AIBOOSTPRO PTZ Solar Security Camera Outdoor Two-Way Audio CCTV Camera Wireless Outdoor WiFi Surveillance Camera 14400mAh Rechargeable Battery 1080P Home Security Night Vision PIR Radar Detection…

AIBOOSTPRO Pan/Tilt Security Camera with Solar Panel, Built-in 14400mAh Rechargeable Battery
- Stay 100% free of cords and wiring hassles: Work great with AIBOOSTPRO Solar Panel and 2.4GHz Wi-fi.
- Flexible 355°Pan 100°Tilt Rotation Widen View: Remotely rotate it and monitor every corner of your home in real-time.
- Quick PIR Sensor and Radar Dual Alarm Detection: Protect your property and send timely and accurate alerts.
- Free AIBOOSTPRO Mobile App and Client: Remote Live view, playback, and download record manually videos.
- Secure Cloud Storage and Local SD Card: encrypted cloud storage keep your recordings private and secure and Max to 128G SD Card.

Warm Tips:
- Only support by 2.4G Wi-Fi.
- Only support by “Ubox” APP.
- Not compatible Alexa or Google Assistant.
- Doesn’t work with a window PC, not compatible with ONVIF or RSTP
- Not support 24/7 continuous recording or NVR, only support motion detection recording.
- Please install the micro SD Card (not included) before powering on the camera. Max up to 128G.
Easy To Install: Two-way Installation – All in one / Separated for your reference. Comes with all the tools you need to install and set up your camera in just minutes.

This outdoor security camera has 4X digital zoom function which can capture every single detail you want. Thanks to the intelligent 355° Pan 110°Tilt, it allows you can remotely control the rotation of the ptz wifi outdoor camera to watch every internal and external angle by your smartphone. and it has auto-tracking with human detection function. Excellent choice for outdoor camera.

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App Real-Time AlertsThe home security cameras will automatically track and record every movement of the intruder and get alert messages when detecting motions. | Encrypted Cloud Storage & SD SlotCloud and micro SD card save and record videos captured by your AIBOOSTPRO Cam. You can download your videos and review them at anytime. Never miss a moment. AIBOOSTPRO encrypted cloud storage keep your recordings in private and secure. SD card supports Max up to 128G. | Get Remote Access Anywhere AnytimeUse free AIBOOSTPRO software (Ubox) to live view, playback and download record manually videos anytime. Wherever you are, you can stay aware of your home and business via free software on iOS/Android phones or Windows/Mac computer. Also you can share the video with your family and friends. |

Multi-scene Use
The security camera can also help you monitor villages/farms/ranches/vegetable gardens. It can also be used to monitor the birth of cubs and check the status of cubs at any time.
Home, bedroom, shopping mall, office, supermarket, etc., this outdoor camera with night vision can help you monitor everything and every place you want to keep close eyes on with ease!
Weight: | 1.7 kg |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 22.5 x 14.1 x 17.5 cm; 1.7 Kilograms |
Model: | S20 |
Part: | Anivia–1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | AIBOOSTPRO |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
I purchased two solar cameras, though I think they’re quite expensive Yet cannot fault how well they keep their charge even on the dullest days.
There not the most easiest to set up but once you figured out the best signal on one, then with others it’s a doddle.
Now when they work well, they are exceptionally good, both with day and night vision. The picture quality is really good as is the zoom in and out.
There are many features all easy to operate, with the panning of the camera uncomplicated as is the security light with all the main features accessible on the front screen. The added voice function is good, just to shout at any intruders or speak to family when your away or situated in the house, than use your phone. Easy volume control.
When in a land far far away, not a problem when using my phone data.
Yet, I have knocked off a star for these reasons….. on numerous occasions the frustration with intermittent connection. Also, with one of the cameras, on occasions there appears when you look through the lens, thick fog. Perhaps, this is more about the signal reception and where we’re situated… As it’s was a bright day. I’m not sure….. I wished once you tapped the SD icon option it remained and not reverted to the pay cloud icon eveytime to come out of the app. Also I would like a no delay, than alert me after the event, as 15sec is lengthy.
Again, when they work well they vey good.
