Star Wars Ultimate Co-pilot Chewie,Multicolour

Dimensions: 45.08 x 31.75 x 36.83 cm; 1.4 Kilograms
Model: E0584
Colour: Multicolor
Colour: Multicolor

52 Responses

  1. KentRmqtaejv says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for a Christmas present for family member.

    It arrived in time , promptly , as promised in delivery

    It comes in a Very large solid box

    Well packaged

    It is I must say , too cute looking to give to someone, you will want to keep this for yourself

    You will love it, as will the lucky person receiving it,


    This isn’t just for the kids

    You wont be disappointed by any means

    5.0 out of 5 stars You will love this product & want to keep it for yourself

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a beautiful toy, bigger than expected. It is so cute. Might scare younger children as he roars.

  3. Heather Davis says:

     United Kingdom

    I love star wars, especially Cheque, so when I saw this it was a Christmas present to myself. He talks away and is sooooo cuddly. Love him to bits

  4. CarolynWishart says:


    Peluche amusante. Exactement comme sur la vido. Vous pouvez avoir de grandes discussions 🙂
    Offert en cadeau de Nol pour 2 personnes qui en sont fans. Et une 3me pour moi, car trs amusant. Avec cette peluche vous tes sr de ne pas dcevoir surtout un fa

  5. Anonymous says:


    Da un po’ volevo regalarlo a mia figlia ( ed anche al resto della famiglia ) . molto simpatico , ha un gran numero di espressioni e movimenti , perfetto per chi fan di StarWars …. praticamente un cucciolo di Wookiee in giro per casa !!!

  6. Anonymous says:


    Ho regalato questo peluche a la mia figlia di 5 anni ed e rimasta contentissima e’ fatto molto bene e sembra quasi reale. Tutto compresso darei anche cinque stelle pero’ purtroppo do 4 stelle perche’ arriva con un specie di gel nei capelli che da un po fastidio al tatto per i bambini. per il resto e come descritto nel prodotto.

  7. HaleyWaugh says:


    Je l’ai achet pour l’offrir un anniversaire
    La peluche est superbe
    Par contre trs du car la bote est abm je trouve abus de ne pas prendre soin des produits surtout au prix qu’il est affich !

    Boîte abîmé

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Absolutely brilliant. Keeps me entertained. (Does not take much, I know.) But worth every penny. Very happy with the purchase.

  9. LucileJanssen says:


    Muy buen producto tiene muchas funciones hay que girar el interruptor entero para todas las funciones viene en modo tienda si no le giras no hace todas las cosas y va aprendiendo cuando no le vallas a usar Apagale para no gastar muy bueno


  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Amazing, best Christmas present for my husband by far. Everyone is amazed by i

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Got this for my nephew, did not like having to hand it over for his birthday! Should have kept this for myself.

  12. EricaRFGzzwkjhw says:


    Trs belle peluche anime Chewie ! Trouve en vente un prix dfiant toutes concurrences !
    Trs interactif, Chewie ravira petits et grands !
    En effet, il peut servir de jouet pour les enfants mais aussi de dcoration pour les grands.
    De bonne qualit, comme une poupe il ferme les yeux quand on le couche.
    Il ronchonne, chante, danse, ronfle etc.!
    Vraiment chouette et indmodable

  13. Anonymous says:


    Achet d’abord en double pour les garons de 24 et 20 ans inconditionnels de la saga, j’ai du en acheter un supplmentaire pour ma fille de 4 ans… Trs belle qualit et interractivit!!!

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Fantastic quality lovely feel to Chewbacca very realistic raw will not nice and a display cabinets. With this being so collectible.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really good fun. Bought in a deal. Wouldn’t be worth the original price tag.

  16. Anonymous says:


    J ai achet cette peluche interactive adorable pour mon fils (fana de star wars ,) et pour son fils ,18 mois.
    J’espre qu ils garderont ce jouet collector trs longtemps. La peluche est belle et les rugissements du wookie plutt reussis.
    La boite reprsente la cabine du vaisseau spatial , et doit donc tre conserve soigneusement.
    Mme en dcoration , c’est du plus bel effet.Ravie de cet achat .

