Zip Us In Maternity Jacket Expander Panel – Coat Extender to Expand Your own Jacket Through Pregnancy and for Babywearing with a Carrie

Model: | Maternity Jacket Expander |
Manufacture: | ZipUsIn |
Department: | Women’s |
Department: | Women’s |
Model: | Maternity Jacket Expander |
Manufacture: | ZipUsIn |
Department: | Women’s |
Department: | Women’s |
Die Lnge passt perfekt. Einziges Manko: meine Jacke ist tief schwarz und die Erweiterung geht eher ins braune. Kann ich trotzdem nur empfehlen.
I live in Wisconsin and have to be outside for my job nearly everyday for 30+ minutes. I cannot begin to explain how great this was! It beats the unnecessary spending with a maternity coat that won’t keep you warm. I used it with my just under the butt length Columbia. It was a huge life saver. I also used it postpartum when I was loosing the baby weight. I recommended it to a few other mommas. Just look at the spacing between the teeth in the zipper to figure out which works for you.
I was determined not to spend money on a winter maternity jacket but when your due in Feb in MN you need something. This was the perfect solution and I was still able to use my trusty knee length Columbia jacket. You need to be sure you get the right zipper type and the right length or you’ll be disappointed. My jacket was a few inches longer but when I zipped it from the bottom up you couldn’t even tell. The top is kind of cowel neck but awesome it expands to wear a carrier underneath and not be too snug. Got this in early December and still wearing it! 1000% recommend!!
Super pratique pour le portage ventral en charpe. Beaucoup moins cher qu’un manteau de portage, et de trs bonne qualit. S’installe et s’enlve trs facilement, rglages faciles.
Attention, ne convient pas au portage de ct, (ni au dos bien sr, mais a va de soit).
Lo he llevado todo el embarazo y hasta el ao y medio en porteo.
This is one of the best purchases I’ve made during pregnancy! It’s nice and warm for winter and I will still get a lot of use out of it wearing a carrier under it since there’s room to expand and fit a baby and carrier under it.
I am expecting in June but we are going away in April so needed to get a coat to fit over Bump.
I have a longer body and arms so finding coats is always tricky to make sure they actually do their job. After looking around, it was clear I wouldn’t be able to get a decent waterproof for a reasonable price for only a year of wear. Cue looking for extension panels so I can wear my own coat.
This arrived super quick and was very easy to attach to my existing waterproof coat. The zip is a little stiff at first, but after a few uses it got a lot easier to use. The panel is high quality and reversible so will go on mens and womens coats with ease – make sure you measure your zip and check the teeth size first though.
The finish is very similar on both sides, with the drawstring toggle only on one side. The drawstring means you can tighten it to fit over your own bump. It was comfortable and gives loads of room for bump and a carrier in future.
Being able to move this between mine and my partners coat later on is absolutely brilliant, and will mean we can take baby walking without the hassle of getting a pram over uneven ground!
This saved us a ton of money this winter by letting my wife use her current coats while pregnant as opposed to buying a new coat for such a short period of time.
utilissimo come accessorio.
Peccato abbia dovuto provarlo su molti miei giubbini prima di trovarne uno compatibile.
Indossato ottimale per le passeggiate in fascia con clima freddo.
Gnial comme invention, convient parfaitement pour mon manteau, je vais pouvoir tre bien au chaud la Montagne.
It fits two of my coats as hoped. The video description helped. Was going to buy the fleece liner to go with it but it’s quite thick by itself.
This is brilliant. Fits my North Face waterproof coat superbly. Save money as I didn’t have to buy a whole new maternity coat, I could use my existing one. Really helpful company too with get the exact one I needed to fit my coat. I very highly recommend this product and company.
I got the longest option, and while it doesn’t fit the full length of my parka, it is only off by a few inches. This product gives me plenty of room to grow, and eventually protect a little one (next winter). Love that there is an option to tighten the extension for a better fit while I don’t fill it out.
Highly recommend!
Ich habe mir den 80cm Universal-Zip gekauft, damit ich keine neue Winterjacke kaufen muss. Da ich einen dickenWellensteyn Mantel habe, wollte ich nicht darauf verzichten. Der Zipper ist sehr knifflig einzufhren und bentigt viel Kraft und das beigelegte Spreizwerkzeug. Bei billigen Jacken htte der Reiverschluss das Anbringen nicht berstanden. Nach einer guten Stunde war der Zipper angebracht und sitzt gut. Er wrde fr wirklich riesige Buche reichen. Ich bin trotz der Fummelei sehr zufrieden und empfehle geschickten Kunden mit teuren Jacken diese Jackenerweiterung!
I already had the chunky zip one and used that throughout pregnancy and then while my baby is in the sling. I bought another with a coil zip for my warmer winter coat. Super easy to fit, and such a good idea. One of my best maternity buys as this has saved me forking out on maternity coats
Ottimo per chi ha un po’ di pancia e non vuole comprare nuovi giubbotti, oppure per le donne in gravidanza. State attenti alla misura della cerniera, controllate sempre prima di comprare perch non vanno su tutti i giubbotti. Leggere la misura dietro il cursore della zip. Ottima fattura e reversibile
Vrifier bien votre fermeture avant de commander. Moi, je me suis tromp mais pas de difficult pour changer.
