Amazon Brand – Umi Ergonomic Office Chair with Back Support, Breathable Mesh Office Computer Chairs with Armrest and Adjustable Headrest Desk Chair with Tilt Function Position Lock Work Home Office

A lifestyle brand offering a wide range of practical products, to make day to day life easier and more fun. Umi creates innovative products that offer a high good level of functionality and performance, enhancing everyday activities from exercise and cooking to studying and listening to music.

Enjoy a comfortable working day with UMI Office Chair!
Why choose this black computer chair?
- Ergonomics office chair
- Headrest height adjustable
- 0-8cm Seat Height adjustable
- Soft & Silenced rolling wheels
- Solid construction of this task chair
- Breathable mesh material of swivel chair
- Durable quality for this managerial chair
- Easy assemble for this computer chair
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Adjustable HeadrestHeadrest adjusts up and down and angles up and down to support the neck no matter what position you sit in. | Desk Chair with Tilt FunctionUpto 115° of tilt to keep you in the comfort zone for your next task, or to simply lounge back. | T-shaped ArmrestOffice chair with armrests relieves strain on your arms and shoulders. |
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Ergonomic Lumbar SupportErgonomic office chair, in line with the human body structure of the back of the chair, can hold your waist to help you unload most of the force sitting more relaxed. | Breathable Seat CushionComputer chairs with soft sponge seat, which is covered with durable breathable mesh fabric, so you can sit comfortably and breathable not stuffy. | Flexible and Easy to Move5 universal soft nylon material casters protect your favorite hardwood floor, carpets and other mats, ensuring smooth and quiet moving on any surface |

Product Details
Capacity: 265lbs
Seat Height: 44.1″-47.1″ (from seat to floor)
Seat Width :(W)19.1″ * (L)17.1″
Backrest Height: 26.3″
Package Contents:
Office Chair*1 (installation required)
Manual Instructions*1
Weight: | 12.1 kg |
Dimensions: | 63 x 52 x 28 cm; 12.08 Kilograms |
Brand: | Umi |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
I was quite happy in the first few days until my waist started to hurt. The problem is the lumbar support. It is not soft enough or not curvy enough. Its upper edge hurt me after days of use. The lumbar would be better if it curves back on the top. I tried to pad different cushions on the chair. Eventually, I ended up hanging folded curtains on the back.
The chair is otherwise great, but I do wish the lumbar could be better than this..
My son assembled it quickly and I was pleased how well my back is supported. Chair moves freely on castors
1 – i braccioli fissi e non regolabili ne in altezza ne in angolazione
2 – il poggiatesta praticamente inutile, bello solo esteticamente ma per niente affine allo scopo, posizione troppo allineata con lo schienale non ti permette di poggiare la testa e guardare in avanti
Per il resto buona sedia ma ripeto, acquistata da qualche giorno e quindi nel tempo non saprei.
Gekauft fr: 135,99
Versand und Verpackung: Durch Amazon in einem Karton, dicht gepackt und gut geschtzt
Lieferumfang: Alle Einzelteile fr den Stuhl, Inbus und Schrauben
An- und Verwendung: Als Geschenk, mit der verstellbaren Rcken- und Kopflehne, verstellbaren Armlehnen, verstellbarer Hhe
Mir gefllt:
+ Der Preis ist insgesamt angemessen
+ Rollt leicht
+ Kein bermiges Schwitzen
+ Das Design ist sehr dezent
+ Das Sitzgefhl ist recht bequem und man kann auch mal lnger darauf sitzen, wie es ja am PC hufiger mal ntig ist.
+ Der Aufbau geht sehr schnell und gelingt alleine in rund 25 Minuten
+ Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist in Ordnung. Die Nhte sind sauber gezogen, die Polster sind ordentlich ausgefllt.
+ Die verstellbaren Lehnen, die einstellbare Hhe lassen sich problemlos benutzen.
Mir gefllt weniger:
– Nischt
Gesamtbewertung: Insgesamt guter Sitzkomfort, viele Funktionen und schicke Optik. Soweit in Ordnung! Beachte: Maximale Belastung sollte 120kg nicht berschreiten!
I replaced my current office chair for this one as in the heat, my legs were swelling and I was getting hip pain.
I have been using this chair for about 2 weeks now and there is no more pain or swelling, it was comfortable during the heat wave and I feel supported. I did leave off the arms as I like to sit close to my desk.
Everything was provided including extra screws, the instructions were clear and I had the chair assembled within 15 minutes. I would say that if you have arthritis in your hands, you may find it uncomfortable to construct the chair due to having to put pressure on the wheels to attach them.
Der Stuhl ist auch bei hohen Temperaturen noch sehr bequem. Die Rollen sind sehr gut und der Stuhl sehr leicht.
Easy to assemble, came well packed and sturdy. Mechanism and hand rest are quite heavy like the expensive ones. It is well finished, sturdy and very comfortable to sit on for a full day working from home. And the lumbar support / headrest on top off the usual features simply add to the positives.
I love the chair, very comfortable with a very nice seat rest. This chair should work just as well for someone tall/large as for someone petite . The chair seat is deep, making the lumbar support better suited to someone with a larger frame, so I use a throw pillow to fill in that gap without diminishing the support the chair provides in any way. I definitely recommend this chair as being very good quality and quite comfortable at an affordable price.
Gute Qualitt
Preiswert und funktionell bedarfsgerecht und fr
Den Preis empfehlenswert.
Das einzige Manko:
Es fehlte eine Schraube.
