Volante eccezionale, al pari di un DD. La corona gt consente di avere tutte le possibilit di regolazioni sul volante senza passare dai men. Il motore molto potente e non c’ necessit di tenere la forza su settaggi alti. Un po’ fastidiosa la ventola che parte dopo pochi istanti di utilizzo, al contrario delle cinghie che sono molto silenziose.
Partendo dal fatto che prendendo solo il servo si spende una cifra onesta, costruito veramente bene, materiali ottimi anche se stampati in plastica.
La cosa pi assurda di questo servo il sistema di vibrazione che nel mio caso su ACC Ti fa sentire tutte le sconnessioni della strada, cordoli, perdite di aderenza e peso del veicolo.
Su gran turismo 7 fantastico ma secondo me su assetto corsa competizione da il meglio di se.
Consiglio di gestire le impostazioni in modo che non “clippi” il forcefeedback ma per ora mi successo solo usandolo al 100% sia su FFB che su damping dinamico (senzazione del peso reale della vettura)
Consiglio solo il servo per poi montare volanti e pedaliera a piacere, io lo uso in combinata con un TM OPEN WHEEL, assolutamente ottimo
I upgraded to this from the Logitech G29 and am glad I did. If you’re in for the long haul with Gran Turismo 7, and want to treat yourself my advice is to go for it. I paired it with some LCM pedals and Playseat Challenge for an even better experience.
piccola premessa:
gioco esclusivamente a GT su ps, sono passato negli anni da g19-g27-t300rs sempre abbinati al mio fedele well stand pro…..
ho aspetta to circa un mese per recensire ed essere sicuro di quello che scrivo
strabiliante,senzazioni trasmesse completamente diverse,se con il t300 come ff stavo a 10 fisso qui ho abbassato a 8 e comunque e’ molto duro da gestire,lo slittamento,lo stridolio delle gomme,la perdita di aderenza si sente tutto… e non solo,graditissima sorpresa una volta installato sul well stand pro sentivo il cambio marcia sui pedali,sul volante,stessa cosa per la perdita di aderenza, forse un pochino debole ma c’e’era quel non so che piccole vibrazioni…. il bass shaker incorporato restituisce ancora piu’ immersione in quello che facciamo, nota bene non c’e’ periferica che migliori i tuoi giri ma ci sono chicche che rendono il tutto piu’coinvolgente e stimolante e da qui la pazzia… ho acquistato la trakracer rs6 ed’ e’ tutto un altro sentire,la rigidita del telaio amplifica le vibrazioni trasmesse ed e’ tutto ancor piu’ coinvolgente. sono veramente soddisfatto… piccolo ronzio della ventola,classico odere di elettronica nuova sotto sforzo,sezione piu’ lunga che ho fatto e’ stata di 5ore e non ha mai battuto ciclio…
p.s. per non rovinarlo ho subito rivestito in pelle
piccolo neo invece lo segnalo sulle 4 ghiere rotanti non sono molto precise ogni tanto qualche clik lo saltano…..
Aggiornamento 05.05.2023
Dopo 175 ore di gt non da segni di stanchezza anzi sobo io che ho abbassato ul ff a 6 che mi spezzava i poli e dopo sessioni da 2 ore avevo le braccia a pezzi…
Vi do una dritta: a VOSTRO RISCHIO E PERICOLO NON RISPONDO AD EVENTUALI DANNI. Ho smontato il servo base l’ho forato e gli go messo un jek rca femmina ed ho collegato solo il posito del piccolo sheker il negativo lo prende dalla lamiera poi sono uscito e ho portato il segnale ad un amplificatore della fosi bt30 audio 2.1 preso sempre su amazon, che ha la gestione del sub e due canali separati con le relative frequenze,a l’uscita del sub passiva ho collegato il bst1 della dayton audio e installato sotto il sedile….. devo tenerlo al 25% che mi smonta casa al 50% sento le vibrazioni sul pavimanto fino in cucina ed ho pure installato gli anti vibranti e la.postazione su ruote speriamo che trustmaster renda il piccoli bass sceker disponibili per altri giochi
Venendo da un T300 RS-GT e correndo su GT7 in un team avevo bisogno di un prodotto adatto alle mie esigenze e che soprattutto fosse valido al 100%. Il mio setup comprende (oltre al servo base TGT2) la pedaliera T3PM e la corona GT del T300 (che assolutamente compatibile al 100%). Il risultato eccellente, un volante tosto e comunicativo, potente ed assolutamente imperturbabile anche negli utilizzi pi pesanti. Amazon Warehouse impeccabile, servizio top! Spedizione un po lentina.
Optato per questa base perch la uso su Ps5 e mi sembrava sprecato utilizzare una con presa diretta, sensazioni ottime funziona alla grande e il feedback molto vicino alla realt, promossa.
Giocando per lo pi a gt7 non ha assolutamente equali, vibrazioni che ti arrivano fino al piede, precisione nella
Guida, certo c’ di meglio andando su un dd, ma su console sprecato, con assetto corsa da il 100%, gioco al 80% di forze e ieri mi stavo spezzando il polso per colpa di un testacoda, si sente anche la pi piccola buca in pista, zero problemi di surriscaldamento, lo dico avendo fatto una endurance di 6 ore, che altro dire, per me super consigliato
It’s a great wheel , had to upgrade as thrustmaster didn’t get the licence for the t500rs for ps5 , I also upgraded to the load cell pedals and now its even better , also got the sf 1000 rim and they all compliment each othe
On GT tarmac tracks, the wheel felt a little better than my old true force wheel. But on the rally tracks, it came into a life of its own.
