Usually I’m the one wearing the baby but my husband wore this and was quite pleased. Very easy to put on and baby is very supported. Love all pocket to be able to hold my phone
My husband and I absolutely love this. The other carriers we’ve tried were putting pressure on our sins thighs. He hated it and wasn’t comfortable. This doesn’t do that. And for the price you definitely can’t beat it.
My husband and I absolutely love this. The other carriers we’ve tried were putting pressure on our sins thighs. He hated it and wasn’t comfortable. This doesn’t do that. And for the price you definitely can’t beat it.
Overall this product is good. It seemed like my baby was pretty comfy. Not really sure if I was putting the straps correctly they did seem to slide off my shoulder. This product is also not for plus size. I got this one because it is suppose to fit XL but it was super snug but I managed to make it work.
I have been through a few carriers before this one, not only did my baby hate riding in them but they hurt my back. Since I have bought this carrier I seldom even use my stroller. This carrier is AMAZING! I have said over and over it is the best thing I have bought since having my son. I have used it to go hiking, going to the store, I even used it while walking for almost 8 hours at the NC Zoo, I had zero pain and it honestly does not even feel like I’m carrying extra weight (my baby is 17lbs).
I will say you definitely need to wait until your baby can hold their head before using this carrier. But other then that all I can say is buy it!
My baby girl doesn’t like to leave my hip so I was pretty excited when I ordered this and once it was delivered i instantly put it on. It’s comfortable, supportive, and easy to use! I love the pockets and bottle holder, very convenient! I love how the straps cross and take a lot off my shoulders and back. My baby girl loves when the shoulder straps are off and just loves the fact she can sit on a comfortable seat and I like the the fact that I barely use any muscle trying to hold her and that the seat has grips so she doesn’t slide at all. I managed to get triple the amount of work done using this product and plenty of more walks are being taken. This has saved me a lot of pain and couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
I fell in love with this carrier and my baby really likes it too. Couple things to watch for. I thought I had it on correctly but next day my back said it was all wrong. There’s not enough instruction to tell u exactly how to wear it in order to avoid injury. Make sure it’s tightened on waste area and shoulder. A better tutorial is needed with examples of different body types. I’m a little hefty, so the waste velcro barely fits… just something to consider. I may need an extensio
I can’t say enough good things about this! It’s worth every penny. I compared carriers and seats for hours and I’m so happy with my choice. The pockets are everything in this! And the teething cloth is SO useful. The waist seat makes it so easy to carry my baby through the house during the day or for quick errands. The full carrier is amazing for long walks or outings and she loves it! She used to get so uncomfortable in the wrap and the other $99 carrier I was gifted. This beats them both. My baby can sit up and hold her head up so not sure if this would be great for a baby that isn’t doing those yet.
If you like to take long walks, but can’t use a stroller this carrier is amazing! We had the Baby Bjorn one and it was killing my back and shoulders. Plus, our little one would get over heated in it. This one has a support that goes around your hips to help take pressure off the shoulders. Since it’s mainly mesh me and the baby don’t get over heated. The pockets are super helpful so your hands are free. Our little one can easily sit facing in or out. I love that it will grow with him instead of having to buy a different one in a couple of months. Seems to be very sturdy. I watched the video for how to put it on to make sure I did it right, and tried it out before putting the baby in it. Make sure to put the waist support around your natural waist and not at the hips for the best support. Our little one loves this carrier. He gets excited when we put him in it. With the other one he’d get fussy. Definitely worth every penny.
We’ve had this for about a week, and so far we love it. I also use the Baby Bjorn mini which has been great, but I spend a lot of time on the go and the Baby bjorn does hurt my back at the end of the day. Baby loves to be front-facing, and she seems to enjoy it even more in this carrier. The extra pockets serve as my “purse” (Carries wallet, a couple wipes and diapers, keys, bottle, travel size toiletries, burp cloth) when we go out. I was nervous that the seat would dig into my waist if I sit in a chair and eat with the baby in carrier, but that has not been an issue at all. I agree with other reviewers – the lack of support straps to secure baby’s legs does make me nervous. I would give five stars for the comfort, versatility, and price, but I am a little bit more careful in how I maneuver in this compared to my Baby Bjorn. The seat has a grippy surface which makes me feel somewhat better, but my baby is very small for 6 months old (24 in and 11 lbs, we’re working on bulking her up!!), so i do keep a hand on her to make sure she’s safe if I need to squat down or lean to the side with this carrier on. When she’s bigger I don’t imagine this being as much of an issue, but until she has chunkier legs I’m probably not going to be as hands-free as I am with the Baby Bjorn Mini.
Ich wollte gerne eine Trage, da das Kind (7 Mo, 9 Kilo) Kinderwagen ect. hasst. Wir hatten zunchst eine Trage von einem namhaften Anbieter, aus der l’enfant bereits mit 4 Monaten rausgewachsen war, unbequem war sie auch. Diese hier ist vielleicht nichts fr lange Wanderungen, aber – je nach Gewicht Kind – geht das schon fr einige Zeit. Baby mochte die Trage sofort, sie sitzt quasi auf einem kleinen Hocker, gerne auch mit dem Gesicht nach vorne. Fand die Gurte alle recht stabil. Gewicht passt auch. Kann ich empfehlen.
Our baby is 18lbs at four and a half months. As he started getting older, we noticed the circulation in his legs becoming compromised after sitting in the Infantino carrier. I received the Sunveno today and it is awesome!! Most importantly, it supports my baby’s bottom and legs (he kicks his little legs and has a great time). The carrier also has many well thought out design features like all the extra storage, breathable mesh, and cup holder. The belt and cross strap design is so much more supportive for myself and hurts me way less than the Infantino!! It is very comfortable!!
I would love to give this product a 5 star review. It is one of the most thoughtfully designed baby carriers I have tried. That being said, my baby is 10 pounds and definitely does not fit this carrier. It is too big for a newborn even though the description says it would work for babies 7+ pounds. I would have kept it, but I need something I can use now, not five months from now. If you have an older baby, this would be an excellent choice. I wanted this for hiking and travel. And it would have done beautifully for that, but again, just not a good fit for a newborn.
Eine tolle Trage, vorausgesetzt das Baby kann schon alleine sitzen! Denn die Knie gehen bei dieser Art Trage nicht so weit hoch wie sie es bei ganz kleinen Babys sollten (liegt aber nicht an dieser Trage, sondern generell an dem System dieser Art von Trage!). Sitzen und Knien geht auch wunderbar damit! Und wenn ich mal landet mit meinem Sohn spazieren gehe und er etwas Bewegung braucht (er ist sehr aktiv, kann aber noch nicht laufen), nehme ich ihn aus dem Geschirr, stelle ihn auf den Sitz und er hpft vor sich hin ich halte ihn natrlich dabei fest!
