UGEARS Sky Watcher Desk Clock – Astronomical Table Clock Wooden Model Kits for Adults to Build – Wooden Clock Kits 3D Puzzles – Mechanical Clock Making Kit – 3D Wooden Puzzles for Adults and Kids

What if you could slow down time and dream big celestial dreams?

You can do that with the UGEARS Sky Watcher Tourbillon Table Clock. This wooden 3D puzzle is a beautiful combination of an imaginative astronomic observatory and a functional table clock.
The Clockwork Universe theory favored by 17th C deists held that the Earth and the heavens, and all their motions, were like a giant clock, with God as the Clockmaker. Newton’s three laws of motion and the principle of universal gravitation were thought to be sufficient to explain phenomena of any kind, using mechanical conceptions. At Ugears we love mechanical conceptions! And so with a nod to Isaac Newton, we present the Sky Watcher Tourbillon Table Clock, a fascinating combination of imaginative celestial observatory and functional table clock!

Everything in the box
Similar to all UGEARS wooden models to build for adults, this clock kit includes laser pre-cut parts and easy-to-follow instructions in 11 languages. No extra tools are needed
Be ready
Mechanical marvel
Clock kits showcase our passion for timekeeping, astronomy, and mechanical marvels. You may never have dreamed that you could make your own clock out of wood and have it keep accurate time. So letâs embark on a new clock-making adventure together
- Model size: 12*7.1*6.5 in (30.5*18*16.5 cm)
- Package size: 14.9*6.7*1.8 in (37.8*17*4.5 cm)
- Number of components: 338
- Estimated time for assembly: 15 hours
- Level: Advanced
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Accept the challengeThese wooden model kits for adults are definitely not for beginners. The Sky Watcher 3D wooden puzzle will challenge even the most experienced model makers. It will take about 15 hours to assemble this mechanical clock kit. All necessary parts, tools and instructions come in the box. | Discover the sophisticated mechanismThe Sky Watcher Tourbillon has axes of rotation around the vertical and horizontal axes of the clock and relative to the central axis of the inner sphere. Our wind-up clock operates based on the accumulation of potential energy in a flat spring and the metered release of this energy. When the mechanical model is fully wound, it can power the timepiece for approximately 2-3 hours. | Impress your friends and familyThanks to its steampunk design and flawless mechanical mechanism, this 3D clock is a stunning yet tasteful piece of décor. Our DIY clock kit will delight night sky watchers, star gazers, amateur astronomers, horologists, clock and watch enthusiasts, experienced model builders, and anyone who appreciates superior design or a DIY challenge. |
Make your leisure time long and enjoyable. Add UGEARS Sky Watcher Tourbillon Table Clock to your collection of fascinating adult construction kits.

Dimensions: | 17.5 x 14 x 10 cm; 1.23 Kilograms |
Model: | 70162 |
Material: | Wood |
Pack Quantity: | 338 |
Age: | 0 – 99 years |
Material: | Wood |
Quantity: | 338 |
Im very glad I purchased this 3D puzzle; It’s awesome. The pieces are of high quality composite wood, and snap together with a firm bond. Knocking this over, finished or not, will not jar any of the pieces.
My 11yo son is responsible, organized, loves puzzles and tinkering with things. This 3D puzzle is perfect for such a child, and my son s it. For 2 weeks he’s put in 10-15 hours without assistance, and 60% completed.
That said, this is definitely not for his 13yo brother, whom hasn’t touched it.
He’s been delayed by misplacing a piece and needing to repair 3 others. Expect to crack or misplace at least one piece. Before you start, have multiple trays /boxes as well as wood cement available. So far the Shoe Goo cement he used to mend pieces has held perfectly fine.
I fully expect to purchase another when he’s done. Well worth the purchase!
I have built 2 Ugears clocks ( Aero clock and tourbillon clock), I’m addicted. I over sanded a few parts and needed to replace them. I messaged Ugears and received an excellent response in less than 24 hours. I will be doing more business with this company.
Enjoyable to assemble. Make sure you lubricate all gears and areas that may rub each other. The kit includes wax, but I found that Impresa Wood Lubricant gives a lot better results. Plus you can brush it on as it’s kind of soft and liquified. Again, be patient and follow instructions. Search YouTube for walkthroughs
Mein Mann war mit Feuerteufel dabei sie zusammen zu bauen, die Uhr ist aber eine Herausforderung. Um sie zu bauen braucht man Geduld und Fingerspitzengefhl. Am besten wre man probiert erst etwas leichteres bevor man sich daran wagt, wir finden die Uhr alle faszinierend.
