SKULLCANDY – Crusher EVO Over-Ear Wireless – Black

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Dimensions: | 20.1 x 18.7 x 9 cm; 0.28 Grams |
Model: | S6EVW-N740 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | SKULLCANDY |
Origin: | China |
Does what it is advertised to do. Great product and it works great with skullcandy software. Great for gaming and watching movies on my pc. Also the Battery life is incredible. I use my headphones everyday for hours at a time with decently loud volume (Bass slider all the down) and it’ll go for more than a week without needing a recharge. The battery on this thing is the biggest seller point.
Love these headphones!! Had been looking for good headphones for quite some time. Ordered Bose wireless headphones but was quite disappointed with their bass. Then I found these Skullcandy headphones and they are exactly what I’d been looking for! Highly recommend, especially for the price. 10/10.
The bass is too good to be true … The vocals are crisp and clear. The headphone is lightweight and doesn’t feel too heavy. It looks great too. Nothing feels cheap. The only gripe I have is that the headband is made of plastic – be careful while using it or you might break it.
Update. The battery life on these is unbelievable. I’ve listened on these for already more than a couple days worth and there is still over 3/4 battery life left. They outlast all of my wireless headphones, my iPhone and iPad. Have to keep charging my iPad!
I really like these. Awesome battery lifethey beat my iPad by far!! and sound quality great!! BUY THEM! Holy smokes the base is UNREAL!! Best I have ever had!! The headphones shake!! BUY THESE!!! I love them!!
Ich habe etliche Kopfhrer durchprobiert und bin von diesem absolut berzeugt. Schn ist es, dass der Bass mit dem physischen Regler angepasst werden kann, ohne eine App zu nutzen. Den Klang empfinde ich als gut. Auch das System zum Anpassen das Sounds an das eigene Gehr berzeugt.
Top notes for these are the charge duration (claim of 40+ hours seems to be a stretch but it’s definitely lasting over a day), the pure bass enhancement (very good without distorting the other levels, even on higher settings), and the controls layout (very comfortable to use and intuitively placed).
The only issues I have are they don’t rest in a way that feels secure on head unless I’m sitting in place without moving much. While comfortable, I also find myself removing them often to reposition on my head it’s not that they incur soreness or discomfort but they feel like they shift. The ear pads are also very good, but more on-ear than over-the-ear (unless you have smaller ears, I suppose).
The Bluetooth 5.0 works very well between devices but I do need to manually reconnect them via the OS when swapping between my phone and laptop. Minor pain, and a non-factor if you only pair with one device.
They do “leak sound” so others nearby can hear your music and they do not entirely cancel outside noise. That said, they are very immersive, and give a theater-like experience even with mediocre audio sources. Streaming video on the major services sounds fantastic, as does Spotify and Pandora, and a good deal of YouTube videos.
The integrated Tile feature is a nice touch an easy enough to set up once you download their app onto your phone.
For the price point, these are amazing and only the highest-tier audiophiles will feel any need to upgrade.
Bei kleinen Kpfen (wie meinem) grenzwertig bis wackelig, wenn ich durch die Wohnung vor mich hin tanze.
Sound ber Kabel erstaunlich VIEL besser. Aber auch sonst ok. Krasser Bass – lsst sich aber auch runterregeln.
Trotz Brille angenehm an den Ohren. Dafr auf dem Kopf oben irgendwie nach einer Weile drckend – das kann aber auch eine persnliche Sache sein.
Hab mir diese Kopfhrer geholt, weil ich im Nebenzimmer, wenn Besuch da ist, ungestrter sein wollte – dafr sind sie nicht abschirmend genug, wenn leichte Musik luft. Schade. Ich dachte es geht auch ohne diesen active noise Firlefanz.
Tastenbelegung nach zwei drei Versuchen ist nachvollziehbar und simpel.
Mikrofon ist wirklich sehr tauglich zum Telefonieren!
Also alles in allem ist die Preis Leistung also ok.
Nicht “berauschend” ist tatschlich das Hintergrundrauschen, was ber Kabel noch schlimmer ist als ber Bluetooth. Da htte ich dann bei ber 100 Euro doch mehr erwartet.
Ich hatte die kabelgebundenen Crusher, die Crusher Wireless und habe mich durch Bruch des Knickgelenkes jetzt fr diese Version entschieden.
Ja ich mag Bass und ja, mglicherweise haben extrem teure Kopfhrer auch hier und da besseren Sound (keine Ahnung, hatte bis dato kein Geld fr 300 Kopfhrer) ABER:
Die Skullcandy Crusher Evo geben begonnen bei der Verpackung schon einen super Ersteindruck. Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist super, angenehme Materialien, Optik und Handhabung. Verglichen mit den Crusher Wireless umschlieen die Ohrpolster mein Ohr noch viel besser und sie wirken “straffer”. Der Bass deckt auch den sehr tiefen Bereich besser und sauberer ab, als es die Crusher Wireless meiner Meinung nach taten. Die App ist ganz nett und bietet ein paar nette Funktionen, das stand fr mich aber nicht im Vordergrund. Ich finde auch den Klang ohne extra Bass ziemlich gut, die Kopfhrer sind soundqualitativ wirklich top. Der Bass klingt bei geringerer Lautstrke auch nicht so bertrieben dominant, wie bei den vorherigen wo er voll aufgedreht immer sehr dominant war.
berzeugt euch selbst! Ich bin zu 100% zufrieden. Danke Skullcandy!