Facile installer trs bonne vido seule le son quand on parle pas terrible on entend bien dplacement de la camra nickel
Fantastic motorised camera, it’s motion detection is on the ball, picture quality is clear as a bell, even in night vision mode
Fantastic motorised camera, it’s motion detection is on the ball, picture quality is clear as a bell, even in night vision mode
Quality product good quality and maintains battery charge okay. Video quality good.
Just need to get use to the trigger delay before you see what set it off
Quality product good quality and maintains battery charge okay. Video quality good.
Just need to get use to the trigger delay before you see what set it off
Aufgrund diverser Ereignisse in der Umgebung habe ich mich dazu entschlossen, mir die AIBOOSTPRO Kamera fr die Rckseite meines Hauses zuzulegen.
Ausschlaggebend fr die Entscheidung war, dass die Kamera keinen Stromanschluss bentigt sondern auch ber das beiliegende Solarpanel funktioniert.
Der Akku ist recht gro und hlt auch ohne aufladen recht lange. Somit ist selbst bei wenig Sonne eine ausgiebige Versorgung garantiert.
Die Montage der Kamera ist leicht und bedarf keinen groen Aufwand. Ebenso ist die Verarbeitung der Kamera sowie des Solarpanels sehr gut.
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Gerten ist die Nachtsicht hier nicht nur schwarz/wei sondern dank dem IR-Licht sowie den Scheinwerfern auch in Farbe. So kann man alles auch prima ausleuchten.
Die Schwenkmglichkeit funktioniert sehr gut. Es lsst sich alles was mir wichtig ist absuchen.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die Steuerung ber die APP. So kann ich jederzeit, von egal wo auf die Kamera schalten und Live-Aufnahmen in sehr guter Qualitt einsehen.
Mit einer passenden Speicherkarte, lassen sich die Sequenzen auch ohne Probleme abspeichern. Diese am besten direkt mit bestellen da sie nicht mit im Lieferumfang ist.
Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Preis-Leistungsverhltnis und kann den Kauf nur weiterempfehlen.
C’est la meilleure camera que j’ai achet jusqu’ prsent. C’est exactement ce dont j’ai besoin. J’ai pu tester les images, elles sont de trs bonnes qualits. La camera peut surveiller un angle assez large, l’application est trs facile utiliser. Une alerte s’envoie directement sur mon tlphone quand un mouvement est detect . voir si le panneau solaire dure longtemps
Ich nutze bereits mehrere WLAN-Kameras in verschiedenen Preisklassen innen und auen und wei inzwischen, was ich erwarten kann und was nicht. Diese hier hat mich besonders interessiert, weil das Solarpanel an der Kamera befestigt werden kann (aber nicht muss).
Die Installation funktioniert wie bei anderen Kameras dieser Art auch und ist mit der zugehrigen App schnell durchgefhrt. Die Kamera liefert ein gutes 1080p Bild bei Tag. Man kann alles gut erkennen. Die Steuerung der Kamera um sie auszurichten ist ebenfalls problemlos.
Mir fiel sofort auf, dass diese Kamera auch bei dunklen Verhltnissen noch Farbbilder liefert, bei denen andere schon auf Graustufen umgeschaltet haben. Die integrierte LED-Leuchte kann aber bei besonderer Dunkelheit zugeschaltet werden.
Bei der Betrachtung der aufgezeichneten Videaos (MP4) auf dem PC konnte ich feststellen, dass eine offensichtlich eine Software die dunklen Bilder sehr gut schrft und die Details dadurch deutlicher macht.
Das Gehuse ist sehr stabil und macht einen robusten Eindruck.
Der WLAN-Empfang ist einwandfrei, lsst sich ggf. aber durch Stellungsnderung der beiden Antennen anpassen.
Insgesamt ist sie fr mich etwas besser, als meine beiden bisherigen Favoriten – wegen der Bilder im dunkeln.
Was mich bei dieser Kamera genauso strt wie bei allen anderen auch: Jeder Hersteller nutzt eine eigene App. Eine (durchaus vorhandene) Standardschnittstelle wird leider bei fast allen nicht genutzt.
The PTZ is a bit of a luxury as once you have got it pointed where you want, there is little need to move it around. However, in a different location the advantage to be able to change the view is tremendous.
