Samson G-Track Pro – Professional USB Microphone with Audio Interface – Black

Go Mic Q2U Meteor Mic C01U Pro G-Track Pro
Type Side Address Condenser End Address Dynamic Side Address Condenser Side Address Condenser Side Address Condenser
Cardioid ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Omnidirectional ✓ ✓
Bidirectional ✓
Zero-Latency Headphone Monitoring ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Headphone Level Control ✓ ✓ ✓
Additional Analog Input ✓
Mounting Options Laptop Monitor, Desktop, Mic Stand Desktop (includes tripod stand and mic clip), Boom Arm, Mic Stand Desktop (fold-back legs), Boom Arm, Mic Stand Desktop (includes tripod stand), Shockmount, Boom Arm, Mic Stand Desktop (includes desk stand), Shockmount, Boom Arm, Mic Stand
Frequency Response Cardioid: 80Hz–18kHz; Omni: 20Hz–20kHz 20Hz–18kHz 20Hz–20kHz 20Hz–18kHz 50Hz–20kHz

Weight: 1.69 kg
Dimensions: 27.94 x 15.24 x 15.24 cm; 1.69 Kilograms
Model: G-Track Pro
Colour: Black
Batteries Included: Lithium ion batteries required.
Colour: Black

190 Responses

  1. Suann quotHoneybeequot Lundsberg says:


    It is pricey, but it is the best USB mic I have ever used. If you have an extra $100 – $200 go with an XLR mic

  2. TriRadar says:


    ce micro est extrmement sensible et captera tout son mme lointain (rglable avec des logiciels donc pas si important)
    il possde beaucoup de fonctionnalits utiles mais il est trs lourd ( prendre en compte pour choisir un bras)
    au final trs bon micro, je recommande pour la qualit sonore et pour les fonctionnalits

  3. Anonymous says:


    Sirve increble, en mi caso lo uso para grabar podcast

    Se conecta por USB a mi laptop y con eso tienes micrfono potente y el outro de los audfonos para no afectar el sonido

    10 de 10

  4. KarolPickrell says:


    Un ottimo microfono arrivato in perfette condizioni, arriva con un programma compreso nel prezzo, la qualit audio molto buona per la fascia di prezzo, senza dubbio un buon microfono, l’unico problema riscontrato il cavetto, essendo che si inserisce da sotto non si capisce mai in che modo metterlo e spesso emette dei brutti rumori elettrici se storto

  5. Anonymous says:


    Simplemente excelente, el audio es perfecto, ma versatilidad del microfono es muy buena

  6. LiamYoung says:


    ottimo prodotto, molto performante. L’opzione panoramico e direzionale rende questo microfono un pregiato prodotto. Consigliato

  7. Luke Tsai says:


    a lot of people dislike usb mic’s and they get a very bad rep, which if your an audio person yes there’s obviously better gear if your willing to fork out more money however this mic is actually really great even for making music and recording vocals much better then some 100$ range condenser mic’s i have tried. No it’s certainly not a rode or a audio technica however for ditching the expensive external interface for an all in one solution it’s audio quality is phenomenal if you are not yet making money off your music and therefore demanded by your label for extreme PROFESSIONAL quality you can make wonderful mixes with this mic and it’s all you will need to get noticed. if your looking for a usb podcast solution this is even better yet. I really feel like these mic’s catch a bad rep by audio guys because they are surrounded by thousands of dollars of equipment that they have at their disposable but the truth is this is all you need to get going, get noticed whatever it is you want to do it will give you a mixtape quality sound and is used by a lot more professionals then people realize for recording on the go yes it’s made for budget and convenience over quality but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a quality recording with it let’s be real guys can make hit songs on there iphone mic’s, it’s got nothing to do with the microphone and this microphone should not be discouraged for budget music makers. for less then 200$ and a free copy of GB or Audacity you will hit the ground running. You will need a pop filter i have outfitted this with the one samson made for the gtrack pro which i like because it’s made of steel however you don’t need that any will work. It’s not what you use it’s how you use i

    a lot of people dislike usb mic’s and they get a very bad rep, which if your an audio person yes there’s obviously better gear if your willing to fork out more money however this mic is actually really great even for making music and recording vocals much better then some 100$ range condenser mic’s i have tried. No it’s certainly not a rode or a audio technica however for ditching the expensive external interface for an all in one solution it’s audio quality is phenomenal if you are not yet making money off your music and therefore demanded by your label for extreme PROFESSIONAL quality you can make wonderful mixes with this mic and it’s all you will need to get noticed. if your looking for a usb podcast solution this is even better yet. I really feel like these mic’s catch a bad rep by audio guys because they are surrounded by thousands of dollars of equipment that they have at their disposable but the truth is this is all you need to get going, get noticed whatever it is you want to do it will give you a mixtape quality sound and is used by a lot more professionals then people realize for recording on the go yes it’s made for budget and convenience over quality but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a quality recording with it let’s be real guys can make hit songs on there iphone mic’s, it’s got nothing to do with the microphone and this microphone should not be discouraged for budget music makers. for less then 200$ and a free copy of GB or Audacity you will hit the ground running. You will need a pop filter i have outfitted this with the one samson made for the gtrack pro which i like because it’s made of steel however you don’t need that any will work. It’s not what you use it’s how you use i

  8. Amerson says:


    Un grand OUI mais avec quelques conditions prendre en compte !

