AVerMedia Live Gamer 4K GC573, PCIe Capture Card, Stream and Record 4K60 HDR10 with ultra-low latency on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, in OBS, Twitch, Black

Weight: | 141 g |
Dimensions: | 12.5 x 15.09 x 2.13 cm; 140.61 Grams |
Brand: | AVerMedia |
Model: | GC573 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | AVERMEDIA |
so like i said in the title the last capture card i got almost 10 years ago had all the drivers on disc which since all the newer ones dont it was kinda a pain to find the drivers cause theres really no good explaination but i did end up finding ok and also i kinda laughted when i got the capture card working cause i can film in 4k but my pc does not have the ability to show 4k but in the end its all good
Perfeita a captura em 4k… melhor placa que j tive
Using my Avermedia live gamer for a 2 pc setup.
What the setup is like:
Main pc has 3 monitors, 1/2/3 with AMLG4K acting as the 4th
Stream pc has 1 monitor
Main pc connects to AMLG4K via HDMI
Main pc duplicates image 2|4
Currently using usb mic with a 3.5mm input on it so all my sound is through the AMLG4K>OBS
There is no delay on my main screen but there is about 25-30ms while in obs. Havent really checked the main software out.
Does what i need it to do, which captures my 1440p/144 which my hd60 could only do 1080/60. The problem was when I duplicated while using the hd60 windows would prioritize the lower capture card resolution and framerate so my screen would output 1920×1080/60. So i looked into getting this or the elgato version. I got this one cuz if I wanted to i could record at 144fps which the elgato cant or at least thats what i was told.
It works beautifully. Just make sure you go to their website and download the software to update the card or you will just see it flashing red in your case and it won’t work.
It’s the bottom card with the yellow rgb lighting inside the case.
Would recommnend
This capture card is amazing if you want great performance in terms of latency and video capture. I have my PS5 connected to it and it works very well. Streaming with 1440p is still not where I think it should be, but for 1080p or 4K this works very well. The RGB is probably the worst part of the product, it is not controllable by other software, so you cannot sync it, the built in lighting modes are uninspired at best. You can turn them off or just have them be your favorite solid color as I have them. It has a good heatsink on it, but this device does get a little toasty, I am glad I have a case fan blowing air directly up into it. The software is also very easy to use. There are plenty of youtube videos teaching you how to use it if you cannot figure it out yourself.
First of all, Avermedia is better than Elgato, hands down. I’ve used several Elgato products and had nothing but issues. Setup was simple, software is surprisingly lightweight and easy to navigate. I did have an issue updating firmware once, where everything worked as intended but the Avermedia software wouldn’t detect it’s own capture card. I completely uninstalled, powered off, pulled the capture card out, powered on and logged in, powered off, reinserted card, powered on and reinstalled software. All was good after and no further issues. I chalked it up to driver issue between Avermedia and windows, as windows kept trying to recognize it as a webcam. Most likely during the update process windows snuck in some default drivers and it went sideways from there.
I also see quite a few complaints from people about not being able to capture audio….it’s simply not true. I’ve attached two pictures of Voicemeeter Banana. First one is my gaming PC, showing I’ve added the capture card “monitor” (cloned display in Nvidia control panel) as a hardware output. The sounds from my gaming PC are now output across the HDMI signal. The second picture shows my stream PC Voicemeeter having input 1 being my capture card. I toggle A1 and A2 and set those to my outputs for the stream PC (A1 is my headset, so the audio is output to my headset, A2 is my 32″ TV for when I’m watching youtube, other’s streams, etc and don’t want to wear my headset). Super simple. If you’re too lazy for all that or Voicemeeter is too intimidating, just use a 3.5mm cable and lineout from your gaming PC to line in on your stream PC. Then you can add it as an audio source in OBS. There’s lots of ways to get audio from gaming PC to stream PC without spending more money than the capture card. Voicemeeter is just nice because you can split audio from discord, spotify, xbox party chat, etc so you can keep the stream or recording from hearing those channels if needed. I’ll be uploading a self help Voicemeeter setup on youtube for those interested. (iSniperpls on youtube)
I have been on the fence about this one for a while, but glad that I finally jumped on it. Mainly using for switch and retro gaming, passing through to a monitor. Works great so far with my retrotink 5x. No noticeable noise or interference from anything else.
The RGB lighting was annoying, I used the RECentral tool to shut off lightning completely, but I would often find the device in a state where it was just blinking red, which was incredibly aggravating. I took the cover off with just 4 small screws and put electrical tape over the LEDs, and omitted the branded light diffuser after putting the cover back on. LED issues solved. Fits in just fine with my blacked out/minimal lighting PC build.
I used this to record SNES, NES, N64, PS1, Sega Saturn, Sega Genesis, Original Xbox, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and PS3 footage. All of them worked great through an OSSC except for the SNES, I had to buy an audio splitter and route the sound to the input port of my PC to capture audio. I went from an Elgato HD60s and the compatibility with the OSSC was a huge improvement, although it sometimes can’t capture 1080×1920 overscanned resolutions(varies per console). All 240p consoles can be captured between 2x-5x though, some(like N64) need to be set to 1200×1600. Elgato has made nothing close to this capture card in terms of compatibility and quality, and you’re really just paying 100-200 for the brand name with them(even then, nerds don’t care much about branding, so who cares?). 5/5, wholly recommended if you have older consoles.
Ich hatte bereits mehrere Capture Boxen von Elgato sowie Avermedia im Test/Einsatz. Schlussendlich bin ich dann bereits im Dezember 2019 auf die Avermedia Live Gamer 4k gestoen und nutze sie nunmehr ber zwei Jahre. Fr reines Twitch Streaming wre diese eigentlich nicht notwendig gewesen, da Twitch nur 1080p untersttzt, aber fr Youtube Videos doch eine berlegung wert. Also gekauft.