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Reeerr-arrrgh-aaah! The immortal words of everyone’s favourite Wookie, Chewbacca. As a lifelong Star Wars fan, Chewie means more to me than most real-life people. With technology being what it is now, we have the ability to have these interactive toys and dolls which we only dreamed of when we were babes. The downside being that as grown men and women it’s a little unseemly to be cuddling this in public and trying to bring it to bed while the missus is watching Call The Midwife. Therefore, we must enjoy this from a distance by giving it to our kids.

    Luckily my kids are only recently getting into Star Wars but are big fans of dolls and toys regardless of what they are. Out of the box this Chewbacca looks amazing, though it is coated in an unusual solution which may put some people off (the missus). This soon fades after a few cuddles and plays. What remains is a friendly hairy buddy you can bring on adventures with you, your questions answered in cute growls and howls just like in the movies. Chewie swivels and shudders and blinks with all the emotion of an old fashioned stop-motion King Kong, arms moving up and down as if a little elf is trapped inside. It’s fun, the kids love it, and it reminds me of a time when I would embark on a galaxy-saving quest in my mind with the more static fur balls of the past.

  18. Anonymous says:


    C’tait pour un cadea un un adulte Fan de star wars cette “peluche ” a fait un carton plein, une super ide de prsent pour un Fan. Je recommande, mme pour un adulte.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I was expecting a bit more from this in terms of interactivity but it looks great and was a real conversation point at the party.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTrs bel article de trs bonne qualit. Il est vraiment conforme la description et il fait un effet du tonnerre au-dessus d’une commode. Je m’en suis pris l’anne dernire et je ne regrette pas. Je vous le recommande viveme

    Très belle peluche articulée

  21. CarmenDamron says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLa texture des “poils” est trs bien ralise. Il faut bien mettre l’interrupteur sur option complte et il rponds a des sons, bouge et c’est trs sympa. Le seul bmol: quand chewie bouge on entend pas mal les moteurs,c’est un peu dommage. Sinon,parfait.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you like Star Wars, then this Chewie figure is a must-have. He’s very well made and surprisingly realistic. He interacts via sound so you can communicate with him (in Wookie language, of course). He has several touch-activated buttons located on his body and head so you can tickle him and stoke him., etc. Movement is also detected, so you can shake him, rock him, or put him to sleep – where he closes his eyes and snores. He has all sorts of facial expressions and arm-waving – he likes to roar a lot too.

    I think he’s brilliant and the kids love him too. He never fails to impress visitors, both old and young.

    Highly recommended!

  23. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIst als Geschenk zum 3. Geburtstag fr meine Nichte geplant gewesen und kam wirklich sehr gut an.

    Wie auch schon einige vorher moniert haben, ist das Fell leider voll von Haarspray, so dass dieses zusammenklebt. Die Aktionen und Reaktionen sind ziemlich witzig und geben nicht das Gefhl, dass es sich widerholt. Meist ist es eine Kombination aus jeglichem Wookie-Gebrll und Bewegungen des Mundes, der Augen und/oder der Arme. Diese Reaktionen werden hervorgerufen durch Drcken auf den Bauch, Gerusche oder Vernderungen der Lage von Chewie.
    Dies wre schon ziemlich nervig, da er auf jegliches Gerusch reagiert, allerdings nach gefhlten 5-10min damit aufhrt, wenn nicht erneut gedrckt wird. So braucht man keine Angst haben, dass das Ding die Ganze Zeit im Hintergrund rumnervt, selbst wenn man nicht damit spielt. Der An/Aus/Demo Schalter ist dabei sehr gut auf der Rckseite versteckt.

    Derzeit im Angebot fr ~55 passt das eigentlich ziemlich gut und kam bei der Kleinen auch sehr gut an, die gerne damit spielt. 1 Stern Abzug jedoch, da die Lautstrke etwas leise ist (htte da mehr erwartet) und das Fell verklebt. Fr den UVP wrde ich das nicht hinnehmen.

    Ihnen hat diese Bewertung und/oder das Foto bei Ihrer Kaufentscheidung geholfen? Dann wrde ich mich sehr ber einen Klick auf ‘Ntzlich’ freuen.