I have been using this office chair about a month, and feel like to leave some comments here. It is a very good office chair, easy to assemble, sturdy, comfortable, I don’t see anything that I don’t like so far. What I really want to mention is that the ergonomics back support is amazing! I have a bad back so can’t normally sit for long time,but this office chair just provides the proper support of my back, so I can work in front of my desk for long time without feel any pain or uncomfortable. I really like it! Recommend it!
Arrived very quickly and was so easy to assemble. It sits at a nice height, adjustable obviously too, and is very comfortable and supporting.
Sper fcil de montar, una persona puede seguir las instrucciones al pie de la letra. Sper cmodo y cmodo en la espalda. La altura ajustable y los brazos plegables facilitan colocar la silla sobre la mesa en lugar de en el medio. Sin duda la mejor compra, muy recomendable. Lleg demasiado pronto!
Sedia molto robusta, comoda, la fascia lombare molto buona per mantenere la corretta postura, molto apprezzata.
I really love this chair it’s super easy to use and set up thanks so much can now use it for many purposes in the house!
Ich liebe dieses Produkt so sehr, dass ich es meinen Freunden empfehlen werde
I’m really happy to find a chair that can sit for long periods of time. When I first received the chair, it was fairly easy to assemble. There’s nothing obviously out of place. The new chair sits very straight and comfortable and I am happy with my purchase. I would recommend this product and seller based on my experience.
Es un silln con ruedas (5 ruedas) tipo escritorio de color negro . Tiene reposabrazos fijos . Es regulable en altura mediante una palanca . Tiene reposa cabezas regulable en altura y en ngulo de apoyo . Es tela transpirable .
La consegna andato a buon fine, non avendo tempo per provarlo, ho scartato il pacco pi tardi. La sedia va benissimo leggera, comoda e facile da regolare. Per il montaggio stato facile perch le istruzioni sono state molto chiare
I bought this to replace my IKEA office chair. This has all the features which IKEA lacks.
I work at home most of the time as permitted by my workplace, so I spent half of my day on a same desk. Recently I have developed a back problem by using my previous IKEA MILLBERGET – as it looks good but not ergonomic friendly.
This one has a very good back support, exactly what I need. I can comfortably lean on it without worrying my back like my previous IKEA one. Been using for over a week and my back has already get better. Nice one.
Sto passando molto pi tempo al PC quindi ho provato diverse sedie per trovare la pi comoda, e dopo aver provato questa, trovata in offerta ad un super prezzo, devo mio malgrado dare via la sedia gaming, bella ma scomoda sul lungo periodo. Questo modello, oltre ad essere elegante, si rivela particolarmente comodo, soprattutto per la schiena, visto il supporto lombare che aiuta a tenere una giusta postura. Comodi anche i braccioli, senza punte o altro che possa dare fastidio, ma tutto bello arrotondato. Anche le ruote sono confortevoli, silenziose, e non segnano il pavimento. Arriva completamente smontata, ma non n difficile n troppo lungo il montaggio, le istruzioni poi sono abbastanza intuitive, e trovate all’interno del pacco ogni componente ben imballato, a prova di corriere, e tutto l’occorrente per il montaggio, sia viti che attrezzi. In pratica infilate le ruote nella base, il perno armotizzato, e sul fondo della seduta avvitate i braccioli, il meccanismo per salire e scendere, e lo schienale, infilate tutto nel perno e via, aggiungete il poggiatesta ed pronta per essere usata. Si possono provare altre sedie, ma alla fine si torna sempre al classico, elegante, comodo, e ti senti subito il mega direttore galattico supremo.
I bought this for my daughter to home study.It’s very comfortable to sit,and look nice. my daughter Love it. Great chair.
I bought this chair for my studying room! I would like to recommend this for someone who have a long time working! It is.m very comfortable! Much better than my previous! Also it is very easy to insta! Although I am a small girl, I assembled this chair within an hour! Five star!
This is a great value chair, it has very good lumbar support and the mesh material is very high quality !
Lo que ms me gusta de esta silla es lo ergonmica y transpirable que es, la anterior que tena con estos das de calor sudando muchsimo por la espalda se me haca bolsa, era un autntico suplicio.
En cuanto al montaje es muy sencillo, simplemente tienes que seguir las instrucciones.
La ruedas giran bien en todas las direcciones ningn problema.
Compr est silla de oficina para trabajar algunos das desde casa y me ha gustado mucho; el respaldo es reclinable y el reposacabezas me ha parecido cmodo tambin.
Viene en piezas e incluye una hoja de instrucciones completa con diagramas a seguir, es simple y fcil de entender, solo lleva un poco de tiempo hacerlo y es ms fcil si tienes ayuda de otra persona. Incluye todo lo necesario para el montaje: arandelas, tornillos, llaves allen…
Suelo trabajar en jornadas de 6/8 horas seguidas y hasta ahora no he tenido problemas de dolor de espalda, cuello, piernas… etc, el asiento es cmodo y desliza bien, no hace ruidos ni se quedan marcas en el suelo.
Me esperaba algo ms sencillo y me ha sorprendido para bien, buen precio y buen producto.
Good,It’s better to use an electric screwdriver to assembly it.
It is really nice, adjustable and really comfortable especially with the head rest cushion and arm rests included.
Ein guter Brostuhl sit Pflicht in jedem Hofe Office. Meine Wahl fiel diesmal auf den Umi Stuhl da ich mit Amazon Marken bereits gute Erfahrungen gemacht habe.
