Water2Buy EASY RO | Easy DIY Reverse Osmosis System with Easy Twist Filters


Dimensions: 37 x 45 x 20 cm; 9.48 Kilograms
Model: RO500z
Manufacture: Water2Buy
Origin: United Kingdom

119 Responses

  1. Malorie26R says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDies ist mittlerweile meine 4. Umkehrosmoseanlage die ich in den letzten 12 Jahren gekauft und selbst montiert habe. Von der Verarbeitung und dem Preis her einfach Spitze. Bis auf Beulen am Hinterkopf hat die Montage immer gut geklappt. Sicher auch bei dieser. Wenn da dieser grauenhafte Anschlu an das Eckventil nicht wre. Erst mal kommt er in 1/2″, Standard am Eckventil ist aber 3/8″. Das wurde ja hier schon mehrfach beschrieben. Ich war also schlau und habe mir gleich Adapter gekauft. Stutzen-Nippel-Reduzierer-Dingsbums Dinger! Waren auch die richtigen. Lassen sich aber leider nicht richtig dicht montieren. Das Hauptproblem? Der mitgelieferte Anschlu in 1/2″ hat leider einen verschweiten 1/4″ Anschlu fr an die Umkehrosmose Anlage. Da mein Eckventil aber sehr kompakt und dadurch sehr nah an der Wand ist, lsst es sich nicht drehen, da es gegen die Wand stt. Ich habe eine Stunde lang versucht es mit tonnenweise Teflonband (welches brigens auch nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist), dicht zu bekommen. Keine Chance. Irgendwas tropft immer. Entweder die Reduzierstcke aus dem Baumarkt oder der Anschluss selber.
    Ich habe mir jetzt neben den 6,- fr die Reduzierer noch fr 15,- einen Anschlu in 3/8″ bestellen mssen, welcher wahrscheinlich nicht mehr vor Weihnachten kommt. Normalerweise ist das Standard, war bisher bei allen meinen UO-Anlagen dabei. Hier leider nicht, schade. Daher leider keine 5 Sterne, weil am falschen Ende gespart wurde.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Buon prodotto, ottima manifattura facile da installare, arrivato prima del previsto.

  3. ElvaChristian says:


    Einfacher Einbau.

    1 mal im Jahr werden die Segiment Filter getauscht und alle 3 Jahre die Membrane

    Preis Leistung Top

  4. ElveraKirton says:


    Buongiorno, la qualit dell’acqua diminuita parecchio in 5 mesi dopo l’installazione degli osmozi. Qualcuno sa dirmi quale il motivo? Grazie


  5. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIch habe bereits viel Erfahrungen mit Umkehr-Osmose-Filteranlagen im alten Haushalt sammeln knnen und war nun auf der Suche nach einer gnstigen Lsung im neuen Haushalt.

    Da das schon eine kleine Wissenschaft fr sich sein kann, schreib ich hier gerne mal ausfhrlich meine Erfahrung fr alle, die hier noch Neuland begehen.

    Da wir im alten Haushalt fr eine vergleichbare Filterung (ebenfalls 5-Stufen-Filterung) nahezu das zehnfache(!) gezahlt haben, war ich natrlich sehr skeptisch, was man hier fr sein Geld bekommt. Bei dem Preis dachte ich, kann man zumindest nicht viel falsch machen und es wenigstens ausprobieren.

    Als ich die Anlage bekam und einbaute, wurde mir auch schnell klar, warum es viele Firmen gibt, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben und wirklich das zehn- bis zwanzigfache verlangen:
    Dort wird man meistens an die Hand genommen und bekommt einen Rund-um-sorglos-Service mit Filter-Abo und allen mglichen Anleitungen und Support fr Installation und Wartung, da ist der Preisaufschlag in der Gre vielleicht nicht immer gerechtfertigt aber zumindest nachvollziehbar.
    Das ist hier nicht der Fall, allerdings auch nicht zwingend ntig, wenn man wei, was man tun muss.

    Bei dieser Anlage hier bekommt man zumindest eine ausfhrliche Installationsanleitung, wo genau gezeigt wird, was wohin kommt und man kann nicht wirklich viel falsch machen. Der Leitungsschlauch wird an einem Stck geliefert und muss dann entsprechend der Einzelverbindung zurecht schneiden. Da er aber lang genug ist, kann man sich hier auch mal versehentlich verschnibbeln und hat immer noch genug Reststrecke.
    Allerdings gibt es auch die ein oder andere Hrde, von der in der Anleitung nichts zu finden ist. Das will ich her gerne mal aufschlsseln:

    Die Anlage bietet alle Bauteile, die man braucht, allerdings ist das Anschlussstck fr den Kaltwasseranschluss mit einem 1/2-Zoll-Gewinde versehen. Die gngigen Wasseranschlsse haben allerdings 3/8-Zoll-Gewinde, somit kleiner. Also braucht man in diesem Fall einen Adapter von 1/2 Zoll auf 3/8 Zoll und dann wieder von 3/8 Zoll zurck auf 1/2 Zoll (s. Foto), einschlielich vier entsprechend passenden Dichtungsringen. Sonst hat man das Nachsehen.
    Alles bekommt man aber problemlos im Baumarkt. Zur Not einfach das Anschlussstck mitnehmen, da sollte jeder Baumarktmitarbeiter bescheid wissen, was man braucht.

