Rolly Toys John Deere Excavator – Fully functional with wheels

Rolly Toys John Deere 360 Degree Excavator
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With a 360 degrees turning circleThis giant ‘sit on’ John Deere licensed excavator has a robust construction and features 4 large wheels and has a 360 degrees turning circle. | Realistic digger mechanismWith a digger mechanism using two hand operated levers allowing material to be scooped up with it’s large excavating bucket and deposited elsewhere. | Can be used on earth and sandCan be used on earth and sand and can be transported very easily – great fun and perfect for trips to the beach or sandpit. | Locking arm deviceIt has a locking arm device – for safety. Suit ages 3- 5 years. Dimensions: 102 x 43 x 74 cm. |

This large excavator features a realistic mechanism using two hand operated levers allowing material to be scooped up and deposited elsewhere. Also has an automatic locking arm. The digger unit can spin through 360 degrees on its base which has four sturdy wheels that allows it to move along like a foot to floor toy.

This giant John Deere licensed “sit on” excavator has 4 large wheels and has a 360 degrees turning circle with a digger mechanism is just like the real thing. It has a locking arm device and can be transported very easily. Suits ages 3+.
Suitable for use on earth and sand.
Dimensions: | 48.26 x 43.18 x 33.02 cm; 4.1 Kilograms |
Model: | 421022 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Green |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 36 months – 3 years |
Assembly: | Yes |
Colour: | Green |
Composition: | Plastic |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 1 |
gioco molto solido, robusto, funzionale per la felicit dei bimbi
My boy he loves it , it’s the best thing I ever bough
Great toy. And big enough for a 6 year old to play in as well.
Great toy. And big enough for a 6 year old to play in as well.
Es una pasada mejor de lo ke te puedes imaginar y de muy buena calidad
The only thing i didnt like about this product was that the yellow wheel caps would not stay on, which wasnt a big deal. Other than that this is a great toy and my 2 year old loves it!
The only con is the seat is slippery. We took care of that by placing small felt chair pads on the seat. A great toy! I would buy again.
Cumple perfectamente con mis expectativas. Tamao exacto y aguantanmucho peso del nio.
Para montarlo si seguimos las instrucciones se monta bien. El nio esta muy contento
Il mio bambino di 2 mezzo va matto per questo gioco,ha capito subito come usare le varie leve
Ich habe den Kunststoffbagger meinem Patenkind zum Geburtstag geschenkt.
Der Kunststoff wirkt beim Aufbau stabil.Die Schaufel wrde ich allerdings nur bei weichen Untergrnden,z.B.Sand,verwenden,da sonst die Zacken abbrechen knnten.
Brilliant product my nephew loved it a bit hard to put togethe
Brilliant product my nephew loved it a bit hard to put togethe
Spitzen Bagger, auch fr grere Kinder geeignet!
Unser Sohn ist 1,08 m
Escavatore per bambini bello grande in plastica a spinta con braccio che si muove manualmente per scavare lo consiglio
his is a xmas gift for my grandson. best one on the marke
Bonne qualit, mon fils de 5 ans adore. J’avais peur qu’il soit trop grand, mais je dirais que c’est partir de minimum 3 ans. Contente de mon achat, c’est un bon ‘accesoire’ pour son tracteur avec remorque.
Tolles Spielzeug. Der Bagger ist sehr robust. Fr unseren 3-jhrigen Sohn (ca 103cm gro) ist der Bagger noch etwas zu gro, da er den Boden nur mit Zehenspitzen erreicht und so immer nach vorne rutscht.
avete in foglio come il mio appassionato di veicoli da lavoro? bene questo regalo perfetto resistente e facile da montaremio figlio 3 anni ne innamorato..lo consiglio vivamente
Super Teil. Der Sohn meines Kumpels, dem ich das Geschenk gemacht habe. Liebt es. Alle anderen Geschenke waren wie Luft. Ist auch sehr stabil gebaut!
Veicolo perfetto, cavalcabile facilmente per un bimbo di tre anni, maneggevole e intuitivo nell’utilizzo. Mio figlio lo adora, ci passa molto tempo
I got this toy for my nephew and he loved it!!
I know a little 3 year old boy who’s going to love this for Christmas. Grampy can’t wait to play!!
It arrived very securely packed, in good condition and didn’t take a Degree in Engineering to put together as some of today’s toys do. Instructions are mostly in German but the illustrations are very clear. Good value for the price. I would recommend.
I know a little 3 year old boy who’s going to love this for Christmas. Grampy can’t wait to play!!
It arrived very securely packed, in good condition and didn’t take a Degree in Engineering to put together as some of today’s toys do. Instructions are mostly in German but the illustrations are very clear. Good value for the price. I would recommend.
Petite pelleteuse de bonne qualit.
Elle semble solide.
Je regrette la partie cycle, qui n’est pas pratique au dplacement quand l’enfant est dessus.
Einfacher Aufbau! Scheint gute Qualitt zu sein. Das Kind hat den Bagger heute schon ordentlich geqult! Mehr kann ich noch nicht schreiben! Keine Langzeiterfahrung! Aber der Bagger kam sehr gut an! Habe ihn zum Geburtstag verschenkt und es war eigentlich das einzige Geschenk welches das Kind heute mit Freude genutzt hat!