Die Verarbeitung der Karte ist top und selbst nach Garantieende funktioniert die Karte bei fast tglicher Nutzung noch immer. Da gibt es ganz andere Marken Hersteller, wo die Notebooks z.b. ab 24 Monaten den Dienst versagen; nicht wahr Lenovo?….
Was ich unschn finde, ist jedoch die blinkende und farbwechselnde Beleuchtung, wenn keine Aufnahme luft. Ob das mittlerweile per Software anpassbar ist wei ich nicht, denn ich verwende zum Aufnehmen und Streamen Streamlabs OBS anstelle der beiliegenden Software.
Die Aufnahmen sind super und auch bei 60FPS egal ob 1080p oder 4k genial. Verluste der Qualitt kann ich bei direkten Aufnahmen auf meine SSDs nicht sehen. Ich bin mit der Karte sehr zufrieden. Ein zweiter HDMI Eingang fr die Webcam wre zwar schn, aber dafr gibt es seit letztem Jahr die Avermedia Duo, wobei die dann glaube ich, nur 1080p kann. Solange verwende ich halt den Elgato Cam Stick bzw. auch AVerMedia Live Streamer Cap Stick fr die Sony a6300 um diese via HDMI als Webcam zu nutzen.
Pretty straightforward product, plug and play, use you own software to stream or what comes with it. You probably want to reduce the setting from max (default) to medium for most computers for a cleaner looking stream, unless you have a high end gaming PC.
I used this with my PS5 and XSX to get 4k60 higher quality HDR recordings from my gaming PC. It will do a 4k60 HDR passthrough, and allow capture at 4k60 with HDR. Pair it up with software like OBS or Streamlabs, and you can both record and live stream without putting extra stress on your console. If you’re even looking at this, you likely have a nice PC for gaming, production, etc…. If you do not have a relatively good PC, with PCIe gen 4 then this is not for you. I have it in my secondary x16 graphics slot, since I only run one rtx 30 series GPU.
La calidad de imagen , es un 10, pegas no admite programa de captura profesionales, el sonido solo he podido capturar en estereo
its great for 4k60 recording and high framerate recording aswell.
I’m so incredibly happy that I gave this card a shot. Like most people I was brainwashed into assuming that Elgato is the better product; I guess because they’re a bigger company. However never once did the Elgato work correctly for me. It was a mess of micro stutters no matter what I tried.
Avermedia solved all my issues. The card just worked; and it gave me the butter smooth 60 fps that all streamers want to achieve. Not only was it smoother, but also the colors looked better as well. Much more pop and saturation. I honestly have been so happy since ditching Elgato and giving Avermedia a shot.
For my particular pc configuration this card was a game changer.
Kann sie nur empfehlen im Gegensatz zur Elgato 4K 60 Pro deren Software nur das ntigste bietet hat man hier einige Mglichkeiten mehr und auch das schnere Fenster Layout spricht dafr zudem ist die Beleuchtung der Capture Card selber ein netter Bonus.
Muito feliz com esse produto, assistam o UNBOXING no canal Canelinha.
I bought this to be backward compatible with my Panasonic GH2 which outputs 1080i60 and forward compatible with a new camera which outputs 4k60. At first this card did not handle 1080i60 correctly. It was blending both fields of the interlaced video together making it impossible to properly deinterlace in post.
I contacted customer support about this issue and it took quite a few e-mails to get to the correct person, but eventually their engineers wrote a custom driver and fixed the interlaced video issues. I’m very happy with the support they provided. If you have issues with your card, be patient with the customer support people and they will be able to fix your problem.
Das ist ein Spitzenprodukt- leuchtet auch schn und die Software dazu ist auch ausgezeichnet!
Habe mir die LG4K gekauft um Switch und PS5 gameplay fr YouTube aufzunehmen und alles funktioniert perfekt, genau wie beschrieben.
Eingebaut, Software und Treiber installiert und alles luft rund und perfekt.
The video quality is great too.
I have only used it for a few days, but I have had zero reliability problems. It just works.
Edit: I’ve now tested this with a time sleuth latency tester on an LG OLED G1 running at 4k/120. Signal and capture format both set to 1080p60. I got a consistent 18.3 ms of total lag.
This thing was about as plug and play as you can get. No real hassle, and the video quality looks great.
Couple people I know went with the El Gato HD 60 and my streams 100% have a better quality then theirs.
Like the only card on the market that supports 7.1/5.1 passthrough! It’ll downmix to stereo for the actual stream capture, but passthrough is 1:1 perfect.
This thing really is among the best for game capturing and it won’t break the bank!!! The only complaints I have is that if you plan to use the bundled in software instead of something like OBS then you’re mileage may vary cause for me, it takes an eternity to boot up and I only really needed to use the software when I had an issue getting the card to play nice with my HDMI splitter.
Before this card I had an internal Elgato HD 60 card. Aver media’s internal card is so much better as well as the ReCentral software that it comes with. I highly recommend this card.
Lo primero un producto excelente fcil de montar ay qu instalar los driver juegos en un pc los us dual pc y puedo jugar 240Hz y captura perfectamente captura 4k y HDR Pass-Through el precio un poco cara pero vale la pena esa compra
It was plug and play. It did exactly what I needed for it to go. I found that installing it was easy, finding the drivers was also easy, using the drivers and solving issues was also easy. I haven’t had to get in touch with support so I can’t talk about that, but it’s so much easier to use than Elgato products and I didn’t have issues with sound from the stream pc to the game pc, etc. It worked like a charm and the quality was amazing.
Just makes life much easier being able to play games in HDR with a good SDR tone mapping after adjusting a bit based on your personal hdr settings. High refresh passthrough is just incredible. Upgraded from elgato hd60pro and the input delay is a lot better.
