Behringer X2222USB Premium 22-Input 2/2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps and Compressors, British EQ, 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor and USB/Audio Interface

Weight: 5.5 kg
Size: 22
Dimensions: 43 x 35.51 x 8.99 cm; 5.5 Kilograms
Model: X2222USB
Origin: China
Size: 22

144 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is a great product….. the problem is, is that I didn’t order it!

  2. TEU says:


    J’ai reue cette console en dix jours pas plus ! reue dans sont carton d’origine (d’occasion comme neuf) donc nickel mme l’odeur du neuf ! il y avais encore le plastique coller sur l’cran de l’effet, elle marche parfaitement, aucun souffle franchement RAS ! et le prix est tout fait honnte je cherchai une console pas trop chre pour mon studio (synths, boite a rythme , ordi) franchement si il y en a encore profitez en !

    Behringer xenyx x2222usb

  3. Anonymous says:


    Lo llevamos utilizando tiempo y es una maravilla . Calidad estupenda lo recomiendo muy mucho

  4. Lindsey Davis says:

     United Kingdom

    Behringer represent excellent value for money and quality engineering. This mixer is easy to use and very sturdy and I recommend this to you without hesitation.

  5. Steven Musil says:

     United States

    Lots of options. I was a huge step up frome my old board. But well worth i

    Lots of options. I was a huge step up frome my old board. But well worth i

  6. Anonymous says:


    Nutze das Pult um fr Bandproben die Instrumente zu mischen und ber eine Anlage laufen zu lassen. Dafr funktioniert es supe

  7. BridgetteFalcon says:


    Conoscevo gi l’articolo, si confermato tale.
    E’ un prodotto di qualit ad un prezzo accessibile a tutti.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love it works very well l. The junk I bourg on wish I trashed it.

  9. KatheriBatten says:

     United States

    great price look like brand new . works well just need to figure the options for using the mixe

  10. Carrie Mihalcik says:


    Bin voll zufrieden mit dem Mischpult. Preis-Leistungsverhltnis istsehr gut, kann ich nur weiter empfehlen.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Petite console excellent rapport qualit/prix. Effets intgrs un peu outranciers et assez peu ergonomiques rgler.
    Pratique : les deux sub, les quatre entres lignes stro et les compresseurs en tte des voies micro.
    Je ne peux encore rien dire sur la fiabilit.

  12. AltaCritchfield says:

     United States

    Great mixer…. Just what I was Expecting. I love it.

  13. Anonymous says:

     Mexico 🇲🇽

    Est del tamao que esperaba y cumple con las funciones que necesitaba. Nos mejor el sonido en un pequeo grupo musical que tenemos. Lo recomiendo.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I use this product for professional music band, high quality!

  15. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersEsta mezcladora es muy cumplidora, se volvi en la estrella de los eventos. No es la mas barata ni la ms cara, pero soluciona muchas cosas en tus eventos, adems que puedes grabar en tu computadora.

    No la compren novatos, al menos que estudien muchos acerca de este equipo, ya que debers de conocer algunos conceptos que te permitirn explotarla lo ms posible.

    Si eres semi o profesional, seguramente quedaras satisfecho con su adquisicin. Yo aprovech una oferta relmpago y estoy feliz de haberla adquirido.

  16. Sean Gallagher says:

     United States

    eally great product a lot to learn using it but swee

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The manual could be a bit more comprehensive. Other than that a decent mixer for the price.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Lieferung erfolgte sehr schnell, und das Preis-Leistungsverhaltnis ist auch sehr gut.

    Kann das Produkt und den Hndler gerne weiterempfehlen.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United States

    As expected from this brand. We bought this to replace our old Behringer mixer (15 yrs old) that died at church the other day. It last and is a reliable brand. Is better than the Yamaha mixer we bought, that it got some channel damaged in less than a year.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Sehr einfach und doch eine gute Qualitt ob live oder vom pc es ist wunderbar damit zuarbeite

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great value for money and we’re making good use of it!

