Putting gamers in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed, ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN delivers the fiercest air combat experience ever created through photorealistic visuals, intense dog-fighting action, a multitude of authentic and futuristic aircraft to fly, an immersive storyline, and even virtual reality!
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown will take players into the cockpit of an advanced fighter jet and prepare them to face realistic flight combat in various VR missions. Escape from enemy attack and take off into the wide open skies and experience the ever changing weather dynamic while battling for air dominance.
Great fun to play, good graphics and set up.
Easy to navigate menus too. Suitable for all ages as skill level can be set from beginner to expert.
Really happy with the game, it’s much better than expected.
Ein super Spiel. Es ist fr jeden der Fliegen und Kampfjets mag etwas. Es ist zwar auf englisch mit deutschen Untertitel aber beim echten Fliegen wir auch nur englisch gesprochen also pass
Picked this up after a few YouTubers reviewed it, check Max0r out if you haven’t heard of him. Didn’t know what to expect as the only other Ace Combat game I played was Assault Horizon and while that was great, it was on the PS3 some years back and wasn’t set in their “strange real universe”; the world the rest of the AC universe is set in.
I can’t stress how quickly those fears were allayed, and for a story that’s basically set in a parallel universe, it’s utterly believable, easy to follow even if you don’t watch a short video on the lore, and most importantly, the gameplay is sensational.
Aircraft and their load outs are realistic to a fault, and I still can’t get over how enjoyable replaying it with different load outs and jets is, although with 20 missions and 3 DLC ones, you have a lot to choose from.
This game is absolutely worth your money and time, I can’t say that any clearer.
Well this game is a few years old and very cheap to buy now,!! we’ve had a VR head set for 18 months +and mostly been playing dirt rally and fancied something different as the VR head set has been in the cupboard for 6months + so i convinced my son to take up a flying game as the last flying game i played was F22 intersepter (yes im 40and that was on the Sega mega drive)
WOW what can i say, like all comments before wishing the whole game was in VR and giving my VR life again, we can’t get off it, im sure if and when they make Ace combat 8 it will surely be VR, and by then we hope to progress to a top end pc for the ultimate experience in the future of gaming. It’s so good and I’m so lucky to see the progress from my first experience on my Atari on River Raid, i never thought i would see this in my lifetime
Moi qui ne jouait plus aux jeux vidos (je me contentais de regzrder et coacher lzs enfants ou parfois jouer aux jeux de courses avec eux), je me suis rconcili avec les manettes de notre playstation. Parfois j’y jouen pendant 3h sans m’en rendre compte.
Come tutti i capitoli precedenti, anche questo non delude.
Grafica eccelsa, sistema di volo pi votato all’arcade e godibilissimo, le missioni sono piuttosto varie anche se sanno un p di gi visto, ma assicurano ore di divertimento anche in multiplayer.
Nota di merito per la modalit VR, assolutamente da provare, peccato solo sia un p troppo corta..
La consegna stata rapida come sempre, la confezione arrivata integra. Il prezzo in linea con quelli degli altri negozi, ma di questi tempi meglio ricevere i prodotti a casa per evitare contatti con la gente.
Personalmente ho trovato questo gioco molto divertente, abbattere aerei e navi nemiche a suon di missili d una certa soddisfazione, e mi sono salvato una serie di screenshot dei paesaggi che adesso uso come sfondo del desktop del PC e della ps4 😀
I love this game. Would of been 5 stars IF there was more VR levels. Using VR on this game is so awesome. Really makes you feel like you are actually there. Excellent when you hit the sun and it blinds you. So realistic!
Con il visore un qualcosa di impressionante. Occorre sicuramente pratica soprattutto
per prendere dimestichezza con una ambiente veramente tridimensionale. Buone le Missioni ed ottima la grafica. Consigliato
Gioco molto bello, ma penso che potevano fare molto di piu su certi aspetti! Come la lingua del audio in italiano, e qualcosa in piu per quanto riguarda la grafica!! Per il resto un gioco che ti coinvolge e da provare chi appassionato di aerei!
Bien que ce ne soit pas un simulateur (pas de contrle pour grer isolement ses systmes comme palonniers, volets, AF, train…) c’est un jeu d’arcade arienne plaisant et relativement beau. Les sensations sont au rendez-vous pour un tarif raisonnable. Je regrette que l’on ne puisse mieux configurer son hotas (Thrustmaster T-flight, reconnu par dfaut) que “normal/invers” et ce mme en mode “expert”. Du coup, ne pas hsiter passer quelques temps en “mission libre” (vol livre dans les dcors des missions) pour mieux se familiariser avec la dynamique de cette arcade/son manche.
Super jeux , a recommand surtout pour eux qui aime la pilotage d’avion ……
Livraison en retard livraison prvu le 6 et arriver le 7 a plus de 20h le soir dessus a se niveau ….
Mais le jeux et vraiment trs bien fai
Livraison la date prvu. Un peu tard le soir mais bien emball et sous blister. Le jeu est vraiment trs dur, malgr que j’ai pu finir 4 chapitre en une soire. La pire tait la 3me. Mais qu’est ce qu’on s’amuse, enfin si on brise pas la manette et la tl avec. Mdr il faut bien cout les consignes et objectifs. Ce qui est dommage c’est le temps pendant les missions. Ils sont suffisant, mais des fois trs limite et a stresse au lieu de dtendre et pass un bon moment. Mais dans l’ensemble malgr que le meilleur reste Ace Combat Belkan War sur PS2, on s’y prte bien. L’histoire n’est pas si passionante que l’ancienne version mais on s’amuse bien dans son petit avion. A acheter pour moi, pas plus de 26euros
I bought this game primarily for the VR element. Graphics are really good and from what I can tell, the story looks sound but I can’t give too accurate a review of how solid it stays throughout the game because it makes me very nauseous. The first time flying your taking off from an aircraft carrier and straight up into the clouds. WOW, so realistic but I could only handle about 5 minutes before having to lie down for a bit. All four household members are the same. I have a ton of VR games and different systems and by far, this one is the one that will push the boundaries for comfort. I’ll persevere at it though as it was good fun for the short time I can play it.