Battery life and comfort are great ,
SOUND QUALITY is EPIC, crystal clear, thunderously loud plus Haptic bass
Los audifonos cumplieron con mis espectativas y realmente dan un buen costo beneficio alomejor las personas normales no invertirian tanto en unos audifonos pero realmente valen totalmente la pena buena compra
La bateria no hay nada de que quejarse sin problemas le dura 1 semana con uso promedio de 4hrs con todo el volumen y el bajo a un 15-25%
La ayuda de el sonido personalizado es muy buena realmente se nota la diferencia
El nico inconveniente seria que en algunas ocaciones por el ecualizador del propio sistema o app que uses hara mas fuertes los agudos pero mada que no se pueda solucionar con un buen ajuste de ecualizado
Given as a Christmas present and the recipient was over the moon with them.
Da ich Frenchcore, Hardtek usw. hre sind diese Kopfhrer einfach Perfekt dafr.
Dieser Bass ist einfach Perfekt, es gibt sonst keine Kopfhrer die solchen Bass Wiedergeben.
Jeder der schon mal in einem Auto mit gefahren ist, wo ein Subwoofer verbaut ist, wei genau wie sich das anfhlt. Und so kann man es sich ca. vorstellen wie diese Kopfhrer sind.
Ich finde aber das die max. Lautstrke etwas gering ist. (nicht Bass gemeint)
Crusher Evo is number one in the world for me. If you love real bass, these are the best headphones ever for you. I’m so happy with my “Crusher”, the sound is so clear and the headphones don’t tire your ears at all. It will fit your ears well and it’s really comfortable to wear this headset all day. The battery life has been insanely crazy since I bought this wonderful, priceless headphone. I only charged it twice and used it constantly. It has its own app where you can do a test for your ears. It will create a special profile for your ears and you can create multiple ear profiles. This wonderful gadget built with tile technology can follow this headphone all over the world. If I start explaining this headphone to you, I will spend all day writing, go check out this awesome headphone yourself.
Le Crusher Evo est pour moi le numro un mondial. Si vous aimez les vraies basses, c’est le meilleur casque jamais conu pour vous. Je suis tellement content de mon “Crusher”, le son est si clair et le casque ne fatigue pas du tout vos oreilles. Il s’adapte correctement vos oreilles et il est vraiment confortable de porter ce casque toute la journe. La dure de vie de la batterie est incroyablement folle depuis que j’ai achet ce merveilleux casque inestimable. Je ne l’ai charg que deux fois et je l’ai utilis constamment. Il a sa propre application o vous pouvez faire un test pour vos oreilles. Il crera un profil spcial pour vos oreilles et vous pourrez crer plusieurs profils d’oreilles. Ce merveilleux gadget construit avec la technologie des tuiles peut suivre ce casque partout dans le monde. Si je commence vous expliquer ce casque, je passerai toute la journe crire, allez vous-mme dcouvrir ce casque gnial.
THE BEST HEADPHONES I’ve ever had. The sound is AWESOME !!!! No pressure on my ears, I just trudge off of them !!!!
Insanely good.But I think I got a returned item.The bass slider had scratches(can’t tell if it’s a design or scratches) But pretty much what I wanted. Bass is soooo overpowered.
Los audifonos son muy cmodos, los graves y bajos retumban muy genial, estoy satisfecha con la compra, si los ves en oferta no dudes en comprarlos.
Los audfonos se sienten muy cmodos y el material se siente de excelente calidad. El control de bajos en el audio es muy bueno y se adapta muy bien a mi cabeza: no lastima.
Yo los uso en el gimnasio y, cuando menos en mi caso, resbalan un poco cuando me acuesto en el banco. Ojo con eso. Pero en todo lo dems, son excelentes.
These are more of a snug fit, not as comfortable as other headphones. But for the gym and short usage is great. There are other headphones for more comfort but this delivers crazy bass and sound. Really good headphones would recommend but if you want something really comfortable and less bass this isn’t for you
El paquete llego un da antes de la fecha. Los audfonos son excelentes, son de estilo urbano y sus grabes son increbles, anteriormente tena unos Sony con Extra Bass pero no se comparan con los grabes del los Crusher EVO.
Muy buenos audfonos excelente material excelente sonido tiene buenos bajos y vibran si subes muchos los bajos y puedes regular y ajustar el tipo de sonido que te parezca y te agrade dura un buen la batera fcil de transportar buenos audfonos
I have always wanted a pair of these ever since i put my friend’s on. I finally got to purchasing them and i was not disappointed. The sound is nothing like you have ever heard before. If you toggle the bass slider even a little bit you hear your ears vibrating. it is literally like standing next to a sub-woofer!
