YOUSUNLONG Filleting Knives 10 inch Sashimi Knives Japanese VG10 Hammered Damascus Steel Natural Walnut Wooden Handle with Leather Sheath

Weight: | 580 g |
Dimensions: | 39 x 3.4 x 3 cm; 580 Grams |
Model: | SL-DK10211W |
Colour: | Hammered Damascus Steel Blade,natural Walnut Wooden Handle |
Colour: | Hammered Damascus Steel Blade,natural Walnut Wooden Handle |
This knife came out of the box extremely sharp. Let’s get to the point, is it worth buying. It’s very comfortable to hold in a pinch grip, which is my preferred way to cut, and after few hours of work my hand isn’t tired. The liquid metal design on the side helps some with the food sticking to the blade, but not by much. My knife went easily through carrots and glided through onions and I was even able to cut the peel off a tomato. The knife is a bit handle heavy, which I prefer and it fits firmly in the palm of your hand without any slipperiness.
I really love a nice kitchen knife and upon receiving this I was not at all disappointed.
The knife came in a nice presentation box with a good level of protection. Its edge and tip were protected by a plastic sleeve and tip sheath ensuring it wouldn’t be damaged in transit.
The knife had a beautiful pattern along the blade with a stunning chunky ebony handle.
It was well balanced and lightweight with a really fine edge, making it perfect for carving and slicing.
To store, the knife came with a leather sheath that secured in place with a popper button. This is great at is allows you to store it in your drawer without denting, chipping or blunting the blade.
It is a fantastic knife and I highly recommend it. It is a huge upgrade on your general bog standard chopping set.
Overall, it’s a good product – VERY sharp, stylish and well-balanced, but the maple handle feels a little light, and I have an overall sense it’s not as good as my other Damascus steel knives. It’s hard to define other than it doesn’t feel as sure in the hand. I used to be a professional chef, and you want a knife that fits well in your hand as that’s where all your knife control comes from. The carving knife comes complete with a leather scabbard which is effective at protecting the blade, but it has a pointless popper clip on it that does nothing to secure the blade in the scabbard – it felt a little like the scabbard had been designed for a different blade, perhaps – but it serves its purpose, so I won’t mark it down for that.
The two common tests for a knife’s sharpness are slicing a piece of paper edge-on and thinly slicing a tomato with little or no pressure, and I can confirm that it aced both those tests.
In summary, this is an extremely sharp knife, but I don’t love the way it sits in my hand, and I’m not confident it will give me years of service. Time will tell. If I were asked to score this out of 10, I would say it was an 8/10 knife, so I don’t think many domestic chefs would be disappointed by this knife.
On dirait au premier abord un couteau de chasse.
Il est assez impressionnant.
Bien prsent avec son tui en cuir.
Le style japonais est bien prsent.
Le tranchant est l, la prise en main aussi.
Il ne faudra pas laisser ce couteau porte des enfants ou des personnes maladroites.
This knife looks absolutely stunning!
Firstly it arrives in a lovely presentation box with a leather holster.
The knife was surprisingly light but is very comfortable to hold, the wooden handle both looks and feels great.
The blade has a hammered and Damascus steel appearance, I’m not expert in knives or metallurgy but it feels razor sharp to me.
It cuts tomatoes brilliantly, not squishing even soft fruit at all. It glides through raw steak effortlessly and I’ve even used it to fillet a salmon (a more flexible knife would be better for this).
After a couple of weeks use, its retained its sharp edge really well, but only longer term usage will highlight if it truly is high quality stainless steel or not.
The only reason I’ve knocked a star off is the price, I’m not sure I’d be happy paying the asking price for this knife but I can’t knock its performance at all.
It would make a fantastic gift for a budding cook or chef.
I hope you find my review helpful.
My husband got me this as a gift and I absolutely love it has been a fantastic addition into my motor home. The blade is very sharp and I love the feel of the handle. It comes in a lovely case.