    Manche schreiben hier auch in den Rezensionen, dass die Anlage dauerhaft Wasser in den Abfluss flieen lsst. Das ist in der Tat der Fall, wenn das berstrmventil (“bypass valve”) offen ist. Das ist dieses weie Plastikventil, das auf der Oberseite des Filtergestells zum Schluss nochmal in den obersten Filter geht. Da kommen mehre Schluche an und gehen ab. Wenn da der Hebel offen ist, wird das berstrmventil umgangen und das Wasser fliet direkt in den Abfluss.
    Da ist die Lsung ganz einfach: Hebel schlieen und fertig.
    Leider kam ich da selbst nur ber den Chatbot auf der Herstellerseite auf die Supportseite, wo dieser Fehler beschrieben ist. Eigentlich gehrt das direkt in die Anleitung, denn dieser Hebel ist beim Auspacken schnell mal aus Versehen geffnet.
    Nicht wundern, wenn es beim Schlieen pltzlich anfngt zu surren in den Filtern und sich dort Druck aufbaut. Das ist ganz normal und auch immer leise zu hren, wenn der Tank leer ist und durch die Anlage wieder aufgefllt wird.

    Dann sollte klar sein, dass die gewnschte Wasserqualitt erst nach mehrfachem Fllen und Entleeren des Tanks erreicht wird. Alle Filter mssen dazu nmlich zuerst ordentlich gesplt werden. Auch der Tank bekommt erst die gewnschte Sauberkeit nach mehrfachem Entleeren.

    Das Trinkwasser hier in Berlin-Mitte hat in meinem Fall einen PPM-Wert von ber 400(!), der ging nach Anschluss der Anlage gleich runter auf 40 (auch schon kein schlechter Wert) und hat sich nach mehrfachem Splen des Tanks und der Filter inzwischen bei 22 (s. Fotos) eingependelt, was wirklich auerordentlich gut ist!
    Dieser Wert ist natrlich abhngig vom Wasserdruck, der im jeweiligen Stockwerk, in dem die Anlage verbaut ist, ankommt.

    Ohne ein TDS-Messgert, das den PPM-Wert misst, ist man natrlich verunsichert, ob die eingebaute Anlage ihren Zweck auch wirklich erfllt. Daher ist bei teuren Anlagen so ein Messgert meistens gleich mit im Lieferumfang.
    Bei dieser Anlage ist das nicht der Fall, diese Messgerte kosten aber lediglich ein paar Euro und ich empfehle, so ein Teil gleich mitzubestellen. Dann fhlt man sich hinterher wesentlich sicherer.

    Dazu sei gesagt, ein TDS-Messgert (Total Dissolved Solids) misst den Widerstand des Wassers und damit die Anzahl am im Wasser gebundenen Teilchen (in ppm/parts per million). Das sagt nur bedingt etwas ber die tatschliche Wasserqualitt aus, da es keinerlei Auskunft gibt, was im Wasser gelst ist, nur wieviel.
    Allerdings geht es bei Osmosefilteranlagen ja auch genau darum: mglichst wenig im Wasser gelst zu haben. Und der Unterschied zwischen 406 ppm und 22 ppm ist wirklich enorm.
    Und in einer Stadt wie Berlin, wo das Leitungswasser aus dem nicht sehr tiefen Grundwasser unter der sandigen Stadt stammt, finden sich im Hahnenwasser nicht nur sehr viel Kalk aus den Leitungen sondern leider auch Medikamentenrckstnde und Restspuren von Hormonen, die von den Klrwerken nicht gnzlich gefiltert werden knnen. Da kann eine Umkehrosmoseanlage wirklich nochmal was bewirken.
    Nun werden natrlich auch Mineralstoffe aus dem Wasser gefiltert, allerdings sind in Mineralwssern eh so wenig Mineralstoffe, dass der Krper Obst und Gemse als Mineralstofflieferanten bentigt und mit Wasser dabei nicht viel anfangen kann. Im Umkehrschluss kann der Krper in Wasser mit wenig gebundenen Stoffen logischerweise mehr ablagern und somit auch besser die Giftstoffe aus dem Krper bringen.

    Zur Anlage selbst sei noch folgendes gesagt:
    In meinem Fall kommen aus dem Tank gute 6 Liter heraus bis der Druck nachlsst, so dass man auch mal ein Glas Wasser oder eine Kanne relativ schnell fllen kann. Dennoch flle ich das Wasser immer in mehrere Karaffen, um dann bei Bedarf die Kaffeemaschine oder den Kochtopf schnell fllen zu knnen.

    Wenn man immer nur wenige Liter auf einmal entldt, sollte man den Tank alle paar Tage gnzlich leeren (bis aus dem Hahn nur noch ein Rinnsal kommt), damit sich keine Keime im stehenden Wasser bilden knnen.
    Hier wre es auch noch mglich, eine Keimsperre als zustzlichen Filter zwischenzuschalten, die es im Netz in der Regel fr unter 50 EUR gibt. Dann ist man auf der ganz sicheren Seite.

    Das ist im brigen auch der Vorteil an dieser Anlage: Filter lassen sich erweitern und zwischenschalten, da alles im Modulsystem gebaut ist. Der mitgelieferte Leitungsschlauch ist auch lang genug, um fr weitere Filter kleine Zwischenlngen abzuschneiden.

    Der Filterwechsel an sich ist bei diesem System etwas umstndlicher als bei den praktischen Drehfiltern, die sich mit einem Handgriff wechseln lassen. Bei dieser Anlage muss man erst den Schraubring des Filtergehuses lsen, dann das Filtergehuse ffnen und den eigentlichen Filter austauschen.
    Vorteil ist aber, man ist kompatibler. Diese Filter gibt es fr wenig Geld auch bei anderen Herstellern und man ist nicht an das System von einem einzelnen Hersteller gebunden.
    Nachteil an den Filtergehusen ist, diese werden mit den Filtern nicht mitgewechselt. Man muss also mit den Jahren darauf achten, dass Dichtungsringe intakt bleiben und Plastikgewinde keine Risse bekommt. Das sollte man daher bei jedem Filterwechsel kontrollieren.
    Da bei dieser Anlage nur einmal jhrlich ein FIlterwechsel notwendig ist, ist dieser Aufwand des Wechsels aber wirklich berschaubar.

