Skullcandy Indy Anc True Wireless In-Ear Earbuds – Chill Grey

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Dimensions: | 18.52 x 12.22 x 3.91 cm; 136.08 Grams |
Model: | S2IYW-N744 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | SKULLCANDY |
Origin: | China |
Awesome battery life, sound quality and noise canceling are better than the apple ones at a fraction of the price. I have multiple Skullcandy products and they are all top notch.
Got these to replace a set of skullcandy indy’s that took an accidental swim into a lake. So far they’ve been great and Ik skullcandy’s warranty is pretty decent in the past when I needed it.
Works well for me I work in a very loud environment and it cancels almost any noise in the shop good quality sound and battery last longer than my phones battery
I upgraded from my old Indy Evo’s, the sound of these in comparison… such a freaking difference. My first pair had a defective right earbud, they sent a new pair very quickly. I love that you can adjust them to your specific hearing in the app.
Recently switched to skyllcandy from my airpods pro. The battery life is near identical and the sound quality is far superior. This is completely worth the reduced noise cancellation ability and the loss of the Siri interface through the headphones (that i rarely used anyway)
Se ajustan perfectamente y tiene muy buena cancelacin de ruido la cual se activa automticamente al encenderse, lo malo es que para cambiarla, tarda un poco en acceder desde la aplicacin skullcandy. Lo bueno es la aplicacin time parq ubicar los audfonos.
These are fantastic little earbuds. I have a hard time finding earbuds that fit comfortably, but these do the job and sound great too.
El sonido en lo particular es tal cul lo descrito y lo que ofrece es lo que esperaba.
Battery life is a little less than stated. Other than that these are great fir the price point.
I bought these for myself,I am pleased. Turned around and got a set for my husband and son. They both like them. My husband one complaint is the ambient mode,he does not like that.
They work pretty well but I’m having trouble with one side disconnecting on and off. The battery life is average maybe three hours or so definitely not what they say they will do. Somewhat satisfied but not that grea
I bought one and in a few months the left bud stopped working and wouldnt charge. I requested a replacement. I got a new one and guess what now this left bud won’t work and also won’t charge. Of course I can’t ask for a replacement but I already received one but neither worked right. Junk.
Una maravilla, es asombroso su calidad para el precio que tiene son muy cmodos y fciles de vincula
Been using for a year. Decent pair of buds. One full charge lasts almost 5-7 days with moderate usage. The sound quality wont blow your mind but is quite decent (12 mm drivers). ANC will actually surprise you that its so so good at this range.
The ambient sound also is nice and natural.
Mic is also good for taking calls.
IPX4 water and sweat resistant.
Overall a very good buy.
These ear buds are great if you want to drown out the sorrows of everyday life. The main concern with most wireless earbuds is if they will stay in your ears whilst you’re engaging in certain tasks like jogging, biking, etc. Well I can say that I fell off of a long board and broke my leg and I still heard safe and sound by capital cities playing in my ears so big ups to the design team cause I know that while I was in the middle of the street trying to figure out what to do, I was sure impressed that my earbuds never flung out of my ears during the tumble. Other than that sound quality is good, I used the equalizer on Spotify and pushed the bass really heavy so it feels really good noise cancelling wise. You can turn your music all the way up and no one around you can hear it so all in all I’d say these are a great choice for wireless earbuds
These work fairly well. Noise cancelling works great. They have a tendency to cut in and out while on the phone or watching videos which is why I gave them 4 stars
I read over 40 reviews and was a little worried that fitment would be an issue, but not at all! Fits great, stays put sounds great. Battery life could be longer but as long as the base is charged you could go 10 hours with a minimal interruption. I use only one ear 90% of the time so all day is not an issue. I do have large ears and found fitment perfect with the silicon adapters they have!
It’s great if you like your music with heavy bass, but if you prefer to listen to more balanced music this may not be for you. You have a choice of Music/Movie modes which = Heavy Bass or Podcast Mode = No Bass
These headphones sound very good and come with a load of features. They have active noise cancelling that works reasonably well, but not total noise cancelling. You can set up a personal sound profile with the app. It plays different tones in each earbud to set the equalizer to your ears. These also work with the Tile app so you can find your lost earbuds. This isn’t perfect but it can certainly be helpful. You get USB C as well as wireless charging for the case. Battery life on the earbuds isn’t the best, but it is pretty good and with the case you can recharge the earbuds again and again. Overall these are good quality earbuds that will suit just about anyone.