  22. Anonymous says:

     United States


  23. Nichol2324 says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersIch bestelle das Pult da mein altes Behriner MX1600 nach 25 Jahren die ersten Ausflle zeigte. Ich wunderte mich ber den gnstigen Preis des Xenyx, entschied mich aufgrund der Bewertungen zur Bestellung. Das Pult kam an wurde angeschlossen und ich hatte nur rger damit. Ein Ausgang in der Stereosumme invertierte, damit war das abhren nicht mglich. Kurze Diagnose mit dem Behringer Support, das Gert war ab Werk defekt, ich bekam ein Neues. Als ich dieses anschloss war ich schnell begeistert. Fr kleines Geld kann ich mein ganzes Heimstudio anschlieen, Keyboard, Gitarren, Mics, Klangerzeuger und meinen ollen Sampler. Die USB Schnittstelle erlaubt das Abspielen bers Pult vom PC, dort vermisse aber die Mglichkeiten zum Regeln. Der USB Audio input ist nur die Stereo Summe. Frs Einspielen verwende ich einen Behringer UMC202HD als extra Gert. Hat sich bewhrt. Die USB Schnittstelle kann nicht mehr. Einzelne Spuren lassen sich damit nicht auf den digitalen Eingang routen. Etwas schwach…. aber die anderen Funktionen des Pultes berzeugen. Der EQ bietet pro Spur sehr gute granulare Regulierung. selten so einen guten EQ in der Preisklasse gehrt. Die digitalen Effekte sind nett, aber mehr oder weniger Spielzeug im Recording, die vewendet man sicher nur im Proberaum als Mic Effekt. Fr eine Produktion eher unbrauchbar. Fr Proberaum und Homerecording ein tolles Pult – und preislich unschlagbar. Die Fader haben recht lange Wege und lassen sich “smooth” schieben, fhlt sich wertig an. Aux Sends und returns arbeiten gut. Haptik stimmt also, es fhlt sich nicht an wie ein Billigmischpult. Man warnte mich vor Rauschen in der Summe. Mit der richtigen Anpassung der angeschlossenen Gerte alles kein Problem. Gain usw. muss richtig angepasst werden, dann rauscht da nix. Am Ausgang habe ich zwei KRK R5 Nahfeldmonitore. Ergibt einen Hammersound!

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I’ve done many gigs with this mixer now. It has worked flawlessly! great product!

  25. Anonymous says:


    Buen producto, construccin de buena calidad, excelente calidad de audio, no muy difcil de usar, el nico pero que le pondra (y talvez sea porque aun no descubro como) es que al conectarlo a la computadora no da los canales por separado para grabar, sino que solo da la opcin de derecha-izquierda

  26. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto, il cui nome parla da s, ad un prezzo molto competitivo.
    Consegna nei tempi previsti.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States

    used 1 time so far for live gig it performed great so far so good get a few more under my belt an we’ll see

  28. Katharina26B says:


    Excelente mesa de mezclas, la X2222USB, aunque no es para uso profesional, sobrepasa mis expectativas. Los FX que incorpora cumplen con lo exigible. En general muy satisfecho, aunque an estoy evaluando todas sus cualidades.

  29. Anonymous says:


    Questo Mixer che ho acquistato funziona molto bene, io personalmente non sono un dj. ma un cameraman documentarista Freelancer. Ho acquistato questo prodotto per le nosytr feste Thailandesi, e mi serviva un mixer audio per controllare e mixare i vari componenti. Ottimo prodotto lo consiglio moltissimo.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Different fx sounds, I connect my dj controller to i

  31. Anonymous says:


    Ottima qualit Buon prezzo imballo non perfetto ma fortunatamente nessun danneggiamento

  32. EthanGallop says:

     United Kingdom

    This is used for small meetings and musical performances at our church and I have fixed it to a wall. It is connected to a set of powered monitors and a loop system.
    It is quiet, capable and compact.