La calidad del producto y la la calidad de imagen son muy buenas
Gute Gamecard mit 4k. Der Einbau und die Installation sind einfach gewesen. Die RGB Beleuchtung knnte mehr Auswahl bieten. Der Lichtlauf ist zu grob , es gibt nur den Traum Modus wo der Lichtlauf Smooth ist, aber es fehlen bei dem Modus ein paar Farben. Die beigelegte Powerdirector 15 Software ist zu alt und fr mich nutzlos, lieber die aktuelle Software kaufen.
Aber das wichtigste ist das es in guter Qualitt funktioniert und das tut es.
Nachdem ich ber eine Woche auf den Versand gewartet hatte, habe ich die Bestellung hier storniert und hatte zwei Tage spter die Sendung von einem anderen Seller im Kasten. Warum liefert Amazon diese Karte nicht rechtzeitig? Egal.
Es gibt sehr viele unterschiedliche Meinungen und Erfahrungen zu dieser Karte. Daher hatte ich mit groen Vorbehalten auf den Test im PC gewartet. Nun, nach allen wichtigen Tests, kann ich sagen, dass man hier fr einen guten Preis eine sehr gute Karte bekommt. Allerdings muss ich diese Aussage mit einer starken Einschrnkung versehen: Die Software AVerMedia RECentral 4 ist einfach nur das Letzte! Die Einstellmglichkeiten von RECentral sind fr eine Capture-Card berhaupt total rmlich. Ich wei, dass es gute und schlechte Programmierer gibt und dass die schlechten meistens auch die selbstbewusstesten sind, aber diese Software ist wirklich beispielhaft schlecht. Trotz ALLER Aktualisierungen einschlielich Nvidia-Treiber und das Ganze auf einem aktuellen Board mit einem Ryzen 7 3700X: RECentral luft nicht. Sobald ich auf Aufnahme klickte, kam nach einiger Zeit Herumrdeln, dass eine andere Anwendung die Karte angeblich gerade benutzen wrde und diese erst zu schlieen wre. Whaaaat? Der einzige, der hier die Karte benutzen will, bin ich. Aber diese “Software” war noch nicht zufrieden, sondern man kann den einmal begonnenen Aufnahmemodus nicht mehr stoppen. Die CPU luft derweil auf Hochtouren. Klasse! Man muss diesen rgerlichen Murks erst zwingend mit dem Task-Manager abschieen, dann ist Ruhe.
Also OBS installiert und siehe da, die Capture-Karte arbeitet wirklich ausgezeichnet. Wie geschmiert sogar. Die Aufnahmen lassen sich bis ins Kleinste kalibrieren und die Bildqualitt lsst keine Wnsche offen. Einen warmen Dank dafr an OBS. Fr AverMedia ist das freilich echt peinlich. Na gut, wenigstens luft der Original-Treiber und der PC friert beim Starten nicht ein – ist doch auch schon was. Wrde die Karte genauso viel kosten wie die Elgato 4K60 Pro, bekme sie nur einen Stern.
After getting rid of my Elgato Cam Link 4k I went with the Big dog Avermedia 4k and I have not been disappointed. 1-2-3 plug and play and we are done. works great looks great and the color LED looks nice as well.
Devo dire che come prodotto mi ha davvero convinto, funzionale, facile da usare, flessibile..supporta l’acquisizione video fino a 4K hdr 60hz cio quasi il massimo raggiungibile, software intuitivo e gi pronto, che tra l’altro acquisisce i video in h.265 (per l’hdr), peccato per l’acquisizione dell’audio non sempre a livello di quella video ma tutto sommato pi che discreta e per qualche bug di troppo dell’app rec central che attivando l’hdr si bloccava, probabilmente poich la mia scheda video (rx 6700 xt) non ancora supportata.
Non un prodotto professionale e si vede, ma per il live streaming davvero ottima.
Facile da montare e da configurare, la qualit video ottima.
Possibilit di utilizzarla per un double setup pc.
A mio parere meglio di altri brand che vendono prodotti simili.
It’s one of the few capture cards able to capture 4K60 HDR video. The official capture software is superior to Elgato’s, both in smoothness and ease to use. The only reason I give it a 4-star is because the passthrough isn’t completely “LAG-FREE”; play any rhythm game and you’ll notice it (the latency is even greater than the Wii U gamepad’s wireless connection). But overall, as long as you can bear a very small passthrough latency, this won’t disappoint you.
Vorher hatte ich die Elgato 4k60 Pro getestet, die funktionierte aber nicht mit meiner PS5.
Whrend des streamens kam es stndig zum Bildsignalverlust fr einen kurzen Moment.
Die Avermedia Karte funktioniert hingegen einwandfrei und ohne Mngel mit der Playstation 5 und OBS Streamlabs.
Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir!
gotta have windows 10, gotta have an i5 or better, gotta have a gtx 1600 or better, gotta have 8gb of ram or better… for the higher quality capture resolutions anyway.
has worked flawless since i got it so far though. does what it says. RECentral has been stable and everything. can’t complain.
I’ve had no issues with this card, and I have two of them in my streaming/recording rig. One’s for recording a cloned HDMI 1440p120hz SDR signal coming from my gaming PC, and the other card is for recording the 2160p60hz HDR signal coming from an HDMI switch where a PS5 and Xbox One X are connected.
The reason I have two cards is because there aren’t any switches I know of that can handle 1440p@120hz.
The Elgato 4k60 Pro has given me nothing but issues, which includes randomly not achieving a signal, the left side of the display signal flickering, and frame drops. I was able to temporarily alleviate those issues by restarting the machine, but they always come back.
Excelente artculo, lo volvera a comprar, calidad perfecta, y calidad profesional.
No puedo decir nada malo de este artculo, que es un poco caro, bueno, la calidad de paga.
-Good value.