This knife comes really well presented in a smart box and includes a leather cover and polishing cloth. Right out of the box it is razor sharp – literally razor sharp! It is by far the sharpest knife I have ever owned. It is comfortable to hold and very well balanced. I have tried cutting meat, fish, fruit and loads of other stuff and it sails through whatever I put beneath it. Very very impressive.
It is quite hard to say for certain if this is true Damascus steel as I have had quite a few fakes but from what I can tell this certainly seems to be genuine Damascus from close inspection of the blade. The handle is covered in real wood so overall it oozes quality. The only slight downside for me is the very prominent logo etched on the blade – it is even more prominent than the pictures shown and really quite spoils the look of the blade.
The elephant in the room has to be the price. This is currently selling for just under 90 and whilst it is no doubt a decent knife I think that this is too much. I would happily pay around 50 for this knife.
This knife is packaged well and comes with a basic sheath to protect the blade when its not in use.
The handle is rounded and very smooth, its comfortable to handle but could be better and the blades transition to the handle is also very cleanly done.
There is a Damascus steel look to the blade but its not as striking as the one pictured and seems dull in comparison
Im not a big fan of the sheath design as the blade is free to move but it does an okay job.
Overall its a nice knife for someone that enjoys the fancy looking designs and it comes pre-sharpened, ready to use, not as sharp as some that ive used but is still very sharp and will get you through the majority of tasks in the kitchen with ease.
Pricing does seem to be a bit on the high end; ive had others that have been half this price and can match the same standard in performance.
The YOUSUNLONG 8 inch Slicing Knife arrived in a stylish black box with subtle branding on, the lid lifts off smoothly to reveal the beautifully crafted blade inside, also included was a cleaning cloth and leather sheath.
As I removed the knife to check it over I firstly noticed the Damascus hammered blade, it is eye catching and beautifully made, the steel layers and hammered top edge add so much quality and character, the handle is made from natural walnut and the bolster and tang finish it off nicely with red banding.
The knife feels comfortable to hold and it is well balanced, prepping food using this knife is very enjoyable for me, this is my go to knife at the moment and it makes me feel like a professional! The comfort and the blade sharpness along with its cutting angle makes this a pleasure to use.
Overall, a stunning blade using a 67 layer Damascus technique, there are 33 layers either side of a stainless steel VG-10 core that is sharpened beautifully, the hammered effect adds character, the handle has a lovely colour and grain that finishes the knife off perfectly, very sharp and cuts effortlessly whilst being comfortable to use for long periods at a time, I would happily purchase other variants and proudly display them on my magnetic knife stand in the kitchen, thank you.
The knife arrives in a very handsome black branded heavy card box. It would make an excellent gift. Inside, the bagged knife and leather sheath sit in a moulded box insert, with branded tags.
The brown leather sheath is OK. It’s attractive and presentable, but perhaps isn’t the best quality leatherwork I’ve seen. It’s perfectly fine for the job though.
The knife itself on the other hand looks the business. I’m not an expert on chefs knives and am more at home with whittling and carving knives, so I have no experience of other kitchen knives of this quality to compare. The hammered finish and, below it, the Demascus patternation are very well presented on my knife. The blade looks well finished and, while not quite as sharp as my wood carving knives, the blade is sharper than any other kitchen knife in the house. It could certainly be honed into perfection. It slices steak and seafood easily, even if I don’t posess mush finesse!
The walnut handle is cleanly finished and should last well, particularly if oiled periodically. The red banding and silver cap set everything off nicely. It’s a lovely thing and a bit of a talking point in the kitchen.
Ce couteau est rang dans un beau coffret rigide qui le protge parfaitement.
C’est un trs beau couteau aux finitions soignes permettant une excellente coupe.
Il est trs joli regarder, mais ce n’est pas un traditionnel couteau japonnais
Le manche est en bois et on en a une bonne prise en mains.
La lame est bien ouvrage et trs belle , il n’y a pas de rivets sur le manche.
Une pochette de rangement permet de le ranger sans risque de se blesser dans un tiroir.
