Rapid Fence Plier FP222 with Magazine, Including 200 VR22 Hogrings, Easy To Load, Fasten Wire/String To Fencing And Mesh, 40303112
Weight: | 540 g |
Size: | 5-11 mm |
Dimensions: | 22.2 x 7.8 x 29 cm; 540 Grams |
Model: | 40303112 |
Part: | 40303112 |
Colour: | Green |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Isaberg Rapid |
Colour: | Green |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 5-11 mm |
For a lengthy fence project- excellent!
Maybe a bit dim, as the instructions were a little sketchy, but thanks to utube got it in one!
Have ordered extra hob rings already. Useful gadget.
Dpendant du diamtre du fil de grillage et du fil de support, la version FP222 avec chargeur et agraphes 5-11 sont efficaces, pertes minimes et aises d’utilisation. Le chargeur est un peu gnant, non prs des piquets intermdiaires mais prs des terminaisons maonnes.
Brilliant tool, made the job of putting the chicken run up SO much easier. Really pleased with it, great gadget.
Je n’ai fait que quelques essais pour l’instant, a fonctionne plutt bien.
A voir sur la dure.
BRILLIANT !!! Cuts a big job down to a small job . I wouldn’t be without it. I you have regular fence repairs or putting up new fencing it is a must have.
Bon produit facile utiliser. Il manque un petit quelque chose pour serrer un peu plus les agrafes.
Attrezzo indispensabile per chi deve installare metri di recinzione, ho messo circa 100 metri di rete un un paio di ore. Abituato a fil di ferro e tanaglie, con questo attrezzo stata una passeggiata in discesa. Ottimo acquisto. Recensione messa a distanza perch preferisco aspettare sempre un po’ per testare la validit del prodotto nel tempo. Amazon come sempre impeccabile, prodotto arrivato prima del previsto.
Does a beautiful job on chain link fencing, for the tension wire. But it is a little small for connecting two cattle panels together. But I did one on from each side, and it did ok.
Gave it 5 stars because of chain link fencing I used it on; didn’t want to mark it down because I bought it for attaching cattle panels together, and that is what I originally purchased it for.
So quick to use…I’m glad I didn’t buy single ring pliers….
but a bit tricky to do rings in tight places as the “nose” is so large. Still, for typical chicken wire jobs it’s great and saves masses of time versus using cable ties or staples.
Outil de fixation agrafes pour grillage,pratique ,simple d’utilisation l’air costaud voir l’usage, qualit rapport prix intrsant je le conseil
Pinza ben fatta, funziona benissimo su diametri di rete 3,5 x 3,5 gi su 3,5 x 5 chiude con difficolt essendo il diametro 5 pi rigido, ma del resto funziona molto bene. La consegna stata puntuale, addirittura con un giorno di anticipo.
La pince est pratique pour les grillage souds. pour les grillages torsads c’est autre chose. On n’arrive pas agrafer le grillage la jonction des torsades et du fil de tension.
Ideal para poner grapas a la verja, o donde se necesite, lleva un cargador de grapas que se va autoalimentado, esto para mi es lo peor, ya que en segun que posicin estorba.
La solucin en mi caso fue desmontar el alimentador y usarlo cojiendo las grapas de una en una, despues si puedes clavar y poner grapas en lugares dificultosos, es muy facil y poner la grapa est chupado se tarda 0,0.
Comparlo si teneis una valla de alambre y quereis cubrirla con bruc, o otro tipo de ocultacin natural o sintetica.
Einfach prima das Teil. Wir brauchten es zur Zaunreparatur auf unserem Tennisplatz.
Selbst Stabmattenzune konnten wir damit problemlos verbinden.
Die Klammern sind sehr stabil und lassen sich ohne entsprechendes Werkzeug nur schwer entfernen.
Einfach super !
En plastique, n inspire pas confiance mais 40 metres de grillage attache en 3 heures, le rsultat est pas mal. Quelques rates d agraphage c est minime. Outils garanti 2 ans
Its a great piece of kit and i would recommend it to anyone.
What a difference this made in my fencing job , felt like a true fencing pro!!
So liebe Leute , jetzt komme ich endlich mal dazu eine Bewertung zu schreiben.