The amount of torque was more noticeable but with the addition of minor grip feedback on the tarmac and feedback from going around corners.
This was a lovely feel but was not sufficient for the large additional cost over the true force.
On the rally tracks and most notably on the WRC10 the new wheel was amazing. Livley on the bumps and delivers feedback on tyer grip as understandable feedback.
Servo Base da paura , nessun ammanco di Fk controllo totale di quello che accade in pista sul gioco per chi vuole fare il passaggio dal T300 su questo GT2 fatelo ad occhi chiusi nulla da invidiare al Fanatec dd
Force fidback ottimo, qualit prezzo ci sta.
Lo consiglio a chi ha gi fatto molta esperienza con i simulatori, anche perch per chi alle prime basi sarebbe troppo impegnativo.
Ho iniziato con un T-150 che non mi ha mai dato problemi, dopo un anno sono pasato al T-300 che un ottimo volante, visto che in tanti dicevano che dal T-300 al T-GT2 e un grande passo in avanti allora ho fatto questo passo. Come fluidit il T-300 mi sembra migliore, come prestazioni il T-GT2 un altro mondo veramente . Con il Grand Turismo7 le vibrazioni sulla pedaliera sono molto divertenti e si percepisce il cambio delle marche , il volante e preciso al millimetro. Con Assetto Corsa Competizione si percepisce invece la vera simulazione.
Conclusione: Ottimo volante, ottime prestazioni.
First off this wheel is fantastic. I had a T248 and the T-GT II wheel is superior in every way. With that said I live in the United States and we have 110 volts standard over here. The UK product I received is 220 volts. This is an obvious problem. I had to get a step up 110 volt to 220 volt transformer in order to play this wheel. So I knocked off 1 star for that.
First off this wheel is fantastic. I had a T248 and the T-GT II wheel is superior in every way. With that said I live in the United States and we have 110 volts standard over here. The UK product I received is 220 volts. This is an obvious problem. I had to get a step up 110 volt to 220 volt transformer in order to play this wheel. So I knocked off 1 star for that.
Moving up from a Logitech G29 the wheel is a major step up with far better force feedback and discernible detail and being belt driven no clunkiness but following the launch of the Fanatec DD Pro at a similar price point maybe a little overpriced. However, at this price the pedals are disappointing – the brake with the enclosed mod are a step up from the Logitech but I am already looking to upgrade to the T-LCM pedals. If possible I would recommend buying the set which only includes the wheel and servo base (Servo Pack) and buying the T-LCM pedals separately. At current prices this is only about 80 more and cheaper than paying an extra 188 to upgrade the pedals late
It is opened box and may probably a customer return product which the usb a to b cable is missing. But the condition is still brand new I believe and i enjoyed playing GT7 with it.
It's an opened box item!! and missing a usb a to b cable
Ich habe mir die Base gekauft, weil ich schon Pedale und Lenkrder von Thrustmaster besitze und weil ich sie auch fr die PS4 nutzen wollte. Meine Erwartungen sind wirklich voll erfllt. Diese Base ist sehr krftig und ich habe mehr Gefhl fr die Strecke und das Auto. Der Preis ist akzeptabel. Die Konkurrenz von Fanatec liegt da nicht weit weg und bietet mit dem Direct Drive eine andere Technik. Bei einem direkten Vergleich kann ich aber keinen Nachteil der Base von Thrustmaster erkennen. Daher ist ggf abstrakt das Fanatec Produkt besser, aber konkret – vor allem wenn man schon Teile von Thrustmaster hat – stellt sich das anders dar. Ich bin jedenfalls mit meiner Entscheidung sehr zufrieden.
I was dubious about buying this, as I had seen a lot of reviews saying that it was over priced and pedals were not up to much, but decided to take the plunge.
I was a G29 user and after only a few hours with the T-GT 2, I can honestly say its a massive improvement.
I have beaten some of my world circuit times in GT7 already (which took an age to achieve previously!)
It’s hard to describe the feel of this, It’s the confidence it gives – due to the feedback. I seem to be able to react to it rather than guess what it’s going do, which is what I experienced with my previous wheel (which I initially thought was great but now by comparison, feels gimmicky.) As for the aforementioned pedals, considering they were getting a bad wrap in the reviews, they so far are a big surprise, while they may not be what some class as elite, they are far better than my previous pedals (I’m actually getting the hang of trail braking!)
One thing to note: It is heavy and and with the 6NM feedback, I am just about getting away with it on the F-GT lite cockpit.
In Summary:
Better in every way and while 3 times more expensive, I already get the feeling this is 3 times better and then some.
So far so VERY good.
I was going to buy an entry level wheel, one of the Logitech G series but i figured Hey if you’re going to take sim racing to the next level then as the old saying goes “you get what you pay for”. This is certainly the case with sim racing gear, sure there are Direct Drive wheels out there that way way better but not for this price.
