Spy Camera Ebarsenc 1080P Mini Wireless WiFi Hidden Camera with Live Video Home Security Camera with Motion Detection Night Vision APP Control for Indoor Baby Camera Monitor/Pet Dog Camera

Ebarsenc 1080P FHD WiFi Hidden Spy Camera

Weight: | 60 g |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 3 x 3 x 3 cm; 60.1 Grams |
Model: | X5 |
Part: | X5 |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Lithium Polymer |
Manufacture: | Ebarsenc |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Grazie allo slot microsd e alla presenza della batteria da circa 1 ora di registrazione, anche in mancanza di corrente dovrebbe riuscire a registrare per un bel po.
La app YI IoT, scaricabile dal play store, supporta anche il Picture-In-Picture quindi utilizzabile mentre si usano anche altre app.
Devo ancora trovare un modo per estrapolare lo stream RTSP per riuscire a metterla nel mio sistema domotico, non son sicuro ma FORSE si pu.
Tutto sommato acquisto top!
Stavo cercando una fotocamera flessibile che fosse il pi invisibile possibile per i miei locali, quindi ho ordinato l’Ebarsenc in base alle recensioni: la consegna arrivata rapidamente grazie a Prime, la fotocamera molto piccola come descritto, ma ha una qualit dell’immagine sorprendentemente buona. L’installazione con un’app ha funzionato senza problemi, prevista anche una memoria per schede SD. Anche il supporto incluso, che mantiene stabile la fotocamera tramite un magnete, molto pratico. La striscia adesiva pu essere riattaccata anche dopo aver cambiato posizione, ad esempio con nastro biadesivo, in modo semplice ma efficiente. Al prezzo, una fotocamera molto flessibile con cui facile lavorare.
Ottima mini camera . risoluzione davvero buona. Ha la parte posteriore magnetica in modo da poterla mettere su qualsiasi superficie metallica.
Mini telecamera a batteria, la telecamera si presenta piccola e compatta, facilmente configurabile con l App e l hotspot del telefono, immagini di ottima qualit sia di giorno che di notte, durata batteria conforme alla descrizione. Ideale per sorvegliare senza farsi scoprire. Sembra solida e duratura
Ottimo acquisto! La telecamera piccola e compatta, robusta e di qualit! Facile l’installazione e la connessione con l’app.
Immagini nitide e audio ottimo! Top!
Micro camera dalle prestazioni elevate.La camera arriva corredata di staffa snodabile adesiva da una parte e magnetica dall’altra.Cavo di ricarica/alimentazione micro usb.Spillo per il reset e manuali istruzioni.Camera con tastino on/off.Visione giorno impeccabile visione notturna eccellente.Camera dalle misure ridotte e qualit.Batteria interna con durata limitata ma con possibilit di tenerla sempre alimentata sia via alimentatore o con un Power bank.Slot per micro SD(non compresa) per registrazioni eventi.La cam ha la sua applicazione per la gestione.Dopo un ulilizzo e diverse prove consiglio l’acquisto in quanto la cam e molto piccola e molto funzionale facile da installare e configurare.
La telecamera fa il suo dovere, facile da configurare, anche se non c’ il segnale sonoro.
La calamita pu facilitare il posizionamento in alcuni casi.
Ho associato la camera al WiFi tramite app, messa password WPA e in 2 minuti era online. Piccola la batteria interna per sufficiente per brevi riprese in motion detection. Non proprio piccolissima la camera per con una buona ottica in rapporto al prezzo pagato.
Telecamera veramente piccola, facile da configurare. Ha una risoluzione FHD e HD, che eccelle con la luce Artificiale e Naturalmente, e buona in condizioni di assoluto buio.
Audio monodiserezionale, da telecamera a Cellulare. Supporto magnetico che ti permette di orientare la telemetria sui 360 gradi.
In linea generale un ottimo prodotto che consiglio a tutti quelli che vogliono una telecamera da nascondere ovunque all’interno.
Telecamera davvero mini con un’ottima qualit video. Il packaging in cui viene consegnata minimal ma il prodotto molto valido. Applicazione semplice da installare e da configurare, ottima resa anche con poca luce.
Questa telecamera dalle piccole dimensioni risultatata essere un ottimo prodotto.
Le riprese sono effettuate in alta definizione e inoltre grazie agli infrarossi funziona anche in camere al buio.
Inoltre viene venduto un supporto dove poterla anche appoggiare.
Consiglio l’acquisto di questo prodotto.
A great little camera. The size is quite impressive and it’s pleasant to hold in your hand. Picture quality is good for the size that it is. I didn’t experience any wi-fi issues with the camera. Motion detection also worked well for me. Decent camera for the money.
Minitelecamera molto duttile , con il supporto girevole la metti dove vuoi. Ottima anche per il servizio notturno. Configurazione con wi-fi molto semplice. Ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo. Per adesso controllo il mio acquario !!!
Die Mini Kamera ist wirklich sehr klein, was sehr praktisch ist. Man kann sie berall mitnehmen, weil sie kein Stromkabel bentigt.