    Mein Fazit:
    MIt dieser Anlage bekommt man zu einem wirklich kleinen Preis alles, was man braucht. Die Anleitung knnte wesentlich detailierter und um die o.g. Punkte ergnzt sein (da man als Laie hier wirlich irritiert werden kann, habe ich in der Bewertung einen Punkt abgezogen). Aber ich kann sie ansonsten komplett empfehlen, freue mich derzeit ber leckeres und leichtes Trinkwasser und ber meinen Wasserkocher und Kaffeemaschine ohne auch nur einen Hauch von Kalkspuren.

    Wirklich tolles Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis!

  6. Anonymous says:


    installazione semplicissima, l’acqua dev’essere lasciata circolare nell’impianto per alcune ore prima dell’utilizzo e gettate via le prime erogazioni, dopo di ch l’acqua migliora notevolmente nel sapore.

  7. Rati says:


    Estuve buscando y leyendo las reviews al final me decid por este, estoy super contento y lo recomiendo a todos. Genial!

  8. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo .
    L’idraulico mi ribadiva che anche i materiali usati per l’assemblaggio sono di buona qualit.

  9. Donna59Uhwywze says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAs a chartered building services engineer I found it easy to install this unit however I suspect it might become a challange for the average consumer.
    To start with, instructions were written for a different unit.
    There is no colour coding whatsoever.
    Also the tap’s thread is too short for a countertop thicker than 30mm. Upon enquiry they suggested I butcher the countertop from underneath or buy a new tap from elsewhere. Butchering requires removing the Belfast sink so that’s not an option.

    Now the good bits:
    TDS reading dropped down to 28ppm. It was 270 at the tap.
    Backwash bypass valve comes pre-installed.
    No leaks at all.
    Small enough to fit under a belfast type sink if you’re willing to take the jigsaw out.
    Incoming water fitting connects to the existing tap’s service valve with ease.
    Water tastes good and easy to drink.

    Tools required for installation: adjustable spanner, vice grips, philips screw driver, teflon tape.
    If you don’t like improvising, a 6mm drill bit and a drill would help. Instructions says 5mm drill bit. It’s lying, get a 6 mil bit.

  10. Ilva says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI tempi di spedizione sono stati rapidi. L’imballo era di buona qualit. Il montaggio non mi risultato semplice anche a causa della mancanza di alcune informazioni nel manuale che comunque in italiano.
    In fase di “attivazione” c’erano delle perdite. Il contenitore del filtro non eccellente. Le perdite poi sono cessate (forse per l’aumento della pressione ?). Non sono riuscito a capire.
    Alla fine il dispositivo funziona abbastanza bene. Non posso dare certezze sulla qualit dell’acqua non potendo fare analisi. Posso dire che vengono eliminati sapori e odori che l’acqua del mio acquedotto aveva. Il gusto molto pi leggero e che ho risolto il mio problema con un costo modesto.
    Premesso che lo uso da un mese circa, visto che le cartucce di ricambio hanno un prezzo modesto e una durata notevole ritengo che sia un prodotto valido.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ansonsten sehr zufrieden mit der Anlage.
    Die Qualitt ist gut und die Teile Passen aneinander ohne Probleme zu bereiten.
    Auslaufen tut auch nichts bisher.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy installation , easy manual to read , quality product , client very happy and will be using your systems from now

    Thank you so much also amazon prime making life easier and stress free

    Any installation needed in london pleas call me 07956151182

    Superb product no issues very easy to install

  13. Shane Hickey says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNon mi esprimo sul sapore in quanto soggettivo.

    Fornisco invece una info per i pi “smanettoni”.
    Smontando i filtri avvitati sulla sua staffa di ferro, possibile montarli sotto il piano. Io l’ho montati sotto il ripiano tra il pavimento ed il pensile, una volta richiuso lo zoccoletto non si vede nulla. Lo scrivo per togliere ogni dubbio sulla possibilit di montarlo in orizzontale senza occupare spazio sotto il lavello. L’unico componente che non entra “li sotto” l’autoclave o vaso d’espansione (la tanica da 11lt).
    Ho provato ad escluderla non fattibile; per riempire un bicchiere ci vogliono circa 50sec con pressione dell’impianto di circa 4bar (la versione senza pompa).
    Per eseguire il lavoro come l’ho fatto io, serve un po’ di manualit ma fattibile (non sono un idraulico). Se proprio non avete posto per l’autoclave potete acquistarne una per uso camper: hanno una capienza di circa 0,4lt (sufficiente per un bicchiere) ma se ci volete anche riempire la pentola per la pasta NON va bene (potete acquistarle da 5lt se vi basta).
    Se proprio vi volete sbizzarrire (moglie/compagna permettendo) potete installare l’autoclave nel frigo (praticando un foro di diametro 8 sulla parete ma dovete sapere bene come muovervi). In questo modo avrete l’acqua sempre fresca.

    Buon divertimento.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    easy to install and no problems now and I have it months at this stage of review.. very happy

  15. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto, guida esaustiva anche se non c’ evidenziato il modo in cui togliere i tappi di sicurezza ( spingere il blocco e tirare) testata l acqua e i valori sono risultati ottimi. Ha abbassato la durezza carbonatica di almeno 15 punti pi altri importanti valori azzerati (nitriti e nitrati)

  16. RoxannaPvt says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersExcellent taste. I cannot stand the chlorinated taste of tap water in the south of UK. This removes all taint of chlorine.