Ich musste bei unserem Grundstck ca. 50 m neuen Zaun setzen bzw alten austauschen. Da ich das vorher noch nie gemachte hatte, schaute ich mich um welche Werkzeuge es gibt um schneller und einfacher voran zu kommen und bin dabei auf die Zange gestossen.
Also sofort bestellt und nach der zgigen Lieferung habe ich sofort angefangen und ich muss sagen :
Die Bedienung / Handhabung ist sehr einfach und spart sehr viel Zeit.
Honestly this little contraption is a god send. It’s absolutely amazing and has saved me so much time. Works perfectly. I’m building a massive project with Gabion stone filled cages and have used this to build the cages and secure them to each other. Makes the job easy. Strong. And very neat. Amazing tool. So glad I bought it.
De momento las he usado para unas reparaciones en una verja, funciona bastante bien, solo un pequeo problema, segn la posicin que tienes que poner la grapa, estorba un poco el canal portagrapas, todo no puede ser perfecto, por lo dems, contento con el resultado de la compra.
Facile da usare e rapido nell’esecuzione della cucitura. Sarebbe comunque preferibile una lieve angolazione della slitta che contiene le graffette, in modo da consentire di raffiungere punti pi difficili. A mio avviso le graffette di di ricarica sono un po’ care.
These do exactly what I want, but there are some small annoying features.
* The wire cutter cannot be used unless you unload the rings
* The retaining clip at the back of the handles falls out
* Reloading isn’t obvious, and there is no instruction leaflet to explai
Ottimo articolo, robusto e di facile utilizzo- Tenere presente che l’unione di pi fili con diametro inferiore ai 5 mm. risulter scorrevole e non rigida. Da consigliare a chiunque ne faccia uso, anche occasionale-
Instead of stapling netting, as I had previously done, it made fencing easy. No more distorted stretched netting trying to cater for uneven ground. Let the straining wires do the work.
Ich hatte zum Vergleich eine andere Zaunzange dieser Preisklasse – die war echt Mist. Man wird bei dieser Zange etwas stutzig, weil einem
die Klammer-Einfhrung wacklig vorkommt – ist sie aber nicht. Ich hatte die grn beschichteten Klammern. Das Befllen und das Befestigen
ging einfach, schnell und problemlos. Kein Verstopfen oder blockieren- einfach ein sehr gutes Gert. Fr 70 m Zaun mit drei Spanndrhten
und in kurzen Abstnden geklammert – noch nicht mal eine Stunde !!!
Seems to be of good quality but haven’t used it as yet.
Parfait, acheter pour une clture animalire de 20m environ, je redouter certains commentaires lut sur le produit mais impecable, quand il reste une agrafe dans le chargeur j’avai lut que a coince MAIS PAS DU TOUT ! J’ai vider le chargeur au moins 6 fois ! Le diamtre peut paratre un peu grand mais finalement a empche d’abimer Le plastique qui recouvre le grillage et/ou le fil tendeur donc vite la rouille. Je la ressortirai pour finir de clturer de jardin environ 150m aucun stress juste des agrafe racheter d’ailleur Mme si elles sont dsunie (comme une recharge d’agrafe de bureau) rien n’empeche leurs utilisation comme j’ai pu aussi le lire en commentaire.
Juste faire trs attention quand vous commander la pince le mot chargeur et crit sur plusieurs modles j’ai falli me tromper en passant commande
This works as long as you are able to fold your chicken wire over, or you have a roll of wire with a mesh size large enough to allow access to the head for the pliers. It is fairly hard work on the hands operating it and you are likely to need to repeat the crimping action a lot of times (depends on job size). The rings feed fairly consistently
This works well. The hog rings are larger than I anticipated and I would have preferred smaller but they sure made life easie
So far so good seems to crimp the clips I have got fine.
I havent used it for my project yet but the signs are prmising. The answer to a prayer.
Packaging imperfect but price reflected that. A very good deal.
Funzionamento reale eccellente, questo gioiellino velocizza di molto il lavoro, massima tenuta degli anelli perch fanno quasi un doppio giro quindi unisce reti anche elettrosaldate e loro spezzoni con pochi clik, il caricatore fondamentale anche se ostacola un p la visione ma col tempo ci si abitua. Pregi tanti difetti pochi riscontrabili e non vitali. Abbastanza robusta per il lavoro che deve svolgere, molto consigliata e prezzo accettabile. buona anche la versione con i punti pi piccoli 216.
aggiornamento: confermo quanto esposto, attrezzo indispensabile in tutte le sue versioni, se qualche anello rimane sganciato la colpa nostra, lavoro veloce e perfetto impossibile da fare a mano.