Would recommend highly
Muy buenos audifonos con excelente sonido, si te gusta el Hip Hop, Rock, Metal, EDM, Pop o en general para consumir contenido (videos, peliculas), son para ti. Pero no los recomiendo para musica como: R&B, Soul, Musica clasica, Opera y, Country. 🙂
Es importante Mencionarles que este tipo de audfonos no es para alguien que sea exigente en cuestin de calidad auditiva, si es as mejor aljate de este producto. Este producto va dirigido para aquellos que busquen bajos potenciados (potenciados es poco) quise decir bajos BRUTALES. Realmente estos audfonos te permiten sentir (literalmente hablando) los bajos dentro de tu cabeza, para algunos puede ser incomodo pero para otros puede ser placentero.
Depende tambin para que genero de msica escuches, pues si escuchas msica como, salsa, opera, pop, gneros que no utilicen muchos bajos pues realmente estaras tirando tu dinero a la basura. Pero si eres de esas personas que nos gusta lo pesado, los potentes beats, el dubstep, el hip hop, el rap, electronica, metal, deathcore, metalcore o el Hardcore, pues djame decirte amigo que estos son los audfonos adecuados para ti, creme valen la pena por el precio, yo los compre en el buen fin y no me arrepiento pues valen cada peso. Skullcandy con estos audfonos te ofrece de todo, hasta la batera que le dura 40 horas (comprobado). Son audfonos muy cmodos, un poquito pesados pero se entiende por la calidad de materiales que maneja. Te incluye una bolsa de tela gruesa muy bonita y protectora, te incluye cable auxiliar de muy buen material y tambin te incluye cable USB tipo C para cargarlos, hasta la caja es tan bonita que ni pensaras en tirarla.
Esa es mi resea son unos audfonos excelentes y realmente disfruto escuchar msica con ellos.
Me gusta el volumen, al tacto se v materiales buenos, lo nico que no me gusta es que los agudos prcticamente se pierden un poco, los graves son muy potentes.
Bass enthusiasts should go for it ! I don’t find any flaw, amazing packaging , sound quality is good and most importantly the bass effect is amazing . The patented tech works and you can’t feel the vibrations when bass is improved. Please note the bass effect also depends on the music all the phone your are using , the bass impact on a MI phone is way better than in iPhone . Also the bass effect varies from app to app. This is my second month with the product and I am a satisfied customer ! I have used budget headphones too but none had this kind of effect !
Su comodidad en cuestin de usarlos, son buenas a diferencia de otros que cansaban la oreja, estos se acomodan completamente y sus materiales son bonitos y resistentes.
Ich hatte schon wirklich viele Kopfhrer, aber diese hauen mich echt um! Fr Leute die es sehr basslastig brauchen ein absolut geniales Erlebnis. Als htte man zwei subwoofer um den Kopf herum. Ein Produkt welches sehr viel Spa macht und ein Lcheln aufs Gesicht zaubern kann 🙂
Buen sonido, se puede apreciar ms claridad que mis anteriores que fueron unos Hesh 3, tambin el bass es bueno, aunque no saba que si usas un cargador que no es, afecta al bass, le subes todo pero en realidad solo se siente un 60% y solo te das cuenta cometiendo la acci
So after numerous positive reviews I purchased and got my Skullcandy Crusher Evo just about a month ago and have been using it daily since. Have not regretted it and the reviews were on point.
As many have said the best way to describe and compare this to is imagine yourself with a very good home/car audio surround system inclusive of bass sub where you are able to appreciate not only mids and heights but also dynamic bass. Or in a dance hall standing in front of speakers. The sound and especially bass is truly amazing.
I’ve never experienced anything like this from another headphones and really enjoy using it. It’s a cut above the rest IMO. The haptic bass is out of this world and whatever the developers used to make it is truly commendable. What’s noteworthy is that you lose nothing from the mids and heights either as those come through quite clear. It’s simply perfect.
About the bass, what I like is you can adjust it on the fly accordingly with the slider knob which comes in handy as you know different types of music have different levels of bass input/output so that is a plus to be able to adjust on the fly to taste. Although you can adjust to full/100% level if you’re brave enough I generally would have it at 50% or somewhere between 25-50% (again depending on type of music) at a reasonable volume level because you don’t want to go too high either for too long as you risk damaging your ears over time.
I can’t praise this headphones enough. It’s a joy to listen with and one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Kudos to the developers for making it available.
Die Kopfhrer sind echt bequem und der Bass ist echt heftig. Auch die Mglichkeit Personal-Sound zu nutzen ist fr mich ein erstaunliches Erlebnis. Musik klingt jetzt viel besser als jemals zuvor.
He comprado las tres versiones de los crusher, y puedo decir con seguridad que son muy buenos, los bajos son superiores a la versin wireless, aumento la calidad de los medios y agudos, la batera dura igual a los wireless, valen cada centavo.
I like Skullcandy headphones. I purchased crusher before but it’s hinge was too weak but quality of sound was really nice. Recently after 2 years of use its broke so I thought to buy new version of it, hinge of this headphones is nice but I think they made the earbuds little small than the previous crusher and also the noise cancellation is not in it !
The Bass is just Mind-boggling. The only thing to mention is wear this is a cool room. For my head size, it gets uncomfortable after 2-3 hours of usage.
Pros: These headphones are fun to use and listen to! I needed a wireless replacement for a pair of wired Skullcandy headphones I had. I have long used and loved skull candy products for their powerful bass and excellent durability. These headphones will satisfy even the most hardcore bass enthusiast with the subwoofer feature. Connection was a breeze and after tweaking with EQ and various settings I got a sound I was much happier with (better balance between highs, mids, and bass). Ultimately that will give you a better experience!
