Amazon Basics Pet Sofa Lounger Bed, Medium

Weight: | 3.71 kg |
Size: | Medium |
Dimensions: | 91.44 x 71.12 x 22.86 cm; 3.71 Kilograms |
Model: | AMZBB-002 |
Size: | Medium |
Weight: | 3.71 kg |
Size: | Medium |
Dimensions: | 91.44 x 71.12 x 22.86 cm; 3.71 Kilograms |
Model: | AMZBB-002 |
Size: | Medium |
It arrived and was assembled in a matter of minutes. She lays her head on the side like a pillow and sleeps soundly. She is 6 months old so there is plenty of room and should easily accommodate her once she is full grown.
La cama en si es estupenda pero tiene un fallo importante y es que la funda es horrible ya que se le pegan todos los pelos habidos y por haber, por lo que por ms que intentes cepillarla est siempre sucia. La compr para m perro de 28kilos y est encantando pero lo de la funda me fastidia mucho. Tengo otra similar de otra marca y es todo lo contrario a la hora de limpiar.
Recomendado, es el segundo que tiene como este, duradero, facil para lavarlo, laterales altos para que apoye la cabeza. Muy bie
Era un poco escptico por las opiniones de los demas usuarios de que no se expanda el colchn, pero en 2 horas estaba expandido del todo, viene con una funda impermeable, y la funda exterior es lavable, tengo dos perritas y parece que les encanta, adems es muy espacioso y entran las dos (mas que otras camas de perro).
My Labrador/Sharpei mix loves this bed! Memory foam cushion is sturdy and the arms on the sides are nice for him to lay his head on although those are already losing their shape. Great bed for the price. Was pleasantly surprised.
La cama es magnfica. Colchn viscoelastico grueso, no se deforma con el peso, la tela es resistente y de calidad. Me lo pens por el precio pero vale de verdad la pena, Tengo un perro de 18 kilos y se mantiene firme. Es amplia y se puede desmontar toda para lavar. Encantada con el producto
El meu gos s’ha acostumat rpid a dormir-hi.
Mida correcta per a un Golden.
El color una mica delicat.
Sehr weiches, leicht aufzubauendes Hundekissen das mit einer richtigen Matratze kommt. Hund schlft gerne, gut und viel drauf – scheint bequem zu sein 🙂 Sehr guter Preis wenn man sich die Mitbewerber Preise anschaut.
I bought this 1 year ago and my girl uses it all day long, it’s outside in the sun most of the time and it has held up perfectly. I highly recommend this bed and will be adding 2 more soon.
We bought one.then added a second! We have three dogs, two of which are seniors, in our home. All large dogs (over 60 lbs) and the beds are durable and super comfortable with the memory foam. I love the water proof liner on the foam mattress part. Easy enough to take the over off and reassemble. I have not seen any of the stitching problems other buyers experienced with our beds. Fair price point for the quality.
Me ha encantado. Mejor de lo que esperaba. Y lo ms importante es que mi perra esta como loca con l. Si fuera por ella se tiraria metida en l todo el dia de lo cmoda que esta. Muy recomendable.
La calidad de la camita es genial, mi bulldog francs de 15kg cabe de sobra y se nota que est muy cmodo en ella. Probablemente repetiremos. Lo nico que no me gust es que tuve problemas en el primer envo, pero me lo solucionaron y Ok.
Se ve que esta super agusto en su cama. Desde que la tiene pasa de estar molestando pa subirse al sof. Le pasas la aspiradora y se queda nueva, es una pasada de cama
I like that is so easy to clean!
My dog loves this bed
Tengo un Setter de ms de 25kg y es perfecta la cama! Tiene espacio de sobras para estirarse
Comodissimo, il mio cane si subito innamorato di questo divanetto, lo usa tutti i giorni per i suoi riposini. Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo, per un prodotto simile in giro devi inserire almeno 20 euro in pi. Contento dell’acquisto.
This is a well made pet bed. Item arrived well packaged and no issue inserting the foam base. Foam base comes with water resistant cover which is a plus. Material appears to be strong as my dog likes to dig before laying down on it. Overall, it’s good.
Ha resistido a un perro de 1 ao que se ha cargado 4 o 5 camas. Ha pasado la prueba. Sper recomendadisimo
Comfortable, Structured, Easy to clean, Lasts long. Weenie has been using it for months now.
