Amonax 20kg Cast Iron Adjustable Dumbbells Weight Set, Barbell Set Men Women, Strength Training Equipment Home Gym Fitness, Dumbell Pair Hand Weight, Bar Bells Free Weights for Weight Lifting
The product is well-built and feels like it will last a few years or more. The handle has a non-slip grip making it comfortable to use. I got the 30kg version and it exceeds my needs for now.
Initially had a panick as I forgot it was missing 2.5kg plates, until I realised I bought the 20kg ones lol! However, these are perfect for what I need anyway. Great plates and the extension is a nice touch also. The build seems really good quality also!
Having just started the gym I wanted some at home weights for any days I can go and to practise form. These are well worth the money. The face I can turn it from dumbell to barbell is very handy!
The individual weights are smooth and handle well. The three part bar is very solid and well made. All in all, I’m pleased with the weights, and by the service.
For the price, I wasn’t really expecting much but I was very surprised when I recieved the item, none of the plastic rubbish, all really well made. Very happy with this product!
Nice product, it’s comfortable and has more quality than what I was expecting. The spinlock collars don’t let the weights loose on the dumbbell bar, so I feel safe enough to exercise. I would say it’s an excellent option for those who don’t have much time to go to the gym but want to exercise at home to quit sedentarism.
Consegna rapida ma con imballaggio rovinato, come si pu vedere dall’ultima foto.
Il prodotto valido. Per chi inizia con la pesistica, ci sono il giusto quantitativo di kg.
Il rivestimento dei pesi ottimo, cos come il resto delle parti in dotazione. Credo avranno una lunga durata.
Il montaggio pratico e veloce. Posso montarli sia per un utilizzo come manubri che bilanciere.
Attrezzatura ottima e funzionale, ottima fattura, unico neo il corriere , me li ha consegnati come nelle foto.
Tuttavia l’attrezzatura non ha subito per fortuna alcun danno. Li consiglio, per chi come me non ha il tempo di andare in palestra.
Ottimo set! Ovviamente serve per iniziare perch 30kg non sono molti ma si possono adattare anche dei pesi maggiori con lo stesso diametro. In ogni caso consigliatissimo per iniziare e soprattutto per il fai da te con poco spazio
I brought this for my husband for Christmas my only down fall is the box turned up and it showed what it was on it, which I wasn’t happy about it as my husband saw i
Durante la chiusura forzata delle palestre il rimedio giusto per mantenersi in forma. Non come in palestra ma si pu ovviare tranquillamente. Buona fattura.
E’ da un p che cercavo un set di manubri fatto bene e non di plasticaccia, devo dire che i materiali sono ottimi e la consegna stata pi veloce del previsto. Consiglio vivamente per chi vuole iniziare a casa il set da 20kg per poi comprare a parte i dischi in ghisa da 28mm.
Prodotto fatto veramente bene , io ho preso il set da 20 kili , confezionato con cura e con libretto per le varie combinazioni. I pesi in ghisa non hanno paragone con tutti gli altri ( acqua, sabbia ) sono il top.
Mi alleno da 3 mesi con questi e non ho avuto alcun tipo di problema, mi piacciono davvero tanto e soprattutto evitate quelli che costano di meno, questi sono nettamente superiori e molto pi sicuri.
Initially, two plates were missing but customer service was eventually able to handle my concern and sent out the missing plates. Overall good product.
Amazing weights.
Great quality, handle grips very comfortably.
Easy to change the weights and transfere to long bar if required.
Highly recommended and worth the money.
Vienen con un manual con distintos tipos de ejercicios,y son bastante cmodas,el problema que tienen es que para cambiar en plena sesin de pesa a mancuerna se tarda bastante,pero bueno,se podra considerar un descanso activo mientras las cambias
Il prodotto stato consegnato nei tempi previsti e lo scatolo era intatto. All interno troviamo tutto ci che presente nella descrizione del prodotto. Ho pesato i dischi di ghisa e sono pi o meno il kg specificato.
un kit ottimo per allenarsi in casa, comodo il blocco dei dischi con l avvitamento.
Il bilanciere componibile comodo per esercizi per bicipiti , dorsali o spalle..molto scomodo per gli squat. Troppo stretto lo spazio a disposizione. Fosse stato pi lungo, sarebbe stato meglio.
Ma lo consiglio, non ve ne pentirete
Only down side I can find to these are the grips on the bars, they are really rough on the hands but other than that really good weights and would recommend to anyone.
I love these dumbbells and the bar they give a great workout and they’re easy to store away. I’m very happy with these. Over the last month my arms have definitely got bigger.
Got them for my soon to be teenage son, he loves them.
Did quite a bit of research, and chose these for two main reasons;
1. Best per kg set available without going cheap and nasty.
2. Best weight range available.
My first time buying dumbbells for use at home and I am very pleased with the quality of these dumbbells. They are the correct weights, the barbell bar which comes with it is also very solid and can withstand the weight of the dumbbells attached to it. The locks at the end of the dumbbells screw on perfectly and do not come loose. The only reason why I gave this 4/5 was because one of my dumbbell bars was uneven however everything else about this set was perfect and this is a very high quality set. I think that the only downside to this set is that the handles of the dumbbells are a bit rough and so I bought a pair of weightlifting gloves to protect my palms from burns and blisters.