The camera seems to be well made and I’ve faced no issues thus far, very good quality/price ratio, connectivity is simple and the video footage is more than adequate for my needs. Overall very impressed with this.
Falls ihr euch ebenfalls in einem Mehrfamilienhaus befindet, solltet ihr vor Kauf abklren, ob alle Mietparteien mit der berwachung einverstanden sind. Sonst fhrt dies 1. nur zu unntigen Problemen und 2. wre dies gegen das Gesetz! Also vorher unbedingt von allen die schriftliche Einverstndnisserklrung geben lassen 🙂
Das berwachungssystem an sich macht genau das, was man sich drunter vorgestellt hat und konnte bisher lediglich 1 mal nach ca. 3 Wochen Nutzungsdauer nicht zu 100% berzeugen.
Aus irgendeinem Grund war die Kamera nicht mehr ber die Handy App ansteuerbar. Ich vermute dies lag daran das die Solarpanels von den zwei Sonnenschirmen auf meiner Terrasse verdeckt wurden und irgendwann der Strom bzw. Akku leer war.
Ansonsten fr diesen Preis eine super Bildqualitt, was man auchg erwarten darf 😛
Die Nachtsicht Funktion liefert ebenfalls super Bildqualitt.
Die Steuerung ber Handy App erfolgt mit relativ weniger Verzgerung, also geringes Lagging.
Besonders gut fr Bewohner in Mehrfamilienhusern. Es knnen rein theoretisch alle Mietparteien ber ihre Smartphones genau so Zugriff auf die Funktionen der Kamera haben, wie auch der eigentliche Besitzer selbst. Nochmals ein PRO Argument, falls man die anderen Mieter erst berzeugen muss 🙂
Danke fr das Lesen meiner Rezension. Hoffentlich konnte ich dir damit helfe
Gut hierbei, war auch der Schwiegerelterns Wunsch, so wenig wie mglich Kabel verlegen zu mssen. Denn hier wird alles per Akku betrieben, welcher per USB geladen werden kann und mehrere Monate ausreicht. Aber eigentlich wird, wie von uns auch, das beiliegende Solarpanel genutzt, welches gut ber der Kamera selbst positioniert montiert ist. Hiermit ist eine dauerhafte bzw. durchgehende Stromversorgung garantiert. Und selbst wenn es mal in den dunklen Monaten zu wenig Sonnenstunden reicht — Der Akku ist mit 14.400 mAh riesengro und hlt wie gesagt mehrere Monate ohne aufzuladen.
PIR Bewegungssensor ist natrlich integriert und arbeitet auch sehr zuverlssig, auch in Dunkelheit. Wurde natrlich grade in der Dunkelheit oft mal angetestet, um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen.
355 Horizontalschwenkungsmglichkeit lsst keine Wnsche offen. So lsst sich alles wirklich perfekt absuchen. Zwei Wege Audio ist mein ich auch eigentlich Standard bei berwachungskameras und funktioniert hierbei auch gut. Man versteht, wenn man in der Nhe der berwachungskamera steht, jedenfalls die mit einem sprechende Person und auch umgekehrt versteht man alles gut.
Richtig gut ist die farbige Nachtsicht. Oft sind ja Nachtsichten eher schwarz/wei bzw in Grautnen wie bei einem Nachtsichtgert. Hierbei jedenfalls nicht.
Per App kann man von berall auf der Welt sich auf die berwachungskamera schalten und so Live-Bilder einsehen. Gut, wenn man mal lnger unterwegs oder im Urlaub ist.
Verarbeitung der berwachungskamera oder des Solarpanels ausgesprochen gut. Dazu kinderleichte Montage entweder per Schrauben/Anbohren oder per beidseitigem Klebepad. Letztere Variante wird von den Schwiegereltern genutzt und funktioniert auch trotz Regenwetter 1a!
Speicherkarten bis 128 GB werden auch noch untersttzt, sodass man auch ohne Cloudspeicherungen mgliche Videosequenzen abspeichern lassen kann, womglich auch mal zu Beweiszwecken bei mglichen Einbrchen nicht verkehrt!