-Easy to install (make sure its in a x16 slot)
-Avermedia app does all the driver and stuff for you so download it
-seemlessly worked with obs and slobs
-ps4 pro 4k footage as is, no lag no downgrade,best piece of hardware.
Okay here we go.
I upgraded from my Elgato 60, mainly in order to capture hdr from my PC. Than, while I was ordering this, Nvidia launched a firmware update allowing hdr recording support. Although, this was purely for recording gameplay only (no webcam, no othet elements), and streaming was still out of the question, not to mention the video you get was not nearly hdr10.
So, with all that said, once I got my hands on this fun device, I realized how unoptimized HDR recording codec was by nature. While many people may argue that capture cards are not the future of pc game streaming, I still think owning this device allows a lot of options unavailable otherwise. The tone-mapping feature that does its best to record hdr as sdr with little quality drops is good at vibrant hues, but saturation can be questionable at times. While I think there are better cheaper avenues to record HDR PC Games, I think this item is a must have for people experimenting with HDR streaming, and an easy but for people with 2 PC.
I did avoid answering technical questions because I don’t think I’m capable of doing so, but I can say that the wide screen support (2560 x1080 for me) is quite adaptive. I was able to play a game without widescreen support (SEKIRO) on a widescreen monitor, while rescaling the image to 1920 x 1080 on the capture card without any external software (HDR 60FPS). Very impressive. It’s not a plug and play card if you plan to record PC so do t expect any miracles without trying. Learning what it’s capable of doing can be fun, but probably frustrating for most people.
And for those wondering, mounting this card on the pcle x8 slot created no delay or lag for my system, and did not interfere with my gpu performance, also mounted on pcle x8.
Bei der Elgato 4k60 Pro Mk.1 war immer das problem, dass sich die einstellungen der 4k Capture Utility und somit auch die eingestellten settings nicht bei jedem PC start (Dual PC Setup) abgespeichert haben.
Bei der Mk.2 war das problem noch grer, da die Capture Card jedes mal die settings zurck gesetzt hat.
Nach langem weigern habe ich mich dazu entschieden die Avermedia Live Gamer (Pro? bin mir gerade nicht sicher wie der name ist) zu kaufen und zack, es gibt kein problem. Firmware/Software auf dem zweit PC installieren und einmal die Einstellungen machen und das ding funktioniert ohne probleme.
Einziges manko ist, dass die karte wenn mehrere Bildschirme angeschlossen sind nicht das BIOS anzeigt, sondern das dieses auf dem zweit Bildschirm angezeigt wird.
Das ist aber meckern auf hohem Niveau und ist fr den alltglichen Betrieb komplett irrelevant, es sei denn man mchte ein video machen in dem man das bios zeigt, wobei es da ja die mglichkeit gibt nur einen Bildschirm anzuschlieen.
Alles in allem bin ich von der Qualitt und Funktionalitt berzeugt.
DCHP Lsst sich deaktivieren.
XRGB/4:4:4 Support in OBS.
240 Hz ohne jegliches meckern.
Kein spontanes resetten der settings.
RGB Beleuchtung fr 10% mehr Performance (Kleiner witz am Rande)
Einfaches setup der software. (Sollte fr jeden dulli verstndlich sein)
Wird dank integrierten heatsink nicht so warm wie die Konkurrenz und sollte daher auch lnger halten.
Sobald es irgendwann finanzierbar ist auf 1440p240hz oder noch hher zu gehen und eine neue Capture Karte von Avermedia auf dem markt ist, werde ich mir diese definitiv wieder holen.
Estuve usando una avermedia LGP Lite por aos, y la verdad es que grababa gameplays genial, de forma muy muy sencilla.
Pero con la PS5 se me qued pequea, debido a la ausencia de 4K. Fue entonces cuando me embarqu en la bsqueda de una capturadora 4K. Sin duda alguna recomiendo usar capturadoras de PCi, de las de conectar dentro del pc. Prob la avermedia 4k que parece un toblerone, iba bien pero daba algn q otro problema. Prob la HD60+ de elgato y sin duda fue la peor: problemas por todos lados, una pesadilla.
Con esta por fin puedo jugar, grabar o transmitir de forma super sencilla, y lo mejor es q es conectar y empezar a grabar. Sin problemas de configuracin ni nada, como debe ser.
Si buscas una buena capturadora, te aconsejo esta encarecidamente.
After trying numerous Elgato products, this one was the one that works best! Love it.
Pro Tip, do NOT install the Windows Insider Preview builds. You WILL very likely have issues with capture cards, video input devices, and some multi-threaded applications (like OBS/Streamlabs OBS)
I had to fully reinstall windows using the Media Creation tool, and set up a thumb drive, and then reinstalled fresh.
As soon as Windows finished reinstalling fresh, I installed Streamlabs OBS and OBS Studio, Avermedia’s setup software, drivers, RECCentral, and bam, everything works.
OBS and SLOBS both have a “canvas” screen size which defaults to your stream PC’s screen res.
PS, if you’re trying to set up 4K in OBS/SLOBS make sure you type in the custom resolution. (e.g. 3840×2160) in the Base and Output areas of the Video page in the Settings.
So, this thing did not want to be detected by my ASROCK Taichi x99 mobo. I slapped it into an Aorus TRX40 Master and it was detected immediately. I moved it back to the ASROCK board and boom instantly detected suddenly. Neat. So that killed most of my evening.
The next day I spent much of the day trying to get OBS to detect and run the card. Every time I made even the slightest adjustment to any of my video input devices, they all froze immediately. OBS Studio and Streamlabs OBS (SLOBS) both had the same issues with video input devices, which PROBABLY have nothing to do with the Avermedia hardware.
I loaded up my old XSPLIT account, installed XSPLIT, added the Avermedia Live Gamer 4K and it worked flawlessly. Set it to 4K for recording and streaming, 6000 bitrate (averages 3500 though) and boom, instantly worked, flawless streaming and recording.
