
My kids each have one of these. They log miles around the house and down the street. They’re sturdy and really well built. I recommend them to all other parents
Nice tricycle that should last until grandson is 3. A bit pricey, but will adjust as he grows. Quick shipping. Would recommend
Very cute trike – handy that it folds up for putting in the car or storing away. The tassels are sweet and my 2 year old likes putting toys in the trunk compartment. Before i bought this i noticed another reviewer had said the wheels are plastic but i think they have a rubber coating. Shame it doesn’t have a bell though.
Just bought this for grandson’s Christmas (he’s two). It arrived in mint condition. And the box was huge so there’s another toy right there!
Very funky retro looking trike good sturdy bike folds to go on back of pushchair etc
Super little trike, easy to carry. Suitable for 2+ years of age. Great price on Amazon.
Radio Flyer Fold to go Trike is just the right size our two year our grand daughter, who is 30 inches tall. Her feet reach the pedals, but we are still working on getting here to push the pedals. These newer trikes are designed with the pedals more forward than the one we had for our daughter. I’m wondering if it is harder for the little kids to push the pedals in this position rather than closer to the seat with the seat higher.
She really likes the little trunk at the back and the handle bar streamers as well as the bell we added. We like to lower center of gravity than trikes from our kids’ childhood and the fact that is has somewhat of a seat back.
It’s cute but I sure wish it was made with more metal and rubber instead of all that plastic
Completely satisfied with the performance of this trike. Sturdy, elegant, functional. I must recommend it for the parents who would like to improve the eye-hand coordination as well as spatial awareness of their beloved ones.
Have it as a gift for a one year it, and it was well received.
This trike came close to ready to ride. We had to make only a few minor adjustments to it and the little one was ready to go. He couldn’t totally reach the peddles on it but the older ones pushed him around. It was long before he could peddle on his own though. And since he had been riding it already he was a pro almost instantly. I’ll say super easy assembly, perfect for a 2-3 year old and good even for inside the house. He’s almost 5 and still rides it when the bigger ones are riding their bikes too. This is a great beginner trike to teach them coordination and learning to peddle. As well as store their things in the little compartment on the back of it.
Good value . My grandson hasn’t quite mastered the pedals yet but he’s only 2! loves storing things in the ‘boot’
I will probably buy another one of these. Perfect size for my 4 year old (he’s small for his age) and lightweight. It comes assembled. Really good value.
Very sturdy and an excellent quality item. Be very careful with the folding mechanism. I always leave it in a locked position with my toddler. It does not take up much room so I don’t fold it up unless it’s going with us in the car.
2 year old grandson loves it. No assembly required! Mostly plastic..
Cute little bike. My 2 year enjoys it. He can’t pedal yet, but it’s good quality and nice that it folds and the seat is adjustable.
This is seriously an amazing tricycle. Really a truly quality product and my daughter is over the moon. Thank you Radio Flyer!
Great product. To my surprise it came already assembled. I actually was afraid to open the large box it was shipped in as I assumed it was shipped in 30 different pieces and would need to be assembled. To my surprise it was assembled and ready to ride. My 18 month old loves it and it is easy to fold and put in the car to drive to a park. I absolutely love the Radio Flyer Fold 2 go Trike.
Well, it was not for me, so I’ll have to answer for my great granddaughter. If the pictures of her on it are any indication, I hit a homer!
Fantastic little trike. Very sturdy.Fits 2 year old perfectly. My little one loves it. Definitely recommend. Parent handle would be a nice addition as I still need to give my wee one a push until she gets a hang of pedaling.
Tricycle is very good. Really worth the money. Her granddaughter loves her.
El producto es de excelente calidad pero creo que la descripcin de la edad recomendada no es clara. El triciclo es muy chico. Mi nia de 32 meses no creo que pueda usarlo ms de 60 das pues las rodillas prcticamente le tocan el manubrio, y eso que es de contextura mediana.
Yo lo recomendara solo para un rango de 18 a 24 meses y contextura pequea. Lamentablemente en mi caso por tratarse de un envo internacional, la devolucin es ms costosa que el producto.
This little trike is the best! It’s light weight & sturdy. Our grandson is extremely tiny. We have bought all kinds of things for him to ride & he can never get his feet onto the peddles.. Happy grandson, makes Happy Nanna.. thank you for thinking of the tiny children.. My grandson will be 3 this year & he will probably be able to ride this for the next 2 years.
I bought it for my niece and she loves it! She has been riding it since she was 2, now she is 4 years old now. It’s perfect for kids to develop their body and balance skills.
Bought this for my two year old. He is not quite long enough to pedal, but my five year old loves it. I know it won’t be too long before the younger one is able to pedal and will last for many years.
My one year old fits on it perfectly. She will be 2 in a couple months. 34 inches long, 27 pounds. It was smaller than expected, but it’s a great learning bike for a toddler for the size.
We bought this for the great grandson of the family and left it to his grandpa and great grandpa to put together.
I had expected to come home and have to put it together myself, but turns out, all they had to do was unfold it–it was already put together in the box and ready to go.
The kid loved it.
I can not say enough about this trike. My grandson is on the little side and this trike fit him perfectly. It has a little compartment with a lid on the back for him to store things. He especially loved that feature. I dont think he has gotten off the thing since he got it, lol
Bought two for twin granddaughters. At first they seemed perfect, buy one had a back wheel fall off, so it was returned. I ordered a replacement trike and hope the problem was a fluke. The only thing that worries me is the wheel base is narrow enough to make tipping an issue to some degree. Ordered anyway because a friend has one which they love to ride. They are cute and easy to handle for 2 1/2-yr olds. Overall we are happy. Let’s hope the replacement bike is okay. I will update if not.
Bought this for my 3 year old who has short legs and he loves it. We had other tricycles but they all made it harder for him to get into pedaling it as his legs were short. With this tricycle he learnt how to pedal and wants to ride it anytime we go to the park. It seems durable and very easy to steer. Highly recommended!
I am very pleased with the bikes. They are pretty and practical. I got them for my twin boys grandchildren, and they loved them instantly. It was a gift for their 2nd birthday on May 13th. I placed the order late, and was told delivery would be between 15-20 May, but Amazon sent the seller an email asking them to try to deliver sooner and they did. I am so grateful.
The boys love to ride the bikes, even though they have not yet gotten the hang of pedaling, but at the rate they are going that will be soon. Thanks agai