Creo que con las VR ha sido la experiencia ms parecida a volar con un caza que he tenido en mi vida. Las misiones no son muy largas pero creo que es un punto a su favor porque poco te aburres, la sensacin que transmite el juego es muy buena y muy realista. No le doy las cinco estrellas porque no es el juego perfecto pero desde luego se queda muy cerca.
Bought just for the VR bits. There aren’t many missions for VR, but what there is really shows the difference VR makes. Ever lost a plane off screen while dog fighting? Not any more. You can follow the plane wherever it goes. I can’t explain how much of a difference this makes. A truly stunning experience and well worth the money just for showing what VR really can do.
sitt reu sitt ssay
super on si croirait mme si il n’est pas facile de contrler l’avion , c’est fascinant comme jeux
le meilleur que j’ai achet
en plus a un prix trs intrssa
Great game. Very realistic. I am playing this using the thrust master flight stick as well. Not tried the VR missions but excellent game without the VR.
I purchased this through a Black Friday sale and had been thinking for a while whether to buy or not. All I’ll say is that you won’t be disappointed! The graphics are ultra sharp especially on a HD tv plus the sound quality is amazing, again if you have some sort of surround sound system. The gameplay is awesome and has great pick up and play value, so good if you are not an avid game player.
The selection of aircraft is fantastic. I can’t wait to unlock the Eurofighter! Overall, you will not be disappointed, and at such good value for money!
Campaign mode very similar to hawx and hawx2 games. Graphics not bad. Not played enough of game to give any more, but from what I have played very enjoyable.
This is back to the ace combat we all love none of that cinematic dog fighting rubbish. Amazing controls, graphics and most importantly gameplay. Story so far is ok and fills the gap between sorties. Multiplayer is good but hard when starting off but good fun. Highly recommend
More like the Ace combats of old, and all the better for it. Loads of unlock able planes, weapons and skins, good story with long missions and ability to employ a different strategy on each play through.
Haven’t yet got VR but would consider it for just for this game.
Well worth buying if like me, you enjoyed the old ace combat games.
Delivered quickly, in packaging that fit through the letter box.
With a contemptuous sneer I gazed at the mig and as we flew by one another I gave him the sign. A salute of farewell as he was going down in a blaze of glory. I will make a martyr of you my Russian friend, I thought as I fired my amram missile. Aptly named fire and forget. Three on three in the heat of the blinding sun. Sparky splashed one mig at 10k ft and instantly went sonic to the ceiling 20k to help his wing man who was forced to make a split S and lost contact. “I’m on his six” screamed Sparky, “I need you to break right now, I’m switching to guns” the mig hesitated to break right and decided to dive for the hardline and bug out. We watched the remaining two migs disappear from radar and headed back to the carrier. Great VR game makes me feel like a fighter pilot.
A thing of great beauty. I bought this mistakenly thinking it was going to have some flight simulator aspect but basically it is a dream of a game looking through a cockpit and basically shooting at other planes. As far as motion sickness well isn’t that to add more realism.
The product, even though it was used, came in a re-sealed box with all the included items inside. Everything was clean and tidy – if I didn’t know I was buying a used game, I might think it was brand new. Very very satisfied with the purchase!
Excellent return to form for the series, if you’re looking for a flight-sim, Ace Combat isn’t the series for you, if you’re looking for an arcade flight game that allows you to have hundreds of missiles and pull insane manuevers, look no further. What you also get is an over the top storyline in one of the best fictional universes I’ve come across, an excellent soundtrack and surprisingly fun multiplayer.
I have always enjoyed the Ace Combat series of games and this is no exception. Strange that one mission in this ‘new’ game features an exact scenario from both an earlier PS2 and PSP game – the mission is similar but the targets are different.
Two niggles:
In the mission review, it is hard to keep your chosen camera-angle as it keeps switching.
and: new planes have to be purchased from the bounty earned from the missions (no real money is spent!) and the better the plane, the more it costs. This was easier in earlier games as planes and weapons could be sold back when they were no longer wanted. In this game, planes etc cannot be sold back and other annoying add-on have to be purchaed in order to ‘unlock’ the chosen aircraft. This means playing each scenario over and over, not because you want to, but because you have to.
Would I recommend? Yes
Would I buy another Ace Combat? Absolutely
Reu le jeux, rien a dire sur la bote ou le CD en lui mme.
Pour le jeux par contre, je l’ai trouv un peux plus dur que l’ancien, moins fun et qu’elle dommage de devoir faire d’un multi pour dbloquer tout les avions.
I bought this game for one thing only – the prospect of a flight combat game IN VIRTUAL REALITY. I had my doubts, but they were immediately obliterated by this truly AMAZING experience of superbly created and rendered VR flight simulation.
VR mode is currently only available on PS4 and only for a limited number of missions and military fighters, but BOY OH BOY it is AWESOME!
IMHO this game for PSVR is worth the not inconsiderable (although perfectly usual) purchase price for the VR mode alone!
I’ve tried playing this with the PS4 controller, but a HOTAS joystick and throttle is immeasurably better. They aren’t cheap (I use the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 for PS4, available on Amazon at a typical price), but they are definitely worth the outlay, IMHO. Also works with Ultrawings, if you enjoy that game (I don’t). Works with quite a few other games: there’s a list on the Thrustmaster website IIRC.
Well done to the creators (Bandai Namco IIRC). PLEASE CREATE A LOT MORE FOR THIS ADDICTED CUSTOMER!!!!