Love it! If this slightly clapped out senior can operate this, anyone can! I have been practicing and it is a doddle to use….big thanks to the designer!
Schnelle Lieferung. Keine Beschdigungen durch den Transport. Die Zange funktioniert einwandfrei. Warum haben wir die Zange nicht schon frher entdeckt. Zune an den Spanndraht befestigen ist mit der Zange ein Kinderspiel. Sehr gut.
Velocizzare il lavoro il compito di questo utensile. Efficace e comodo, ho legato pi di 500 m. di recinto su tre fili e non a dato segni di cedimento. Forse i punti zincati sono un po’ cari, ma ne vale il lavoro risparmiato a torcere fili di ferro.
Sulla tenuta degli anelli solo il tempo dar responso.
Hired these previously and hoped they were the same. Which they are. Great price and very time saving.
Simple and useful tool. It could be more robust, but does the job, if treated gently.
made fencing quick and easy. not the best made product but did the job. recommend for occasional or one off use.
La prise en main, l’ergonomie et l’efficacit sont au rendez-vous. Je ne rate que trs peu d’agrafes et j’ai pos de nombreux mtres de clture (tout en ayant prt l’agrafeuse tout mon voisinage).
J’avais d’abord achet une agrafeuse en grande surface de bricolage pour le mme prix, que j’ai immdiatement ramen tant elle tait mauvaise. Je ne regrette pas de l’avoir remplace par celle-ci qui est excellente, vraiment.
Si vous avez besoin d’une pince grillage pour la premire pose et l’entretien occasionnel, ce produit est idal. Livraison rapide dans son emballage d’origine. Par contre sur les dernires agrafes, il faut les guider la main car elle ne se loge pas correctement dans le guide. Malgr cela elle remplie parfaitement son rle. Les agrafes se trouvent galement sur Amazon. Je recommande ce modle.
I don’t know how many years worth of blisters I have succumbed to in cutting and wrapping stock fencing to the support wire and I only wish my husband had discovered this tool 10 years ago !!! WHAT a useful item this fence plier kit is – we strung and hung stock fencing to our horse fields in less than an hour – it usually takes about three days and in freezing winter weather or rain that’s not amusing at all !!!! AMAZING. Talk about easy to use and quick. Can’t believe we have wasted so much time previously in the monotonous method we have been using – now thanks to this little gadget fencing and repairs will be a doddle……………..
Got these even though the reviews were iffy. These are awesome. I used them to put up some heavy duty wire fencing in our cat run out back and saved me so much time in connecting multiple sheets of wire fencing together. I never had a single issue. If you’re going to be doing any kind of fencing get a good pair of long handled fencing pliers, one of these and you’re all set.
A very useful tool of satisfactory quality and excellent delivery service.
Commande passe, livraison rapide. Malgr le fait que cette pince soit en plastique (cela peut en freiner certains…) Je l’ai utilis ds rception pour refaire mon grillage (2000 M2 de terrain cltur…) Elle a parfaitement rempli son rle. Petit reproche sur l’accroche de fermeture qui ne tient pas bien et sur le fait que la dernire ou les deux dernires agrafes tombent systmatiquement ce qui implique de les reprendre manuellement pour le remettre dans la pince. Nanmoins compte tenu du travail fourni par cette pince et de la facilit d’utilisation je maintiens mes 5 toiles.
Works well and good quality. Lost a star due to the silly clip to hold closed. Come on makers. We are working out in the field at speed. Fell off and lost within minutes unsurprisingly. Test these things
Pince trs pratique qui m’a permis de gagner du temps sur la pose de mes 17 m de grillage. J’ai mis peu de temps a comprendre comment insrer les agrafes dans le chargeur.
Point ngatif, les dernires agrafes d’une barrette ont tendance se sauver.
Dieses Werkzeug vereinfacht die Montagettigkeiten beim Zaunbau erheblich. Uns ist lediglich der Umstand negativ aufgefallen, das es nicht mglich ist die Ringe komplett und stramm sitzend zu verschlieen. Mglicherweise ist das nachstellbar, wir haben diese Funktion jedoch nicht gefunden. Also mchte ich nur bemngeln das es keine Anleitung zu dem Produkt gibt. Die Grundfunktion ist dann allerdings selbst erklrend.