    Avec ses robustes finitions et son poids imposant, le SAMSON G-TRACK PRO est un monstre parmi les micros pied. Et la qualit suit ! Le son est clair et trs agrable l’coute, il se rgle facilement grce aux boutons prsent directement sur le micro, et se paramtre trs bien sur le PC pour une qualit maximale dans les gammes USB ! Un son presque XLR avec de l’USB, et pour ce prix bien plus avantageux qu’un bon micro avec une bonne carte son, a vaut le coup, je suis ravi de cet achat plus de deux ans d’utilisation !

    Une entre jack pour couter le retour direct est disponible sur le micro, et une entre pour vos instruments vous permettra d’enregistrer sur deux pistes diffrentes en simultan votre voix et votre instrument ! Un petit plus qui plaira aux musiciens qui n’ont pas encore le budget pour des cartes sons trop chres !

    ATTENTION CEPENDANT, sa robustesse n’est pas qu’un avantage, malheureusement le poids de ce micro ne permettra pas tous les bras articuls de supporter ce mastodonte ! Il va falloir dbourser les quelques 70 euros du bras officiel SAMSON (et la livraison d’au moins un mois) qui sait trs bien supporter ce poids, et ajouter cela un shock mount qui peut accueillir ce micro, ce qui vous coutera quelques recherches google pour en trouver un qui lui va… Bref, il faut bien prvoir les accessoires qui vont avec ce micro, et les premiers prix ne pourront simplement pas faire l’affaire !
    Mais une fois tout ce matriel en votre possession, l’usure ne viendra pas bout de tout cet quipement aussi vite qu’elle le ferait avec un bras articul aux alentours de 15 qui parait plus abordable mais qui en ralit cote cher remplacer chaque fois qu’une partie cde (et a arrive plus souvent qu’on ne le voudrait)

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to set up and great for solo work with just a guitar.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I really love my G-Track but I didn’t when I first got it.
    It seemed to pick up everything – just too sensitive.
    Once I bought a foam mic head this solved the problem.
    It’s very heavy – built to last…like a Volvo.
    It’s a doddle to use, just plug in and record.
    I bought it when it was 177, for some reason the price has come right down?
    Which makes it even more of a no-brainer.
    Wouldn’t hesitate to buy again.

  11. LolitaMacgroart says:


    El Micrfono es muy bueno, se escucha muy bien y lleg a tiempo.

    Lo nico malo que me paso con el micrfono es que los drivers no se instalaron bien por ende no se le puede subir el volumen desde la PC. Al parecer es un problema muy raro ya que no encontr ninguna solucin en ningn lado. Y por desgracia no se pueden descargar los drivers desde la pgina oficial.

  12. Anonymous says:


    I’ll start by saying:
    This. Hands. Down. outclasses other mics that are 100$ more expensive than this mics asking price…

    First the sound quality,
    24-bit, 96kHz resolution. This is great resolution and an even better bitRate.. honestly at that level, if you’re using this to upload/stream to YouTube/twitch/podcasts or using this for discord (especially if you haven’t upgraded discords audio codex)
    You’re going to hit a bottle neck on the software side before being able to max out the full quality of this mic.

    Why its a winner:
    Other Mics might have a higher kHz and bitR but unless you’re audience is only audiophiles with 1000$+ headsets / recording multiple loud music instruments at once;
    Stats like that are only used to inflate the price for a better profit margin.

    The build is thick bumpy metal, (feels almost like cast iron).
    And it weighs nice and heavy
    it just looks and feels high quality.

    The buttons feel smooth / firm when turning.
    Has physical switches for the type of recording you want to set.
    you can plug in your headset and use side tone to monitor your voice

    Honestly, even if they charged more I wouldn’t have much nitpicks.
    Everyone looking for a mic upgrade, that can do great voice has headphone support and is good enough for instruments, with out the need for drivers should take a look at this mic.

    Samsun offers a lot of addons like Boom arms and Vibration isolation mounts on there website
    If you want to upgrade this.

    The only bad thing I found is that Samsun isn’t advertising this mic as much as they should be.

  13. PearlinDubois says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Great sound quality for recording audio for videos. I sound a lot more professional now!

  14. LanX59ykpk says:


    Microfone de excelente qualidade com baixo custo, acabamento impecvel e com um bom peso, perfeito para locuo ou gravaes em geral.


  15. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I enjoy this microphone. It delivers a full sound and serves as an interface and provides a headphone input so that you can monitor the sound going into the microphone.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Home-Office in Corona-Zeiten – und wie am besten Videokonferenzen machen? Zu Beginn der ersten Corona-Welle hatte ich mich noch fr ein Headset entschieden, aber nachdem ich teilweise Tage hatte, an denen ich das Headset morgens aufgesetzt habe und abends abgesetzt habe, die Ohren wehtaten und der Kopf einfach nicht mehr wollte, war ich auf der Suche nach einem Kopfhrerlosen Setting. Dabei habe ich mich (zum Glck vor der zweiten Welle im letzten Jahr) fr dieses Samson-Mikrofon entschieden und bin insgesamt sehr zufrieden.