Kira rimasta entusiasta di questa cuccia… La usa molto pi spesso del cuscino precedente. Sicuramente il memory fa la sua parte e poi i bordi cicciotto completano l opera. Hho preso una taglia m x il mio cane di media taglia di 28 kg. Ci sta giusta. Per un labrador al contrario di quello che scritto io prenderei una l.
Cmq ottimo acquisto… Davvero top!!!!!
Llevo ya unos meses largos con ella y decir que mi labradora chocolate lo flipa cada vez que duerme en ella jajajja es muy buena y comoda me lo dice ella con la mirada jajajja. Tambin comoda para lavarla es buen producto sin duda lo volver a comprar…
Mein Hund hat es sofort angenommen und liegt gelegentlich drinnen. Aber welcher Hund liegt nicht lieber auf der Couch…
Ist robust und pflegeleicht.
This is the second time I got this bed.. i still have the first one for the bedroom but after my dog scratched up the random dog bed we had in the living room, I figured I’d get this one again for the living room sense the one I have in the bedroom has lasted over a year and a half.. with him scratching at it. Super soft and durable
Hice una cama con tablas para poner dentro el colchn. Qued precioso. Lstima que a mi perro le guste ms el suelo xD
Una gran cama, literalmente, no puedes estarla moviendo de sitio o llevrtela en viajes porque es realmente pesada y grande, pero a mi perro le encanta. Desde que la tiene ya no se levanta con dolores ni cojeando. Un acierto.
I have 3 dogs, and they all have one! So cute when they are sleeping in a row!
Sono molto soddisfatta di questa cuccia/divanetto anche comoda con il suo materassino in memory e il nostro cane ci dorme molto volentieri
Despus de mucho cambiar, hemos encontrado la cama definitiva para nuestro pastor alemn, me encanta porque es muy confortable pero a la vez firme, es todo desmontable para lavarlo y tiene por todo alrededor su almohada incorporada. La almohada que tambin hace De Barrera psicolgica le da seguridad, porque convierte la cama en un espacio recogido. Estoy encantada con la compra.
Very good texture. Foam quality is good. The foam comes with a waterproof cover which was a pleasant surprise. The best bed i ever got for my doggie.
My 13 year old dog has trouble walking and this bed is wonderful. He is also incontinent and so I was worried about the foam but there is a waterproof covering so double layers.
Das ist ein schnes robustes Krbchen.
Nur unser Hund bevorzugt leider” das billig Krbchen aus einem Discounter. Aber fr Hunde die mehr Niveau bevorzugen kann man es echt empfehlen.
Bed is super soft and more comfy for your dog, but could have made easy cleanable.
A mi perrita le gust mucho. Duerme muy a gusto. No es tan blanda como las camas rellenas de nylon que venden en las tiendas de animales. La espuma es lo suficientemente ancha como para que no se note el suelo. Se puede desenfundar por completo para lavarla y el color est muy bien.
Unser Dackel mag diesen Schlafplatz sehr.
Auch ich bin zufrieden und denke, dass dieses Hundebett mit den bekannten Marken mithalten kann.
Es sieht gut aus, ist leicht zu reinigen, offensichtlich bequem, nur gnstiger.
achdem ich fr meinen welpen ein anderes modell bestellt hatte, das bestialisch nach chemie roch, bin ich zu diesem hundebett zurckgekehrt und ausgesprochen froh darber. die qualitt ist bestens. von meiner letzten hndin wei ich, wie pflegeleicht es ist. trotz oftmaligem waschen war die form jahrelang stabil. keine naht ist jemals aufgegangen. schade, dass es nur in grau erhltlich ist.
My dog. The bed. However, having used it myself it is really comfortable and I would recommend.