  33. RhodaJ91rbfo says:


    Ottimo usato in ambito religioso molto potente, qualit audio molto buona non un prodotto per principianti, ma neanche considerato un prodotto professionale, no ho avuto problemi e lo uso da un bel po’

  34. Anonymous says:


    Molto professionale; aspetto coinvolgente e altamente adeguato alle prospettive di utilizzo. Ancora non lo provo in registrazioni dal vivo ma quello che ho potuto constatare in casa un apparecchio altamente sofisticato. Appena avr l’occasione di registrare un concerto live mi esprimer con cognizione di causa.

  35. KarinePantoja says:


    Qualit prezzo impareggiabile, io che faccio il musicista con la band con i suoi 12 canali sto alla grande , gli effetti voce non sono male

  36. HungNelmsrkdql says:

     United Kingdom

    This is great and works well for what I wa

  37. Anonymous says:


    Vraiment heureux de ma console. Avec les effets en plus, c’est vraiment gnial pour un studio maison.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersVoila maintenant 2mois que je l’utilise poir des live sur twitch et elle fonctionne nickel pas de problme je conseille ce produi

  39. HeathBlaze says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our Usersmolto bello e funzionale, unica pecca il manuela con lingue straniere assortite tranne l’italiano.


  40. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Quick, review, I’m very satisfied… I received it late yesterday. Set it up fairly quickly. The quick start multi-lingual manual is on the bad side of OK, but it did help me through initial level sets and some suggested functional configurations. Cutting to the chase, in my home “recording studio” I’ve got 7 mikes. I needed 3 channels going out to a PA with FX for voice and acoustic guitar, with all inputs going to the main mix. The X222USB’s SUB feature, outputs its own mix with FX. Main mix goes out to USB for recording. The X2222 is capable of doing a heck of a lot, and I expect to be doing some exploring. It was a great buy.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality, no latency when you use the inbuilt interface and a midi keyboard. Great range of inputs and so on. Great bit of kit !

  42. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I have absolutely no complaints. You’re get a lot of bang for your buck with this. Highly recommend the buy. There are a few YouTube videos to help you learn more about the product as well.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLa table de mixage ! Je ne suis pas un expert, j’ai achet ce produit pour rsoudre mes soucis de connexions (bote rythme, sortie PC, synth, ampli guitare, basse, micros…) j’ai choisi ce modle pour ses E/S et la possibilit d’tendre plus tard. ‘est parfait et pas trs compliqu prendre en main.

  44. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHat ausreichend Kanle und Mic-Inputs, leichtgngige Potis und Fader. Auch das interne Effektgert bietet eine brauchbare Auswahl an grundlegenden Effekten. Auerdem zwei weitere Aux-Wege und 2 Subgruppen – womit sich doch noch etliche Anwendungen (Effektschleifen, Monitore, Sub-Mix) ergeben.
    Nachteile: Kein Gain-Regler bei den Stereo-Inputs (nur +4, -10 dB schaltbar), 2 Track in ohne Eingangsregler fr Lautstrke, USB nimmt nur die Stereo-Summe ab, nicht die einzelnen Kanle, also kein Multi-Tracking am PC, Software nicht mitgeliefert
    Fr den Proberaum und kleine Club-Gigs allerdings ein ausreichendes Mischpult mit hervorragendem Preis/Leistungs Verhltnis

  45. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This mixer is perfect for my drum kit. I am in heavan.

  46. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCome sempre, quando acquisto un mixer Behringer, non sono rimasto deluso. E’ pi leggero e robusto del mio precedente, cambiato dopo pi di 15 anni di maltrattamenti (serate live) ed anche molto bello da vedere. E’ passivo, quindi vi servono casse attive per funzionare. Anche gli effetti sono migliorati molto ed evitano di usare supporti esterni. Rapporto qualit/prezzo ottimo, quindi consigliatissimo. Per ultimo, mi arrivato in 2 giorni.