Eine absolut hervorragende berwachungskamera, ohne nerviges Stromkabelverlegen, dazu Live Bilder etc.jedem zu empfehlen, der auch hnliches suchen sollte
Like most we were very sceptical of a solar camera but here we are 5 weeks on and this unit is working like clockwork
Little lag here and there but OMG its really the best solar camera out there !! We have since bought 2 more and they all work flawlessly
The app from play store is rubbish had to get one from a there’d person in America but once up and running it’s grea
The app from play store is rubbish had to get one from a there’d person in America but once up and running it’s grea
Like most we were very sceptical of a solar camera but here we are 5 weeks on and this unit is working like clockwork
Little lag here and there but OMG its really the best solar camera out there !! We have since bought 2 more and they all work flawlessly
All my outdoor cameras are wireless, and I found it quite annoying to have to recharge them every few weeks, with this camera I think I found a perfect and ecological solution! We all know that England lacks sunlight, but the great part of this camera is that it doesn’t need summer sunlight at all times, even with normal daylight it charges its batteries! (As long as the panel is placed in an outdoor space with no obstacles such as trees). It also has quite a great wifi range versus a standard wireless camera, and video and audio quality are top for this price range. At night, when it detects a movement, it automatically turns on a bright LED light (the picture I posted its a night one, and in that area of the garden there’s 0 lighting!), very useful to have a clear view, but also to scare off intruders.
Overall I’m very satisfied and I recommend this camera greatly!
Die Kamera bietet den ganz klaren Vorteil unabhngig davon, ob ein Stromanschluss in der nhe ist, durch das Solarpanel quasi berall einsatzbereit zu sein. Wir haben das direkt mal ausprobiert, besonders weil dachten, dass aktuell (April) aufgrund des eher schlechten Wetters, nicht ausreichend Energie ber das Panel hergestellt wird. Aber: es funktioniert. Die Kamera liefert ein gutes Bild (wenn auch nicht perfekt) und alle Funktionen (Schwenk, Bewegungsmelder, Infrarot, etc) funktionieren einwandfrei.
Fr den Preis daher top! Einziges Manko: Die Kamera muss an einer sonnigen Stelle installiert werden. Also unter einem Dachvorsprung etc. funktioniert das natrlich nicht.
Very happy overall, great camera and fun to play with. I only put it up today so haven’t seen the night vision but picture quality is good in the day and was easy to set up. Would recommend to anyone who needs to keep an eye on van/tools. Only slight issue I have so far is you can’t keep it HD, everytime you close the program it skips back to SD, which is not as clear. Other then that it’s brilliant.
Angesichts des Preises waren meine Erwartungen an die Kamera sehr hoch. Diese Erwartungen wurden aber bertroffen.
Besonders gut gefllt mir die Nachtsichtfunktion, das Bild ist gestochen scharf (generell hat die Kamera denke ich mehr als 1080p ?!) & man kann mehr als 30m weit blicken.
Die Sprechfunktion ist in der hchsten Lautstrke zu laut, hier muss man in der App runterregeln. Die Kommunikation funktioniert dann aber sehr gut.
Es gibt auch einen Cloudspeicher fr 2 pro Monat, den ich aber aus Datenschutzgrnden nicht nutze.
Das solarpanel habe ich (noch) nicht im Einsatz.
Very happy overall, great camera and fun to play with. I only put it up today so haven’t seen the night vision but picture quality is good in the day and was easy to set up. Would recommend to anyone who needs to keep an eye on van/tools. Only slight issue I have so far is you can’t keep it HD, everytime you close the program it skips back to SD, which is not as clear. Other then that it’s brilliant.
The CCTV camera is easy enough to use and as this is solar powered, it doesn’t need powering in the main for my use. It does connect via wifi and make sure it is a 2.4ghz band as it doesn’t work for 5ghz ones. Picture quality looks good and there is an app included as well so you can view the footage off it live and also, get alerts via the motion detection that is included. There is a large battery on it and so far, we didn’t have to touch it and just left it to its own to do its job. It is waterproof so even in the rain, it will continue to work just fine.
We’ve had it up a few days now, I like to give it a bit of time to do a proper review on the camera.
Firstly, it was super easy to order and came next day delivery with Amazon Prime.