    Ziemlich witzig

  24. Anonymous says:


    Lo compramos ya para Reyes, en una oferta. Ya que la nia es de las pocas cosas que ha pedido. Ha llegado hoy y nos ha encantado. Es una pasada y ms grande de lo que creamos. Esperamos que a ella le guste tanto como a nosotros.

  25. FelicitBaragwan says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIl piccolo Chewbecca e’ davvero fantastico !! L’ho comprato per mio figlio di 7 anni che se ne e’ innamorato subito !! Sono diventati inseparabili !! In realt piace a tutti in famiglia, bimbi e genitori ed diventato la nostra mascotte !! E’ come se avessimo un piccolo cucciolo peloso in casa che ogni tanto fa rumore, parla e si muove !!
    E’ alto 41 centimetri, emette suoni, muove le braccia, apre la bocca, muove i baffi, chiude gli occhi e se lo sdraiate dopo un po’ dorme e si mette a russare !! Che dire, sono felicissimo dell’ acquisto e lo ricomprerei ad occhi chiusi (ammetto che ho usato mio figlio come scusa, ma in realta’ lo volevo io ^_^ )

    Fantastico !!

  26. AlejandraBeatty says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis Chewie is amazing… really looks and sounds great. Bought for adults not kids hahahah! He’s super cute especially when you lie him down to go to sleep. Great price and well worth the money!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My son is Star Wars crazy so I got this for him and he loves it. It’s a good size and actually looks like Chewie so that’s a good start. Then you switch it on and it growls and grrr’s at you waving his arms around and is great fun. It was rather expensive but I see it’s dropped quite a lot in price so it’s a 5 star review from me.

  28. Lisa DeCanio says:


    Chewie ist gut getroffen, die Farben der Haare finde ich sehr gut. Was aber schon viele bemngelt haben das extrem verklebt Fell geht gar nicht, da fragt man sich warum? Beim auskemmen, selbst mit weicher Brste, reit man Haare aus.

  29. Anonymous says:


    War der Wunsch meiner Frau. Hat sich sehr gefreut, obwohl sie nicht der Star Wars Fan ist. Wollte ihn unbedingt haben. Verpackung war super und der Preis auch. Alle Funktionen gehen und er hat eine Ehrenplatz erhalten. 🙂 Das mit dem Gel ist berhaupt kein Problem. Sieht toll aus und war ein schnes Geschenk.

    Gewünscht und erhalte

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This gave us a chuckle for a short while and would likely entertain a child longer though the 65 price tag seems a little steep for what it does. I guess you are paying some extra for brand and character.

    The instructions are simplistic at best and dont give much details on how it all works just advert like images.

    This is however now making a fairly nice quality ornament too so overall I would say if you or your child are big on star wars this is probably worth it but I dont think I would bother otherwise

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    he sounds he makes are really funny, especially when he goes to sleep 🙂

  32. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our Users… ich musste den FuReal-Chewbacca bestellen.

    Zur Optik:
    Ein absoluter Hingucker, egal ob man etwas mit StarWars anfangen kann oder nicht.
    Beim nheren Hinsehen fllt das verklebte Fell im Gesicht direkt auf. Aber selbst in der Anleitung steht, dass man das Gel vorsichtig ausbrsten oder einfach abwarten kann, daher kein Problem. Das Batteriefach ist gut versteckt, darber liegt der Ein- und Ausschalter.

    Zur Haptik:
    Kein klassisches Kuscheltier, dafr ist er zu hart. Das Fell fhlt sich dennoch flauschig an. Im Gesicht ist wie bereits erwhnt eine ordentliche Ladung Sprhkleber verballert worden um das Fell in Form zu bringen. Schtzungsweise damit sie im Regal identisch aussehen.

    Zu den Features:
    Ich denke nicht, dass ich bereits alle Funktionen gefunden habe. Jedoch reagiert er auf Kraulen, Liegen, hochheben, Schtteln, Streicheln, Kitzeln und so weiter. Sogar auf Musik wird reagiert.
    Was mich ein wenig strt ist das relativ laute mechanische Gerusch (siehe Video) bei den Bewegungen. Vor allem wenn er keinen Ton von sich gibt nimmt es smtliche Illusion.