Ich hatte eine Trage von einer sehr bekannten Marke die ich super unpraktisch finde wegen dem H-Sitz der Trger (wie nennt man das? ) und mein Sohn fand sie auch unbequem. Nachdem ich einen Tennisarm vom tragen bekommen habe, habe ich nach einem Hftsitz geguckt um den Arm zu entlasten und war begeistert, da es das auch als Kombination mit einer Trage gibt.
Ich nutze den Hftsitz ohne das Geschirr, wenn ich zuhause bin und er viel auf den Arm will. Wenn ich raus gehe nutze ich den Sitz mit der trage in Kombination.
Es ist super, da die Trger berkreuz sind, weil man so nicht diesen schrecklichen H-Verschluss am Rcken zu kriegen muss (ganz ehrlich, wer ist auf diese unmgliche Idee gekommen?!…). Es ist auch alles super verarbeitet und doppelt bzw dreifach gesichert. Die Trger fr einen selbst sind mit Reiverschluss und Knpfen am Sitz gesichert. Die Trger fr das Baby sind zustzlich noch mit Schnallen gesichert.
Einziges Manko: es wre toll wenn die Schnallen von den Trgern des Babys etwas schrg an den Trgern des Erwachsenen angebracht worden wren, denn da sie senkrecht verlaufen ist es etwas tricky die ab zu kriegen, weil die ja auf Spannung sind und man seine Hnde nicht so gut in diese Position bekommt um dann auch noch viel Kraft aufzuwenden… Damit die Babys die nicht selber auf kriegen muss man diese nmlich nach oben schieben anstatt nach unten heraus zu ziehen und das ist in dem Winkel der Hand etwas schwierig. Deswegen mache ich immer nur eine Seite auf und die andere bleibt immer zu, war aber auch nicht schlecht ist, denn so ist mein Sohn von Anfang an schon etwas gesichert und man muss nur noch eine Seite schlieen.
This is a great carrier. I have tried so many without any luck, but this one feels good for me and baby. I feel supported , my baby is 21 lbs @ 4 months and it’s been a great relief for taking off pressure rather than holding her with my arms.
I’m so relieved I invested in this carrier. We live on a farm and needed something to have baby with me on the go and to relief hip pain. This carrier is stylish,sturdy and my baby is very comfortable it. The crossed straps on the back had made a remarkable difference in prevention me from having more back pain. It has really good grip on the little padded seat so baby does not slide around. I love that it has multiple conversions so you can use it for different situations and baby stages. I had a couple different carriers before this one and this has definitely been mine and babies favorite.
Vraiment un bon achat! Super bien fait, solide et confortable porter. Le fait que les bandes se croisent l’arrire rpartie mieux le poids et tire moins sur les paules. Il y a plusieurs pochettes pour transporter des choses. Vraiment je le recommande!
I have fibromyalgia and can’t use most baby carriers. Slings are too one sides and many just are super uncomfortable. This one having wide padded straps helps a lot. The fabric is very breathable so I don’t get nearly as hot.
All in all I would say this is as good or better than say the Baby Trekker which is more expensive. Highly recommended!
I have a mild back problem and I cannot use other carriers. I thought I would give this one a try. It worked! Putting the weight on my hips alleviated the pain and I can carry the baby again. We will see how long this works for as my great nephew is only tiny right now.
The straps are nice and wide and comfortable. The seat and harness for the baby secure.
I cannot comment on putting it in the wash because I wash it by hand — that is my choice.
I highly recommend this carrier.
-Padded shoulder straps: Very comfotable
-Convenient hip-seat that distribute the weight of the baby accordingly
-Lots of small zippered pocket around it
-You can use it to have your baby facing your chest or his back to your chest.
-Fabric is soft and delicate.
-The pocket for the milk bottles are not insulated
-The fabric absorbs the sweat alot. Especially after long walk. My chest is drenched almost each time
-Could be more breathable
I have been using the fancy name-brand version of these but I’m really happy with the Hipseat for the price. It’s well made with quality fabric, straps that feel strong and durable and the entire carrier is, quite breathable (though a little less so than what I am used to) despite coming in at under half the price.
I do really like the storage pockets and find them to be very convenient though one word of warning is that depending on what you put in those pockets, it can get stuffy and hot around that area but that’s kinda on me.
Very comfortable. It distributes the weight more closer to my body so my shoulders don’t get sore. Very good support for baby. Best for babies who can hold up their heads alone, my infant is still too small for it for regular use but this will come in handy in a month or so. Can’t wait to try it for longer walks and easy hikes. The waistband is wide so it feels like my lower back is being supported.
Very comfortable. It distributes the weight more closer to my body so my shoulders don't get sore. Very good support for baby. Best for babies who can hold up their heads alone, my infant is still too small for it for regular use but this will come in handy in a month or so. Can't wait to try it for longer walks and easy hikes. The waistband is wide so it feels like my lower back is being supported.
Im comparing the sunveno v. The moby for my twins.
The thought is the same with the seat support, rather than having them hang, however the reason I prefer this carrier is 1. The storage! 2. There are two sets of straps. One that supports the carrier to you that you can tighten as tight as you’d like and then other that secures the infant to your body. The moby has only one strap that pulls the baby to your body so if you want the carrier tighter to your body, you’re also pulling the baby tighter. This allows little airflow between you and the baby pressed against you and may be too tight on the baby. Also, the straps of the moby don’t allow my infant to put his arms up more than halfway, whereas this carrier you’re able to put your infant arms above the straps to give them more freedom and mobility. 3. I don’t know how to really describe the front part in front of the baby, but when the infant is forward facing, you’re able to roll down the flap and clip it down in order to give your child more head mobility so that it is not pressed against his chin. On the moby, my infants chin was either pressed against the strap or it was pressing into his neck and jugular because again, the tighter you pull the straps to your body, the more it pulls in your child. In terms of comfort for the carrier, they both are comfortable. In terms of comfort for the child, one of my babies liked both, one of them preferred only the moby. My infants are really relaxed babies though so idk how other infants would respond to not being able to lift their arms or having the front flap on their chin from the moby.
I ended up returning my moby and getting another one of these carriers. I absolutely love it!
This item arrived safe and well packaged.
This baby carrier is a very comfortable harness for both parent and baby. The straps are thick and soft to spread the weight all over the body. It hugs around the baby very well, keeping them nicely cocooned and safe.
It’s pretty simple to get this on and off, even when you’re trying to balance baby as well!
I highly recommend this product.