No tena fe en este tipo de audfonos pero la verdad que estos salieron muy bien y son los que uso para viajar, fciles de configurar y de usar y la batera si les dura bastante tiempo
These were a upgrade from the indy evos and they are absolutely amazing. The sound quality you get with these rival the top brands easily. The active noise canceling is a added bonus and it works to a degree. I’ve used these for work everyday and with charging them on my break I haven’t had any issues with battery life.
Comes with w good warranty. The case and the earbuds are well constructed. They come with extra tips for different size ears which is awesome. I use the large tips and they fit snug like a glove even when working out pumping iron non-issue! Sound quality I unreal for the price . Battery life is top-tier. Seriously active noise canceling works awesome, also ambient mode and off in general. Overall these are great! I’d prefer the greys ! Ahh
El anc es muy bueno pero el modo escuchar sin aislarte es un tanto artificial , esta muy cmodos pero a las 4 horas de usarlos me canso uno , nada que no se tolere y cargan muy rpido , es un poco latoso entender los
Mens tctiles y la app es muy simple de usar solo me
Encantara un acceso rpido al anc yo los recomiendo , me gusta ver su tecnologa ah y el tile que qu es para localizarlos funciona bien solo
Me falta validar la carga inalmbrica
Hola a todos los futuros compradores, yo compr estos audfonos en febrero del 2021 y hasta el mes noviembre del 2021 dejaron de funcionar, primer problema, no son buenos para ejercicio se mueven y se caen, segundo problema a veces la cancelacin no funciona correctamente y ltimo problema ! Dejo de funcionar el centro de carga, ya no cargaba mi audfono derecho! Y si eres de otro pas que no sea EUA no te van hacer vlida la garanta! Es un desperdicio de dinero! Que coraje que ni la garanta me acepten ! NO GASTEN SU DINERO HAY OTRAS MEJORES OPCIONES!
These have great sound,noise cancellation, and comfort. The reason for the 4 stars is one side dose not charge as well as the other and cuts out every once in a wile.
Update: I had to ship the earphones back to Skullcandy, and hopefully the new pair will not have issues. But besides the fact this seller has nothing to do with Skullcandy, he/she was very helpful and responded super quick.
Great quality earphones! but man it is so annoying one pair acting weird disconnecting making weird noises, it’s been frustrating to use. No castle in returning them back to the Skullcandy, but I had to pay for the shipping, which was like $6 with usps.
Very good sound and the noise canceling is amazing. When it comes to the sounds themselves these will be amazing for you. The only problem I have with them is them being a little to bulky for my ears at times. The case is very plasticy and honestly feels cheap, so if you’re like me and used to the AirPods you will be left wanting more there. But when it comes down to doing their job they are easily the best especially for their price range.
I was skeptical at first but they are great headphones with amazing sound. If I really want to jam out I use my headphones over my surround sound. You can personalize the sound which makes it wayyyy better. It’s simple, download the app and there’s a way to set it up. You listen for different tones and it creates an audio profile just for you! They’re expensive but worth it for the perks. Wireless charging is very cool and you can use any bud solo.
Skull candy continue to show up BEATs.
They sound good & clear, & I think I get minds to last up to 8-12hrs.
The initial pairing & phone free controls can be difficult to understand at first.
Bass is not that heavy; yet, I believe they can be Tuned via SK App.
Noise Canceling works almost Too Good, the budz aren’t super loud but even so, on half volume it’s sorta hard to Hear your surroundings.
Overall I’m satisfied.
Todo bien hasta pasado un mes que el audifono izquiero acaba de dejar dde funcionar, tienen garantia???
Tengo que ser completamente honesto, al principio pens en devolver los audfonos por las constantes “cadas” en cuanto escuchaba msica o podcast, sin embargo esto cambio el los ltimos das con la reciente actualizacin del Firmware (0009), las cadas y cortes de audio se redujeron bastante, si bien aun pasan, estas son menos frecuentes que con el fimware anterior. Con respeto a la calidad del audio, Skullcandy siempre hace nfasis en los bajos, por lo tanto si buscan un sonido completamente plano, pueden abstenerse de ellos, pero si no les molesta, presentan una buena relacin calidad costo.
The Bois cancellation feature is nothing special, if that’s what you are looking for as a primary deciding factor then theae aren’t for you.
Sound quality is decently above average, you can hear all ranges clearly from deep defined bass to high pitches.
Battery life is as advertised for hours per full charge with Active Noise Cancellation turned on.
Controls are super Intuitive.
You are definitely getting more than your money’s worth with this model.
Rispetto ad altri prodotti simili, non ha eguali in rapporto qualit prezzo e in prestazioni
I loved these so much and I really wanted to keep them but they really hurt my ears because they were too big. Great sound quality, great for work calls or zoom calls. I would recommend to anyone who does not have a problem with ear buds hurting their ears.