L’acquisto ha soddisfatto completamente le mie aspettative. Anche perch amo i giochi che iniziano gi nella fase di assemblaggio, stimolando la manualit e la concentrazione. Mio figlio (quasi tre anni) ne ha scoperto in 48 ore tutte le manovre…
Fantastic! This is so durable and great for kids motor skills. We bought for my 3 yr olds birthday buy his 18 month old brother loves getting on and playing with the controls too. It lives outside in our garden and has stood up to the Yorkshire weather so far. Buy it for any tractor or digger enthusias
Fantastic! This is so durable and great for kids motor skills. We bought for my 3 yr olds birthday buy his 18 month old brother loves getting on and playing with the controls too. It lives outside in our garden and has stood up to the Yorkshire weather so far. Buy it for any tractor or digger enthusias
My 3 year old loves this item. Spends hours digging up the garden with it. Highly recommend. Built to withstand a 3 year old , this says something about the build quality!
My 3 year old loves this item. Spends hours digging up the garden with it. Highly recommend. Built to withstand a 3 year old , this says something about the build quality!
Excellent quality and value for money! Great for large ground level sandpits! My 3 year old son spends hours digging in his!
Excellent quality and value for money! Great for large ground level sandpits! My 3 year old son spends hours digging in his!
Pleased with product for my 3year old grandson, very sturdy and strong, my grandson loves digging in the sand with it.
Grandson was thrilled with the product. Takes some assembly effort by adults.
Grandson was thrilled with the product. Takes some assembly effort by adults.
un gioco che piaciuto molto a mio figlio e ne sono felice ….Lo consigli a chi vuole comprarendere una ruspa
Molto ben fatto e solido. Facile da montare e da usare.. piaciuto a tutti i piccoli.
Spedizione e imballo perfetti.
Mein Enkel war total begeistert von seinem neuen Bagger . Der Opa brigens auch, wegen der guten Qualitt und der promoten Lieferung.
Immer wieder ge
Ottimo acquisto x il mio bimbo di 3 anni. Robusta e pi grande di quello che immaginavo. La consiglio. X bimbi dai 2/3 ai 5/6 anni
Oggetto veramente ben fatto e abbastanza facile da assemblare. I materiali sono buoni. Gioco prettamente da esterni se non vogliamo trovare bennate sul parquet di case… Do 4 stelline perch una borchia di rifinitura di una ruota non si applica essendo difettosa e quindi risulta mal rifinito
il mio bimbo ci passa le ore… solleva di tutto… mattoncini, pasta, altri giocattoli. nulla poteva essere pi azzeccato.
peccato per le ruote monodirezionali
Bought for a 3 Year old. Its just fantastic. Its so tough and sturdy.good quality materials used.
Bought for a 3 Year old. Its just fantastic. Its so tough and sturdy.good quality materials used.
It’s a bit tippy for smaller kids (my 2 yr old) but great fun nonetheless.
Mon fils est trs content.
Petit bmol : des autocollants…d’un autre jouet sont proposs (simplifier le guide de montage si possible et viter de mettre des autocollants inutiles pour le jouet en question).
Great toy for the sandpit. Pretty straight forward to assemble and seems to be quite robust. My 4 yr old has had hours of fun with it both in the sandpit and at the beach.
My 2yo loves it!!
A little complicated to put together – the instructions aren’t the clearest, but once done it is very bright and sturdy. Has been kept outside for close to a year now and stickers are still on and no fading. Nice robust little toy
My 2yo loves it!!
A little complicated to put together – the instructions aren’t the clearest, but once done it is very bright and sturdy. Has been kept outside for close to a year now and stickers are still on and no fading. Nice robust little toy
Unser Sohn hat diesen bagger zum 4. Geburtstag bekommen und er war total begeistert. Auch bei allen Freunden gut angekommen. War leicht zum aufbauen und macht einen stabilen Eindruck. Super Teil.
Grazie x la rapida consegna un bel regalo x i nipotino … il mio e contentissimo ottimo prodotto facile nel montaggio veramente bellissimo…
Spedizione veloce, imballaggio ok, ci vuole ca mezz’ora per metterlo assieme. Sembra robusto. Sar una gioia per il piccolo. Tutto sommato do 4 stelle perch anco a non so quanto resiste. Se resiste ci vu
Ogliono 5 stelle
Wir haben lngere Zeit gesucht, verglichen, um was Passendes fr unsere Enkel zu finden.
Jetzt sind wir alle glcklich und zufrieden. Preis und Qualitt stimmen.
My son love’s this its up in a shed being used for moving silage and general farm work.Hard wearing and very tough.
Great toy for the garden, it’s one that all of my friends children like to play on when they visi
Great toy for the garden, it’s one that all of my friends children like to play on when they visi
prodotto come da descrizione e perfetto per mio nipote di 3 anni, che l’ha gradito molto. ricevuto in tempi brevi e perfettamente imballato
Regalo di compleanno per bimbo di 3 anni ma provato anche dal fratello di 7. Credo lo useremo per qualche anno. Montaggio piuttosto semplice e veloce e materiale robusto e stabile. Non si tratta di un veicolo a pedali ma di un cavalcabile.