J’adore ce porte-bb, trs confortable autant pour moi que mon conjoint ou notre bb. Avec les pochettes trs pratique. Ainsi qu’un trs bon soutien au niveau du dos.
Really comfy for baby and mummy.
Comes nicely packaged and presented.
Easy to put on and take off.
Feels soft against babies skin.
Washes and dries well.
5 stars and highly recommended.
Perfect carrier. Worth your money. Easy to use and the best part you don’t need help to put it on. Baby looks comfy in it. Good quality. I do recommend it!
The main advantage of this carrier is the comfort, for both wearers. Usually they are too restrictive with too many constraints, but this carrier is so flexible and lightweight. It has a hipseat which lessens the load and makes it feel much lighter.
There are also a lot of convenient compartments for personal belongings and it’s quite spacious. I am reassured by the amount of clips and the sturdiness to them, the carrier is quite secure and provides extra protection.
I’m very happy with purchasing this. The carrier looks and feels solid made. It is very practical as it can be used as breastfeeding support as well. It has very handy pockets including one for the bottle. The buckles on the straps holding a baby can be locked with one hand while you hold the baby up with another. The hip belt design helps the baby weight distribution and literally takes the weight of the shoulders making it more comortable than the carriers that only use shoulder straps for carrying.
Love love love the fit of this both hubby and I can wear it comfortably. Our boy is 3 months old weighs about 16 lbs and he is happy and comfortable in it. Supports my low back and shoulders, my previous one hurt both. Pockets are super handy and plentiful. Would highly recommend this!
There are 3 ways to use this carrier although the back option requires two people to get baby safely in the seat. The front options are easy to do on your own. It took a bit of time to fully get comfortable with the carrier, but there are good illustrated instructions available, which helps.
It can take up to 20 kg, but I don’t think that the waist takes quite enough of the load away from the shoulders to carry quite that much. I’d be more comfortable with up to 15 kg.
There are some nice extra pockets distributed on the seat and that’s very helpful to have at hand.
We like the colour and material choices and overall we think this is a good choice
Loving this so much!
Firstly, this baby carrier is very sturdy providing extra straps that really holds a very excited baby securely.
Second, there are a lot of pockets which is great for mums and dad’s to put their personal belongings such as phones and wallets or cards securely. Some side pockets are also able to hold baby feeding bottles or even water bottles.
And lastly the seat feature of this makes it extra special! Baby loves being seated so the hipseat of the baby carrier provides the best support for baby to being carried.
This has been the third baby carrier we had and so far our baby’s favorite.
This is my favourite forward facing carrier. I’ve used a number of other types like Mei Tai, Bjorn, egrobaby… But this gives me the least amount of back and shoulder pain. The weight is nicely distributed between the shoulders and waist. My son weights 17lbs and when he’s in there I don’t feel any strain. I like the pockets and storage bags, which comes in handy for quick trips. The carrier is easy to put on compared to some but still takes a few minutes to adjust and lock all the clips. The hard foam seat for the baby is very firm, not floppy or soft at all. It does feel bulky with all the padding and I don’t think I’d enjoy wearing this in the summer as I get rather hot. There’s a vent on the front for the baby though. The carrier doesn’t leave any marks on my baby after use, even for extended periods of time. I think it’s very comfortable for him as all his weight is centered on the foam seat so the straps aren’t cutting into his legs. I have not used this with him facing me but I can’t see it would change comfort for baby.
It gets pretty heavy around the shoulders and it does not seem to distribute the weight around the weist as it should…
However, it is easy to get your baby out and in the baby carrier more than ergo baby kind. So it’s ok for short walks. Other than that, I like that has different pockets.
A really good decent quality newborn hip seat carrier which feels very well made throughout, is easy to use/set up and takes away the stress of more complicated options – great especially if you;re not overly confident with using muslin wraps or similar and doing them yourself. Baby feels really secure and it’s really comfortable and easy to wear too and has the flexibility of being used in three different ways. Brilliant quality and would definitely recommend if looking at similar options.
I like how it’s easy to put on and take off with no struggles. Very practical. It’s nice that the baby can sit and be comfortable rather hanging constantly with all the weight pulling down. Much prefer this one compared to my previous one. Having pockets is a bonus so when I go out for a quick walk I dont need to bring another bag.
his one isnt one of the best ive tried but its very far removed from the worst we have received. its easy to adjust and fit and is fairly comfortable when on but not always depending on where little one sits. it is well made and secure so its certainly safe for use. nice simple colour and easy to clean. just wish it was more comfortable when used in all positions.
What an amazing carrier. I have a large baby and he was just to big for his other carrier. I noticed with the hipseat he is more comfortable and so am I. My back and hips did not hurt while carrying baby. It was nice that it arrived all put together. I simply put it on and adjusted the straps. It is very easy to put on and take off. As well very easy and quick to put baby in and take out. Love the colour of the carrier as it’s unisex. Overall I love it and would definitely recommed to anyone especially those with large babies.
My son hates being confined, he hates being strapped in his push chair, he hates being sat on a shopping trolley, and he has never slept in his own bed! Therefore we were apprehensive trying a baby carrier however he seems to love it!
The carrier is a good fit for all size adults (I am 15 stone and 6″4 tall) and I had no problems wearing the baby carrier. There is plenty of room around the waist and shoulders and lots of adjustment room in the straps. It is quite easy to fit the carrier by yourself and all the connections feel robust and secure.
Our son is now 15 months old and getting heavier, however the baby carrier does a good job distributing the weight across your back and shoulders. Front facing or back facing are both comfortable for baby. The bonus of a small drinks holder on one side, and then a zipped pouch and phone pocket on the other side are great additions. All in all a great item which will allow daddy and son to explore further than a push chair could reach!
This review is for the SUNVENO baby carrier. The product arrived well packaged and on time as expected by amazon.
The carrier it self is great quality material and really soft. Amazing easy to child in and out. I found the bag at the bottom especially useful. Most other carries do not have this functionality and you have to carry another changing bag.
It is very comfy to wear for long periods. Would recommend.. little pricy but worth it!
Is it me or are that too many baby carriers to choose from? Well I took a while to decide but this seemed to tick all the boxes. It seems well made (time will tell though) and love the material/colour. Definitely very sturdy and loads of hidden pockets etc. One thing that did surprise me was the ease of putting it on and how comfy it is. Definitely recommend.
I’m really happy with this baby carrier. I suffer from chronic back pain and it’s really great to be able to use the hip carrier (without the back straps so just the stool) for the school run. Getting the buggy in and out of the car, twice a day is very painful on my back. Just carrying my son on my hip is also uncomfortable. But when I wear the hip stool and pop my son onto that is absolutely brilliant. It takes the strain off your back and moves it to your hips. The same thing for the full set-up really (waist stool and back strap) it’s great if you want to take your kid on a walk but don’t want all the weight to fall onto your back. This relieves so much of that pressure and puts it onto your hips instead, making it much more bearable.