Dann habe ich die Teile aber auf der Homepage nachbestellt und die kamen auch sehr schnell im Zolllager der Post an, wo sie dann allerdings fr zwei Wochen versackt sind. Aber dafr kann ja das Unternehmen nicht. Whrend die Teile in der Ukraine unterwegs waren, konnte ich stndig nachschauen, wo sie gerade sind, nach dem Grenzbergang war dann erst mal Sendepause…
Es kamen von beiden Teilen auch noch mehrere Kopien an, wodurch ich die Uhr bei Gelegenheit fertigstellen kann.
Fr das tolle Modell und den Service gibt es glatte 5 Sterne
(Die Beschdigung habe ich selbst verschuldet, war einfach zu ungeduldig!)
Habe ich meinem Schwiegersohn zu Weihnachten geschenkt, da er gerne so mechanische Sachen Bastelt. war mir aber Klar, dass er nur ein Bruchteil der Zeit brauchte, bis sich fix und fertig da stand und tickte. Leider geht sie nicht besonders genau, so dass sie doch nur ein dekoratives Stck ist. er hat sich dennoch gefreut.
At this point I don’t care if it doesn’t keep time, I’ll be happy if it just keeps working. Watching the operation of this mechanism is most fascinating .
C’est une horloge qu’il faut mriter!
il y a quelques heures de montage, il faut tre minutieux, doux, et surtout patient.
mais a en vaut le coup (monter un tourbillon soit mme…c’est juste …!)
perso j’ai galr avec le resort en spiral du balancier.
je conseil de prvoir un peu plus de papier de verre trs fin (240) et une autre bougie. Si une piece tourne mal il faut cirer avec la bougie et la faire tourner jusqu’ ce que se soit bon.
dans mon cas: pas de casse, elle marche, il me reste a la roder et a rgler le balancier qui est trop rapide.
Ein Meisterwerk der Mechanik aus Holz. Fr den Zusammenbau muss man sich aber ein wenig Zeit nehmen. Auch wenn alles nur zusammengesteckt wird. Allein das abschleifen und wachsen der gleitenden Teile sollte man nicht vernachlssigen. Auch der Tourbillon mit der Unruh fordert viel Geduld. Am Ende, nach der Fertigstellung und einer guten Stunde Feinjustierung, wird man aber mit einem schnen hlzernen Tick-Tack belohnt. Meine Kaufempfehlung hat diese Uhr.
I have bought multiple wooden puzzles like this. They are the best.
Bastante complicado. No lo recomiendo como la primera maqueta. Hace falta algo de conocimientos previos sobre este tipo de montajes. No obstante, sera uno a tener seguro, el resultado merece la pena
Takes time to put together but worth it. You will need patience.
demande un peux de mticulosit mais beaucoup de plaisir la constructio
es bon produit j’en ai fait de cette marque une dizaine, je pense qua c’est la meilleur car il y a toujours des pieces de rechange pour les plus fragile. ces maquettes ne sont pas destine un jeune ,pour certaine trs vous vous lacer bon amuseme
Man muss sehr viel Geduld und Liebe fr den Zusammenbau aufbringen. Knner werden mehr als begeistert sein und es ist ein anspruchvolles Geschenk. Weiter so.
Careful fitting the spring, it can give quite a kick
If you are looking for something to distract you for a fair few hours this is what you need. All the instructions you need are there and very clear however attention to detail is required. Some of the pieces are a bit fiddly so be careful when removing them from the sheets and fitting them.
The steps set out make it easy to stop part build, which is hard to do as it is very addictive.
It did take me 4 days to build but this was only doing 4-5 hours a day. It gave a nice satisfying feeling when it was finished and it started up. However this was a bit short lived as it did not last the quoted 2-3 hour run time more like 45 minutes.
One downside is it is a magnet for dust and is difficult to keep clean. I am looking for a dome to put it in.
Would I buy another model from this company in short Yes.
Muy buena maqueta y fcil de montar. Solo destacar que hay un cdigo QR en la mitad del manual que debera de estar al principio y evitara malos montajes.
Tolle Idee, verstndliche Anleitung, perfekte Passform der Teile. Qualitt wie gewohnt auf sehr hohem Niveau.