    Fazit: Meiner Meinung nach gibt es hierfr keine Zielgruppe. Jeder kann mit Chewbacca seinen Spa haben, egal ob alter Nerd oder kleines Kind, dass keinen blassen Dunst von StarWars hat. Die Altersangabe ist ab 4 Jahren und je nach Kind kann auch schon ein 3-jhriger damit spielen. Ich wrde ihn zum derzeitigen Preis (knapp ber 64) wieder bestellen.


    Kleines Update:
    Das “Haargel” hat sich nun komplett aufgelst und Chewbacca sieht spitze aus! 🙂

    Hat Ihnen meine Erfahrung weitergeholfen? Dann wrde ich mich ber eine Bewertung freuen (“ntzlich” drcken unter dieser Rezension).

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersDes annes plus tard, il deviendra le meilleur ami d’un clbre contrebandier finissant par faire quipe avec la rsistance. Pour l’instant, ce n’est qu’un jeune Wookie ne demandant qu’ ensoleiller tes journes en les remplissant de joies et de bonnes humeurs. Depuis ton enfance, toi, fan de Star Wars rvait de ce jour o tu aurais en ta possession une VRAIE peluche de Chewbacca qui bouge et qui parle comme si elle tait relle? FurReal exauce ton souhait. Ce ne sera pas une peluche de luxe rivalisant avec tout ce qui a t fait jusque l en matire d’animatronique mais pour le prix, on peut dire que c’est une russite.

    Il pousse son cri de Wookie, ragit ta voix, aux bruits et tes caresses (sur la tte, le bidon ou sous la barbichette), prouve qu’il a du caractre en faisant sa gueulante si tu le brusques ou le secoue un peu trop, ferme ses doux yeux et s’endort comme un bb, tes cots ou pas, ds que tu l’allonges. L’on dit que les yeux sont les fentres de l’me. Cette peluche en possde-t-elle une ? C’est ce le demander tant le bleu de ses petits yeux innocents dgagent tendresse et bont. Sous son apparence enfantine et un brin cartoonesque, Chewbacca est reconnaissable entre mille. Son sac en bandoulire (ouvrable), cette espce de jolie petite moustache de dandy, sa longue fourrure, ses petits crocs pouvant mcher quelques Porgs, notre Wookie est plus vrai que nature.

    Parce que rien que pour vous, il veut faire bonne impression pour ce premier contact, Chewie a mit du gel, c’est coiff pour l’occasion. Notre Wookie, plus jeune que dans les films Star Wars, a donc eu une poque, une hygine irrprochable. Pour retirer le gel dans ses poils, il vous suffira de le brosser. Et pas avec la brosse cheveux de votre mre, de votre femme ou de votre sur ! Et avec dlicatesse le brossage hein ? La crature perdant ses poils comme n’importe quel animal fourrure.

    Pour finir, histoire de nous combler de joie, nous, fans aguerris de Star Wars, la boite d’emballage contenant la peluche se transforme en salle de pilotage du Faucon Millenium. Alors a prend un peu de place certes, mais c’est la grande classe.

    Au final, hormis son bruit mcanique chaque mouvement effectus, hormis le fait que les 100 combinaisons de sons ce soit du chiqu, reconnaissons que pour une cinquantaine d’euros, il y a du bon rapport qualit prix. Au-del, ne gchez pas de l’argent pour ce jouant lassant trs vite mme si c’est un pur plaisir d’avoir enfin une vraie peluche indite rare d’un Chewbacca raliste et trooooop mignoooooon qui en plus, ne casse pas les oreilles quand il grogne. Officiellement adopt ! Pas sr que je libre l’animal lorsqu’il aura atteint l’ge adulte.

    Un Wookie débarque et c’est tout ton quotidien qui se trouve chamboulé

  34. Neil Watton (neil363) says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a gift and the resipiant was over the moon with it.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very nice Star Wars toy, it’s actually larger than you’d expect which is a good thing.

    Chewie is my favourite so I’ve enjoyed trying some of the interactions, and to be honest, I think he’s actually quite well thought out.

    You move him, he reacts, you talk he reacts, my niece has really taken to him.

    A great gift for any star wars fan.