Das Paket war erstaunlich klein und der Aufbau ziemlich schnell erledigt, das bekommt wirklich jeder in kurzer Zeit hin.
Das Sitzgefhl ist wirklich angenehm. Die Polsterung ist genau richtig hart damit es keine Druckstellen gibt und ich habe nun einige lange Arbeitstage mit dem Stuhl hinter mich gebracht und bin nach wie vor uerst zufrieden.
Designt ist er sehr schlicht, passt zu fast jedem Setup.
Preislich ist das hier auch wirklich super, im Mbelhaus kosten sie deutlich mehr und haben mir persnlich nicht wirklich zugesagt. Ich habe nichts auszusetzen und wrde ihn auf jeden fall wieder kaufen bei Bedarf!
It arrives fast and well packaged. I especially like the adjustable head rest and arm rest, feels comfortable to sit. But be aware, the size of chair is designed for average body size , if large size body , then would find it small.
Der Stuhl kam bei mir nach bereits vier Tagen an.Sehr bequemer, ergonomische Brostuhl mit Relax-Funktion und mehrfach verstellbaren Armsttzen sowie verstellbarer Nackensttze.Sitzflche und Rckenlehne sind sehr fest, da wird keinesfalls schnell eine Kissen durchgesessen sein.
Lovely quality chair with great neck support. Really handy if you suffer from any back pain as it’s well designed along the profile of your body.
Seemed easy enough to pop together and comes with instructions.
Keeps legs nice and cool so it will be nice coming into summer months.
Der Stuhl fhlt sich angenehm und hochwertig an. Die Montage verlief einfach. Eine entsprechende Anleitung wurde beigelegt.
Cercavo una sedia confortevole e con ruote scorrevoli da usare in studio, e devo dire che l’ottima qualit di questa sedia ha soddisfatto le mie richieste. In pi lo schienale traspirante e’ perfetto per l’estate che fa molto caldo.
Questa sedia consigliata da una amica davvero comoda e spaziosa. Anche l’installazione semplice ed perfetta per le scrivanie degli studenti in estate. Ma il bracciolo troppo duro e non mi piace, ma non pu essere installato.Sarebbe perfetto se la sedia potesse essere utilizzata senza braccioli.
Very nice chair comfortable and affordable feels good quality and very light so easy to carry around not hard to build and comes wrapped nicely
I really like i
I have only been using it a short time and it is comfortable and appears to be well made. The chair was easy to assembly and instruction was very clear and understandable.
Although it’s light, it’s sturdy enough. Great for summer using as the high mesh back is breathable and won’t leave you sweaty back. It can also fully support your head and back if lean on and have a snap or short break. It’s so flexible and give you convenience when you stand up or sit down.
Absolutely excellent chair. No problem so far. Will highly recommend this affordable chair.
Per il nuovo ufficio sono quasi a posto, mi mancavano le sedie e come al solito Amazon la mia scelta migliore.
Il brand UMI, fa diversi prodotti, ho da poco preso anche dei pesetti per allenamento e tra le varie cose da. Anche ottime sedie da ufficio.
Ho trovato molto buono questo marchio e sono molto soddisfatto della qualit costruttiva e dei materiali.
Rende molto pi facile scegliere una sedia da ufficio quando ci sono cos tante opzioni disponibili. Questa stata consegnata e imballato in modo impeccabile. Le istruzioni per il montaggio sono ben strutturate e facili da seguire. Ho impiegato circa 15 minuti e ho potuto montarla da solo. La sedia da ufficio comoda ed ergonomica. Permette molte regolazioni per adattarsi alla mia postura, la seduta ampia e il tessuto a rete dello schienale facile da pulire e consente un buona buona traspirazione.
Ottima sedia da ufficio secondo me. Spero che sia durevole, ma i presupposti ci sono, sono molto fiducioso.
Consegna veloce e gratuita con Prime 1 giorno.
Delivered in its own branded box
Others have written reviews showing the chair in its assembled state , I felt showing the parts would be useful for others to ascertain the amount of effort needed to assemble it
Inside sits the chair pieces along with everything you need for assembly .
There is a large padded faux leather cushion seat , the mesh backrest, two arms , the base , the lift attachment , then a box filled with the central poles and all of the fixings .
The office chair when assembled has an adjustable headrest height, adjustable 8cm seat height, adjustable 90-115 reclining function.
It took my daughter just over 30 minutes to have the chair assembled . She’s impressed with how comfortable it is to sit on .
This is for my 12 year old granddaughter to use at her desk the heights are perfect for her to stay comfortable when she’s studying .
It’s comparable in price with other ergonomic desk chair if not a little cheaper . I think this one is good value for money .
Arrived quickly and well packaged, with no damaged or missing parts. Assembly was simple enough for a one-man job and was ready to use after about 15 minutes. (I’ve installed a seat 3 times in the last 2 years, this was the easiest) I had to slide the back of the chair a bit to align the seat correctly, but this was an easy fix.
I’ve used the chair about 50 hours a day for the last 5 days and I’m very happy with the comfort and support on my back. My previous chair was a highly rated leather gaming chair that started to feel like I was sitting on a piece of plywood. It was actually nice, but these types of seats wear out as they sit. Because they cover cotton on chipboard and leather on cotton. Ergonomic seats are not like that, you are sitting on a wonderful structure. I also started sweating shortly after sitting in my old chair, so I bought a mesh chair.
The chair is easily adjusted and allows me to sit comfortably all day long. I also appreciate the design and aesthetics of the chair. I no longer feel back pain and sweat.