The quality of this carrier is also really good. Altogether I’m very pleased with this product.
Great product, baby carriers always scare me because I don’t know if they’d be secure enough for the baby, but this one takes the fears away, lots of straps to make sure the baby is secure and safe in the carrier, I personally really like all those straps, hooks and latches. The baby is seated very comfortably and securely, and the back support is great. However, I feel the sling that buttons on is not that efficient in supporting the neck and so this is for when a child can hold up their neck on their own. Wearing the carrier hasn’t given me any back pain or anything. There is an added advantage that it comes with lots of pockets for the phone, wallet, keys, a baby bottle holder and more pockets for basic baby stuff, that way you’re fully equipped. Very good quality and will definitely last very long.
Great product, baby carriers always scare me because I don't know if they'd be secure enough for the baby, but this one takes the fears away, lots of straps to make sure the baby is secure and safe in the carrier, I personally really like all those straps, hooks and latches. The baby is seated very comfortably and securely, and the back support is great. However, I feel the sling that buttons on is not that efficient in supporting the neck and so this is for when a child can hold up their neck on their own. Wearing the carrier hasn't given me any back pain or anything. There is an added advantage that it comes with lots of pockets for the phone, wallet, keys, a baby bottle holder and more pockets for basic baby stuff, that way you're fully equipped. Very good quality and will definitely last very long.
This is a great mobility aid to move your baby or toddler with ease. It’s a very easy to use sling set up and is adjustable across a number of different sizes to allow a comfortable fit for both you and the baby. More importantly I have complete faith that the baby is secure and safe within the harness and that all the contact points material and stitching are done in such a way that it will not annoy or damage the babies skin.
I have some other baby slings from a leading brand and I have to say I feel that this offers better value for money due to the additional adjustments that it seems to offer.
I can’t wait to use this once my baby girl will born. It fits perfectly on me (I have an average body size 180 hight and 90 Kg). Very comfortable to wear but obviously I have not tried it with a baby in it. Well made, comfy, super practical, sturdy and I love all of the safety measures! I’m sure I can wear this for a longer walk with no problem and my daughter will be able to sit outward and look around to discover the new world. Will also be good for traveling. We have got it in this unisex grey colour but I’m not sure if you can buy this in other colours. It is not the cheapest baby carrier but great product and good investment especially if you know you’ll be using for several babies!
Fantastic 3 in 1 baby carrier .
Lovely and high quality product which is comfortable to wear.
Has compartments that are very ideal for keeping baby or your items close and very easy to attach with easy read instructions.
What I like about this product is one the colour and more importantly the fact that it’s not like any other baby carrier . The manufacturer has thought very hard about making sure that your babies hips are positioned correctly whilst fitted in the carrier to prevent any hip problems and so that you baby is comfortable at all times.
Comes well packaged .
This is an amazing baby carrier. It is intricately designed and fully adjustable, all of which is aimed at ensuring the comfort and security for mother and child. The child can sit securely either facing mum or facing forwards – either way it is fully supported by the seat and the strapping so they can sit upright and comfy – and remain completely safe. And it also has space for a bottle and a number of secure pockets for your phone, keys or anything else you may need with you. My daughter-in-law is using it to carry my littlest grandson and she is really pleased. Once she got the hang of all the straps and how they work (thanks to the video on this page), and got each section sorted out the way she wanted, it was good to go – and my grandson is now in seventh heaven. Totally close to his mum for much of the time he is awake, or out and about with mum, and able to snuggle or to watch the world at adult level – and all the while he is safe and secure, with no physical strain for his mother – plus her hands are free. She has tried a couple of more basic baby carriers before but is completely in love with this one. It looks really complicated when you unpack it but it is all about safety and comfort and, once you get the hang of it (which doesn’t take long), you have a brilliant piece of kit that your little one will love.
I absolutely LOVE our SUNVENO’s carrier! The design, the quality of materials used and the craftsmanship are exquisite. It was a pleasant surprise to receive such a high quality product. SUNVENO brand is a great discovery to me and, in my experience, SUNVENO = QUALITY. Both, my baby and I, are very comfortable while using this carrier at home and outside – we are loving it! It offers everything that I’ve been looking for in a baby carrier:
1. Hip seat – light, padded for baby’s comfort, with a non-slip surface for extra safety, it allows baby to sit comfortably just like on a stool instead of being in an unnatural “hanging” position (like in carriers without a hip seat) – it takes pressure off baby’s legs/crotch and parents’ back.
2. Shoulder/back straps – can be easily attached to the hip seat to further distribute baby’s weight. They are super comfortable because of thick padding and, most importantly, they cross in the back – simple and elegant solution that I have not seen in any other carriers on the market (those that I’ve looked at connect shoulder/back straps by a belt with a plastic closure – all the weight is on shoulders!) that makes this carrier very comfortable because the weight is applied to the whole back rather than the shoulders only – super comfortable!
3. Baby-holding front part – it’s narrow on the bottom which does not require baby to spread his/her legs too wide (it’s something that I’ve seen in many carriers and disliked very much – it’s just plain weird that they’ve designed them this way). No wide leg spreading with SUNVENO carrier – the baby is in a very comfortable natural position – just like sitting on a chair. There is extra padding where legs meet the carrier too for baby’s comfort.
All of the above features make this carrier very COMFORTABLE for both – babies and parents – and allow for hours of PAIN/DISCOMFORT-FREE baby-carrying.
4. Ease of putting baby in and taking him/her out – it’s a single person operation since baby’s sitting on the seat – just hold your baby with one hand and use another to buckle using two uniquely-designed clips on each shoulder straps (haven’t seen clips like that before on any of the products). I also own a regular carrier (without a hip seat where the baby is just hanging there) and when I had to put that one on, I felt like I needed to turn into a worm to squirm into that thing while the baby was already “inserted” into it laying on the bed.
5. Attractive look and quality craftmanship – SUNVENO’s carrier is made of the high quality easy to clean fabric with a denim-like look – suitable for boys and girls alike. It’s sewn with great care and precision using attractive high quality accessories – buckles, zippers, snaps, elastics, labels – all are of EXCELLENT QUALITY. When I hold this product in my hands I see that great care that was taken to ensure that there are no loose ends – there are snaps/Velcro/zippers/elastics everywhere they are needed when some parts of the carrier are not being used.