Cons: While I love bass and enjoy listening to it thoroughly, the sound on these between mids and highs could be a bit better. I seemed to lose highs a little bit with my standard EQ settings. I will share my recommendation to improve the sound below as well. The ears will fit over most ears but there’s not much room to spare there but it’s not uncomfortable by any means.
Recommendation for better sound (iPhone users): Go into your Music settings on the iPhone and scroll down to EQ. Select “JAZZ”. This will make the highs pop better without sacrificing bass and making it sound “tinny”. Also utilize the app for setting up your personal sound.
I am very pleased with my headphones and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a fun music experience when they listen to their music! Skull candy continues to deliver with an exciting product and I would buy this again in the future.
sound quality for me very good i love base base oh my god
Unfortunately, while the Skullcandy Crusher Evo Wireless Over-Ear Headphones sound great, they are not comfortable to wear and do not come with Active Noise Cancellation.
What I like:
Great sound with an app that lets you customize the sound to your hearing. This is a great feature, especially for someone who has hearing problems as it will compensate and adjust the sound to give the listener a more normal sounding experience.
There is a ‘bass boost’ feature that allows one to increase the bass part of the sound spectrum through use of an external slider control. While this is nice, I rarely used this as these headphones already have a robust bass response.
Long battery life – up to 40 hours between charges. Nice!
What I don’t like:
There is no noise cancellation feature with this model. This is a shame as it would almost make these headphones just about perfect.
I find these uncomfortable to wear. I’ve never been accused of having big ears but the ear cups on these headphones are fairly small and seem to squeeze my ears – making them sore after awhile. I find that I am regularly adjusting them so alleviate/reduce the soreness.
Music sounds clear even at higher levels. Very impressed with the sound for a sub $200 set of headphones. These do not cancel out noise via ANC but do a good job drowning out wind and background noise via the soft ear cups.
I do wish these had a waterproof or splash proof rating as I find myself likely over worrying about sweat or some rain drops while out walking. It has rained on me a few times and stil going strong so don’t think there is too much to worry about there.
All in all I am happy, a lot of people have asked to try them out and are as impressed as I am, so i figure I have sold a few people on giving them a shot.
What a cool headphone this is! Sound is clear and the bass… man that bass! Goosebumps inducing bass! It is amazing! I like the fact I can adjust it on the side of the headphone, I don’t need to get my cellphone for that. I’d buy it again.
Uff. Me la pens mucho en comprarlos y hacer el gasto. Soy muy exigente con los bass en los audfonos. Y despus de ver muchos reviews… Cre que pondra muy alta la vara y que elevara demasiado las espectativas… Y ooh sorpresa. Me quede corto. Increbles… Son super potentes y calidad… Los e usado ya por varios meses. Y no dejo de disfrutarlos. Valen cada peso… La batera dura muy bien. Pase como 3 semanas sin poderlos usar por x motivos. Y al sacarlos. 100% de bateria. Sin perdida alguna por falta de uso.. Les compre un estuche aqu mismo en Amazon. Y son un accesorio para cuidar y disfrutar al mximo…
Para los que se preguntan que si estn mejores que la primera generacin…
Un punto que luego luego vi, es que la calidad de los materiales es superior a la primera generacin se sienten ms robustos y estar seguro que no se te rompern de las bisagras o la diadema a la primera manipulacin. (Igual trtalos con cuidado)
Excelente audio, para todo tipo de msica, SI para todo tipo de msica obviamente si escuchas rock o algn genero en el cual involucren ms medios tienes que tener el Bass desactivado y bien ecualizado tu telfono. (Que supongo que no compras estos para escuchar rock) En algn otro genero el cual involucra el grave, se escuchan grandiosos, ms ntidos que la primera versin. Si es menos invasivo el Bass pero se sigue escuchando espectacular. Es una compra acertada y estoy muy contento con la evolucin de la primera generacin. La pila es muy buena la duracin desde que los compre hace 1 semana an no los eh cargado.
El nico detalle que siento en los audfonos es que son ms pesados a comparacin de otros y por ello son ms cansados, por lo cual una jornada de 2 – 3 horas jugando, o escuchando msica vas a tener que descansar las orejas.
De ah en fuera pues a seguir disfrutando.
La peculiarit di queste cuffie la possibilit di calibrare i toni bassi a seconda del tipo di musica e delle preferenze. Anche le altre tonalit sono comunque presenti. per quanto riguarda applicazione su smartphone, non ho ancora avuto modo di utilizzarla. Per gli amanti dei bassi, il top.
Initial impressions: I’m totally loving this! Build quality is very good. Sound quality is just amazing!! Very comfortable to wear, it’s truly over-ear. Durability remains to be seen.