Estoy muy contenta con el producto. Encajan a la perfeccin tanto los discos como las tuercas.
Hay que tener en cuenta, que las barras cuentan como un kilo cada una.
I’d highly recommend obtaining this solid piece of kit for any home gym! I’ve used countless dumbbells before, but this one is the decider for me…
The weight plates are small cast iron sets which are very small but weighs heavy. The spinlocks are durable and locks in real tight so it doesn’t budge at all!
Furthermore, the bars themselves look and feel amazing! It provides for a good & tight grip during a hard workout.
However, the weight plate’s paint is flaky, and bits come off during moving them around etc. Also, the rubber washers always drop out, I’d recommend the developers super gluing them to the spinlocks themselves for a better overall experience from a user’s perspective. But that’s the only downside, besides that, it’s perfekt guys!
Never written many reviews but I’ll try to be honest here as these have impressed me but it’s not just about praise…
So the cons that aren’t entirely clear in the description:
The barbell is a joining tube that will join the two dumbell bars together. Since the the rubber grip are fixed in place you’ll be stuck with a single wide grip. Also to load the maximum weight on the barbell you’ll have to load either side of each grip which means certain exercises the inner weights will affect the angle you can grip the bar on.
Here’s the positives though:
For what it offers I’ve been very, very impressed, everything I’ve found a problem with other weights like this just isn’t here. The dumbell bars aren’t over length, they offer just enough for all the weight plates fitted and the screw. Some dumbell bars are simply far too long to be comfortable.
The bars themselves are all chromed steel of a hollow but thick walled construction. Good stuff as many are silver painted plastic and break in a week. The end caps and the connecting bar all fit tightly with a low tolerance and can be easily screwd tight enough that nothing moves or wobbles. The end caps have a rubber fitting that prevents scratching the plates and also offers a snug fit, you shouldn’t find them coming loose unless you want them too.
The overall packaging was also neat and efficient. So much in fact I thought the courier had missed a second box but on opening there it all was.
It’s a bit more than the cheapest equivalents on Amazon but all the cheaper ones have some form of issue that these simply don’t. My advice with these as my third weight set is go for these for the extra money but also don’t assume they’re the best they can possibly be. Many are more expensive for a reason but I also don’t think you’ll get better on Amazon cheaper.
It’s a good set for beginners, but as you progress through your level of strength, you will be able to buy another set, so that you have more of the larger weights. This will also mean you can leave a set of handles as dumbbells, and another as a barbell.
When in barbell setup, there is a slightly play in the screw fixture, but this has never been of concern as the handles screw into the barbell bar a decent way, so this is definitely not coming loose.
Ist stabile der einzige Nachteil ist das die Griffe sich beim Zusammenbau bewegen also verschieben knnen aber nur ganz wenig strt aber da die Gewichte dann ungleich rechts und links angebracht sind.
I pesi arrivano perfettamente imballati, ottima qualit. Sembrano professionali. Bilanciere e manubri perfetti, pesi in ghisa con diametro 25mm. Li consiglio.
Il prodotto assolutamente funzionale all’utilizzo, buona la qualit del metallo e buono la presa ergonomica dei manubri. L’aggiunta del tubo permette di avere bilanciere. Consigliato.
Die Hanteln sind gut verarbeitet und beim Training wackelt nichts. Fr Einsteiger sehr gut geeignet. Fr etwas Fortgeschrittene sind die mitgelieferten Gewichte zu leicht.
Einziges Manko ist die kurze Mittelstange. Die ist mir etwas zu wackelig im Einsatz.
Alles kam sehr gut verpackt.
The item is amazing. Definitely worth the money. The weights and bars came in a very convenient package. All the items were in great condition. The middle bar connects perfectly with the other two. Best buy I have ever made.
Excellent simple dumbells which can be used as part of any exercise regime. The nuts, plates and bars are all great quality and fit together tightly and safely.
Ce kit comprend plusieurs poids et des barres qu’on peut combiner pour faire une multitude d’exercices. Le pack est bien emball, il pse 20 kg, donc faites attention. Dans le colis on trouve :
4 disques – 2,5 kg chacun ; 4 disques – 1,25 kg chacun ; 4 disques — 0,5 kg chacun, 2 barres d’haltres, 1 connecteur d’haltres et 4 colliers spinlock pour bien fixer les disques sur les barres.
Les poids et les barres sont d’une bonne qualit et une belle finition.
On peut combiner les disques et les barres pour avoir des haltres 5, 10 ou mme 20 kg, selon les besoins. Sur internet on peut trouver une multitude d’exercices et comment les faire correctement pour obtenir un bel rsultat.
En tout, un prix correct, on a un kit de musculation la maison qu’on peut modeler comment on veut et utiliser pour entrainer un grand nombre de muscles.
This product is just what I was looking for – I have been using them now for over a month and cannot find any fault with them.
The quality is great and durable and the weights look very professional.
The addition of the bar has been great as this product doubles up as a barbell for additional exercises.
The dumbbells themselves have a metal handle covered by rubber so it does not hurt your hand, I don’t need to use my gloves which is great!
