2020 HUION KAMVAS 22 Plus Graphics Drawing Tablet with Full-laminated QD Screen 140% s RGB Android Support Ideal for Homeworking & Distance Learning Adjustable Stand – 21.5inch
I’ve used Wacom for more than 10 years so this is my first Huion, but I am really impressed with the first impressions. Amazing quality for this price level. I am using it for digital painting and it was just plug and play more or less and the screen itself feels stable and reliable.
Ho comprato un tablet per lavorare sui concetti di gioco e anche per la scultura 3D. una alta qualit. Si sono verificati problemi con l’installazione dei driver. La visualizzazione dei colori molto bella e fedele, responsiva mentre si disegna (per facilitare il lavoro, vi consiglio di acquistare una mini tastiera da Huion). sinceramente non ho notato problemi nell’utilizzo del prodotto, funziona molto bene, buoni materiali al tatto, per la prima volta non stato comodo tenere in mano la penna perch c’erano dei pulsanti che ho premuto accidentalmente ma a cui alla fine mi sono abituato e ora tutto fantastico.
Un buon tablet ad un buon prezzo per un uso professionale
Ottimo prodotto la penna raschia un pochino a seconda dell’inclinazione, unica cosa non riesco a calibrare i colori dello schermo con quelli della tavoletta, qualche suggerimento?
DE tablet werkt zo als behoren. de kleuren zijn wel warm. zoek zeker YouTube video’s op hoe ze beoordeelt worde. Dit help teveel. als ook de speciale aan bieding was ik hele maal verkocht. voor mij is hij net te groot. maar beter plek over dan plek te weinig om te tekenen. ik mis wel de knopen voor mijn shot kuts. maar ik werk met toetsen bord. of ik kijk in de toekomst voor een kastje oom rapper te werken met knoppen op om te programmeren. ik raad het product aan. komen ook geen krassen op. soms staan ze er op maar kuis je er zo af met een doekje.
For beginners this definitely the best size and it won’t cost you that much.
But if you’re into serious artist and for professionals go get the Pro 24″ UHD 4k version.
Avevo una Huion kamvas gt191 e comprando questa il salto di qualit stato ovviamente enorme. Il vetro opaco rende la sensazione del disegno pi naturale, come disegnare su carta. Il parallasse veramente minimo, quasi impercettibile e la sensibilit della penna ottima. Ovviamente devo ancora abituarmi al tilt della penna perch non ho mai avuto tavolette con questa funzione, ma mi sto divertendo molto a sperimentare, Si pu settare lo schermo con gli stessi colori del monitor principale, il men ha molte opzioni tra cui scegliere. L’unica pecca che c’ una sola penna, mentre per la gt191 me ne mandarono 2. Ottimo prezzo e qualit per un tablet di queste dimensioni. Ho avuto qualche problema con il software che mi dava sempre la tavoletta disconnessa, ho smanettato e trovato il mio metodo da sola. Ad ogni modo ho scritto al supporto della Huion spiegando il mio problema e hanno risposto quasi subito. Nell’ immagine allegata evidenziato il file che ha fatto partire il software. Magari per chi come me riscontra lo stesso problema pu usarlo.
I’m impressed. It took me a few days to find the right adapter for my displayport because my laptop didn’t have a HDMI-socket, but it works like a dream now. Make sure your pc or laptop has the right connections/requierments and let the fun begin.
I ordered this drawing tablet so I could dive back into art after a long pause and I was worried that it might not be too beginner friendly. All of those worries disappeared as soon as I got to work on it. The pen is nice and light, but doesn’t feel cheap and the extra nibs were a great surprise. Now there was one problem, but I think this is an issue with all of these sort of devices: I had to calibrate the screen. It took a while, but it was worth it. The default calibration isn’t all that great, but that is the only fault that I could think of. Otherwise this is a great device and I am glad I got it.
I ordered this drawing tablet so I could dive back into art after a long pause and I was worried that it might not be too beginner friendly. All of those worries disappeared as soon as I got to work on it. The pen is nice and light, but doesn't feel cheap and the extra nibs were a great surprise. Now there was one problem, but I think this is an issue with all of these sort of devices: I had to calibrate the screen. It took a while, but it was worth it. The default calibration isn't all that great, but that is the only fault that I could think of. Otherwise this is a great device and I am glad I got it.
+ It’s a lovely screen with good pressure sensitivity for the price.