Sie macht super gute Bilder bei Nacht, also allgemein wenn es dunkel ist. Tolle Bildqualitt! Das htte ich nicht erwartet.
Sie eignet sich auch perfekt fr unterwegs, z.B. wenn man mit dem Wohnmobil wegfhrt. So kann man ganz einfach auch bei Nacht alles “berwachen”.
– Top Verarbeitung
– Gute Idee mit dem Kamera-Stnder
– Die Bilder sind scharf, volle HD-Auflsung
– klein und fein
– bertragung ohne sprbare Verzgerung
– Nachtsicht gut
– Aufzeichnung auf interner Mini-SD (auch > 64GB)
– Preis fr die Qualitt in Ordnung
Direkte negative Eigenschaften sind bisher nicht erkennbar.
Optimal wre noch die Ton-bertragung.
Aber fr den Preis ?!?
La telecamera contenuta in un guscio di plastica dove spicca al centro l’obbiettivo circondato dai sensori infrarossi per la visione notturna
L’installazione dell’app molto intuitiva e in pochi minuti pronta per l’uso
La batteria dura circa 60 minuti ma la si pu utilizzare collegata ad un alimentatore USB
In conclusione la camera fa il suo dovere e non presenta particolari problematiche.
Ottima per il controllo non invasivo in quanto le dimensioni permettono un facile camuffamento
La spedizione amazon stata puntuale come sempre: il prodotto molto piccolo, ed ha superato le mie aspettative. dotato di una base magnetica al quale aderisce bene e di un cavetto per la ricarica.
sulla camera presente anche lo slot sd per la registrazione: configurarla stato molto semplice e la qualit delle immagini molto buona, anche la sera in visione notturna.
Questa mini camera di buona qualit, la sto provando da un po’ e devo dire che funziona tutto benissimo, immagini nitide e audio pulito, inoltre date le dimensioni molto discreta e si pu usare in molteplici situazioni. Software molto intuitivo cos come l’installazione, se devo trovare un difetto posso solo dire che non mostra la percentuale di carica della mini camera, anche se ha una durata molto lunga e poi pu comunque essere attaccata ad una fonte di corrente, o come nel mio caso ad un power bank.
In definitiva la consiglio!!!
+ positivi
– negativi
– istruzioni non in italiano ma app intuitiva
+ l’app in italiano. App: Yi iot
Consiglio per installazione: non aspettate il bip della camera collegata. In piccolo nel volantino c’ scritto che non emana audio mentre nell’app ti dice che devi aspettare il bip. Dopo qualche secondo seleziona che hai sentito il bip e vai avanti.
se non riuscite a collegarvi direttamente al vostro wifi, collegatevi alla sua wifi e poi seguite le indicazioni nell’app
+ Alexa: collegata ad Alexa velocemente scaricando la skill yi iot.
Basta dire ad Alexa: mostra “nome che hai dato alla mini camera” e parte l’app.
– Purtroppo con echo show l’immagine viene visualizzata per 2 secondi poi 2 secondi di buffer poi 2 secondi di immagine e cos via.
Quindi c’ qualcosa da risolvere. Speriamo lo facciano presto.
+ La mini camera ha una sua batteria dichiarata dalla casa 60 minuti. Quindi se la mettete attaccata alla presa direttamente, se va via la luce avete per un bel po di tempo la possibilit di visualizzare senza luce in casa (ovviamente se come me avete un ups nel modem).
– non c’ la possibilit di vedere la % di batteria residua.
+ La visione notturna (in bianco e nero) funziona bene ma di solito in altre camere vedo i led infrarossi accesi (rossi). In questa micro camera non li vedo accesi il che non capisc come mai. Ma l’importante che la notte funziona e per me un grande pregio che non si vedono i led. Ovviamente non aspettatevi la qualit di una vidrocamera grande.
– di contro ha un led blu laterale sempre acceso (che segnala il funzionamento). Quindi se vuoi nasconderla in qualche modo devi coprire questo led. Magari con un nastro isolante nero.
Consigli per la casa madre:
– mettere nella app una funzione per disattivare il led blu
– sistemare il problema buffering con video alexa
– mettere nell’app la possibilit di visualizzare la % di batteria rimanente
+ Senza Cloud e senza sdcard ti invia notifiche e registra 7 secondi per ogni evento.
– ricevo troppe segnalazione di eventi e troppi video da vedere. Spesso non prendono l’attimo preciso. Nel senso che se entro in camera il video dovrebbe mostrarti qualche secondo prima che entri cone in altre videocamere. Qui spesso il video parte dopo. Ma ci sono diverse impostazioni e devo provare anche a spostare la videocamera in altra zona.
