Amazon Basics 5-Shelf Shelving Unit, up to 160 kg per shelf, Chrome

AmazonBasics 5-Shelf Shelving Unit

Create valuable vertical space with this sleek-looking shelving unit from AmazonBasics. Combining contemporary good looks with a conveniently adjustable design, the five-shelf unit quadruples your shelf space, with each wire shelf holding up to 158.7 kg max (evenly distributed). A useful addition to any living space or storage area, the five-shelf shelving unit offers remarkable strength, convenience, and versatility.

Works Anywhere

Placed in the kitchen, the shelving unit holds anything from canned goods and bulk items to pots and pans, stand mixers, dishes, and bowls. In the living room, the shelving unit beautifully displays books, magazines, board games, and more, while in an office setting, it can help keep files, documents, and supplies neatly organized. For small dorm rooms, the five-shelf shelving unit makes use of available vertical space for keeping clothes, snacks, text books, and more neatly organized and easily accessible. The shelving unit can also be used to help keep garage clutter under control; it works great for heavy cans of paint, toolboxes, gardening supplies, extension cords, and more. The shelving unit quickly provides added shelf space, wherever it’s needed most.

Adjustable-Height Shelves

Create custom-height shelves–no tools required–with the AmazonBasics five-shelf shelving unit. Simply clip together the two-part, black, plastic sleeves around the posts and at the height you want the shelf to sit. With four sleeves in place on each post and at equal height, lower the shelf down into place. Raise the shelf and move all four sleeves to a new position for more or less height, as desired. The sleeves can be placed higher or lower in 2.54-cm increments for ultimate customization.

Weight: 14.1 kg
Dimensions: 91.44 x 35.56 x 182.88 cm; 14.09 Kilograms
Brand: Amazon Basics
Model: SL-SUAM-117
Colour: Chrome
Colour: Chrome

241 Responses

  1. ChristineBoatma says:

     United States

    This shelving is foolproof and easy to assemble. 300 pound weight limit per shelf. Very sturdy. I bought 3 of them for my basement.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This shelf is great. It exceeds my expectations and at a very reasonable price. It’s easy to assemble, solid and sturdy. Just what my pantry needed

  3. Anonymous says:


    Veremos con el tiempo si se oxida qu es lo que ms me preocupa por lo dems es super fcil de montar no hay nada ms que poner las baldas hacia abajo los clips con la flecha hacia arriba cmo indica los puedes poner en la ranura que quieras no hace falta que sea en la que tiene dos ranuras casi juntas bajas la balda hacia abajo lo aprietas y no hay quien lo mueva 15 minutos he tardado en montarlo yo solo no me ha ayudado ni los perrillos ni mi mujer ni nadie o sea que animados que no s cmo puede decir la gente qu es tan difcil si esto es para tontos pero bueno un saludo

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ho acquistato questo prodotto ad occhi chiusi perch gi nel 2016 avevo preso lo stesso scaffale e mi ero trovato bene.
    Purtroppo per ho constatato che si lo stesso scaffale ma per la qualit non pi la stessa, lo spessore del ferro usato per lo scaffale pi sottile e quindi tende a flettere quando si mette qualcosa di pesante, una volta montata tende a stare non perfettamente in scquadro, alcuni ripiano hanno delle saldature fatte male, sicuramente facendo un paragone a quelle che ho gi a parte le misure non hanno molto in comune, alla fine per l’utilizzo che devo fare io va bene ugualmente ma la qualit inferiore.
    Rimane comunque la facilit nel montaggio dello scaffale e la possibilit di posizionare i ripiani all’altezza desiderata.
    Sicuramente la ricomprerei anche domani, ma bisognerebbe migliorare la qualit costruttiva come quella di 6 anni fa.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Anche se l’ho preso per il garage in passato ne acquistai uno per uno studiolo. Facile da montare e versatile (i piani si possono posizionare ad altezze diverse). Potrebbe esserci qlc imperfezione nelle saldature ( una l’ho levigata), mi capitato di restituirne uno difettoso (non in asse, foto) senza problemi!


  6. [email protected] Lindsey Kempton says:


    Nos decidimos por esta estantera por su resistencia al peso y no nos hemos equivocado.
    Aguanta muy bien el peso, es estable e incluye un anclaje para pared.
    Vino perfectamente embalada pero con algn roce en el metal, lo comunicamos a Amazon y solucionaron los problemas.