+ Even though screen is big, tablet is not bulky.
+ Great tablet stand. Lets you easily adjust angle.
+ Screen has a good resolution, lovely colours. Can be also used as a second monitor. Videos look fantastic on it.
+ Easy to set up.
– Colours are too bright and saturated. I’ve been trying to calibrate the screen to make it look closer to the colours on my imac and laptop screen, but still a bit too bright.
– No shortcut buttons on the tablet itself although I mostly use the keyboard anyway, so not an issue for me personally.
Overall great for the price. Ideal for someone who has just started in the industry or as a secondary graphics tablet.
I bought this item for my Son who is an Artist. He was amazed because I chose the the one he wanted and he loves it. Thank you for this amazing product. The quality is perfect.
una soluzione economica per di alta qualit. La visualizzazione dei colori molto bella e fedele, responsiva mentre si disegna, sinceramente non ho notato problemi nell’utilizzo del prodotto, funziona molto bene. Se vuoi passare ad una tavoletta con schermo e non vuoi spendere 2000 euro per una Wacom questa la soluzione migliore. Unica pecca della penna non ha una punta con la gomma che per uno che viene da una Wacom fai un po’ di fatica inizialmente ad abituarti
Ich besitze das Huion 22 Plus jetz seit einen Tag und bin begeistert. Die Farben, der sichere in der Neigung verstellbare Standfuss und die Genauigkeit beim Zeichnen, bzw. die geringe Paralaxe, sowie die sehr gut umgesetzten Druckstufen, begeistern. An den Rndern stellt man eine sichtbare abweichungen fest (ca. 1mm bei mir) die jedoch nicht stren da man jeden Button bzw. Menuepunkt zielsicher trifft. Ich benutze das Tablet zum sculpten in Blender und kann es dem Intressierten fr diese Arbeiten sowie zum Zeichnen sehr empfehlen.
Dimenticate le vecchie tavolette grafiche qui si parla di livelli molto alti, non sono il pi esperto grafico sulla piazza, ma posso dire che il prodotto incredibile. La sensibilit della penna conferisce al disegno quel tocco “analogico-artigianale” in un sistema digitale, supporta bene tutti i programmi.
La kamvas 22 Plus non ha nessun tipo di tasto o bottone sullo schermo cos che andrebbe affiancata sempre da una Tastiera per alcuni comandi fondamentali come : torna indietro ad esempio ma per quel problema li c’ il modello successivo che ha invece tasti programmabili sullo schermo.
Der Artikel wurde zeitgerecht und gut verpackt angeliefert. Das Aufstellen, Einrichten und die Installierung des entsprechenden Treibers verliefen ohne Probleme. Ich habe mein Huion Kamvas 22 Plus als “Erstbildschirm” installiert und arbeite damit wie mit einem vergrsserten Tablet, halt mit Stift. Die sogenannte Parallax scheint in den letzten Jahren enorm reduziert worden zu sein und ist zumindest fr meine Einsatzgebiete (Bildbearbeitung und Zeichnung) nicht zu spren. Fazit: Ein gutes Gert!
Excellent excellent. Au moins pour l’instant c’est un incroyable produit qualit prix. Just un petit soucis c’est quand je change rapidement le button pour avoir la gomme il reste l toujours parfois ( quand normalmente il doit tre active pendant j’appuie sur le button). Merci
This is my first digital drawing tablet. I bought it because I’m mostly at home now due to this virus and decided to try something new. Cintiq caught my eyes but their price tag for the 22 version was double I think.
+ Big. You move your arm left to right. I never drew on big surface before.
+ No touch. I thought this would be a con but my laptop has touch screen. It’s unusable. It’s good that it’s not touch.
+ Digital work can be so much faster to prototype. You can erase so much. I can’t draw well as my background is more technical but damn… I think can improve with this device
+ The sliding mechanism is just awesome. I like it very much.
+ The 3 in 1 cable was a good idea also
+ The USB port is very useful (2 would have been great though)
+ Have not tested with Android devices yet (don’t have one) but was also planning on using this with one. Hopefully soon.
+ Works well on Linux (Arch Linux)
Not so good:
– there is on the left part of the screen , upper right corner a slightly darker, almost yellowish dark “shadow”. This is noticeable in white background and from certain angles. It does not bother me that much. Krita has it’s toolbars to the left and right so it’s not such a big issue for me. Even if I were full screen I would not really draw near he edge of the screen as it’s less accurate (I knew about this accuracy before buying)
– panel uniformity is good. Not great though. You do see some waviness with grey tones, dim backgrounds. I would say it’s 8/10 in this regards.