Ich hab noch einen anderen Tipp wie den besagten Papierstreifen zu verwenden. Lasst das Fhrungsstck mit der Nut einfach weg. Des schaut besser aus und funktioniert genauso gut, probiert es aus.
Dieses Modell ist technisch, neben der aero clock, das beste und anspruchsvollste von ugears wie ich finde. Fr Anfnger ist es doch eher ungeeignet. Geduld und und ein gewisses Ma an technischen Grundverstndnis sollte man mitbringen. Wer hier Teile wechselt oder tauscht, hat schlicht weg was falsch zusammengebaut und die Technik scheinbar nicht verstanden.
Negativ zu erwhnen ist definitiv der Preis von aktuell 84Euro!!!
Toller Zeitvertreib ala Lego. Tolle, detalierte Anleitung. Schn wre eine Funktion die einen Dauerbetrieb ermglichen wrde. Macht insgesamt Spa der Uhr bei der Arbeit zuzusehe
Requiere destreza y paciencia, pero el resultado es brutal
Das war ein Fehler, die Uhr lief berhaupt nicht. Habe viel mehr Stunden verbraucht, darber nachzudenken als fr den eigentlichen Aufbau. Kam zu dem Schluss, dass irgendwas mit den benannten Teilen nicht stimmt. Habe ber den Support die zwei Teile Nachbestellt, in der Hoffnung, dass ich den Fehler kompensieren knnte. Ich bekam dann irgendwann eine “Auftragsbesttigung” und wartete ca. 4 Wochen auf die Teile. Grund: diese werden in der Ukraine gefertigt und ausgeliefert, das hat natrlich leider etwas gedauert (habe lediglich 7 Euro Zoll und Versand bezahlt).
Habe die Teile ausgetauscht und sofort luft die Uhr reibungsfrei 🙂
25x Hauptfeder aufziehen = 1 Stunde Laufzeit
50x = 2 Stunden usw.
Ist also relativ linear mit der Hauptfeder und der Laufzeit
Mein Tipp: dranbleiben, was Schneres an klickender Holz-Uhren-Technik kann ich mir nicht vorstellen!!!
Danke an UGEARS und an das Ersatzteile-Team aus der Ukraine!
This model is quite fiddly to assemble, but do it carefully and it works really well, and is actually quite accurate. It’s obviously not meant as an actual clock, but as a novelty piece, it is excellent and extremely intetesting. I had to add some ptfe spray in one or two places to aid the moving parts, but it ran for hours before I actually decided to stop it. Highly recommended!
The kit is well presented with well lasered wood sheets. Instructions are good but you need to carefully check the views as to orientation/direction of view.
I built the kit but would not run.
Carefully checked against build instructions and built to the book.
1. I removed one of the spacers (part number 128) on the forks to prevent the locking pin (part number 129) fowling the escape wheel.
2. I replaced the ‘toothpick’ bearing for the tourbillon cage with a brass pin as this is an area of high friction.
3. I added 2 washers to the tourbillon cage pivet to raise the assembly slightly to prevent rubbing on the circular gear track at the top.
4. I added 4 rollers (made of brass for ease) to stabalise the tourbillon cage. The two wooden ones (part number 166) were to small to keep the cage vertical.
Overall, happy with the kit. With the mods, now runs for about 3.5 hours on a wind.
5 Start because the kit is well made, easy and fun to assemble. BUT…
The instructions are sparse. if this is your first kit it will be hard. Prior experience is useful. The main problem is with the Tourbillon (spelling?). The instructions are not very specific about how to make the clock movement work. The instructions indicate 10m to ‘reseat the tourbillon’. The images are not too clear. After multiple days and a total of few hours or trying, I was only able to run the clock works outside of the main assembly, and only in the upright position. Which is a problem for such a mechanism (the tourbillon is designed to rotate on three axis, to counter the effect of gravity on the timing). When it was running it was very successful, nice movement, nice sound… Only added to the frustration of not being able to run the clockworks inside the assembly.
My guess, after many hours, is that the friction of some of the key parts is just too great. it does not take much. the friction of wood on wood is high, and it adds up.
My recommendation is to make sure you use the sand paper very extensively, use the wax liberally, and put two of the spacers provided where one is called for. All in the effort to reduce the friction. I also think the ‘reseating the tourbillon’ mean running it with manual assistance for some time. The movement should reduce the rough spots with use, making the whole smoother.