Sans hsitation un couteau qui coupe trs bie
The beautifully patterned, razor-sharp, 8 inch blade is made from 67 layers of Damascus steel and attached to a stunning walnut handle. It looks good enough to be on display as opposed to using, but when it use, it fits perfectly to the hand and has a wonderful weight and balance to it,.
The leather sheath to store and protect it is of similar quality.
Quite expensive but absolutely worth it.
Thanks for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.
Japanese Carving Knife
I will be the first to admit, I’m no expert on these types of items, and more of a ‘convienient luxury’ item rather than one of ‘necessity’.
So it’s fair to say, this is not your bog standard knife you would find in a multi-block at the supermarket.
It is definately more superior, visually and practically.
Stainless steel 8 inch blade designed for professional use.
Would make an ideal gift for someone who is passionate about catering, either for personal or commercial use.
This carving knife comes beautifully packaged and presented making it ideal for gifting. The knife itself is lovely quality, the handle is smooth to hold, the blade is very sharp and easily slices through meat and fish. The leather pouch makes it safe to carry to and from work.
My partner is very impressed with this so happy to recommend.
YOUSUNLONG Couteaux dcouper 8 pouces Couteaux trancher Japonais VG10 Martel Damas Acier Noyer Naturel Manche en bois avec tui en cuir
Belle prsentation / protection dans un coffret cartonn sobre et solide
1 couteau Japonais
1 tui protge lame en cuir
Je suis un parfait novice en couteaux, et encore plus en couteaux Japonais
Ceci dit, je me suis quand meme renseign sur le Net suite cette commande…;D
Il ne s’agit pas ici d’un couteau Japonais ‘authentique’, cad, fabriqu au Japon, avec de l’acier Japonais, par des maitres de l’art…etc…etc
Il s’agit d’un couteau fabriqu en srie (plus ou moins grande), probablement en Chine (pas de Made in…), avec de l’acier Chinois…etc…etc
Ca n’en fait pas un mauvais couteau, mais ce n’est pas un Japonais ‘authentique’…
C’est un couteau ‘style’ Japonais, nuance…
Le couteau prsente carrment bien
Il est grand, 34cm
Lame de 20x3x0.2cm
Poids, 184g
Manche rond, en bois (noyer)
Tient bien en main, couteau assez bien quilibr
Tient droit sur son extrmit
En ce qui concerne le VG-10, le damassage, les 67 couches…etc…etc, je reste ‘circonspect’
Pas que ce soit faux, mais ce ne sont pas vraiment des ‘noms dposs’, donc bon…
Ceci dit, la lame est vraiment ‘style’ et inspire tout de mme confiance
Forme de lame ‘passe partout / pour tout’ pour un non initi
Tranchant symtrique
Coupe vraiment bien ( voir dans le temps videmment)
Test sur lgumes, fruits, viande, pain, papier…ca tranche svre
Probablement pas en machine (manche en bois)
Perso, c’est eau et essuyage rapide pour viter toute apparition de rouille
Le couteau me semble trs correct, mais je pense que l’on paye surtout le ‘style’ Japonais
Esthtique, assez qualitatif, bien tranchant, mais c’est un ‘style’ japonais, pas un ‘authentique’
Fera parfaitement l’affaire pour un novice (comme moi…)
Peut aller pour un cadeau
Im Lieferumfang ist das Messer, welches in einer ansprechenden Verpackung geliefert wird. So ist dieses Messer auch als Geschenk geeignet.
Die Schneide ist scharf geschiffen und trotzdem ausreichend flexibel, sodass man gut Fleisch und Gemse damit schneiden kann. Bei meinem ersten Schneideversuch hatte ich das Gefhl, dass die Klinge ruhig etwas krzer sein knnte. Dieser Eindruck verschwand, als ich eine groen Kohlkopf schneiden wollte. Dies ging sehr gut. Vielleicht werde ich mir aber trotzdem noch eine kleinere Variante anschaffen, wenn ich zum Beispiel nur eine Scharlotte schneiden mchte.