I just received my set and I’ve bought most of skull candy’s products because I’m looking for a defined bass with good quality but these headsets were always missing the latter. I would 100% recommend these headsets because not only do they offer the base of the skull candy line, the audio is much MUCH clearer and far less muddy. So once again, skullcandy have outdone themselves releasing a good headset for the price of 200 and generally less if you get them on sale like I just did for 50 bucks cheaper. These headsets have roughly 20% less bass than the crusher 360s but what they lack in bass they EASILY make up for in audio quality and less distortion for the amount of bass that you ant. The slider is also much much more accessible so if you want less base and you want good audio quality these headsets deliver. I don’t think much can deliver for a headset that I just bought for 150 bucks. As an example, most astros that I buy need the mix amp to even come close to this type of sound quality and most still lack bass and that’s for twice the cost at that point with the mix amp included. These headsets do not need that. If you are looking for a good balance of bass and audio quality these are the headsets you are looking for.
Dont think anyone’s mentioned this ,but this headphones are really good for watching movies, with the heptic feedback. For music too it’s really good. Impressive 🙂
You just have to try it to understand its true potential…. I was hesitant at first thinking about the sensory bass as it was just produced by the extra motors and not the drivers itself.. But when i connected it with my ipad and started listening to it, the bass just blew off my head(literally).. The only problem with it is that it has some comfort issues and u cant use it for hours straight even tho it has 40hrs of battery life.. Other that that u might have to sacrifice a bit on the treble and mid frequencies also the volume is not that high but pls dont let these things stop u from buying this pair of crusher evos just try this out at least once and you will be blown off by its bass…
By far the best purchase decision for me. Watching movie is like sitting on a theatre. And the basss …oohhhh spicy…Comfort level is not that great however it is very fun listening to it. My advice – Go for it if you have the money.
If you like bass you will love these headphones, it has a slider where you can adjust how much bass you want and the battery life is so long, I use them constantly through the day and I can go without charging for 4 days!!
Ein geniales Kopfhrer! Konkurrenzlos!
Am meistens benutze ich es beim Fernsehen und Filme schauen und jedesmal ein geiles Erlebnis. Wie als ob 3d Effekt. Tonqualitt ist hervorragend gut und bluetooth-verbindung sehr gut und Akku ist als ob endlos.
Come dichiarato dalla casa e dai tanti commenti, confermo che queste cuffie permettono dei bassi portentosi. Se siete alla ricerca di quello, avete fatto bingo.
Unici difetti:
– se collegate a cavo, e accese (per sfruttare i motorini che creano i bassi), in assenza di suono si percepisce un fischio statico, proveniente appunto dal sistema dei bassi. Se spento, risultano perfettamente silenziose.
– Un pochino pesanti, e la banda sopra la testa anche se in “gel” ha il difetto (pregio?) di fare parecchio grip sui capelli…risultando a volte scomoda.
Est versin de los crusher son una maravilla, realmente se aprovecha todo el potencial para ver pelculas, jugar videojuegos y ms cuando se ajusta el audio con la app de Skullcandy. La batera dura lo que dice, y creo que hasta ms, dependiendo del uso que se le d.
El bajo en estos audifonos es BESTIAL comparado con los Crusher Wireless normales, calidad de sonido es increible, los bajos se reflejan de manera muy precisa, la calidad de construccion es muy buena, y sin duda les gana a los beats. Los recomiendo al 100. Al principio pens lo que muchos: que el bajo no funciona con auxiliar pero nada ms los tienes que encender y ya, an estoy viendo que onda con el microfono pero fuera de eso muy bien 😀
Son unos audfonos excelentes y divertidos.
Pero antes de seguir seamos sinceros no son Hi-Fi y nunca presumen serlo… son decentes en especial para pelis y juegos. Adems por lo menos en mi caso la diadema me lastima en el centro tal vez solo es mi caso. Aclarando este punto pasemos a lo bueno.
Grandes noticias CABLEADOS AL CONTROL DE XBOX ONE X SI FUNCIONA EL MICROFONO Y EL CONTROLADOR DE VIBRACION (hay que encenderlos sin vincularlos a algun Bluetooth lo malo que se escucha un ruido blanco pues pasa corriente). Esto en especial es el plus frente a otros por ejemplo RAZER NARI Ultimate en donde la vibracin es tan fuerte que deja de ser agradable y se deja de escuchar bien los balazos por ejemplo.
Fuera de eso divertidos y buen volume
I have been debating whether to purchase these headphones for 6 months. I don’t know why I didn’t buy them sooner! They are UNREAL!!! 100% would recommend. I’ve never experienced headphones like these.
Lacking feature of dual pairing for power users. And the feature of tile is not very popular in India, so Skullcandy can remove this from Indian version and make it little cheaper.
Also I found it little slow comparing to my other Bluetooth headphone/earphone like play pause.
It will going to create a hot spot on your head after 1 hour, so you have take it off and take a 5-10 minute break.
Personal sound feature is a very good, by which one can adjust it according to his hearing capability. Base is over powering but can be handled with the slider.
Overall best in this range, but as said can be little cheaper.
I’m telling you these things surprised me literally everyone who tried these was dancing and it was the funniest thing seeing everyone’s initial reaction with these, they tell me they thought these was typical headphones and out of ten ppl I made try these only 7 went on Amazon and put them on there basket even someone said ‘I need these in my life’ . I can’t wait for the next ones
These headphones have really good wireless sound and especially bass quality. Microphone quality is also pretty good.