Echt gut Stuhl mit praktischen Funktion, braucht Selbstmontage aber ganz Easy
The Office chair is comfortable and the right size and a good size to fit under a desk it has a very good back it’s supports your back nicely to look at the screen or paperwork The armrest or good height and very comfortable I highly recommend it 2 All
This is a great office that both myself and my husband use. It holds a very good amount of weight without showing any signs of damage or wear.
It is very easy to put together and took less than 10 minutes of me on my own doing it. You can choose whether to add the head rest or not to. We did and it’s very comfortable with good support.
The back is the best bit as it is breathable so we can sit in the chair for long periods of time without getting hot and sweaty.
Very Nice Office chair looks good very comfortable doesn’t make you hot because it has a net back which allows air through good for the summer. Office chair also has a good price and it’s not heavy so easy to transport around to different rooms and up and down stairs. Overall really like the office chair and would advise others to get it as well 🙂
This office chair is a such a great upgrade to my old chair that was falling apart and making constant noises every time I moved an inch, it provides plenty of support and comfort without breaking the bank (or your back)!
This chair offers relatively good lumbar/spine support; a good range of adjustment in height and amount of recline; the overall construction is reasonably sturdy and durable, and the cushioning on the butt and back is soft and comfortable, even after sitting at it for countless hours either working or gaming.
The majority of the chair is made of strong, slightly flexible plastic, and has easily withstood someone of 90+kg (chair limit 120kg) swiping back and forth on it, slumping all their weight down instantly (basically jumping into it), and pushing all their weight on the arms as they adjust to stand up, so I’d say that’s impressive for the price!
Obviously it’s not as ‘premium’ as some chairs, as it doesn’t have premium materials, design/embroidery patterns, memory foam. However, for the asking the asking price, this is a great budget option which offers plenty of adjustment, good back support and is comfortable to sit in for long periods.
Il video di montaggio mi consente di assemblare in modo molto rapido e preciso. La sedia molto traspirante e confortevole e anche lo schienale molto vicino ed molto comodo sdraiarsi dopo essere stati seduti a lungo. perfetto per chi sta seduto davanti al computer per lunghe ore in estate.
Seduta comoda, tutto regolabile, nessun rumoremio figlio pu sedersi e studiare comodamente e tranquillamente.
Comprato per mia bambina , adoro la poggiatesta ed i braccioli! Bella comoda e ben fatta !
Quite nice chair to have, especially love the adjustable headrest. Which very practical to adjust to users hight and support the head. No need to have extra high back support when only head holder can be manipulated.
Also like it’s meshing material, compare to leather models it’s much practical on summer and winter . It’s not cold when sitting on it on winter and shoulders get sweaty back on summer.
It came in box dissembled , so need to assemble. And it’s quite easy, not need to be constructor to be able to set it up, lift-let manual quite straight forward.
Overall quite nice comfortable chair which easy to set up and comfortable.
The chair arrived promptly and took 20 mins or so to assemble, easy and straight forward. It looks nice and sturdy. The seat is not too soft as I expected and has good lower back support. Nothing to complain so far. It is for my daughter and myself and we are both around 5′ 4″. So the height works for us.
As a direct replacement to a previously work out chair this works great.
The chair comes in a few pieces so needs putting together, however a screwdriver and about 15mins sorts that out easily. Once together you get a height and recline adjustable chair.
The seat is quite soft so suits someone would would be sat in it for a while during the day which is great in my case and the back being able to recline gives me the ability to relax in the middle of the day.
On an adjustability level it has a tension control knob underneath which i seem to have mine fully locked to the right for extra comfort and then you have a reclining and height adjustment to set it up correctly depending on your desk height and how long your legs are. Easy to set up and no need to touch it once done.
Bought it for my nephew’s birthday to help with his bad back
I needed a new ergonomic office type chair for my home study as I spend many hours a day now sitting in much the same position working from home.
Assembling took about 30 minutes. However, the instructions were easy enough to follow and all tools required were supplied. Once set up I found it to be very comfortable and supportive on my lower back. The backrest is adjustable along with the height and headrest to suit your position. I feel it provides great support and comfort. Armrests unfortunately can not be adjusted but this I didn’t find a problem. I am not that tall (5ft 8in) and found it perfect for me, however, if you were a lot taller I don’t think it would be as suitable or comfortable due to the positioning of the headrest. I have tried a few different ergonomic office chairs in the past but feel for the price this style and flexible design suits me the best. It is definitely sturdy and the material provides a durable mesh fabric which prevents you from feeling overheated if seated for some time. Lightweight and easy to maneuver around the room without taking up much space. Great addition to my home study.
Tolles Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis aber wirklich ein Sessel fr kleinere Personen, da Armlehnen zB nicht nach oben verstellt werden knnen.
Sedia piuttosto robusta e di buona fattura. Arriva in uno scatolone smontata: facile comunque da montare, buon materiale. Seduta sufficientemente comoda e regolazioni ottimali. Unico neo non troppo molleggiata verso dietro.
Very comfortable, great build quality…
Better than chairs twice the price…
I bought this item but I returned because wasn’t suitable for me and my needs, despite this I have tried and was really comfortable.
The chair is ok, the only thing I would say about it is that the seat could’ve been a bit longer. It’s also a bit too rigid for my type, however, I suppose that’s mostly because of its purpose, to have a correct posture, which it does.
All in all, is worth the money.