– glove was small it kind of forces your fingers to sit in a closed position due to it’s elastic material. It can get tiring.
Overall it is a good product (I would say 8,7/10 – again panel uniformity is good towards great, no dead pixels, colors are vivid, it’s flexible. The only concern that I have is that I hope it maintains it’s uniformity in time or that I don’t get shadows in time in different corners of the screen (I have some older LCD’s like a Dell U2412M that are starting to show their age)
I would most likely pick this brand in the future. While Cintiq’s may be the “gold” standard I feel that some are overpraising Wacom tablets too much. Nothing about this product feels cheap and while you have varieties in product quality I’m sure Huion is not immune to them and neither is Wacom. I wish they had more presence in Romania or a more clear service route in case I would (hopefully not) need to service this unit.
I have this unit for 3 days and will probably keep it and won’t ask for replacement.
Edit: august 2021-3 stuck pixels appear – down 1 sta
Got this beastie after using a huion kamvas pro 16 and my usual go to, the iPad Pro 12.9.
I won’t lie, I struggled with the screen size on the kamvas 16 due to the sheer amount of space on the screen taken up by clip studios UI. Not a problem here!
As you can see in the picture, this thing is a massive beast! This also comes with Matt etched glass that gives you a paper like feel when you draw, and 0 parallax with the pen! (Some tablets have a gap between pen and the digitiser where the glass isn’t 100% sealed, this one is perfect)
The stand is fantastic and can be set at any angle. There are NO shortcut keys on this, but I actually prefer not to have them as I use my keyboard or the razer Tartarus.
A great tablet ! First one to write a review on this unit and for the price it’s very good. It’s a fully laminated display so drawing on it feels very nice and responsive. You can calibrate the display which is something I couldn’t do on the Wacom
Cintiq 13hd and for the size it it’s better than the price of a Wacom. I’d highly recommend.
It’s a really nice display and feel great to draw on.
Sometimes on photoshop my brushes settings get randomly changed, it never happened before I used this display, I can’t say for sure if it’s a problem with the tablet, the software for it or photoahop but I thought I should mention it.
I have preordered this display graphic tablet to replace my old kamvas pro 13. And i kid you not. The difference is huge. The driver works perfectly fine, i have no parallax .
While the colors on the display are not the best , gotta learn to calibrate the display better in order to have the same colors that i have on my ips monitor. It is much better than the high end display tablets!
Muy interesante tableta grfica a buen precio y calidad. La pantalla se ve estupenda y que no refleje es una gozada.
Tiene algo de desfase (creo que se llama parallax) en las esquinas pero apenas inapreciable por las dimensiones de la pantalla.
El cable 3 en 1 es muy agradecido aunque me preocupa que falle cualquiera de sus extremidades y tenga que cambiar todo el cable (y a saber dnde lo compro al ser algo tan concreto)
El lpiz lo noto prcticamente igual que el anterior modelo. Algo mas rigida la punta y me chirra algo sobre la pantalla cosa que con la Kamvas 20 pro (2019) no me pasaba.
Los materiales son de buena calidad. Se nota slida y tiene un diseo muy bonito. Echo en falta a veces algn botn por la costumbre de la otra tableta, pero esto lo suplen con la posibilidad de conectar un teclado al USB que incorpora como novedad.
Como pega he de decir que me llam mucho la posibilidad de conectar el mvil y poder usar la app de Huion. Pero el catlogo de compatibilidad es bastante escaso y no funciona con el mio.
La tableta grfica huion kamvas 22 plus, ha sido el mejor regalo, funciona perfectamente. La instalacin de todo fue sencilla y compatible con otras herramientas que utilizo en el diseo de producto. El envo y proteccin del paquete estuvo correcto, y algo a destacar es que llego antes de tiempo. Todo lo que menciona el producto viene en la caja y todo en prefecto orden.
ant novice dans ce domaine, j’ai appris trs vite et suis ravi de mon achat. Une belle tablette graphique avec de bonnes performances.
Je conseille viveme
I’ve used Wacom for more than 10 years so this is my first Huion, but I am really impressed with the first impressions. Amazing quality for this price level. I am using it for digital painting and it was just plug and play more or less and the screen itself feels stable and reliable.