And last, maybe enjoy how it looks and lower your expectations as to the function.
Very enjoyable build. Requires a reasonable skill, but the instructions are very good. The laser cut parts all pressed out perfectly and assembled well
Good quality parts and packaging. All well-made and instructions/illustrations are helpful.
End result takes several hours to achieve but looks very attractive and a little bit unusual.
Definitely worth trying this and the manufacturer does other kits so you can try something easier or more complex once you’ve completed this. Nice little parent/child project or a challenge to master on your own.
Mi sono divertito da matti!! Bellissimo , pezzi precisi , incastri ottimi , qualche difficolt in certe parti da assemblare ma nulla di particolarmente complicato Due consigli: non partite a costruire questo per primo , esercitatevi su qualcosa di piu piccolo e semplice , io per esempio avevo preso precedentemente una pista per biglie ( marbles machine)
Secondo consiglio: stendete la cera lubrificante a caldo. Compratevi un bunsen ad alcool ed una spatolina PK Thomas per uso odontotecnico . Una volta lubrifacate le parti frizionanti e assemblato il tutto il mio Ugears partito alla grande!!! Ne rifarei un’altro!! Ps: presto allegher video.. Se volete consigli scrivetemi a : [email protected]
Ugears makes very nice 3D wooden puzzles for adults who enjoy wooden crafts.
Die Uhr ist wunderschn, der Aufbau anspruchsvoll. Auch bei mir hat es nicht auf Anhieb geklappt, aber mit Geduld und ein bisschen nachforschen habe ich sie zum Laufen gebracht. Ich bedanke mich bei Sonniboy, der in seiner Rezension den entscheidenden Tip geliefert hat. Was ein Stckchen Papier so ausmacht. Die Uhr luft nun mindestens eine Stunde, und die Anzeige ist erstaunlich genau.
Der Aufbau hat wie immer bei Ugears – Modellen Spa gemacht. Sehr interessante Mechanik, die ich leider noch nicht zum Laufen gekriegt habe, aber das wird schon noch werden.
Ugears,are the best with out a doubt,but this kit is not for beginners
Premire fois que j’achte un produit UGears (et je compte bien en prendre d’autres maintenant)
La notice d’assemblage est trs bien faite, tout est expliqu clairement, il suffit d’tre mticuleux.
Les pices sont solides malgr la faible paisseur du bois. Je n’ai eu qu’une casse en voulant dmonter une pice fragile et en ayant trop forc.
Aprs quelques rglages sur le ressort l’horloge se met fonctionner, a en devient hypnotique, un vrai plaisir de la voir en fonctionnement aprs quelques heures d’assemblage.
This will be my husband’s sixth model, he loves the detailing on each one, they kept him sane during lockdown. Very impressive kits and instructions, the only problem is where to display them. The latest one is for his birthday next week.
We were surprised by how good the instructions were overall and the end product is just as expected. There’s no hiding the fact that it’s a tricky build which takes hours, but it’s a satisfying and interesting item to make; take care with the spring though. Did have a couple of cogs and fittings slightly split despite taking care, but not to the point that there was an impact on the functioning.
Great gift for anyone who loves STEM – we really have enjoyed making and owning this and it is proudly on display. Very good item.
Das ist wohl eines der kompliziertesten Baustze von UGEAR. Die Anleitung war zu 99% gut verstndlich, die Qualitt der Holzteile sehr gut und fast immer leicht heraus zu brechen. Kein einziges Teilchen wurde dabei kaputt. Wie man im Video sieht, luft die Uhr problemlos, allerdings muss sie dazu voll aufgezogen sein. Wenn die Federspannung nachlsst, dann kann sie schon mal stehen bleiben, und muss leicht an-gestupst werden, um wieder zu laufen. Das mag an der fehlenden Feineinstellung der Unruhe liegen, da ich – wie ich zu meiner Schande gestehen muss – die dazu ntigen Erklrungen in der Anleitung nicht nachvollziehen konnte. Aber was soll’s, ob die Uhr nun eine Stunde luft, oder zwei, es war ein Mords-Spa das Ding zusammen zu bauen.
UGears makes the best kits and this is another. Not for a beginner, but if you’re careful and follow the instructions (definitely follow the QR codes and watch the videos) you end up with a very cool clock. The tourbillon movement is a bit hypnotic, and even guests end up staring at it. Highly recommended.