    Not super easy to install. Took my husband over an hour. He is a bit concerned the labels on the pipes will come off over time so has put a permanent pen mark on all of them. We also added an undersink tray saver for cleanliness. Our photo shows the set up in a 600 wide sink. We mounted the tap onto an IKEA stainless steel sink. My husband drilled a hole and it sits nicely as shown.

    When you consider the cost per litre is pennies this is an excellent long term investment. No excuses for bottler water.

  17. LidiaStawell says:


    Montato facilmente, unica pecca per 2 volte a distanza di giorni si sono ripetute perdite abbondanti dalle guarnizioni dei filtri a tazza…
    l’acqua sembra buona, non ho fatto analisi, ma il gusto diverso dall’acqua di rete….

  18. Anonymous says:


    Ha veramente superato le aspettative facile da istallare e fa manutenere, acqua ottima

  19. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttimo prodotto, scrivo dopo un anno e vi garantisco che funzionante ed efficiente, mai avuto problemi di nessun genere, consiglio di acquistare un kit o due di filtri per gli anni successivi e di aggiungere volendo, il serbatoio pi capiente.

  20. Candice Fitzgibbons says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOverall I like it very much. Still not convinced the RO membrane is necessary for UK mains water, but the produced water tastes great so I am happy.
    A few issues:
    -my unit came with a little valve in parallel with the restrictor fully open. When connected I had lots of water going to waste and very little filtered water going in the tank. This valve needs to be nearly or totally closed depending on the inlet water pressure. I suggest you check the ratio of filtered water to wasted water with a couple jugs to adjust this. As far as I could tell there is no mention of this valve or adjustment in the instructions.
    -The tap provided is really chap and tacky. Also it’s fitting screw was too short for my worktop thickness.I ditched it and replaced my sink tap with a combined 3 way water tap on (a good solid stainless steel one costs 45 on Amazon). Much nicer and I know it will last.
    -Some of the pre-fitted push fits didn’t have the blue clips around them and one popped out first time I pressurised it.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We bought a house that has its own well but the water is slightly acidic. This causes the water to have a light metal taste to it if it sits in the copper pipes for a long period of time. We decided to get a filter for our drinking water in hopes to get rid of the metal taste. After doing some research, I decided on a reverse osmosis filter to make sure we had the cleanest water possible. It does just that. The water tastes great!

    The installation was not too bad and most DIY people can do it without issue. In my case, the pipes under the sink were not as straight forward and required some imaginative workarounds to get things connected where they needed to. You only really need to connect in two places, your input from your cold water line and your output, which connects to the drain pipe. The rest of it is just connecting up the filters. The instructions are good enough to walk most people through it painlessly. You do need to make sure that you can devote a substantial amount of your under sink space to the unit, as it is quite large.

    In my case, after a few days, the unit began making a loud ticking noise when it was refilling the tank reservoir. I contacted the seller and they walked me through diagnosing the issue. It turns out the solenoid pump was going out. The seller promptly sent me a new solenoid pump and I swapped it out in a few minutes. Excellent customer service on their part.

    I would definitely recommend this to anyone that has drinking water that is not tasting as fresh as it should.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersOttimo articolo! Buona qualit e prezzo contenuto! Ottimo per filtrare acqua da bere! Con la pressione del mio impianto riesce ad accumulare 5 litri di acqua filtrata. Non consigliato a pi di due persone senza montare una pompa! Personalmente mi ha risolto in modo efficiente il problema di portare l’acqua al quinto piano! Sono soddisfatto! Rubinetto di erogazione molto elegante! Personalmente aggiungerei istruzioni di montaggio in Italiano! Ripeterei l’acquisto!

    Buon prezzo! Consigliato!

  23. Sean Jackson says:


    Ottimo montato in 20minuti e funziona benissimo ottimo prodotto qualit prezzo

  24. Anonymous says:


    Bello, facile da montare, la qualit dell’acqua buona , rimane ancora un po’ dura a livello di calcare , ma basta prendere una membrana osmotica pi spessa e si risolve tutto. Buon prodotto . Consigliato

  25. SallieQCFE says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMesso in funzione da circa un mese, Al momento mi trovo molto bene, la qualit dell’acqua dell’Acquedotto migliorata tantissimo, e ho fatto le verifiche tramite l’analizzatore digitale. Ho il sistema senza pompa, perch abitando a piano terra non ho problemi di pressione dell’acqua, da rubinetto viene abbondante e mi permette di riempire brocche e bottiglie. Quando lo montate, abbiate tanta pazienza perch ci vogliono svariate ore ( e molti litri d’acqua) per mettere il sistema in pressione, dopo per sar una grande soddisfazione

    Un buon prodotto ad un ottimo prezzo, Al momento sono molto soddisfatto

  26. Anonymous says:


    Sistema semplice e di facile montaggio i materiali sono robusti x quanto riguarda i filtri sono di tipo standard si possono sostituire con prodotti migliori .

  27. ErmaIeupddbxkc says:


    Produce un’acqua molto buona e pulita ad un prezzo molto conveniente. Non essendo pratico nel montaggio me lo sono fatto installare da un amico. Molto valido.