When using, the locks stay in place even during higher intensity exercises.
Se trata de un equipo de pesas y mancuernas muy completo para ejercitarse en casa de forma segura y cmoda.
El producto viene muy bien embalado en una caja de cartn en cuyo interior se encuentra un recipiente de corcho con pequeos compartimentos en los que vienen introducidos los discos las barras y las tuercas de forma segura para que no se caigan accidentalmente. El equipo consta de cuatro discos de 2,5 kg cada uno otros cuatro discos de 1,25 kg cada uno, otros cuatro de 0,5 kg cada uno dos barras de mancuernas, un conector en el que se acoplan las barras de las mancuernas para formar una barra de pesas ms larga y cuatro tuercas con freno para evitar que se aflojen los discos una vez introducidos en la barra.
Las barras de las mancuernas tienen 39 cm de longitud y estn fabricadas en espiral, es decir con rosca en los laterales para poder introducir uno en cada lado de la barra central para formar la barra larga de pesas.
En la parte central disponen de una empuadura de goma muy cmoda ya que evita que la mano se resbale incluso con el sudor y a la vez resulta cmodo el agarre de la misma.
En dichas barras de las mancuernas se pueden ir combinando los pesos hasta alcanzar un mximo de 20 kg.
En la barra larga que se monta introduciendo en los dos laterales las barras espirales de las mancuernas y despus ir aadiendo los discos en estas ltimas y una vez introducidos todos los discos que deseamos poner , apretamos con las tuercas en los laterales para que no se suelten de forma accidental.
La barra larga que resulta de la unin de las dos espirales con la central tiene una longitud de aproximadamente 93 cm de largo.
Todos los materiales son de buena calidad, los discos vienen cromados y cada uno nos especifica el peso que tiene, tanto las barras como las tuercas estn fabricados en acero inoxidable, lo que nos garantiza una buena conservacin de los mismos con el
paso del tiempo.
Tambin viene incluido un manual de instrucciones escrito en varios idiomas, entre ellos el castellano, en el que nos aporta una gua de montaje con las diferentes piezas de las que se dispone y despus de forma ms especfica nos va indicando el montaje de las mancuernas con las diferentes posibilidades de peso as como el montaje de la barra con diferentes discos y diferentes pesos. Despus ms detalladamente nos explica las combinaciones de peso tanto en Mancuernas como en la barra y en la ltima pgina nos trae una pequea introduccin con diferentes ejercicios que podemos realizar tanto como las mancuernas como con la barra larga sin ayuda de un monitor, aunque debemos tener claros una serie de principios para no provocar ninguna lesin a la hora de entrenar. Al final del libro nos aconseja y nos da unas pequeas introducciones de seguridad tanto para entrenar como para que no se produzcan accidentes en el domicilio al utilizar las pesas.
Creo que se trata de un equipo muy completo fabricado en materiales de excelente calidad y que nos ofrece muchas posibilidades para entrenarnos sin salir de casa.
Amonax Pesas y Mancuernas Ajustables 20KG (Par 10 KG)
Bueno, el que busca unas mancuernas de estas caractersticas, ya sabe ms o menos lo que necesita. Pero surgen unas cuantas dudas a la hora de decidirte por una u otra marca.
Yo pretendo contestar algunas dudas:
1. Son pesas para principiantes?
Sin lugar a dudas son pesas para principiantes y para hacer ejercicio en casa. Sin embargo, si nunca has hecho musculacin con pesas, stas te durarn mucho, antes de pasar a otro nivel. Adems se le pueden aadir ms peso, comprando ms discos.
2. Son precisas?
– No destacan por su precisin. Todos los discos pesan menos de lo que marca, pero luego hay que sumarle el peso de la barra de mancuerna y las tuercas.
Por ejemplo:
– En las instrucciones te marca los discos que tienes que poner para levantar 2,5Kg. Yo lo he montado y en total, pesa 2,35Kg.
– No son muy precisas, pero al final lo que cuenta es levantar el mismo peso en cada repeticin, antes de subir de peso.
Nota: si vas a usar las dos mancuernas a la vez, te aconsejo que peses en una bscula los discos para intentar equilibrar las dos mancuernas y que las marques como Izquierda y Derecha. Te lleva un rato, pero es lo mejor.
3. Que tal los materiales y la seguridad?
Los acabados son realmente buenos.
– Los discos son de hierro colado con un revestimiento antioxidante.
– Las barras de mano y la central, son de acero inoxidable.
– Las mancuernas van recubiertas por un material antideslizante. Algo que se agradece, pues resulta muy cmodo de sujetar para hacer tus repeticiones.
– Las tuercas encajan muy bien y giran rpido sin esfuerzo. Tienen una junta de goma que presiona contra el disco y lo sujeta de manera segura y sin ningn movimiento.
4. Son mejores de hierro colado o de caucho o vinilo?
– Para m son mejores las de hierro colado, porque es muy difcil que se deformen, o se rompan. Por algo estn es todos los Gym.
– Eso s, procura usarlas sobre un suelo acolchado o con esterilla. Creo que es obvio.
En fin, si ests empezando y quieres montarte un pequeo Gimnasio en casa, este juego de mancuernas y barra, son una muy buena opcin.