Great fun. Although very repetitive after a while. I’ve always been a huge fan of Ace Combat games and when this released I bought it without hesitation, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the story in this, I did still really enjoy it, especially with the new graphics and how smooth it played. If you’re a long time fan of the series I’d definitely pick it up as it doesn’t disappoint.
On the PS4 universe you dont get to have a lot of fly sim type of games released very often. Great graphics, great game plan and last but not least – very fun to play, enjoy the graphincs and just dog fight like there is no tomorrow. Obviously the game is not like 100% hard core fly sim, but that is totally fine. The jet graphics are very accurate and the story line is really engaging!
Ace Combat 7 is a good game, and a good addition to the Ace Combat series. I did find it a bit short, and the replay value is a bit limited. I also had to search the secondary objectives on internet because nothing in the game clearly explains what can be done after the campaign. Overall I’d say it’s not as good as the PS2 trilogy, but still better than any other game in this category available today.
Ace Combat 7 is a far better step up from the Assault Horizon game. Graphically beautiful,great story,great characters and plenty of aircraft to choose from.
My only downsides are lack of enemy squadrons to fight against. In the Belkan War ace combat there were plenty. Also I found that the missions didn’t really differ from previous games.
But compared to Assault Horizon this is the ace combat I’ve been waiting for on a Console that’s not the PS2 or PS3.
If you are a fan of the original series, especially AC04 and 5 then you will like this. It looks fantastic on the Pro. Lots of difficulty levels, good story. I love it. The VR missions are amazing. DLC will hopefully keep this fresh and add even more to the mix.
So far I have just completed the campaign on hard but it was tricky in places not helped by some seemingly dodgy munitions failing to connect despite the perfect line up. What I enjoyed was the almost endless possibilities to experiment with aircraft types and their upgrades that the in game MRP you earn enables you to purchase- which for me blunted the sting of mission failure because it gave me the chance to try something new. The back story started in a bit of a predictable way but ended in a quirky although emotionally engaging finish, although I still at this moment do not fully understand it LOL. Weather in this game is extremely well modelled and can be just as dangerous as your enemy. The latter reaches unrealistic status however when you are hunting gas trucks in a sand storm; a jet engine gulping in huge amounts of sand would not remain in the air for long- but they do in this game! So if you are not in hurry for trophies and want a good looking air combat game for modern consoles this is the one. Although the golden age of air combat games has probably now passed I hope this does well and maybe encourages the likes of Ubisoft to throw some cash at a Hawx 3 or something similar.
It’s really great to play a real Ace Combat game after such a long time. This is a great game for both newcomers and series veterans alike.
Don’t be put off by the fact that this is 7th numbered entry in the series (I believe it’s actually the 13th game in the franchise?) as each game has it’s own separate story that you can follow.
The gameplay is a combination of Arcade elements mixed in with more Sim-like aspects. For example your aircraft carries more weapons than it would in real life, however the aircraft is based on a real world jet, as are the weapons, and the game makes use of real world flying maneuvers, adverse weather conditions, etc to create a thrilling experience hat doesn’t disappoint. There’s also online dog-fighting between teams or singular players that you can partake in. You can also use the jest and weapons you unlock in the campaign so your first match doesn’t have to be in a 40 year old refurbished Vietnam era fighter!
The graphics are excellent. The jets all look and sound distinctive. A few old classics are missing – notably the Tornado which is a shame, however favourites like the Su-35S, The F-22 and the Eurofighter Typhoon make a return. New jets like the F-35 and the recently combat tested Su-57 Stealth Fighter are also included which is great.
The vintage F-4 is in the game but I believe it’s limited to early adopters via a DLC code so hurry if you want to full compliment of Jets.
Overall this is a really great package. Fun, endlessly repayable and polished. The difficulty can be a bit steep for some but if you persevere you’ll find an excelled game to dig into.
I enjoyed AC6 years ago and invested in the PS4 VR mainly for this release.
A lot of money spent for the 3 VR missions on AC7, but it was worth it just for that. The carrier scene and the amazingly dramatic mission 2 scene….wow!
The in-flight sights and sounds combined with the flight effects of the clouds create a fabulous flight /fighting environment.
I must admit the standard game to me is somewhat redundant now, VR rules.
Hopefully Bandai games will supply VR DLC soon (Please!), this is the future.
Nausea maybe an early constant companion, have short flights to train the brain and soon you will be burning the skys.
Played it for a couple hours now. Haven’t used my VR with it yet. But the game itself is a great reminder of how good the series is. Last ace combat I was truly hooked on was ace combat 3. I have a feeling already this one will get me the same way. Graphics are obviously brilliant aswell.
This was originally intended to be fully playable in VR from start to finish. Sadly somewhere along the way plans changed (and presumably the team crashed into the huge demands VR places upon the GPU) and the VR content was cut back to three missions. What remains, brief though it is, is truly sensational, beating even Resident Evil 7 as the best VR game to date. It’s so good it makes playing anything else, especially Ace Combat’s own 2D campaign mode a very flat and uninteresting experience. It’s not a bad game in 2D, it’s just that the VR mode is so immersive it simply can’t compare.
Is it worth buying this just for three VR missions? Maybe, as it’s really that good, but I sincerely hope Namco can put out some VR DLC soon.
In recent years games developers have shown a real talent for completely wrecking a franchise by either losing sight of what made a game’s predecessors so good (Gran Turismo being a perfect example), neglecting long-standing fans (Gran Turismo being a perfect example) or just allowing characters and storylines to be ruined by Political Correctness and Social Justice, either making a game unrealistic, difficult for the majority of people to identify with or just feeling like some kind of progressive morality lecture. Thankfully, Bandai Namco have managed to avoid all of these pitfalls (although the “badass” young female character in the cinematic story cutaways isn’t particularly believeable, especially when she starts trash-talking her own dad!) and have come up with superb addition to the Ace Combat series.