So I would give this 5 stars, except I’m STILL waiting to hear back from their support staff, and it’s been over 24 hours since I filled out a ticket and left a VM.
Soon as I hear back with some troubleshooting with OBS I’ll update the review.
I would rather use OBS considering most of my scenes / profiles are set up there, not to mention most of my Stream Deck actions are there as well, etc.
Work as advertised. Took out of the box, plugged it, and no hassle at all. Easy to use.
I am someone who has been using extrnal capture cards for awhile, but I always seemed to have some nagging issues with those. Now this could be because I was on an older computer at the time, but even after buying a brand new rig, I still seemed to have issues. So I decided to get good and try out an internal capture card for a change. I installed the card with no issues and hooked everything up. On power, I was greeted with a the card blinking red which was a sign of some kind of hardware failure. After going their website, I found the latest drivers. Once the drivers finished installing, the capture card lit up and starting rotating colors which was a positive sign.
At that point it was like flipping a switch. Everything lit up and I immediately went into streamlabs to test out. It was absolutely perfect. So I am writing this review about 24 hours after receiving. I’ll update should anything go south, but so far this has been smoother than any experience with a capture card I have had in general. I am always nervous about installing internal devices as there is 101 things that can go wrong and I feared the worse. Capture freezes, hardware failure, some silly windows update, anti-virus, some other application preventing the device from working, etc.
Glad to see I can relax and enjoy streaming again.
I didn’t believe some of the other reviews, that it just works, but it does. I have a 21:9 gaming monitor, and I spent two weeks fighting with getting the elgato 4kpro60 to reliably work and it never did. I ordered this, and the hardest part was waiting for it to arrive. Once it got here, I put it in, plugged up the in and out hdmi cables, and boom, 21:9 no problem. 60fps, yea that’s there to.
If you’re doing anything at a high resolution, do yourself a favor, and check out this card!
Making videos for you tube, perfect solution, wish they still updated and added software, old hardware is the best and proven hardware…………………………….no mans sky, minecraft dungeons here i come.
I recommend anyone who wants to use this to capture high quality streams/video to buy this. They beat Elgato to the punch on this one for sure.
Endlich ist es mglich ein 2-PC Setup zu betreiben, bei dem ohne Performance Verlust und ohne Beeintrchtigung des 2560x1440x144 Hz Gaming Monitors das gleiche Bild an den 2. PC abgegeben werden kann zur Lokalen Aufnahme oder Verwendung in OBS als Live-Stream.
Diese Capture Card ist der Wahnsinn fr jeden, der gerne auf seinem Gaming Rechner mit hohen Bildwiederholraten spielen mchte und dennoch das Videomaterial an den Zweit-PC snden.
Great card for the price. No issues at all streaming to twitch
Ho atteso qualche mesetto per valutarne le qualit. Inizio dalla fine … 10 e lode! Un prodotto veramente valido che ti offre l’alta qualit del video ( fino a 4K ) reale . Il mio utilizzo per lo streaming a 2K a 144Hz, ma supporta anche full hd a 240Hz e 4K a 60Hz. L’installazione e la configurazione sono state facilissime. Il prodotto anche bello da vedere se hai il case con finestra laterale. il prodotto ha pertanto soddisfatto le mie aspettative.
Live Gamer 4K does exactly that, product works great once I found the Driver. But I did have a curiosity which I don’t quite understand. They threw in a media editor which doesn’t support 4K. (Just baffled, it is like a grown adult bought a motor bike and they threw in a kid helmet) Either way appreciated and everything works great. Looking forward to the next generation. Thanks agai
Captura con excelente calidad y es muy fcil de instalar. Esta es la versin pci express, prefiero que sea as para no tener mas trastos y asi se refrigera mejor con la ventilacin del pc. El software me ha encantado, es muy fcil de usar, hay que descargarlo, dentro no hay ningun cd. Puede capturar a traves de HDMI y puede capturar la pantalla del PC y aadirle la webcam y alguna foto, tipo el OBS. Me ha gustado mucho en general todo.
bought this product to help aleviate the need for using cloning/mirroring of main display for my 2 pc streaming setup, had in issue with EDID between my monitor and the capture card but after a brief conversation on /r/avermedia the rnd and tech support team immediatley started working on a custom driver for me to solve the issue and we did solve it, so now im running raw 144hz in and out of the capture card no screen tearing no visual anomalys whatsoever and no need to clone displays or use 2 instances of obs, i highly recommend this card to anybody trying to get a 144Hz 2 pc streaming setup going with no hassle or fidling around with windows scaling or refresh rate locking in certain games thats caused from cloning your displays!!!
Easy 1080p 240 pass through, used for a Dual PC stream on twitch and works flawlessly once you have your audio configured properly and if you know what your doing its almost plug and play after you set up your drivers.
Well.. Good product nice to 4k streaming
But my content is poor…
I wanna debut youtube
But now just only 10… Haha
WOrks perfectly was pretty much plug and play for me. Interface was fine for their given software and no problem at all using obs.
I am using at 1440p 120fps 0 frame drop realy smooth i liked it.
I tried all video cards and even the ripsaw hd by razer. I had countless problems wit the razer ripsaw. It would never pick up my 4k resolution.
So I returned it and used the refund to buy this card and I do not regret my decision at all.
Just plop it into a pci slot (i did a x16 one), install the drivers, and you can set it up with streamlabs or the avermedia software.
What I love is that I can game on my computer screen with my consoles with absolutely no lag.
If you’re buying this card now then you are preparing for the future. This card will most certainly support the xbox next and playstation 5.
Streaming in 4k isa kind of hard to do but when Twitch or Youtube catch up this card will be able to dole it out.
Another cool plus is that your computer will become a colorful showcase via the extra RGB.
NOTE! Do not fret if the card keeps blinking red, just install the drivers!