Pros, the force feedback is immense, in Assetto Corsa i got my own car as a mod and drove it and the likeness is just uncanny! The power of the feedback is SO strong that in VR it’s a little scary holding onto a spinning wheel when you can’t actually see your arms.. The build quality is fantastic, the pedals are heavy as is the wheel, the design and the amount of buttons you get on the wheel alone is awesome. Easily set up and connects to Windows 10.
Cons, if i want to be really picky i would say that the flappy paddle shifters are a bit loud clicking, if you use headphones for gaming then this shouldn’t be an issue but it may annoy people in the same room.
Also, this is just my experience but upon opening my brand new wheel and testing it out i found my throttle pedal was defective… i got in touch with the manufacturer and was asked by email to open up the pedals with a screwdriver and spray WD40 on certain components which may have “oxidized” they told me…. on a 1 day old wheel?? haha, obviously i refused and they just asked that i dispose of the faulty pedals and sent me a replacement so all is good but still i found it pretty poor what they asked for a 600 brand new wheel. (just for that this product gets a 4 star not 5)
All in all i highly recommend this wheel, i have tested it on games like Assetto Corsa, Euro Truck Sim 2 and Dirt and the wheel works and feels amazing.
Trs bon volant trs bonnes sensations de conduite envoie rapide et soigner un seul petit bmol le manque de prcision sur le fait que les pdales ne sont pas livrs avec se dernier malgr l’emplacement prvu cet effet dans le carto
Hay un salto bestial entre esta base y el famoso Logitech G29. Y si vienes del T-300, decirte que tambin lo vas a notar.
No se sobrecalienta NADA.
Su ventilador se escucha bastante bajito.
Tiene una fuerza brutal, aconsejo ponerlo a 100% y activar el boost en la utilidad de thrustmaster para PC.
La vibracin es tan potente que noto la carretera incluso en los pedales (uso el cockpit next level racing GT Track). Es muy inmersivo.
Se conduce muy fluido.
Totalmente compatible con Gran Turismo 7.
Totalmente compatible con PlayStation 4 y PlayStation 5.
Compatible con el resto de aros, pedaleras y shifters de Thrustmaster, por lo que si ya tienes algn componente puedes ahorrar comprando slo la base del T-GT II.
Fuente de alimentacin de 400W
Est claro que fanatec y su direct drive son superiores, pero si no tienes o no quieres gastar ms de 1.000 para invertir en todo lo que necesitas para empezar con fanatec, y sobre todo si ya tienes algo del ecosistema de Thrustmaster, esta base es una muy buena eleccin para no perderte nada, y disfrutar como nunca antes lo habas hecho. Una pasada.
I bought the T-GT 11 to replace a Logitech G29.
The difference is polar.
The G29 has a massive straight line wobble, with a ‘dumb’ section in the middle. As a result you’re constantly having to correct the steering when belting down the Mulsanne straight; it also kicks like a naughty mule with hiccoughs around the corners. This was a problem.
The T-GT 11 is totally different.
It’s smooth, positive, has no Mulsanne wobble & is silky around the corners, offering the confidence to drive your line with confidence.
The pedals are generously sized, enabling a drive more akin to a ‘real’ car. The paddle gear shift is great & the buttons are ergonomically payed out.
As a result, I’m now 7″ faster per lap around Suzuka GP track.
It is a heavy wheel, so don’t just clamp it in position but fix it with a couple of bolts too.
It’s a lovely piece of kit & although a bit pricey, it transforms a video game into a driving experience & we all deserve that.
I was stuck with what wheel/pedals to buy as this is my first sim racing setup, i wasnt sure if a direct drive wheel would be better for me even though they cost way more or if i would even enjoy sim racing for that matter
This was offered on monthly payments too which was a bonus for me, so i went ahead with it
hoping the mid range, belt driven wheel would do the job for me as a beginner into the sim racing world I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest!
This wheel is amazing, ive only used it for assetto corsa and gran turismo 7 so far but wow what an amazing experience. I couldn’t believe how realistic it felt while driving, the force feedback makes it feel like a real car almost with a few settings tweaked to preference it’s unbelievable.
The pedals i felt were a bit unrealistic and very easy to press but there are lots of mods available to upgrade if you want to go that route, i am from the UK and bought ‘BBJ SimRacing’ mods for the throttle and brake pedals and they work so much better now and feel more realistic. For best results though i hear it’s best to get the load cell pedals
Also the torque on this wheel is a whopping 6nm, that’s more than the new CSL DD wheel without the boost kit! Cheaper too once you add in the necessary extras for the CSL DD setup
Anyway if you’re on the fence about buying this wheel wondering if it’s any good, a friend who has played on a g29 and says this is much better and well worth it, he is considering buying one too!
Works great with playseat challenge as seen in my picture, you can feel the transducer vibrating down the frame, feel the road and the gear changes everything it’s an amazing experience.
Used a RAM mount for the th8a shifter as recommended on reddit and works a treat too in case anyone looking to copy, go on treat yourself 🙂
1 compra de importao. Estou satisfeito com o envio rapido (2 semanas) e com o produto, bem embalado. Ha tambm o envio de email informando sobre a posio de envio e entrega.
J’ai achet le T-GT II en remplacement de mon T500rs vieillissant. Le changement est trs agrable, cette base est plus puissante mais bizarrement plus douce et je trouve aussi plus prcise!