All of the stuff you loved about previous games is there, but it still feels fresh and exciting thanks to some clever new mission ideas, an involving story and of course the even better graphics and physics. I’ve been a fan of these games ever since Air Combat on the PS1 and this really doesn’t disappoint.
My only criticisms:
-It’s pretty much impossible to compare aircraft stats thanks to the bizarre choice of using numberless bars to indicate stats, and not even giving the ability to easily move straight from one aircraft to another. It’s pretty frustrating when you want to conserve your in-game currency and try to get the most bang for your buck when upgrading your aircraft. Thankfully someone on Reddit has painstakingly gone through and worked out numbers for every aircraft, but it seems like a massive oversight for what would have been such a simple detail of just adding a number next to the bar indicator.
-The drone-focused missions are just too chaotic. You’re basically just frantically flying around all over the place rather than thinking about tactics or strategy and, even within the allowances of a computer game, these missions just seem to feel rushed and lose their realism.
-The storyline can be a bit confusing with all of the similar-sounding country names and the fact that they all talk with an American accent!
-It would have been nice to see a wider selection of aircraft. There are quite a lot, but the number and variety in the earlier games is missing.
These are minor criticisms though so I’m still giving it 5 stars. It’s a superb game and will have tons of replay value thanks to the different mission replay options. I haven’t even tried out the online multiplayer or VR modes yet either.
It is great to see Ace Combat on ps4. The graphics are great, some truly beautiful environments to fly in.
The story is very nostalgic as is the music.
Have waited a long time but it was worth the wait..
This is a fantastic return to form after the last ‘good’ Ace Combat (AC) game – AC6 Fires of Liberation. This scraps away the on-rails, cinematic experiment that was AC Assault Horizon and completely ignores AC Infinity, returning to familiar lands, fast jets and a featuring a generous campaign.
+ A good, length campaign with varied, interesting missions. Sure there are standard ‘destroy everything’ missions but there are now stealth & escort missions, spectacular boss fights all livened up by…
+ Spectacular weather effects and much improved topography. Diving into cloud cover to escape a missile lock, hunting fuel lorries in a sandstorm, dog-fighting through mountains in a thunder storm, it looks excellent and really impacts on the games fun factor. Terrain and cities in particular have seen vast improvements in appearances.
+ Beautiful graphics. Really this game needs a dedicated photo mode – the sun dappling through the clouds, the missile streaks and of course, the planes themselves – excellent.
+ Sound design. This is particularly good although the constant missile blare can annoy, wearing headphones is very immersive! Music is great across the board, particularly the boss battles and the penultimate level (although nothing compares to ‘The Liberation of Gracemaria’, youtube it) and the voice acting is adequate with the usual silly lines.
+ Generous campaign. Its a good length available with three difficulty levels, 20 levels and two control options (pro hint – play with Expert, much more immersive and this should be the default – looking at you IGN…) with ‘normal’ being suitably challenging.
+ Fandom. After some wobbly games this is a real gift back to the Ace Combat fans, big levels, big missions and battles. In an age where content is being cut left, right and centre – this feels like a (mostly) full package.
+ VR. At last a game that really goes for VR, three special missions (although quite ordinary in themselves) that really utilise the VR with the Playstation. Worth buying just for this (its short but sweet).
+ Improved multiplayer options. Its a step in the right direction and it is quite fun (see cons however)
+ No loot boxes, no EA, no pay to win, no in game currency, no collectors cards, no Konami etc.
Cons (the below are mostly negligible)
– They couldn’t resist a ‘season pass’ however, shame. Apparently this will include several extra planes and three new missions, time will tell if this is any good.
– Cut-scenes galore. Look you can just skip them, and the core of the story is quite good (suicide squad with jet planes?) but many of the cut-scenes are just…well plain boring. It gets better and heck, they certainly tried and put good money into it! (6 x better story then Fallout 76).
– Timed missions. This is a bit of a headscratcher to be honest, i’m not really sure what they were thinking with one or two of the missions and the tough timer requirements. I’ve never failed to a time out…but its been close occasionally.
– Online multiplayer is dominated by pro players who have already unlocked the best planes by day 2 – wait until you are suitably experienced!
If you have a passing interest in jet planes, or historically liked games such as Burnout and Metal Gear Solid (basically those two things combined, with jet planes), this is everything you could hope for. Ace Combat fans rejoice, Aces rule the skies once more!
Note 1 – Total flight time in the (normal) campaign was measured at six and a half hours, plus probably another two hours of cut scenes, VR is plus another hour give or take.
Note 2 – What is it with final missions in these sort of games making you fly down tiny tunnels??
Totally awesome! This was worth the wait – one of the best VR experiences yet! The sensation is just class, flying through the clouds is particularly cool, together with the sound and cockpit detail it’s just so class. The main campaign mode which is non-VR is still very cool – I play it with the VR headset on anyway – sure it’s just a large flat screen effect but still very immersive. I’ve always been a fighter jet game fan from the days of Afterburner and Stealth so this is a special treat!
I bought this just for its vr mode but the main campaign is brilliant as well.
A lot of people will buy this just to try its three hour long vr campaign but Ive
got to say that this mode is so good its worth the price for this experience alone, yes its that good.
Add onto this the cracking campaign and Ace Combat Squadron Leader thrown into the mix and
this package is worth every penny. Highly recommended.
Well, what can I say ? Never really been a fan of this game in the past despite how long I’ve been gaming, approx 1979 when one of my neighbours was lucky enough to have the Atari 2600 system !