La relacin Calidad/Precio est muy bien. Mejor que otras que he visto. Las pequeas diferencias de peso en los discos se pueden obviar, porque el conjunto es Excelente.
Puedes ir incorporando peso a medida que vayas evolucionando en el entrenamiento.
Su Versatilidad y la posibilidad de hacer mltiples ejercicios diferentes, con mancuernas o con la barra, hace que puedas trabajar ms msculos de maneras diferentes.
Slo necesitas una buena tabla de ejercicios y constancia.
Espero que os sea til mi opinin y experiencia con este producto
Arrived well packaged and without flaws.
Great design and top quality.
Made from cast iron feel resistant and long lasting.
Comes with different set of weights, from 0.5kg to 1.5 and 2.5kg, four of each.
The bar supports the weight perfectly and can be adjusted to be longer and support more weight.
The screws hold the weights tight and have no rough edges.
Its a great versatile kit, perfect for exercise at home, i just find it a little pricey.
I have hard training equipment like this, much cheaper this these but these are certainly way better in terms of quality. The most annoying thing on previous equipment were locks that would keep unlocking mid-exercise. On these, the locks tend to remain engaged.
las pesas son de hierro de buena calidad al igual que el cromado de las barras, las uso en el banco multifuncin y van perfectas,los cierres de rosca ajustan bastante bien y no se aflojan utilizandolas, cuando lo unes todo para que quede una barra debera ser un poco mas larga para mi gusto ,pero por lo dems estn muy bien.
Can’t go wrong with cast iron dumbbell! Especially this set.
These dumbbells are very good quality build, comfortable to grip & easy to put together.
Black cast iron and black grip make this set look very appealing.
I love the fact the dumbbells can be converted easily to do full bar squats, bench press, high pulls and your usual normal dumbbell exercises really inventive piece of kit here.
Highly recommended for beginners and experts!
Super quality dumbbells for many different type of exercises at a very good price point!
Bien que la livraison est t prouvante pour le livreur 😉 , j’ai reu ces haltres dans un emballage envelopp de Polystyrne.
Les barres sont neuves et ne sont pas rouill ou ray.
Les crous de fixation sont muni d’un caoutchouc vitant de les rayer au contact de la fonte.
Ces poids de musculation sont fourni avec :
– 4 disque fonte de 2,5 kg,
– 4 disque en fonte musculation de 1,25 kg,
– 4 disque musculation de 0,5 kg,
– 2 barres d’haltres, (28mm)
– 1 connecteur d’haltres chrom,
– 4 colliers spinlock en acier.
– Une procdure pour l’installation ainsi que les exercices raliser.
Soit un total tous cumul de 20Kg !
En point ngatif, les barres d’haltres disposent d’une mousse centrale trs dure !
C’est un peu dsagrable lors du lev de poids pour la paume de la main.
High quality cast iron weights which can be used for plenty of different lifts. Definitely a great starting set for anyone setting up their own home gym
Voil de quoi faire gonfler un peu le haut du corps et les bras !
L’ensemble se compose de 12 poids, 4 x 0,5kg + 4 x 1,25 kg + 4 x 2,5 kg, et 3 segments modulables, deux munis de poignes et un segment central chrom.
Ce qui permet toutes sortes de combinaisons (18 en tout) selon qu’on dcide de l’utiliser comme une seule grande haltre (Barbell) ou deux petites haltres (Dumbbells), permettant de soulever de 2,5 kg 20 kg.
Le matriau est de qualit et donne confiance, le systme d’attache avec deux gros boulons visss est trs scurisant.
Une notice trs sommaire est fournie en franais, on y trouve les principaux exercices possibles avec les diffrentes combinaisons, mais aucune proposition de programme, pour cela il y a des milliers de tutoriaux sur internet.
Un produit que je pourrais qualifier de gnial, tellement il est simple et bien conu.
This all in one set comes complete with two dumbbell bars with screw on weight locks. The weights push into the bars and then are locked in place with two large easy to turn nuts. This sets up the dumbbells for use. An included bar can then be screwed on between the two sets of dumbbells to create one long bar for lifting. The whole set feels sturdy and well made. It’s finished of nicely with rubber handles for comfort and grip. Perfect for beginners or those needing a small set in the house. Very good value for money and sturdy enough that they will last a long time. Very happy with this set.
Great set for starters and beyond. Really good quality, you can certainly feel the weight from the cast iron weights. It’s very easy to change weights over, which makes the set ideal for all family members to be able to swap and use. The middle handle section has a non slip grip, which makes the dumbbells comfortable to use and makes you feel secure when using them. My partner is very pleased with this set, and would definitely recommend.
My brother is a gym freak like me and wanted to gift him something for a very long time. Saw this and got it for him. I never thought the quality will be this brilliant. He absolutely loved it. It’s accurate and the weight metal is very very good. He uses is for quick refs. I also use it with him. I Would definitely recommend it to someone who cannot go to gym. It takes a small space. Very convenient. Happy with i
Before lockdown, sets like this were selling at less than half the price of this one, but now this appears to be a decent price to pay for a set which facilitates a wide variety of strength exercises, either as a pair of dumbells with up to 10 kg on each side, or a single barbell with up to 20 kg. The bars are 1″ diameter, and so if you have weights with same size, they will fit the bars too, as the threaded ends are generously sized and weights are easily fitted using the spinlocks provided. Everything fits in a carry case, for storage and transport, if required and it all feels like it will last.