6. Versatility and comfort – you can use just the hip seat, hip seat with shoulder/back straps for extra weight distribution or all the parts for hands-free baby-wearing – your pick! All the parts come together and can be taken apart effortlessly. Did I mention the pockets and holders? There are FIVE of them – all the space in the world to put your cell phone, baby’s bottle/cup, a diaper, some wipes, tissues, a snack, a bib, a hat, sunglasses etc. When it’s hot – the front piece easy rolls up with a breathable mesh underneath (right against baby’s tummy or back) plus there is a clip-on cover to cover baby’s head from the weather elements.
7. SUNVENO is affordable. $140-180 carriers? Seriously? SUNVENO’s carrier trumps them all.
Enough said. I am sure you will also LOVE your SUNVENO carrier.
Ds 3 mois, j’utilisais ce porte bb pour mon garon. Curieux, il adore tre mis de l’avant. Je n’ai aucun doute sur la solidit et la scurit de cette accessoire. Le format est idal autant pour transporter avec soi que pour le rangement domicile
I am really happy with this product. My 4 months old baby loves to be carried in it and fallow sleep as soon as we step out. Good quality. Also, the seating part alone is very helpful. Perfect fit due to adjustable harness and I also like side pockets.
To many buckles but overall great back support! I love it.
Usually I’m the one wearing the baby but my husband wore this and was quite pleased. Very easy to put on and baby is very supported. Love all pocket to be able to hold my phone
Lo recomiendo. Me ha ayudado muchsimo para poder cargar a mi beb. Especialmente si tienes que caminar mucho al salir de paseo.
My husband and I absolutely love this. The other carriers we’ve tried were putting pressure on our sins thighs. He hated it and wasn’t comfortable. This doesn’t do that. And for the price you definitely can’t beat it.
Overall this product is good. It seemed like my baby was pretty comfy. Not really sure if I was putting the straps correctly they did seem to slide off my shoulder. This product is also not for plus size. I got this one because it is suppose to fit XL but it was super snug but I managed to make it work.
I have been through a few carriers before this one, not only did my baby hate riding in them but they hurt my back. Since I have bought this carrier I seldom even use my stroller. This carrier is AMAZING! I have said over and over it is the best thing I have bought since having my son. I have used it to go hiking, going to the store, I even used it while walking for almost 8 hours at the NC Zoo, I had zero pain and it honestly does not even feel like I’m carrying extra weight (my baby is 17lbs).
I will say you definitely need to wait until your baby can hold their head before using this carrier. But other then that all I can say is buy it!
My baby girl doesn’t like to leave my hip so I was pretty excited when I ordered this and once it was delivered i instantly put it on. It’s comfortable, supportive, and easy to use! I love the pockets and bottle holder, very convenient! I love how the straps cross and take a lot off my shoulders and back. My baby girl loves when the shoulder straps are off and just loves the fact she can sit on a comfortable seat and I like the the fact that I barely use any muscle trying to hold her and that the seat has grips so she doesn’t slide at all. I managed to get triple the amount of work done using this product and plenty of more walks are being taken. This has saved me a lot of pain and couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
He is a bit small to face towards me as hip seat is a bit wide in this position and at this age. Expect he will fit that later on, no problems.
The overall design and fit is very well done and no problems putting this on and then securing baby.
It also works so well with just the hip seat.
Highly recommended from me, and baby’s smile says it all.
I fell in love with this carrier and my baby really likes it too. Couple things to watch for. I thought I had it on correctly but next day my back said it was all wrong. There’s not enough instruction to tell u exactly how to wear it in order to avoid injury. Make sure it’s tightened on waste area and shoulder. A better tutorial is needed with examples of different body types. I’m a little hefty, so the waste velcro barely fits… just something to consider. I may need an extensio
I can’t say enough good things about this! It’s worth every penny. I compared carriers and seats for hours and I’m so happy with my choice. The pockets are everything in this! And the teething cloth is SO useful. The waist seat makes it so easy to carry my baby through the house during the day or for quick errands. The full carrier is amazing for long walks or outings and she loves it! She used to get so uncomfortable in the wrap and the other $99 carrier I was gifted. This beats them both. My baby can sit up and hold her head up so not sure if this would be great for a baby that isn’t doing those yet.
If you like to take long walks, but can’t use a stroller this carrier is amazing! We had the Baby Bjorn one and it was killing my back and shoulders. Plus, our little one would get over heated in it. This one has a support that goes around your hips to help take pressure off the shoulders. Since it’s mainly mesh me and the baby don’t get over heated. The pockets are super helpful so your hands are free. Our little one can easily sit facing in or out. I love that it will grow with him instead of having to buy a different one in a couple of months. Seems to be very sturdy. I watched the video for how to put it on to make sure I did it right, and tried it out before putting the baby in it. Make sure to put the waist support around your natural waist and not at the hips for the best support. Our little one loves this carrier. He gets excited when we put him in it. With the other one he’d get fussy. Definitely worth every penny.
We’ve had this for about a week, and so far we love it. I also use the Baby Bjorn mini which has been great, but I spend a lot of time on the go and the Baby bjorn does hurt my back at the end of the day. Baby loves to be front-facing, and she seems to enjoy it even more in this carrier. The extra pockets serve as my “purse” (Carries wallet, a couple wipes and diapers, keys, bottle, travel size toiletries, burp cloth) when we go out. I was nervous that the seat would dig into my waist if I sit in a chair and eat with the baby in carrier, but that has not been an issue at all. I agree with other reviewers – the lack of support straps to secure baby’s legs does make me nervous. I would give five stars for the comfort, versatility, and price, but I am a little bit more careful in how I maneuver in this compared to my Baby Bjorn. The seat has a grippy surface which makes me feel somewhat better, but my baby is very small for 6 months old (24 in and 11 lbs, we’re working on bulking her up!!), so i do keep a hand on her to make sure she’s safe if I need to squat down or lean to the side with this carrier on. When she’s bigger I don’t imagine this being as much of an issue, but until she has chunkier legs I’m probably not going to be as hands-free as I am with the Baby Bjorn Mini.
Ich wollte gerne eine Trage, da das Kind (7 Mo, 9 Kilo) Kinderwagen ect. hasst. Wir hatten zunchst eine Trage von einem namhaften Anbieter, aus der l’enfant bereits mit 4 Monaten rausgewachsen war, unbequem war sie auch. Diese hier ist vielleicht nichts fr lange Wanderungen, aber – je nach Gewicht Kind – geht das schon fr einige Zeit. Baby mochte die Trage sofort, sie sitzt quasi auf einem kleinen Hocker, gerne auch mit dem Gesicht nach vorne. Fand die Gurte alle recht stabil. Gewicht passt auch. Kann ich empfehlen.