  36. Tori Yonker says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI give a four star because this is very expensive for what it is.geat chewie figure,face and fur is spot on and captured well.
    plent of grrrrrr and other chewie noises and he throw his arms up,box art insert makes a nice backdrop for display.bought for nine year old son who loves it.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My other half loves it, its expensive but great fun, we have other FurReal innthe household but by far this is the bes

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really cool toy, fantastic for kids or big kids really responsive and funny wen you shake him great for young or older starwars fans definitely recommend this

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI bought it to my boyfriend as a Christmas gift. I was a bit scared about the quality but when it arrived I got in love. I saw people saying he doesn’t answer, so when you buy it change the bottom on his back where it says “test” to “on” and he’ll answer your questions. I’m very happy with my purchase

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This toy is intended for children who are Star Wars fans, but it may also be a great gift choice for the adult fan who enjoys everything Star Wars related too!

    The “Ultimate Co-pilot Chewie” is an interactive furReal brand product. It’s a pretty large toy (so check the measurements) packed with over 100 sound-and-motion combinations, including responding in the Wookiee language and snoring! Chewie also reacts whenever he’s in motion, and can raise his arms and change his facial expressions – creating that feeling of interaction that kids will really enjoy.

    It’s a pricey toy but is does offer a lot of value and it would make a really great gift!

  41. DoraZiegler says:

     United Kingdom

    Well made, extremely well made, and with the remarkable cleverness of modern electronics, this Chewbacca toy can certainly seem alive. In essence it’s a Wookie variant of the talking teddy bear theme, and most suited to youngsters familiar with the Star Wars character.

  42. buyyaconsyrupz32 says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a large and realistic Chewie toy that makes a number of sounds and movements. It is quite fiddly to set up and will definitely require an adult to put the batteries in. Once it is set up you just need to learn how to make Chewie go through his repertoire. It mainly involves you prodding him in the tummy and I did find you need to exert some pressure so small kids may struggle with this. He is generally very well made and I loved his facial expressions and movements. His face is quite detailed which makes him very cute. Given the price and the fact that I can imagine kids may lose interest, I can see this mainly being appealing to an adult collector.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So I have put this through it’s paces with my 4 year old grandson. Like a lot of children, Chewbacca is his favourite for all the reasons he is not mine (I’m not a fan of the Wookie language) so I was sure this would be a big hit with him and I wasn’t disappointed.

    Chewbacca is quite a large toy at just over 15 inches, which is ideal for an interactive buddy toy of it’s type; robust enough to stand up to interactive play and small enough to carry around. Chewy has a vast repertoire of sounds, from groans and grunts to snores and other ‘wookie’ noises. It claims to have a 100 different sounds and motions and I can well believe this is true. Even now I don’t think we’ve discovered them all – as soon as I think we’re on repeat a new one comes into the mix. The sound level is perfect. Loud enough to hear but not so loud it would drive you crazy which is often a massive drawback to this kind of toy. He responds to your voice even from the other side of the room. There is a handy ‘off’ switch if Chewy is a bed sharer and you don’t want him going off the in the middle of the night!

    Chewy doesn’t walk, but can stand and sit. New noises are produced on lying down (he goes to sleep). He also opens his eyes, moves his face, body, head and arms, and responds to touch in various parts of his body.

    Yes, it’s expensive, and as with all toys there is a certain novelty value which may wear off depending on your child, but for the ultimate star wars fan this is certainly a nice addition to their collection.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This toy is pricey but well-made with attention paid to all little details of the character. If you are old enough then you might remember Furbies – this is pretty much the same thing but better and bigger. The image makes it look smaller than it actually is, so do check the measurements as it is quite a substantial toy! Chewie makes noises, moves his arms and head if you interact with him – move him, push his belly or stroke his head. You can also turn him off completely if you wish. This is a great present for a StarWars super fan – be it a boy or a girl.

    In terms of the production, it does unfortunately loose a star as some of the plastic elements aren’t quite painted correctly with some parts missing paint or colour that they should have. Our son didn’t notice these at all and so it hasn’t hampered his fun but at this price you would expect better.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersArriving in a massive box, this Star Wars Wookie companion, is huge!