The product is well-built and feels like it will last a few years or more. The handle has a non-slip grip making it comfortable to use. I got the 30kg version and it exceeds my needs for now.
Initially had a panick as I forgot it was missing 2.5kg plates, until I realised I bought the 20kg ones lol! However, these are perfect for what I need anyway. Great plates and the extension is a nice touch also. The build seems really good quality also!
The individual weights are smooth and handle well. The three part bar is very solid and well made. All in all, I’m pleased with the weights, and by the service.
For the price, I wasn’t really expecting much but I was very surprised when I recieved the item, none of the plastic rubbish, all really well made. Very happy with this product!
Consegna rapida ma con imballaggio rovinato, come si pu vedere dall’ultima foto.
Il prodotto valido. Per chi inizia con la pesistica, ci sono il giusto quantitativo di kg.
Il rivestimento dei pesi ottimo, cos come il resto delle parti in dotazione. Credo avranno una lunga durata.
Il montaggio pratico e veloce. Posso montarli sia per un utilizzo come manubri che bilanciere.
Attrezzatura ottima e funzionale, ottima fattura, unico neo il corriere , me li ha consegnati come nelle foto.
Tuttavia l’attrezzatura non ha subito per fortuna alcun danno. Li consiglio, per chi come me non ha il tempo di andare in palestra.
Ottimo set! Ovviamente serve per iniziare perch 30kg non sono molti ma si possono adattare anche dei pesi maggiori con lo stesso diametro. In ogni caso consigliatissimo per iniziare e soprattutto per il fai da te con poco spazio
I brought this for my husband for Christmas my only down fall is the box turned up and it showed what it was on it, which I wasn’t happy about it as my husband saw i
Durante la chiusura forzata delle palestre il rimedio giusto per mantenersi in forma. Non come in palestra ma si pu ovviare tranquillamente. Buona fattura.
Prodotto fatto veramente bene , io ho preso il set da 20 kili , confezionato con cura e con libretto per le varie combinazioni. I pesi in ghisa non hanno paragone con tutti gli altri ( acqua, sabbia ) sono il top.
Mi alleno da 3 mesi con questi e non ho avuto alcun tipo di problema, mi piacciono davvero tanto e soprattutto evitate quelli che costano di meno, questi sono nettamente superiori e molto pi sicuri.
Brought this as a gift for my brother who wants to have some gym equipment at home. Came quickly in a good package.
The handle is easy to grip and a good distance between the weights if you have big hands.
Initially, two plates were missing but customer service was eventually able to handle my concern and sent out the missing plates. Overall good product.
Amazing weights.
Great quality, handle grips very comfortably.
Easy to change the weights and transfere to long bar if required.
Highly recommended and worth the money.
My husband is happy about the weights. Just the handles are slightly uncomfortable, so 1 star deduction. He uses sports gloves now so it’s all good.
Grandmother bought this as a present for my teenage son, he likes it.
Perfect for my son – he loves it. Easy to grip & easy to use. All his friends use it as well. Glad we bought the extra weight for future
Vienen con un manual con distintos tipos de ejercicios,y son bastante cmodas,el problema que tienen es que para cambiar en plena sesin de pesa a mancuerna se tarda bastante,pero bueno,se podra considerar un descanso activo mientras las cambias
un kit ottimo per allenarsi in casa, comodo il blocco dei dischi con l avvitamento.
Il bilanciere componibile comodo per esercizi per bicipiti , dorsali o spalle..molto scomodo per gli squat. Troppo stretto lo spazio a disposizione. Fosse stato pi lungo, sarebbe stato meglio.
Ma lo consiglio, non ve ne pentirete
Only down side I can find to these are the grips on the bars, they are really rough on the hands but other than that really good weights and would recommend to anyone.
I love these dumbbells and the bar they give a great workout and they’re easy to store away. I’m very happy with these. Over the last month my arms have definitely got bigger.
da utilizzare con i guanti per le mani, robusti e funzionali.
Got them for my soon to be teenage son, he loves them.
Did quite a bit of research, and chose these for two main reasons;
1. Best per kg set available without going cheap and nasty.
2. Best weight range available.
My first time buying dumbbells for use at home and I am very pleased with the quality of these dumbbells. They are the correct weights, the barbell bar which comes with it is also very solid and can withstand the weight of the dumbbells attached to it. The locks at the end of the dumbbells screw on perfectly and do not come loose. The only reason why I gave this 4/5 was because one of my dumbbell bars was uneven however everything else about this set was perfect and this is a very high quality set. I think that the only downside to this set is that the handles of the dumbbells are a bit rough and so I bought a pair of weightlifting gloves to protect my palms from burns and blisters.
Estoy muy contenta con el producto. Encajan a la perfeccin tanto los discos como las tuercas.
Hay que tener en cuenta, que las barras cuentan como un kilo cada una.
