AmazonCommercial Retractable Air Hose Reel, Heavy-Duty Steel, 9.5 mm x 15 m Hybrid Polymer Hose, Max. 20 BAR – Grey, Yellow, Black

AmazonCommercial Retractable Air Hose Reel
Durable, Reliable and Versatile
This reel includes a high-quality hybrid polymer hose that automatically retracts into a durable steel housing to prevent tangles, kinks, and damage. The hybrid flex polymer hose blends rubber and PVC providing superior bend radius, no memory to eliminate kinks, lays flat, and resistance to heat, ozone, weather, and abrasion.
AmazonCommercial Retractable Air Hose Reel, Heavy-Duty Steel, 9.5 mm x 15 m Hybrid Polymer Hose, Max. 20 BAR – Grey, Yellow, Black
- 9.55 mm hose diameter x 15 m maximum length
- Max pressure rating of 300 PSI/20BAR
- Safety rated with (1/4-inch) BSP fittings
- Made with heavy-gauge, corrosion-resistant steel
- Fully enclosed multi-position ratchet locks at any length
- Highly resistant to wear and damage, and ideal for everyday commercial, residential, or professional use

Heavy-Duty Design
The reel is made from heavy-gauge, industrial-grade steel that’s heat treated and powder coated to prevent corrosion. It features a single adjustable guide arm and a full-flow solid swivel joint hose inlet to prevent leaks.