Spedizione eccellente!! Ho acquistato questa telecamera per scoprire chi mi urta continuamente il paraurti e fiancata della car , prima o poi lo becco di sicuro!!! Immagini, video e audio perfetti. Ha una micro sd che mi pemette di registrare in continuo. L’ho collegata alla presa accendisigari con l’adattatore usb. Per quanto concerne la trasmissione wifi perfetta. Facile da installare e programmare tramite App YI IoT. Grazie Amazo
Tutto quello che Ti aspetti da una telecamera ma in dimensioni davvero piccole. Posseggo altre telecamere e questa non sfigura certo per qualit di prestazioni. L’ho acquistata per potere monitorare una cucciolata in una posizione priva di una presa di rete elettrica. Grazie al piccolo supporto adesivo l’ho installata in maniera davvero poco invasiva e posso controllare che tutto vada bene mentre sono fuori casa. Al rientro la ricarico (operazione davvero veloce) e la riposiziono con estrema facilit grazie alla calamita. Sono davvero soddisfatto!
Very small and easy to conceal… great quality image and takes the usual memory cards. Can be used for many different applications – a great buy if you are after a very small camera.
Sono rimasto sorpreso della qualit, essendo cos piccola non mi aspettavo chissa che cosa ma invece la risoluzione veramente ottima, controllo tramite app intuitivo e veloce.
Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist die Kamera, ein super praktischer magnetischer Standfu, ein Ladekabel, eine Nadel zum einfachen zurcksetzen der Kamera und auch Bedienungsanleitungen in deutsch und englisch. Diese Anleitungen sind sehr gut verstndlich und das einrichten der Kamera somit spielend leicht.
Der Bewegungsmelder funktioniert super, so wie auch der Nachtsichtmodus. Die Kamera liefert erstaunlich tolle Bilder und Videos. Auch die App lsst sich gut bedienen.
Ich wrde diese kamera jederzeit wieder kaufen.
Ich habe die Kamera frs berwachen von meinem Hund gekauft, wenn er alleine zu Hause ist. Somit kann ich aus der Ferne beobachten ob zu Hause Ruhe ist.
Die Installation war mit Hilfe der App sehr einfach, die Anleitung ist in deutscher Sprache und leicht verstndlich. Das Video ist in FullHD und auch bei Nacht in guter Qualitt. Fr mich ist es ein gutes Preis- Leistungsverhltnis und ich wrde die berwachungskamera wieder kaufen.
Beigelegt ist neben einem Ladekabel und einem Stativfu auch eine verstndliche(!) Anleitung auf Deutsch und Englisch.
Die Kamera lsst sich problemlos innerhalb weniger Minuten einrichten. Dazu muss man eine App vom Hersteller herunterladen und die Kamera in nur 3 Schritten hinzufgen. Bei mir hat das im ersten Anlauf funktioniert. Danach ist die Kamera sofort einsatzbereit.
Die WiFi Verbindung ist stabil, selbst ber eine Etage und einer Entfernung von ca. 15m vom Router ist das Bild flssig und scharf. Die Bildqualitt ist sowohl bei Tag als auch bei Nacht in Ordnung. Natrlich muss man aufgrund der kleinen Baugre einige Abstiche hinnehmen, dennoch bin ich mit der Bildqualitt zufrieden.
Die Akkulaufzeit betrgt nach vollstndigem Aufladen ca. 60 Minuten. ber ein USB Ladekabel besteht aber die Mglichkeit die Kamera dauerhaft zu betreiben. Auch die Verlngerung der Laufzeit durch Anschluss einer Powerbank ist mglich, falls keine Steckdose in der Nhe ist.
Fazit: Unkomplizierte, schnelle Einrichtung. Einfacher Betrieb ber die eigene App, Recording in der Cloud oder durch hinzufgen einer SD Karte bis 128GB. Nach Einrichtung auch Betrieb ohne App mglich.
Camera is set up to view pets works amazingly so pleased for the money
works well pictures are in hd whats not to like
Easy setup like similar technology products. Multiple ways to use it, either on local network, wifi, or even standalone with memory card.
Very light and easy to plug and forget 🙂 works well as security camera and night camera
Sie hat wirklich ein gutes Bild und auch bei Nacht sieht man noch alles da sie eine Nachtsicht hat.
Ich habe schon 3 Outddor Kameras ums Haus instaliert und habe mich jetzt dazu entschieden noch eine im Treppenhaus zu installieren und diese sollte nicht zu klobig sein. Durch die gre ist diese Kamera dafr perfekt und dank des schwenkbaren Halters der selbstklebend ist, ist die Kamera auch sehr schnell installiert. Ich bin mit dieser Kamera sehr zufrieden.
Einen kritikpunkt habe ich aber noch, da ich die Anleitung nicht so gelungen finde, habe ich fr das einrichten des Wlan eine halbe Stunde gebraucht, hier knnte der Hersteller noch nachbessern.
Der Akku hlt nur eine Stunde aber in Verbindung mit Ladekabel und Netzteil oder Powerbank stellt das kein Problem dar.
Die Bildqualitt ist absolut ok fr diese Gre.
Bedienung ber die App funktioniert einwandfrei und Fernberwachung wird zum Kinderspiel.