I’d highly recommend obtaining this solid piece of kit for any home gym! I’ve used countless dumbbells before, but this one is the decider for me…
The weight plates are small cast iron sets which are very small but weighs heavy. The spinlocks are durable and locks in real tight so it doesn’t budge at all!
Furthermore, the bars themselves look and feel amazing! It provides for a good & tight grip during a hard workout.
However, the weight plate’s paint is flaky, and bits come off during moving them around etc. Also, the rubber washers always drop out, I’d recommend the developers super gluing them to the spinlocks themselves for a better overall experience from a user’s perspective. But that’s the only downside, besides that, it’s perfekt guys!
This is a flexible option, to load or off load. Rather simple to put together. Very well packed. Price is worth it.
Never written many reviews but I’ll try to be honest here as these have impressed me but it’s not just about praise…
So the cons that aren’t entirely clear in the description:
The barbell is a joining tube that will join the two dumbell bars together. Since the the rubber grip are fixed in place you’ll be stuck with a single wide grip. Also to load the maximum weight on the barbell you’ll have to load either side of each grip which means certain exercises the inner weights will affect the angle you can grip the bar on.
Here’s the positives though:
For what it offers I’ve been very, very impressed, everything I’ve found a problem with other weights like this just isn’t here. The dumbell bars aren’t over length, they offer just enough for all the weight plates fitted and the screw. Some dumbell bars are simply far too long to be comfortable.
The bars themselves are all chromed steel of a hollow but thick walled construction. Good stuff as many are silver painted plastic and break in a week. The end caps and the connecting bar all fit tightly with a low tolerance and can be easily screwd tight enough that nothing moves or wobbles. The end caps have a rubber fitting that prevents scratching the plates and also offers a snug fit, you shouldn’t find them coming loose unless you want them too.
The overall packaging was also neat and efficient. So much in fact I thought the courier had missed a second box but on opening there it all was.
It’s a bit more than the cheapest equivalents on Amazon but all the cheaper ones have some form of issue that these simply don’t. My advice with these as my third weight set is go for these for the extra money but also don’t assume they’re the best they can possibly be. Many are more expensive for a reason but I also don’t think you’ll get better on Amazon cheaper.
It’s a good set for beginners, but as you progress through your level of strength, you will be able to buy another set, so that you have more of the larger weights. This will also mean you can leave a set of handles as dumbbells, and another as a barbell.
When in barbell setup, there is a slightly play in the screw fixture, but this has never been of concern as the handles screw into the barbell bar a decent way, so this is definitely not coming loose.
Materiali di buona qualit preso sconto 30% quindi direi un ottimo affare
Ist stabile der einzige Nachteil ist das die Griffe sich beim Zusammenbau bewegen also verschieben knnen aber nur ganz wenig strt aber da die Gewichte dann ungleich rechts und links angebracht sind.
Davon mal ab sind die echt gut kann sie empfehle
I pesi arrivano perfettamente imballati, ottima qualit. Sembrano professionali. Bilanciere e manubri perfetti, pesi in ghisa con diametro 25mm. Li consiglio.
Il prodotto assolutamente funzionale all’utilizzo, buona la qualit del metallo e buono la presa ergonomica dei manubri. L’aggiunta del tubo permette di avere bilanciere. Consigliato.
Aunque el peso no sea el exacto el material y lo dems son buenos. (Hay que tener en cuenta el peso de la barra tambin).
Einziges Manko ist die kurze Mittelstange. Die ist mir etwas zu wackelig im Einsatz.
Alles kam sehr gut verpackt.
The item is amazing. Definitely worth the money. The weights and bars came in a very convenient package. All the items were in great condition. The middle bar connects perfectly with the other two. Best buy I have ever made.
Excellent simple dumbells which can be used as part of any exercise regime. The nuts, plates and bars are all great quality and fit together tightly and safely.
Prodotto ECCELLENTE, ottima qualit del materiale, ho aspettato un po’ per riceverlo anche con abbonamento prime ma l’attesa ne valsa la pena!
I was going to go for cheaper ones but all the reviews werent great. These are smaller and better so worth the wee bit extra
Ce kit comprend plusieurs poids et des barres qu’on peut combiner pour faire une multitude d’exercices. Le pack est bien emball, il pse 20 kg, donc faites attention. Dans le colis on trouve :
4 disques – 2,5 kg chacun ; 4 disques – 1,25 kg chacun ; 4 disques — 0,5 kg chacun, 2 barres d’haltres, 1 connecteur d’haltres et 4 colliers spinlock pour bien fixer les disques sur les barres.
Les poids et les barres sont d’une bonne qualit et une belle finition.
On peut combiner les disques et les barres pour avoir des haltres 5, 10 ou mme 20 kg, selon les besoins. Sur internet on peut trouver une multitude d’exercices et comment les faire correctement pour obtenir un bel rsultat.
En tout, un prix correct, on a un kit de musculation la maison qu’on peut modeler comment on veut et utiliser pour entrainer un grand nombre de muscles.
This product is just what I was looking for – I have been using them now for over a month and cannot find any fault with them.
The quality is great and durable and the weights look very professional.
The addition of the bar has been great as this product doubles up as a barbell for additional exercises.
The dumbbells themselves have a metal handle covered by rubber so it does not hurt your hand, I don’t need to use my gloves which is great!