I was looking for an outdoor CCTV camera that was battery/solar powered, and I found that this particular one has the most complete set of features.
– Large battery
-Solar panel included
-Outdoor / waterproof
-Pan/Tilt option
-IR light / night vision
-Radar & PIR for improved motion detection
-2-way audio
The feature-set is very impressive, and I found that they perform very well in a real environment.
The WiFi antennas have a good range, and I had no problem connecting the camera to my router over 10m away.
The installation was super easy as well. To set up and get it running you only download an app which allows you to view a live feed of the camera and any recordings. This is really handy to have on the go if you want to check on your property and surrounding.
It comes with all fixations to attach to the wall which is really easy to do and with it being battery/solar panelled there is no need for a power supply however, there is an option if you need to charge it otherwise.
There is a mounting plate included in the box, that can be mounted on any wall using standard screws and plugs. The solar panel sits on the camera itself as shown in the product description pictures, which saved me the trouble of drilling extra holes for the panel itself.
The picture quality is excellent both day and night time the night vision is impressive using the IR.
The pan/tilt work as expected using the app, but I was impressed by how completely silent the camera is when moving! I have used other cameras in the past (both indoors and outdoors) and they were all loud when moving.
You get notifications when the camera picks up an motion. So far this camera has the best motion detection and the fastest notification to date. I guess the inclusion of a radar makes a difference, but I was also impressed with the speed of the notification on my phone.
Overall I absolutely love the camera and it’s features! I feel a lot more safe and secure knowing my property is being protected by this piece of equipment!
This product is superb, excellent quality manufacturing, packaging and set up. Setting up the camera for the first time was easy. I like this security camera a lot, but there are two features in particular that I really like. The first is that the camera is self-sustainable because it has a massive rechargeable battery, which is charged by its own solar panel. The second is that the camera can connect to my Internet service using its strong Wi-Fi. So, there is absolutely no cabling required with this camera. The system is so easy to set up it really is a doddle – especially if you already have the app installed, which I do! In the box is everything you need, just charge up the camera prior to installing, turn it on, reset, follow the app and your ready. A huge bonus of this system is that you can install anywhere without trying to work out if you can get power to the camera. The solar panels do a good job of trickle charging during the day.
This camera performs best in HD so make sure you tap, HD in the right-hand corner when viewing full screen.
I suggested.
So I was looking for a model that doesnt have any cables, solar power.
I got this one and so far everything is ok.
I have paid someone specialised to install it for me, I am not so good with making holes, ladder and the rest. The whole process took around 15 min once I have decided where to install it.
The most important thing for me is there are no cables involved.
Has a battery of 14440mah which I suppose lasts quite a lot, so far never run out of battery.
What I recommend is to place it somewhere where is plenty of light not to get obstructed somehow.
Has 4X zoom, you can do that on your phone using the app.
Resolution? 1080p color of course. The night vision is decent.
What you need? An micro SD card. I got mine before buying the camera, i bought 128gb which is my opinion is quite cheap.
How does it feel while holding? Decent, nothing spectacular. It is quite light.
Waterproof? Yes, I have it for a couple of weeks, I will let you know in a couple of months how it performs.
I choose white camera because it is more visible on my house, I want to make sure people notice it.
Because of the position solar panel the BIRDS cannot sit there which is another advantage.
Overall experience?
Good! I like it because there are no cables. Performance is average.
If this helped you in any way, please click on the helpful button below. Thank you
I already have a security camera which is still in the box because i have decided not to install it because I have to make holes to connect it to the power supply which is a problem for me.
So I was looking for a model that doesnt have any cables, solar power.
I got this one and so far everything is ok.
I have paid someone specialised to install it for me, I am not so good with making holes, ladder and the rest. The whole process took around 15 min once I have decided where to install it.
The most important thing for me is there are no cables involved.
Has a battery of 14440mah which I suppose lasts quite a lot, so far never run out of battery.
What I recommend is to place it somewhere where is plenty of light not to get obstructed somehow.
Has 4X zoom, you can do that on your phone using the app.
Resolution? 1080p color of course. The night vision is decent.
What you need? An micro SD card. I got mine before buying the camera, i bought 128gb which is my opinion is quite cheap.