    Das Mikrofon kommt erst einmal sehr wuchtig daher. Es ist kein Mikrofon, was unsichtbar ist, sondern ganz im Gegenteil, es ist auf dem Schreibtisch sehr sichtbar (was ich eigentlich nicht so schn finde). Dazu finde ich die Verarbeitung nicht so gut. Knpfe sind teilweise etwas schief angebracht (insbesondere der mute-Button, der fr mich doch recht wichtig ist).

    Entscheidend ist aber natrlich die Aufnahmequalitt und ganz wichtig an dieser Stelle – es gibt verschiedene Modi, von wo der Ton aufgenommen wird (Omni – Aufnahme von allen Seiten; Figure-8 – Aufnahme von vorn und hinten, wenn man einen Gegenber-Gesprchspartner hat; Cardioid: Aufnahme von vorne). Da ich es fr Videokonferenzen und Nutzung am PC, also auf Cardioid eingestellt. Diese Einstellungen machen fr mich einen deutlichen Unterschied! Gerusche meiner Kinder, die “von hinten” kommen, knnen so gefiltert werden und das funktioniert einigermaen gut!

    Der mute-Button ist fr mich in Videokonferenz sehr stark zum Einsatz gekommen, es ist einfach schneller, als mit der Maus auf mute zu drcken und ber die farbige Leuchtdiode, wei man auch, wenn man auf mute ist (gelb) und wenn man nicht (grn).

    Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Samson und mchte das Mikrofon nicht mehr missen!

    Sehr gut für Videokonferenzen!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The microphone itself is very good for the sound quality and the value for money.

    It is a very good microphone. Good for beginners and has a good sound quality.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love this Mic. I used to sing in simule and is amazing the capability of this mic .

  19. Anonymous says:


    Produit de qualit mais massif, prend beaucoup de plate et est trs lourd

  20. Anonymous says:


    Das G-Track habe ich jetzt schon 2 Monate im Einsatz.
    Rckmeldungen von anderen sind absolut super.
    Bestes Merkmal ist fr mich die integrierte Soundkarte und die Mglichkeit mein Kopfhrer direkt darber anzuschlieen. So kann ich auch mal fix die Boxen anschlieen (Stereo)
    Die Mglichkeit ein Instrument anzuschlieen, ist soweit ich weis sogar ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal.
    Ich war skeptisch und hab es blind auf Empfehlung bestellt, aber es ist absolut genial.

    Ich bereue es nicht.
    Die Qualitt ber den Kopfhrer ist unvergleichbar zu meiner Soundkarte auf dem ASUS Maximus GEN VI.
    Ich wrde es wieder kaufen, aber hab ja eins 😀

    Auch die Unterdrckung ist wahnsinn. So habe ich mal gefragt ob jemand meine Boxen im Hintergrund hrt und siehe da, nur Stimme wurde wahrgenommen. (Cardiod)

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Good sound and good controls. About as good as the Blue Yeti in my opinion.

  22. ClydePVOoawlur says:

     United States

    I am not an expert, but I depend on good sound reproduction for language teaching. I use Zoom and MS Teams. This one performs best. What more can I say?

  23. Anonymous says:


    Por el precio del micrfono la calidad es insuperable, sumamente sencillo de utilizar y las producciones quedan excelentes.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I use this primarily for spoken voice recording and streaming and am impressed with everything about it.
    It is genuinely built like a tank, is very solid and heavy. It comes with every adjustment I need on the microphone so no need to go into software to adjust recording levels, just turn the dial.
    Almost entirely used on cardioid setting and have found it cuts out much but not all sound outside that pattern.
    I have used the option to plug in an instrument to record both voice and guitar a couple of times and it works perfectly with electro acoustic and straight electric guitars.
    When I bought it around April 2021 the mic also came with a free copy of Performer Lite. A multitrack recorder which will take me some time to explore!
    Happy to recommend this excellent mic.

  25. CameronAshley says:


    I have been doing my research for 12 months. Saw all kinds of mics, from every company, with every possible specifications. I wanted to buy a microphone which will benefit me for years and I shouldn’t worry about getting a new one in next 3-4 years.
    Was confirmed to buy an XLR condenser microphone but I was always inclined towards the simplicity of usb mics.

    So, I fixed my eyes on the legendary blue Yeti!
    Was just about to order it when I saw this “Samson g track pro” and I thought to just read about it a bit and guess what!
    My order was placed for g track pro the very next day!

    And I am very very satisfied by the incredible quality of the microphone. And all the features work fantastically well!

    I would definitely suggest this to anyone who wants a good microphone.

    The best feature stacked and great sounding and strong af microphone money can get!

  26. Bryon7837yydwj says:

     United States

    o idea how to really review a mic since im not an audio tech but its a great mic that makes you crisp and clea

  27. RefugioX71 says:

     United Kingdom

    Usual problem with 3.5mm headphone jack -they never seem to connect properly, but that’s a universal problem with these jacks, and not specific to the G-Pro mic.
    With computer settings enabled, the G-Pro matched all expectations – I do like it!
    It works well with flight simulation and all other input-based programmes, including voice recordings.
    Well recommended.
    I only give 4 stars rating for value on the basis of its old age technology and current market price.