Unfortunately, if you ever want to use these headphones with a wired connection while turned on (so you can enjoy the heavy bass), they fall pretty short. While plugged in and turned on, there is a constant, soft, high pitched noise going in the background. It doesn’t completely ruin the sound, but it’s present just enough to irritate your ears with prolonged use. The sound is especially apparent/irritating between songs, when no other sound is playing. It’s a bummer because part of the reason I wanted these was to use them with my Quest 2 for Beat Saber, which requires a wired connection.
Alternatively, you can use the headphones wired while powered off to avoid this issue, but then you don’t get the heavy bass support, and they just sound like regular headphones.
I tried returning my first unit, but the second unit also has the same issue. Both units were the black model, and I’ve read in other reviews that the grey model seems to not have this issue as often. Not sure if that’s true, but it might be worth a shot if you plan to use these wired with the bass support.
Me encantaron los audfonos con los mejores bajos de la historia, mejoraron la manera de cargar, la comodidad y respecto al audio tienen mejoras en los medios y agudos, respecto a los bajos no habr ningunos como ellos en el mercado
Salve non faccio tante recensioni, per questa volta mi cimento perch non una marca conosciuta e merita davvero di essere tra i top.
Ho avuto svariate marche che non elenco per correttezza anche molto famose , queste Skullcandy che sembravano qualcosa di particolare per i bassi posso affermare che hanno un ottimo suono in generale , usate soprattutto con cavo e con apple music con ik nuovo suono lossless sono davvero incredibili.
Poi si hanno i super bassi hahah di quelli in stile 20hz ma non credete che non hanno qualit.
Ripeto le consiglio , provatele sono davvero delle signori cuffie.
Ottimi materiali e autonomia e ricarica suoer rapida.
Io le consiglio, e sono stupito davvero per il prezzo e la qualit.
Crusher evo is all about bass. Love this headphones.
If u r shifting from wireed skullcrusher then please don’t jump to conclusion in early days when using crusher evo. Because u might feel like the crusher evo just has bass and it is kind of fake. But trust me this is not the case. Skullcandy skullcrusher’s bass generation capacity is far less than crusher evo. This headphone is awesome.
After trying so many brand, found this headphone worth the money, exceptional bass sound quality which takes u another level of ur mind, one of must have headphone. Far Better than Sony and Jbl at this segment.
Me encant el producto, sper comodos, muy buen material, bajos super profundos, esa vibracin es de otro mundo.
Son mis audfonos principales, no me cansan ni nada. Los puedo usar con lentes y no me molestan para nada. Los agarr de oferta por 3300, una excelente oferta la verdad. No me arrepiento de nada.
En cuanto a la conexin con Bluetooth creo que me vino defectuosa, alguien sabe si los puedo cambiar por otros? Realmente me gustaron pero tienen ese detalle y en los juegos noto mucho lag 🙁
El sonido no es decepcionante, en lo personal eh tenido las 2 versiones anteriores de crusher y mejoro la calidad del sonido, en bajos es bueno pero siento que le bajaron un poco pero minimo los bajos porque con los crusher v2 los bajos eran brutales, ene estos siento que le bajaron un poco pero no son decepcionantes, ademas de que con la app mejoras el sonido de los audifonos adaptandolo a tus oido.
Preis war beim Kauf ein echtes Schnppchen. Der Klang ist fr mich voll Ok vor allem der Bass ist um auch mal einen Film zu schauen wirklich gu
Purchased these for their bass and I wasn’t disappointed, the bass can sometimes be overpowering and it’s a bass that can more or less be felt like cars having a subwoofer.
Go for it.
Nice bass and clear vocals. But heavy on head which make a little uncomfortable. Bass slider at 40% is just enough for good thump.
Blown away by the quality of sound, a friend of mine urged me to buy a set after they had and I am so pleased I did, I have never heard anything sound so good and the base, you can feel it within your body, I put on a Bob Marley album and was in heaven. Definitely recommend.
Okay, so these headphones are amazing and I would recommend it to 9/10 people. The bass is awesome, the haptic feedback is patented and provides you a different experience. I can compare it to sitting in a car with heavy woofers and feeling the chilling vibrations.
The only reason why I am giving it a 4/5 is because when headbanging a bit with these headphones (which you will trust me) they sort of slip. They are a little bit heavy but that’s not a problem.
When the headphones are connected with a cable to your laptop only the play/pause button will work. If your headphones are on and connected to laptop with a cable it will produce a buzzing sound. That can easily be removed by switching off your headphones and connecting to laptop with a cable.
These headphones are absolutely worth your money, the only problem I have is adjusting them on my head so because of comfort I am giving it a 4/5 else it is 5/5.
Le consiglio sicuramente
It’s not just the amazing bass. The mids and highs are present across the board. You can adjusted your bass to your desire so that’s a plus. Personalized sound works well and comfortable to wear for long sessions, well build, well crafted. Superb technology. Definitely recommend
Los audfonos me llegaron con un poco de batera y me duraron como una semana. Su batera si dura las 40 horas.
En muchos lados dicen que estos audfonos son enfocados especficamente para los bajos y es cierto pero tambin funcionan excelente con canciones que incluyen medios y altos. Lo especial de estos audfonos es el regulador para la intensidad de los bajos, el cual hace que vibren al ritmo de la musica.