  47. DanaePZAzhminbu says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIl Behringer Xenyx X2222 USB dispone di otto ingressi microfonici XENYX con channel insert, EQ 3-bande British con una banda media semi-parametrica sweepabile e tre mandate Aux. Quattro canali stereo di linea, due comodi sottogruppi mix ed un processore digitale di effetti 24-bit. Tutto questo e molto altro racchiuso in un telaio in acciaio rack-ready, conforme alla normativa tecnica

  48. TiffinyDowdy says:


    Quello che si ha con Behringer ormai risaputo. Buoni risultati se non si cerca un risultato professionale, ad un costo accessibile a tutti

  49. IvaHopwood says:

     United States

    Great board with lots of features. Really simple to setup and use. Using for a sound system in a clubhouse. Works great and you can not beat the price. I use a big Behringer board at church and it works great. Great brand and quality.

  50. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIn prodotto risponde alle sue caratteristiche. IL prezzo non elevato, quindi un buon prodotto!

    Ordine, spedizione e ricezione nel minimo dei tempi previsti.

  51. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBonjour,
    Cette table de mixage est relativement complte, mais les explications concernant les branchements et les commandes sont vraiment insuffisantes, certaines explications sont mme inexistantes. Les schmas seraient peut-tre utiles, mais payants sur le web. Dommage, car bon produit.
    Jacques Brunne

  52. BSUWolfgan says:

     United States

    Behringer is great quality vs price. My band uses this for vocal mix works great at practice.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought this soundboard for my church and this is the best thing I ever could have bought very happy with it it has a sound gate so if someone wants to talk too loud or scream is saves the speakers also bought Behringer speakers they were very well togethe

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersI’ve only had this a couple of weeks and hooked up to my powered speakers it is very clean sounding and very easy to use. On my gig with this board every in the band was very happy with their mix and the sound quality. I have been mixing sound for over 43 yrs and this board is a really good deal at least for live performance. I update after I do some home recording with it.

  55. KishaKulikowski says:

     United States

    I’ve been using this to record live drums and guitars, for the price of it you definitely cannot beat it. Also love the built in effects and compression.

  56. HongCribbuyzdl says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    In my opinion, Behringer is a really good German brand for sound engineering. This mixer was well worth it and has all the controls I need for and in-house set-up as well as a mobile DJ set-up. For outputs, I use two self-powered speakers in the main out L/R, and two passive subwoofers L/R. In house I have a channel connected to the TV, one connected to Alexa, another to Aux, and a Mic input for karaoke. In a mobile DJ set-up, I have a stereo input for the DJ controller, an Aux (in case someone wants to connect their phone), and Mic inputs. I use condensor Mic’s for the studio which this can phantom power 4 of them. The built-in effect are also very clean and adjustable (e.g. deep batman voice vs high-pitch girly voice). I am yet to use this as a studio interface for recording podcast interviews. I currently use the Komplete Audio A6. which is $50 more, a lot more compact, but can only manage 2 condensor microphones, but can record multiple tracks. I have read from other reviews that this can only record two multi-track channels. I am yet to test the USB DAW recording.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Usersusing this in a rack, and connecting my snake from mics and instruments into it, then feeding direct outs into my DAW using a USB based Focusrite sound module. I could use the USB on this, but it only has two inputs (L&R) and that’s just not enough. But my FOcusrite only has 4 inputs, so this thing can provide much flexibility for inputs without yanking all the cables all the time. A great deal.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This thing is awesome i love that i dont need an interface to plug into the compute

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI’ve had a Behringer EuroDesk for 20+ years; it was getting tired. This product is slightly bigger but it has all the same features and some more to boot. It can be used simply on stage, it can be used in the studio. No complaints with the product at all. It took a bit of time to get here and I had to chase it down but the desk does everything it claims to and does it well. Very simple to use and intuitively laid out.