Stupenda, solida e fatta benissimo. Molto facile da sfoderare, per chi ha un cane anziano incontinente come noi una vera manna dal cielo. Consigliatissima, ho preso la S e il mio westie ci sta benissimo
Bello, anzi bellissimo! Peccato che alle mie cagnoline non piace…… Lo tengo di scorta
Beaucoup moins de plaies de contact pour mon vieux Loulou il ne le quitte plus pourtant il avait avant et ils y sont toujours des coussins de canap en cuir
Je conseille viveme
This is expensive but you won’t regret spending…there is a separate cover provided for the cushioned base foam … the minute details makes it special ..: it feels like a bed for your baby child … so much care is take
L’ho sostituita a una cuccia di plastica che la mia cucciola stava distruggendo, avevo paura essendosi abituata all’altra che non le piacesse dato che gi successo invece L’ADORA dev’essere proprio comoda perch si fa grandi dormite. Non l’ho ancora lavata ma e sfoderabile e lavabile ed comunque ben fatta ! Vedremo se resister col tempo !
The bed is a nice size and it has become our dog’s “place”. It is definitely not very cushy or plush like some of the adorable beds out there these days; it’s more of a durable canvas cover with a firm memory foam insert. It went together fine and I think it will hold up well.
We wanted a good quality bed for our dogs crates and not something thin…. we bought one of these and it fits perfectly in the crate so we ended up buying another one for our other dogs crate. These beds have nice support for your dog and it’s really easy to clean! We couldn’t be happier with these!
My cocker spaniel loves the bed! Had bought the medium one for my Labrador which seemed a bit small for my Lab, so letting my Cocker Spaniel enjoy it! I like that usability of the product and the fact that the cover can be opened and washed separately. The memory foam is a good idea as other foam mattresses often wear out and become very thin.
Sehr schnes Bett, mein Bully liebt es. Gerade fr Hunde mit Rckenproblemen ein muss. Der Stoff ist sehr robust und kratzest. Fr die Matratze wurde ein Nsseschutz mitgeschickt, das finde ich super.
Alles in allem sehr zu empfehlen.
I have a 85lb. German Shepherd and this bed is perfect for her. I am buying a third bed. One for upstairs, downstairs and one to travel with. By far the most supportive mattress for her and I can even feel the difference when I sit on it with her in comparison to the other beds she has had.
Utilis par un Royal Bourbon de 25 kg depuis un an.
Juste la housse qui se dchire un peu sur une couture et je n’ai pas trouv sur Amazon comment la remplacer.
Our dog loves her bed. This is the best dog bed that we have owned (our dog is 11, so we’ve had quite a few over the years). I just wish that the internal memory foam cover was a little more water proof. Our old dog sometimes has ‘leaks’ and although this bed is washable, the memory foam is not (at least not without a lot of fuss and days to spare to dry it). All in all still a great purchase.
A mi perro le ha encantado. Cmoda y estticamente bonita.Mi nica pega es que los pelos de mi pero, un Laboratorio ador, se quedan clavados. Solia quitarlos con la aspiradora en la anterior cama y en esta cuesta incluso aspirando.
I had it set up maybe 15 minutes and my dog hewed up the zipper and waterproof pouch and destroyed the foam. If your dog is wild let them sleep on the floor because they clearly don’t care if they eat every bed. It’s a really nice bed and I was excited for Hank to use it. I should’ve known I couldn’t trust him after he failed obedience school and they gave me money back.
Un poco grande para un bull dog francs, lo saba, pero as est muy cmoda, estirada!
La cama tiene un aspecto excelente y es muy cmoda, aunque mi perro de pelo largo, un Golden, no es friolero precisamente y la usa de vez en cuando. Cabe bien, aunque le queda justa pero el siguiente tamao es excesivo. Es til que se pueda desenfundar para lavar aunque el material es muy resistente y no se ensucia fcilmente.
My 80# dog needed an additional bed. Before I first introduced it to her I made some additions.
I put an old pillow and put a flannel pillowcase on it, and added it to the bed along with an old t-shirt and towel.
This works great for keeping the bed clean, because I can wash each of these items.
When she goes to bed, and often too In the middle of the night she frequently moves these items around in her bed to her liking.
I like her ingenuity!
Received this bed promptly for our 5 month old golden retriever girl who is already pushing 50lbs. She grabbed a toy and leaped onto it immediately and has been happy to lay in it each time we enter the living room which is exactly why I purchased it to have an alternative for her to be on the couch. The bolster walls are super plush which makes it perfect for cuddling or lounging, and the memory foam mattress (with added bonus water repellant liner) are perfect for a jumpy puppy who needs a comfortable spot to relax. Would purchase again but have not yet tested it in the wash.