How does it feel while holding? Decent, nothing spectacular. It is quite light.
Waterproof? Yes, I have it for a couple of weeks, I will let you know in a couple of months how it performs.
I choose white camera because it is more visible on my house, I want to make sure people notice it.
Because of the position solar panel the BIRDS cannot sit there which is another advantage.
Overall experience?
Good! I like it because there are no cables. Performance is average.
If this helped you in any way, please click on the helpful button below. Thank you
Still working on the control it’s been pretty good…the instructions are in daftly translated English from the original Chinese but I got enough to progress.
Camera is easy to install and picture quality is great. The alarm settings and solar panel are very helpful as I’m using this away from home, and so far haven’t had any issues.
Really impressed with this camera and its connectivity I can control it from my phone and hear audio. I can also talk through it so i can even tell someone im calling the police if need be… or anything else you could think of eg talk to partner children pets. its not properly mounted yet as i wanted to try it out before hand and im so impressed i had to leave a review.
This is the first solar camera I have bought, in addition to my other normal CCTV cameras. I was a little skeptical at first about functionality, but this camera has quite honestly blown me away. It was so easy to set up and I set it up and it was ready to use in about 5 minutes! It functions with ease, even working perfectly at night. The picture quality is excellent and the motion detection is a bonus too.
Well I purchased this for a few reasons but mostly to protect the cars on the driveway.
The range this has is unreal, my drive is over 70 feet and this goes way past that, and stays in focus, so easy to set up and the application is the same as my doorbell camera, very stable app,
I installed with the solar panel to begin with, and it worked well even just in daylight, but i have opted to use the power cable, as the front of my house only gets the sun at evening time, full control of the camera is so easy via my phone, as is the two way talk system, notifications are real time, someone is on my driveway i get notification right away, perfect for me when am away in the motorhome etc and perfect when at home to keep an eye on my mh, considering getting one for the rear of the house.
Really impressed with this camera and its connectivity I can control it from my phone and hear audio. I can also talk through it so i can even tell someone im calling the police if need be… or anything else you could think of eg talk to partner children pets. its not properly mounted yet as i wanted to try it out before hand and im so impressed i had to leave a review.
I had some security problem recently and buying some gadgets to protect my home. This was one of my purchase. I went for this three reasons and happy that I was not wrong in my choice. I was looking for a product which can turn in many angles (e.g.tilt, motion detection) and not very expensive and eco-friendly. I made lots of search and found out two product can meet with my expectations on amazon and chose this one as this was the cheapest (on sale). Happy so far, night vision is pretty good. Will back if something goes wrong.
This is a very clever camera! I have many cameras around my property, as I value my privacy highly and want to protect my family within their own home. But this camera design is new to me…
There is so much more to this than just recording images. Included in the box with the camera and battery/mounting box, solar panel, leads and cables. A very well laid out instruction book is also included. This has all the details needed to connect and operate all aspects of this camera. It’s got plenty of pictures and screenshots included so it’s easy to know you’re doing the right thing.
It was very easy to find the app (there’s a QR code in the instructions or it’s easily searchable) and download it to my phone through Play Store. Once registered the camera connected within seconds. It was extremely straightforward.
The app is full of gadgets, and can fully control the camera from anywhere you’ve got internet signal.
You can move the camera around 355 degrees around and tilt up to 110 degrees vertically. It will record to either memory card or cloud storage. Once the motion sensor is triggered the camera will start recording, but you can also, listen in, talk through, track people or animals, activate smart listening etc etc. It’s packed with features as listed in the product spec. The images it produces are of a great quality, perfect for reviewing easily and picking up details of people etc.
The solar panel provides this camera with all of the power it requires. The camera has a very large capacity battery that is constantly charged whenever sunlight hits the panel. This stores the power up for whenever it is required – whatever the weather! I had to install the panel on the adjacent wall to the camera to ensure that it received the maximum amount of sunlight. So it’s very useful to have that kind of flexibility.
These really do bring great peace of mind! And if the worst ever happens, fantastic evidence too!
I highly recommend this product.
After having had an issue with people feeding the horses in our field and them getting very sick every time, i decided it was time to install a camera so i could name and shame those involved.