Easy to Use
The fully enclosed multi-position release ratchet spring makes it simple to lock in the hose at any desired length. This reel is quick and easy to mount to walls, with an included swivel bracket, or can be transported between jobs when working across multiple sites.
Dimensions: | 109.22 x 58.42 x 123.19 cm; 5.44 Kilograms |
Model: | GAC-HR-007 |
Manufacture: | Amazon Commercial |
Origin: | China |
Bonne qualit seul dfaut est qu’il fournisse les embout avec filetage mle et non femelle
Good packaging.
Sturdy, heavy reel
3/8″ hose and thread.
Supplied with Euro connection
PTFE tape included.
Mounting plugs and screws included
Es kam, trotz der angegebenen Lieferung, frher als erwartet. Ist etwas schwer aber mit etwas Kraftaufwand habe ich es an der Wand befestigen knnen. Leider fehlen verbindungsteile( ich hatte zum Glck welche) damit man das Gert am Kompressor anschlieen kann. Die Gewinde am Schlauch und den Schnellverschlssen sind nicht passend, Man braucht eine zustzliche Reduzierung.
Buon rapporto qualit prezzo funziona perfettamente io l ho utilizzato come tubo per l acqua e va molto bene sono soddisfatto e penso che ne acquister un altro
Da quando ho iniziato ad usare questi tubi retrattili per l’acqua non ne posso pi fare a meno, perci ho preso anche questo per l’aria compressa. Tubo abbastanza robusto, meccanismo di rientro al momento stabile e veloce, funziona bene, e si rivela veramente comodo. L’unica cosa che un po’ stressa che arriva senza i raccordi giusti, prima di poterlo usare bisogna trovare almeno un manicotto, e poi attenzione che gli si innestano solo agganci americani, che hanno il diametro di passaggio dell’aria pi grosso, quelli standard italiani non restano attaccati, perci se avete pistole o altri accessori dovrete cambiare gli attacchi.
Very very good, used daily in a breakdown van with no issues. Supplied hose very durable, left with air in over night with no losses.
Really like this, seems very sturdy and has thicker stronger hose than a lot out there. So can handle more pressure. It’s great paired with a swivel bracket.
Only negative is the price seems to change quite a lot each day on Amazon.
Bello ben fatto , massiccio soddisfatto fatto per durare ha un bel ingombro e un bel peso ma messo in garage mi trovo benissimo . bello anche nei colori
Just purchased my second one of these hose reels and i have to agree with other reviewers . Seem to be very good value for money , i have others from Sealey and Clark that are fine but do cost more for roughly the same thing….only time will tell..
Ricevuto nei tempi previsti a un punto raccolta (io non compro pi nulla se non arriva a un punto raccolta a causa di quei farabutti di autisti dei corrieri che gli sa fatica arrivare da me)
Tutto bene, sopratutto nella giunzione fra tubo e il fermo di ritorno. Vedo per che la giunzione potrebbe rompersi in futuro, a quel punto si sposta il fermo (vedi istruzioni per come smontarlo) si taglia il pezzo di tubo rotto e si rif la giunzione del terminale.
TERMINALI PER ARIA COMPRESSA: purtroppo un discorso comune a tutti gli attrezzi di questo tipo. Siccome gli standard degli attacchi aria sono tanti, non pensabile che nella confezione ci siano tutti quelli che potrebbero servire. Infatti i due inclusi non soddisfacevano le mie necessit e ho dovuto mettere in uscita un’attacco rapido femmina fatto per 3 standard diversi (io ho standard diversi nei miei attrezzi) e in ingresso nemmeno il ferramenta del paesello riuscito ad aiutarmi (ho un attacco vecchio di 40 anni), fortunatamente ho trovato nello scatolone dei raccordi qualcosa che mi ha permesso di costruirmi ci che mi serviva (incluso un p di lavoro con sega, lima e trapano)
QUINDI chi non ha dimestichezza con le caratteristiche dei raccordi si deve armare di pazienza e affidarsi a un negozio specializzato o a un ferramenta che possa aiutarlo a risolvere i problemi specifici che eventualmente si presentassero (ripeto : problema comune a tutti i fornitori di avvolgitubo). E attenzione a non comprare troppa roba, si rischia di spendere di pi dell’ avvolgitubo (una femmina rapida pu costare fino a una decina di euri)
Sarebbe bello che queste problematiche fossero espresse chiaramente nel manualetto. E’ per questo motivo che ho dato solo 4 stelle.
I’m a mobile valeter so was looking for a reel for my van, as I use compressed air on most jobs.
I needed something strong and reliable and this does the job well so far. None of the materials feel flimsy or cheap and it’s worked well for me. Time will tell if it lasts, the same as everything, but it’s a fraction of the cost of many alternatives so its definitely worth a go.
I’m a mobile valeter so was looking for a reel for my van, as I use compressed air on most jobs.
I needed something strong and reliable and this does the job well so far. None of the materials feel flimsy or cheap and it’s worked well for me. Time will tell if it lasts, the same as everything, but it’s a fraction of the cost of many alternatives so its definitely worth a go.
Try as I might, I couldn’t find any major differences between this airline and similar ones that are priced at 95 +. Price wise, it is a winner.
It seems very robust and comes complete with fixings to secure it to the wall etc, PTFE tape that you’ll need to make the threaded joints air tight, and a male and female quick connector. Amazon show these as being used to connect the hose that runs from your compressor / water trap to the hose reel.
As already stated, the hose has male 3/8 bsp ends. You will need to either buy 3/8 bsp quick connectors or you could buy 3/8 female bsp to 1/4 male bsp adaptors and use the more common 1/4 bsp fittings, both sold on Amazon.
Try as I might, I couldn’t find any major differences between this airline and similar ones that are priced at 95 +. Price wise, it is a winner.
It seems very robust and comes complete with fixings to secure it to the wall etc, PTFE tape that you’ll need to make the threaded joints air tight, and a male and female quick connector. Amazon show these as being used to connect the hose that runs from your compressor / water trap to the hose reel.
As already stated, the hose has male 3/8 bsp ends. You will need to either buy 3/8 bsp quick connectors or you could buy 3/8 female bsp to 1/4 male bsp adaptors and use the more common 1/4 bsp fittings, both sold on Amazon.
A sturdy, well made retractable air hose reel, which is excellent value for money. Due to the steel construction, it is surprisingly heavy so really needs to be fixed to a masonry wall. I made a drilling template from plywood to ensure the fixing holes were correctly drilled. The supplied plugs and hex head screws are more than adequate to hold the bracket securely. The only thing to note is that the hose connections are inch BSP, not inch as stated in the Amazon description, and the larger size fittings are slightly more difficult to source.
A sturdy, well made retractable air hose reel, which is excellent value for money. Due to the steel construction, it is surprisingly heavy so really needs to be fixed to a masonry wall. I made a drilling template from plywood to ensure the fixing holes were correctly drilled. The supplied plugs and hex head screws are more than adequate to hold the bracket securely. The only thing to note is that the hose connections are inch BSP, not inch as stated in the Amazon description, and the larger size fittings are slightly more difficult to source.
When checking the instructions this item clearly has 3/8″ ends rather than the 1/4″ specified so now requires additional adaptors to be ordered adding extra down time and cost.
I have added pics of the instructions page showing this clearly states 3/8″ in it.
Also though it doesn’t affect everyone the supplied connectors won’t both fit the hose as both hose ends are male with the one supplied quick connector also being male so this will require a Female coupler at the very least.
I hope this helps some plan additional item requirements if ordering.
(Next day delivery from amazon was good)
Nella descrizione fate attenzione perch c’ scritto che i raccordi del tubo sono da 1/4, non vero! occhio.
Possibilit di utilizzo in qualsiasi garage come tubo dell’aria o dell’acqua (fino a 45 C).
L’avvolgitubo dotato di supporto girevole per un semplice montaggio a parete, (tasselli e viti inclusi).
La struttura in plastica a mio parere estremamente robusta, chiaramente possibile bloccare e rilasciare il tubo flessibile a qualsiasi lunghezza, grazie all’autoboccaggio.
Che dire, io l’ho utilizzo da pi di un mese e funziona benissimo, unica pecca molto grande quindi installabile per me, ad un’ altezza di massimo 1,50 MT dal pavimento poi ch come gi detto, molto ingombrante!, per rendere un’idea, la sua circonferenza pi o meno grande quanto un pneumatico di un’automobile con cerchio da 15″ e ha uno spezzone di tubo lungo 1,50 mt per collegarlo al compressore, quindi obbligati a questa altezza oppure lo sostituite.
Lo consiglio assolutamente, anche perch da 15 mt se ne trovano molto pochi a questo prezzo.