Babymoov Hygro Plus humidifier for baby, ultrasonic cool mist baby humidifier with night light and automatic humidity control

Hygro Hygro +
Silent 25 db 25 db
Adjustable mist output Manual Manual (5 levels) or automatic (between 30% and 90% humidity)
Runtime (for a room measuring 20 m²) 18 hours 22 hours
Multi-coloured night light
Direction adjustable mist 360° rotation
Automatic cut-off
Displays the humidity level and temperature
Essential oil diffuser

Weight: 0.75 Kilograms
Dimensions: 26.8 x 24.2 x 35 cm; 750 Grams
Model: A047011
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Quantity: 1

174 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Receive a larger than I thought it would be Humidifier, holds 2.5 Litres, which should give you a good 20 hours plus.

    Build is very good, hard to say anything negative as a new product, I notice a few reviews have had problems later on with parts breaking etc, but first impression are very good.

    You are able to programme the humidity control, it also has a Multi-coloured night light you can choose from 7 colours

    Performance seems very good, its good to keep a slight humidity in the room, this does seem to do the job well

    Its a fair amount of money, but its well made and seems to do a good job.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m really happy with this humidifier, although it was a bit bigger than expected. I should have checked the measurements. This has a temperature and humidity rate display. You can switch between Fahrenheit and Celcius. The humidity level can be set to automatic or be adjusted manually. You can choose from 5 levels of mist intensity and you can adjust the mist outlet to change the direction of the mist. It also has a night light that you can set to 7 different colors.

    You can add essential oils to the diffuser. It is a little bit tricky to clean out if you wanted to try a different oil. But I have had different diffusers before and they are all a bit tricky to clean. But you can separate the parts and just rinse it out.
    It is not cordless so will need to be placed somewhere near a socket, so keep that in mind. It’s also worth mentioning that this comes with a lifetime guarantee for peace of mind. The price is a bit steep compared to a standard diffuser/humidifier but with this product, you can be completely in control of the steam output, temperature, and timings.

  3. Cady McGovern says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a smart looking humidifier that looks great in any nursery room, or indeed in any room in the house; it’s simple to use and seems to do the job. I’ve not yet put any essesntial oils in it after reading the other reviews and the issues faced. But after just a few days use it certainly seems to have helped my wee grandson who currently has an ongoing winter cold.
    It is a bit expensive though and that would be prohibitive for me if I was thinking of buying it and I’d want one where essential oils could be used with no issues.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The first thing that I noticed with this mist humidifier was how cheaply made it feels. As soon as I removed the outer packaging the whole thing fell to pieces, I realise that it does come apart for cleaning etc but didn’t expect it to come apart so easily – I’m surprised nothing broke! The actual use of the machine is easy and it definitely makes a difference to the air. I used it in a friend’s 5 year old’s bedroom who has a cold and she settled to sleep a lot better, the whole room felt less stuffy. I added peppermint oil also to help soothe a cold and found the room well scented and really made a difference to my blocked nose! Overall a good product but feel it should be a bit better made, the plastic is quite brittle so I would imagine it would chip/crack quite easily.

    Works but not made that well

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an absolute beast of a humidifier. It’s more than twice the size of the little venting device I was using before. The tank is huge (2.5 litre capacity), and both the height and the footprint are really very big indeed. While it seems this device is being pitched as being for babies, I can think of several kids’ bedrooms, including our own, where there simply wouldn’t be space to put something this big. It feels almost industrial in size, as though it might be better suited to a social or retail environment.

    It’s been made to a very high standard, with a lot of posh touches. The touch-screen control, complete with nicely inset ‘3D-ish’ LCD displays of the humidity and the temperature, feels very smart and executive. The plastic parts are thick and click together firmly, but elegantly. In terms of manufacturing quality, this is the humidifier equivalent of getting a top-of-the-range iPhone or Tesla.

    But the functionality, ultimately, is pretty much the same as the much smaller and cheaper humidifiers you’ll find on this site. It bumps out atomised water which can optionally have essential oils in it, just like those other devices do. It doesn’t give you a better quality of air, or water. It seems to me that the reason you might want to go for something this big would be on account of its scale, and its ability to pump out mist at a high rate, but there’s no quality benefit.

    There are also some functional limitations that feel like they could’ve been avoided. For example, it’s good that you can set a target humidity level (85%, 80% etc.) and the device will stop misting once it detects that level has been reached. However, it won’t automatically turn back on again. So if your concern really is a baby in a very dry room, then the baby will be fine when it goes to sleep- but if the room is still very dry in the middle of the night, this device won’t actually help you.

    The night light element is underwhelming, and feels like an unnecessary bolt-on. Seven colours are available, but all of them are bright primary colours with no subtlety and without any natural vibe to them. Looking for a gentle cream or a warm, calm, sunny yellow? You’re out of luck. This is more like disco lighting. There’s a ‘rainbow’ option available too, but that’s even more disco-centric as the speed of transition between colours is far far too fast- and no control over the speed is given.

    Obviously every parent wants the perfect environment for their precious new baby, who wouldn’t. But unless your child has a genuine medical condition, or the room they’re in is unusually extreme in temperature or humidity, this really does seem like absolute overkill for that potential problem- in cost and in size. It’s more likely to suit grown-ups trying to control humidity in bigger spaces, in my opinion. It’s well made, but let down by some minor details which aren’t quite as premium as they ought to have been. A sledgehammer to crack a nut, as the expression goes.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Il fait le job! 2 jours que je l ai et mon fils dort mieux! Pas certain que l indication de la temprature et le niveau hygromtrique soient correcte mais sinon, content!