When using, the locks stay in place even during higher intensity exercises.
Would highly recommend – 10 out of 10!
El producto viene muy bien embalado en una caja de cartn en cuyo interior se encuentra un recipiente de corcho con pequeos compartimentos en los que vienen introducidos los discos las barras y las tuercas de forma segura para que no se caigan accidentalmente. El equipo consta de cuatro discos de 2,5 kg cada uno otros cuatro discos de 1,25 kg cada uno, otros cuatro de 0,5 kg cada uno dos barras de mancuernas, un conector en el que se acoplan las barras de las mancuernas para formar una barra de pesas ms larga y cuatro tuercas con freno para evitar que se aflojen los discos una vez introducidos en la barra.
Las barras de las mancuernas tienen 39 cm de longitud y estn fabricadas en espiral, es decir con rosca en los laterales para poder introducir uno en cada lado de la barra central para formar la barra larga de pesas.
En la parte central disponen de una empuadura de goma muy cmoda ya que evita que la mano se resbale incluso con el sudor y a la vez resulta cmodo el agarre de la misma.
En dichas barras de las mancuernas se pueden ir combinando los pesos hasta alcanzar un mximo de 20 kg.
En la barra larga que se monta introduciendo en los dos laterales las barras espirales de las mancuernas y despus ir aadiendo los discos en estas ltimas y una vez introducidos todos los discos que deseamos poner , apretamos con las tuercas en los laterales para que no se suelten de forma accidental.
La barra larga que resulta de la unin de las dos espirales con la central tiene una longitud de aproximadamente 93 cm de largo.
Todos los materiales son de buena calidad, los discos vienen cromados y cada uno nos especifica el peso que tiene, tanto las barras como las tuercas estn fabricados en acero inoxidable, lo que nos garantiza una buena conservacin de los mismos con el
paso del tiempo.
Tambin viene incluido un manual de instrucciones escrito en varios idiomas, entre ellos el castellano, en el que nos aporta una gua de montaje con las diferentes piezas de las que se dispone y despus de forma ms especfica nos va indicando el montaje de las mancuernas con las diferentes posibilidades de peso as como el montaje de la barra con diferentes discos y diferentes pesos. Despus ms detalladamente nos explica las combinaciones de peso tanto en Mancuernas como en la barra y en la ltima pgina nos trae una pequea introduccin con diferentes ejercicios que podemos realizar tanto como las mancuernas como con la barra larga sin ayuda de un monitor, aunque debemos tener claros una serie de principios para no provocar ninguna lesin a la hora de entrenar. Al final del libro nos aconseja y nos da unas pequeas introducciones de seguridad tanto para entrenar como para que no se produzcan accidentes en el domicilio al utilizar las pesas.
Creo que se trata de un equipo muy completo fabricado en materiales de excelente calidad y que nos ofrece muchas posibilidades para entrenarnos sin salir de casa.
Bueno, el que busca unas mancuernas de estas caractersticas, ya sabe ms o menos lo que necesita. Pero surgen unas cuantas dudas a la hora de decidirte por una u otra marca.
Yo pretendo contestar algunas dudas:
1. Son pesas para principiantes?
Sin lugar a dudas son pesas para principiantes y para hacer ejercicio en casa. Sin embargo, si nunca has hecho musculacin con pesas, stas te durarn mucho, antes de pasar a otro nivel. Adems se le pueden aadir ms peso, comprando ms discos.
2. Son precisas?
– No destacan por su precisin. Todos los discos pesan menos de lo que marca, pero luego hay que sumarle el peso de la barra de mancuerna y las tuercas.
Por ejemplo:
– En las instrucciones te marca los discos que tienes que poner para levantar 2,5Kg. Yo lo he montado y en total, pesa 2,35Kg.
– No son muy precisas, pero al final lo que cuenta es levantar el mismo peso en cada repeticin, antes de subir de peso.
Nota: si vas a usar las dos mancuernas a la vez, te aconsejo que peses en una bscula los discos para intentar equilibrar las dos mancuernas y que las marques como Izquierda y Derecha. Te lleva un rato, pero es lo mejor.
3. Que tal los materiales y la seguridad?
Los acabados son realmente buenos.
– Los discos son de hierro colado con un revestimiento antioxidante.
– Las barras de mano y la central, son de acero inoxidable.
– Las mancuernas van recubiertas por un material antideslizante. Algo que se agradece, pues resulta muy cmodo de sujetar para hacer tus repeticiones.
– Las tuercas encajan muy bien y giran rpido sin esfuerzo. Tienen una junta de goma que presiona contra el disco y lo sujeta de manera segura y sin ningn movimiento.
4. Son mejores de hierro colado o de caucho o vinilo?
– Para m son mejores las de hierro colado, porque es muy difcil que se deformen, o se rompan. Por algo estn es todos los Gym.
– Eso s, procura usarlas sobre un suelo acolchado o con esterilla. Creo que es obvio.
En fin, si ests empezando y quieres montarte un pequeo Gimnasio en casa, este juego de mancuernas y barra, son una muy buena opcin.
La relacin Calidad/Precio est muy bien. Mejor que otras que he visto. Las pequeas diferencias de peso en los discos se pueden obviar, porque el conjunto es Excelente.