  7. SUSAN WONG says:


    Prodotto arrivato in una scatola molto robusta, erano presenti pure le istruzioni di montaggio ma non sono servite perch molto intuitivo, in 30 minuti gi era tutto montato, una cosa buona sono i piedini regolabili, in quanto se il pavimento non ben allineato potrebbe ballare un p, ma grazie ai piedini questo non succede e non l’ho nemmeno ancorato al muro, Pra di scrivere una recensione l’ho testato un po’ e ne sono rimasto abbastanza sodisfatto

  8. Anonymous says:


    Got this on sale for $20 off. At that price there is no better deal anywhere. This is not a heavy duty wire shelf, but rather a medium sturdiness completely suitable for household storage.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Cheap but a great product,easy to mount (15 minutes).I used for my son’s toys

  10. David Watsky says:


    Das Regal ist schnell und ohne Werkzeug auch allein aufgebaut und macht einen wertigen, robusten Eindruck. Selbst fr einen Laien ist der Aufbau in unter 30 Minuten machbar.
    Ich werde meine gleichpreisigen Baumarkt – Schrottregale, die zu zweit kaum aufbaubar waren und mit zustzlichen Bohrungen und Verschraubungen erst einigermaen stabilisiert werden konnten, durch diese Regale ersetzen.

  11. Alicia says:


    Fcil de montar, las patas permiten equilibrar la estantera para que no se quede coja, soporta una barbaridad de peso, la tengo un ao y ni un problema, la verdad es que me parece econmica para la calidad que tiene y adems est muy bien pensada. Si necesito ms la volver a comprar. Lo recomiendo.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Overall very happy after setting up this shelf. One thing that was frustrating (granted this may have been the shipping/drop off cause as the delivery guy slammed the package down on the front cement step carelessly on arrival (heard it throughout the house) – anyway one of the shelf seemed to have slight issue/bend installing so I just used it as the top shelf. Seems to be stable now. Anyway, this shelf seems like good initial quality especially for the price

    Overall very happy after setting up this shelf. One thing that was frustrating (granted this may have been the shipping/drop off cause as the delivery guy slammed the package down on the front cement step carelessly on arrival (heard it throughout the house) - anyway one of the shelf seemed to have slight issue/bend installing so I just used it as the top shelf. Seems to be stable now. Anyway, this shelf seems like good initial quality especially for the price

  13. Jon Devo says:

     United Kingdom

    No more worries of where to store thoe ad hoc things you accumulate over time

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a quality product, it looks and feels premium, and was well packaged and all-in-all, I was really satisfied with it. Genuinely made me smile and has given my 5 times more storage space in my utlity cupboard. Very sturdy and strong. 10 out of 10

  15. AngeliaMacdonel says:


    Einfach perfekt – leichter Zusammenbau (alleine) – sehr wertig in der Ausfhrung – ich verstehe die schlechten Rezensionen nicht – vielleicht falsch zusammen gebaut – denn die Oberseite ist nicht mit einem Metallrand versehen – Dieser gehrt nach unten – ich kann das Regal nur weiter empfehle

  16. StewartRaine says:


    I have placed my second order immediately after the first one is arrived.
    It is Very easy to assemble and it looks elegant in your room or store.
    Though the cost seems to be little on higher side, it is worth !
    I am using it for less than a month and hope it will be fine on the long run too.

  17. Anonymous says:


    I bought two of these shelf units for our basement which we are endeavouring to organize. We are pleased with them. They were easy to assemble, have good capacity, and look stylish. Top quality.

  18. Armando dela Cruz says:


    Habe vorhin das erste gestern gelieferte Regal aufgebaut (5 Bden). Der Aufbau gestaltete sich sehr simpel und war auch alleine sehr einfach zu bewltigen.
    Wichtig ist, das die Halteklammern richtig sitzen, bei einer hatte ich das erst nicht wirklich genau gemacht, so das der Regal boden nicht richtig sa. Ist aber einfach zu beheben, Regal wieder abheben und Halterung abmachen (geht einfach), richtig draufsetzen und Boden wieder drauf.
    Kleiner Tipp dabei: Die erste Klammerhlfte etwas unter- oder oberhalb der gewnschten Halterille ansetzen. Dann etwas verschieben und wenn es sprbar “klackt”, sitzt die Klammer richtig. Die andere Hlfte pat dann automatisch perfekt.

    Die Bden sind robust genug. Die “Rnder” wie manche Rezenten meinen sind natrlich nicht aus Bldheit der Konstrukteure unten. Die sind nicht als Rnder gedacht, sondern sind zur Versteifung und zur Befestigung der Halterungen da.