  28. PasqualeVosper says:


    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersHo montato sotto il lavabo della cucina questo kit in circa due ore prendendomela comoda e facendo tutto a puntino. Se ben alloggiato il tutto prende poco spazio e alla fine funziona a meraviglia. Qualche discrepanza tra le istruzioni (in italiano) ed i pezzi effettivamente inviatemi. Comunque nulla che non si possa superare con un po di manualit. Il video del montaggio cui si fa riferimento nel manuale di istruzioni presente (cercandolo un pochino) solo nel sito .com in inglese e non in quello .it italiano. Segnalo che , non essendo spiegato bene nel manuale, il rubinettino in plastica di bypass va tenuto chiuso altrimenti l’acqua continua a venire mandata nello scarico anzich riempire la tanica. In circa un’ora la tanica deve essere da vuota a piena. Se non accade molto probabilmente avete lasciato aperto tale rubinettino.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am using Water2Buy RO500 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System from long time and found no issues.
    Recently recommened it to my friend who bought it via Amazon.
    Its service is excellent.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersFidandomi delle recensioni sulla bont del sistema offerto, ho deciso di acquistarlo perch intenzionato ad eliminare soprattutto le bottiglie di plastica. Arrivato completo di tutto, installato in meno di 2h tutto perfettamente funzionante, ho fatto analizzare l’acqua e devo dire migliorata. Sono talmente soddisfatto che ne sto ordinando un’altro per una seconda abitazione. Consiglio vivamente il prodotto.

  31. Pizza Reviews says:


    Pienamente soddisfatto ho fatto le solite analisi dell’acqua in linea con altri prodotto molto pi costosi.

  32. JulissaGeorge says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersi’ve been using a instant hot kettle and a water jug for a while which both need filters changing regularly, i got fed up with doing this so i started to look for an alternative solution which brought to me RO systems, now i’m somebody that spends a lot of time researching into products before i make my purchase so having spent most of saturday reading up and searching i decided to purchase this system as it offered very good value for money, Also what drove me to this system is that the filters don’t cost a fortune to replace unlike some of the other companies out there plus they last longer.

    I did call water2buy before hand to ask some questions which they were very helpful in answering.

    Fitting the system was pretty straightforward although i must confess that i have worked in the building game for 30+ years but never the less i feel that most people should find this easy to do, it does look a bit daunting when you unpack it but don’t be put off by that it really isn’t that hard to do, i had the system running in a couple of hours, my best advice is to look ahead at what you need to do and make sure you have all the tools required ready to go.

    I’m very happy with my purchase.


  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Having moved to a very hard water area our kettle furred up within a few weeks, so we needed to do something, the unit arrived on time and was very simple to install, there were some great videos on the web site to follow. Since we purchased the unit we have had crystal clear water and our kettle looks like new and now have great tasting drinking water straight from the tap. Also recently we had to contact Water2Buy regarding our unit and the tank not filling after having to move the unit due to a new kitchen being fitted, the customer service was excellent and the issue was resolved quickly.

  34. Avis9770ecxk says:

     United Kingdom

    We have come to rely on this system as it means we are not wasting money on bottled water which is also terrible for the environment but as we have no choice as to things that are added to our water like fluoride and reminance of other things we wanted to drink the purest water we could as a family. We were without the system due to a error we made on the replacement of the parts and we were given free parts without question and support to get it up and running. Excellent customer service

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Manual is very easy to understand.
    It took just 1-2 hours to install it for just a normal man.
    I would recommend this product for anyone.
    I don’t need to pay extra for a service!

  36. TyroneCorreia says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant kit. Instructions are very straight forward. Just make sure to tighten up the filter bowls as tight as possible. Unit leaked very slightly from seals. Removed kit and lay it flat on the floor. Used the supplied tool. And put as much strength and weight in to tightening the filters. After that. 2 seconds to fit all pipes. Great produc

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We installed this water system about a year ago, and are very happy with it so far. We live in a town so our tap water tendered to taste quite strongly of bleach. With this system the water has constantly tasted good. We had different systems before but replacement filters tended to be too expensive. My husband felt this system was very good value for money and you got a lot of product for the price. Would definitely recommend this product.

  38. MissP says:


    Ottimo prodotto…installato da solo senza problemi,acqua dal gusto leggero e gradevole,spedizione ottima!

  39. Anonymous says:


    Mi sono abituata al nuovo gusto dell’acqua e non posso pi farne a meno. La utilizzo anche per bollire la pasta – la sensazione di una acqua pi leggera

  40. SusannaDunrossi says:

     United Kingdom

    I had this filter nearly 2 years before I installed it. Bought it because I was concerned about the quality of the water in my area. It wasn’t until I got a strong smell and taste of chlorine that I got around to install it. I’d usually drink 4-6litres of water a day depending on exercise volume and time of year, but I felt I could be doing more damage to my health because I could physically smell and taste it (how much does it take to have a strong presence in the water supply?). The filter works great and the taste and smell was completely gone. My only issue was, I knew reverse osmosis would take everything from the water good and bad, certain minerals should be present in your drinking water. I done a quick search and found that Water2buy have the re-mineralisation filters on their site. This adds all the minerals you want back into your water as a 6th phase after all the crap has been removed (I’d highly recommend it). This was the only reason I bought it, but I honestly think the water tastes nicer for some reason. Since I got this I can barely drink a cuppa in my girlfriends house, never mind a glass of water haha. You can really notice the funny tastes off other wate

  41. DamarisParkes says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased this unit mainly for my fish tank which needs RO water I use 20 gallons per day for water changes I installed it a year ago and have never had any problems at all I also discovered how much better the water tasted and use it for all drinking cooking and ice making. I would certainly recommend this filter. Can’t fault i

  42. DemetriaVelasqu says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product. Very easy to install and I’m not a plumber. You can taste the difference straight away when you drink this water versus tap water. Great customer service too when you phone them directly.

  43. Christopher Raymond says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersProdotto semplicemente fantastico, con ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo. L’acqua sembra uscire molto pulita e inodore… Anche il mio idraulico ha testato l’ottima qualit… Depuratore molto silenzioso. Consigliato.