  7. Hilda Scott says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI think this humidifier is brilliant! I tried a Vick one before and wasn’t good. My son has enlarged adenoids and uses a humidifier all night. This one is great because: – you can turn the direction of the air easily without moving the whole appliance. – you can remove the plug when you need to empty the appliance. – no filter needed. -great level of vapour. – I’ve had no problems putting olvas oil the container, I just cleaned the parts the next day with water and some tissue paper. To take the oil out and I will clean it properly once a week.
    The only thing that I would like is to have a level less of steam and I also found the instructions quite poor so I had to watch the videos on you tube

  8. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bon produit et trs efficace pour l’hygromtrie dans les chambres.
    Trs silencieux.

  9. Geraldindepende says:


    ho acquistato questo prodotto che desideravo da tempo ad un prezzo conveniente (66,99euro)
    In foto sembra piu piccolo ma non ingombrante, fa il suo lavoro:
    contiene 2,5lt di acqua permettendo una autonomia di circa 22 ore, misura il grado di umidit e quando viene programmato se raggiunge l’umidit desiderata si spegne.
    molto belli i vari colori.
    vi la possibilit di mettere oli essenziali nell’apposito tappino.


    molto silenzioso

  10. ChinaBio Today says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Excellent article multifonctions ! Sert de veilleuse et diffrentes luminosits en choisissant la couleur , ainsi que de thermomtre et bien videmment d’indicateur du taux d’humidit. Il suffit de rgler en auto le taux d’humidit Que nous souhaitons avoir dans la chambre et l’appareil gre . Bruit trs discret . Appareil dcoratif … le top !

  11. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ci sono infinita di umidificatori. Bene questo perfetto. Vero costa un po’ rispetto agli altri ma devo dire che finalmente ho l’ambiente giusto in casa. Possibilit di inserire le gocce d’essenza che liberano se si intasati le vie respiratorie. Lo consiglio sopratutto se ci sono bambini in casa

  12. Anonymous says:


    Ci sono infinita di umidificatori. Bene questo perfetto. Vero costa un po’ rispetto agli altri ma devo dire che finalmente ho l’ambiente giusto in casa. Possibilit di inserire le gocce d’essenza che liberano se si intasati le vie respiratorie. Lo consiglio sopratutto se ci sono bambini in casa

  13. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Nickel , nous l’avons install dans la chambre de notre fille qui a 6 mois. J’avais peur du bruit que a pouvait gnrer mais c’est trs lger et a ne drange pas du tout la petite. Et quand elle sera plus grande nous nous en servirons de diffuseur d’huile essentielle.

  14. Pocketnow Deals says:


    Bel design ma servirebbe pi potenza per ricoprire pi mq

  15. CasimiraKilpatr says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Produit conforme aux attentes, un peu bruyant pour moi. Mais pour le reste parfait !

  16. Anonymous says:


    Trs bien. Conforme. Le seul aspect pnible c’est qu’il faut constamment remettre le niveau d’humidit celui dsir car il se remet automatiquement 90% ds qu’on le dbranche…

  17. KlaudiaGagne says:


    Humidificateur qui permet de connaitre la temprature de la pice, et qui fait veilleuse. Il est tactile est simple d utulisation car le manuel est bien expliquer.
    L humidificateur est assez agrable, il dgage de la vapeur froide donc scurisant, pas de risque de brlure avec des enfants.
    Tres peu utiliser car l hygromtrie de la chambre est correcte.

    Bon humificateu

  18. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Achet rcemment… Article trs bien et design je trouve.
    Le mode veilleuse est trs sympa mme si je trouve que selon la couleur choisie cela clair quand mme pas mal la chambre.
    Le thermomtre est sensible au degrs prs donc idal pour chambre bebe
    Trs facile d’utilisation.
    Je recommande ce produi

  19. Rod Younger says:


    Article clairement reconditionn. Amazon m’avait habitu mieux… sac en plastique roul autours du produit vite fait, pas de mode d’emploi…

    Mise jour : service Amazon tjs aussi performant. Nous avons trouv un compromis qui fait que je peux maintenant pleinement profiter de l’humidificateur pour mon garon !

  20. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    otre fils est fragil et fait bronchite sur bronchite. depuis l’achat de baby moov plus de bronchite, il respire mieux la nuit
    et les goutte d’huile essentiel ont remplac les mdicaments

  21. Anonymous says:


    Tout ce que je recherchais ! J’ai achet aussi une version bas de gamme pour nos chambres, on voit la diffrence. On a mis le babymoov dans la chambre du bb, rajout d’eau facile sans en mettre partout (contrairement la version pas cher d’une autre marque), gre tout seul le taux d’humidit, bref plus cher mais tellement moins de problme.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersCet humidificateur est parfait, je l’utilise depuis 3 mois dans la chambre de mon fils de 8 ans qui a des soucis orl depuis toujours et que nous n’avons jamais russi rgler malgr les mdicaments, les oprations etc…, et c’est vraiment trs trs efficace! depuis mon fils n’a plus la gorge irrite, plus les yeux qui piquent, plus de sinusite, plus de rveil la nuit pour boire, plus de pleurs, plus mal… dans la chambre il y avait environ 30% d’humidit mais avec ce produit on monte 50% et quelques minutes et on peut maintenir le taux que l’on souhaite toute la nuit ou toute la journe. en le laissant tourner toute la nuit je le remplis tous les 3/4 jours.trs bon rapport qualit/prix, robuste, ne fait quasiment aucun bruit, il n’empche pas mon fils de dormir et il est sympa parce qu’on peut le diriger; on peut rgler le dbit et il peut faire une lumire agrable qui change de couleur ( sympa pour les enfants) bref que du bonheur, cet objet nous a chang la vie, vraiment!