Ho comprato un tablet per lavorare sui concetti di gioco e anche per la scultura 3D. una alta qualit. Si sono verificati problemi con l’installazione dei driver. La visualizzazione dei colori molto bella e fedele, responsiva mentre si disegna (per facilitare il lavoro, vi consiglio di acquistare una mini tastiera da Huion). sinceramente non ho notato problemi nell’utilizzo del prodotto, funziona molto bene, buoni materiali al tatto, per la prima volta non stato comodo tenere in mano la penna perch c’erano dei pulsanti che ho premuto accidentalmente ma a cui alla fine mi sono abituato e ora tutto fantastico.
Ottimo prodotto la penna raschia un pochino a seconda dell’inclinazione, unica cosa non riesco a calibrare i colori dello schermo con quelli della tavoletta, qualche suggerimento?
A mi hijo le encanta, est dibujando con ella , es muy til y muy comoda
DE tablet werkt zo als behoren. de kleuren zijn wel warm. zoek zeker YouTube video’s op hoe ze beoordeelt worde. Dit help teveel. als ook de speciale aan bieding was ik hele maal verkocht. voor mij is hij net te groot. maar beter plek over dan plek te weinig om te tekenen. ik mis wel de knopen voor mijn shot kuts. maar ik werk met toetsen bord. of ik kijk in de toekomst voor een kastje oom rapper te werken met knoppen op om te programmeren. ik raad het product aan. komen ook geen krassen op. soms staan ze er op maar kuis je er zo af met een doekje.
For beginners this definitely the best size and it won’t cost you that much.
But if you’re into serious artist and for professionals go get the Pro 24″ UHD 4k version.
I’m impressed. It took me a few days to find the right adapter for my displayport because my laptop didn’t have a HDMI-socket, but it works like a dream now. Make sure your pc or laptop has the right connections/requierments and let the fun begin.
Absolutely fantastic, moved up from my H430P and couldn’t be happier! The screen is fantastic and I’ll always stick with Huion!
+ It’s a lovely screen with good pressure sensitivity for the price.
+ Even though screen is big, tablet is not bulky.
+ Great tablet stand. Lets you easily adjust angle.
+ Screen has a good resolution, lovely colours. Can be also used as a second monitor. Videos look fantastic on it.
+ Easy to set up.
– Colours are too bright and saturated. I’ve been trying to calibrate the screen to make it look closer to the colours on my imac and laptop screen, but still a bit too bright.
– No shortcut buttons on the tablet itself although I mostly use the keyboard anyway, so not an issue for me personally.
Overall great for the price. Ideal for someone who has just started in the industry or as a secondary graphics tablet.
I bought this item for my Son who is an Artist. He was amazed because I chose the the one he wanted and he loves it. Thank you for this amazing product. The quality is perfect.
una soluzione economica per di alta qualit. La visualizzazione dei colori molto bella e fedele, responsiva mentre si disegna, sinceramente non ho notato problemi nell’utilizzo del prodotto, funziona molto bene. Se vuoi passare ad una tavoletta con schermo e non vuoi spendere 2000 euro per una Wacom questa la soluzione migliore. Unica pecca della penna non ha una punta con la gomma che per uno che viene da una Wacom fai un po’ di fatica inizialmente ad abituarti
Ich besitze das Huion 22 Plus jetz seit einen Tag und bin begeistert. Die Farben, der sichere in der Neigung verstellbare Standfuss und die Genauigkeit beim Zeichnen, bzw. die geringe Paralaxe, sowie die sehr gut umgesetzten Druckstufen, begeistern. An den Rndern stellt man eine sichtbare abweichungen fest (ca. 1mm bei mir) die jedoch nicht stren da man jeden Button bzw. Menuepunkt zielsicher trifft. Ich benutze das Tablet zum sculpten in Blender und kann es dem Intressierten fr diese Arbeiten sowie zum Zeichnen sehr empfehlen.
Dimenticate le vecchie tavolette grafiche qui si parla di livelli molto alti, non sono il pi esperto grafico sulla piazza, ma posso dire che il prodotto incredibile. La sensibilit della penna conferisce al disegno quel tocco “analogico-artigianale” in un sistema digitale, supporta bene tutti i programmi.