Pour le cot ngatif, alors il y a un affreux autocollant norme blanc sur le cot de la Base trs dur enlever et qui laisse des traces.
(Autre point ma roue F1 Wheel AddOn de Thrustmaster ne fonctionne plus en mode avanc avec cette base :/ fort dommage! Est-ce un problme isol? A voir les autre retours!)
EDIT : ma roue F1 fonctionne nouveau en mode avanc en branchant la base sur un port UBS classique, priori le port USB 3.0 posait problme, mais peut-tre est-ce un dfaut sur mon pc. Donc aucune soucis a signaler 😉
J’ai achet le T-GT II en remplacement de mon T500rs vieillissant. Le changement est trs agrable, cette base est plus puissante mais bizarrement plus douce et je trouve aussi plus prcise!
Pour le cot ngatif, alors il y a un affreux autocollant norme blanc sur le cot de la Base trs dur enlever et qui laisse des traces.
Autre point ma roue F1 Wheel AddOn de Thrustmaster ne fonctionne plus en mode avanc avec cette base :/ fort dommage! Est-ce un problme isol? A voir les autre retours!
I’ve always wanted a steering wheel arcade/sim set up from when I was a child and I decided recently to take the plunge. After months of reviewing all the wheels available I decided to settle for the T-GT II and I’m so glad I did. I wasn’t expecting to pay this kind of money for a wheel but after playing with it I totally understand why it is at this price. This wheel gives you realistic motions as if you are actually driving a real car. On certain games you can feel the road make up with each piece of gravel, snow tarmac you may drive on. My kids and wife have now taken over playing with it more than me, a very happy household to say the least. If you’re wondering whether to buy it or not, just do it you’ll be happy you did!
I have a TGT II but it doesn’t work with ETS 2
When I enter the game the mouse pointer is moving down and I can’t control the mouse
And when I unplug the TGT II cable, the mouse works properly
I have updated TGT II to the latest update and I have played Forza 5 and other games, there is no problem
Only ETS 2 I can’t play, can you help me please
Nach 7 Jahren T300 hab ich mir nun eine neue Base gegnnt. Preis/Leistung = Top!
Da ich zwei Lenkrder(Alcantara und das normale Ferrari) und zustzlich noch das Thrustmaster T3PA — Pro hab. Alles super! Mein T300 hat 7 Jahre tolle Arbeit geleistet und ist nun in den verdienten Ruhestand gegangen. Natrlich htte ich mir von Thrustmaster einen DD-Antrieb gewnscht doch alles zur seiner Zeit und zur seiner Preis/Leistung. Die Konkurrenz hat zwar nun im Segment 700-900 richtig gut zugeschlagen und wird wohl in Zukunft eine berlegung wert sein…mal sehen was Thrustmaster mit dem Thema Antrieb noch so einfllt…am DD geht wohl kein Weg vorbei.
We bought this product to replace a Logitech G29 steering wheel and pedal set my son and I use with a Sony PS4 on F1 2020 and F1 2021. We returned that to Amazon for a full refund in November 2021 after having around 19 months enjoyment and use out of it before one of the pedals developed an unrepairable defect.
I looked into buying a Fanatec Club Sport wheel and pedals for Sony PS4 but at around 1,800, this was not justifiable for occasional hobby racing game use. I didn’t want to buy another entry level product such as the Logitech range because our previous G27 set broke (steering wheel ratchet clamp)
Thankfully, the extensive Thrustmaster range offered a solution which is positioned at a sensible price point between budget and high end (700), i.e. a well under 1,000.
I am impressed by the general build quality and sturdiness of all parts and the ability to change steering wheel to another version in the Thrustmaster range. It was easy to set up and update the firmware using a PC.
As you can see in the picture, we don’t have space for a dedicated driving game set-up such as a cockpit or gaming chair. We use either a 40″ Panasonic LED TV in a small family room/home office or the Epson projector in our living room. I attach the wheel base to a section of 19 mm plywood sheet which is the same width as a medium nest table using the mounting bolts provided. The plywood base is then temporarily clamped to the table using Irwin quick release clamps. This works well and is cheap to make and easy to dismantle to put away when not in use.
I can’t comment on the longevity because the product is new to market and we have only been using it for one day. Based on what I have seen so far, I expect it to last many years and I think it is worth the retail price. We have bought other Thrustmaster products (flight simulator pendular rudder pedals) and these are also superbly made, quality items.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Mid-Price Compromise Between Logitech and Fanatec
We bought this product to replace a Logitech G29 steering wheel and pedal set my son and I use with a Sony PS4 on F1 2020 and F1 2021. We returned that to Amazon for a full refund in November 2021 after having around 19 months enjoyment and use out of it before one of the pedals developed an unrepairable defect.
I looked into buying a Fanatec Club Sport wheel and pedals for Sony PS4 but at around 1,800, this was not justifiable for occasional hobby racing game use. I didn’t want to buy another entry level product such as the Logitech range because our previous G27 set broke (steering wheel ratchet clamp)
Thankfully, the extensive Thrustmaster range offered a solution which is positioned at a sensible price point between budget and high end (700), i.e. a well under 1,000.
I am impressed by the general build quality and sturdiness of all parts and the ability to change steering wheel to another version in the Thrustmaster range. It was easy to set up and update the firmware using a PC.