Es ist sehr wichtig, einen bequemen Stuhl zu haben, um lange von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten. Ich bin froh, dass ich mich fr das richtige Produkt entschieden habe. Dieser Stuhl mag fr eine groe Person etwas klein erscheinen, aber er ist fr mich geeignet. Nach dem Gebrauch fr ein paar Tage, gute Qualitt und angemessener Preis
Fr meine Bastelecke im Keller habe ich einen gnstigen und einfachen Brostuhl gesucht und bin auf die Amazon Marke Umi gestoen.
Der Aufbau war in nicht einmal 10 Minuten erledigt und der Stuhl steht stabil. Das Sitzpolster ist bequem und auch die Rckenlehne sitzt sich angenehm.
Wichtig war mir ein atmungsaktives Netz am Rcken, da ich sonst im Sommer nur unntig ins Schwitzen komme.
Fr den Preis bin ich mit dem Sitzkomfort und der Qualitt sehr zufrieden und kann dieses einfachen Brostuhl mit 5 empfehlen. Fr einen 8 Stunden Tag im Bro ist dieses einfache Modell natrlich nicht die erste Wahl. Dies sollte man im Vorfeld bedenken.
Ich wrde sie unbedingt den Stuhl empfehlen. Mit diese Preis ist er sicher den besten Wahl. Es ist einfach zu installieren und die Rolle funktionieren sehr gut. Und er hat mir gemtlich gefhrt, deshalb ist gut fr home-office
Livr en 2 jours, vitesse impressionnant d’amazon!
10 mins pour monter, les tapes sont assez simples.
La chaise rpond bien mon usage au bureau.
voir si a se tient terme.
Bon rapport prix/qualit (10% puis coupon -20%).
Bought for my 15year old Grandson who loves gaming. He’s very happy with it.
I have set up my home office and I bought this chair for the ‘ergonomics’. There is a small amount of assembly which is easy enough as all the tools required are supplied.
This chair is not really what I wanted due to the back rest impinging on the seat area. I understand that this will make me sit properly and support my back, however, I believe you still need enough cushion to sit on and support your legs. I am 178cm, medium build and I find after a while the back of my legs ache above the knees. There is no adjustment for this.
On a positive note. I have a standing desk so in fact this makes me stand more often.
Summary: I have given 4 star for solid construction, adequate seat padding, flimsy headrest and overall comfort is debatable where it might suit some others
This chair is perfect for working from home for long periods of time. The mesh material is so comfortable, it really gives your spine a break. It’s refreshing to be able to lean back on this chair and align it perfectly with your hips.
Very easy to assemble using the included tools and spare screws. Once assembled, the chair is very sturdy. It rolls, spins and runs smoothly.
Due to my office work, I have long back pain and neck fatigue. I tried many different designs of “ergonomic office chair”. I really appreciate this chair, not only because of the outlook of this chair, but also because of its flexible and ergonomic design, which can fulfill all my needs.
After receiving the chair, I couldn’t wait to open the carton and start assembling. The first thing I noticed is the weight of the box. The box is very heavy, giving me the impression of good quality. The carton is really hard and thick. It can be seen that the seller has made a lot of effort in product protection.
The backrest is great, it really fits my spine. Elastic and comfortable!The mesh fabric has good resilience and breathability. More importantly, the cushion is soft and dense, which provides me with good support.I can even adjust the height and angle of the headrest to my most comfortable position.
Although a bit pricey I am very happy with it and it takes up less room.
Would recommend it.
Instructions included were different to actual for adding the headrest to the chair. Would help to ensure arms were also labelled L&R or only possible to attach in one direction.
Used chair or two days and am happy with it with good lower back support. I am 5ft 11i
his chair was an amazing buy!
I’ve been looking for a chair for along time and ordered a few and this has fit my requirements very well.
its comfortable, easy to move around, light weighted and easy to store. it fits and looks amazing in my room. would recommend it to anyone.
eeds 2 people to assemble, i would call it a proper office chair as the lack of adjustment bothers me
the head rest is useless a well doesnt even come close to supporting my head
I’ve gotta say this chair is high quality and looks very durable, the quality is clearly visible as I unpacked it.
As a swivel chair, it’s very supportive and was clearly designed with this in mind. It also has an added feature of an adjustable kneck/head rest which is cool.
The chair swivels and slides very smoothly with no stiffness at all.
Lastly, it looks very sleek and stylish and blends into the room seamlessly.
I am very happy with my purchase.
This is the second Amazon Brand chair I have used. This is slightly smaller than the old one which suits me as I have limited space for an office chair. It is comfortable to sit in and has good support through its ergonomic design and headrest.
I did have a little trouble putting it together. The instructions are very basic and it took a little while to work out which screws/bolts etc were which. Also, I had the Devil’s own job fitting the headrest before realising I was doing it wrong due to the ambiguousness of the illustration on the instruction sheet.
However, once put together, it is a good quality chair for a reasonable price.
I really like this chair, it’s comfortable to sit with lumbar and back support. The material of the back is mesh, so your won’t get hot like leather one in summer and winter when the heat is on. Its also easy to adjust the height, so even we have different height between my wife and I, we can both work on the same chair, a great home office chair to pick.
1. Some design choices puzzled me a lot, for instance for some reason one out of 6 legs of chair was detached and required screwing and didn’t really fit well (see pictures), chair works but I’m worried leg will fell off at some point
2. Assembly was tricky, it was hard to make the parts fit
3. After assembly, chair is comfortable for probably it’s worth the hassle
This is rather pricy chair. I excepted a bit better quality and easier assembly.