  28. Stella says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Amazing sound quality and voice quality. Easy setup. Perfect for podcas

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love it! I use it with my Macbook Pro and it works great. No need for special software or drivers.
    The sound quality is amazing. No need for a separate audio interface with pro sound quality and the mic sound is awesome. Small bundle with big pro sound.
    The best thing I have bough so far for my small home studio.

  30. DarrylCaire says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    A bit on the pricey side – but good value overall – rugged construction, customizable pickup patterns, easy installatio

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After choosing this mic and taking delivery I initially had a few reservations. It’s a big solid metal chunk of a mic compared with the delicate and sleek designs of the likes of the Blue Yeti. Also I’d hoped to use the instrument input to mix sound with voice but all I got was a strangled sound. Also on Zoom the computer monitor volume was suddenly turned up to max plus the mic picked up every bit of noise. After briefly considering returning it I thought I’d better try it out properly for quality and was SO impressed by how good it was for both instruments and vocals. For voice it captures your full voice with full richness. I decided to keep it on that basis alone and I’m so glad I did as after a few minutes of fiddling with settings I got it working perfectly on Zoom and streaming. I even found that by turning down the gain and moving close to the mic it can exclude background noise really well. With the gain turned up it can pick up everything, even gnats passing wind! I also looked into why my iPad didn’t work as an input and found that by using a 3.5mm stereo socket to 6.35mm mono jack plug adapter (less than 2 on Amazon) I could get perfect sound (it’s mono but can be heard in both headphones). I even find it quite aesthetically pleasing now I’m used to it, it’s certainly solidly built. All in all this is a great mic that is so adaptable and sounds amazing. It also works well with my iPad to record, using a lightning to USB adapter. I found that contrary to the instructions it wasn’t necessary to supply power to the iPad at the same time however I would still recommend getting the adapter with the power port as the iPad battery falls fast when recording. I still can’t get over how many things this mic can do. It’s a great mic in itself, every bit the equal of the Blue Yeti but then it’s an interface as well (with a 15 sub mixer you could connect up to 4 further line level inputs). Plus it’s all so well screwed together and is solid, solid, solid. The only downside is that it won’t be easy to find a boom arm that can hold its weight but then, given how good its stand is, why would you want to do that? In a sentence this mic is a recording studio for the corner of your desk. If you do anything involving the broadcasting or recording of sound, from Zoom to podcasts to creating tracks, you need one of these. If anyone tells you that usb mics are second best to a good XLR mic, show them this, it just might change their mind.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I bought this for a friend, off his list, for X-mas. He loves it. Definitely one of the best mics out there. He sounds great online / recording audio.

  33. DemetriaQgt says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Got this for my grandson’s 11 Birthday and he Says the quality for gaming is awesome.

  34. WFGHeriberto says:

     United States

    My music teacher recommended this. I ordered one right away, and I’m really satisfied. It took a little exploring to get the sound preferences right, but I could even though I’m no techie. I would recommended this to my musical friends. It does take up a little real estate on your desk, so be aware. My wife’s desk top is so crowded that she would have a hard time finding a place to put it.

  35. AllieYATES34 says:

     United Kingdom

    I use mine for hosting podcasts and chatshows on Twitch and it works fantastic. Very good quality and great sound. Like all desk mics, get a pop filter and make sure you are close to the mic when talking for the best sound quality.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Work’s amazing and it’s not necessary to buy the software it’s working beautifully

  37. SterlinDiggs says:


    Kurz und knapp, sein Geld mehr als wert.

    Der Klang ist mega auch ohne Programm. Ich empfehle nur jedem eine Microfonspinne dafr zu kaufen und einen Arm. Da sonst auch Vibrationen bertragen werden.

  38. MelvinJPWrhw says:


    Optimales Mikrofon fr Zoom. Z.B. fr Gymnastikbungen aus dem Turnverein wenn man beide Hnde frei haben muss.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I do a lot of video conferencing and find wearing headphones all day uncomfortable. I now use speakers and close mic myself to avoid picking up feedback and background noise. The sound is excellent, very clear and a big step up from using headset mics. I added a MINTHE Large Mic Cover, without that you will get plosives if the mic is very close to your mouth.

    The supplied stand is very solid but offers no isolation from the surface it’s on and I was picking up the vibrations of me typing so I’ve put the mic on a floor mounted stand – I may move to a boom but it’s working extremely well as-is. The required mount adapter is supplied with the mic.

    I’ve tested the 1/4 inch jack input and 3.5mm stereo headphone jack and they seem to work well, but I don’t see me using them very often so more of a nice to have than vital features.

    Installation was very simple, but if like mine yours starts flashing an amber warning light when in use, you need to change the mic sampling rate to match the Samson’s playback settings. To do this in Windows 10 go to Sound >Samson > mic/inst >additional properties>[advanced]
    I now use 24 bit 48000Hz which is what the Samson’s output was set to. (The mic default is 24 bit 44100Hz). I’m surprised this isn’t set to matching values as part of the installation.

    Construction is extremely solid – the mic and stand each weigh about 600g – and the finish is very good. It uses a USB B socket which is more durable than micro or mini USB. A USB B lead is supplied.
    Overall I’m very pleased with this mic and the price seems reasonable for the features and performance.