Der Griff besteht aus Walnussholz, welches ansprechend aussieht und auch stabil in der Hand liegt. Damit wird dem Messer ein klassisches Aussehen verliehen. Beim Einsatz in der Kche konnte ich feststellen, dass das Messer wirklich gut schneidet und auch gut in der Hand liegen. Ohne viel Druck bzw. Anstrengung konnte ich alle Arbeiten erledigen.
Ich sple das Messer nach dem Gebrauch nur mit heiem Wasser und Splmittel, da Messer in der Splmaschine leiden und stumpf werden. Durch den Griff sollte man dieses Schneidewerkzeug auch nicht lange im Wasser liegen lassen, da es sonst Schaden nehmen knnte.
Fr mich ist dieses Messer eine Bereicherung in meiner Kche und ich freue mich, ein solch hochwertiges Produkt testen zu knnen.
ich mache zu Hause fter Sushi selbst, und wer das auch tut wei das man zum Schneiden der Rollen ein wirklich scharfes Messer braucht.
Gestern Abend habe ich es getestet. Geliefert wird es in einer schwarzen Box ohne viel Schnickschnack- gut so- und es liegt eine Scheide aus Leder bei zum Schutz der Klinge.
Der Griff besteht aus Walnussholz, liegt gut in der Hand, ergonomisch, und fr mich hat es ein angenehmes Gewicht.
Das Schneiden der Sushi-Rollen – ein Traum. Die Klinge gleitet wie durch Butter durch die Rollen, sehr sauber. Da macht die Zubereitung gleich doppelte Freude!
Ich hoffe, das das Messer noch lange seinen Dienst verrichten kann! Preislich absolut im Rahmen.
Titel: Hochwertig – Ergonomisch – Stylisch – Scharf – Geschenkidee – Filetiermesser
Das YOUSUNLONG Filetiermesser 25,4cm Sashimi Messer – Japanischer gehmmertem Damaststahl ist in eine mittleren und schnen Verpackung geliefert und gut gepolstert verpackt. Die Verpackung ist so schn aus, so dass man es so wie es ist auch als Geschenk machen kann. Das Kchenmesser ist sehr gut verarbeitet und hochwertig. Die Klinge ist vor allem sehr scharf geschliffen und es fhlt sich nicht all zu schwer beim Schneiden an. Es ist auf jeden Fall preiswert fr so eine hochwertiges Schinkenmesser und fr alle mglichen Zwecke nutzbar. Ich bin zufrieden damit.
Das Filetiermesser ist sehr hochwertig und fr den aktuellen Preis 129,92 etwas hochgesetzt, dafr bekommt man auch ein sehr scharfes Messer. Ich bin zufrieden damit und vergebe es 4 Sterne fr die Qualitt.
Das YOUSUNLONG Filetiermesser 25,4cm Sashimi Messer – Japanischer gehmmertem Damaststahl – natrlichem Walnussholz mit Lederscheide (Schinkenmesser 10 zoll) ist gut verarbeitet wie man es in dieser Preisklasse auch erwarten darf.
Die Schrfe ist gut auch wenn ein leichter Grat noch vorhanden war den ich mit dem Diamantabzieher aber leicht entfernen konnte.
Das Messer liegt gut in der Hand und fhrt sich auch gut. Reinigen natrlich nur von Hand mit warmem Wasser, niemals in der Splmaschine wg. des Holzgriffes und der Schrfe der Schneide.
Der Preis ist ziemlich sportlich, hier sollte man sich genau umsehen was der Markt so anbietet.
Fazit: von mir volle 4 Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung fr dieses Messer.
I’ve had this knife for a little while.. So far I’m pleased. It’s done it’s job at a fast pace sushi restaurant.
Ordered as a 5 year anniversary gift (wood). It’s beautiful and to be honest a sexy ass knife. Incredibly sharp. I do wish the leather case was better quality. The box it comes in is a really good box.