Recomiendo estos en vez de los audfonos skullcandy crusher normales, ya que estos tienen bajos mejorados, mejor calidad de los materiales, dos aplicaciones para crear tu sonido personalizado y para poder encontrarlos va bluetooth o con un sonido que hacen por si los pierdes.
Totalmente recomendado.
Me encant la calidad de bajos y el sonido que no se distorsiona, proporcionan una grata experiencia el ver peliculas ya que se vuelve demasiado immersivo el audio, tienen una duracin de batera demasiado buena, materiales que se sienten de calidad y son muy cmodos
Les doy 4 estrellas porque estan geniales. Los compre para reemplazar mis crushers viejos rotos, lo malo es que traen algunos detalles por los cuales los regrese.
Hacen un ruido molesto con el cable aux conectado y vi que este problema es muy comun en los comentarios.
The best ever headset ever used.
Great quality of bass. You can’t take the full bass as ur ears will be blown after few seconds. Sturd headset. Great size and adjustable overhead strap.
Buenos audfonos, son muy cmodos y sus bajos 10/10, la batera dura bastante, su nico defecto es que cuando los usas con el Jack 3.5 (uso almbrico) tiene un pitido que no se va, es algo molesto, no es fuerte, pero al no reproducir audio est ah, lo cual es un problema, pues los requera para jugar videojuegos, y no es por el control, tambin pasa con celulares, (modelo negro)
Los recomiendo si los usars con Bluetooth, ya que la msica, vdeos todo suena muy bien, pero con el cable, an que sea muy pequeo ese ruidito, te cala.
I was a little hesitant to grab these headphones, I didn’t know how much better they’d be over my Crusher Wireless that I had recently broken. But there are so many substantial little upgrades these headphones have over the originals that definitely make them worth it 100%
Battery life is definitely better than the originals, but thats not even the best part. The original would start telling you “battery low” while cutting off your audio, every 5 minutes, even when you had 2-3 hours of battery life left, I cannot put into words how endlessly annoying I found that to be. Not to mention, you couldn’t charge them and use them at the same time for some reason.
These on the other hand are much less invasive with their low battery indicators, but the thing is — you can use them while they charge!! So if you use these with a PC or near an outlet like I do, that’s not really a problem anymore anyway. The bluetooth connectivity is much better too! I was constantly struggling with the other one’s bluetooth connectivity giving out once a week it taking 30 minutes to fully fix and reset. Not a problem with these either! The quality of life improvements are just so good. Money well spent.
Lastly the build quality is much better. I broke 3 pairs of the originals in the exact same way. These are far more sturdy and high quality. You do indeed get what you pay for.
The sound quality improvement over the original isn’t hugely substantial but it IS there, you do get a lot more control over the audio subtleties though.
Great headphones. Highly recommend!
Estos audfonos son excelentes. Superaron mis expectativas. Te dan una experiencia completamente distinta a la que ofrecen los audfonos convencionales. Definitivamente mis audfonos favoritos que he tenido en toda mi vida. Los recomiendo completamente. Escuchar las canciones es como si lo hicieras por primera vez usando estos audfonos.
Desde que los sacas de la caja puedes notar que los materiales son de mayor calidad que los Crusher Wireless, y el diseo de la bolsa y los audfonos es mucho mejor. La calidad de sonido es lo que se puede esperar de Skullcandy: supera las expectativas para su precio.
El nico inconveniente que tengo con ellos es que el bajo hptico no funciona cuando los tienes conectados por auxiliar, y los sonidos graves pierden el nfasis que esta gama de audfonos tanto presume otorgar.
En resumen: buenos audfonos con gran calidad de sonidos graves, pero no los recomiendo si quieres usrlos con un cable auxiliar.
Der Tragekomfort ist fr mich perfekt auch wenn ich die Kopfhrer zustzlich ber einer VR Brille trage.
Die Akkulaufzeit entspricht den Herstellerangaben, genauso wie die BT Reichweite. Fr den Preis kann ich die Kopfhrer ruhigen Gewissens empfehlen.
Excelentes, realmente supero mis expectativas la fuerza del bajo en impresionante y como su nombre lo dicen “Crusher” son una trituradora cuando sientes como sacude tu cabeza el bajo los he usado por un par de semanas en el transporte hacia mi trabajo y de la misma de regreso a casa y solamente he consumido un 20% de la batera, yo recomiendo que usen la app para personalizar el audio en verdad mejora mucho.
had the crushers for a year now, since the Evo came out i wanted to buy these.
Absolutely worth every penny. god damn i love them!!
huge bass
sound is amazing
comfort A1
charge..loll.. what else to say ..faster than a Tesla
I’ve been looking for a brain massage, these headphones it’s giving me the best massage
Letztes Jahr musste mal wieder ein neues Teil her und ich habe mich fr den Crusher Evo entschieden. Und das war ganu die richtige Wahl. Die Verarbeitung ist einach top, nichts wackelt und der Klang ist der Hammer, nochmal strkere Bsse als beim Crusher, aber trotzdem ein total ausgewogenes Klangbild und trotz Bassvolumen klare Hhen. Weiterer Voteil zum Crusher: Man hrt so gut wie nichts nach auen. Beim Crusher hat sich die Frau bei entsprechnder Lautstrke schon mal bechwert.