No funciona para nada bien en una computadora, muy difcil conectarla y que se escuche bien. Solo funciona en celulares, en mi iphone no tengo problema.
Muy buen sonido y compatibilidad con iOS, sin embargo, dejo de funcionar el auricular izquierdo y tuve que devolver. Como Nota para aquellos que vayan a considerar comprarlos, debo mencionar que skullcandy mxico no hace vlida la garanta para aquellos productos comprados por amazon y que vengan de estados unidos, una tonteria en mi opinin, por lo que deben solicitar un reembolso desde amazon y ellos te ayudaran a gestionar la devolucin.
Really cool that you can use these independently from one another. Can listen to music all day because of this. Sound quality is A1 especially when noise canceling feature is enabled. Only thing that I dislike about the product is the rubber part or the earphone sometimes comes loose and have to readjust. Other than that I would highly recommend.
Estn bien son buenos y se escucha muy bien y claro
The earbuds are great overall, though the Bluetooth can be a bit temperamental trying to connect to devices – definitely not a major issue, but can be an annoyance. The noise cancelling is great and really useful when you need to focus on a task without distractions. Overall, these are a really solid set of earbuds and very competitively priced versus similar Apple and Samsung products.
I had the first Gen style of these headphones and everything that I wanted was put into these headphones. Being able to use each one independently, the wireless charging of the case, noise canceling, and the app that customized the sound levels for each ear are great. All the rubber pieces are snug and don’t slip off easy so you won’t lose them. The touch feature also isn’t as sensitive as before so it allows you to adjust the headphone in your ears without accidentally turning them off, turning the volume up or down, and accidentally skipping a song you’re listening to. Will definitely buy another set if these are lost or broken.
Los he usado sin parar. Son increblemente buenos y tienen un super buen nivel de cancelacin de ruido y tienen de lo mejor en calidad de audio. No los recomiendo para audiofilos, los recomiendo para uso diario. Los modos de sonido te dan una mejor definicin de los sonidos necesarios, en el modo pelcula es de bajos contundentes y medios claros, en el modo musica es un poco ms balanceado con un realce de agudos, en graves, en el modo podcast mejora la conversacin y la voz humana es excesivamente clara. Lo nico que no me gust es la batera, si lo tienes a un volumen por arriba de la mitad dura menos de 5 HRS con el Anc encendido. Pero nada malo, ya que normalmente en un ambiente calmado los tienes de la mitad a abajo con el Anc encendido y no necesitas subirle ms a menos que haya mucho ruido o te guste mucho el sonido fuerte
Tengo 1 mes usandolos la cancelacion de ruido a comparacion de los airpods pro tienen una ligera diferencia siendo estos calidad precio aceptable y el envio llego antes de lo previsto.
Mi experiencia
La carga maxima del estuche es aproximadamente 30 min pero desde los 10 min ya puedes desconectarlos sin problemas.
Para quienes estan interesados en la calidad a nivel tecnico cuenta con certificaciones nacionales (en mi caso Mexico) e internacionales garantizando un producto aprobado y de confianza.
La ergonomia es eficiente teniendo mucho agarre para salir a caminar, correr y saltar pero hay que tomar en cuenta si las gomas son las adecuadas para nuestro oido en mi caso las que ya venian puestas son compatibles pero tambien cuenta con otros tamaos.
El estuche no he probado su resistencia en caidas pero la marca cuenta 2 aos de garantia y los audifonos se me cayo al piso y no hubo ninguna falla fisica, auditiva y electronica.
La calidad de audio permite escuchar bajos, agudos y graves agradable y muy presentes los escuche con musica electronica, clasica, rock, r&b, rap, opera y instrumental escuchandose de maravilla para audifonos de esta categoria.
Para las llamadas el audio es muy comodo se escucha bien y el microfono tiene buena calidad al emitir sonido. Me sirvio bastante para las clases en linea cuando estoy en el transporte y caminando con la opcion de cancelacion de ruido activada.
El modo ambiental que solamente se activa con la app me permitio seguir conversando y caminando entre las calles sin ningun problema escuchando armonicamente la musica, video/clase en linea y podcast con el ruido exterior teniendo perdidas equilibradas de sonido estando atento a mi alrededor sin perder lo que este escuchando del movil.