  23. Anonymous says:


    Produit reu rapidement. Je l’ai achet car mon fils tait trs enrhum et il se reveillait sans arrt la nuit cause de la toux et du nez bouch. Ds la premire utilisation, il a dormi sans problme. Je suis ravie de mon achat !

  24. IrmaLpqwzowxd says:


    Trs contente de mon achat depuis que j’utilise cet appareil je ne sais pas si c’est une concidence ou pas mais mon fils de 17 mois ne tousse plus la nuit. En plus de sa fonction d’humidificateur je m’en sert aussi comme veilleuse. Je l’utilise depuis bientt 1 mois a voir dans le temps mais pour l’instant j’en suis ravie et ne regrette pas mon acha


  25. Anonymous says:


    Non costa poco ma fa il suo dovere egregiamente! Garantito a vita non mi ha dato un problema fino ad ora… bello anche esteticamente! Fa vapore freddo e quindi pu essere usato anche in estate senza creare effetto sauna! Lo ricomprerei!

  26. cabrucz57 says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Plutt esthtique, fait un lger bruit d eau. Je trouve qu il est efficace car je voit ma petite beaucoup moins encombr depuis que je l utilise.

  27. CarmonCarnahan says:


    Un produit qui rempli ses fonctions mais dont je juge le prix un peu lev.
    La premire utilisation est un peu complique car elle est mal explique dans la notice. Il faut attendre un bon moment et non pas quelques secondes avant de l’allumer, le temps que l’eau se dverse dans le rservoir.

  28. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Certes c’est un cot,mais en ralit je l’ai trs vite amorti. En effet il tourne tout les jours. J’apprcie le contrle de la temprature et le mode auto, pas besoin de s’en occuper.
    La veilleuse ; petit plus !

  29. LouveniIsaachse says:


    Finalement je me suis rendu compte que ma maison est dj humide… donc renvoi…. trs joli produit sinon.

  30. Anonymous says:


    J’aime beaucoup la qualit babymoov pour les humidificateur et modle en particulier. Pas trop de bruit, lumire de prsence au top, humidifie bien. La capacit du rservoir revoir peut-tre et le prix. Mais bon reste un bon produit.

  31. SheriTrenerry says:


    ickel, rien redire, fait videmment un peu de bruit mais je m attendais pire. Nous n utilisons pas encore le mode veilleuse car bb dort avec nous et ca fait quand mme pas mal de lumire mais les couleurs sont trs jolies.
    le fait de programmer est un vrai plus

  32. Anonymous says:


    Achet sur conseil de ma pdiatre pour faciliter la respiration de mon bb la nuit, je suis conquise. Depuis son achat plus de nez bouch et plus de rhume.
    Peut se rgler automatiquement ce qui est trs pratique. Le mode veilleuse est sympa. Pour remplir l’eau assez facile mais de pas faire trop vite sinon de l’eau partout. En terme de bruit c’est trs lger. Je recommande.

  33. RachelGable says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely love the design, colours it changes to and how user friendly it is!

  34. MillardBowen says:

     United Kingdom

    Quiet, effective and the lights work great as a night light for baby. Helps keep the room at the right temp too

  35. RyderFarias says:

     United Kingdom

    We used this for both our children – one has asthma and it help tremendously when he is suffering. The light function is also grea

  36. Wendy Lohr says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Gnialissime ! Grce lui je rgule l’humidit et la temprature de la chambre de ma fille ! Trs facile d’utilisation, j’adore ses couleurs et le fait qu’il puisse tout en humidifiant la pice diffuser les huiles essentielles !

  37. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    parfait pour bb qui tousse je ne regrette pas cet achat , pratique avec sa veilleuse, juste la notice qui manque un peu de prcision mais on s en sort trs bien je recommande

  38. DevonJessep says:


    Je l’utilise pour ma fille de 14 mois qui tousse beaucoup.
    Pour l’efficacit, j’ai l’impression que depuis que je l’utilise elle passe de meilleures nuits.
    L’appareil est trs silencieux, il ne reveille pas ma fille.
    Le seul bmol c’est qu’il faut le retourner pour le remplir, du coup, il y a l’eau de condensation qui coule de la “chemine” centrale.
    Autrement il est parfait !

  39. BdayShoes says:


    Le produit fonctionne parfaitement. La programmation n’est pas forcment intuitive (j’ai mis beaucoup de temps comprendre le truc) et l’objet est assez volumineux…

  40. Thrifty Nifty Mommy says:


    J’ai achet ce objet pour humidifier l’air parfois trop sec de la chambre de mon enfant de 2ans. Fonctionne parfaitement, rempli sa mission. Les veilleuses sont discrtes et agrables. Le mcanisme est peu bruyant, seul le clapoti de l’eau peu tre un peu drangeant pendant le calme plat de la nuit.

  41. EmmaBlaxland says:


    Cet appareil est bien car il permet de savoir le taux d’humIdit dans la pice. Il est silencieux mais il y a quand mme un petit bruit de mouvement d’eau et ce n’est pas dsagrable. On peut mettre les veilleuses plusieurs couleurs possibles ou aucune lumire.

  42. MamieHeredia says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Facile utiliser, peut se mettre en automatique pour se couper lorsque le taux d’humidit atteint un certain pourcentage. Petit bmol, pour l’teindre il faut le dbrancher et le programme ne reste pas en mmoire. Enfin il fonctionne bien, il est quasi silencieux et il a amlior les nuits de tout le monde.