  44. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersSpedizione puntuale e impeccabile come al solito. Ho dovuto comprare dei raccordi, perch quelli in dotazione erano troppo piccoli. Per il resto, anche se con qualche difficolt, visto che non sono del mestiere, sono riuscita a montare tutto da sola. Il filtro ci ha messo un pochino ad entrare a regime, ma adesso funziona a meraviglia. Acqua cristallina e sapore gradevolissimo. Sono super soddisfatta!!!

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple and elegant does what it says. Easy fitted just plug and play! Water filters into expansion tank take about 3 hours to fill water flows from supplied tap very well. Fill your kettle it be back full again when needed! Tank more than big enough for regular usage.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The RO500 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System is built very good, how ever the 4 blue stoppers on mine took a lot of getting out as there should have been blue clips to help remove but was missing. I also think the rubber seal rings should be thicker as 2 of my 3 tubes are leaking a little, That said was easy to fix and instructions was good. the hard part was getting under the sink unit. ! The water now taste better than out of the tap. I get through 8-10 bottles of water a week so it will mean not getting bottles every week. Ok I sent an email to Water2Buy and got an email back 15 mins later asking for my phone number, they rang me the following day, told them what my problem was, 2 days later got a FedEx parcel with new rubber rings. Fantastic after sales.

  47. GlennBidwill says:

     United Kingdom

    Had this fitted for some time now..does the job…would recommend

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI materiale sembra resistente, il kit comprende gi tutto il necessario ed arrivato anche in anticipo.
    Il montaggio non semplicissimo bisogna prestare molta attenzione a connettere i vari filtri.
    Le dimensioni abbastanza compatte si infila facilmente sotto un comune mobile da cucina

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The tap provided isn’t long enough to go through the worktop and be secured properly. After some hasty modifications to the worktop we resolved that issue temporarily. After a few further issues, we contacted the seller direct and they speedily sent a replacement along with a new tap with longer fittings. Can’t fault customer service at all, we’re hoping things will run much more smoothly from here on.

  50. Daniel Matus says:

     United Kingdom

    Good, but instructions a bit vague?
    Easy to install? NO!!!
    Once flow was corrected system is fine!
    Bit complex if u have no plumbing nowlege!

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent product – easy to install (got a plumber to install it). We love the taste of the water and find it much better than jug type filters. Very good value for money. Would definitely recommend.

  52. Paige Lyman says:

     United Kingdom

    Great quality, good water quality, a housing for the filters would finish it off to earn 5 stars.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGood, easily installed product, although hard-to-correct weeping from vertical filter seals (needs better O rings).

    Produces plenty for our small ironing service (steam irons now wear out instead of clogging up !)

  54. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersL’ho installato da solo senza bisogno di acquistare null’altro. Funziona perfettamente. Ho fatto analizzare l’acqua: durezza 0 gradi francesi; conducibilit 550 microS/cm, cio quella di un’acqua olio minerale. Il sapore buono. Il prezzo strabiliante.

  55. John Kim says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttimo prodotto, ho faticato ha piazzarlo perch ho messo un rubinetto unico a tre vie.
    Comunque l’ acqua prodotta mi sembra buona e mi basta.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The water filter itself is easy to install and produces great clean water.

    I would also add that customer service from the supplier is excellent. Due to my own ineptitude I damaged a rubber seal while fitting a filter and a replacement was sent out promptly and at no cost despite it being my fault.

  57. MaryellCoghlan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI keep marine aquaria so I am clued up on the benefits of reverse osmosis
    I decided to fit this unit to my drinking water supply
    I could not believe how good is was t
    The water tastes much better than the premium bottled wate

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This system is far far better than the Brita filter jugs. AND, it REALLY isn’t that difficult to fit either. I think that I’ve done a really good job of fitting.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m so happy about this filters and finally I can drink water from the tap without stomach sick… very easy to installed

  60. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHo comprato questo prodotto dopo tanti raccomandazioni. Devo dirvi che sono stati utilizzati materie prime di ottima qualita’. Rapporto qualita’ prezzo ottimo. Consiglio a tutti.

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHe testeado el agua que sale y es de mejor calidad que la embotellado. La nica pega que cada 4 o 5 meses los filtros se desgasta

  62. BlythePonytailParades says:


    Produit de grande qualit. Livraison rapide. Notice de montage claire et installation relativement facile. Eau trs agrable boire. Excellent rapport qualit prix.

  63. AudreaJnbb says:


    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersOttimo prodotto, arrivato nei tempi previsti. Istallazione semplice e abbastanza veloce! L’unico appunto che devo fare in merito ai tubi in dotazione, ne viene fornito uno unico da tagliare, ma in base al posto in cui deve essere istallato tutto il kit puo risultare corto. Io ho dovuto aggiungere un tubicino che fortunatamente avevo in casa. Mi sono venute anche a mancare delle clip per il fissaggio dei tubi ai vari connettori. Ma in ogni caso sono dettagli di poco valore ! Il prodotto ha dei buoni materiali di costruzione e risulta essere piuttosto solido. Nell’insieme lo consiglio perch davvero molto comodo e di qualit.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good product, brilliant people to work with, any problem I had they helped me to solve it no bother.

  65. Byron Hurd says:

     United Kingdom

    We are pleased with this, the water / tea / coffee does taste noticably better than before. We bought this in the summer after we moved to the current house, we live in Kent one of the hardest water area in the country. The installation took DH an afternoon, we are happy with the end result.