Non capisco perch dalle mie parti le ferramenta non lo vendono. E’ utilissimo: ho legato 100 mt di rete di recinzione da solo, pur essendo un principiante. Su una campata di 3 metri ho agganciato la rete a 4 fili di sostegno con 6 punti ciascuno. In caricatore indispensabile per procedere velocemente anche se obbligano a tenere lo strumento con una angolazione predefinita che si impara presto a capire. Qualche punto che non ha agganciato la rete l’ho lasciato sul filo.
Not a bad tool and do easy to buy inc next day delivery
Used these to clip chicken wire fencing to a single strand of cable run between posts…. these are excellent ! Wish I had known about them a year ago when I painstakingly used cable ties. These create a circular link that clips fencing together and the link is very strong and unlikely to come apart. Really pleased.
Achete avec une boite d’agrafes Rapid 40108810 adaptes (il n’y a pas d’agrafe fournie avec la pince), l’appareil rpond compltement au besoin. Les agrafes s’installent facilement dans l’appareil. La pince est un tout petit peu dure pour pouvoir accrocher une agrafe. Il n’y a pas de systme de ressort comme sur une agrafeuse papier, pas de “choc surprise” lorsque vous accrochez le grillage et le fil, l’utilisation se fait donc en douceur. Il faut aborder le grillage un peu en biais (pour ne pas tre gn par le chargeur) et tout le reste se passe trs bien. On a mme l’impression qu’on accroche un peu plus que lorsque nous utilisions des petits fils trs chronophages.
Made easy work for a pet enclosure. Quick release mechanism for reloading is perfec
Used to connect wire mesh sheets together, I waste maybe 5 per 100 clips which I’m happy enough with.
Great item easy to use save loads of time and messing around wish I had brought one of these years ago.
Producto muy recomendable. Fcil de uso. Pesa poco por lo quede operarse durante bastante tiempo sin problema. No viene con instrucciones de cmo cargar las anillas pero al final se consigue tras algunos intentos. El gancho de cierre de seguridad de los mangos tiene tendencia a caerse mientras se usa. En general le doy un sobresaliente en clida/precio.
Quality made product. Not some flimsy thing that falls to bits after first use. Very easy to load staples and when used leaves a neatly crimped staple on your fence. Extra staples not expensive. All in all exactly what I expected from Rapid.
The pliers are well made and allow for quick attachment of chain link fences to the line wires. I just wish there was a bit more of a groove… it’s quite easy to drop the hog rings if you’re a bit clumsy.
Ho scelto la versione senza caricatore e ho fatto benissimo. io non lo uso in maniera intensiva, quindi il caricatore darebbe fastidio per il mio utilizzo con la misura 16 funziona perfettamente ora dovro provare con la misura 22
Made the job of putting a new wire netting fence up so much easier. Does occasionally jam but its a tiny problem
Surprisingly good for the money. I suspect the company makes their money on the hog rings which are surprisingly expensive
Can be a bit fiddly to use at first, but once you get used to it works well.
Rien voir avec une pince automatique qui bloque tout le temps. Celle ci est simple d’utilisation et lorsqu’on pris le coup de main ou va aussi vite qu’avec l’automatique.
Si mon commentaire vous a plu, merci de cliquer sur “oui” a fait toujours plaisir de savoir qu’on est lu.
Comment ai-je pu m’en passer jusqu’ prsent ? Cette pince est trs pratique pour fixer un grillage ou une bche, elle est facile utiliser et les agrafes tiennent bien. Seul petit dfaut, lorsqu’il ne reste que 2 ou 3 agrafes dans le chargeur la pince est moins efficace, mieux vaut la recharger.
Eines der besten Hilfsmittel die ich kenne.
Meine Frau und ich haben 60m Maschendrahtzaun ( 1,25 m hoch) in knapp 2 Stunden problemlos und ohne Anstrengung montiert.