  43. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Depuis son utilisation, nous avons au rveil, la gorge et le nez beaucoup moins secs. En ce qui me concerne je n’utilise plus de ventoline.
    le seul petit problme c’est qu’il est un peu volumineux.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe humidifier looks really nice, the different colour lights are nice in the dark and the auto function means don’t have to keep setting the humidifier, also tells room temp which is handy. The mist is cool so we keep this on for 10 mins each day rather than for long time.

  45. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs bon produit, mon fils tousse quasiment plus la nuit lorsqu il est activ. Ce qui me plait le plus est de pouvoir rgler le taux d humidit souhait, trs pratique. Genial la petitz fiole huiles essentielles, je recommande vivement.

  46. javuhykjova441 says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs bon produit, mon fils tousse quasiment plus la nuit lorsqu il est activ. Ce qui me plait le plus est de pouvoir rgler le taux d humidit souhait, trs pratique. Genial la petitz fiole huiles essentielles, je recommande vivement.

  47. Anonymous says:


    Mon fils a fait des bronchiolites du coup la pdiatre ma conseill un humidificateur car le simple linge scher ne suffisait pas m. Il est vrai que j’ai vu la diffrence rapidement, son nez est moins sec donc nuit meilleur et la gurison parat plus rapide. Il y a des lumires de veilleuse pratique. Parcontre Je n’ai toujours pas compris le taux d’humidit du coup j’ active le mode manuel.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersl’humidificateur est parfait autant pour l’t quand il fait chaud que l’hiver quand bb a un petit rhume. L’air humide lui permet de mieux respirer.
    il fait trs peu de bruit on entend juste l’eau de temps en temps. Il est un peu imposant mais cela vite de le remplir souvent car il a une grande contenance d’eau. L’affichage s’teint au bout de plusieurs second pour ne pas rveill bb avec la lumire de l’cran ou sinon on peut laisser la veilleuse si bb prfre avoir de la lumire dans la chambre.

  49. Emily Morrow says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Le seul hic sur ce produit que j’adore cest pour me laver. Impossible D accder certaines zones intrieures de l humidifcateu

  50. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Excellent produit pour chambre de bb trs pratique utilis,pour l,envoie de ce produit est trs rapide je vous le conseil

  51. CaridadRamsden says:


    Fonction trs bien , avec diffrents programmation mais le seul soucis la 1 re utilisation le marquage BABYMOOV s’efface avec la vapeur d’eau et les traces ce n’est pas de l’eau mais le plastique qui fait ces marques la,pour une marque comme celle ci , sa devrait pas y faire dommage pour le produi

    Marquage avant et après utilisation et traces de plastiques

  52. ElkePeterson says:


    Cela fait plus de 2 semaines que nous avons achet ce produit en double exemplaire (un pour chaque chambre d’enfant. Ils sont peu bruyant ( ne drange, ni un enfant de 4 ans et un autre de 8 mois, la nuit!), le fait qu’ils fassent veilleuse est un plus.
    L’humidificateur se rgle trs facilement et fait une vapeur agrable. Il indique la temprature de la pice.
    Je recommande vivement!!!

  53. PercyMcEachern says:


    Acheter pour humidifier la chambre de mes enfants suite des problmes de sant
    Trs efficace
    Vapeur froide avec diffrents niveaux d’intensit
    Possibilit de mettre des huiles essentielles super
    Gros point positif programmation possible du taux d’humidit souhaitez ou du temps de diffusion voulu
    Les couleurs sont jolies Mais trop intense pour dormir
    Je recommande vivement ce produit garanti a vie

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looks good. Pricey.
    The humidity measure was 10 above what my desktop thermometers said (tried two).
    Anyway, you can leave it on and it automatically keeps the humidity to what you set it at. Seems to be well built and the light function is good

  55. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTrs bon produit, facile d’utilisation, fonction veilleuse, mode auto qui reste enregistr pour une nouvelle utilisation, bref trs bien, le seul petit hic c’est que je ne le voyais pas aussi grand, sa prend un peu de place, mais je recommande.

  56. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersAvendo la necessit di controllare il tasso di umidit e di rendere l’aria sana nella nostra stanza dopo l’arrivo del bimbo, ci siamo messi alla ricerca di un umidificatore. Con questo prodotto ci stiamo trovando molto bene; ormai la usiamo da sei mesi e siamo pienamente soddisfatti del nostro acquisto. Ha diverse funzioni e svolge a pieno il suo compito.
    * Bello esteticamente, silenzioso e programmabile;
    * Quasi 24 ore di autonomia;
    * Luce notturna multicolore, si pu scegliere tra 7 diversi colori;
    * Attraverso il display si pu controllare sia il tasso di umidit della stanza, sia la temperatura;
    * dotato anche di diffusore di aromi;
    * Facilmente lavabile.
    * Pi caro rispetto agli altri umidificatori sul mercato, ma ha diverse funzioni e fa molto bene il suo lavoro.

    Fa molto bene il suo lavoro

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis has really helped our little one when he has had a cold or cough. Keeping the air a little most seems to help him breathe better and stops the tickly cough from waking him up. It’s easy to use although I recommend regular cleaning on the outside parts, and every few months to use a sterilising fluid in the main water chamber to guard against mould etc starting to grow.

  58. DQYKurtisctijh says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bon produit, appareil assez silencieux et le mode automatique est trs facile et confortable.
    Suffit de le programmer et il gere tout seul hygromtrie de la pice.
    seul bmol, le “Gloupgloup” de l’eau de temps en temps mais sinon trs satisfait de ce produit.

  59. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    De la bombe !

    Tous mes visiteurs trouve a top.

    En pratique :
    Je rcupre mon eau de pluie sur le baclon et je la filtre l’aide filtres caf lorsque je rempli la carafe a prends plus de temps mais a m’vite l’eau trop calcaire du robinet.

