ROKR Globe Wooden Puzzle For Adult – Assembly Wooden Model kits to Build – Christmas Birthday Gifts For Teen and Adul

Are you looking for a challenging and fun wooden puzzle to enjoy the leisure time and relaxing yourselves? Why not try the ROKR Globe Wooden Model Kits ?
Unlike other ROKR sets, this one is actually very conducive for group assembly. The Globe is gigantic, both in part count and actual size. Despite the scale, there is still an insane attention to detail and it’s very easy to assemble.
All of the precut wood working detail is gorgeous and the assembled aesthetic is beautiful. The wood is not warped, they punch out without breaking and so on. As far as the construction process goes, the puzzle was really challenging and fun. It requires a pretty good amount of focus and patience, but the outcome is super rewarding.

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ROKR Globe Wooden Model Kit
- Eight wonders of the world witness to human wisdom;
- Rotate the globe slowly and learn about the world map;
- Secret locker with combination lock of 12 constellations;
- Best gifts for someone who is DIY lover.
- Item Weight: 3 kg
- Assembly Time : 20+ hours
- Number of Puzzle Pieces : 567pcs
- Product Dimension: 52cm ( tall ) X 32cm X 29cm
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Globe framework and world tree shape | Set the password for your secret drawer | Match the constellation symbol to unlock the locker |

Dimensions: | 32 x 29 x 52 cm; 3 Kilograms |
Material: | Wood |
Pack Quantity: | 567 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 14 year and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Material: | Wood |
Quantity: | 567 |
Reference: | RB-ST002 |
Brought has gifts so will let you know when give
It’s a really big globe, takes time and care to assemble but is worth it. I made a mistake whilst making it, contacted the seller, they sent the parts really fast enabling me to finish it.
Great company, highly recommend this puzzle.
Have been buying these from a shop in Southport much more expensive this is a batgai
This is the second one I have done it was a bit easier. The 1st I glued the countries on and fit the segments, the segments came off. Took about a week doing a few hours. It is fantastic and a good talking point. ABOUT 20inch high and 14inch wide 51 x 36cm a big thing.
I have done many wooden puzzles, a lot you get little tools with that have holes in. I used one of these tools to drop the small wood pins in, or use a piece of scrap wood with a 3mm hole in the same thickness as the counties, and pressed them in the globe segments turned over and pressed the countries down a lot worked, some of the pins would not go on so I used a finger nail sand board to take the corners off the top of the small pins GENTERLLY just a quick rub and found they went in easy. I also put a little wood glue when attaching to globe frame
Je suis un habituer de ses maquettes en bois de cette enseigne. Et j’ai ador construire celle ci. Attention elle est trs difficile. Prix peut tre un peu chre mais franchement beau produi
Macht Spa, ist nicht zu einfach, die Beschreibung ist gut zu verstehen. Ein Part war etwas schwierig (wenn alle Gerststreben in den Fixkreis eingefhrt werden mssen) und ich glaub ich habe es nur mit Glck zusammen gebracht.
Kann ichvnur weiter empfehlen.
Wie immer tolle Verarbeitung der Laserplatten. Einzig die Kontinente habe ich mit Zahnstocher befestigt. Wesentlich einfacher als mit den Miniholzstiften.
Fazit: Wieder ein Projekt von Rokr, welches viel Spa gemacht hat.
Nice model but not for the faint hearted.
I found it was better and a lot easier to superglue the countries in place rather than using the minute frustrating wooden pins provided to secure the countries
Ich hatte die Time machine von ROKR geschenkt bekommen. Das hat mir so gut gefallen und Spa gemacht, dass ich mir die anderen ROKR Modell angeschaut habe und mich dann fr diesen Globus entschieden habe.
Der Globus, weil er mir auf den Produktbildern sehr gut gefallen hat, weil er mit ~500 Teilen etwa doppelt so viele hat, wie mein erstes ROKR 3D Holzpuzzle und weil ich noch keinen Globus habe.
Diesmal sind mir auer von den kleinen Stiften mit denen die Teile verbunden werden und von denen mehr als genug dabei waren keine Teile kaputt gegangen. Der Aufbau war insgesamt wieder sehr einfach, da detailliert bebildert. Der Packung lag ein Stck Wachs bei um die beweglichen Teile einzuwachsen und ein Stck Schmirgelpapier. Der Aufbau hat mir viel Spa gemacht, mit Abstrichen beim Aufbringen der Landmassen auf den blauen Globusstcken. Hier mussten sehr viele kleine Holzstifte in die etwas zu engen (damit sie auch gut klemmen) Lcher gesteckt werden, was am Ende fr meine Finger nur noch schmerzhaft war. Htte ich vll. noch einen Tag Pause einplanen sollen. Aber ich finde es auch toll, dass dadurch ein schnes Relief der Landmassen entsteht.