I would love to give this product a 5 star review. It is one of the most thoughtfully designed baby carriers I have tried. That being said, my baby is 10 pounds and definitely does not fit this carrier. It is too big for a newborn even though the description says it would work for babies 7+ pounds. I would have kept it, but I need something I can use now, not five months from now. If you have an older baby, this would be an excellent choice. I wanted this for hiking and travel. And it would have done beautifully for that, but again, just not a good fit for a newborn.
Ich hatte eine Trage von einer sehr bekannten Marke die ich super unpraktisch finde wegen dem H-Sitz der Trger (wie nennt man das? ) und mein Sohn fand sie auch unbequem. Nachdem ich einen Tennisarm vom tragen bekommen habe, habe ich nach einem Hftsitz geguckt um den Arm zu entlasten und war begeistert, da es das auch als Kombination mit einer Trage gibt.
Ich nutze den Hftsitz ohne das Geschirr, wenn ich zuhause bin und er viel auf den Arm will. Wenn ich raus gehe nutze ich den Sitz mit der trage in Kombination.
Es ist super, da die Trger berkreuz sind, weil man so nicht diesen schrecklichen H-Verschluss am Rcken zu kriegen muss (ganz ehrlich, wer ist auf diese unmgliche Idee gekommen?!…). Es ist auch alles super verarbeitet und doppelt bzw dreifach gesichert. Die Trger fr einen selbst sind mit Reiverschluss und Knpfen am Sitz gesichert. Die Trger fr das Baby sind zustzlich noch mit Schnallen gesichert.
Einziges Manko: es wre toll wenn die Schnallen von den Trgern des Babys etwas schrg an den Trgern des Erwachsenen angebracht worden wren, denn da sie senkrecht verlaufen ist es etwas tricky die ab zu kriegen, weil die ja auf Spannung sind und man seine Hnde nicht so gut in diese Position bekommt um dann auch noch viel Kraft aufzuwenden… Damit die Babys die nicht selber auf kriegen muss man diese nmlich nach oben schieben anstatt nach unten heraus zu ziehen und das ist in dem Winkel der Hand etwas schwierig. Deswegen mache ich immer nur eine Seite auf und die andere bleibt immer zu, war aber auch nicht schlecht ist, denn so ist mein Sohn von Anfang an schon etwas gesichert und man muss nur noch eine Seite schlieen.
So, Roman beendet – ich bin begeiste
Different to other carriers as my babys legs don’t get in the way. It’s got fantastic pockets and easy to use.
This is a great carrier. I have tried so many without any luck, but this one feels good for me and baby. I feel supported , my baby is 21 lbs @ 4 months and it’s been a great relief for taking off pressure rather than holding her with my arms.
I’m so relieved I invested in this carrier. We live on a farm and needed something to have baby with me on the go and to relief hip pain. This carrier is stylish,sturdy and my baby is very comfortable it. The crossed straps on the back had made a remarkable difference in prevention me from having more back pain. It has really good grip on the little padded seat so baby does not slide around. I love that it has multiple conversions so you can use it for different situations and baby stages. I had a couple different carriers before this one and this has definitely been mine and babies favorite.
Vraiment un bon achat! Super bien fait, solide et confortable porter. Le fait que les bandes se croisent l’arrire rpartie mieux le poids et tire moins sur les paules. Il y a plusieurs pochettes pour transporter des choses. Vraiment je le recommande!
Waw! Meilleur porte bb que j’ai eu pour mes enfants! Je le recommande!
I have fibromyalgia and can’t use most baby carriers. Slings are too one sides and many just are super uncomfortable. This one having wide padded straps helps a lot. The fabric is very breathable so I don’t get nearly as hot.
All in all I would say this is as good or better than say the Baby Trekker which is more expensive. Highly recommended!
I have a mild back problem and I cannot use other carriers. I thought I would give this one a try. It worked! Putting the weight on my hips alleviated the pain and I can carry the baby again. We will see how long this works for as my great nephew is only tiny right now.
The straps are nice and wide and comfortable. The seat and harness for the baby secure.
I cannot comment on putting it in the wash because I wash it by hand — that is my choice.
I highly recommend this carrier.
-Padded shoulder straps: Very comfotable
-Convenient hip-seat that distribute the weight of the baby accordingly
-Lots of small zippered pocket around it
-You can use it to have your baby facing your chest or his back to your chest.
-Fabric is soft and delicate.
-The pocket for the milk bottles are not insulated
-The fabric absorbs the sweat alot. Especially after long walk. My chest is drenched almost each time
-Could be more breathable
I have been using the fancy name-brand version of these but I’m really happy with the Hipseat for the price. It’s well made with quality fabric, straps that feel strong and durable and the entire carrier is, quite breathable (though a little less so than what I am used to) despite coming in at under half the price.
I do really like the storage pockets and find them to be very convenient though one word of warning is that depending on what you put in those pockets, it can get stuffy and hot around that area but that’s kinda on me.
The thought is the same with the seat support, rather than having them hang, however the reason I prefer this carrier is 1. The storage! 2. There are two sets of straps. One that supports the carrier to you that you can tighten as tight as you’d like and then other that secures the infant to your body. The moby has only one strap that pulls the baby to your body so if you want the carrier tighter to your body, you’re also pulling the baby tighter. This allows little airflow between you and the baby pressed against you and may be too tight on the baby. Also, the straps of the moby don’t allow my infant to put his arms up more than halfway, whereas this carrier you’re able to put your infant arms above the straps to give them more freedom and mobility. 3. I don’t know how to really describe the front part in front of the baby, but when the infant is forward facing, you’re able to roll down the flap and clip it down in order to give your child more head mobility so that it is not pressed against his chin. On the moby, my infants chin was either pressed against the strap or it was pressing into his neck and jugular because again, the tighter you pull the straps to your body, the more it pulls in your child. In terms of comfort for the carrier, they both are comfortable. In terms of comfort for the child, one of my babies liked both, one of them preferred only the moby. My infants are really relaxed babies though so idk how other infants would respond to not being able to lift their arms or having the front flap on their chin from the moby.
I ended up returning my moby and getting another one of these carriers. I absolutely love it!
This item arrived safe and well packaged.
This baby carrier is a very comfortable harness for both parent and baby. The straps are thick and soft to spread the weight all over the body. It hugs around the baby very well, keeping them nicely cocooned and safe.
It’s pretty simple to get this on and off, even when you’re trying to balance baby as well!
I highly recommend this product.
J’adore ce porte-bb, trs confortable autant pour moi que mon conjoint ou notre bb. Avec les pochettes trs pratique. Ainsi qu’un trs bon soutien au niveau du dos.
I bought it as a gift at Children’s day for my nephew. My sister-in-law adores it!