As title states the assembly was a little fiddly when trying to line the holes up when fixing the chair to the base. The chair is very comfortable to sit in. It tilts to suit your need. Height adjustable. Nice breathable material. Wheels roll along smoothly.
Amazon Brand-UMI Office Desk Chair with Armrest
The chair has been ergonomically designed with an adjustable height headrest, the seat height can also be adjusted to suit. The chair has swivel wheels and the seat back can tilt up to 115
The chair has 5 casters on the bottom of the legs so that the chair can be moved easily
This chair is quite easy to assemble if a little fiddly at times, it comes with full instructions. All the fittings are enclosed in a blister pack to avoid losing anything, you also get two Allen keys to use during assembly. All in it took just over half an hour to put up
The chair once fully assembled is really comfortable to sit in, the only thing I’m not too keen on is that the arm rests aren’t padded, that would have made it so much better in my opinion
The seat itself is lovely and soft, comfortable enough to sit in for hours if need be and the fact that there’s a head rest and the chair reclines helps
I really like the look of the chair, it’s really comfortable to sit in, apart from the armrests, that’s the main thing I’d change about this chair, a little bit of padding there would make all the difference
What I am looking for in an ergonomic chair are the following characteristics: can the height be adjusted so the feet reach the ground and the thighs rest flat on the cushion; can the armrests be adjusted both up and down and left to right so the forearm can rest flat on them; can the headrest be adjusted both up and down and front and back so the neck doesn’t feel strained or in an uncomfortable position; is the backrest contoured so the back can be properly shaped.
This chair has height adjustment and can be tilted, the headrest can be adjusted in two directions but sadly not forward to back which is a shame given the chair keeps me upright so my head cannot reach the headrest. The ability to adjust the reclining is intended to increase comfort rather than being ergonomic but is still quite a welcome feature as sometimes you need a bit of flexibility after a long period of time just sitting in a straight position.
The armrests are positioned just right for me, however, that might not be suitable for everyone, I am rather short, so adjustable armrests are always a better option. I would have liked if the armrest had a cushion, in the current state they are slightly uncomfortable to lean against. The chair has only one lever for both controlling the height and locking the reclining, and it has a knob for adjusting the reclining strength.
The build quality of this chair is excellent, the chair is sturdy yet the backrest is flexible for added comfort. The construction is solid and there is very little wiggle room. The assembly process was very easy, except for the finicky nuts and bolts on the bottom of the seat, which really didn’t want to go in. I love the fact that the backrest and seat are very breathable since they are made out of mesh fabric. At the office, I have a leather-covered seat and backrest and they can feel very warm after some time and especially so during summer, the breathable mesh material is the way to go. The seat has ample cushioning and it feels very comfortable.
Overall, this is a very good office chair, but I do not like the headrest position and I feel it lacks features that are necessary for a comfortable working experience. I would recommend this product given it is decently priced for the feature set it has.
I’ve used this chair for the past few weeks and it has stayed together well.
I’m not sure that I would buy it at this price however. 127 seems to be just a bit too much for a chair like this that comes across rather basic.
It took me around twenty minutes to assemble this desk with the tools that were included in the package.
The chair feels strong and easily holds my 110 Kgs. Swivel action is smooth and the gas strut allows easy height adjustment and the back tilt can be locked. Padding in the seat is comfortable and the mesh back allows airflow.
The only issue I have is that it is a bit small for me. The height of the seat feels lower than my other office chairs. This means that the front of my legs are not supported and it gets a bit uncomfortable after a while. Also the headrest is too low for my 195 cm (6 ft 5 in) body. Whilst I realise that I am taller than most I am not a giant and it is disappointing that this chair does not fit me.
So for normal people this would be 5 stars, but for myself it just misses the mark by a few inches in each direction.
Ordered for work easy to put together came in timely manner super comfy definitely highly recommend really great computer chair with a lot of support very very comfy and if you sit in for a long time and great neck suppo
It’s very very comfortable.
I used to have problems with my back after long period at my desk, so I decided to invest in new chair and I’m not disappointed at all.
It was extremely easy to put it together. The chair once put together is very sturdy, yet lightweight and very easy to maneuver.
It looks amazing at my office.
Love i
The chair came in a medium sized box which was subsequently in a larger box which kind of seemed pointless. Even both together though were incredibly light.
The chair itself was assembled within ten minutes although I did mostly follow my intuition rather than used the instructions. There is only a handful of bolts to fit and the tools needed are provided.
The chair itself is quite comfy but the arm rests could have done with some padding as well, seems liked this has been skimped in this area. The back rest is fixed and the movement of the headrest is limited.
If you’re expecting a chair with all the bells and whistles this isn’t it. If you want something light, easy to make and relatively affordable to work from home in then this could be a strong contender.
1. You get the chair in multiple pieces that need assembling. Most of the instructions are in picture form but are fairly easy to follow. My husband assembled it for me in about half an hour and he is not a big DIY fan. All the right parts were there.
2. Along with all the bolts that you tighten with a big Allen key, there is also one bolt that is for attaching the last leg to the base – this bolt has its own smaller Allen key. The castors just push in until they click ‘home’.
3. The arms do not have padding on the top, which is a shame and it took a while to work out which way around they go. Looking at the photo’s on the Amazon product page, it seems that the longer end of the arm rest points towards the front. When you screw the bolts in place there is the ability to position them slightly farther apart if you needed more width in the seat, for comfort. The position I have them set in gives me 45cm between the inside edges of the arms.