Am oberen Spanndraht wurde jede 3. Masche mit den Ringen befestigt, in der Mitte ca. 1 Ring pro Meter und unten ca. 1 Ring pro 0,5mm angebracht. Der Zaun ist absolut sicher und glatt damit befestigt Die Zange formt die Ringe absolut zuverlssig und ist dabei leichtgngig. Die Griffe liegen gut in der Hand und sind auch fr Linkshnder angenehm zu bedienen. Der Zaun ist absolut sicher und glatt befestigt. Mein Nachbar will sich die Zange auf alle Flle bei mir ausleihen wenn er mal wieder einen Zaun erstellen mu.
eally really great tool slightly larger rings easier to load than the other HRPOO3 .
Vorher hatte ich im Baumarkt eine Zange von einem bekannten Zaunhersteller erworben. War nur ein rgernis.
Deswegen war ich auch bei dieser Zange hier sehr skeptisch.
Mitllerweile mehr als 2000 Klammern verarbeitet. Zwischendurch mal die Pressbacken und den Bolzen der Zange mit ein paar Farradl-Tropfen benetzt. Werkelt noch tadellos. Die untere Zangensperre habe ich gleich verworfen. Ist nur im Weg beim Arbeiten.
Really good. Used these to attach rabbit fencing to my wire fence. Easy to load, just pull off the spring loaded clip at a the back, insert staples and your good to go. Easy to use too. Just match up the new fencing with the old. Make sure both fence wires are in the jaws to the pliers and pull.
Couldn’t be easier really.
Rapid Fence Plier for Use with VR22 Hog Rings – 40303112 FP222
Really good. Used these to attach rabbit fencing to my wire fence. Easy to load, just pull off the spring loaded clip at a the back, insert staples and your good to go. Easy to use too. Just match up the new fencing with the old. Make sure both fence wires are in the jaws to the pliers and pull.
Couldn’t be easier really.
Rapid 23468100 FP222 Fence Pliers
Pince trs simple utiliser.
N’est pas fournie avec des agrafes, ne pas oublier de les commander.
Afin de ne pas gaspiller les 2 dernires agrafes de la barrette, je recharge plus tt. Elles sont alors toutes utilises.
La pince ne beug pas.
Afin de ne pas perdre le crochet vert qui maintient pa pince ferme lors de son rangement, je l’ai dclipse et remise en place aprs.
Cette pince fait gagner normment de temps.
A recommande
Good tool for the job with the related hog rings. Can be a bit fiddly to use when space is tight.
Used for fastening gabion wall cage lids. Very quick and easy.
Massively sped up putting up a run of wire fencing over using pliers. I can’t comment on long term durability but it doesn’t feel over flimsily.
Once you get the hang of using the tool it makes fixing chain link fencing to the straining wires very quick and easy.
Excellent service, delivered to me in 3 days. Useful tool for my fencing kit, a simple easy to use tool, that keeps the fence tidy along its length, will also save time in the long run. Supplied with hog rings to get you started.
Just what I needed to fix my fence to keep the rabbits out!!
Good useful tool. Not sure how they would strand up to heavy use as they are mainly plastic costruction.
Great tool did what I needed it to do and was easy to use, seems well built too.
This is a brilliant piece of kit for any person putting up a wire fence and want it securely done with little effort. Used in conjunction with Rapid VR22 Heavy Duty Galvanised Fence Hog Rings (Pack of 1100).
questa pinza facilissima da usare, non serve tanto sforzo nella mano, e da al lavoro una velocit assoluta, in quanto carica circa 30 punti alla volta. Naturalmente va abbinato alle ricariche vr22. Ottimo imballo e consegna come al solito. Unica attenzione, questo strumento utilissimo, ma quando sono andata nelle ferramenta a cercare la ricarica dei punti, a volte si fatica a trovarli, infatti li ho riordinati da amazon.
Indispensable tool.Used it flexible mesh on cat-proof fence, saved hours & saved on using cable ties
Perfect, exact tool I needed for the job. Must have put more than 5000 hog clips on now and still works as good as new.
I would recommend taking the little clip off that holds them in the closed position as this sometimes would clip in to place when in use and became annoying.
Wir haben gut 200 Meter Drahtgitterzaun (Pantanet) gezogen und diesen unten, mittig und oben mit einem 3,8 mm starken Draht verstrkt. Dabei habe ich das Drahtgitter mit dieser Zange und den dazu passenden Krampen mit dem Verstrkungsdraht verbunden und dabei mehrere tausend Krampen gesetzt. Das geht mit dieser Zange sehr flott, dabei ist die Fehlerquote sehr gering. Der Kraftaufwand ist relativ gering. Auerdem lsst sich ber das Ma des Zusammendrckens gut steuern, wie fest die Krampen sitzen sollen. So macht die Arbeit Spa! Wrde die Zaunklammerzange jederzeit erneut kaufen.