    Das sind LAST-Regale, mit bis zu 160 Kg pro Boden. Bei entsprechend schweren Sachen ist das Risiko das diese von selber runterfallen, gering. Aber viel Spa dabei, bei der “richtigen Bauweise” mit Rand oben eine schwerere Last ber den Rand zu heben……

    Update: Die Regale stehen jetzt > 3 Monate im Keller, gut bepackt mit Last. Bisher keinerlei Probleme. Habe weitere bestellt.

    Zweites Update: Nochmal 3 Regale bestellt. Aufbau geht -wenn man das mal gemacht hat- alleine in etwa 15-20 Minuten und vllig problemlos. 2 Regale sind bis oben mit Bchern und Zeitungen gestapelt bepackt, also ordentlich Last drauf. Halten gut, sind mit den Schraubfen auch problemlos grade aufzustellen. Entweder haben hier einige Reszensenten wirklich “Montagsware” geliefert bekommen oder sind schlicht nicht fhig die aufzubauen.

  19. MadonnaGoshorn says:


    Ich habe bei dem Preis nicht viel erwartet. Aber nachdem ich das erste Regal aufgebaut habe bin ich begeistert. Fr den Aufbau wird kein Werkzeug bentigt und man hat ein sehr stabiles Regal. Kleinere Unebenheiten knnen mit den den Stellfen ausgeglichen werden.

  20. LS Lifestyle and Culture Editor says:


    Ich habe das Regal zur Erweiterung des Stauraumes in meiner Gartenlaube bestellt und bin absolut zufrieden. Das Regal steht gerade und sehr stabil.
    Der Aufbau war (nachdem ich einmal begriffen hatte, dass die Plastikclips, auf welche die Regalbden aufgelegt werden nur in bestimmten Positionen einrasten) alleine in einer halben Stunde erledigt. Zu zweit wre es sicherlich schneller gegangen. Die beiliegende Beschreibung ist nicht perfekt, aber in meinen Augen vllig ausreichend.
    Ein Kritikpunkt: Die Gewinde der Verbinder der vertikalen Stangen sind ziemlich unsauber geschnitten, wodurch es ziemlich fummelig ist, die Stangen gerade miteinander zu verbinden. Deshalb auch ein Abzug in der Bewertung.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Habe vorhin das erste gestern gelieferte Regal aufgebaut (5 Bden). Der Aufbau gestaltete sich sehr simpel und war auch alleine sehr einfach zu bewltigen.
    Wichtig ist, das die Halteklammern richtig sitzen, bei einer hatte ich das erst nicht wirklich genau gemacht, so das der Regal boden nicht richtig sa. Ist aber einfach zu beheben, Regal wieder abheben und Halterung abmachen (geht einfach), richtig draufsetzen und Boden wieder drauf.
    Kleiner Tipp dabei: Die erste Klammerhlfte etwas unter- oder oberhalb der gewnschten Halterille ansetzen. Dann etwas verschieben und wenn es sprbar “klackt”, sitzt die Klammer richtig. Die andere Hlfte pat dann automatisch perfekt.

    Die Bden sind robust genug. Die “Rnder” wie manche Rezenten meinen sind natrlich nicht aus Bldheit der Konstrukteure unten. Die sind nicht als Rnder gedacht, sondern sind zur Versteifung und zur Befestigung der Halterungen da.

    Das sind LAST-Regale, mit bis zu 160 Kg pro Boden. Bei entsprechend schweren Sachen ist das Risiko das diese von selber runterfallen, gering. Aber viel Spa dabei, bei der “richtigen Bauweise” mit Rand oben eine schwerere Last ber den Rand zu heben……

  22. NoahB28ygz says:

     United Kingdom

    We used this to help our cupboard storage, the adjustable heights were very helpful.

    It is sturdy without us needing to attach it to the wall and holds the promised weight.

    Was okay to assemble, took my partner and I around 15 mins.

    Would have loved less plastic and more cardboard for the little parts.

    Would have loved to be able to buy an even taller version.

  23. AugustusLinsley says:


    Useful and good looking (SS finishing). Good design and sturdy product. Last but not least – it is really easy to assemble. Don’t get bothered about negative reviews about assembly. (With little common sense you can easily assemble the product)

  24. Anonymous says:


    For commercial shops, which have to store and display items like books, medicines, board games, cloth pieces etc. – this is a great solution. Rather than spending money and time for furnishing your shop with wooden shelves – go for this sturdy and flexible shelf.

    For home settings, it can be utilised for store rooms. It’s not aesthetic enough to be on display. So if you have a store room, which you would rather compartmentalise – go for it.