  40. LinaCTUupzeuner says:

     United Kingdom

    Microphone itself is very good it is a very heavy feels very well made if it helps alpha-gaming has a brilliant comparison between this microphone and other popular usb microphones eg blue yeti etc only problem my microphone seems to have a problem with its connection it feels loose n slightest touch to the cable near the microphone connection and you will get very annoying high pitch background noise its extremely annoying if you get used to normally perfect sound that comes through turning off monitoring gets rid of it but this is not solution I’m looking fo

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersDas Mikro ist echt der klangtechnische Hammer, jedenfalls mit Spinne an einem Boomarm aufgehngt betrieben. Anderfalls muss man sich doch schon, bei Nutzung mit dem mitgelieferten Tischstativ, die Stillhaltetaktik der londoner Buckinkham Palace-Palastwachen zu eigen machen, um nicht bei Bewegungen u. U. ungewollt einen Technobeat zu cratchen oder das HighToms-Solo von “in the air to night” auf der Tischplatte nachzustellen. Extrem sensibel, das Teil. Da fhrt einem das Lftegetusch des Laptops in der Hochleistungsphase schnell mal als akkustischen Schneesturm in die bekopfhrerten Ohren . Wegen der sehr hohen Sensibilitt fr Gamer, mit der entsprechend hohen Taststaturfrequenz, m. E. nach deshalb sicher nur eher weniger geeignet (unser 11-Jhriger “Progamer” schwrt da weiter auf das Blue Yeti X). Ansonsten aber uneingeschrnkt empfehlenswert, z. B. fr mich, wenn ich mit geschlossenen Kopfhrer auf, zu bekannten Songs ein bisschen auf meinen Latin-Congas jamme und die Nachbarn dann mit dem Besenstil nachklopfen mssen, um welchen Beat zu welchem Hit es sich genau handelt.
    Bei der erfolgten Preisanpassung von ca. 120 Euro auf mittlerweile nicht unter 170 Euro htte man meines Erachtens schon eine passende Spinne und eine Popschutz mit dazu packen mssen. Das mitgelieferte USB-Kabel ist brigens schon beim Buntmetallhndler an der Ecke entsorgt worden. Man sollte hier ein qualitativ hochwertiges Kabel dazu legen, was wegen der Tischfumontage auf einer Seite auerdem einen um 90 angewinkelten Stecker haben sollte, der beim Ankippen des Mikros nicht am Fu schleift.

    Aber das ist alles Jammern auf allerhchsten Niveau.

    Update vom 06.03.2021:
    Ich habe das Mikro jetzt auf einem Boomarm (Samson MBA 38) mit einer Spinne (Samson SP-04) im Einsatz. Luft unter Windows stabil und klingt noch viel besser, als mit dem Tischfuss. Allerdings sollte man beim Kopfhrern auf ein Spiralkabel verzichten, um bei Bewegungen keine “Sgerusche” am Mikrofonkorpus zu erzeugen bzw. mit aufzunehmen.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I was choosing this and between Blue Yeti but after watching reviews on Youtube I figured this will fit my voice more. It’s really heavy, you could tell the build quality is great even though it’s cheaper than other studio mics. One thing I noticed though is I bet the cable at the bottom would be more prone to damage because it’s kinda squeezed and there’s no room for it to fall freely.

  43. WarnerDJXY says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Very nice. All the plebs telling me to get Yeti crap. I eay “Hell no, I’m not a pleb” and got me this. Niw they are jealous of my radio personality. I will announce their every loss and failure with a deep, sensual, manly voice.

  44. Erik Sofge says:

     United States

    I use this for dictating my work, I hate to type. I gave this a 4 for gaming even though I don’t do this I am sure it would be great as this microphone has great quality.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A must have piece of kit for any musician and I am glad I bought this.

  46. Anonymous says:


    The case was a bit banged up but nothing seemed damaged and the mic works awesomely.

  47. SylvestTyer says:

     United Kingdom

    It does work fine, pretty good quality. I can recommend it, best one I’ve ever had

  48. NicholeValdez says:

     United States

    Keep in mind that the digitization occurs in the microphone and there is a short (around 41ms) delay. This works fine for voice-over work, but you’ll have to keep this in mind if you’re doing music overlays. I use Audacity and found that a 41-43 ms shift will correct the lag when tested with clicks. All in all, the mic sounds great with this one caveat.

  49. Alice Gilman says:

     United Kingdom

    Great mic for the money. Just plug in and talk

  50. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This mic was recommended to me by an audio engineer friend specifically for my voice, which is very low.
    I have only used it for recording voice and skypeing so far, so I cannot comment on the omni and bi directional features. As for the cardioid function…AMAZING.
    This mic picks up the mid and low frequencies of my particular voice exceedingly well.
    It also picks up the slightest room noise, so a quiet environment for recording is essential.
    I would only recommend it for gaming if you have stupid money to burn; this is a studio grade mic.