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCa fait quelques mois que j’ai achet ce produit mais je ne voulais pas laisser un commentaire avant de l’avoir mont.
    J’ai command ce filtre et apparement ils ne l’avaient plus en stock, ils m’ont tout de suite contact pour me demander d’attendre quelques jours ce qui ne me drangeait pas du tout puisque je n’allais pas le monter tout de suite. En guise de compensation ils m’ont offert des filtres de rechange, et comme ca allait leur prendre du temps de recevoir ce modle il m’ont envoy le modle au dessus pour le meme pris, la livraison s’est finalement faite rapidement, ils ont t trs ractifs et gnreux, ils m’ont meme envoy des bonbons par couriers, les mails taient personnels et trs attentionns… Je viens de le monter, c’tait un peu compliqu il faut quelqu’un qui sait bricoler. Je viens d’acheter le meme pour mon pre au Maroc et il me dit qu’il va faire tester l’eau dans son laboratoire pour voir ce que ca vaut…

  67. IleneKnotts says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought and installed the system using the supplied manual and also referring to the youtube videos, which were both very straightforward and intuitive to follow. I also bought a TDS meter to monitor the effectiveness of the RO water compared with my regular water from the tap and was delighted to see a significant reduction in the number of total dissolvable solids in the RO water, once I had filled and drained the tank a couple of times. Not surprisingly, it’s also leaving appreciably fewer mineral deposits in my water distiller, resulting in easier cleaning of the distiller. Very happy indeed and thoroughly recommended.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis a water filtering system that we bought for our office. Hints for the new buyers: Ask for rubber lubricate silicons that normally does not come in the package and causes water coming out of filter houses. So in order to avoid this annoying process – keep trying filters on and off – , apply that lubricate silicon to rubber seals before installing the filters that will stop the water spillages out of filter housings. Also do not turn on the water supply fully on, as the system processes water much slower than incoming water. If you do fully turn it on, it will make a weird noise.. Good Luck..

  69. LeiaVillegas says:

     United Kingdom

    What a delight – to have clear pure water instead of loads of ghastly limescale. We no longer have to buy bottled water – saving us loads! So easy to fit and use. We are so glad we bought it!

  70. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDa quando abbiamo provato l’ottima acqua prodotta da questo sistema di filtrazione osmotica, abbiamo difficolt a bere altra acqua! GRAZIE!

  71. Anonymous says:


    juste parfait
    conforme a la description mise en place bien expliquer sur la notice
    j’ai aussi acheter Set De Filtre De Rechange Complete Pour Systme d’Osmose Inverse

  72. ZVJHuldacxa says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersottimo prodotto, facile installazione e manuale anche in lingua italiana. Il montaggio non prevede attrezzature particolari. Risultato ottimo, notevole diminuzione della durezza dell’acqua dal gusto fine.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to install even if you have no knowledge of plumbing , love this RO System , no more limescale kettles.

  74. PearlGladney says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersbrought two months ago and I’m over the moon with it .i am a plumber by trade so had no problem installing and i recommend this product .

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Simply amazing. My water now tastes so pure and fresh. I also no longer have to spend stupid money on bottled water. Really worth spending the money to have quality water on tap.
    Was also easy to install coming from someone who has no plumbing experience.

    Absolutely love it and would recommend to everyone!

  76. Rudolph4755 says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEasy to install.
    Il faut serrer trs fort les joints.
    Rapport qualit/prix top
    Quelle qualit de service .. le top
    tellement rare sur produits Fr.
    Suivi excellent.
    I strongly recommand

  77. [email protected] Aimee says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Usersottimo prodotto .
    soddisfa pienamente le esigenze famigliari .
    qualit e prezzo ottimi.
    consiglio questo prodotto perch ne vale la pena.

  78. John Kim says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI selected this kit to replace an old water filter and to also provide a source of RO water for my tropical fish. The kit was well packed and the installation was straight forward following the instructions provided. The kit required a lot more space under the sink than my old filter but easily fitted.

  79. JudyFonseca says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersThe water in our area is incredibly hard and we used to have to de-scale our kettle every 6 weeks or so and even then we were left with a heavy scum on top of the water when we made hot drinks. standard water filters were tried and they simply did not stand up to the task. I therefore thought i would try one of these. Although i was a little skeptical when I first ordered it, I was amazed at the difference the system makes. I tested the water before hand and found our water to be 480ppm. After filtration through this machine it reduced to 60ppm and is great to drink.

    I knew our water was bad before i installed this but hadn’t appreciated how bad it actually was until afterwards.

    I did notice that the ratio of waste water to filtered water produced began to rise after a while which was an indication that the filters were becoming clogged and therefore I got a new set. I had to change them quicker than the recommended schedule but that is due to the amount of rubbish in our water. Take a look at the attached photo. it shows one of the 5 filters which i have replaced. The filter is white when you put them in. The debris on it when I took it out was disgusting. It is somewhat reassuring to know that i haven’t consumed all of that!

    Instillation is quite straight forward too and it comes with full instructions.

    We haven’t bought any bottled water since.

    well worth i

  80. Staff writer says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI bought this water filter in summer last year and it was pretty easy to install though I’m pretty handy at diy but if you’re not it should still be easy enough.

    I did change the output to a reassuringly expensive three way filter tap instead of the fountain tap that comes with it, but this was for astetics not function. That required a few connection differences but it all works a treat.

    Water is clean and tastes better than the tap water in my area (North Wiltshire) to the point where the wife no longer buys bottled water (the biggest environmental disaster of the time in my opinion). So for me that’s a huge win!

    I just have to solve my limescale problem now, not so easy as the water is very hard where I live.

    I’d recommend that filter for sure and it takes up much less room than you’d expect. All my components are at the back of a corner kitchen cupboard with room to spare.

    Happy shopping!