La kamvas 22 Plus non ha nessun tipo di tasto o bottone sullo schermo cos che andrebbe affiancata sempre da una Tastiera per alcuni comandi fondamentali come : torna indietro ad esempio ma per quel problema li c’ il modello successivo che ha invece tasti programmabili sullo schermo.
+ Big. You move your arm left to right. I never drew on big surface before.
+ No touch. I thought this would be a con but my laptop has touch screen. It’s unusable. It’s good that it’s not touch.
+ Digital work can be so much faster to prototype. You can erase so much. I can’t draw well as my background is more technical but damn… I think can improve with this device
+ The sliding mechanism is just awesome. I like it very much.
+ The 3 in 1 cable was a good idea also
+ The USB port is very useful (2 would have been great though)
+ Have not tested with Android devices yet (don’t have one) but was also planning on using this with one. Hopefully soon.
+ Works well on Linux (Arch Linux)
Not so good:
– there is on the left part of the screen , upper right corner a slightly darker, almost yellowish dark “shadow”. This is noticeable in white background and from certain angles. It does not bother me that much. Krita has it’s toolbars to the left and right so it’s not such a big issue for me. Even if I were full screen I would not really draw near he edge of the screen as it’s less accurate (I knew about this accuracy before buying)
– panel uniformity is good. Not great though. You do see some waviness with grey tones, dim backgrounds. I would say it’s 8/10 in this regards.
– glove was small it kind of forces your fingers to sit in a closed position due to it’s elastic material. It can get tiring.
Overall it is a good product (I would say 8,7/10 – again panel uniformity is good towards great, no dead pixels, colors are vivid, it’s flexible. The only concern that I have is that I hope it maintains it’s uniformity in time or that I don’t get shadows in time in different corners of the screen (I have some older LCD’s like a Dell U2412M that are starting to show their age)
I would most likely pick this brand in the future. While Cintiq’s may be the “gold” standard I feel that some are overpraising Wacom tablets too much. Nothing about this product feels cheap and while you have varieties in product quality I’m sure Huion is not immune to them and neither is Wacom. I wish they had more presence in Romania or a more clear service route in case I would (hopefully not) need to service this unit.
I have this unit for 3 days and will probably keep it and won’t ask for replacement.
Edit: august 2021-3 stuck pixels appear – down 1 sta
I won’t lie, I struggled with the screen size on the kamvas 16 due to the sheer amount of space on the screen taken up by clip studios UI. Not a problem here!
As you can see in the picture, this thing is a massive beast! This also comes with Matt etched glass that gives you a paper like feel when you draw, and 0 parallax with the pen! (Some tablets have a gap between pen and the digitiser where the glass isn’t 100% sealed, this one is perfect)
The stand is fantastic and can be set at any angle. There are NO shortcut keys on this, but I actually prefer not to have them as I use my keyboard or the razer Tartarus.
Highly recommended!
Il rapporto quait/prezzo incredibile, consigliata sia ai neofiti che i professionisti in cerca di un’alternativa economica!
Cintiq 13hd and for the size it it’s better than the price of a Wacom. I’d highly recommend.
It’s a really nice display and feel great to draw on.
Sometimes on photoshop my brushes settings get randomly changed, it never happened before I used this display, I can’t say for sure if it’s a problem with the tablet, the software for it or photoahop but I thought I should mention it.
But yeah 4 stars, maybe even 5.
While the colors on the display are not the best , gotta learn to calibrate the display better in order to have the same colors that i have on my ips monitor. It is much better than the high end display tablets!
5/5 stars !! Great job huio
Tiene algo de desfase (creo que se llama parallax) en las esquinas pero apenas inapreciable por las dimensiones de la pantalla.
El cable 3 en 1 es muy agradecido aunque me preocupa que falle cualquiera de sus extremidades y tenga que cambiar todo el cable (y a saber dnde lo compro al ser algo tan concreto)
El lpiz lo noto prcticamente igual que el anterior modelo. Algo mas rigida la punta y me chirra algo sobre la pantalla cosa que con la Kamvas 20 pro (2019) no me pasaba.
Los materiales son de buena calidad. Se nota slida y tiene un diseo muy bonito. Echo en falta a veces algn botn por la costumbre de la otra tableta, pero esto lo suplen con la posibilidad de conectar un teclado al USB que incorpora como novedad.
Como pega he de decir que me llam mucho la posibilidad de conectar el mvil y poder usar la app de Huion. Pero el catlogo de compatibilidad es bastante escaso y no funciona con el mio.