4. The lift mechanism fits on next.
5. Fitting the back on was a bit awkward, as one of the four holes just didn’t want to line up. Eventually, after a few times of starting again, everything is in place and secure.
6. I haven’t attached the head rest as I prefer the look of the chair without it, really, It is very easy to fit later if I want and as it is more of a clamp over the top bar, then actually a screw hole fixing, then it does not look as if a part is missing at all.
7. The seat material feels nice to the touch – a woven man made fabric. The back material is mesh with the preformed back support behind.
8. The whole chair is quite comfortable – I am a 5ft 5″ female and it is great for me. I could see that perhaps this is not the best chair for a tall person though, especially if you wanted to use the head rest. The distance between the seat and the top of the chair, before you get to the head rest, is 54cm. The only thing that annoys me slightly is that when I sit down or move around the foam makes a noise – a bit like bubbles popping – obviously from the compressing of the foam but possibly that is only because it is new.
9. You have the ability to raise or lower the height and also recline the back, although I will not be using the reclining ability. I think it is a good chair for working from home, as it is not too big but big enough to be comfortable. The wheels are good and you can twist the chair all the way around – nothing seems to have a squeak at all.
10. The current price of 109.99 is a little expensive, in my opinion, for this chair.
I was sent this in return for my honest opinion on it.
This is absolutely a fantastic office chair. The comfort level is definitely there, the cushion is comfortable, the back is a mesh type, sturdy material, this makes it breathable, so as my partner says, he doesn’t get a sweaty back! The headrest is adjustable in height, I still feel like this could be a little taller as it doesn’t really fit to your head, unless you’re resting backwards on a tilt for example. The chair can lean backwards quite well, and you do feel safe and secure when doing so.
There is a lock feature, which stops the chair going up and down, unfortunately, this didn’t work on mine, I’m unsure why. It does push in and out to ‘lock’ it but it doesn’t actually lock it in place.
The chair size is good, without the headrest, it’s around 94cm tall, this can be adjusted to 101cm tall. The headrest is 30cm x 15cm. This can be adjusted and it adds an extra height of 17cm to 22cm. The chair cushion is a good 8cm deep, and it’s 50cm x 50cm. The arms are really nice and they definitely add an extra bit of good quality to the chair, these are strong and sturdy. The arms are 26cm tall, 8cm wide and 25cm long.
The build of the chair, wasn’t terrible. The wheels need a good bang to get in. I do really like the base as it’s strong and seems durable. The wheels are nice and quiet and look good quality also.
The headrest was an absolute pain to get on as I couldn’t find the two screws you had to undo, which the instructions stated. What they also needed to say was, slide down the piece at the front, to reveal the screws! Putting this on the chair was quite easy then.
I do think the comfort of this chair is fantastic and it is very good quality. The base, the arms, the wheels, the mesh back, it all makes it worth it and I would recommend it, my partner really likes it. I do think it’s slightly more than I thought it would be though. I do wonder if the lock feature was something I did wrong, or if others have had the same issue.
Amazon Brand-UMI Office Desk Chair.
This office chair from UMI is excellent quality and I’m sure it’s built to last. The assembly is very straightforward and it fits together perfectly. Once assembled the chair looks and feels very stylish. The range of adjustments of the sitting position is very impressive. I will keep the review updated with how well the chair performs overtime.
The instructions were simple, easy to understand, and I had the chair fully assembled in less than 15 minutes. All the tools you need are included with the chair.
The overall quality of the chair is pretty good; the plastics are strong, the armrests feel sturdy, the mesh backrest and mesh fabric cushion seem nice and durable, the gas strut operates well, and the wheels roll smoothly. I’m pleased with the quality of the chair, and I haven’t found any issues with it.
The chair is very comfortable to sit in and I would describe the seat as a soft, medium thickness piece of foam. The backrest and lumbar support do an excellent job of supporting your lower back but as it’s designed for sitting upright in, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone that likes to slouch.
The chair does tilt but the backrest does not move independently to the base, which is a bit of shame, but my least favourite thing about the chair is that the armrests are solid plastic and I find them hurting my elbows after a short time. At this price point I would expect them to be cushioned in some form or another, especially as they are not adjustable either.
I’m just over 6 foot and even though the backrest is in the perfect position for me, the headrest is way too low even in the highest position, but this is something that bothers me as I tend not to use headrests.
Overall, I think this is a good looking, comfortable and lightweight chair, and I would be saying it represents good value for money if it wasn’t for the solid armrests which spoils it a little as over 100, I would expect them to be soft touch. Apart from that its good all-round chair and one that’s perfect for anyone up to around 6 foot tall. It is a product that I happy to recommend and I feel four stars is appropriate for it!
Easy to assemble, took me about 20 mins to sit on it and start work again!
Castors are smooth so it glides effortlessly across floor, I have floor boards so these wheels runs really smooth.
The back reclines quite far back so I could in theory sleep in it if circumstances arose where this was necessary.
Chair can be adjusted to suit my height easily.
The cushion on the top is really comfy and when I start to get tired I lay back and could easily fall asleep.
I wish I had got this some time ago, and its really comfy for someone who plays games and work for hours!
I find I get less tired than my old chair and it is a lot firmer which means I get more support.
Great office chair and definitely really comfortable.