Noch etwas besser wre es gewesen, wenn die groen Gebirge dieser Welt auch in dem Modell Hhe gewonnen htten.
Der Globus lsst sich schn leicht drehen. Schn finde ich auch die drei Schubladen im Sockel. Durch drehen des Sockeldeckels kann diese auch abgesperrt werden. Ein Griff oder hnliches zum herausziehen der Schubladen vermisse ich. Die Weltwunder an den Sockel Seiten gefallen mir auch sehr gut.
Alles in allem ein fr mich guter Kauf und zu empfehlen.
Bellissimo da costruire in famiglia, ottimi i materiali ed istruzioni perfette. Bello, bello, bello per grandi e piccini.
I really liked it when I first saw it and I was expecting something good, but turns out it’s even better than that! It is simply stunning, it has wonderful details, great quality, it has weight, beautiful colours ! It looks absolutely stunning. Plus, It was really fun to make. Really worth it! 100% satisfied.
Bought for my dad for Christmas. He loves it. Some very tiny parts he needed tweezers for. Plenty of spare parts though.
This is significantly bigger than the other Rokr kits, more like the size of a standard office globe . It looks great and is of the usual high quality . Don’t be put off by the price, it’s higher than the other kits for a reason – the size. It also comes in a really nice quality box , perfect Christmas prese
excellent product well worth the money looks great when finished
Brilliant product! My dad built it for my mum- as seen in the picture. He loved the project and the secret locking drawers are fabulous too.
Wer Freude an entsprechenden Baustzen hat, drfte hier stundenlang gut beschftigt sein. Hier wird ein filigranes, kleinteiliges Modell langsam zusammengesetzt — also nichts fr Anfnger oder Grobmotoriker. Die gravierten Teile aus dnnen Holzplatten sind dementsprechend empfindlich, so dass man aufpassen sollte, um sie beim Zusammensetzen nicht zu zerbrachen.
Fazit: ROKR” bietet hier ein hochwertigen Bausatz aus optimal ausgeschnittenen Teilen, der gut bezahlt werden will, seinen Preis aber durch Qualitt absolut rechtfertigt. Die fragilen Teile und der hohe Anspruch sind natrlich nichts fr Jedermann, drften ihre Zielgruppe aber sicherlich begeistern. Insofern kann eine Kaufempfehlung fr geduldige Baumeister guten Gewissens ausgesprochen werden.
Pone que es dificultad 4 de 5. Nunca he hecho uno y no es tan complicado. Vale la pena atreverse!!
Aproximadamente 5 horas
Junto a un amigo, que tampoco haba montado nunca nada as, hemos tardado aproximadamente 5 horas. No hemos tenido prisa en ningn momento y seguamos las instrucciones minuciosamente para que todo quedase perfecto. Las piezas son fciles de encajar, simplemente hay que tener cierto cuidado a la hora de sacarlos de las lminas y a la hora de encajar unas con otras.
Tiene 3 compartimentos, de los cuales el ms grande es “secreto”. Para desvelarlo hay que poner las constelaciones en el orden correcto usando las ruedas. Si no, no se puede abrir.
El resultado final es asombroso como se puede ver en las fotos. Es incluso ms bonito que en el anuncio! La verdad, que no me arrepiento para nada de haberlo montado.
Consejo propio!!!
En el libro se indica el siguiente orden:
1-Base inferior
2-Globo terraqueo
3-Eje y soporte para el globo.
Recomiendo cambiar el orden para tener donde sujetar el globo una vez finalizado:
1-Base inferior
2-Eje y soporte para el globo.
3-Globo terraqueo
+Muy divertido, el tiempo pasa volando
+Madera de calidad con final asombroso
+No es demasiado complicado, vale la pena atreverse
-Nada que objeta
It’s a difficult one to review because, after a month of working on this where I can, I’m still not finished.
The model, when completed, will, without a doubt, look stunning, and the sense of achievement will be enormous. The issue though, is that constructing it is so time-consuming and fiddly, I audibly gasped when I opened the instructions for the first time.
The instructions though are so concise you shouldn’t have any real issues following, it’s just that you do need a level of ‘handiness’ to make fair use of them.