As you can see in the picture, we don’t have space for a dedicated driving game set-up such as a cockpit or gaming chair. We use either a 40″ Panasonic LED TV in a small family room/home office or the Epson projector in our living room. I attach the wheel base to a section of 19 mm plywood sheet which is the same width as a medium nest table using the mounting bolts provided. The plywood base is then temporarily clamped to the table using Irwin quick release clamps. This works well and is cheap to make and easy to dismantle to put away when not in use.
I can’t comment on the longevity because the product is new to market and we have only been using it for one day. Based on what I have seen so far, I expect it to last many years and I think it is worth the retail price. We have bought other Thrustmaster products (flight simulator pendular rudder pedals) and these are also superbly made, quality items.
A Mid-Price Compromise Between Logitech and Fanatec
Volante eccezionale, al pari di un DD. La corona gt consente di avere tutte le possibilit di regolazioni sul volante senza passare dai men. Il motore molto potente e non c’ necessit di tenere la forza su settaggi alti. Un po’ fastidiosa la ventola che parte dopo pochi istanti di utilizzo, al contrario delle cinghie che sono molto silenziose.
Partendo dal fatto che prendendo solo il servo si spende una cifra onesta, costruito veramente bene, materiali ottimi anche se stampati in plastica.
La cosa pi assurda di questo servo il sistema di vibrazione che nel mio caso su ACC Ti fa sentire tutte le sconnessioni della strada, cordoli, perdite di aderenza e peso del veicolo.
Su gran turismo 7 fantastico ma secondo me su assetto corsa competizione da il meglio di se.
Consiglio di gestire le impostazioni in modo che non “clippi” il forcefeedback ma per ora mi successo solo usandolo al 100% sia su FFB che su damping dinamico (senzazione del peso reale della vettura)
Consiglio solo il servo per poi montare volanti e pedaliera a piacere, io lo uso in combinata con un TM OPEN WHEEL, assolutamente ottimo
I upgraded to this from the Logitech G29 and am glad I did. If you’re in for the long haul with Gran Turismo 7, and want to treat yourself my advice is to go for it. I paired it with some LCM pedals and Playseat Challenge for an even better experience.
gioco esclusivamente a GT su ps, sono passato negli anni da g19-g27-t300rs sempre abbinati al mio fedele well stand pro…..
ho aspetta to circa un mese per recensire ed essere sicuro di quello che scrivo
strabiliante,senzazioni trasmesse completamente diverse,se con il t300 come ff stavo a 10 fisso qui ho abbassato a 8 e comunque e’ molto duro da gestire,lo slittamento,lo stridolio delle gomme,la perdita di aderenza si sente tutto… e non solo,graditissima sorpresa una volta installato sul well stand pro sentivo il cambio marcia sui pedali,sul volante,stessa cosa per la perdita di aderenza, forse un pochino debole ma c’e’era quel non so che piccole vibrazioni…. il bass shaker incorporato restituisce ancora piu’ immersione in quello che facciamo, nota bene non c’e’ periferica che migliori i tuoi giri ma ci sono chicche che rendono il tutto piu’coinvolgente e stimolante e da qui la pazzia… ho acquistato la trakracer rs6 ed’ e’ tutto un altro sentire,la rigidita del telaio amplifica le vibrazioni trasmesse ed e’ tutto ancor piu’ coinvolgente. sono veramente soddisfatto… piccolo ronzio della ventola,classico odere di elettronica nuova sotto sforzo,sezione piu’ lunga che ho fatto e’ stata di 5ore e non ha mai battuto ciclio…
p.s. per non rovinarlo ho subito rivestito in pelle
piccolo neo invece lo segnalo sulle 4 ghiere rotanti non sono molto precise ogni tanto qualche clik lo saltano…..
Aggiornamento 05.05.2023
Dopo 175 ore di gt non da segni di stanchezza anzi sobo io che ho abbassato ul ff a 6 che mi spezzava i poli e dopo sessioni da 2 ore avevo le braccia a pezzi…
Vi do una dritta: a VOSTRO RISCHIO E PERICOLO NON RISPONDO AD EVENTUALI DANNI. Ho smontato il servo base l’ho forato e gli go messo un jek rca femmina ed ho collegato solo il posito del piccolo sheker il negativo lo prende dalla lamiera poi sono uscito e ho portato il segnale ad un amplificatore della fosi bt30 audio 2.1 preso sempre su amazon, che ha la gestione del sub e due canali separati con le relative frequenze,a l’uscita del sub passiva ho collegato il bst1 della dayton audio e installato sotto il sedile….. devo tenerlo al 25% che mi smonta casa al 50% sento le vibrazioni sul pavimanto fino in cucina ed ho pure installato gli anti vibranti e la.postazione su ruote speriamo che trustmaster renda il piccoli bass sceker disponibili per altri giochi
Venendo da un T300 RS-GT e correndo su GT7 in un team avevo bisogno di un prodotto adatto alle mie esigenze e che soprattutto fosse valido al 100%. Il mio setup comprende (oltre al servo base TGT2) la pedaliera T3PM e la corona GT del T300 (che assolutamente compatibile al 100%). Il risultato eccellente, un volante tosto e comunicativo, potente ed assolutamente imperturbabile anche negli utilizzi pi pesanti. Amazon Warehouse impeccabile, servizio top! Spedizione un po lentina.