Purchased this more for the VR experience , I know it’s very limited but thought stuff it, lets give it a go and then try the normal campaign part of the game. The VR just blew me away , absolutely stonking stuff and its a shame the entire game isnt in VR but having said that, I’ve just spent an hour playing the campaign and I am very impressed, great graphics, gameplay and sound and there is a cockpit view too …..for me to play this game for that long says something about the game, infact, I’ve only come off the game to write this review and go and wash my car !!
ordered this game 14 months ago – it was worth the wait – ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. follows on from ace combat 6 – very similar but graphics etc improved – well worth the price
I’ve been waiting forever for this game! After the abomination of the last one that took away the best part, the dog fights! The graphics are great, the gameplay is great. The addition of the plane ladder means you’ll need to play multiple times to unlock all the planes, weapons and upgrades. Welcome back Ace Combat!
Bought for the VR mode mainly and it’s worth it , iv always wanted to be a fighter pilot and it’s the closet I will ever get to that. Single player is good also. Good graphics.
My top tip is.
play TOP GUN SOUNDTRACK on Spotify in the background. Enjoy
Great fun to play, good graphics and set up.
Easy to navigate menus too. Suitable for all ages as skill level can be set from beginner to expert.
Really happy with the game, it’s much better than expected.
Les graphismes sont top..
Mais je n’ai pas voulu le finir car fait chauffer ma ps4 pro..
Is very good but you should put a lot of attention because is a bit complex
Basically if you grew up playing Ace Combat 3, you can’t go wrong with this game
He seems to like the game – came in perfect condition.
Picked this up after a few YouTubers reviewed it, check Max0r out if you haven’t heard of him. Didn’t know what to expect as the only other Ace Combat game I played was Assault Horizon and while that was great, it was on the PS3 some years back and wasn’t set in their “strange real universe”; the world the rest of the AC universe is set in.
I can’t stress how quickly those fears were allayed, and for a story that’s basically set in a parallel universe, it’s utterly believable, easy to follow even if you don’t watch a short video on the lore, and most importantly, the gameplay is sensational.
Aircraft and their load outs are realistic to a fault, and I still can’t get over how enjoyable replaying it with different load outs and jets is, although with 20 missions and 3 DLC ones, you have a lot to choose from.
This game is absolutely worth your money and time, I can’t say that any clearer.
Il y en a un qui sera content pour nol !!!
Well this game is a few years old and very cheap to buy now,!! we’ve had a VR head set for 18 months +and mostly been playing dirt rally and fancied something different as the VR head set has been in the cupboard for 6months + so i convinced my son to take up a flying game as the last flying game i played was F22 intersepter (yes im 40and that was on the Sega mega drive)
WOW what can i say, like all comments before wishing the whole game was in VR and giving my VR life again, we can’t get off it, im sure if and when they make Ace combat 8 it will surely be VR, and by then we hope to progress to a top end pc for the ultimate experience in the future of gaming. It’s so good and I’m so lucky to see the progress from my first experience on my Atari on River Raid, i never thought i would see this in my lifetime
Un prix drisoire, un jeu hyper addictif aux musiques et cinmatiques toujours aussi piques. What else ? Foncez.
Long time fan and another great addition to the series, good fun arcade flight game
Started off on lowest level to learn game not at top level really good engaging in sky’s been lovely during lockdow
Jeu achet pour un cadeau.
La personne tait ravie aussi au dballage que a jouer.
Reu le lendemain de la commande impec.
Quite hard and a little frustrating, takes some skill to master.
En tout czs, j’adore!!!!
Jeu gnial. Le raliste est vraiment poustouflant. Je recommande sans problme ce jeu. Je suis fan de Ace Combat depuis les premires PlayStation.
Super spiel mit sucht potential macht auch Spa beim 2. mal durchspiele
Love it! Can’t wait to play it cos l have VR somewhere in my place. Still looking for it. This game is phenomenal! It’s a bargain too. Much obliged.
Gran bel gioco di guerriglia aerea ideale per passare un po di tempo davanti alla tua ps4
Game snel en in goed staat aangekomen.
Ik als groot fan van acecombat vindt dit een goede game met goede graphics.
De VR ervaring is ook geweldig
Fantastic. But can’t work out how to do cockpit mode with the crash headse
Come tutti i capitoli precedenti, anche questo non delude.
Grafica eccelsa, sistema di volo pi votato all’arcade e godibilissimo, le missioni sono piuttosto varie anche se sanno un p di gi visto, ma assicurano ore di divertimento anche in multiplayer.
Nota di merito per la modalit VR, assolutamente da provare, peccato solo sia un p troppo corta..
Good graphics and strong game mechanics, it’s Bandai Namco quality.
La consegna stata rapida come sempre, la confezione arrivata integra. Il prezzo in linea con quelli degli altri negozi, ma di questi tempi meglio ricevere i prodotti a casa per evitare contatti con la gente.
Personalmente ho trovato questo gioco molto divertente, abbattere aerei e navi nemiche a suon di missili d una certa soddisfazione, e mi sono salvato una serie di screenshot dei paesaggi che adesso uso come sfondo del desktop del PC e della ps4 😀
Le jeu est gnial en normal.
Complet, sensations agrable, histoire sympa.
Le meilleur du genre.
En VR, seul certaines missions le sont…
Les sensations sont … fortes … (tenu 10minutes avant mal de ventre), utiliser avec parcimonie.
Sinon jeu exceptionnel, pas trouv mieux en avion.
I love this game. Would of been 5 stars IF there was more VR levels. Using VR on this game is so awesome. Really makes you feel like you are actually there. Excellent when you hit the sun and it blinds you. So realistic!