Lo regale a mi hija mayor de 20 aos apasionada de los mecano
Y lo construy en dos dias
This is a lovely kit that will bring a smile to any model builders or puzzlers you know. It’s not a simple piece to put together, but if you take your time and don’t rush you should finish with quite the model.
Also, make sure you’ve somewhere safe to keep it whilst making; if you’ve got a family this could take you a fair while to fit in 🙂
This clock will never tell the time with any accuracy, but that is not its point. The point is the fun you will have building this high quality, ingenious, kit and also the acquisition of a highly decorative model clock at the end. Seeing the Tourbillon in action is just magical, and gives a real sense of achievement.
I have already built the wonderful Ugears hurdy kit, and this one is much more difficult. I would suggest that if you are new to these kits, to try something simpler first.
I have knocked off 1 star because the model uses a lot of toothpicks as shafts, and for some reason you only get the exact number required. However, these need to be cut and are very easy to break. I broke a few and ran out. I was able to sand down some slightly fatter ones I already had, but a few more spares would be greatly appreciated.
gute Qualitt und eine genaue Beschreibung zur Herstellung des Objekts
I wish I’d known that the main spring would undo so violently when you cut the tie holding it together. Please be careful – you could easily be injured, and I’d recommend precautionary safety glassses if you have them.
I finished building it last night, and it does look spectacular. However I haven’t yet got it working, but I think I will be able to deconstruct to get to where the problem is which luckily isn’t too far down the build. There is a video you can watch for the critical bit where I need to make adjustments, so hopefully that will help.
That said, I will be showing this off to pupils at school and it will be displayed in our Science lab. The box suggests this is for 14+ and I would recommend that anyone younger should not go anywhere near the spring before it is installed by an adult, and better built with an adult. It would make a great gift for any young engineer, or those doing GCSE Physics upwards – as you can see all the workings and understand how it is constructed and functions.
I was skeptical about the price of this model initially, but the quality is excellent and with the number of pieces it did take me many hours to build, so is actually good value for money and certainly comparable with those brick models!
Als Uhrenliebhaber war es mir eine groe Freude, diese millimetergenauen lasergeschnittenen Holzteile zu einer faszinierenden Tourbillon Tischuhr zusammensetzen. Nach ca 15 Stunden Bastelei stand die Uhr fertig da, funktionierte aber nicht. Nach wiederholtem Auseinandernehmen wurden alle von mir verursachten Fehlerquellen beseitigt: seitenverkehrter Einbau u.A. des Stunden-Zahnrads und Fixierung der Unruh-Feder im Fhrungshebel B (Tipp eines anderen Rezensenten). Jetzt blieb nur noch eine Schwachstelle: die Kurbel zum Aufziehen der Feder drehte sich nutzlos im Kreis. Der Schlussstein hinter dem Zahnrad verhindert, dass beide Zahnrder ineinandergreifen. Meine Lsung sieht nun so aus: Wechsel der Position von Zahnrad 81 und Schlussstein 83. Damit die Gesamtkonstruktion wieder bndig eingesetzt werden konnte, mussten von Stck 83 noch 1-2 mm abgeschliffen werden. Jetzt luft nur noch der Tourbillon-Globus ber der Uhr nicht immer ganz strungsfrei – es kommt ab und an zu horizontalen Schwankungen, die die Mechanik verlangsamen bzw. zum Stillstand bringen. Ansonsten luft die Tourbillon Tischuhr minutengenau und ist ein wahrer Hingucker!
Eindeutige Empfehlung fr Bastel-Freaks, die auch dranbleiben, wenn es nicht ganz rund luft!
On the smallest pieces I used #2 pencil graphite to lube the edges so the part would press together with ease. I didn’t want to chance breaking it .
I was sent this to review, but to be honest, it’s not for a total beginner like me. I opened it and looked at the instructions and all the pieces and my first thought was – this will take me about 5 years. My eldest son is good at this sort of thing (probably due to all the lego he used to build), so he’s making it for me. Good luck with that! I’m sure the result will be amazing if you know what you’re doing and are very patient.
I love these UGEARS models and have built quite a few of them now.
This is nearly as intimidating as the aero clock, and takes a long time to build. It’s worth it, as the end product is spectacular, but as with all UGEARS models it is very easily broken along the way, which is quite a risk given the price.