Very comfortable
Quite light (not heavy like others I’ve had)
Arm-rest static
my back or butt doesn’t hurt on prolonged use
Excellent back support
Better for people no higher than 175cm in my opinion & no bigger than men’s size XL
Maximum load 120kg
Quite compact (not bulky)
Excellent value for money
It’s a bit small
not ideal for tall or big people (I’m 175cm & on the head of the chair)
Capacity: 265lbs
Seat Height: 44.1″-47.1″ (from seat to floor)
Seat Width :(W)19.1″ * (L)17.1″
Backrest Height: 26.3″
After checking out a few other chairs and this 1 I just had to have this 1. It’s a peice in my budget so I’m happy with that.
It’s very easy to put together if you can follow the easy instructions. I had no issues following them and putting the chair together took no time at all.
It’s a very nice chair. Nice design and very comfortable to sit on. It’s also got great back support which is a must for me. No back support them I won’t even look at buying it. It’s also got a adjustable neck support which is ideal for me when I’m relaxing.
The seat is nice and well padded. Although I won’t use the seat much that it comes with as I use a extra deep extra firm memory foam cushion on all my chairs. New chair new cushion.
You can lift the seat up and down by pulling a lever. You can tilt the back to the angle you like. Wheels on the 5 legs so the chair can glide over the carpet with ease.
I do have an issue and thats with the arm rests. Not enough padding for me. I like my elbows to have comfort. Don’t let that put anyone off as my elbows are picky lol also spoiled.
I have to give this chair my super high top marks which is rare for anything as I’m picky. So this chair gets a whopping 10-10 as it’s just that good. I never thought I’d get a chair this good for an affordable price but here it is. Just an awesome chair.
I’ve been using a normal dinning chair while I’ve been work from home. Heavy and not good for my back support. This new chair offers great support for my back and very comfortable for long sit. Plus, this desk chair is very light and easy to roll around (good to use in office and home). The chair is very sturdy, stylish, reasonable price and good quality, and I’d really recommend it!
A very comfortable computer chair, follow the instructions and it’s easy to put together. Comfortable to sit in and it adjusts for the person sitting in it. Good height and the wheels roll well. Now for the biggest test of all – does the cat like it?
I have been looking for a new computer chair for a while and this Amazon own brand one ticks all the boxes. Ergonomically designed it has adjustable armrests and and adjustable head rest. The seat is so comfortable and very supportive to my back which is important as I have had a spine op and do not like sitting for too long in one position. Well made and well designed this chair is perfect for working at the computer or if you are a gamer.
At 129.00 this chair is well priced and five stars for comfort and ease of putting together. I recommend and am delighted with it.
This is a substantial and relatively heavy desk chair that comes in a very large box, in an even larger Amazon outer box. It requires some assembly but despite me having almost no DIY skills this was not a particularly onerous procedure. It took much less than 30 minutes.
Key features of the chair are the neck/back lumbar support and the mesh material which makes the back and headrests of the chair which means that the user stays cooler particularly in hot conditions. The chair can also be reclined with settings for the amount of pressure required to recline it and a separate control to hold the recline in place. In addition the chair looks fairly smart and modern.
Other features are more standard – the chair revolves though 360 degrees, has relatively robust side arms, and can be adjusted up and down. The up/down movement is limited however and I would have preferred a desk chair that had more flexibility to fit under a desk. Unfortunately the arms of the chair prevent it from fitting under my desk which is where I’d prefer to store it when not in use.
Overall for the money this is a reasonable desk chair with some strong features. As a result four stars.
The instructions provided (and wrenches) are all clear & easy to follow.
1st add 5th leg to the base (I think this was done for packaging).
6 screws attatch the arms.
4 screws attach the central base mechanism.
4 screws attach the backrest.
Clip on & tighten the headrest.
Press the castors into the base.
Push in the central stem
Then push on the seat.
All in all took about 15 minutes.
After assembly this is quite comfortable (and I’m not a light bloke).
Easy up & down adjustment with the lever.
The degree of tilt or rock on the base can be adjusted with the larger handwheel adjuster under the seat or locked off with the lever so the seat just stays vertical.
There’s quite a bit of vertical adjustment on the headrest but I found that this for me personally was a bit too far back to be useable or noticeable.
Nice touches like the silver chrome trim under the armrests.
Good chair for occasional home office use.
Thanks for reading.
I would suggest the steps are best in a slightly different order though. According to the instructions, the armrests should be bolted to the bottom of the seat before the adjustment mechanism but I did it the other way round. This does mean the control arm is a little in the way when adding the armrests but it’s easier to tighten the mechanism tightly with the seat resting on the floor. Also the headrest is suggested to be attached to the back of the seat before the seat is fitted to the base, but it’s easier to do this after.
Once assembled the chair has a nice comfortable seat, cushioned but still firm. It’s much better than the stiff F1 car style seat I was using before. The mesh back adds a good level of support to the right part of the spine too. Being mesh it’s also cooler in hot weather. There is height adjustment as you would expect, plus a recline option by sliding the arm outwards. In comparison to more expensive chairs, there is no height adjustment for the armrests and the lumbar can’t be tweaked, nor can the tilt of the seat be changed.
I’m 6ft 2in and the arm rests are a little low for my liking. They’re fine when just sitting, but when at my desk and typing with my forearms horizontal, they’re too low to support my elbows. The headrest is also useless for someone my height. Even at fullest extension it’s behind the base of my neck not the back of my head. If I lean back on it, it’s the strut at the top that my head rests (painfully) on.
In summary then, if you want a good quality operator’s chair that’s comfortable for lengthy desk sessions then it’s a good choice. On the other hand if you prefer the executive chair style and think the headrest will give the same experience, think again if you’re 6 ft tall.