La app skullcandy es una buena herramienta que tendras usandola cada vez que escuches musica porque los modos de sonido si ocurren cambios muy notorios enriqueciendo la musica, la voz de las personas o el ambiente en las peliculas para que funcione correctamente ocuparas tambien activar la ubicacion. Faltan muchas mejoras como integrar un ecualizador personalizado porque esta muy limitado con los modos musica, cine y podcats, tambien hay un modo Personal Sound pero solamente es un test de sonidos que no percibi mucha diferencia y espero que lo mejoren en futuros desarrollos.
La cancelacin de ruido es muy efectiva, tengo vecinos muy ruidosos pero colocndome los audfonos llega la calma. Donde trabajo hay demasiado ruido de mquinas neumticas, extractores e inyectores de aire y con estos audfonos es mnimo el ruido perceptible. Sin duda una muy buena compra.
El sonido es muy bueno, tan bueno que los e utilizado con el volumen en el mnimo la mayor parte del tiempo.
El control tctil responde muy bien.
Son cmodos y muy ligeros, adems de traer gomas de diferente medida, lo que te permite elegir la que mejor se ajuste a tu oreja o canal auditivo.
Comparando precio calidad, sin duda es una muy buena opcin.
Was a little hesitant at first having bought skullcandy headphones in the past they never seemed to be very durable, but that being with old wired models. I decided to give skullcandy the benefit of the doubt in purchasing these due to ANC feature, sweat/water resistance, and true wireless design. However, I was surprised to find out there is also an app to download and pair with your earphones, which customizes your listening experience which was quite nice actually.
The charging case is sleek and small, and is USB-C. I’m not sure that you can use it as a battery to charge other devices, but i don’t really care since I don’t believe I have ever actually used that feature on any of my other wireless headphone charging cases..
My only complaint is the bass doesn’t seem quite as deep at times as i’d like, but thats to be expected with these type of buds. Overall the Sound quality is excellent, and they’re perfect for daily activity or workout!
Bastante buenos por el precio
El sonido est bastante bien
Recomendados 100%
Edit: I was wearing these completely wrong. I was pushing them into my ears like normal in-ear earbuds, but they are supposed to just rest in your ear. It felt a bit strange like they were about to fall out, but after a few days it felt normal. There is still a little discomfort with the grommet that pushes up against my ear, but it is far far less than when I was wearing them incorrectly. I cancelled my return, these are keepers!
Boom design: Got it!
Secure & Comfortable all-day fit: Got it!
Active Noice Cancellation: Got it!
Ambient / Transparency Mode: Got it!
Custom sound with deep bass and rich mids and highs: Got it!
Touch Controls: Got it!
Easy device switching: Got it!
Long battery life: Got it!
I’m so stoked on these earphones! I wanted AirPods Pro so badly, but I can’t justify spending $200 on them. I discovered the Indy line of earphones over the summer, and without ANC, they just didn’t seem compelling enough. I’m glad I waited. The Indy ANC’s check nearly every feature box going head-to-head against the AirPods Pro, the only exception being Spacial Audio.
Connection and Setup was a breeze using the Skullcandy App, and the Personal Audio feature is really neat. Basically a hearing test in each ear, then based on the results, Skullcandy customizes the output from each earbud to make sure you get the absolute best audio experience. It makes a noticeable difference. The fit is very comfortable, yet secure, with no signs of pressure or other uncomfortableness after hours of wearing them.
Noise Cancellation is amazing. I’ve never had ANC headphones before, so I didn’t know what to expect. They’re extremely effective! I tried them in the car, and engine / wind noise went completely silent. I can’t wait to travel with them. Ambient / Transparency mode is also very effective and useful. My daughter even said, “Daddy, you have your earphones in, but you’re acting like you don’t.” Meaning, I was having a normal conversation with her and my wife and I could hear them perfectly.
One of the biggest advantages I’ve experienced with Apple-branded earphones is one-click / one-tap switching between devices, and that’s one of my biggest gripes with non-Apple-branded earphones and speakers. I was SO HAPPY this morning when I connected them to my MacBook, then one-tapped on my iPhone to connect them to that device, then one-clicked them on my MacBook to reconnect. That means I’ll be able to connect them to my iPad and my Apple TV and switch between them just as easily. I’m officially in love with the Indy ANC’s now!
Get these earphones… you’ll be as thrilled with them as I am, and not even the slightest bit disappointed.
Calls are good. Haven’t had any complaints about people not hearing me well.
Unfortunately, the stability gels are horrible for my ears. Even the smaller ones cause me pain. My ears are too small. The Sesh are much more comfortable for me. So, imo, they should include more sets of stability gels. Or have options to buy smaller ones. I’ve worn them without the gels and they slip out a bit. I ended up cutting a part from the top of the gel and that helped a bit.