As a person who wants to stream video game consoles in the highest quality with the least amount of lag… the AVerMedia Live Gamer 4K HDR 60 FPS is simply the best. Amazon Prime also offered the best price. Other brands just cant come close.
Habe die AverMedia Live Gamer 4K in meinem Streaming-Pc im Einsatz und bin bis jetzt voll zufrieden. Alles luft super flssig in einer sehr guten Bildqualitt.
Meiner Meinung nach ist die AverMedia Live Gamer 4K in Sachen Preis / Leistung um ein vieles besser als das Konkurrenzprodukt von Elgato.
great capture card and it comes with its own software
– Cheaper and more reliable than my Elgato HD60S for recognizing the stream wtihout needing restart.
– Works well, simple to use and install
– Does not present itself as a 4k capable device to the xbox, so unable to use card standalone without 4k capable device behind it
– Not a lot of community support topics out there yet revolving around xbox streaming with this device ye
It does what I bought it for and after working out a few bugs getting the program to install and work without crashing, it finally works flawlessly and works great. The beta update to the program for whatever reason makes it not work for me so I stuck with the previous stable version. I do wish there was more than one input on it for multiple sources but this does the job for what I’m doing for now. The interface could use a little tweaking to make it more user friendly but it’s not bad the way it is. I think the new release changes some of that but like I said, the beta version doesn’t work for me so I’ll have to wait until there is a new stable version before I can see.
Ich bin Hobbymig YouTuber und habe lange nach einer Mglichkeit gesucht, vernnftig in hheren Auflsungen und mit hherer Bildwiederholungsrate spielen zu knnen und das ganze in Full HD 60fps aufzunehmen/ zu streamen.
Sobald man mit mehr als 60 FPS spielen mchte, stt man nmlich auf eine ganze Menge an Problemen. Die Lsung fr mein Problem ist jetzt letzen endes ein 2 PC setup, mit der AverMedia GC573 Live Gamer 4K. Jetzt klappt alles perfekt. Ich habe im laufe der Zeit auch einige Elgato Produkte getestet, aber selbst die Elgato 4K 60 Pro kann nicht das selbe leisten, was die wesentlich gnstigere AverMedia kann.
Getestet habe ich bislang Konsolen der neusten Gerneartion in Full HD @ 60 und PC Gameplay in WQHD @ 120Hz aufzunehmen. Mit 4K @ 60Hz habe ich noch keine Erfahrung gemacht.
Zu der capture Card:
Geliefert wurden die capture Card, hdmi 2.0 Kabel, ein serial-Key fr das Videobearbeitungsprogramm ( kostet normalerweise um die 50 Euro) , kleine Bedienungsanleitung.
Folgendes Sehr wichtig!!! Steht nirgends und auch nicht in diversen inkompletten Tutorials im netz (fr Dual pc).
Die elgato hd60 pro kann nur 2 k , das heit das euer Gaming Monitor auf 2 k ebenfalls begrenzt wird beim zocken!!!!! Ich habe 3 k Monitor und mchte selbstverstndlich mit 3 k Auflsung spielen. Das geht mit elgato 60hd pro nicht.
Die avermedia 4K capture Card kann das aber sehr wohl, und zwar 2k mit bis zu 240 hz, 3k mit 144 hz und 4K mit 60 hz. Die Leute im netz und Tutorials sagten immer (ja man muss sich im netz fortbilden, da es gar keine brauchbare Anleitung vom Hersteller gibt) : wofr brauchst du eine 4K capture Card wenn du nur mit 720p streamen willst? Ja weil dein Gaming Monitor kastriert wird auf 2 k beim zocken!!!!! Deshalb!
Ich habe 2 pc’s.
Gaming und Streaming versteht sich.
Eingebaut in Streaming pc. Hdmi Kabel in die grafikkarte und von dort in hdmi in Anschluss der capture Card. Aus der Grafikkarte im Gaming pc ein Display Port Kabel zum Gaming Monitor. So , Hardware ist schon angeschlossen. Installieren des Treiber (von der Homepage der avermedia) auf dem Streaming pc. Dann Streaming pc Neustart .
Dann am Gaming pc Nvidia Steuerung auf, hier auf mehrere Anzeigen einrichten gehen.
Dann Gaming Monitor und die capture Card klonen (bitte im netz schauen wie es geht, ist nicht schwer). Dann eine Auflsung einstellen, diese in meinem Fall 3k 144 hz. Und schon kommt das Bild auf dem Streaming Monitor in der capture Card Software. Ich habe jedoch obs Studio auf dem Streaming pc installiert. Dann die capture Card als Aufnahmegert/Quelle auswhlen. Ihr startet dann immer nur das OBS. Die Software des avermedia NICHT noch mal dazu! Nur obs. Dann wollte ich das der Sound vom Gaming pc ( Team speak, Mikrofon und gamesound) zum Streaming pc bzw obs ankommt. Dies ist tricky, weil Windows nur eine Audiospur weiterleitet, man kann natrlich noch Mikrofon durch die abhrfunktion implementieren, aber in diesem Fall begleitet euch ein stndiges krasses rauschen weil Mikro permanent auf on ist. Teamspeak wre dann auch nicht dabei. Also keine Lsung. Dann die Variante mit: alles auf Streaming pc installieren und gameplay abhren produziert ein Sound Delay beim zocken!! Geht gar nicht!!
So, meine Lsung war:
Audio Programm als Freeware : voicemeeter Potato auf BEIDEN pc’s installieren! Auf Gaming pc dann die 3x Audiospuren zu einem digitalen Kabel zusammenfhren (videoanleitung, zumindest teilweise gibts im netz) und dann das fr Windows jetzt als einzige Audiospur erkannte virtuelle Kabel am Streaming pc abgreifen ( in obs und in soundeinstellungen des Windows auswhlen). Das funktioniert perfekt. Ich habe es auch ber Klinke und Audio Kabel von pc zu pc versucht: ein krasses knarzen und Rauschen, da analoge Verbindung und man einen entstrer braucht. Mischpult kaufen usw alles unntige Geldverschwendung.