    Couple of negatives (other than the delay in getting it): I think the onboard effects are less versatile than they were 20 years ago but still more than good enough for regular performance and different shape and sizes of venues. And the supplied power lead is very short; it barely reaches the floor at my preferred height but that’s a standard “kettle” lead so easy enough to source a longer one if you don’t have one lying around.

    I supplemented with a hard case from another site (Thomann) to make sure it stays pristine and to protect the position of the dials and sliders. Well worth another 50 or so. Probably worth noting that this desk is no longer stocked on that site so perhaps a newer model is on the way or already out there.

    But if what you want is a sturdy desk; good for performance; good enough for studio; I’d happily recommend this.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Somehow I overlooked the fact that it did not include the amp in the board and was frustrated to have to buy a separate unit. One more thing to lug around and fuss with. My mistake.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Lots of inputs. Several outputs. Levels for line in, compression, EQ…Main, Sub, and Control Room outputs. A bit daunting in the setup. Great features. I haven’t figured it all out yet. Definitely a step up from my bands old 4 channel PA.
    I’ve had this mixer for about 5 months, and I just noticed a missing button (must have fallen off somewhere.) If I could find it or replace it, that would be nice.

  62. RoseannPinkston says:

     United States

    The good: Very little noise. This gets the job done for a live performance. The price is unbeatable by any other competitor for the specs.
    The bad: It can only output 2 channels to a computer via the USB port. (If you know a way in which I could get all channels from the mixer to Logic Pro, please drop me a line. Tks!)

  63. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I’ve read people giving Behringer a a bad rap, and maybe some of their products aren’t as good as others, but this product has more than met my expectations especially for the price point. I love the 5 band EQ, and the anti-feedback feature works amazingly well. The voice cancelling feature isn’t really that great, but it does knock down the vocals enough for karaoke on some songs. I guess it depends on how the songs were recorded. Other than that, it really is a nice board. The knobs don’t feel cheap, and they have a nice feel when you twiddle them. There is a nice resistance to them rather than some boards that are so loose you can’t peg them accurately. Digital readout for the FX is nice. I don’t use the FX , but they are not too shabby. Has many input options, more than other boards in this price range.
    My only regret is that for $50 more, I could have got the one with 6 gain channels. I’m still happy with this one though. For $200, this one is a winner in my book!

  64. EvanNexhzp says:

     United States

    Great “bang for your buck” mixer. Has all the features you need for a small band and live performances. You would pay twice as much for a Mackie / Yamaha and get the same features. Great value

  65. Anonymous says:


    This is just what I was looking for to replace my much smaller Behringer and Alto analog mixers. The fx are very sensitive and I am still playing with how to set them up for my voice and guitar. So far so good.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersVery good console, excellent sound, lots of functions that can be instantly learned and used. I use this board to play live with my band, it works really well, very reliable. The only point that made me a little frustrated is that, although there are 8 direct output lines, you cannot record 8 independent channels, this console has a direct USB type output that allows you to record everything connected to it only in either mono or stereo, that is, even though you have, let’s say, 4 instruments and 4 microphones connected, you won’t be able to record them in 8 channels, the output will always be either one or two channels.Other than this “minor” issue, all other features are great. But Behringer could have allowed the output in 8 channels…

  67. Lisabelle Gonsalves Team iDiva says:

     United States

    This is a step up mixer from my old 8 channel. This is a great piece of equipment for the money. If you have big plans however, you might want to put your money toward something a little bigger. As far as quality goes, it works great and I have not had one problem with it.

  68. DerekCushman says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersAs we start to expand our podcast, we needed more XLR inputs for guests and such. This board fit the bill and has been getting the job done for months now. Great board with decent sound quality. Best bang for your buck for sure. 🙂

  69. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat value. I ordered this for my church. This is a good product at a great price. Replaced a 6 channel mixer. Made my life so much easier. Very pleased.