Really comfy for baby and mummy.
Comes nicely packaged and presented.
Easy to put on and take off.
Feels soft against babies skin.
Washes and dries well.
5 stars and highly recommended.
Perfect carrier. Worth your money. Easy to use and the best part you don’t need help to put it on. Baby looks comfy in it. Good quality. I do recommend it!
The main advantage of this carrier is the comfort, for both wearers. Usually they are too restrictive with too many constraints, but this carrier is so flexible and lightweight. It has a hipseat which lessens the load and makes it feel much lighter.
There are also a lot of convenient compartments for personal belongings and it’s quite spacious. I am reassured by the amount of clips and the sturdiness to them, the carrier is quite secure and provides extra protection.
I’m very happy with purchasing this. The carrier looks and feels solid made. It is very practical as it can be used as breastfeeding support as well. It has very handy pockets including one for the bottle. The buckles on the straps holding a baby can be locked with one hand while you hold the baby up with another. The hip belt design helps the baby weight distribution and literally takes the weight of the shoulders making it more comortable than the carriers that only use shoulder straps for carrying.
Love love love the fit of this both hubby and I can wear it comfortably. Our boy is 3 months old weighs about 16 lbs and he is happy and comfortable in it. Supports my low back and shoulders, my previous one hurt both. Pockets are super handy and plentiful. Would highly recommend this!
There are 3 ways to use this carrier although the back option requires two people to get baby safely in the seat. The front options are easy to do on your own. It took a bit of time to fully get comfortable with the carrier, but there are good illustrated instructions available, which helps.
It can take up to 20 kg, but I don’t think that the waist takes quite enough of the load away from the shoulders to carry quite that much. I’d be more comfortable with up to 15 kg.
There are some nice extra pockets distributed on the seat and that’s very helpful to have at hand.
We like the colour and material choices and overall we think this is a good choice
Loving this so much!
Firstly, this baby carrier is very sturdy providing extra straps that really holds a very excited baby securely.
Second, there are a lot of pockets which is great for mums and dad’s to put their personal belongings such as phones and wallets or cards securely. Some side pockets are also able to hold baby feeding bottles or even water bottles.
And lastly the seat feature of this makes it extra special! Baby loves being seated so the hipseat of the baby carrier provides the best support for baby to being carried.
This has been the third baby carrier we had and so far our baby’s favorite.
This is my favourite forward facing carrier. I’ve used a number of other types like Mei Tai, Bjorn, egrobaby… But this gives me the least amount of back and shoulder pain. The weight is nicely distributed between the shoulders and waist. My son weights 17lbs and when he’s in there I don’t feel any strain. I like the pockets and storage bags, which comes in handy for quick trips. The carrier is easy to put on compared to some but still takes a few minutes to adjust and lock all the clips. The hard foam seat for the baby is very firm, not floppy or soft at all. It does feel bulky with all the padding and I don’t think I’d enjoy wearing this in the summer as I get rather hot. There’s a vent on the front for the baby though. The carrier doesn’t leave any marks on my baby after use, even for extended periods of time. I think it’s very comfortable for him as all his weight is centered on the foam seat so the straps aren’t cutting into his legs. I have not used this with him facing me but I can’t see it would change comfort for baby.
I’m in love with this product; so usefull and has a good support.
It gets pretty heavy around the shoulders and it does not seem to distribute the weight around the weist as it should…
However, it is easy to get your baby out and in the baby carrier more than ergo baby kind. So it’s ok for short walks. Other than that, I like that has different pockets.
A really good decent quality newborn hip seat carrier which feels very well made throughout, is easy to use/set up and takes away the stress of more complicated options – great especially if you;re not overly confident with using muslin wraps or similar and doing them yourself. Baby feels really secure and it’s really comfortable and easy to wear too and has the flexibility of being used in three different ways. Brilliant quality and would definitely recommend if looking at similar options.
I like how it’s easy to put on and take off with no struggles. Very practical. It’s nice that the baby can sit and be comfortable rather hanging constantly with all the weight pulling down. Much prefer this one compared to my previous one. Having pockets is a bonus so when I go out for a quick walk I dont need to bring another bag.
his one isnt one of the best ive tried but its very far removed from the worst we have received. its easy to adjust and fit and is fairly comfortable when on but not always depending on where little one sits. it is well made and secure so its certainly safe for use. nice simple colour and easy to clean. just wish it was more comfortable when used in all positions.
My little girl loves being in it! I find it best to wear it high around the waist otherwise it uses mostly your shoulders as support.
What an amazing carrier. I have a large baby and he was just to big for his other carrier. I noticed with the hipseat he is more comfortable and so am I. My back and hips did not hurt while carrying baby. It was nice that it arrived all put together. I simply put it on and adjusted the straps. It is very easy to put on and take off. As well very easy and quick to put baby in and take out. Love the colour of the carrier as it’s unisex. Overall I love it and would definitely recommed to anyone especially those with large babies.
My son hates being confined, he hates being strapped in his push chair, he hates being sat on a shopping trolley, and he has never slept in his own bed! Therefore we were apprehensive trying a baby carrier however he seems to love it!
The carrier is a good fit for all size adults (I am 15 stone and 6″4 tall) and I had no problems wearing the baby carrier. There is plenty of room around the waist and shoulders and lots of adjustment room in the straps. It is quite easy to fit the carrier by yourself and all the connections feel robust and secure.
Our son is now 15 months old and getting heavier, however the baby carrier does a good job distributing the weight across your back and shoulders. Front facing or back facing are both comfortable for baby. The bonus of a small drinks holder on one side, and then a zipped pouch and phone pocket on the other side are great additions. All in all a great item which will allow daddy and son to explore further than a push chair could reach!
This review is for the SUNVENO baby carrier. The product arrived well packaged and on time as expected by amazon.
The carrier it self is great quality material and really soft. Amazing easy to child in and out. I found the bag at the bottom especially useful. Most other carries do not have this functionality and you have to carry another changing bag.
It is very comfy to wear for long periods. Would recommend.. little pricy but worth it!
Is it me or are that too many baby carriers to choose from? Well I took a while to decide but this seemed to tick all the boxes. It seems well made (time will tell though) and love the material/colour. Definitely very sturdy and loads of hidden pockets etc. One thing that did surprise me was the ease of putting it on and how comfy it is. Definitely recommend.
I’m really happy with this baby carrier. I suffer from chronic back pain and it’s really great to be able to use the hip carrier (without the back straps so just the stool) for the school run. Getting the buggy in and out of the car, twice a day is very painful on my back. Just carrying my son on my hip is also uncomfortable. But when I wear the hip stool and pop my son onto that is absolutely brilliant. It takes the strain off your back and moves it to your hips. The same thing for the full set-up really (waist stool and back strap) it’s great if you want to take your kid on a walk but don’t want all the weight to fall onto your back. This relieves so much of that pressure and puts it onto your hips instead, making it much more bearable.