    La plante carnivore en est ravi je pense 😉

  60. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 50 From Our UsersReu depuis 2jours en 24h !
    J’ai fais cet achat car ma fille de 5mois avait une toux sche toutes les nuits depuis quelques temps sans tre malade, ce qui nous empchait de dormir et elle aussi.
    Design vraiment agrable et mise en route trs simple !
    La vapeur qui sort est frache et ne mouille pas donc pas de risque d’eau sur les meubles ou les papiers peints (j’ai de la toile de rnovation!)
    A peine audible (pas de bruit de glouglou contrairement d’autre appareil).
    Le mode AUTO est super, une fois rgl on ne s’en occupe plus !
    Consomme pas normment d’eau Portant je l’ai rgl 50% pour une pice de 10m2 chauffe 19,5degres (recommandation pdiatre)
    La veilleuse est un plus.
    Et le fait qu’il soit garantie vie m’a rassur dans mon choix etle prix IMBATTABLE pour cette qualit!
    Je recommande viveme

    Recommande vivement !

  61. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Conforme au produit attendu, le babymoov hygro plus est parfait pour humidifier une chambre d’enfant Trop sche.
    Et plutt silencieux.
    Et facile d’utilisation !

  62. TQWGeorgiana says:


    Humidificateur livr rapidement.
    Se remplit aisment en renversant le bac. Peut galement servir de diffuseur d’huiles essentielles.
    IMPORTANT : bien penser utiliser de l’eau dminralise pour ne pas encrasser l’appareil avec le calcaire.

  63. MadeleiMirams says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve only had it for a week but I love the fact that I don’t have to fill it all the time. I had a smaller (cheaper) one which I had to fill constantly. It also looks nice and is very silent. The lifetime guarantee which you have to get is also pretty handy.

  64. BradforSledge says:


    Produit lgant et de qualit, j’adore ces lumires de couleurs, mme si on ne s’en sert pas en tant qu’humidificateur mais simplement pour diffuser des huiles essentielles par exemple, il est trs classe ! En revanche je n’ai toujours pas eu l’occasion pour humidifier mais c’est prvu des qu’il fera un peu plus sec

  65. Ross says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLe top des humidificateurs, il gre seul l’hygromtrie la perfection avec une grosse rserve, (pour nous la reserve permet de tenir une semaine environ). Il est branch 24 h sur 24 h. Il est silencieux et aucune lumire dans la nuit.
    Nous ne regrettons vraiment pas notre achat.

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLe top des humidificateurs, il gre seul l’hygromtrie la perfection avec une grosse rserve, (pour nous la reserve permet de tenir une semaine environ). Il est branch 24 h sur 24 h. Il est silencieux et aucune lumire dans la nuit.
    Nous ne regrettons vraiment pas notre achat.

  67. Anonymous says:


    El mejor humificador con diferencia de todos los que he probado, y de facil manejo. Es un poco caro ha diferencia de otros, pero compensa.

  68. [email protected] Lisa says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersSuper produit il calcul la temprature de la pice ainsi que le niveau d’humidit.
    Attention la taille est assez consquente il faut donc un peu de place.
    Facile remplir. La veilleuse est trs agrable. Contrairement ce que j’avais pu lire l’appareil ne fait pas du tout de bruit. Lorsque le niveau d’humidit est atteint l’appareil se coupe et se remet en service lorsque l’on descend 5% en dessous.

  69. JosephiFGEF says:


    Ottimo acquisto, lo utilizo da quasi 2 messi senza problemi! Non troppo rumoroso, con tante opzioni di lucci, lo consiglio anche perch il rumore che fa rumore d’acqua quindi serve anche per ripassare il proprio bambino! Bello anche da vedere, consiglio !!!

  70. TomElishauibt says:


    Je l’ai achet pour mon bb , avant son arriv car je voulais le tester . a fait une semaine dj est il est trs bien . Pas de flasque d’eau ou il y a la vapeur , vapeur froide donc pas de risque , grand rservoir et assez silencieux , donc je n’en peut que recommander ce produit ! Puis la veilleuse multicolore … j’adore 🙂

  71. Carrie Mihalcik says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersJe n’avais jamais utilis un humidificateur et je suis conquise avec celui l ! Mon fils asthmatique ne tousse plus la nuit grce cela et la veilleuse lui plat . J’en ai achet un 2eme pour moi ! Quand on a un rhume avec mal de gorge c’est trs efficace . Je le recommande vivement mme si a fait quand mme du bruit pour les personnes sensibles avec des fois des bruits d’eau qui coule (au dbut ?) .

  72. UKQThaosapyidh says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersHo preso questo e mi trovo molto bene, dopo acquisti non convincenti perch o economici ma giocattolini, o un p troppo rumorosi. Costicchia ma ne siamo comunque contenti: intanto molto silenzioso, cosa fondamentale se si usa mentre il bimbo dorme. Poi ha un ottimo getto, ti dice quanta umidit c’ in stanza e quale sarebbe l’ottimale per il piccolo (lo trovi sulle istruzioni cartacee), cambia colore se si vuole usare come luce notte, altrimenti resta senza illuminazione, e ultimo ma non ultimo, ha timer e porta essenze, per chi vuole usarle (io uso un pochino di eucalipto o menta piperita). Dimenticavo: lunga autonomia.. Insomma Lo consiglio! Unico neo se vogliamo sono le istruzioni non proprio agevoli da mettere in pratica, ma io lo uso solo qualche ora prima della notte e poi lo spengo, in modo molto basic ma efficiente.