  70. SantosWinterbot says:

     United States

    We purchased this for our son. He plays a variety of instruments and had wanted a good mixer. After doing some reading, we decided this one would do the trick. Our son has been very pleased with it.

    Sound quality is very good. The board seems well-made and sturdy. There are plenty of inputs, which is something that was very important to him.

    In terms of negatives, the biggest thing is there really isn’t much of an instruction manual, so getting familiar with it takes a bit of effort. Fortunately, everything is pretty well labeled and our son has worked with the audio production team for plays and musical performances, so he was able to figure it out.

  71. Africa says:

     United Kingdom

    My technical team are very happy with the range of facilities that the mixer has – very suitable for a theatre of our size

  72. MckinleyTKDI says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI got this for my sons birthday. He’s a musician and audio engineer. He uses this with a turntable, yeti mic, and macbook for at home recording. The price was a few hundreds less than everywhere else at the time. He was happy…which made me happy.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersI own and use the behringer 3242fx mixer for big (analog) shows, and I have owned this behringer for about four or five years now… Just got another one because this is the best one I had.
    Let me explain: I’m a sound engineer and for live gigs also used a Mackie profx 16 channels that stopped working after three years, a Mackie VLZ 4 channel mixer (good, but there are no effects), a Soundcraft 24EFX mixer that has ok effects, but is heavy and too bulky and more expensive, and is not as easy to use. I also use the digital X18Air, but it has loads of issues with control, it keeps disconnecting from my Mac or iPad. I also have two Roland Octacaptures, a stinberg Cl2 for recordings, and the x32 (for big shows) and more non-mixer equipment, some on racks. This is my work.
    This is the best (for small gigs) mixer I have ever used. Ever. The best. The only negative thing I can say is that behringer does not sell these faders (potentiometers), or at least I can’t get them here in Israel.
    Read the manual, play with it.
    Tips: never press a potentiometer with force. If you feel the slightest problem with the sliders, use a potentiometer spray, or it will ruin the potentiometer. Even a single sand grain can destroy a potentiometer, and render a mixer useless, so don’t use any mixer in places that sand can get in it.
    Now after that review, can someone from behringer sell me some 60mm potentiometers?

  74. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersJust upgraded to this board and I am very happy I did. I needed more stereo inputs and this one had 4 of them. When it comes to an internet radio station you need a clean quiet board. I have no noise coming out of this board so I am very pleased. Plus I needed the AUX outs for my TelosONE set up. Everything is working perfect!

    Just upgraded to this board and I am very happy I did. I needed more stereo inputs and this one had 4 of them. When it comes to an internet radio station you need a clean quiet board. I have no noise coming out of this board so I am very pleased. Plus I needed the AUX outs for my TelosONE set up. Everything is working perfect!

  75. Joe Van Brussel says:

     United States

    O.K., except Aux. #2 has no right channel. Probably not wired correctly. I could probably fix this, but that would void the warranty.If that happens and there is some other issue, I can kiss the warranty Adios. No thanks. These are of German design, but – they are assembled in China by some 13 year old kid that doesn’t know s*** from shoe polish.

  76. Brian says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersAn absolutely outstanding board for the price! It has tons of bells and whistles, and my only complaint is that I have a hard time figuring out how to use them all. Has plenty of input options, and enough outputs to keep me happy. The built-in effects is nice, and the pass through to monitoring headphones/studio is easy to use. I just wish I had opted for the larger board Behringer makes. Have bought many of their products and have never once been disappointed!!

  77. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersAfter owning this for a while, I can say I love this mixer. It does what I wanted and expected it to do. I use this for my drums (not really recording, but more so for live monitoring w/ in ear headphones), and I use it for gaming (just hooking up a mic and phone etc). The controls seem to be built well. The faders are smooth, as are the knobs. The price was reasonable too. What I really like is having the USB option. It is perfect for recording or hooking up a mic for gaming. Also, I have a set up that allows me to use an aux send as my phone mic. It’s really nice.