This will be perfect for the person who loves to lose themselves in a puzzle and had the time and space to dedicate to the endeavour. It would also be a great purchase for a parent/child project as it would need collaboration and a great deal of time spent together.
I use to love puzzle games when I was little. Recently I saw the American drama film called “Puzzle” on Netflix, and my interest in the puzzle woke up again. When I see this Globe wooden puzzle, I could not stop my self and end up ordering it.
This Glob puzzle is perfect for a retired person or whoever could not go out of the house, because it needs lots of time and patience. I am super busy with kids and work. I manage to spare almost two hours a day for this still I am halfway not finished yet. I was so involved with it that I forgot worries and stress while doing it, and it is a good exercise for the brain, in my opinion.
I was really enjoying doing this; some wooden parts are very tiny could not fix it quickly I had to use my wife’s hair clipper to hold that part in a place and hammer it with the small rubber hammer.
Wooden pieces made of good quality, easy to take out parts from the board, the instruction are easy to understand; it has excellent quality gear mechanism pieces. Make sure to apply wax provided where ever it needed for the smooth operation. I am not sure if they have extra pieces for delicate parts, I will find out after I finish this puzzle.
Overall I love this wooden globe puzzle. I only recommend to those who have patient, interest and plenty of time on the table.
Il miglior modo per scoprire il mondo e’ imparare la geografia.
Ed in questo gioco oltre la geografia ,si impara anche la storia ,la meccanica ,l’astronomia ed anche l’inglese .
Si ,anche l’inglese ,non capisco visto che il prodotto viene anche commercializzato in Italia non sia dotato di un semplicissimo manuale in italiano.
Il montaggio con i suoi 567 non e’ semplicissimo e richiede tempo e pazienza ,noi l’abbiamo montato in pi giorni dedicando qualche ora al di’.
Il manuale d’uso , anche se ben raffigurato con le immagini e’ pi’ un rebus , e visto anche le lettere impresse su di esso assomigliano ad una battaglia navale (b1) (a 15) (c2) ecc.
I pezzi sono solidi e flessibili.
Con mio figlio di 10 anni, dopo aver pazientemente assemblato tutto ci siamo ritrovati dinanzi a questo globo,dove non manca nulla.
Alla base ci troviamo raffigurate le 8 meraviglie del mondo antico come le piramidi di Cheope ,il tempio di Artemide ,il faro di Alessandria ecc..
All’interno ci sono anche dei piccoli nascondigli segreti, dove poter nascondere piccole cose, si possono aprire con un meccanismo ingegnoso e si puo’ anche impostare il meccanismo segreto,s emplicemente mettendo nel posto giusto le costellazioni.
Il globo pu’ ruotare ed i continenti sono in rilevo composto da tutti i Paesi , i mari.
C’ anche la possibilit’ di sapere la longitudine e latitudine,semplicemente osservando il semicerchio posto al lato.
Lo consigliamo a tutta la famiglia e sopratutto ai bimbi in eta’ scolare, che grazie a questo gioco ,avranno modo d’imparare divertendosi.
With your purchase your receive a wonderful wooden puzzle Globe in really nice box, which is perfectly made to be a great present.
It’s not that easy to assemble it and it needs a lot of patience, but in the end you get a really beautiful wooden puzzle Globe as a decoratin for your livingroom.
But the globe is not only a decoration. In its base, there are also hidden pull-out trays with a secret locking mechanism. So cool!
It’s chalange to finish this puzzle, but the satisfaction in the end is great.
Alle Teile sind lasergeschnitten und aus dnnen Holzplatten graviert, und ich bin beeindruckt von demjenigen, der sie entworfen hat, weil es sehr clever ist, wie alle Teile zusammenpassen.
Einige der Teile sind sehr fragil, so dass es leicht ist, sie zu zerbrechen.
Il y a de nombreuses pices car c’est un grand globe rotatif que vous allez monter, prvoyez de la place.
Les pices sont souples, donc aucun risque de casse pendant le montage.
Le globe est compos de tous les pays bien sr en indiquant les villes principales. Il donne aussi la longitude et la latitude. Le socle recle bien des surprises, comme un compartiment secret pour cacher ce qui vous tient cur. Pour l’ouvrir il faudra composer une combinaison avec l’aide des 12 constellations pour chaque casier.
Le pied du globe regroupes les 8 merveilles du monde, et a c’est vraiment intressant et remplit de dtails, pour les passionns, c’est vraiment super beau et prcis.
Was a bit fidle in places but fun to do