Ich setze Sie ein um unbemerkt unseren Garten zu berwachen, da sich in letzter Teil unsere Blumen seltsamerweise selbstndig machen und ber Nacht fter mal verschwinden.
Really well built camera. Ideal size for covert operation. Has memory card slot for video storage or you can use google storage.
I found set up difficult for one reason only, I didn’t read the instructions properly well, it’s a man thing isn’t it !!! But I suggest you do, it’s not the same as general camera set ups. Once I got the idea, it took just 2 mins to set up, configure etc.
The camera gives a very good pic, it’s not extremely high quality, it’s not designed to be, but it’s adequate for a spy camera. Sound is good.. note, sound is for listening purposes, there’s a no voice sound or beeps from it, due to it being a covert camera. ( note this when setting up, it’s part of what caught me out )
I’m very happy with this camera, I’d be happy to purchase more if and when needed. It’s got everything you need for covert use even a mounting pod. It’s very well made, feels quality ..ie, wouldn’t harm it if you dropped it unlike some ! Go ahead give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.
Perfect, compact size. Great quality picture. Easy to use, convenient app. Fantastic value for money. Would 100% recommend.
Die Kamera sendet ein eigenes WLAN Netz mit dem man sich schnell ber die App verbinden kann und ber sein Smartphone das Bild der Kamera sieht.
Very compact camera with great picture quality. Easy to setup and operate. Comes with a adjustable mount that connects to the camera magnetically so easy to adjust or remove to charge.
Really pleased. Small and discreet. It arrive in a small box with instructions and stand, if you need it. Has a charger and screen wipes. I got to see what my pets get up when I’m out and about. Great value.
Thanks to Amazon and the seller, I have received the product on time. The camera is compact in size and easy to use. I bought this to monitor a few dodgy things happening in our car parking. This camera did what it said and helped me to identify the troublemaker. Good picture quality, it has got the SD card for additional memory.
1 x Mini Kamera
1 x USB Ladekabel (ca. 40 cm. lang)
1 x Stativfu mit magnetischer Halterung
1 x Metallnadel zum resetten der Kamera
2 x Anleitungen (deutsch und englisch)
1 x Garantiekarte mit Kontaktinformationen
Wir haben bereits einige fest montierte berwachungskameras am Haus installiert, die ber das WLAN funktionieren. Diese kleine Kamera hier basiert auf dem gleichen Prinzip, ist aber besonders ntzlich, wenn man sie unabhngig von einer Stromquelle oder unauffllig in einem Regal platzieren will.
Wegen der kleinen Mae ist es schon erstaunlich was dieses kleine Gert fr Funktionen bietet:
Die Kamera kann sich in ein vorhandenes WLAN einbinden und auch selbst einen WLAN Hotspot zur Verfgung stellen (ca. 10m Reichweite wegen der internen Antenne).
Sie verfgt ber Infrarot LEDS, so dass man auch bei absoluter Dunkelheit etwas erkennen kann (dann allerdings in schwarz/wei wie bei den meisten Kameras mit Nachtsichtfunktion).
Die Kamera kann auf Bewegungen reagieren und automatisch Alarme und Aufnahmen an das Smartphone senden.
Auerdem kann man eine SD Speicherkarte ins Gert einstecken, so dass man bis max. 128 GB Video darauf speichern kann.
Die Kamera luft entweder mit dem integrierten Akku (etwas mehr als 60 Minuten), kann aber auch mit dem mitgelieferten Mini-USB Kabel whrend des Betriebs mit Strom versorgt werden. So kann man z.B. eine Powerbank als Stromversorgung nutzen.
Der interne Akku hat 350 mAh. Also wrde die Kamera mit einer 10.000 mAh Powerbank ber 28 Stunden laufen.
Die Kamera muss zwingend mit einer Smartphone App eingerichtet werden (YI IoT App). Die App verlangt, dass man sich mit einer EMail-Adresse und einem Passwert einen Account erstellt und sich dann einloggt. Auerdem muss beim Einbinden einer Kamera in die App der Standort aktiviert werden (GPS), was ich nicht ganz nachvollziehen kann. Das lsst sich leider auch nicht umgehen.
Das Einbinden der Kamera in das heimische WLAN oder per direkter Verbindung mit dem Kamera-Hotspot ist in der deutschen Anleitung gut beschrieben und funktioniert gut, wenn man sich an die Anleitung hlt.
Achtung: Es handelt sich um eine Cloud-Kamera. Wenn die Kamera mit dem heimischen WLAN verbunden ist, werden die Daten von der Kamera auf den Server des Herstellers bertragen. Wird eine Bewegung festgestellt, dann wird auch ohne eingesteckte Speicherkarte ein Clip von ca. 10 Sekunden auf dem Server gespeichert, den man sich dann ber die App ansehen kann.