Con il visore un qualcosa di impressionante. Occorre sicuramente pratica soprattutto
per prendere dimestichezza con una ambiente veramente tridimensionale. Buone le Missioni ed ottima la grafica. Consigliato
Jeuvexcellent autant en histoire qu en vr. A vous donner le tournis et le vertige ! Tout simplement genial avec une bonne jouabili
Brought for my husband, as expected, great game, no faults
Colis bien reu mais ouvert heureusement pour moi le jeu n’a pas du lui plaire au livreur..qui n’a pas sonn comme toujours et je comprends pourquoi…
Gioco molto bello, ma penso che potevano fare molto di piu su certi aspetti! Come la lingua del audio in italiano, e qualcosa in piu per quanto riguarda la grafica!! Per il resto un gioco che ti coinvolge e da provare chi appassionato di aerei!
Buon gioco per PS4, grafica coinvolgente e trama avvincente. Il giusto genere che diverte e mette alla prova abilit e precisione
Super jeux , a recommand surtout pour eux qui aime la pilotage d’avion ……
Livraison en retard livraison prvu le 6 et arriver le 7 a plus de 20h le soir dessus a se niveau ….
Mais le jeux et vraiment trs bien fai
Bon jeux et les graphismes sont bien avec un grand ralisme.
I bought this game primarily for the VR element. Graphics are really good and from what I can tell, the story looks sound but I can’t give too accurate a review of how solid it stays throughout the game because it makes me very nauseous. The first time flying your taking off from an aircraft carrier and straight up into the clouds. WOW, so realistic but I could only handle about 5 minutes before having to lie down for a bit. All four household members are the same. I have a ton of VR games and different systems and by far, this one is the one that will push the boundaries for comfort. I’ll persevere at it though as it was good fun for the short time I can play it.
Great game, arrived on time well packaged, works well and is very smooth
Is very much a arcade flight Sim game but as such is quite good fun. VR ready for added fun.
Creo que con las VR ha sido la experiencia ms parecida a volar con un caza que he tenido en mi vida. Las misiones no son muy largas pero creo que es un punto a su favor porque poco te aburres, la sensacin que transmite el juego es muy buena y muy realista. No le doy las cinco estrellas porque no es el juego perfecto pero desde luego se queda muy cerca.
Been waiting to play this game again since the PS1, didn’t disappoint.
Bought just for the VR bits. There aren’t many missions for VR, but what there is really shows the difference VR makes. Ever lost a plane off screen while dog fighting? Not any more. You can follow the plane wherever it goes. I can’t explain how much of a difference this makes. A truly stunning experience and well worth the money just for showing what VR really can do.
Un beau jeu, scnaristiquement russi et proposant un bon niveau de difficult.
De nombreux avions et de belles cinmatiques.
A dcouvrir.
super on si croirait mme si il n’est pas facile de contrler l’avion , c’est fascinant comme jeux
le meilleur que j’ai achet
en plus a un prix trs intrssa
Great game. Very realistic. I am playing this using the thrust master flight stick as well. Not tried the VR missions but excellent game without the VR.
A little disappointed that there are only 3 levels for VR but still a great game.
I purchased this through a Black Friday sale and had been thinking for a while whether to buy or not. All I’ll say is that you won’t be disappointed! The graphics are ultra sharp especially on a HD tv plus the sound quality is amazing, again if you have some sort of surround sound system. The gameplay is awesome and has great pick up and play value, so good if you are not an avid game player.
The selection of aircraft is fantastic. I can’t wait to unlock the Eurofighter! Overall, you will not be disappointed, and at such good value for money!
Missions are very similar. Found myself losing interest after only a few missions.
Thank you for this game and to those that shipped it out. Thank you the game play is awesome.
Campaign mode very similar to hawx and hawx2 games. Graphics not bad. Not played enough of game to give any more, but from what I have played very enjoyable.
Good game love it Ace combat 7 10 out of 10 for me !!!
This is back to the ace combat we all love none of that cinematic dog fighting rubbish. Amazing controls, graphics and most importantly gameplay. Story so far is ok and fills the gap between sorties. Multiplayer is good but hard when starting off but good fun. Highly recommend
Arrived promptly.
Purchased as a gift for my nephews birthday and he is enjoying his gift.
More like the Ace combats of old, and all the better for it. Loads of unlock able planes, weapons and skins, good story with long missions and ability to employ a different strategy on each play through.
Haven’t yet got VR but would consider it for just for this game.
Well worth buying if like me, you enjoyed the old ace combat games.
Delivered quickly, in packaging that fit through the letter box.
With a contemptuous sneer I gazed at the mig and as we flew by one another I gave him the sign. A salute of farewell as he was going down in a blaze of glory. I will make a martyr of you my Russian friend, I thought as I fired my amram missile. Aptly named fire and forget. Three on three in the heat of the blinding sun. Sparky splashed one mig at 10k ft and instantly went sonic to the ceiling 20k to help his wing man who was forced to make a split S and lost contact. “I’m on his six” screamed Sparky, “I need you to break right now, I’m switching to guns” the mig hesitated to break right and decided to dive for the hardline and bug out. We watched the remaining two migs disappear from radar and headed back to the carrier. Great VR game makes me feel like a fighter pilot.
I love the VR. So far all I’ve done are dogfight and that’s good enough for me. I believe there is much more to enjoy too.
A thing of great beauty. I bought this mistakenly thinking it was going to have some flight simulator aspect but basically it is a dream of a game looking through a cockpit and basically shooting at other planes. As far as motion sickness well isn’t that to add more realism.
Un bon moment.
Timing quelque fois un peu chaud (pour moi).
The product, even though it was used, came in a re-sealed box with all the included items inside. Everything was clean and tidy – if I didn’t know I was buying a used game, I might think it was brand new. Very very satisfied with the purchase!
I have always enjoyed the Ace Combat series of games and this is no exception. Strange that one mission in this ‘new’ game features an exact scenario from both an earlier PS2 and PSP game – the mission is similar but the targets are different.