    Make sure you have a pair of scissors to hand to help unpack him as there are a few ties that need to be snipped at the rear of the packaging.

    Standing about 40cm (15 inches) tall, he is a truly impressive character.

    Gorgeously detailed, with a bandolier, opening bag, detailed hands feet, teeth and eyes, and realistic Wookie fur, he is also absolutely gorgeous.

    It may say 4 years and over on the box, but my wife who is a huge Star Wars fan, fell in love with him instantly!

    Reacting to many different stimuli, he really does interact with you and you can almost believe he is talking back to you!

    Lay him on his back and after snuffling for a few minutes, he will shut his eyes and fall asleep snoring contentedly.

    After settling in, he decided that the nearest thing to the Millennium Falcon he could find was my robot vacuum cleaner, so he piloted that around the room!

    He may be expensive, but he really is absolutely fantastic and a must for Star Wars fans of any age!

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a lot of fun. I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars films (I was at school when the first one came out way, way back and a perfectly decent, but quite obsessive boy in my class spent the whole of the Monday after he had seen it relating the plot in excruciating detail to anyone within hearing range which put me off for life) but this big lump of Chewing Tobacco might just change my mind if he ever gets his own feature. He moves, he growls, he chirps (sort of), he shakes his hoolah like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever (I presume, never seen that movie either). The young one who will be getting this for the upcoming festival of the yule will also be delighted.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Chewbacca has got to be one of the most iconic and recognisable figures from the world of film, but this delightful toy will appeal to youngsters who are as yet unfamiliar with the story that took place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Chewie grunts, growls and warbles away as well as changing his facial expressions and moves his arms around. He even engages with movements nearby and snores when lying down for sleep. The fur is thick and lustrous and it’s a good size too. I’d say it’s aimed at children between 3 and 6 and really has that cute factor that makes adults and children want to play with it. That said, our cocker spaniel is scared of it, but he’s also scared of Tickle Me Elmo. The price is a bit of an eye-opener and it takes 4 AA batteries so having a stack of spairs on standby would be prudent. Overall though, a great toy that will delight all ages… but not spaniels.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWow!
    If this toy falls within your budget then you would be making someone very, very happy if you gave it to them this Christmas.
    This is a mini Chewbacca, complete with all that you would expect it to be.
    It has the hair, the neat little satchel on his belt and it looks just like the original – but small enough to carry around as your new best friend.
    Not only that, it talks to you! It has lots of different ‘wookie’ sounds and noises to keep you occupied. He also moves his mouth and arms as he speaks.
    He is activated by pushing his tummy. You can also switch it off, should the need arise, by sliding a small switch on his body.
    There is also a battery box there, under the fur and secured with Velcro, so you can recharge him if he goes into hyper sleep.
    That said, you are unlikely to find him annoying or irritating, as the level of the sounds has been set at a sensibly low level.
    He also vocalises if you pat his head, move him around or talk to him.
    If you lay him on his back, he shuts his eyes and sleeps.
    His hair is lacquered down when he first comes out of the box, but a gentle comb releases all that fluffy fur.
    His bark is worse than his bite – and if young fingers do get trapped in the mouth, the pressure is low enough to ensure there is no pain or damage!
    There are going to be a lot of happy kids this Christmas if they find this in their Christmas stocking!

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe animatronic toys I have recently tried out recently, a dog and a parrot, have been either too big and scary or too loud and noisy. I’m pleased to say this ‘walking carpet’ is a sensible size and not too annoying.

    He comes ready activated (Yay!) And if he has not be set to ‘Try me’ already, you can switch him on via a switch on his back below his neck. So he is ready to go out of the box on Christmas morning. Why can’t they all do that?

    After that, you will need to replace his batteries with 4 x AA 1.5 V batteries.

    He stands 16 inches tall with a width of around 12 inches with his arms splayed. His appearance is made cutesy because, on his bandalero, is attached a rather schoolboy-looking satchel. He is poseable — his arms move and his legs stand or sit. And he goes to sleep when he’s laid on his back. (Worth knowing!)