Das ganze funktioniert genau so, wie auch bei den groen berwachungskameras. Man muss also die App nicht laufen haben, damit die Kamera etwas aufnimmt. Man kann also Abends die App starten und sich alle Clips ansehen, die die Kamera im Laufe der Zeit angefertigt hat. Ist eine SD-Speicherkarte eingesteckt, dann werden nicht nur 10 Sekunden Clips gespeichert, sondern so viel Video, wie es Bewegung auf dem Bild gibt.
Anders ist es, wenn man die Kamera direkt im Hotspot-Modus betreibt. Dann ist das Smartphone direkt mit dem WLAN der Kamera verbunden und man hat quasi eine drahtlose Live-Kamera. Die Aufzeichnung auf SD-Karte luft aber auch in diesem Modus weiter.
Die Bildqualitt ist fr diese kleine Baugre gut und es werden auch Datum und Uhrzeit ins Bild eingeblendet.
Ich bin jedenfalls angenehm berrascht, was mit so einem kleinen Ding mglich ist.
Die YI IoT-App ist bersichtlich aufgebaut. Zwar gibt es hier und da ein paar bersetzungsfehler, aber ich denke, dass man das verschmerzen kann.
It is such a nice and compact product. Easy to setup and can be setup anywhere you like. Battery backup is amazing. Highly recommended.
Alles in allem ein Supergert zum fairen Preis.
Die Einbindung der Kamera ins WLAN ist, folgend der Anleitung, schnell erledigt. Ein Verbindung zum Kamera Hotspot ist auch mglich, dann hat man aber natrlich keinen “Fernzugriff” mehr. Um Einstellungen in der Kamera vorzunehmen, muss die App YI IoT installiert werden. Fr die Verwendung der App muss dann auch Konto beim Anbieter registriet werden. Hier werden auch zustzliche, kostenpflichtige Premium-Funktionen angeboten, die aber nicht notwendig sind.
Die Qualitt der Bilder/Videos ist gut. Fr eine gute Nachtsicht verfgt die Kamera ber IR-LED’s. ber das eingebaute Mikrofon ist ein Mithren mglich. Die Empfindlichkeit des Mikrofons ist OK. Einen Lautsprecher besitzt die Kamera nicht.
Aufnahmen werden auf eine eingelegt microSD Karte automatisch gespeichert. Bei Nutzung einer microSD Karte wird von der Kamera eine Log-Datei geschrieben. In dieser Log-Datei steht nicht nur der Name des WLAN’s, sonder auch das Passwort in Klartext.
Insgesamt ist dies eine gute Kamera.
Preislich eher am oberen Ende in diesem Segment kommt die Kamera mit 30x31x29mm tatschlich sehr kompakt daher. Mit dem 350mAh Akku hlt sie ca. 60min im Modus “Aufzeichung bei Bewegung” durch (bei Tag) und schickt auch Alarmmeldungen auf die “Kami”-App (YI IoT). Die Videoschnipsel knnen entweder lokal auf einer SD-Karte oder in der Kostenpflichtigen Cloud (ab 4,49/Monat) gespeichert werden. Ein betrieb ohne cloud ist auch mglich dann aber nur mit aufnahme in “Dauerschleife”.
Das Einrichten ber die App ist recht einfach und geht schnell von der Hand. Eine Registrierung ist jedoch ntig um die Konfiguration durchzufhren.
Die App und die Speicherkarten sind der grund fr den 1-Stern-Abzug. Die Karten mssen FAT32 formatiert sein damit die Kamera sie erkennt. Unter Windows 10 nocht so einfach hinzubekommen bei einer Karte die grer ist als 32GB. Zwar kann die Kamera die Karte auch selbst formatieren doch dazu muss man sich in der App anmelden und ber die Cloud die Karte formatieren.
Fazit fr mich: Wer die Cam mit der App nutzen kann und nichts gegen die Registrierung in der App hat, hat mit der Kamera eine nette kleine spielerei um kleinere berwachungsaufgaben zu realisieren.
I have bought several different security cameras before, and I don’t always write reviews … this little camera impressed me so much that I had to tell people. It is incredible that such a small device (which can be easily positioned to be unnoticeable – important to me) has such a clear picture – very clear – and the update / refresh was instant (unlike others I’ve had). Furthermore, the instructions were easy to follow, the the App intuitive. Highly recommended 🙂
I was a little sceptical about this device at first, given the small size I wasn’t sure if it would be very high quality, however I was surprised!
The quality isn’t wonderful, but it’s plenty clear to see anything in the wide angle lens
Pairing was simple, just make sure to follow the booklet instructions and not the app instructions, due to the lack of a speaker
Between the size and the included stand, you can fit this just about anywhere. Helps with peace of mind when I’m not sure if people are coming into my dorm room or no
Video can be stored on a SD card (not included) or in the cloud (separate subscription required). Video can be set to constantly record or activated on movement.