Guida, certo c’ di meglio andando su un dd, ma su console sprecato, con assetto corsa da il 100%, gioco al 80% di forze e ieri mi stavo spezzando il polso per colpa di un testacoda, si sente anche la pi piccola buca in pista, zero problemi di surriscaldamento, lo dico avendo fatto una endurance di 6 ore, che altro dire, per me super consigliato
It’s a great wheel , had to upgrade as thrustmaster didn’t get the licence for the t500rs for ps5 , I also upgraded to the load cell pedals and now its even better , also got the sf 1000 rim and they all compliment each othe
On GT tarmac tracks, the wheel felt a little better than my old true force wheel. But on the rally tracks, it came into a life of its own.
The amount of torque was more noticeable but with the addition of minor grip feedback on the tarmac and feedback from going around corners.
This was a lovely feel but was not sufficient for the large additional cost over the true force.
On the rally tracks and most notably on the WRC10 the new wheel was amazing. Livley on the bumps and delivers feedback on tyer grip as understandable feedback.
Servo Base da paura , nessun ammanco di Fk controllo totale di quello che accade in pista sul gioco per chi vuole fare il passaggio dal T300 su questo GT2 fatelo ad occhi chiusi nulla da invidiare al Fanatec dd
Force fidback ottimo, qualit prezzo ci sta.
Lo consiglio a chi ha gi fatto molta esperienza con i simulatori, anche perch per chi alle prime basi sarebbe troppo impegnativo.
Conclusione: Ottimo volante, ottime prestazioni.
Moving up from a Logitech G29 the wheel is a major step up with far better force feedback and discernible detail and being belt driven no clunkiness but following the launch of the Fanatec DD Pro at a similar price point maybe a little overpriced. However, at this price the pedals are disappointing – the brake with the enclosed mod are a step up from the Logitech but I am already looking to upgrade to the T-LCM pedals. If possible I would recommend buying the set which only includes the wheel and servo base (Servo Pack) and buying the T-LCM pedals separately. At current prices this is only about 80 more and cheaper than paying an extra 188 to upgrade the pedals late
Volante eccellente ottime rifiniture. Potenza sbalorditiva e nessun calo di force feedback anche dopo lunghe sedsioni.
It is opened box and may probably a customer return product which the usb a to b cable is missing. But the condition is still brand new I believe and i enjoyed playing GT7 with it.
Ich habe mir die Base gekauft, weil ich schon Pedale und Lenkrder von Thrustmaster besitze und weil ich sie auch fr die PS4 nutzen wollte. Meine Erwartungen sind wirklich voll erfllt. Diese Base ist sehr krftig und ich habe mehr Gefhl fr die Strecke und das Auto. Der Preis ist akzeptabel. Die Konkurrenz von Fanatec liegt da nicht weit weg und bietet mit dem Direct Drive eine andere Technik. Bei einem direkten Vergleich kann ich aber keinen Nachteil der Base von Thrustmaster erkennen. Daher ist ggf abstrakt das Fanatec Produkt besser, aber konkret – vor allem wenn man schon Teile von Thrustmaster hat – stellt sich das anders dar. Ich bin jedenfalls mit meiner Entscheidung sehr zufrieden.
I was dubious about buying this, as I had seen a lot of reviews saying that it was over priced and pedals were not up to much, but decided to take the plunge.
I was a G29 user and after only a few hours with the T-GT 2, I can honestly say its a massive improvement.
I have beaten some of my world circuit times in GT7 already (which took an age to achieve previously!)
It’s hard to describe the feel of this, It’s the confidence it gives – due to the feedback. I seem to be able to react to it rather than guess what it’s going do, which is what I experienced with my previous wheel (which I initially thought was great but now by comparison, feels gimmicky.) As for the aforementioned pedals, considering they were getting a bad wrap in the reviews, they so far are a big surprise, while they may not be what some class as elite, they are far better than my previous pedals (I’m actually getting the hang of trail braking!)
One thing to note: It is heavy and and with the 6NM feedback, I am just about getting away with it on the F-GT lite cockpit.
In Summary:
Better in every way and while 3 times more expensive, I already get the feeling this is 3 times better and then some.
So far so VERY good.
Prodotto stupenda una force feedback eccellente, lo consiglio, avendo avuto un t300 questo un altro pianeta
Before i had T300 RS. At least two step better. Worth to buy
Volant parfait pour gran turismo, marche sur ps5 et facile installer. Ne pas hsite
Il servo base l’ho acquistato per gt7 e restituisce un buon feedback, ma il massimo lo da giocando ad assetto corsa competizione….ottima spesa!
I was going to buy an entry level wheel, one of the Logitech G series but i figured Hey if you’re going to take sim racing to the next level then as the old saying goes “you get what you pay for”. This is certainly the case with sim racing gear, sure there are Direct Drive wheels out there that way way better but not for this price.
Pros, the force feedback is immense, in Assetto Corsa i got my own car as a mod and drove it and the likeness is just uncanny! The power of the feedback is SO strong that in VR it’s a little scary holding onto a spinning wheel when you can’t actually see your arms.. The build quality is fantastic, the pedals are heavy as is the wheel, the design and the amount of buttons you get on the wheel alone is awesome. Easily set up and connects to Windows 10.