    He has blue eyes and his fangs aren’t that prominent. He is plush but not that cuddly because he’s been at the industrial hair gel to tame down his coiffure and tash. The instructions advise that you can brush it off or let it wear off naturally. Heavens only knows what he’ll look like by that time.

    When you press his tummy, he does a creditable wookie roar at a reasonable volume. It says it does a ‘big roar’, but don’t worry — it’s not that big. He doesn’t speak, thank goodness — he just does his wookie growls. He reacts to being shaken — don’t we all.

    As animatronic toys go, this one is a winner with us. The ‘walking carpet’ is by far the best we’ve tried so far.

    Recommended for wookie fans. 🙂

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSTAR WARS

    From the box: ‘RECOMMENDED AGE GUIDE ~ 4 YRS+’

    BATTERIES: 4 x AA are handily supplied and are already in situ.
    When the time comes to replace, the battery compartment is at the bottom of Chewie’s back, located behind the hard to find Velcro-type closure that needs splitting apart…and a cross-head screwdriver is required (final image below refers).
    The Velcro seals together again relatively easy and the fur is easily teased over to hide it again.

    ‘Made in China’


    Supplied with limited instructions (multi-lingual), IMO, the toy arrives in a colourful cardboard & perspex-fronted presentation box measuring around 36 cm x 44 cm x 15 cm.

    Chewie is set to ‘TRY ME’ mode in the box (middle-switch position). Prodding his tummy through the hole in the box is responded to with a fair Wookiee roar, displaying a fine set of (soft-finish) teeth in the process!
    It takes a bit of manipulating to get him out of the box and there is a little bit of moulting fur, in my experience.

    Chewie stands around 40 cm tall & 33 cm wide, with arms outstretched. He has a fair bit of fur, some of which is initially gelled to tame his flowing locks & there is a touch on his moustache:

    ‘To withstand hyperspace travel, Chewie’s hair is gelled into place; gently brush to remove or let it wear off naturally with play.’

    This gives him a 2-tone colouring to start with, with the gelled areas matted & a bit prickly in places.
    Chewie stands unaided but doesn’t walk. He needs help to sit down ~ 2 clicks on his legs.

    Chewie’s main body is a rigid plastic-type, including his paws & nose, so not necessarily someone you might want to curl up in bed with, especially with his ammunition belt (plastic-type) and opening satchel.
    As far as I can ascertain so far, he is house trained, unlike some of the other creations by ‘furReal’, e.g. RICKY !

    Before I located the battery compartment, finding the rocker switch on his back was a bit trial & error and would be quite difficult for little fingers, especially as it is hidden by fur. On the other hand, it could prove useful for an adult when it is time to mute the Wookieethe left-hand position is OFF (last images below refer)!
    Switched ON (right-hand position), Chewie talks Wookiee and sometimes throws his paws up in the air. He makes a variety of noises & movements, although some are really quite similar, so I have lost count of how many since his arrival (did I hear him hiccup? Was that a sneeze?).

    If you talk to him or make a noise, he responds with one of his repertoire of noises & movements. He moves his head randomly up & down or from side to side and can be rocked to sleep, closing those bright BLUE eyes, with some realistic sounding snoring indicating success.
    In this mode, Chewie almost looks cute, if one can describe a Wookiee as such!

    If you leave him switched on, with no attention (roughly a minute), he gives up muttering & gesticulating until the next prod or friendly scratch of the head!
    If he is lying down at this point, he goes off to sleeppreceded by a few more balanced snores (back half of attached video refers).

    On the negative side, the whirring motor noise is audible and some clicking detracts from the toy a little, IMO, but a child would likely be more forgiving in this respect.
    Despite the technology, I wonder if the novelty factor might wear off quite quickly, depending on the age of said ‘child’, but as they say:

    ‘It is not wise to upset a Wookiee’!’

    [20 images attached / DISNEY/STAR WARS/LUCASFILM LTD/2017]

    ‘Defend the galaxy with Chewbacca!’

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is histerical and seriously only suits a child/ adult who is a huge fan of the series ! Your very own chewie toy!

  52. Marrian Zhou says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIf you ever wanted to own your own pet wookiee, then this product is amazing! It’s super fun, incredibly cute and everyone in my household loves him. Highly recommend for any Star Wars fan 🙂