The first usage proved its worth, I had the job done and secure in minutes. It is secure as well, no more wiring together for me.
ime saving tool the small clip that holds the handles together has been lost all ready not a problem and doesnt affect how the tool works
These fence pliers have proved an excellent a robust tool that have met my expectations in full. Right price, right quality and prompt service, many thanks!
These were great for putting up a chicken wire fence in the garden and very easy to use for a novice fence builder.
I bought one of these pliers to clip a large amount of mesh for a chicken run together. I was sceptical given the bad review it had received but decided to try it because of the price, and it actually works perfectly alright. And because of the low price I ordered a second one so that my husband could work on the mesh at the same time as I did. We used about 6000-7000 hog rings on our rather sizeable chicken run, mostly the VR16 clips but also several hundred of the thicker VR22 (the latter are hard work).
And yes, sometimes one of the clips falls out of the pliers, but no more often than that you drop a nail or a screw, that’s related to the user and not the pliers.
This is a great product for fencing. Make sure though to order the right size hog clips (the ones listed as a companion product were too small!!
These look a bit plasticy but they worked fine for the job I used them on ( fixing heavy gauge chainlink to line wires )
Gave a 4 for build quality but they quite cheap and work fine saved hours and fixed 50m of fencing within minutes.
What rabbit proof fence?! …….. They jump over it, climb up it, bite through it so what is the point…… well, it keeps most of them out and I humanely trap and re-locate the sneaky ones.
Years ago I spent hours cleating the fine mesh ‘rabbit proof’ fence to the tensioned wire one… and it was fiddly back-hurting work and now those plastic cleats are just breaking with age/weathering so after happening upon a professional fencer using one of these i thought it too good to be true…. Its not… yeh… it is true…they are fantastic, even low down on the fence where the grass has grown up they clip through the foliage. After a bit of practice I can fit one of the galvanized staples (they fit in the Rapid like staple and end up doubling over like the ring of a key ring) in secounds.
So five stars all the way for a product that’s well made , comfortable to use and such a time saver.
….I will have more uses for it other than the fence….. for starters a fruit cage is now in the planning.
Really easy to load and use. The small plastic clip that holds it closed lasted about 5 minutes, but otherwise really sound. I wonder how many purchasers will use this in the garden, or in a field/paddock…. So, why do they make it in green and grey. Blends in nicely with the long grass in my field.
A superb tool that does what its designed for with total ease.
I have been repairing chainlink fencing for many years using binding wire, now i have this tool, it makes the job so easy. It is very well made.
Bought these when fixing up a lot of Purrfect fence (cat fencing). They work ok except they jam quite a lot and you lose a few hog rings. The main problem is the weird shape of the tool and the small size of the rings means I could only ring maybe two thin strands of fence wire at a time. Except for these issues the tool does speed things up a lot (compared to using e.g. cable ties).
Easy to use and well worth the price. Good for a new installation or just fixing older fences / netting. Simple to use and would recommend having to hand to save a lot of bother with loose wires!
Aussi bien que celle avec chargeur que j’avais dj, mais qui ne convenait pas pour un grillage poule (justement cause du chargeur qui la rendait trop grande).
Ces pinces transforment la corve en plaisir ! Sans parler de la rapidit avec laquelle on finit de poser son grillage.
J’ai mis longtemps me dcider parce que je trouvais bte d’acheter quelque chose alors que je pouvais aussi le faire la main.
Maintenant, la seule chose que je regrette, c’est de ne pas l’avoir fait avant.
Does the job very well, only occasional miss-fires as you must get the angle right.
Only fault is the plastic clip to keep it closed after use, it drops of when using the pliers, otherwise would have been 5 stars.
Recommended, wouldn’t be without them.
This is the tool that closes the rings that secure the wires that hold the fence that keeps out the animals,that eat the crops that grow in the garden that Jack built.
It took me over two months to find this product but once i did it was well worth it This is a great quality product and strong
Modern easy to use design, get the hogrings in packs – they come in strips of hogrings in the pack and pinch one off and apply to the fence. Really simple to use. Easy to fix fence pieces together, and to wire and holes in fences.