Betreibe diesen mittlerweile mit einem Sennheiser BT T 100, optimale Kombination.
Ich habe schon viele Kopfhrer besessen, aber keiner der Gerte hatte solch ein Preis-Leistungsverhltnis.
Sound is decent. If you like lots of bass then these are for you. However, it does when you look beyond the bass, I feel the sound could be a little better. Microphone works well when I use it in teleconferences. Battery life is good. I use these for days without charging. There is no way to figure out what the battery level is though.
The main con is that there are two points in the foam that seem like they shouldn’t be bothersome but they are. After awhile those little points press into your head becoming uncomfortable so you need to adjust the headphones periodically.
I have never heard headphones like these, they are amazing, sound clarity is very good, comfort is #1 but the BASS is truly incredible…. If you want bass the physically shake your head….. buy these. Like now. Do i
Todo de este producto es bueno, solo que a veces es un poco complicado vincularlo cuando ya se ha vinculado con un dispositivo y la parte de la bisagra tiembla un poco, pero de ah en fuera todo excelente
(En mi caso, la aplicacin de Tile no los reconoce)
Amazing product from skull candy. It’s like you underestimate the performance and it make sure it delivers more. Every penny spent on it is worth it. Go for it guys.
Soy usuario de skullcandy hace aos, eh tenido los crusher desde que salieron que usaban una pila, los inalambricos me gustaron y estos evo son los mejores de su clase, un bajo potente y claro. La vdd vale mucho la pena la inversion.
I’m a bass head. 12″ DVC Subwoofer in my Jeep? Yup, you know it. I’ve had this disease since I was 14 and took a ride in Todd Vann’s 1991 Red CRX Si with two 12″ Fosgate Subwoofers. Fast forward 30 years and I’m addicted to it. As part of my research I bought the regular wireless Crushers. They are horrible. The bass isn’t refined, the clarity is terrible and I returned them the same day I received them. The EVO’s? Complete opposite. Perfect deep haptic bass. Clear mids and highs. So why did I decide to send them back? I found the Soundcore Life Q30’s. Here’s how I figured out which to keep. The EVO’s beat anything that wraps your gourd in terms of bass. The SQ is good. The fit is a bit tight and the earcups don’t leave much room for my ever growing 44 year old ears. That’s actually a thing. You need to position your ears tucked up and into them. They are very comfortable, but a mm or two from being cramped. And yeah, tight on the head, good or bad. The app is fine, but it doesn’t do much. The Tile is a gimmick. Who loses their $180 headphones? And why do cheap headsets come with hard cases, but Skullcandy gives you a bag? Stupid. You then have to spend another $15 to buy one on amazon. So would I grow tired of the haptic bass? Perhaps. I listened to them for a week, everyday, all day while I worked. I thought they were IT. Enter the Soundcore Life Q30’s. Hard case? check. App? check. App that has noise machines and true adjustable frequency gains? yup. Comfort? 10x better than the EVO. Open earcups fit old man ears. Memory foam and not tight fitting make it like wearing a pillow. Sound Quality is very good. Better than the EVO. Has excellent bass. DOES NOT HAVE HAPTIC BASS. And that was almost a deal breaker for me. THAT HAPTIC is incredible. I’m going to miss it. Oh yeah, the Q30 also has ANC. And it’s very good… some reviewers on YouTube say it’s almost as good as Bose. I think the Crushers look better on your head. The Q30’s have this wide look which is weird and maybe old school looking. Battery life is great on both. Better on the Q30, but they don’t work as hard without haptic. End of the day I regret sending the EVO’s back. But $180 vs $80… that’s a lot of coin for tight headphones that don’t have better overall SQ and no ANC. The perfect headphone would be the Q30, with the EVO’s Haptic bass, and maybe a slightly improved look. Don’t take this review as a knock on the EVO. I’ll still probably own it someday. Just not today.
I’m someone who has been dreaming about getting the skull candy crusher for a long time now, and honestly the crusher evo with the usb type C charger made everything easier.
This headphone will make you love watching movies, especially where there are action scenes or explosions’ sound, you will literally feel like you are inside the movie, and that everything is happing around you.
Also when it comes to Base full sounds and music, the crusher will deliver one of a kind experience.
would defently recommend it to everyone.
I finally found a pair of headphones that sound great abd lots of bass
I really like these headphones. The sound is pretty full and immersive and they’re very comfy to wear. However if you’re a big headphones wearer in the gym (which I’m not but I wanted to try so I could pass on the advice) these feel off my head ever time I got the bench or did anything flat, and that was with them at the lowest size adjustment on my large head. Another possible downside is the base! At first the base was good fun but it doesn’t take long before realise you’re cheek bones are hurting and the music is pretty distorted. I now keep them at the lowest base setting or slightly up depending on the song. No joke the base will literally vibrate your head.
Ich finde den Evo im Vergleich zum Wireless sehr gut. Nach dem einstellen des personalisierten Sounds finde ich diesen umfangreicher und krftiger als beim Vorgnger. Das Grundrauschen ist jedoch bei dem Evo etwas strker vorhanden und die Verbindung zu mehreren Gerten gestaltet sich schwierig