  73. SibylByrum says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Mon choix s’est port sur celui ci bien que onreux mais pas de regret du tout.
    Tres intuitif (Mon fils de 5ans sait le mettre en route), grand volume du rservoir, pas trop bruyant, multitude de couleurs pour la veilleuse que l on peut teindre aussi, petit rservoir HE. Un produit au top et efficace, je recommande les yeux ferms .

  74. Hitch says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Produit plus gros que je ne le pensais. Il est efficace et pratique. Mon mdecin m’a conseill d’humidifier la chambre de mon bb pour viter qu’il ait la gorge sche et qu’il se rveille. Et a marche ! De plus, j’utilise la lumire comme veilleuse.

  75. Lena Borrelli says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersOttimo umidificatore e umidifica anche una stanza grande bellissimo il design utile anche come diffusore di essenze consiglio anche per i grandi non solo per i neonati

  76. AlbertKnox says:

     United Kingdom

    ot noisy, full tank lasts over 2 nights and light options are perfect for nursery during night time!

  77. Avery Hartmans says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBel humidificateur efficace, gros rservoir qui permet de le laisser tourner quasiment toute la nuit, relativement silencieux. Par contre petit bmol au niveau du nettoyage un peu galre…

  78. KamFiorillo says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJ’avais deja le babymoov de digital 2
    J’ai pris celui ci pour ma 2e fille
    Il est encore mieux , plus silencieux , plus de choix de lumire (Ca NoUs sert de veilleuse pour toutes les 2) et design plus pratique et jolie .
    Sans oublier la garantie vie qui je trouve est un rel avantage

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Been using for a month now. Great for humidifying but really not that quiet. Gurgles a lot and the hum is not as loud as another I tried but still very audible. It is user friendly though, and the hygrometer is a great feature.

  80. IleneOrellana says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using for a month now. Great for humidifying but really not that quiet. Gurgles a lot and the hum is not as loud as another I tried but still very audible. It is user friendly though, and the hygrometer is a great feature.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After a couple of months of use, this is still working fine. My daughter appears to be sleeping more soundly during the night (with or without the light on), although we make sure to wrap her up well as the moisture tends to make the room feel a little cooler than usual. This does produce a noticeable not loud!) hum when used, but nothing overly distracting and you’ll get used to the background relatively quickly. One full water tank will last for several days, but after reading some other reviews before being given this, I’m refusing to use any herbal oils after reports of it gunking up the item, regardless of this having a lifetime guarantee. I’d recommend buying this for the lifetime guarantee alone.

  82. BrendanConnah says:


    Je suis contente de mon achat, il fait peu de bruit. Les couleurs sont sympa et est facile programmer. Nous permet de mieux respirer quand l’air est trop sec. Seul bmol personnel, je trouve que le cble est un peu trop court. Il remplit bien ses fonctions.

  83. JasminChristman says:

     United Kingdom

    I would really recommend this humidifier. I have had a different make previously which has long since given up the ghost and wasn’t anyway near as well designed or suitable as this Babymoov.
    The operational controls are really straightforward (strangely near identical in look to my oven) with a digital display and buttons to depress to set the core humidity level etc. It makes a low level background noise which you become used to pretty quickly and gives off a significant level of cool steam until optimum humidity level is attained before stopping. The night light element is really nice as well and we tend to leave it on cycling through the colours though you can just set one colour or have it off completely. It has a good water capacity level and so won’t run dry in one night if filled up and has a small reservoir for essential oils to be added if that’s your preference.
    It’s a very nice aesthetic but also practical device which I’m sure has added health benefits to it and does seem to aide a good nights sleep

  84. CindiFranklin says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMy little one has suffered with nasal congestion and mucous/phlegm since birth and I was awake with him several times a night because of the irritation it caused him. This humidifier has been a godsend and has really helped reduce his irritation therefore saving my sanity! It has also helped to improve the sleep of my husband and I, so has a happy side effect.

    The night light is fab, if a teeny tiny bit too bright (it can sometimes distract my baby during night feeds etc.) and the variety of colours, while it may seem much of a muchness, is actually really useful as each colour offers a different feel and glow so should cater for everyone.

    It has a large enough water capacity to last all through the night, even on a high setting, and you can add essential oils if that floats your boat although I’ve found the scent from these doesn’t last very long. The mist/steam is pretty cold and can cause the room to feel cold upon entering (and we have a pretty large bedroom), so I wouldn’t recommend direct flow over your baby, but I’m sure this will be a welcome feature during the warm summer months.

    It’s by no means a silent humidifier, but it is very quiet and doesn’t interfere with sleep.

    It’s really simple to clean, although if you replace the water regularly, you shouldn’t need to clean it too often.

    One of the main reasons I opted for this one over others is because Babymoov offer a lifetime guarantee, but this isn’t automatic with purchase so be sure to register the product on their website just in case.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy little one has suffered with nasal congestion and mucous/phlegm since birth and I was awake with him several times a night because of the irritation it caused him. This humidifier has been a godsend and has really helped reduce his irritation therefore saving my sanity! It has also helped to improve the sleep of my husband and I, so has a happy side effect.

    The night light is fab, if a teeny tiny bit too bright (it can sometimes distract my baby during night feeds etc.) and the variety of colours, while it may seem much of a muchness, is actually really useful as each colour offers a different feel and glow so should cater for everyone.

    It has a large enough water capacity to last all through the night, even on a high setting, and you can add essential oils if that floats your boat although I’ve found the scent from these doesn’t last very long. The mist/steam is pretty cold and can cause the room to feel cold upon entering (and we have a pretty large bedroom), so I wouldn’t recommend direct flow over your baby, but I’m sure this will be a welcome feature during the warm summer months.

    It’s by no means a silent humidifier, but it is very quiet and doesn’t interfere with sleep.