Cons, if i want to be really picky i would say that the flappy paddle shifters are a bit loud clicking, if you use headphones for gaming then this shouldn’t be an issue but it may annoy people in the same room.
Also, this is just my experience but upon opening my brand new wheel and testing it out i found my throttle pedal was defective… i got in touch with the manufacturer and was asked by email to open up the pedals with a screwdriver and spray WD40 on certain components which may have “oxidized” they told me…. on a 1 day old wheel?? haha, obviously i refused and they just asked that i dispose of the faulty pedals and sent me a replacement so all is good but still i found it pretty poor what they asked for a 600 brand new wheel. (just for that this product gets a 4 star not 5)
All in all i highly recommend this wheel, i have tested it on games like Assetto Corsa, Euro Truck Sim 2 and Dirt and the wheel works and feels amazing.
Trs bon volant trs bonnes sensations de conduite envoie rapide et soigner un seul petit bmol le manque de prcision sur le fait que les pdales ne sont pas livrs avec se dernier malgr l’emplacement prvu cet effet dans le carto
perfetto, collegato alla ps5 con gt7 e fantastico si percepisce qualsiasi asperit del terreno cordoli e perdita aderenza , ineccepibile
Hay un salto bestial entre esta base y el famoso Logitech G29. Y si vienes del T-300, decirte que tambin lo vas a notar.
No se sobrecalienta NADA.
Su ventilador se escucha bastante bajito.
Tiene una fuerza brutal, aconsejo ponerlo a 100% y activar el boost en la utilidad de thrustmaster para PC.
La vibracin es tan potente que noto la carretera incluso en los pedales (uso el cockpit next level racing GT Track). Es muy inmersivo.
Se conduce muy fluido.
Totalmente compatible con Gran Turismo 7.
Totalmente compatible con PlayStation 4 y PlayStation 5.
Compatible con el resto de aros, pedaleras y shifters de Thrustmaster, por lo que si ya tienes algn componente puedes ahorrar comprando slo la base del T-GT II.
Fuente de alimentacin de 400W
Est claro que fanatec y su direct drive son superiores, pero si no tienes o no quieres gastar ms de 1.000 para invertir en todo lo que necesitas para empezar con fanatec, y sobre todo si ya tienes algo del ecosistema de Thrustmaster, esta base es una muy buena eleccin para no perderte nada, y disfrutar como nunca antes lo habas hecho. Una pasada.
I bought the T-GT 11 to replace a Logitech G29.
The difference is polar.
The G29 has a massive straight line wobble, with a ‘dumb’ section in the middle. As a result you’re constantly having to correct the steering when belting down the Mulsanne straight; it also kicks like a naughty mule with hiccoughs around the corners. This was a problem.
The T-GT 11 is totally different.
It’s smooth, positive, has no Mulsanne wobble & is silky around the corners, offering the confidence to drive your line with confidence.
The pedals are generously sized, enabling a drive more akin to a ‘real’ car. The paddle gear shift is great & the buttons are ergonomically payed out.
As a result, I’m now 7″ faster per lap around Suzuka GP track.
It is a heavy wheel, so don’t just clamp it in position but fix it with a couple of bolts too.
It’s a lovely piece of kit & although a bit pricey, it transforms a video game into a driving experience & we all deserve that.
This was offered on monthly payments too which was a bonus for me, so i went ahead with it
hoping the mid range, belt driven wheel would do the job for me as a beginner into the sim racing world I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest!
This wheel is amazing, ive only used it for assetto corsa and gran turismo 7 so far but wow what an amazing experience. I couldn’t believe how realistic it felt while driving, the force feedback makes it feel like a real car almost with a few settings tweaked to preference it’s unbelievable.
The pedals i felt were a bit unrealistic and very easy to press but there are lots of mods available to upgrade if you want to go that route, i am from the UK and bought ‘BBJ SimRacing’ mods for the throttle and brake pedals and they work so much better now and feel more realistic. For best results though i hear it’s best to get the load cell pedals
Also the torque on this wheel is a whopping 6nm, that’s more than the new CSL DD wheel without the boost kit! Cheaper too once you add in the necessary extras for the CSL DD setup
Anyway if you’re on the fence about buying this wheel wondering if it’s any good, a friend who has played on a g29 and says this is much better and well worth it, he is considering buying one too!
Works great with playseat challenge as seen in my picture, you can feel the transducer vibrating down the frame, feel the road and the gear changes everything it’s an amazing experience.
Used a RAM mount for the th8a shifter as recommended on reddit and works a treat too in case anyone looking to copy, go on treat yourself 🙂
1 compra de importao. Estou satisfeito com o envio rapido (2 semanas) e com o produto, bem embalado. Ha tambm o envio de email informando sobre a posio de envio e entrega.
J’ai achet le T-GT II en remplacement de mon T500rs vieillissant. Le changement est trs agrable, cette base est plus puissante mais bizarrement plus douce et je trouve aussi plus prcise!
Pour le cot ngatif, alors il y a un affreux autocollant norme blanc sur le cot de la Base trs dur enlever et qui laisse des traces.