  51. Anonymous says:


    Honestly, this is a great sounding microphone. Plug in your instrument in the back and you will be amazed at how good it sounds running through the mic and playing back through the monitors. It picks up sound very well. I don’t have to be right up against the mic for it to pick up my voice. It works great with Audacity and Motu recording software. I’m sure it works well with others too. The mic fits the SPO4 Shockmount perfectly, as well as the Samson MBA38 Microphone Boom Arm. The USB cable for the microphone could be a little longer, but it works. I do not work for Samson Technologies, in fact, I am a musician/singer/song-writer/recording artist. I purchased this microphone to do some recording at home on my computer, and also some podcasting. The G-Track Pro is solidly made and the features it has are amazing, especially with the built-in interface. I don’t think anyone would go wrong owning this microphone. If treated well, each product should last because of how well constructed the items are. Customer Service is great. I had to communicate with them and they were very pleasant and helpful. These are trying times with Covid-19 and it may take a while to get someone, but just persevere and be patient at the same time. If you leave a message, they will contact you when they can, because they are short staffed. I hope this helps someone in trying to decide if this microphone will be what he/she is looking for.

    Honestly, this is a great sounding microphone. Plug in your instrument in the back and you will be amazed at how good it sounds running through the mic and playing back through the monitors. It picks up sound very well. I don't have to be right up against the mic for it to pick up my voice. It works great with Audacity and Motu recording software. I'm sure it works well with others too. The mic fits the SPO4 Shockmount perfectly, as well as the Samson MBA38 Microphone Boom Arm. The USB cable for the microphone could be a little longer, but it works. I do not work for Samson Technologies, in fact, I am a musician/singer/song-writer/recording artist. I purchased this microphone to do some recording at home on my computer, and also some podcasting. The G-Track Pro is solidly made and the features it has are amazing, especially with the built-in interface. I don't think anyone would go wrong owning this microphone. If treated well, each product should last because of how well constructed the items are. Customer Service is great. I had to communicate with them and they were very pleasant and helpful. These are trying times with Covid-19 and it may take a while to get someone, but just persevere and be patient at the same time. If you leave a message, they will contact you when they can, because they are short staffed. I hope this helps someone in trying to decide if this microphone will be what he/she is looking for.

  52. Anonymous says:


    G track pro sound better then xlr mic Samson C01… totally satisfied..

    G track pro sound better then xlr mic Samson C01... totally satisfied..👌👌👌

  53. Joe Holding says:


    Design of the mic
    Three adjustments for vocal
    Long enough cord
    Strong stand
    Mute button
    Underneath the mic the socket for cord to attach. It is not a good design to have a connection underneath with little movement for mic.
    All the knobs are very delicate. Their rotary movement is very wobbly. Care should be taken when increasing or decreasing the volume or mic, instruments.

  54. EllenSisco says:


    Quality at its best! Zoom meetings and music recordings just got better and easier. The instrument input was my deciding factor why i chose this over the blue yeti.
    This thing is heavy and i like it!

    Great mic for zoom meeting and music recording

  55. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love the “mixer” included in the mic and the sound is fantastic!

  56. BlancaAPTssw says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is a superb mic, providing crystal clear input and output quality without any discernible line noise for voice or instrument recording in Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro. It’s a delight to use.

  57. Iyah says:

     United Kingdom

    You get what you pay for and I’m all about that. Amazing features and it does the job. plug and play and you sound like you’re in a studio. 10/10 would recommend.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United States

    shame it’s not rechargeable wireless , cant have everything . so far good with gaming , not had a chance to use guitar jack and record yet. I think it will most likely work fairly good. mounted to a mic stage boom stand , will need more counter balance for sure , this Mic is heavy.

  59. KerriCpdponbnt says:


    Facil de instalar y usar. Cumple realmente lo que ofrece. Vale cada centavo.

  60. Anonymous says:


    Very easy to install. The included software is NOT EASY to run, and… is for post production, not live performances. Another words, you can’t add “effects, EQ etc” in for a “Live” broadcast. It might be good for recording only.
    I used this to record vocals with an acoustic guitar. Be aware that you will get bleed over from the “acoustic” guitar to the microphone, so the vocals and guitar are somewhat separated… but not totally. It has a warm tone, and the built in “mixer” is a great concept. I also found the included stand makes the mic sit somewhat low. Also, it “pops”… so you’ll need a pop screen or filter. The most disappointing part was the software. I was hoping to use it to EQ the vocals and guitar.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    There’s not a lot to dislike. It’s great and sounds great. I used it to replace my desk phone and people can’t tell that I am not talking on a high-quality phone. It really is very very professional sounding and very well made. I tried three other mics and none came close in the same price range. Very well worth it.

  62. JulissaBoyette says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Soun quality is perfect, works like said in description. Good for doing music and rap/vocals.

  63. AugustaU18 says:


    No soy conocedor, pero este fue un excelente micrfono para mi gusto. Me permiti grabar con facilidad y claridad voz y guitarra al mismo tiempo. Los cobros de volumen que tiene son muy tiles.

  64. Marta Franco says:


    Very Strongly built and surely is a good deal. Clean recording sounds and professionally applicable to all tasks.

  65. LucileBurnside says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe sound quality is excellent, and it looks and feels solid. However, sometimes the mic stops working often when the USB cable has been touched or moved slightly. Unplugging and plugging back in at the mic usually solves the problem. The USB cable is the weak link. It does not fit tightly into the mic. This is more annoying than anything else. The mic is heavy and most articulating booms are not up to the task. I bought one from Samson and it works nicely.