    It’s really simple to clean, although if you replace the water regularly, you shouldn’t need to clean it too often.

    One of the main reasons I opted for this one over others is because Babymoov offer a lifetime guarantee, but this isn’t automatic with purchase so be sure to register the product on their website just in case.

  86. UrsulaVenning says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOutre le fait qu’il humidifie, cet appareil permet de vrifier le taux d’humidit de la pice et, le cas chant, se dclenche si le % est trop faible par rapport au % que nous avons slectionn.
    La rserve d’eau est vraiment importante cela vite de la remplir tous les jours. l’clairage est une bonne ide aussi.
    En revanche, Bmol: lorsqu’il se dclenche, l’humidificateur est plutt bruyant. Nanmoins, il est dans la chambre de BB qui n’a pas l’air de souffrir du bruit.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 34 From Our UsersThis is the fouth humidifier I’ve bought since January, the first three had to be returned for one reason or another. I then came across this one and was immediately attracted to it because it comes with a lifetime guarantee. I’ve been using it for about a week now both in my room (for my husbands sinus problem) and on two occasions in my grandaughters room because she suffers with asthma. Both my husband and grandaughter say their conditions are greatly improved in the morning. This machine is very quiet and has a large capacity water tank with will last for several nights. For my grandaughters asthma, I added 10 drops of peppermint oil with not only helped with her breathing but gave the room a lovely fresh scent. I bought this humidifier and paid the full price for it and i would recommed it.
    The one problem I have found with it is that when I want to take off the top section, so that I can refill the essential oil holder, it is very very dificult to get off. I am going to contact the manufacturer to find out why this is. Having said that, it has not put me off buying a second one for my grandaughter. APRIL 2017 After 2 months of use I have had to return this humidifier to Amazon because of the solid and sometimes sticky gunky residue that collected around various parts of the machine and were impossible to clean. Amazon have sent me a replacement which I am now using but without the essential oils, which I suspect caused the problem. Anyway, time will tell and I’ll update my review in a couple of months. By the way, the instructions clearly state that essential oils CAN be used with this piece of kit.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersBonne qualit. Dommage que le taux d’humidit ne reste pas en mmoire quand on dbranche l humidificateur de la prise de courant. Petit sifflement quand il est en veille. Ce qui peut tre drangeant si on le met dans une chambre et qn est sensible aux bruits. Sinon il marche trs bien.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis is the second humidifier I have used in my home and although the first one was from a very well known big brand, this one completely blows it out of the water. In fairness my other humidifier is approx a third of the price of this one but still if I had to choose between them then I would choose this one every time.

    I love the digital display on this humidifier which makes using it very simple plus allows so much more control. With the digital display you can control the humidity level you wish to try to achieve in the room anywhere between 30 or 90 and it also displays the current humidity of the room. The humidifier will automatically shut off if it achieves the humidity level you have set i.e. if you set it to achieve 60 and it reaches this it will automatically shut off but when the humidity level drops below this then it will automatically turn itself back on. You can also just manually use the humidifier without setting an automatic level.

    The humidifier also has 5 output levels for how fast it will work although we tend to set it at level 1 or 2 and I don’t think I have ever felt the need to set it higher than this. The humidifier expels cool steam and is also cool to the touch which means it is safe if little hands happen to touch it plus means it can be used in summer to help cool your little ones bedroom down.

    The humidifier also displays the current temperature in the room and this can be changed between Celsius and Fahrenheit if wished although the default mode it arrives in is Celsius.

    The humidifier is really easy to set up as you simply take the spout, diffuser cap and tank off the base, turn the base upside down and fill it by removing the water cap which has a lock and unlock symbol so you know which way to turn it. You then simply pop everything back together and turn it on at the base and wall socket to use it. It is incredibly easy to set up once you have learnt how to use it from the first times use.

    The humidifier also has a diffuser cap inside at the top of the water tank so rather than add essential oils to the water itself you can just pour some in here which helps keep the water tank so much cleaner and I think is a brilliant idea.

    The humidifier apparently will last up to 22 hours however the most we have used it for has been around 10 hours overnight. I do love that it will last at least through your child’s sleep cycle as the other humidifier we have only lasts a maximum of 9 hours which doesn’t cover either of our little ones sleep of an evening. The humidifier can also have a timer set so that it only stays on for a certain amount of time and this is ideal if you don’t want it on all the way through the night. We haven’t used this function much but it is nice to know it is there for use when needed.

    Finally the last thing I think I need to mention is that the humidifier also has a night light function with colours included such as red, green, blue, yellow, purple pink, green, turquoise and white. These can be set manually to stay on the one colour or can be set to cycle through the colours by itself by holding your finger over the light button for 3 seconds. We tend to just use one colour at a time as to be honest I think the light cycle is too fast and whilst it looks nice its a little too fast when you want it calm for your little one to go to sleep.

    In summary this is a fantastic humidifier and the touch screen control make it so easy to control and to control more specifically than say one with a dial control. It’s easy to use and I also like that you can turn the top spout to direct the steam flow rather than have to turn the while unit. A fantastic humidifier with a very clever cup for keeping essential oils separate to the main water tank.

    Works Brilliantly, Very Well Designed and Very Easy To Use

  90. ChristelPanton says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTrs satisfaits de ce produit. Nous l’utilisons dans la chambre des enfants o l’air est trs sec. Trs peu bruyant, vapeur douce qui ne mouille pas le sol. La fonction veilleuse est un plus et les lumires sont sympas. Nanmoins, nous constatons une diffrence du taux d’humidit par rapport notre station mto, diffrence d’environ 20% (le taux est suprieur sur le babymoove).