Habe die Karte paar Tage, bisher gar KEINE Probleme damit. Nicht mal die angeblich instabile Software.
Das alles steht nirgendwo erklrt, das ist die Essenz von mehreren Tagen Recherche noch vor dem Kauf der capture Karten (erst die elgato und dann die avermedia, wobei nur die letzte wirklich so funktioniert dass man es wirklich nutzen kann).
Vielleicht bringt es euch was.
Kurze Anmerkung, da ich normalerweise nicht so lange Rezensionen schreibe: wenn Ihnen der ausfhrliche Test hilft Ihre Kaufentscheidung zu treffen bzw. zu berdenken wrde ich mich ber einen Klick auf “ntzlich” freuen. So bekomme ich ein direktes Feedback und kann entscheiden, ob der Zeitaufwand fr so lange Rezensionen wirklich sinnvoll ist. Vielen lieben Dank.
Du vrai 4k directement sur vos site de stream prfr ou simplement pour enregistrer avec une trs belle qualit des dtails aucun flou mais prend quand mme un certain pour ajuster le tout pour atteindre ce rsultat au dbut j’ai enregistr pendant 3h sans problme jusqu’ ce qu’il ce produise une perte de signal qui tait causer par un mauvais paramtres dans le logiciel. Sinon depuis je n’est aucun problme avec se produits et l’utilise pratiquement tous les jours
Upgraded from elgato hd pro. I’ve had so many less issues with this thing. And also the color seems to be more accurate without having to mess with color correction. Super low latency and easy to install and get running.
It was easy to install and use with a third party program, now it does some with software that you can use but i decided not to use but all in all if you stream, GET IT!!
Worked great with a simple set up. The software leaves a little to be desired but gets the job done.
Works great and the RGB is a nice touch.
Having said that, for everything modern, this capture card is fantastic. My primary interest in this card was to allow me to play PS4 Pro games on my TV in 4K HDR with surround sound while still streaming at 720p SDR with stereo sound. The HD60 Pro I was using not only required me to switch to 1080p SDR, but it also doesn’t downmix the surround sound, so the capture just sounds wrong. The center channel was completely missing, so viewers wouldn’t get dialog or a lot of other critical sounds. No more! The Avermedia takes the 4K HDR input and converts it into a 4K SDR signal as well as downmixing the surround audio into stereo. All I have to do is downscale it to 720p in OBS and it’s good to go! Easy setup, no hassle to use, and the quality is excellent. The OSSC incompatibilities are my only gripe with this card, but I still have the Elgato for that, so whatever.
I love this capture card. I use it to capture my PS4 gameplay on my gaming/streaming rig, and it works like a dream. It takes a little setup to get working, but once you get it working it works amazingly. The picture clarity is fantastic, and there is no delay at all from the output to OBS or AVER Media (the program that comes with it). I definitely recommend this capture card for anyone interested in streaming!
Dieser interne Video-Grabber ist klasse, vor allem fr Spieler. Inhalte von Xbox One und Playstation 4 lassen sich in Echtzeit und bester Qualitt aufnehmen – in 4K und HDR. Die Latenz ist dabei so gering, dass man viele Spiele sogar auf dem Aufnahmebildschirm spielen kann. Besser ist natrlich noch immer, das durchgeschliffene Bild am TV zu nutzen. Schade nur, dass die mitgelieferte Software etwas sprlich ausfllt. Das Aufnahmetool ist schon ok, aber das mitgelieferte Schnittprogramm ist ein Witz! WIll man dort HDR-Inhalte importieren, so soll man eine Extra-Lizenz von 70 Euro oder ein Abo bezahlen. Na herzlichen Dank!
The included software from Cyberlink is an excellent extra and compatible with my video editing.
Do not hesitate to buy. Best regards, Steve (Retired Military Veteran)
Alles was nicht im Bereich TV Studio war mit 4K, 60Hz und HDR war die AverMedia Karte.
Die Einrichtung ist einfach, auch wenn man nach der Software selbst googeln muss.
Nach der Einrichtung ist sie mit jeglicher gngier Streaming / Capture Software nutzbar. Lediglich die Software braucht hier Feintuning, da viele nicht auf diese Leistung ausgelegt sind.
Wer zwei Grafikkarten betreibt, wird hier sein Mainboard an die Grenzen bringen, daher kann es unter voller Last zum stottern kommen. Allerdings muss man dazu alle drei Gerte parallel auslasten.
Die Dezente Beleuchtung ist auch abschaltbar.
Einziges wirkliches Manko, ist das man die HDCP Funktion der dazugehrigen ReStream Software manuell umschalten muss.
Capturing 4K games with HDR. It is the only capturing device that allow HDR pass through
De las mejores capturadoras que hay en el mercado a este precio, lo unico negativo que le puedo sacar es que solo puedas elegir h.264 o h.265 como formato, ya que aunque la calidad de imagen es muy buena, se pueden observar algunos artefactos si nos paramos a mirarla minuciosamente, aunque nada que pueda notarse en mitad de un stream, o con la compresion posterior que ofrecen paginas como youtube. Si te interesa una capturadora para usar con el OSSC, esta es la mas compatible que vas a encontrar. Muy recomendable.
Works amazingly with OBS & threadripper for my stream. Make sure you download capture card utility program to change refresh rate of the card to match your setup.
Generally I do not write reviews for most things I buy on Amazon…but when I have a really positive experience I will take the time to do so because I want others to know that this is a safe product to purchase and I personally have had a great experience with it.