All the parts are laser cut for a perfect fit which gives a really satisfying click as they pop into place.
The kit itself is reasonably straight forward to follow but you do have to pay a lot of attention to the instructions at a couple steps but the pictures are really helpful & point out markings on the parts to orient them correctly as well as which parts needs waxing or sanding any rough edges. (sandpaper included in the box)
I found this kit really fun & addictive to build, i kept finding myself saying i’ll just do one more step & stop for the night but then keep going till i finished the whole parts sheet.
I think all in it took me around 20 hours to build which i spread across a whole weekend.
You do have to be careful when removing some of the parts out of the sheets as this can be quite fiddly but it does come with a extraction tool to aid with this & also comes with a couple of spare parts which is nice.
The only downsides i found was it projected a 2 to 3 hour run time but mine only ran for around 15mins but may just need adjusting the speed for the top spring to extend this & it is quite expensive at 65 for a one time build as the parts are a really snug fit so you would have to be super careful not to break anything if trying to dismantle to build again later down the line.
Overall though i really enjoyed building this & its nice to find something to do that takes you away from electronics, plus an extra bonus with the model itself being plastic free its friendlier to the planet than other model sets i’ve done in the past.
I also thought it looked really nice on the desk especially when its all in motion & found the tik tok sound to be quite relaxing.
Non c’ paragone con nessun altro modello ne della Ugears ne della concorrenza che detto tra noi lontana anni luce dalla Ugears
Fatto disfatto rifatto pi volte per avere una precisione di 1 minuto sul tot del tempo orologio
Peccato che non ci sia nulla di nuovo
This product should be done by an adult, not a 12-year-old child, it is easy to break, if the parts are damaged, it is difficult to splicing successfully, every process must be very careful, it is recommended for adults to buy
Da nun alles widmungsgem funktioniert, habe ich eine riesige Freude mit der Uhr. Tourbillon und Uhrwerk arbeiten perfekt, techinsch ist das Werk unheimlich komplex und toll anzusehen. Unter Einsatz eines gewissen technischen Verstndnisses, einiger Zusatzstunden und Geduld eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung. Und bei UGear halten die Teile, die ja durch Presspassung zusammengefgt werden, selbst nach (nicht vorgesehenem) Zerlegen und erneutem Zusammenbau noch immer gut zusammen, hier knnte sich er Mitbewerb einiges abschauen.
This is a super fun project, but it will take you a *tonne* of time.
I haven’t been able to get anywhere near to finish it – it’s on a wee corner table, and I’ll spend a few minutes every now and then tinkering with it and in 10 years or so I’ll have a working clock. Huzzah!
The other issue is the instructions: they’re not terribly clear, and they really need to be for something this complex and intricate. I won’t tell you that I found a Youtube video which I’m following along with but, okay, I did happen to stumble across one on my travels, you know, just by chance, and it hasn’t been UNhelpful…
At the time of writing, it’s 64.99 which is really awfully spendy if you don’t love puzzles but if you do, and you want a project that will keep you busy for hours and hours, and you want a nice wooden clock at the end of it all, this is probably a very good buy. Just bear in mind, it’s a long-term project – you may need weeks or even months of wibbling about with it before it’s finished.
To be honest, I approached this as a puzzle first and foremost, and as a working clock as a distant second priority. That’s probably a good thing, because I haven’t managed to get it working so far!
It is, however, a deeply fulfilling puzzle and a great way to pass some time (or, more accurately, a lot of time…). The design is great and it all seems to be very well thought out.
If you love very complex puzzles and model making, this kit is highly recommended. If you’re looking for a new clock, though, good luck…
Das einstellen war fr mich bislang leider noch nicht so verstndlich. Meine Uhr luft leider nur 1 Minute und ich wei leider nicht was ich noch tun knnte damit sie durch lauft.
Von daher haben andere hoffentlich mehr Glck und ein Hingucker ist das Teil alle mal.
Eine super Beschftigung zum abschalte
This is an ‘advanced” model but as long as you follow the instructions it fits together well and looks good when finished. Not sure how accurately it will keep time as there is no adjustment.
Some of the instructions, towards the end are hard to follow but there are videos available.
found takes few months to get spare parts but they came. At the minute with the war they take a little longer as I had to send for spares for other puzzles but they still come. You are informed when dispatched and its free great service.