50m Soaker Hose Set, Water-Saving Porous Pipe, 1/2 Inch Leaky Pipe, 15-20L/min Micro Drip Hose for Root&Soil Irrigation in Garden or Farm with Accessories, Black
Le goutte–goutte est parfaitement bien rparti et il y a juste les accessoires ncessaires pour faire 4 lignes, y compris les bouchons de ligne. Vraiment trs bien.
Compre la de 10 mts y la converti en una de 6.5 yotra de 3.5. La bia comprado anteriormente y la perra me la rompio a mordiscos ahora use el asa y la parte metalica y tengo dos de diferentes medidas. Muy bien por poco dinero
So this works, but bear in mind after 20/30/40 metres you get far less drip. I would say roughly in that ratio. ie 10metres =1, 20 metres =0.5 and so on. But I guess it spends on pressure. I doubled mine back to account for this. TIP: You need to unwind it first and get rid of all the twists. Don’t try and lay it straight from the reel. This is the same for an curled hose, but trust me it took an hour or two to stretch out and spin it around and you need some space. There’s probably a quick way to do this. If you figure it out drop a reply because I’d love to know the technique!
Recomendable. Instalacin sencilla, basta con distribuir la manguera en la zona de riego seleccionada y conectar a la red. El riego se reparte uniformemente y no moja las hojas.
Ms vale una imagen que mil palabras as que os dejo un vdeo.
Put this in just before we went on holiday for 10 days. Worked well- everything on the veg patch growing when we returned. Have yet to see it’s long term benefits
This is a sturdy piece of kit for giving irrigation to (in our case) a difficult to reach part of the garden. Easy to lay on the soil, easy to connect up to the hosepipe – and then it just worked. No blockages in the hose, and the colour means that the hose isn’t really noticed at all on the soil. Very successful and at a good price.
Livraison rapide complte et en parfait tat.
Ce type de tuyau est toujours dlicat manipuler.
Je conseille de le drouler lentement sans sectionner les attaches en vitant tous les coudes.
Mieux vaut en prendre soin au dbut pour garder sa longvit.
Habe diesen Perlschlauch fr meine Hevke gekauft zur Bewsserung, damit ich nicht immer jeden Busch einzeln gieen muss. Die Montage war sehr einfach.
Schade das beim Zubehr nicht 2 Schlauchkupplungen dabei sind. Musste eine Nachkaifen, da ich den 50m Schlauch geteilt hBe/musste.
Zustzlich empfehle ich Erdanker mitzubestellen. Dann kann man auch mal daran hngen bleiben und der Perlschlauch bleibt trotzdem an Ort und Stelle, wo er liegen soll.
Le goutte–goutte est parfaitement bien rparti et il y a juste les accessoires ncessaires pour faire 4 lignes, y compris les bouchons de ligne. Vraiment trs bien.
Gutes Zubehr
50 m lang
Und langlebiger als das Produkt vom sogenannten marktfhrenden.
Guter Preis dafr.
Wenn’s ntig ist wieder.
ltimos metros con menor caudal . Recomendable menos metros o presin muy fuerte
Compre la de 10 mts y la converti en una de 6.5 yotra de 3.5. La bia comprado anteriormente y la perra me la rompio a mordiscos ahora use el asa y la parte metalica y tengo dos de diferentes medidas. Muy bien por poco dinero
o water getting to end of 50m hose , water pressure is ok also. have 30m hose and works fine
So this works, but bear in mind after 20/30/40 metres you get far less drip. I would say roughly in that ratio. ie 10metres =1, 20 metres =0.5 and so on. But I guess it spends on pressure. I doubled mine back to account for this. TIP: You need to unwind it first and get rid of all the twists. Don’t try and lay it straight from the reel. This is the same for an curled hose, but trust me it took an hour or two to stretch out and spin it around and you need some space. There’s probably a quick way to do this. If you figure it out drop a reply because I’d love to know the technique!
Recomendable. Instalacin sencilla, basta con distribuir la manguera en la zona de riego seleccionada y conectar a la red. El riego se reparte uniformemente y no moja las hojas.
Ms vale una imagen que mil palabras as que os dejo un vdeo.
Der Unterschied zwischen diesem und Produkten aus dem Supermarkt und dem Discounter ist die Qualitt. Das Material ist strapazier- und langlebiger.
Put this in just before we went on holiday for 10 days. Worked well- everything on the veg patch growing when we returned. Have yet to see it’s long term benefits
Leaky hoses are great for saving time and water. Perfect for newly planted hedges.
This is a sturdy piece of kit for giving irrigation to (in our case) a difficult to reach part of the garden. Easy to lay on the soil, easy to connect up to the hosepipe – and then it just worked. No blockages in the hose, and the colour means that the hose isn’t really noticed at all on the soil. Very successful and at a good price.
Livraison rapide complte et en parfait tat.
Ce type de tuyau est toujours dlicat manipuler.
Je conseille de le drouler lentement sans sectionner les attaches en vitant tous les coudes.
Mieux vaut en prendre soin au dbut pour garder sa longvit.
Supplied with some useful fittings, especially the bungs! Works well on a 34 metre run.
War lange am berlegen einen Perlschlauch oder einen Tropfschlauch zu nehmen.
Fande dann den Perlschlauch deutlich besser da er auf die ganze lnge Wasser abgibt.
Delivers an even spread of seeping water. Comes with tap connector, stop ends and t pieces.
Schade das beim Zubehr nicht 2 Schlauchkupplungen dabei sind. Musste eine Nachkaifen, da ich den 50m Schlauch geteilt hBe/musste.
Zustzlich empfehle ich Erdanker mitzubestellen. Dann kann man auch mal daran hngen bleiben und der Perlschlauch bleibt trotzdem an Ort und Stelle, wo er liegen soll.
Good product with sufficient attachments for my needs. Received package within 4 days