  66. Mandy Sleight says:


    El micrfono es muy bueno, suena muy claro y detallado, tiene buena calidad de construccin (metal) y se siente slido.
    Me extraa que no exista software de samson para sacarle mayor provecho a el micrfono, pero eso ya es cuestin de preferencia.
    El nico aspecto malo: el cable incluido es muy malo, se siente barato, delicado y se desconecta fcilmente, le en internet que muchas personas haban tenido problemas con el cable, incluso el de mi impresora es de mejor calidad…
    Si te vas a comprar este micrfono, te recomiendo comprar un cable extra de buena calidad.

  67. Anonymous says:


    Excelente, he tenido desde los primeros condensadores de samson y nunca me decepcionan, hay una increble mejora en este nuevo modelo.


  68. Anonymous says:


    Funciona perfectamente. La relacin calidad-precio es incomparable con otros productos del mercado. El sonido es genial y se configura en dos segundos.

  69. Anonymous says:


    Gr8 USB mic! The only USB condenser mic with an instrument input presently in the market. Good response. Met my expectations and requirement. Works directly with my Mac and iPhone (with additional OTG camera adapter and an Apple 18 W charger). So if the requirement is to work with iPhone then there’s additional Rs 5500/- one has to spend.

  70. SallyBarrington says:


    Phantastisch auf allen Linien! Schwer, dadurch stabil! Ich komme aus einer Musiker-Familie und wei die Tonqualitt sehr zu schtzen!


  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Transformational. Really excellent quality. Everyone I was on zoom/teams/webex/gotomeetings with commented on the sudden quality increase. Also been using it for some corporate videos I had to voice. Much better than anything I have used before.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed something that would give me a better quality than I had for for virtual lecturing. This gives me everything I need + more

  73. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Loud enough, clear sound, i recommend this for streaming, voice over, and pretty much all kind of audio work.

    Loud enough, clear sound, i recommend this for streaming, voice over, and pretty much all kind of audio work.

  74. IsiahTruebridge says:


    Beautiful microphone!
    I use it on a daily basis for sales/training etc. via Zoom.
    It’s exactly what I expected, and I’m quite happy with it.

  75. Anonymous says:


    Also das mic ist echt gut sehr schner klarer Klang und qualitative Verarbeitung. Sehr gut um Rap Musik aufzunehmen oder Gesang.
    Aber: es gibt so gut wie gar kein Zubehr das passend ist fr dieses MIC das heit popschutz oder Stnder zu finden die passen und nicht die eigene Leber im Austausch fordern, ist echt schwer. Die Einstellung mit FL studio ist auch nicht so leicht aber es klappt auf jeden Fall.

    Alles in allem:
    Wrde es nochmal kaufen.

  76. Millsy says:


    I could clearly notice a difference between the sound before and after getting this mic. Really easy to setup and use.

    I could clearly notice a difference between the sound before and after getting this mic. Really easy to setup and use.

  77. PaulaPullen says:


    I don’t usually take time to write reviews, but this is one of the greatest mics I have bought, the sound is amazing, great for online meetings, media creation and etc

  78. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    So this thing is not your normal USB mic…let’s start off 3 sound patterns Omni, Figure 8 and Cort. Now add in a line-in so hook up your guitar, effects board, keyboard or what ever you want. Plug in your headphones for ZERO delay monitoring and your set for recording, streaming, gaming…

    Mute button, volume control for Line-In and headphones makes this perfect for the starte

  79. GregoryNNVJ says:

     United States

    I am writing this review, with the product that I’m reviewing. I’m using voice recognition and the Samson G track Pro is my input device. I am very impressed with this microphone, it is high quality, and it is built well quality materials. The individual controls separating the gain from the headphone volume is quite handy. The input quality is amazing; this microphone is well worth your attention on your investment. Whether you are a musician, run a podcast ,use it for video calls, or simply use it for voice dictation like I do, you cannot go wrong with this microphone.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This mic sounds really good! Love the line in input, direct monitoring and knob to mix the level of the mic with the line in source, very helpful! The different modes are great too. Sturdy and solid, comes with its desktop holder, but can be mounted on a mic stand with the provided attachment, as well.

  81. Anonymous says:


    Durch Corona war Digital Untericht als Physik Lehrer in Holland Angesagt. Sehr Klarer Micro was den Untericht zu gute kam, sehr Stabiles Teil womit ich super froh bin.

  82. KareemGolder says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    basically its just a printer cable A-Male to B-Male 2.0 cable is all you need, but i love it love the sound amazing highly recommend this amazing mic.

  83. OliverWillson says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Didn’t expect it to be so bulky but I love that. It’s very high quality material and sounds great. Very nice for streaming.

  84. Anonymous says:


    Everything was good until i found that the stand mount is missing from the box. Now the is no way i can mount this on any mic stand

  85. AngeliaJ87 says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Pros: sound quality, usb plug and play, the mute button is very convenient

    Cons: heavier than other microphones of same quality, same price range. If you want to purchase the supporting arm you will have to get the one specifically recommended by the manufacturer which costs more.

  86. Paul says:

     United States

    I do not think people realize how bad a gaming mic sounds until they hear themselves back. When you get this mic you realize how clear you sound, this mic sound amazing. If you want to upgrade the way you sound when you are gaming i would recommend this mic.