When this camera arrived, I couldn’t believe how small it was! It was very easy to set up and was done in a couple of minutes. It includes many features, such as motion detection, live viewing, night vision and a lot more. It even supports Alexa which allows you to view the camera on Echo devices! In terms of storage, you can either use the paid cloud subscription or your own micro SD card. This is great as it gives you the option of being able to store your files locally without the need for a subscription. The camera quality is great for the size and gives you a clear view in dark and light environments. It has a built-in battery which is also very convenient as it allows you to use the camera without a power source. It also means that if it is plugged in and there is a power cut, it will continue recording which is excellent.
This small camera is highly versatile due to its small size and being able to run without an external power source. I’m very pleased with the picture quality and motion detection which are both very good.
The camera does EXACTLY what it’s supposed to do.note that due to its tiny size it’ll need a connection to a power bank as can only hold charge for a short time.
The app, YI iOT has a brilliant interface and very professional.
The seller is very commutative and responsive
Very good product. Small and discreet so would be perfect to keep an eye on areas. Good purchase.
The size isn’t much bigger than than your thumb fingernail.
Would recommend.
This really is a tiny camera which can be placed discretely anywhere. Works well with the app and I like the motion alert feature. Battery life could be better but considering the size of the item there’d be no room for a bigger battery anyway. Overall a quality product.
The camera arrived well pakaged.
The user needs to a supply a mirco sd card and a charger.
In the instructions, it states a 5V 1.5 Amp charger should be used and advises again the use of 2A charger as it may cause damage or overheating.
I struggled to find an old 5V 1.5 Amp charger, new phones and USB wall sockets are mainly 2A.
Once I got the power to the unit and got it charged it work well.
Very compact size camera. Bit fiddlly at first to connect to phone app. But after watching utube video on subject worked much better. Bought this to use in my car but haven’t had a chance to try this out yet. Will update when complete.
I bought this camera to see which little critters were digging up the grass in my garden. I wanted to place it in the shed window and point it at the garden. I had read good reviews so went for this version.
It didn’t disappoint. First of all its very small. Its only 3cm square so can fit anywhere. Its rechargeable or can be permanently plugged into a USB cable. It records to a micro SD card so you will need to buy one of those. The front lens is only the size of a pound coin. Please be aware this camera doesn’t record sound.
Its very easy to set up and only took about 5mins. Turn it on, scan the QR code or download the app, simple.
I was surprised at the image quality. I have included a picture looking down the garden, yes its no perfect, but not too bad from 40ft away. The App has quite a few features so its worth playing around with them to set it how you like.
Overall a good little camera , good features and a good price.
I got this camera to use along with some others that are linked to another app. It is very small and compact for what it is. There is a microSD card slot on the side and then a switch on/off. other than that it is self contained and as you see from the pictures very small.
The image quality is very clear and as described 1080p.
Instructions are simple enough and although this camera does not have a speaker, it did connect easily to the network and as the instructions stated. Worked first time to link on the app.
Motion options and alerts within the app are as with other apps of its kind and there is also an option to link cloud storage for the footage. You can also reduce the quality of the image for when on mobile network to check the feed.
The included magnetic holder offers a lot of versatility and location options.
Overall if you are looking for a light and small camera for within a room or perhaps a vehicle, this would suit. It could easily be used with an SD card and put it on a vehicle for dash cam footage.
For those who may feel the connection of the camera and the instructions may not be easy, i would suggest checking online and guides before judging the camera on that basis as all these cameras function in the same way.
A very small and discreet camera with a great output. A good clear image – excellent motion detection with notifications sent to phone app and a short video showing the trigger. longer recordings available if an SD card is being used. Being so small it’s easy to hide if you want to use as a spy cam. Works in the dark too producing black and white images. My only criticism is that the built in battery lasts less than 1 hour so really you have to keep the camera plugged in all the time – this was covered in the advert so no complaints.. The camera was quick and easy to set up and register on the phone app – and it can be seen on the app wherever the camera is positioned in the house.
This camera is tiny. It connected to my wifi in seconds via the app.
I’ve put it next to my parakeet to see what he gets up to when I’m out of the room.
It’s a great picture and the sound is good.
The battery doesn’t last more than an hour and a half, so I have it plugged into the mains and it records directly to an sd card (bought separately).
This camera is excellent value for money and I recommend it to anyone who wants a tiny indoor camera, good quality, that can easily be hidden.
Great little camera, took some setting up but I’m not very technical . Great picture quality !
This was so simple to setup….. I had it running with in minutes of opening the box.
SD Card installed and recognized and now monitoring my Home Office from the book shelf.
You will not be disappointed with this….
Easy set up and it has battery power which is unlike other cameras I have. Interesting to see how long the battery lasts but has been going a few days now. Good buy for the price
Small and easy to hide. Very easy to set up, picture quality is good and I like how simple and effective it is. Top marks for this product, was delivered very quickly and all you needed was in the box.
This little camera is really easy to set up with the QR code and app. The picture quality is excellent and it comes with a magnetic holder to place the camera where you like, simply put the holder somewhere and then the camera sticks to the magnet, easy !!! Great device at a very good price.
I love this camera and will be buying a few more. Very easy to set up with the accompanying app and works seamlessly. It has a magnetic rear so can be attached to anything metal but it comes with its own mount too. Definitely good value for money.