First, I have used an Elgato HD60 Pro for a few years and they make a great product. Its always worked perfectly so long as I game on a 1080P monitor. My one issue though has been that this card could not deal with my 1440P/144Hz monitor making it difficult to stream without making compromises. When the 4K cards started showing up on the market I was sure that Elgato would come to the rescue and of course they did. At $400 its probably worth it. BUT then I ran into this gem. The Avermedia LiveGamer 4K at $299! I have had an Avermedia card in the past that I returned for poor performance so I was a little nervous about picking up this card. But for $100 off I figured I could always return it if it didn’t perform well. I’m so glad I made this decision.
The LiveGamer 4K works perfectly and I can finally have lag free 1440P 144Hz gaming while dumping all of the output to my streaming PC and right through the game capture. The LiveGamer 4K handles everything perfectly, doesn’t get overly warm, and just works. I didn’t even install anything but the drivers for the card (apparently you used to have to install their software to get the drivers but it is now available as a separate driver only download). I just dont see a reason to spend an extra $100 for the Elgato…at least in my setup.
The LiveGamer 4K came well packaged, and included the HDMI 2.0 cable that I needed….though if your gaming PC and your streaming PC are far apart you’ll need to make sure to pick up a longer one that meets that specification. The card was extremely simple to install and the drivers were easily available on Avermedia’s site. I was up and running in no more than 5 minutes. There are no “settings” to make. Just pop open OBS or whatever you’re using and it just shows up as a video capture device. On the Gaming PC I simply went into NVidia Control Panel and made sure the capture card showed 2560×1440 @ 144Hz and duplicated from the main display….that was literally it.
So if you’re in my situation looking for a way to send your gaming PC video to your streaming/recording PC at full resolution and frame-rate then this card will do the trick.
I stream on Mixer and Twitch, I used to use the Elgato usb 3.0 unit and wanted to upgrade so I could get a 4k picture this was cheaper than the 4k Elgato unit. Best value right here with the AverMedia
I bought a custom made PC and this is my first PCIE capture card.
The software looks dated but very functional. It captures your video with the game’s audio track, and your voice is saved in a separate track. The latency for the PCIE card is barely noticeable; it’s like playing 4K games on a cheap 4K TV — latency becomes visible when you’re playing some rhythm games. The good news is that you can pass-thru 4k/60/HDR to a display or TV.
By the way, it’s my first time installing something to a PC (I’m a Mac person) and the installation is very easy. I didn’t read any instructions or manuals, just put it in the right slot, download the driver/software and you’re ready to go.
Use it for game capture.Dose not work on gigabyte motherboard will not boot or use it’s keys to start recording, and stoping when you do cabling after starting without card!
Purchased this unit because it has 4K60 pass-through that I needed for both my console and PC depending on which one I’m using to stream with. The RECental software that you can download is…. alright. I chose to use Streamlabs OBS though and haven’t looked back. I give it a 4/5 due to the RECentral software. I stream 1080p60 to Facebook and Twitch with an i7 7700k and I see around 6-18% CPU load. Those with newer Ryzen and 8th gen+ Intel multi-core processors should be able to play/stream at the same time on the PC and easily stream if using just a console. I recommend this product over the El Gato due to simple plug and play and access to reputable streaming services while saving a considerable amount of money.
Super pleased with this capture card. Virtually no set up, just install the card, download software and go. Made my dual PC stream set up a breeze. I would say this a better alternative to the Elgato 4k/60 in every aspec
I like to start off by saying this is an amazing piece of hardware and I can’t be more pleased with the performance of this monster lol. I never thought I’d see the day where you can stream and record 4K(smoothly), not to mention being able to accomplish this using the HDR Feature as well. I am very happy about this product and would recommend this to ANYBODY who needs a solid 4k capture card and Avermedia is the best I’ve seen yet! Elgato 4k capture card is ok also, but nothing compares to this bad boy here!
La de Avermedia mantiene constantemente la conexin, simplemente FUNCIONA, adems que no requiere configuracin prvia alguna, y su SDR (HDR filtrado para el streaming) es sublime y se ve mejor que el juego original, incluso.
El precio es lo que remata, y por eso la recomiendo a esos streamers que quieran jugar a 4K HDR y stremear a la vez; funciona, no da problemas y es el mejor precio.
Bought this thinking it was strictly for x4 pci slots. However you may use it on a x16 slot but make sure your motherboard supports x4 speeds on x16 slots.
Other then that this is a great capture card, works for me without drivers, captures 4k60 in OBS, and even has RGB, what else could you ask for?
I just installed the driver + RECentral, restarted the PC and it worked right away, great stuff! I can record 4K60 and 1080p240 totally fine with an i7 8700 and a GTX 1080 ti (Worked totally fine on recording Consoles and separate computers, just make sure that what you want to record supports HDMI 2.0 for 4K60), RECentral does the job just fine now (I used to hate it back when I first got my Live Gamer Extreme with RECentral 2)
If you’re a streamer using a 4k monitor or tv. Or a YouTube content creator, buy this! The quality of video was so much better than my old elgato hd60. Its worth it and best 4k card on the market!
Working perfectly so far. I did have a problem with it capturing my wide screen video input (I was running my games at 2560×1080 since I have a widescreen gaming monitor), but come to find out it was a problem with my NVidia Graphic Card drivers. Once I rolled the drivers back to one version previous to the newest, it captured perfectly.
Installed it, downloaded drivers/software. Works like a charm with StreamLabs OBS and sound works coming through OBS from gaming rig. Stream box is Ryzen 7 1800, with amd r9 390 and I have no problems with it.
It works great as advertised. I capture gameplay from my ps4 and it’s great quality in 4k and hdr.
Easy Setup
Great Recording Software
Livestreaming Capabilities and integrates into 3rd party livestreaming apps easily.
High quality 4k hdr videos and any resolution and framerate under that. This card can literally pretty much do it all.