  87. CathleePartee says:

     United Kingdom

    I was looking for a good microphone for the PC which would work for both streaming, video work and for skype. I was considering a sennheiser SP-series desk mike, and then I thought about going upmarket even further. I’ve used a blue yeti, a Sennheiser SP-20 and a few other boom mikes as well as the mikes you get in logitech and microsoft webcams.

    I’ll say that the mike you get in, say, the C910 / C920 webcams is almost as good as a professional quality mike now. There’s so much processing in webcams nowadays that it’s almost not worth going for a really expensive mike unless you’re doing interview work, or laying down studio tracks. For skype and streaming, a modern webcam is all you need.

    So, why consider one of these Samson G-Track Pros? Well, the sound quality is very good. I’ve tested the sound of my voice and music through this and a few other mikes, and it’s definitely the best quality mike I’ve got, and I’d say it edges out the blue yeti in some of the bass response. But it’s not mind-blowingly better than the new Logitech webcam for most things.

    Where the Samson excels is in two areas:
    * Controls
    * Headphone jack.

    You see, this isn’t just a microphone, it’s also a sound card! Yep, let me say that again: When you plug the Samson G-Track Pro into your PC, it pops up not just as an audio input device, but also an audio OUTPUT device. And the reason why? Streaming and monitoring!

    When you’re streaming, you often need to be able to hear the volume of your voice, and the game you’re playing. However, the people watching will be able to hear the game through the desktop capture. So if you’re playing sounds through the PC’s speakers, the mike will pick it up and people watching will get echo. If you’re monitoring your stream with a lag, say like what Twitch does, you can get horrible “ring-around” where you hear your own voice a few seconds after you say it, coming out of the Twitch dashboard, which then gets echoed a few seconds later…. until the whole thing is a squealing screaming mess.

    The Samson G-Track has a little headphone port on the back. You can pop in a couple of in-ear monitors or shielded headphones, and have the PC select the Samson as the speaker. Now, the game is being sent to your ears through your headphones. “Why not just use the headphone jack on the PC?” I hear you ask. Good Question… It’s because the Samson also mixes the input from your microphone into the stream and plays it back into your ears LIVE. You can alter the volumes of the PC and microphone right there on the microphone itself, to get the right balance. Then, you can monitor yourself without the audience hearing an echo.

    The next bonus for streamers is a little LED on the front. Normally green, it flashes red when you get too loud and would cause distortion. This helps you set the volume nicely too.. If you can talk without the LED going red very often, you’re nice and clear to the listeners.

    Now, moving away from streaming into the interviewing space, the microphone allows you to select from several pickup modes. Cardiod is good for streaming, omni is good for rooms full of people and noise, but Figure-8 is perferct for when you have two people either side of the microphone in an interview situation. You can also use the modes to alter the ‘sound’ of the microphone to suit your surroundings if, say, there’s lots of echo, or if you move around a lot.

    Finally, for musicians, there’s a guitar 3.5mm auxilliary input. Like the microphone, it lets you connect instruments into the mike directly, so when you’re singing the computer doesn’t pick up the sounds coming from an amp which may be behind or below the mike, and produce a muddy sound. The input is direct, and you can separate the track out for easier recording.

    OK, so I think it’s pretty clear from this, don’t buy this is you’re expecting your voice to suddenly sound like Richard Burton. And don’t expect this microphone to require you to do away with input EQ processing. You’ll still need to do it, and you’ll still sound like you. But it WILL be better than a condenser mic in a webcam (if only just).

    Where this mike excels is in how much easier and better it makes it for streamers, interviewers and musicians.

    Now, for the bad part. The mike is quite heavy. I was surprised by how solid it it, including the base. That makes it tricky to find a boom arm to fit it, most assume much lighter mikes, and you get a ‘droop’ when you use this in an anglepoise boom. Samson’s own range of boom arms even claim compatibility but only some work. Similarly shock mounts are hit and miss. SP01 obscures the buttons, so go for the SP04. But those’ll set you back another 100 or more for the two.

    And finally, I couldn’t get this mike to work on my laptop. The port just couldn’t provide enough juice I don’t think. The mike would flash alternately green-orange-green-orange. When I plugged it into the PC, though, it worked fine. Given that I wanted it for the PC, that’s not a problem for me, but if you have an older laptop, or a ‘light’ laptop, you might find it doesn’t work properly. Of course Amazon’s returns policy is excellent, so if it doesn’t work it’s not a problem.

  88. ShavonnRothstei says:

     United States

    Great product quality and value. One necessary item if you want broadcast quality audio in your video streams and conference calls.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Bought this to record music on MacBook Pro. Very easy plug and play into something like Garageband or other Audio Interfaces. Just plug in your Guitar/Bass cable into the back of the mic and you are on your way! Great!

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States

    For gaming and recording online vids, this mic works like a champ. It’s heavy and solid so not prone to shifting around, the various mic settings (figure 8, cardioid, etc.) all work as described, and the base is great at absorbing any vibration to keep it out of the audio feed. It’s really good at handling background noise, especially with simple room noise removal such as with Audacity. If anything, make sure you can place it in front of your mouse/keyboard if you’re using it on pc, as it will pick up the clicks of a mouse and mechanical keyboard….using cardioid and placing it in front of the keyboard eliminated that issue for me.