Two niggles:
In the mission review, it is hard to keep your chosen camera-angle as it keeps switching.
and: new planes have to be purchased from the bounty earned from the missions (no real money is spent!) and the better the plane, the more it costs. This was easier in earlier games as planes and weapons could be sold back when they were no longer wanted. In this game, planes etc cannot be sold back and other annoying add-on have to be purchaed in order to ‘unlock’ the chosen aircraft. This means playing each scenario over and over, not because you want to, but because you have to.
Would I recommend? Yes
Would I buy another Ace Combat? Absolutely
Pour le jeux par contre, je l’ai trouv un peux plus dur que l’ancien, moins fun et qu’elle dommage de devoir faire d’un multi pour dbloquer tout les avions.
Bought this for my partner! Fantastic! Very realistic. Looking forward to expansion packs!
I bought this game for one thing only – the prospect of a flight combat game IN VIRTUAL REALITY. I had my doubts, but they were immediately obliterated by this truly AMAZING experience of superbly created and rendered VR flight simulation.
VR mode is currently only available on PS4 and only for a limited number of missions and military fighters, but BOY OH BOY it is AWESOME!
IMHO this game for PSVR is worth the not inconsiderable (although perfectly usual) purchase price for the VR mode alone!
I’ve tried playing this with the PS4 controller, but a HOTAS joystick and throttle is immeasurably better. They aren’t cheap (I use the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 for PS4, available on Amazon at a typical price), but they are definitely worth the outlay, IMHO. Also works with Ultrawings, if you enjoy that game (I don’t). Works with quite a few other games: there’s a list on the Thrustmaster website IIRC.
Well done to the creators (Bandai Namco IIRC). PLEASE CREATE A LOT MORE FOR THIS ADDICTED CUSTOMER!!!!
Love it , in be it like you are really flying
Great game, good graphics and plenty of missions as well as on line multilayer levels to complete.
Well the game is good just a shame cant do More missions on vr that’s all but game is good
Great fun. Although very repetitive after a while. I’ve always been a huge fan of Ace Combat games and when this released I bought it without hesitation, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the story in this, I did still really enjoy it, especially with the new graphics and how smooth it played. If you’re a long time fan of the series I’d definitely pick it up as it doesn’t disappoint.
It was a Birthday Gift and recepient very pleased with item and it arrived very Promptly
On the PS4 universe you dont get to have a lot of fly sim type of games released very often. Great graphics, great game plan and last but not least – very fun to play, enjoy the graphincs and just dog fight like there is no tomorrow. Obviously the game is not like 100% hard core fly sim, but that is totally fine. The jet graphics are very accurate and the story line is really engaging!
The graphics of the game are very good,but I didn’t like it in vr because it made me feel sick but it still a good game.
Ace Combat 7 is a good game, and a good addition to the Ace Combat series. I did find it a bit short, and the replay value is a bit limited. I also had to search the secondary objectives on internet because nothing in the game clearly explains what can be done after the campaign. Overall I’d say it’s not as good as the PS2 trilogy, but still better than any other game in this category available today.
Ace Combat 7 is a far better step up from the Assault Horizon game. Graphically beautiful,great story,great characters and plenty of aircraft to choose from.
My only downsides are lack of enemy squadrons to fight against. In the Belkan War ace combat there were plenty. Also I found that the missions didn’t really differ from previous games.
But compared to Assault Horizon this is the ace combat I’ve been waiting for on a Console that’s not the PS2 or PS3.
If you are a fan of the original series, especially AC04 and 5 then you will like this. It looks fantastic on the Pro. Lots of difficulty levels, good story. I love it. The VR missions are amazing. DLC will hopefully keep this fresh and add even more to the mix.
Very fast delivery happy with condition great if you like air combat and strategy very enjoyable
Don’t be put off by the fact that this is 7th numbered entry in the series (I believe it’s actually the 13th game in the franchise?) as each game has it’s own separate story that you can follow.
The gameplay is a combination of Arcade elements mixed in with more Sim-like aspects. For example your aircraft carries more weapons than it would in real life, however the aircraft is based on a real world jet, as are the weapons, and the game makes use of real world flying maneuvers, adverse weather conditions, etc to create a thrilling experience hat doesn’t disappoint. There’s also online dog-fighting between teams or singular players that you can partake in. You can also use the jest and weapons you unlock in the campaign so your first match doesn’t have to be in a 40 year old refurbished Vietnam era fighter!
The graphics are excellent. The jets all look and sound distinctive. A few old classics are missing – notably the Tornado which is a shame, however favourites like the Su-35S, The F-22 and the Eurofighter Typhoon make a return. New jets like the F-35 and the recently combat tested Su-57 Stealth Fighter are also included which is great.
The vintage F-4 is in the game but I believe it’s limited to early adopters via a DLC code so hurry if you want to full compliment of Jets.
Overall this is a really great package. Fun, endlessly repayable and polished. The difficulty can be a bit steep for some but if you persevere you’ll find an excelled game to dig into.
I enjoyed AC6 years ago and invested in the PS4 VR mainly for this release.
A lot of money spent for the 3 VR missions on AC7, but it was worth it just for that. The carrier scene and the amazingly dramatic mission 2 scene….wow!
The in-flight sights and sounds combined with the flight effects of the clouds create a fabulous flight /fighting environment.
I must admit the standard game to me is somewhat redundant now, VR rules.
Hopefully Bandai games will supply VR DLC soon (Please!), this is the future.
Nausea maybe an early constant companion, have short flights to train the brain and soon you will be burning the skys.
Played it for a couple hours now. Haven’t used my VR with it yet. But the game itself is a great reminder of how good the series is. Last ace combat I was truly hooked on was ace combat 3. I have a feeling already this one will get me the same way. Graphics are obviously brilliant aswell.