Super produit! M’a bien rendu service pendant la grossesse et les premiers mois de bb en portage. Il sert maintenant ma sur !
Worth every penny, it works and can be used with most coats, conformable and easy to use, good material and very well made.
J’ai pris le modle single zip. J’ai dj galr avec la livraison (merci colis Priv…) Mais bon je l’ai enfin eu, quasiment une semaine plus tard.
Le zip s’attache trs bien avec mon manteau (veste Queshua Decathlon, taille M). Ce qui m’a vraiment surpris, c’est les cordages ajustables qui sont l’intrieur… Si je veux retourner l’extension pour qu’ils soient dans le bon sens, les deux fermetures clair taient du mme ct donc a n’allais pas. Je trouvais a vraiment dommage, avant de me rendre compte qu’en fait il y a un trou sous chaque cordon : vous pouvez ainsi le faire passer dedans pour qu’il soit dans le bon sens (voir vido). La fermeture clair quant elle est prvue pour s’utiliser des deux cts, ce qui en fait donc une extension universelle. N’tant qu’ 6 mois de grossesse, j’ai serrs les cordons au maximum et mis le surplus de cordon dans le trou, l’intrieur (pratique ^^).
Rel petit dfaut, mon manteau normalement couvre le cou. L’extension n’est pas prvu pour aller aussi haut et donc j’ai un surplus de mon manteau en haut. N’ayant pas de boutons pressions sur mon manteau, il faudra donc porter une charpe en plus. L’extension n’est pas trs chaude je l’avoue, mais a permet dj de fermer son manteau, et il faut juste penser se couvrir en dessous. Nanmoins pas mal du tout ! Je vais donc la garder.
J’espre que la vido en aidera certains !
This is a great item and I’m very pleased to be able to wear my favourite coats still. The only things that I have to fault this product are that the holes aren’t big enough to pull the toggles through to the other side, and the poppers for baby wearing aren’t great when you’re not baby wearing. I’d have rather have had another elastic which would spread the spare fabric evenly rather than leaving a flap in my face.
Maternity/ baby carrying jackets are ridiculously priced and bought this thinking it was a good alternative as it could be used with any coat or transferred to my husbands jacket. It took quite a while to fit the universal panels to my coat and it is not recommended in the instructions to move from coat to coat too many times as it would reduce their effectiveness. That aside if you are buying for one coat and planning on leaving them on it it is a good alternative to a maternity coat.
It took us two orders to get the size right but everything worked at the end (better to get the bigger size to make sure you can close the jacket entirely even if there is some left over). It matches with three of our jackets. We could use it during pregnancy and during the first months of our baby together with a baby carrie
When I first got this product I thought there’d been an error, as the zip seemed to be on the wrong side. But then I noticed that it can be used either way round as the toggles on the elastic adjusters can be pushed through the product, making it reversible. This is great as it means it can also be used on my partners coat once baby is here so he can do his share of carrying!
The product seems great, but the wedge tool is missing which makes it difficult to fit to my jacket.
EDIT: I contacted their great customer services who sent me the little wedge tool straight away! Thank you 🙂
I wasn’t sure which panel would fit my jacket, so I sent photos of my zip to “zip us in” and received a reply within a couple of hours, ordered, 5 off voucher, arrived the next day, just zips onto my jacket perfectly! No need to fork out for an expensive maternity coat, I’ll be warm and dry all winter!
J’ai bien suivi les instructions pour savoir quel modle commander. a fonctionne parfaitement. Le tissus n’est pas pais mais il coupe bien du vent. Pas besoin d’acheter un manteau spcial grossesse grce a ce produit.
Super comoda. Allungo la mia giacca sportiva per farci stare sotto d’ inverso il mio bimbo nella fascia.
Anti vento, tiene bene anche una pioggia leggera.
Ich bin begeistert! Ich verstehe nicht, was manche fr Probleme beim Einsetzen haben, bei mir hat der Einsatz auf Anhieb gepasst. Die Beschreibung zum Finden des passenden Einsatzes zum bereits vorhandenen Reiverschluss war fr mich leicht verstndlich und so konnte ich problemlos mein passendes Stck auswhlen. Die Lnge orientiert sich an der Lnge der Jacke.
Der Einsatz selbst ist durch Gummizge und Druckknpfe im Umfang verstellbar und dadurch lange nutzbar, sowohl in der Schwangerschaft als auch in der Tragezeit danach, so dass auch der Preis in Ordnung ist. Mein Bauch ist aktuell schon sehr gro und ich habe immer noch genug Potential zum vergrern, regulr trage ich 40/42, und fr mein Empfinden geht da auch noch echt gut was fr grere Gren und Umfnge.
Von mir absolute Empfehlung!
This is a fantastic product and I have recommended it so many times to friends and family 🙂
Bought this expander panel as a present for my friend who goes on many walks through the New Forest. She absolutely loves it! She said it’s so easy to get her coat on and off without having to keep taking the sling off. It helps keep her baby out of the wind especially when walking by the coast. A brilliant invention!