I have a hotspot that i plug in inside the stables but didn’t have power that i could run over tot he ideal spot i wanted to place the camera, so needed a solar option.
This worked out great, i have screwed it onto a dying tree that overlooks the area and place it so that i can see everyone on the 2 spots i need to cover. As this camera allows me to move around the image, it means i don’t have to choose just one spot, i can alternate between them.
The images come through quite clear onto my phone and record onto an SD card in the camera which then means i can save them into my phone as and when i want to. the connection to the hotspot is fine, although as always it depends on the available signal in the area which can change often.
The main part of this though is as a deterrent, there’s really nothing i can do about people feeding my horses, but i can show them who’s doing it and they also see the camera which scares them off.
This item arrived safe and well packaged.
This is a very clever camera! I have many cameras around my property, as I value my privacy highly and want to protect my family within their own home. But this camera design is new to me…
There is so much more to this than just recording images. Included in the box with the camera and battery/mounting box, solar panel, leads and cables. A very well laid out instruction book is also included. This has all the details needed to connect and operate all aspects of this camera. It’s got plenty of pictures and screenshots included so it’s easy to know you’re doing the right thing.
It was very easy to find the app (there’s a QR code in the instructions or it’s easily searchable) and download it to my phone through Play Store. Once registered the camera connected within seconds. It was extremely straightforward.
The app is full of gadgets, and can fully control the camera from anywhere you’ve got internet signal.
You can move the camera around 355 degrees around and tilt up to 110 degrees vertically. It will record to either memory card or cloud storage. Once the motion sensor is triggered the camera will start recording, but you can also, listen in, talk through, track people or animals, activate smart listening etc etc. It’s packed with features as listed in the product spec. The images it produces are of a great quality, perfect for reviewing easily and picking up details of people etc.
The solar panel provides this camera with all of the power it requires. The camera has a very large capacity battery that is constantly charged whenever sunlight hits the panel. This stores the power up for whenever it is required – whatever the weather! I had to install the panel on the adjacent wall to the camera to ensure that it received the maximum amount of sunlight. So it’s very useful to have that kind of flexibility.
These really do bring great peace of mind! And if the worst ever happens, fantastic evidence too!
I highly recommend this product.
After having had an issue with people feeding the horses in our field and them getting very sick every time, i decided it was time to install a camera so i could name and shame those involved.
I have a hotspot that i plug in inside the stables but didn’t have power that i could run over tot he ideal spot i wanted to place the camera, so needed a solar option.
This worked out great, i have screwed it onto a dying tree that overlooks the area and place it so that i can see everyone on the 2 spots i need to cover. As this camera allows me to move around the image, it means i don’t have to choose just one spot, i can alternate between them.
The images come through quite clear onto my phone and record onto an SD card in the camera which then means i can save them into my phone as and when i want to. the connection to the hotspot is fine, although as always it depends on the available signal in the area which can change often.
The main part of this though is as a deterrent, there’s really nothing i can do about people feeding my horses, but i can show them who’s doing it and they also see the camera which scares them off.
It was little bit hard to connect to the app but in the end was amazing, its a clear view in the night and the camera light very bright..its easy to turn on or off from the app
Very pleased with this purchase
I recommend
Better than expected, wanted the camera to connect to the corner of the house with less wiring and where I could see two corners as well, this is perfect to monitor two roads or wide angles, picture quality is good. Note to remember cannot be used to monitor 24×7.
Good quality camera that I will be putting outside. Feels really heavy and expensive which I love. Camera turns 360 degrees. And most importantly solar panels. Good value for the price, and a lot of instructions plus guarantee.
The main limitation and advantage was always going to be the solar panel.
Makes it real easy to install , x4 screws (comes with them) , insert TF card (not included) , download app and off you go. Took me longer to find my drill than actually install it.
I wanted it away from my house looking towards it and there was no usable power hence the solar choice .
Being solar i was concerned about battery life , but after 2 weeks in a gloomy UK march its still 100% and charging more than its using . Ive left it on the power save mode where it only records when it detects movement.
The pictures show the day , and the two night options as you see one is in colour and one infra red .