(Autre point ma roue F1 Wheel AddOn de Thrustmaster ne fonctionne plus en mode avanc avec cette base :/ fort dommage! Est-ce un problme isol? A voir les autre retours!)
EDIT : ma roue F1 fonctionne nouveau en mode avanc en branchant la base sur un port UBS classique, priori le port USB 3.0 posait problme, mais peut-tre est-ce un dfaut sur mon pc. Donc aucune soucis a signaler 😉
J’ai achet le T-GT II en remplacement de mon T500rs vieillissant. Le changement est trs agrable, cette base est plus puissante mais bizarrement plus douce et je trouve aussi plus prcise!
Pour le cot ngatif, alors il y a un affreux autocollant norme blanc sur le cot de la Base trs dur enlever et qui laisse des traces.
Autre point ma roue F1 Wheel AddOn de Thrustmaster ne fonctionne plus en mode avanc avec cette base :/ fort dommage! Est-ce un problme isol? A voir les autre retours!
I’ve always wanted a steering wheel arcade/sim set up from when I was a child and I decided recently to take the plunge. After months of reviewing all the wheels available I decided to settle for the T-GT II and I’m so glad I did. I wasn’t expecting to pay this kind of money for a wheel but after playing with it I totally understand why it is at this price. This wheel gives you realistic motions as if you are actually driving a real car. On certain games you can feel the road make up with each piece of gravel, snow tarmac you may drive on. My kids and wife have now taken over playing with it more than me, a very happy household to say the least. If you’re wondering whether to buy it or not, just do it you’ll be happy you did!
I have a TGT II but it doesn’t work with ETS 2
When I enter the game the mouse pointer is moving down and I can’t control the mouse
And when I unplug the TGT II cable, the mouse works properly
I have updated TGT II to the latest update and I have played Forza 5 and other games, there is no problem
Only ETS 2 I can’t play, can you help me please
Just perfect, u can feel every single bit of the track, buy it 110% the bes
Nach 7 Jahren T300 hab ich mir nun eine neue Base gegnnt. Preis/Leistung = Top!
Da ich zwei Lenkrder(Alcantara und das normale Ferrari) und zustzlich noch das Thrustmaster T3PA — Pro hab. Alles super! Mein T300 hat 7 Jahre tolle Arbeit geleistet und ist nun in den verdienten Ruhestand gegangen. Natrlich htte ich mir von Thrustmaster einen DD-Antrieb gewnscht doch alles zur seiner Zeit und zur seiner Preis/Leistung. Die Konkurrenz hat zwar nun im Segment 700-900 richtig gut zugeschlagen und wird wohl in Zukunft eine berlegung wert sein…mal sehen was Thrustmaster mit dem Thema Antrieb noch so einfllt…am DD geht wohl kein Weg vorbei.
I looked into buying a Fanatec Club Sport wheel and pedals for Sony PS4 but at around 1,800, this was not justifiable for occasional hobby racing game use. I didn’t want to buy another entry level product such as the Logitech range because our previous G27 set broke (steering wheel ratchet clamp)
Thankfully, the extensive Thrustmaster range offered a solution which is positioned at a sensible price point between budget and high end (700), i.e. a well under 1,000.
I am impressed by the general build quality and sturdiness of all parts and the ability to change steering wheel to another version in the Thrustmaster range. It was easy to set up and update the firmware using a PC.
As you can see in the picture, we don’t have space for a dedicated driving game set-up such as a cockpit or gaming chair. We use either a 40″ Panasonic LED TV in a small family room/home office or the Epson projector in our living room. I attach the wheel base to a section of 19 mm plywood sheet which is the same width as a medium nest table using the mounting bolts provided. The plywood base is then temporarily clamped to the table using Irwin quick release clamps. This works well and is cheap to make and easy to dismantle to put away when not in use.
I can’t comment on the longevity because the product is new to market and we have only been using it for one day. Based on what I have seen so far, I expect it to last many years and I think it is worth the retail price. We have bought other Thrustmaster products (flight simulator pendular rudder pedals) and these are also superbly made, quality items.
I looked into buying a Fanatec Club Sport wheel and pedals for Sony PS4 but at around 1,800, this was not justifiable for occasional hobby racing game use. I didn’t want to buy another entry level product such as the Logitech range because our previous G27 set broke (steering wheel ratchet clamp)
Thankfully, the extensive Thrustmaster range offered a solution which is positioned at a sensible price point between budget and high end (700), i.e. a well under 1,000.
I am impressed by the general build quality and sturdiness of all parts and the ability to change steering wheel to another version in the Thrustmaster range. It was easy to set up and update the firmware using a PC.
As you can see in the picture, we don’t have space for a dedicated driving game set-up such as a cockpit or gaming chair. We use either a 40″ Panasonic LED TV in a small family room/home office or the Epson projector in our living room. I attach the wheel base to a section of 19 mm plywood sheet which is the same width as a medium nest table using the mounting bolts provided. The plywood base is then temporarily clamped to the table using Irwin quick release clamps. This works well and is cheap to make and easy to dismantle to put away when not in use.
I can’t comment on the longevity because the product is new to market and we have only been using it for one day. Based on what I have seen so far, I expect it to last many years and I think it is worth the retail price. We have bought other Thrustmaster products (flight simulator pendular rudder pedals) and these are also superbly made, quality items.