See the photo of the camera alongside a Pound coin to gauge how small the unit is. This means the camera can be sited nearly anywhere.
The unit has a battery which lasts just over an hour and I have used this to watch wildlife in the garden on a dry day (unit is not waterproof however).
The camera is really easy to set up and produces a remarkably clear image for such a small device. A short USB cable is supplied and my only gripe is that this is too short – I’ve added an extension to mine.
This little cam is a very nice peace of tech. Very small and with a nice video quality. The battery lasts up to 2 hours from my checks but it could be plugged to the usb with no limits and it’s very useful for checking my pets when I’m not at home. For the price the quality offered is very high and it’s hard to find a better deal on the market.
Great little camera. Really impressive considering the size. Can stream live video to phone too. Option for sd card or cloud storage for a fee.
This little camera packs a punch above its weight. Good build and solid, practical design and compact. It literally does what it says on the box. Good quality pictures, good movement detection. Easy setup and good software app for viewing etc. I am more that happy with this and being wifi and lasting for up to 6 hours it can be easily and quickly placed anywhere within my wifi range. Picture of the sax player was taken using this camera and captured on my phone within the app.
I am excited to get this camera – will look forward to using it soo
I was looking for a camera to spy on my cat to see what he gets up to when I’m not around. I wanted something that was small enough to hide but good enough to give decent video quality. This camera fits the bill perfectly and the first thing that stands out is just how small the camera is. It’s just slightly more than an inch cubed and ultra compact. It is easy to set up via an app and QR code and has features like live monitoring over wi-fi. This even allows the camera to be viewed from anywhere (as long as you have an internet connection). In addition to the live monitoring, it can also record continuously to a micro SD card. It does work in the dark by using its own infrared LEDs. This works particularly well even in larger rooms where it produces enough infrared light to see extremely well in the dark. It does have a battery that lasts maybe 30 mins to an hour but if you plug in a decent USB battery pack, it will rund= for days, allowing it to remain portable.
Overall I am really pleased with this camera. It has a lot of features and flexibility and of course its biggest asset is the small and compact size. Highly Recommended.
Great little camera. Very easy to connect to the WiFi using the app. All the instructions are included in the box. Camera quality is great considering how small the device is. Memory card slot allows for recording/storage of captured video and everything can be controlled using the app. The camera also has a free magnetic mount included! Good device. Thank you.
Its a good camera. Easy to install and setup. Good battery life too.
Small camera, about an inch cubed.
Comes with camera, cable and the mount plus setup instructions.
Much easier to setup than anticipated and was up and running in only a few minutes.
Left to charge for an hour or so, and was running well after.
Inserted SD Card and let it record around the room then viewed on my phone, pretty good quality for the size of camera. Some good features such as motion detection, motion sensitivity, alert notifications, record, live view
Battery seems to last approx an hour and video can be stored on SD card or cloud storage aswell.
There is a small light on it which is a legal requirement i believe.
Overall very happy with the product and no complaints.
Great little camera I’ve bought to keep an eye on the fridge and cupboards the kids are always in tiny picture sharp and easy to use and view from
Mobile app small so they can’t see will be able to stop the lies and catch who making in the mess and eating all the sweets great little thing definitely recommend
Really small and inconspicuous camera, good feed and can record to SD Card. Would recommend.
Received it with One-day delivery on the next day of the order so very happy with that!
Overall build quality seems very decent, there is camera, usb micro-usb cable, a pin, user manual, magnetic stand and the camera itself in the box. The camera is no more than 2.5×2.5×2.5cm cube, so very small, back side is magnetic.
Video Quality for the small size Is very good, haven’t tried it in night time but once I do will upload some pictures and video. Claimed battery life is 60min, can be used with plugged in usb cable as well.
The setup process was straight forward with no issues whatsoever, the mobile app looks and works as expected. The camera can be used without wifi, just plug in your sd card and it will start to record video and audio when powered on. One more thing, can be hooked to a Alexa Echo Show, which is very convenient.
Overall happy with my purchase, have some ideas to use it here and there 🙂
As its so small you really can put it anywhere.
However, being small does mean the battery doesn’t last long. The details says 60 mins, I actually get a bit more. nearer 90 mins, but if you are expecting it to record all day you will need to have it connected to a power source.
Also being small means the Wifi signal isn’t amazing. In my house it needed to have a strong Wifi signal to be able to connect.
On balance its an incredible bit if kit for the money as you can have cloud storage or on camera SD card storage.
This is a really small cube style camera. Having read the instructions, I thought it might be tricky to set up but was self explanatory and very easy. Worked fine, descent picture and could be removed from power supply and continue working. My biggest surprise was that it’s ALEXA compatible. I dont recall reading anything about this in the “item description”. I can get the picture up on my Alexa Show 8 by just saying “Alexa, show me the Living Room”. Very pleased overall with the performance, ease of set up, and convenience. Glad I got it now.