  81. Gemma28Krchax says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersExcellent product. Easy to install with very clear instructions. Purifies the water as advertised. Easy to change the filters. I use the purified water for cooking and for drinking and I am happy with the water quality. The seller despatched the product for next day free delivery and the seller even phoned me to ensure that i am happy with the product. Excellent product from an excellent seller. Furthermore, the price is approx 3 times cheaper than from other sellers for the same quality. It is a must buy for any family that wants pure water from tap.

  82. Robyn says:


    Osmoseur avec reserve kit complet parfait juste une difficult c’est qu’il faut serrer trs fort les filtres pour ne plus qu’ils fuie

  83. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersj’ai eu quelque petits problme d’tencht avec les filtres;
    maintenant le fonctionnement est correcte.
    je pense qu’il durera plus longtemps que l’ancien ,qui a clat , ce n’tait pas un Water2buy.
    Cela fait plus d’un mois qu’il est en fonction et le rsultat est trs bon.

  84. CamilleUQD says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersProduit conforme la description.
    Dommage en revanche qu’il n’y ait pas de testeur de nitrate fourni avec le produit.

  85. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt was very easy to assemble the faucet adapter fits perfectly, instructions were very clear (you have youtube videos too:) ).
    I’m very satisfied.

  86. WilfredMize says:



  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought product in November 2015 as I wanted a water filtration system that filtered out fluoride, chlorine and other contaminants from my household drinking water. Unit arrived quickly and was exactly as advertised. All part needed for set-up, straight forward instructions and a great buy. Makes a huge difference having properly filtered water, Have recommended this product many times already.

  88. Scott Learn The Oregonian says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI’m really happy with everything about this product. It was very easy to install, everything is labelled and they give you adaptors to connect up to the mains water and waste. It couldn’t be easier, you don’t need a plumber, just a spanner and screwdriver.
    It doesn’t take up too much space under the sink. I still have room for my cleaning products and dish washer tablets!
    After service is very good, when I rang to say I have a very thick countertop so the tap doesn’t fit they sent me a new different type free of charge.
    I now enjoy clean pure water with no taste of chlorine, which we use for drinking and cooking.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersI came to the south of UK from a soft water area and I could not get used to the taste of tea and coffee brewed in a hard water. Not to mention a limescale in my kettle and disgusting tea film and scum in my cups. Over the couple of years I used different workarounds: buying a bottled water, which was expensive and inconvenient; BRITA filters, that was working properly only for one week after changing a filter. I was looking for some permanent solution and found some information about domestic RO systems. 1 year maintenance free system providing virtually unlimited supply of soft drinking water was a very tempting promise so I decided to give it a go.

    I have chosen RO500 unit for few reasons:
    1. I wanted a passive system with no motors and pumps as my mains pressure is 4-5 bars
    2. The water tank had to be small enough to fit into my already busy undersink space.
    3. The main block of filters had be flat enough to fit horizontally under my kitchen cabinet (14 cm as far as I remember). The block could not be squeezed into undersink space and I wanted to use otherwise unused space.
    4. All in one package that includes everything.

    The box has arrived very quickly and I installed it couple of days later. The installation was very easy (I’m an experienced DIYer) and took about 3 hours mainly because I wanted to fit a separate tap connector and a pressure gauge, which was not required. I also installed it in an unusual way having main filter block installed 2 meters away from a sink and a tank.

    I have been using the system for almost 3 months now without a single flaw. The tea and coffee taste wonderful, there is no more dirty teacups and my kettle is still the cleanest kettle in the south of UK.

    I have found only one of con:
    – the tubing was not color coded as in many other RO systems

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome water filter, works very well, no too bad to install by yourself and if you have any questions about the installation their customer support is amazing.
    Happy to drink tasty and healthy water 🙂

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersEasy to install for the uninitiated, water tastes great, looks tidy under sink. Very happy and would recommend almost without reservatio

    Easy install, water tastes good

  92. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersProduit conforme la description. Notice de montage claire et dtaille. Rapport qualit prix maximum.SAV trs ractif: rponse une question trs rapide et efficace.

  93. VirgilioEae says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMerci!

    Bon produit,conforme la description avec un trs bon rapport qualit prix.
    L’ensemble est fourni avec un kit de montage complet.

  94. AstridGass says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThe item arrived and was a bit confusing, so a call to the supplier was made, and they were incredibly accommodating, kind and clearly care for their business and customers. I am delighted, and have great confidence in them for buying again.

  95. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersContrairement a d autres Kit celui ci est complet et comprends tout les embouts necessaires pour une installation immediate sur la quasi totalite des types de conduits. Le produit repond pleinement aux attentes. Vendeur tres reactif, livre moins d une semaine apres la commande.

  96. LonnyA23ttf says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, efficient and easy to install.
    It was delivered fast and on time in great condition. I highly recommend it.

  97. AlineLindon says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought one of these 7 months ago for my new kitchen. I took me a couple of months to get round to installing it. The unit was delivered promptly and everything I needed was included. The installation was easy although I have used a similar product many years ago so had a good idea of the layout. Nice simply foset which sits unobtrusively at the side. It’s been in daily use for around 4 months now with no leeks or drips or sign of weakness. Excellent product !

  98. KarissaX93 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy kettle is as clean as the day i bought it. My tea is clear and the water tastes great. If you get one of these you will suddenly realise how bad your water was before. Easy to install although I am a plumber.

  99. CarissaMoss says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have really enjoyed this product. With on line video guide and easy to fix material, even I had no problem in setting up the system. Since now I am enjoying a very quality of water. This product has saved me carrying tons of packed waters every week.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis product was very easy to set up,even for someone with no plumbing knowledge,like me. Great service, super fast delivery, top quality product. Cant recommend highly enough,very pleased.