The quality of this carrier is also really good. Altogether I’m very pleased with this product.
This is a great mobility aid to move your baby or toddler with ease. It’s a very easy to use sling set up and is adjustable across a number of different sizes to allow a comfortable fit for both you and the baby. More importantly I have complete faith that the baby is secure and safe within the harness and that all the contact points material and stitching are done in such a way that it will not annoy or damage the babies skin.
I have some other baby slings from a leading brand and I have to say I feel that this offers better value for money due to the additional adjustments that it seems to offer.
I can’t wait to use this once my baby girl will born. It fits perfectly on me (I have an average body size 180 hight and 90 Kg). Very comfortable to wear but obviously I have not tried it with a baby in it. Well made, comfy, super practical, sturdy and I love all of the safety measures! I’m sure I can wear this for a longer walk with no problem and my daughter will be able to sit outward and look around to discover the new world. Will also be good for traveling. We have got it in this unisex grey colour but I’m not sure if you can buy this in other colours. It is not the cheapest baby carrier but great product and good investment especially if you know you’ll be using for several babies!
My sister wore this today (in preparation!) She even put a doll in the seat!!!! She said it was comfortable easg to adjust and very stylish
Fantastic 3 in 1 baby carrier .
Lovely and high quality product which is comfortable to wear.
Has compartments that are very ideal for keeping baby or your items close and very easy to attach with easy read instructions.
What I like about this product is one the colour and more importantly the fact that it’s not like any other baby carrier . The manufacturer has thought very hard about making sure that your babies hips are positioned correctly whilst fitted in the carrier to prevent any hip problems and so that you baby is comfortable at all times.
Comes well packaged .
This is an amazing baby carrier. It is intricately designed and fully adjustable, all of which is aimed at ensuring the comfort and security for mother and child. The child can sit securely either facing mum or facing forwards – either way it is fully supported by the seat and the strapping so they can sit upright and comfy – and remain completely safe. And it also has space for a bottle and a number of secure pockets for your phone, keys or anything else you may need with you. My daughter-in-law is using it to carry my littlest grandson and she is really pleased. Once she got the hang of all the straps and how they work (thanks to the video on this page), and got each section sorted out the way she wanted, it was good to go – and my grandson is now in seventh heaven. Totally close to his mum for much of the time he is awake, or out and about with mum, and able to snuggle or to watch the world at adult level – and all the while he is safe and secure, with no physical strain for his mother – plus her hands are free. She has tried a couple of more basic baby carriers before but is completely in love with this one. It looks really complicated when you unpack it but it is all about safety and comfort and, once you get the hang of it (which doesn’t take long), you have a brilliant piece of kit that your little one will love.
Super porte bb offre un bon soutien a la taille et dos le seul porte bb que notre fille aime
Way better than other more expensive carriers. Very easy to put on. Baby loves it too!
1. Hip seat – light, padded for baby’s comfort, with a non-slip surface for extra safety, it allows baby to sit comfortably just like on a stool instead of being in an unnatural “hanging” position (like in carriers without a hip seat) – it takes pressure off baby’s legs/crotch and parents’ back.
2. Shoulder/back straps – can be easily attached to the hip seat to further distribute baby’s weight. They are super comfortable because of thick padding and, most importantly, they cross in the back – simple and elegant solution that I have not seen in any other carriers on the market (those that I’ve looked at connect shoulder/back straps by a belt with a plastic closure – all the weight is on shoulders!) that makes this carrier very comfortable because the weight is applied to the whole back rather than the shoulders only – super comfortable!
3. Baby-holding front part – it’s narrow on the bottom which does not require baby to spread his/her legs too wide (it’s something that I’ve seen in many carriers and disliked very much – it’s just plain weird that they’ve designed them this way). No wide leg spreading with SUNVENO carrier – the baby is in a very comfortable natural position – just like sitting on a chair. There is extra padding where legs meet the carrier too for baby’s comfort.
All of the above features make this carrier very COMFORTABLE for both – babies and parents – and allow for hours of PAIN/DISCOMFORT-FREE baby-carrying.
4. Ease of putting baby in and taking him/her out – it’s a single person operation since baby’s sitting on the seat – just hold your baby with one hand and use another to buckle using two uniquely-designed clips on each shoulder straps (haven’t seen clips like that before on any of the products). I also own a regular carrier (without a hip seat where the baby is just hanging there) and when I had to put that one on, I felt like I needed to turn into a worm to squirm into that thing while the baby was already “inserted” into it laying on the bed.
5. Attractive look and quality craftmanship – SUNVENO’s carrier is made of the high quality easy to clean fabric with a denim-like look – suitable for boys and girls alike. It’s sewn with great care and precision using attractive high quality accessories – buckles, zippers, snaps, elastics, labels – all are of EXCELLENT QUALITY. When I hold this product in my hands I see that great care that was taken to ensure that there are no loose ends – there are snaps/Velcro/zippers/elastics everywhere they are needed when some parts of the carrier are not being used.
6. Versatility and comfort – you can use just the hip seat, hip seat with shoulder/back straps for extra weight distribution or all the parts for hands-free baby-wearing – your pick! All the parts come together and can be taken apart effortlessly. Did I mention the pockets and holders? There are FIVE of them – all the space in the world to put your cell phone, baby’s bottle/cup, a diaper, some wipes, tissues, a snack, a bib, a hat, sunglasses etc. When it’s hot – the front piece easy rolls up with a breathable mesh underneath (right against baby’s tummy or back) plus there is a clip-on cover to cover baby’s head from the weather elements.
7. SUNVENO is affordable. $140-180 carriers? Seriously? SUNVENO’s carrier trumps them all.
Enough said. I am sure you will also LOVE your SUNVENO carrier.
Get’s warm below, however very comfortable and good for mediums and large babies.
Very Adjustable but the straps are kind of long for thinner people.
Ds 3 mois, j’utilisais ce porte bb pour mon garon. Curieux, il adore tre mis de l’avant. Je n’ai aucun doute sur la solidit et la scurit de cette accessoire. Le format est idal autant pour transporter avec soi que pour le rangement domicile
Its of the best baby carrier and for older babies. Its perfect.
I just loved it, very comfortable and easy to wear it on. My baby loves sitting in it and go around, this made my life easy thanks.
Brilliant product. I can carry my 3 month old around without the pain in my back!
The best thing ever! Work good and my baby love it! Must be comfy 🙂