  91. malcolmforma says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersSono molto contenta di questo umidificatore, certo caro ma davvero un bel oggetto che fa benissimo il suo lavoro. E’ semplice da utilizzare, non fa rumore ed facile da lavare. Si pu’ anche mettere oli essenziali.
    Lo consiglio vivamente!

  92. EvangelCoulombe says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSuper produit, facile d’utilisation, la fonction veilleuse est genial, pas trop forte mais juste ce qu’il faut en terme d’intensit. C’est possible de mettre des huiles essentiel mais nous n’avons pas encore essay. La marque prtend qu’il est trs silencieux et je confirme, en tout cas notre fils dort toujours trs bien. Seul point noir, AMAZON nous l a livr sans carton de protection donc la bote est arrive un peu abm, mais part a c’est parfait.
    On recommande !

  93. ArnoldKaminski says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersTrs bon humificateur ! Mais bien plus gros que ce quoi on s’attendait ! Alors ce n’est pas trs grave parce qu’il n’est pas trop lourd sur une tagre mais par contre on ne peut pas l’emporter en week-end ou autre. Ceci dit il est trs silencieux et trs joli. Les lumires peuvent tre fixes ou alatoires ou encore teintes. Il affiche la temprature de la pice ainsi que le taux d’humidit !
    Je l’aime beaucoup malgr son prix ! Bb mieux dormi grce l’humidificateur dans sa chambre !

  94. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSuper ! Vraiment pratique de ne pas avoir a contrler le niveau . Fonctionne parfaitement et maintient la chambre de mon bb au bon niveau d’humidit . On peu couper la lumire fait un peu de bruit quand il humidifie mais c’est leger et sa ne reveil pas mon fils . Je recommande

  95. E-Cigarette News says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThis is a lovely humidifier which has been designed with the help of mums to make the most useful design possible and I really think that this shows in the final product. I have used a number of humidifiers for myself and my children and each has a fault/flaw which has left me feeling disappointed at best and unable to use it at worst.

    The best features of this humidifier for me are that:
    1. It isn’t noisy – if you want to use a humidifier, especially with babies or children – you certainly don’t want a device that it going to disturb them – some devices make a surprising amount of noise, this one fortunately won’t wake the baby!
    2. The run time – this can work for up to 22 hours at a time and whilst I don’t need it for that long, when using a humidifier in a child’s room overnight, you really don’t want a device with a maximum run time less than the full amount of time your child is sleeping. Some humidifiers only work for a maximum of 10 hours, which wouldn’t be enough if you want it to work from bedtime to wake-up and this comes down to the tank capacity.
    3. Easy to use touch-screen panel – the controls are really straight-forward to use on the front of the machine. You can set it up to work in the way you want, whether on an automatic setting or you can set it up manually to your own preference.
    4. Added features – I like the fact that this acts as a nightlight, with a number of different colour options, that it displays the room temperature, so that you don’t need a separate device in the room to measure this and that you can add essential oils into a separate tank to give the added benefit of essential oils, but this doesn’t compromise the main tank’s purity.
    5. Cold tank – these are well known to be safer (no chance of burning) and also it doesn’t act as a breeding ground for moulds and bacteria, which you certainly want to avoid if you are using this to combat illness and promote health!
    6. Tabletop – I have one very good humidifier, but it is huge and takes up a large footprint on a table and is really unwieldy in my children’s bedroom. This is a really reasonable size. It isn’t tiny and you wouldn’t expect it to be for the tank size, but it is tall rather than wide, which makes much more sense!

    Overall, this is a good-looking machine, which is great for use with babies and children (or even with adults) and particularly in the winter time, it is great to help my little ones breathe more easily and sleep more easily.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI have used several different humidifiers over the years, with one costing far more than this product. I must say from the beginning that this is the best humidifier I have owned. This unit is large and so it has a large water tank. Filled up, it can last all night. It is completely silent in operation, which is great as all the other ones had a clicking sound to them. The only noise from this unit is a glugging sound when in use, as the water drains through the tank.

    To operate: simply fill the tank and use the touch panel to set what you want it to do. You can adjust the humidity level by % or put it on automatic, the length of time it operates and the night light colour. The display also shows the room temperature. On the other units, I have has, you have to add essential oils to the actual water. This makes the water chamber greasy and hard to clean. On this unit, there is a separate place you put the oils so that the main water tank does not get infected.

    Once registered, the product comes with a lifetime warranty.

    This unit oozes quality and is very well made. I am happy to Highly Recommend it.

  97. NoemiMcfarlane says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersJoli humidificateur qui a sa place partout dans la maison tellement oil est beau. il a un chouette systeme electronique, est trs peu bruyant, facile a remplir, il dure facilement 2 3 nuits, led de couleur qui fait veilleuse, je recommande fortement ; ca vaut le prix !

  98. MaryellenBernal says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersApres le rendez chez le mdecin pour ma fille, nous avons achet ce produit de la marque Babymoov.
    Mise part que le transporteur nous a dpos le carton a cot des poubelles, nous sommes trs contents de cette humidificateur avec veilleuse.

  99. Barefoot Josh says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersUn super produit arriv livr en 2 jours, rapide! Le produit se dballe et s’installe de 2min; les couleurs de veilleuses sont trs jolies et surtout il ne fait aucun bruit ce qui est apprciable dans la chambre de bb. Le plus on peut y mettre des huilles essentielles. Son design et son efficacit m’ont sduits, je recommande 200% !

  100. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersCet humidificateur regroupe tous les besoins mon sens (orientation de la vapeur+rglage du taux+longue autonomie+silencieux) et cerise sur le
    Gteau : la diffusion d’huile essentielle, le design sympa et la fonction veilleuse! Tip top!