I am searching wireless camera to watch birds on platform which I have constructed on tree, unfortunately there is no option for power supply. Most of the cameras required power plug.
Finally found this camera which does not require any power, it is chargeable and record videos upto 30 minutes
Placed the camera on tree and captured cat, still wating for bird to visit and get recorded
Tested on cloudy day however video is brilliant, the image is sharp, the colour is well balanced
I rated this camera 5 stars for following reasons:
Packing: Well packed in small box
Installation ( Easy install using app with auto guidance
Excellent video quality
Bright Video
Crispy pictures
Great little camera at good price! We have installed this in the baby room nicely on top of the curtain rod as shown in the pic. It’s small like size of a pound coin and looks sturdy.
Not that it makes a difference but I got this to spy on our tortoise who only moves occasionally and I wanted to know what and see what she was doing, this perfect little camera I can hide in her enclosure and do a bit of animal spying just like they do on TV! Great build, lovely app and easy to setup! Great.
Great small camera it can easily be hidden away to keep an eye on things.
The quality of the video image is very good for something so small. It also weighs very little.
The app is easy to use and download.
This camera is brilliant. So compact and picture quality is great. Battery life good and saves all footage to sd card (not included). It comes with a magnetic mount which I have placed onto my telescope. It looks like part of the direction finder and nobody would know it was a camera. Really pleased.
Despite its size it’s easy to set up using the QR code, and the app on your phone gives you motion detection alerts and lets you view recorded videos from a SD card or watch a live feed. There’s also the opportunity to record to the cloud but that requires a paid subscription. It includes a charging cable and stand (magnetic so that you can easily remove the camera) and works for approximately an hour on battery power or of course you can have it connected to the mains for constant use. Video quality is great considering the size of the camera — very happy with my purchase!
Wow, great quality video and it really is very small. Highly recommend this product!
The camera arrived just before I was due to go away in my motorhome so I took it along to test as the weather forecast wasn’t great 🙂
On arrival at my destination I proceeded to set the camera up over wifi, this was quite straight forward.
The camera is supplied with a magnetic mount so that it can be easily removed for recharging or transportation. I placed it as discretely as I could behind some overhead storage lockers where it was only just visible from a low level, this can be seen from the attached photos along with daytime and nighttime screenshots, I took another shot from the cab to give an idea of the field of view.
Image quality is good and the app proved easy to navigate, its still early days but overall a good product that I am happy to recommend.
This is a tiny camera around a just over an inch cube. It was very easy to set up following the instructions that came with it and a downloaded app. This app enables notifications of motion detected and viewing of the video . I even managed to connect it to my Amazon echo so I can view the video easily. This facility wasn’t advertised and was a pleasant surprise. The night time filming is in black and white but perfectly adequate. It has a small blue light on when filming which shows in the dark but it can be covered with tape. It can work for about hour, cordless, by being charged by USB, but for more practical use long term, needs to be plugged in. Overall I’m really pleased with this mini camera.
I’ve since bought another one which monitored our hotel room whilst we were on holiday. Great little camera.
If you’re looking for a reasonably priced indoor camera you can’t go wrong with this. The video quality is good and it’s quick and easy to set up using the app and QR code. Please note whilst the camera has a microphone to record audio, there is no speaker for two way audio communication or confirmation beeps. The camera itself is smaller than expected and has a bright blue led to confirm operation. This could easily be covered if preferred.
It comes with manual, stand and cables. Just plug into a usb charger recommended 1.5a or below. The inbuilt battery allows approx 1hr operation or you can leave permanently plugged in for 24×7 surveillance.
Video can be stored on an sd card (not included) or in the cloud (separate subscription required). Video can be set to constantly record or activated on movement.
Overall, a great product for the price.
This compact camera makes for an excellent monitoring tool for security in my office. It is a cube that measures about an inch on all sides and the picture quality is superb. The compact size allows it to be placed inconspicuously anywhere you wish to place it. It works with an app as most things do these days and it was quite straight forward to set it up. It comes with a stand and charging cable which allows it to be pointed in any direction or any position you choose. Highy recommended.
Great little camera that’s perfect to use around the house for keeping an eye on pets, etc. Easy to set up and works well with an SD card.
I am very happy with this purchase .It’s very easy to set up ,it has taken me around 3-4 minutes .the quality is brilliant .it is smaller than expected ,which is not a bad thing .I’ve used it mainly to keep an eye on my dog ,while away .I’m loving the motion detection and night vision mode .I’m planning to get an add card ,apparently you can store 2 weeks worth of recording on it .Highly recommended.
Size is pretty small abs discreet and works well. Video quality is good and streams without long delays on Wi-Fi. Haven’t tried with an SD card yet.
Brilliant camera really clear quality easy to use with the app. Arrived promptly it’s so dinky and so portable.. recommend to anyone
First, this is small! Like the size of a large die. The set up process is straight-forward and worked first time. The app is slick and professional. Picture quality is great, as you can see from the images.
Would recommend if you need a discrete camera that’s easy to set up and use.