Dieses Teil ist toll. Unser Enkel ist baggerverrckt und damit war Weihnachten fr unseren Ltten das Grte. Der Bagger ist gut zu handhaben und sehr robust. Ein sehr gutes Spielzeug.
Bello come si vede in foto , mio figlio ha tre anni e mezzo e la misura va bene ci gioca molto
Given to grandson age 3 for christmas was a great hit:-) it probably could do with being slightly sturdier but all in all a good buy!
Super Artikel fr Alle “Johnny” Fans. Ob Sandkasten, Gemsebeet oder einfach nur fiktive Erdhgel, meine Jungs graben und graben …. ich meine baggern und baggern!
wir haben diesen bagger fr unseren 3 jhrigen Neffen gekauft. und er hat viel Freude damit es war das perfekte Geschenk
Tout est parfait, sauf la notice pas explicite du tout.
Mais le principal c’est que notre fils s’amuse avec et est heureux
Regalato a nostro nipote di tre anni.Ha imparato subito ad usarlo ed dell’altezza giusta per lui.Bellissimo e ben rifinito, facile da montare
Mein Sohn spielt sehr gerne mit dem Bagger. Hat eine sehr gute Qualitt und ist sehr aufzubauen. Kann dieses Produkt nur empfehle
Divertente e ben fatto. Il bimbo si diverte un sacco e…. Ad ancora non lo abbiamo portato in spiaggia….:-). Ottimo compromesso qualit/prezzo e l’esperienza di acquisto su Amazon di conferma top.
Ottimo!!comprato per mio figlio di 3 anni e mezzo…era felicissimo e si diverte a caricare la breccia..montaggio abbastanza semplice..consiglio a tutti
il mio bimbo di 4 anni lo adora letteralmente… ci scava di tutto… dai lego in casa, alla sabbia in cortile, ai sassi in spiaggia…
e piace anche al fratellino di 14 mesi che si fa spingere dai fratelli muovendo la benna e facendo i tipici rumori…
Needs a reasonable amount of strength and coordination to use, but has provided plenty of playtime fun.
Needs a reasonable amount of strength and coordination to use, but has provided plenty of playtime fun.
A lovely made toy for an action packed garden activity of dig dig digging and loading into a trailer! Hours of fu
A lovely made toy for an action packed garden activity of dig dig digging and loading into a trailer! Hours of fu
super achat-livraison impeccable en relais colis-emballage soign.le pere nol a fait mouche super ravi de cet achat pour un petit garon de 2 ans. Qualit impeccable
sehr robuster Eindruck , in Praxis konnte bisher aber noch nicht getestet werden, Zusammenbau ok, negativ die Radkappen lassen sich bei diesem nicht anbringen ,naja sieht auch ohne besser aus
Unser 3jhriger Enkelsohn ist restlos begeistert. Qualitt passt, musste erst zusammengebaut werden, Opa hat es aber ruckzuck geschafft. Lieferung prompt, alles bestens.
Das Material ist stabil und die Mechanik robust. Es besteht die Gefahr nach hinten umzukippen, wenn die Kinder etwas wilder spielen. Aber zum Wettrennen fahren ist ein Bagger auch nicht gedacht 😉
Die Kinder finden den rolly toys super, wir sind bestens zufrieden.
Tglich wird gegraben, geschaufelt und vieles mehr. Echt supe
Ist nen toller bagger nur das drehen ist etwas schwer. Montageanleitung war sehr gut beschrieben und bebildert. Machte mir Spa ihn zusammen zu baue
Zusammenbau ist etwas umstndlich… aber mglich. Qualitt ist sehr gut.
Unserer kleine / 2 Jahr kommt noch nicht ganz auf den Boden… hat aber schon sehr viel spa
Un eccellente acquisto, bel prodotto, solido e sicuro, fatto bene, eccellente materiale.
Descrizione corrispondente a ci che effettivamente arrivato, consegna puntuale.
Ganz OK das Teil, ich htte ja gern ein etwas stabileres Teil, aber fr diesen Preis nicht realisierbar. Und meinem kleinem Enkel ist das egal, er Baggert wie ein Weltmeister und hat seine Freude daran. Also : Super Teil Kommentar meines Enkels
“Er” ist wirklich “nur” zum Baggern.
Wenn ich diesen nochmal kaufen wrde, dann erst fr ein Kind ab vier, weil die verstehen dann besser dass der nur zum baggern ist. Ansonsten nix zu meckern, alles SUPER!
Leicht aufzubauen !!!
Schnelle Lieferung
Ist sehr robust und hlt einiges aus,, kann man nur weiterempfehlen, echt super !!
Vom Material her ist er super stabil und ich selbst habe ihn zusammengebaut bekommen :))
kann leider nichts dazu sagen, da es ein Geschenk war. der Winter war zu lang, um schon etwas zu sagen.