Really good product. I bought this to use during pregnancy as my belly was getting bigger and I didn’t want to buy a bigger jacket just for a short period. Also I like the fact that it can be used when the baby is here when carrying it outdoors. Initially I got the wrong panel which was my mistake – pressed the wrong button when ordering, so just make sure you order the right one! I returned it without a problem and ordered the correct panel. I currently use it with two jackets and it’s great. I can breath and have space for my belly 🙂 It’s easy to attach and to zip up. The only thing I would change is add the label in a different place – it’s at the very bottom of panel and it was annoying me so I cut it off. The other thing is one pull string which sticks out and looks funny which again is annoying me a bit but I just wrap it around the plastic part to make it invisible. I can definitely recommend this product and I make a good use of it.
I have a lovely thick down jacket which I wanted to be able to wear over the winter months – this fits it perfectly!
I didn’t see the point in spending money on a maternity coat which I would only wear for a few months, when I could just add this to my existing coats!
It expands with the bump… so lasts throughout pregnancy, then fits over a baby carrier once baby is born. For the price, and the convenience of being able to use it on all your jackets… definitely a thumbs up from me!
Super produit !
Trs bonne qualit, robuste.
S’adapte facilement toutes les vestes/blousons.
This product really works. It’s a little fiddly to fit the universal attachments but once you get into the groove you can do it pretty quickly, and once it’s attached it stays in place well.
Zipping in the panel is super easy, and once it’s on the baby is protected and your coat is fastened. I have the longer length and it works on my knee length coat so that I have been able to be outdoors and stay warm – which during covid restrictions has been critical.
I’ve also put my coat through the washing machine a couple of times with the zip attached and it hasn’t moved or broken etc. So I really recommend this product!!
The length and zipper are correct but the product came in a torn box. It had clearly been opened and used before.
Es ist Super, das es auch fr lngere Mntel benutzt werden kann.
Trs beau produit rapport qualit-prix. Il n’y a pas de doublure en polar pour les tempratures plus froides par contre. Avec un petit habit pour le bb, l’extension est parfaite quand on l’utilise en porte-bb. Je suis trs satisfaite de mon achat.
Happy with my purchase, it fits my coat perfectly and has saved me from buying maternity and baby wearing coats. The zip insert is waterproof and wind proof
I spent about a week looking for a decent maternity coat online. I really resented spending too much money on something I would likely wear for 2 months. On the other hand, the cheaper coats looked very thin, flimsy, bad quality, just not fit for purpose. To make things more complicated, it’s so hard to buy a coat online when your body is changing so much and so quickly… I wasn’t even sure of what size to buy!
When I bumped into this piece of fabric, I was so hopeful it would solve all my problems and…….IT DID!!
Arrived very quickly, zipped onto my nice coat perfectly, and it kept me warm and comfortable during my weekend away!
It isn’t cheap, I bought it for 35, which might seem a lot for what is effectively a piece of fabric with a zip. But… I can use it with a range of jackets and coats, more importantly, MY jackets and coats!
Just make sure you select the correct type of zip you need (the picture helps!).
Also, it took me a while to understand which way up it should go (in my case, the zip doesn’t work when the extender is upside down – even though the description seems to suggest it should work both ways). So, if it doesn’t work first time, don’t despair, turn it around and try again!
All in all, highly recommended!
Love this product. i got such great help from the customer service team too with finding the right fit for my jackets. the fleece liner could be better secured but the panel is solid quality and really nice fabric. fitted in my shell jacket for hiking perfectly. i used it for baby wearing. would highly recommend.
I’ve had our zip us in panel for a few weeks now and have had loads of use so far. So handy to be able to undo the zip when popping in places, and great that we can both use it. I got caught in a torrential downpour the other day with it, and my son was warm and dry when we got back to the car. Highly recommend, great product.
I bought this direct from zipusin and was really happy with the quality when it arrived. I put one of the adaptors on and then found I couldnt fit the other one due to how the end of my zip worked. I spoke to their customer services who were very responsive and helpful and sent me a tool which was missing from my box – with the tool it went on easily! Absolutely love the flexibility of the coat extender – I’m getting the benefit now converting my favourite jacket into a maternity jacket and my husband can then wear it when the baby comes too. My jacket zip was a few cm short of the 65cm but once it is all fitted it really isn’t bothering me.
This is so worth your money. If you want to keep your coat through the months of pregnancy and afterwards to zip baby into your jacket, this is for you . No need to waste money on a maternity coat.
Make sure you read the options and check out the zipper on your current coat, there are youtube videos on this product.
Works good, zip is a little hard to get up, and it’s not super warm. Would be good for Canadian fall.
I’m super happy with this purchase. You can flip the panel over so it is on the right side of your zipper and the pulls just slip right through. Great design and I think this will be great as my bump grows. I am considering ordering another for my heavier winter jacket. Im hesitating because of the cost…I’m not sure why these panels are so expensive to be honest, but this one was priced the best and I am very happy with the quality.
Make sure you check your zipper so you order the correct one. Mine first perfectly!