  25. bf in az says:

     United Kingdom

    Great item, these are strong, look good and are excellent value for money. I’ve stacked 16x 48ltr containers on mine, with the first shelf starting above the two boxes on the floor. They can look good in any room and shelf liners (available separately) make them even more versatile.

  26. BurtonKish says:

     United Kingdom

    After reading other people’s reviews I knew what problems to look out for, so it was easy. I worked from the bottom up propping a box under the first shelf to be fitted once first shelf was fixed in place it was stable enough to continue adding the other shelves. Using the box replaced the second person’s help. Happy with this shelving.

  27. Anonymous says:


    So happy that I snatched it during the sale, now it’s OOS. The instructions are easy-to-follow and thankfully the product didn’t come damaged, as everything was packaged well. I was also happy that Amazon gives 1 year to exchange if the item turns out to be defective. Otherwise, the item is of really good quality and can help to save a lot of space be it in the basement or garage. Extremely satisfied with this purchase, will be definitely buying more when it goes back to sale 😉

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Much sturdier than I expected. Gives a great modern look to my kitchen.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Couldn’t be happier. Super easy assemble, great performance and decent price.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Volgens de website website waren de artikelen op voorraad. Met verbazing heb ik kunnen constateren dat er 2 orders van aangemaakt worden, 2 bevestingen per e-mail en vervolgens van elke stap 2 e-mails.
    Beide orders sneller binnen dan aangegeven en ontvangen op 2 opeenvolgende dagen.
    Heb beide stellingen met behulp van een spanbandje met 1 persoon in elkaar kunnen zetten, met 2 gaat wat makkelijker. Goede kwaliteit legplanken en poten.

    NB De prijs voor 2 stellingkasten was totaal EUR 94,02 en na aantal dagen bleek deze verhoogd te zijn naar totaal EUR 109,14

  31. [email protected] Emma Button says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great all round and I have them in my greenhouse with my plants on . Brilliant!

  32. KaraKetner says:

     United Kingdom

    Started by buying one of these several years ago, bought a second for the garage as I have never ending quantities of nonsense to store, just bought a third one! They’re super sturdy, easy to assemble, look really smart and have survived many years of being mildly abused in my messy room of shame.

  33. Anonymous says:


    These shelves are sturdy and nicely built. I ordered 5 of them but wasn’t careful enough to check the size, as they were a little smaller to similar shelves I had already at home. Totally my fault, but it meant the value wasn’t quite as good as I was expecting, and also, being narrower, a little less stable than the deeper models.

  34. TishaT98uexng says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this shelving unit – I ordered 3.

    Was really easy to build, the markings on the uprights meant getting shelves level was easy and I liked the extra shelf clip that was included along with the restraint to prevent toppling.

  35. Anonymous says:


    He ledo alguna opinin de que es difcil de montar y no lo es. No se tardan ni 10 minutos desde que lo desembalas hasta que lo colocas en su sitio. Es bonita. El cromado habr que ver con el tiempo si aguanta

  36. Anna Gensini says:


    Product is good but one wire shelves was bent during transportation. Either it is a packaging issue or transportation issue Amazon should take care about better handling during shipping.

    Due to bend it took me extra effort to assemble it even though it is not perfec

  37. benedictmoore says:


    ich hatte bei den Rezensionen anderer Schwerlastregale einige negative Kommentare zu der Konstruktion gefunden (z.b. ausgestanzte Teile, die scharf sind und fr Verletzungen sorgen knnen).
    bei diesem Schwerlastregal haben sich einige Leute gute Gedanken gemacht. das Regal ist sehr einfach aufzubauen, wirkt sehr stabil und nicht wackelig. Finde den Preis auch angemessen, daher von mir Daumen nach oben!

  38. Anonymous says:


    It’s really sturdy, nice simple design,easy to assemble (I don’t know why there’s ppl comment it’s hard to assemble lol), you get what you paid for, with this price I can’t complain. Ppl didn’t check the information about the product before buying then complain about the product isn’t what they expected. Feel sorry for the seller.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These shelf units are great I’ve bought 3 so far and no problems at all. They are easy to put together once you realise what goes where. Very solid once built.

  40. Shanel69Omzdyco says:

     United Kingdom

    Can’t believe how easy it was to assemble, really sturdy great bit of a ki

  41. Anonymous says:


    Extremely sturdy, son built it in 30 min. Purchased two and discovered they were too big for the width of my wall, my bad of course! Not a horrible problem though rather too big then not big enough I always say. Very pleased with my purchase. Worth the money for sure!