With the app you can view live and recorded images from your phone anywhere , and comes with a trial cloud but i didnt use that and put a TF card in
Will probably get another for the back of the garde
I bought this camera to set up in my back garden. The first thing I was pleasantly surprised to notice was how easy it was to install the camera, this is due to the fact it is completely wireless. This is because the data is transferred throughy WiFi network with the battery being powered through the solar panel.
The camera only starts to work when it detects any sorts of movement and when it does it was start working instantly. The camera’s detection and response to any sort of movement is incredibly accurate.
The main area where the camera shines is the quality of the recording. During the day light it is really clearly however the night the camera is really working at its best, it is really bright and crisp.
Overall I think for everything you get with the camera the price is really good and you won’t be disappointed with the results.
Delivery was quick and packaging was great. Materials are good.
There is a user manual and step by step guide for assembly and set up, set up was easy peasy just took us 5 mins. Video quality is surprisingly good even we switched off the light when we tested the app, camera can be adjusted using the app to move around and zoom in and out, picture took automatically when it sensed someone passed by, I’m very impressed!
Great quality camera.Quality image.Easy to connect with the WIFI.Good size .
Did not have a time yet to fix it on the wall but already tried it.
Definitely recommend
Set up straight forward, just need to get application which can be scanned from barcode which came with it.
Camera has internal battery and also charges constantly on day time so no need to keep removing and manually charging as my other front door model.
It easy to operate and can be moved around and tilt if needed, it has also not optical but digital zoom function.
On nights it activates flooding light when detects the motion.
Only make sure the foil from motion detection is removed, as I have missed it and motion detection wasn’t activated till I get too close, once foil removed it was fine.
Overall nice easy installation wireless camera with great good night vision and operating functions.
Have a look to my pictures to see real size hope it will be helpful to decide if it’s suits personal needs or not.
Set up straight forward, just need to get application which can be scanned from barcode which came with it.
Camera has internal battery and also charges constantly on day time so no need to keep removing and manually charging as my other front door model.
It easy to operate and can be moved around and tilt if needed, it has also not optical but digital zoom function.
On nights it activates flooding light when detects the motion.
Only make sure the foil from motion detection is removed, as I have missed it and motion detection wasn’t activated till I get too close, once foil removed it was fine.
Overall nice easy installation wireless camera with great good night vision and operating functions.
Have a look to my pictures to see real size hope it will be helpful to decide if it’s suits personal needs or not.
Genius idea, it replaced the battery camera that runs only on the motion trigger. I have it on the end of my garden overlooking the park (can’t show you where it’s fitted). I have no complaints whatsoever. Works all the time. Without any wires, the ptz function is fast and quiet. It’s not the cheapest out there but the solar panel is something special. Definitely worth buying for remote places
Actually, I bought this camera on a whim, because I was going to buy the same camera I already had because I needed one on the side of my house.However, when I saw this solar panel version, I thought it was pretty genius, as no wires were required!
It’s really easy to set up and just rely on the Suns’ wonderful game to keep it running!Yes, we may not have much sun in our country, but it’s enough to power the equipment and keep it running.The instructions are clear, so make sure you read through them first so you can use all the features.No wires are needed and the picture is very sharp.I’m so happy!I like it very much.
Easy install
Quick to use and get the hang of
Value for money
Great camera for places with no electric supply
Would recommend to all my friends
We bought this Pan–tilt–zoom camera to replace our old camera that was vandalized.
It’s very easy to set up and in not time you can monitor your outdoors for total piece of mind.
The App works perfectly without bugs (my previous Camera app from time to time was freezing the image on the screen or was giving you false alerts making you jump in the middle of the night).The camera covers wide areas as it’s almost rotating at 360 degree. We installed approx 2 weeks ago and even if we did not have much Sun in Scotland camera was completely self-charging. Impressive also the night vision which is very clear. It’s well worth the money we paid as cameras with similar features sells for the double of the price.
I had been looking for compatible cameras for a long time that we’re not super expensive and these sturdy, well-built units definitely do the trick.
Also, the power supply is made with the help of the solar panel that is included in the set. It no longer needs tens of meters of the power cord from the socket, this gives much better accessibility to this surveillance camera. You can mount it practically anywhere and in any place you like.
It is simply a good camera!