Puedes ir incorporando peso a medida que vayas evolucionando en el entrenamiento.
Su Versatilidad y la posibilidad de hacer mltiples ejercicios diferentes, con mancuernas o con la barra, hace que puedas trabajar ms msculos de maneras diferentes.
Slo necesitas una buena tabla de ejercicios y constancia.
Espero que os sea til mi opinin y experiencia con este producto
Querr tambin ms discos de peso, en total son solo 20 kilos.
Arrived well packaged and without flaws.
Great design and top quality.
Made from cast iron feel resistant and long lasting.
Comes with different set of weights, from 0.5kg to 1.5 and 2.5kg, four of each.
The bar supports the weight perfectly and can be adjusted to be longer and support more weight.
The screws hold the weights tight and have no rough edges.
Its a great versatile kit, perfect for exercise at home, i just find it a little pricey.
I have hard training equipment like this, much cheaper this these but these are certainly way better in terms of quality. The most annoying thing on previous equipment were locks that would keep unlocking mid-exercise. On these, the locks tend to remain engaged.
Can’t go wrong with cast iron dumbbell! Especially this set.
These dumbbells are very good quality build, comfortable to grip & easy to put together.
Black cast iron and black grip make this set look very appealing.
I love the fact the dumbbells can be converted easily to do full bar squats, bench press, high pulls and your usual normal dumbbell exercises really inventive piece of kit here.
Highly recommended for beginners and experts!
Super quality dumbbells for many different type of exercises at a very good price point!
Bien que la livraison est t prouvante pour le livreur 😉 , j’ai reu ces haltres dans un emballage envelopp de Polystyrne.
Les barres sont neuves et ne sont pas rouill ou ray.
Les crous de fixation sont muni d’un caoutchouc vitant de les rayer au contact de la fonte.
Ces poids de musculation sont fourni avec :
– 4 disque fonte de 2,5 kg,
– 4 disque en fonte musculation de 1,25 kg,
– 4 disque musculation de 0,5 kg,
– 2 barres d’haltres, (28mm)
– 1 connecteur d’haltres chrom,
– 4 colliers spinlock en acier.
– Une procdure pour l’installation ainsi que les exercices raliser.
Soit un total tous cumul de 20Kg !
En point ngatif, les barres d’haltres disposent d’une mousse centrale trs dure !
C’est un peu dsagrable lors du lev de poids pour la paume de la main.
Toutefois je recommande ce produit !
High quality cast iron weights which can be used for plenty of different lifts. Definitely a great starting set for anyone setting up their own home gym
Voil de quoi faire gonfler un peu le haut du corps et les bras !
L’ensemble se compose de 12 poids, 4 x 0,5kg + 4 x 1,25 kg + 4 x 2,5 kg, et 3 segments modulables, deux munis de poignes et un segment central chrom.
Ce qui permet toutes sortes de combinaisons (18 en tout) selon qu’on dcide de l’utiliser comme une seule grande haltre (Barbell) ou deux petites haltres (Dumbbells), permettant de soulever de 2,5 kg 20 kg.
Le matriau est de qualit et donne confiance, le systme d’attache avec deux gros boulons visss est trs scurisant.
Une notice trs sommaire est fournie en franais, on y trouve les principaux exercices possibles avec les diffrentes combinaisons, mais aucune proposition de programme, pour cela il y a des milliers de tutoriaux sur internet.
Un produit que je pourrais qualifier de gnial, tellement il est simple et bien conu.
Getting good use of these easy to use and doesn’t unscrew like most.
This all in one set comes complete with two dumbbell bars with screw on weight locks. The weights push into the bars and then are locked in place with two large easy to turn nuts. This sets up the dumbbells for use. An included bar can then be screwed on between the two sets of dumbbells to create one long bar for lifting. The whole set feels sturdy and well made. It’s finished of nicely with rubber handles for comfort and grip. Perfect for beginners or those needing a small set in the house. Very good value for money and sturdy enough that they will last a long time. Very happy with this set.
Great set for starters and beyond. Really good quality, you can certainly feel the weight from the cast iron weights. It’s very easy to change weights over, which makes the set ideal for all family members to be able to swap and use. The middle handle section has a non slip grip, which makes the dumbbells comfortable to use and makes you feel secure when using them. My partner is very pleased with this set, and would definitely recommend.
My brother is a gym freak like me and wanted to gift him something for a very long time. Saw this and got it for him. I never thought the quality will be this brilliant. He absolutely loved it. It’s accurate and the weight metal is very very good. He uses is for quick refs. I also use it with him. I Would definitely recommend it to someone who cannot go to gym. It takes a small space. Very convenient. Happy with i
Before lockdown, sets like this were selling at less than half the price of this one, but now this appears to be a decent price to pay for a set which facilitates a wide variety of strength exercises, either as a pair of dumbells with up to 10 kg on each side, or a single barbell with up to 20 kg. The bars are 1″ diameter, and so if you have weights with same size, they will fit the bars too, as the threaded ends are generously sized and weights are easily fitted using the spinlocks provided. Everything fits in a carry case, for storage and transport, if required and it all feels like it will last.