Is it worth buying this just for three VR missions? Maybe, as it’s really that good, but I sincerely hope Namco can put out some VR DLC soon.
I bought it because of the PSVR missions….truly amazing!
All of the stuff you loved about previous games is there, but it still feels fresh and exciting thanks to some clever new mission ideas, an involving story and of course the even better graphics and physics. I’ve been a fan of these games ever since Air Combat on the PS1 and this really doesn’t disappoint.
My only criticisms:
-It’s pretty much impossible to compare aircraft stats thanks to the bizarre choice of using numberless bars to indicate stats, and not even giving the ability to easily move straight from one aircraft to another. It’s pretty frustrating when you want to conserve your in-game currency and try to get the most bang for your buck when upgrading your aircraft. Thankfully someone on Reddit has painstakingly gone through and worked out numbers for every aircraft, but it seems like a massive oversight for what would have been such a simple detail of just adding a number next to the bar indicator.
-The drone-focused missions are just too chaotic. You’re basically just frantically flying around all over the place rather than thinking about tactics or strategy and, even within the allowances of a computer game, these missions just seem to feel rushed and lose their realism.
-The storyline can be a bit confusing with all of the similar-sounding country names and the fact that they all talk with an American accent!
-It would have been nice to see a wider selection of aircraft. There are quite a lot, but the number and variety in the earlier games is missing.
These are minor criticisms though so I’m still giving it 5 stars. It’s a superb game and will have tons of replay value thanks to the different mission replay options. I haven’t even tried out the online multiplayer or VR modes yet either.
It is great to see Ace Combat on ps4. The graphics are great, some truly beautiful environments to fly in.
The story is very nostalgic as is the music.
Have waited a long time but it was worth the wait..
+ A good, length campaign with varied, interesting missions. Sure there are standard ‘destroy everything’ missions but there are now stealth & escort missions, spectacular boss fights all livened up by…
+ Spectacular weather effects and much improved topography. Diving into cloud cover to escape a missile lock, hunting fuel lorries in a sandstorm, dog-fighting through mountains in a thunder storm, it looks excellent and really impacts on the games fun factor. Terrain and cities in particular have seen vast improvements in appearances.
+ Beautiful graphics. Really this game needs a dedicated photo mode – the sun dappling through the clouds, the missile streaks and of course, the planes themselves – excellent.
+ Sound design. This is particularly good although the constant missile blare can annoy, wearing headphones is very immersive! Music is great across the board, particularly the boss battles and the penultimate level (although nothing compares to ‘The Liberation of Gracemaria’, youtube it) and the voice acting is adequate with the usual silly lines.
+ Generous campaign. Its a good length available with three difficulty levels, 20 levels and two control options (pro hint – play with Expert, much more immersive and this should be the default – looking at you IGN…) with ‘normal’ being suitably challenging.
+ Fandom. After some wobbly games this is a real gift back to the Ace Combat fans, big levels, big missions and battles. In an age where content is being cut left, right and centre – this feels like a (mostly) full package.
+ VR. At last a game that really goes for VR, three special missions (although quite ordinary in themselves) that really utilise the VR with the Playstation. Worth buying just for this (its short but sweet).
+ Improved multiplayer options. Its a step in the right direction and it is quite fun (see cons however)
+ No loot boxes, no EA, no pay to win, no in game currency, no collectors cards, no Konami etc.
Cons (the below are mostly negligible)
– They couldn’t resist a ‘season pass’ however, shame. Apparently this will include several extra planes and three new missions, time will tell if this is any good.
– Cut-scenes galore. Look you can just skip them, and the core of the story is quite good (suicide squad with jet planes?) but many of the cut-scenes are just…well plain boring. It gets better and heck, they certainly tried and put good money into it! (6 x better story then Fallout 76).
– Timed missions. This is a bit of a headscratcher to be honest, i’m not really sure what they were thinking with one or two of the missions and the tough timer requirements. I’ve never failed to a time out…but its been close occasionally.
– Online multiplayer is dominated by pro players who have already unlocked the best planes by day 2 – wait until you are suitably experienced!
If you have a passing interest in jet planes, or historically liked games such as Burnout and Metal Gear Solid (basically those two things combined, with jet planes), this is everything you could hope for. Ace Combat fans rejoice, Aces rule the skies once more!
Note 1 – Total flight time in the (normal) campaign was measured at six and a half hours, plus probably another two hours of cut scenes, VR is plus another hour give or take.
Note 2 – What is it with final missions in these sort of games making you fly down tiny tunnels??
But I played it for ten minutes and felt sick for about five hours after .Tom cruise I’m not .
I’ve been waiting for an Ace Combat game to come out on PS4 since I’ve owned it, and this has not disappointed!
I’ve always loved these games, and I’m so happy it’s finally out!
Just trying to resist buying VR now!
I can fully recommend!
A lot of people will buy this just to try its three hour long vr campaign but Ive
got to say that this mode is so good its worth the price for this experience alone, yes its that good.
Add onto this the cracking campaign and Ace Combat Squadron Leader thrown into the mix and
this package is worth every penny. Highly recommended.
Purchased this more for the VR experience , I know it’s very limited but thought stuff it, lets give it a go and then try the normal campaign part of the game. The VR just blew me away , absolutely stonking stuff and its a shame the entire game isnt in VR but having said that, I’ve just spent an hour playing the campaign and I am very impressed, great graphics, gameplay and sound and there is a cockpit view too …..for me to play this game for that long says something about the game, infact, I’ve only come off the game to write this review and go and wash my car !!
Great game, buy it !!
Liked how my product arrived early. Also got a bonus code for Ace Combat 5 and a PS4 theme. Impressed. The game is excellent.
My top tip is.
play TOP GUN SOUNDTRACK on Spotify in the background. Enjoy