  78. ferminriordangnsyr says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLove this mixer. Bought a Mackie and FX didn,t work out of the box. Mute LED’s did not light( have to go two models up to get that) and it was noisey. Got a buzz as soon as it was turned on. Behringer is quiet, everything works well and I only paid an additional 20 dollars to get all that and 22 inputs. I am using it for practice and live performance. I have not used it for recording yet but I will be surprised if it don’t exceed my expectations as it did with the live mix.

  79. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersOttimo mixer di buona fattura con potenziometri e cursori robusti. Un buon processore effetti. L’ho comprato per poter registrare la chitarra su una traccia di Music Maker ascoltando una base su un’altra ma la porta usb e bidirezionale ma in un solo senso per volta. O si ascolta o si registra e quindi sono costretto ad entrare con l’uscita PC in un canale stereo. Per il resto ordinato alle 18,30 di sera con Prime, arrivato alle 10,30 del mattino seguente (16 ore) con doppio imballo.Eccellente

    USB poco bidirezionale

  80. Robert Steele says:

     United Kingdom

    Used this mixer for the first time after purchasing in January, great mixer, no complaints, plugged everything in via a stagebox to the 8 XLR inputs with no problem as well as using the phantom powered mics! Very Happy

  81. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAwesome mixer. Ive been using this with a Mac on logic pro x. Works great,easy to use. Wish I could get a hotter mic output @ times. However pretty impressive for the price.

  82. says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersThis is the one! After using the 1202 (rotary channel knobs, 4 stereo channels) and then changing to the 1204 (channel sliders, but only 2 stereo channels), I am really liking the 1222. It has the sliders, 4 stereo channels, AND 2 sliders controlling monitor and effects send right down with the rest of them where they should be, not some hidden knob hard to get to on the fly, AND a slider for the 2-track return too! FINALLY I can balance all my inputs on the mixer and not fuss with volumes/gains on the computer/phone/cd player I’m sending from. All the channels are in a vertical row, much easier to keep track of the inputs as opposed to the stacked channels on the 1202. This does not have a PFL button BUT I think the separate level setting yellow LEDs up by the gain knobs are better for my mobile DJ use…maybe not as accurate as using PFL on the main meter but they are a constant visual aide to keep the input gain levels hot but not too hot. You simply keep them dialed to where the input occasionally flashes them. I would prefer the main XLR outs to be on the back like they are on the 1204 and I might miss the Solo buttons that the 1204 has too but I’ll swap mixers if a gig needs that. All in all the 1222 has a great mix of features. I like the onboard graphic equalizer with feedback detect, stereo expand feature, and a great FX section. Good job Behringer!

  83. Anonymous says:


    Ein klasse Pult. Preis und Leistung ist kaum schlagbar. Ein Stern Abzug wegen fehlender Software. Kann man nur weiter empfehlen.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I used this mixer for quite a while at my live sets. I just recently switched to the Ze 10FX form Allen & Heath, which fits my purpose better (more compact size, cue and built like a tank), but is also has less channels and is more expensive. So back to the Behringer:

    The XENYX X1622USB it is well built and after 3 years, everything works like at day one. It may not take as much abuse as the A&H I just got, but If you handle it with care, it’ll go a long way.

    Regarding the effects. There are plenty. I used the reverb and hall effects, which worked nicely for me.

    The compressors and EQs sound good to me, too.

    The USB audio interface does not need any drivers, and works like a charm on on PC, Mac and Linux. In the matter of fact, I use a tiny Linux netbook with Audacity to record my sets. – Please be advised, that you can only record the stereo sum and not all the individual channels in one session!

    I like that it has a built in power supply, unlike some of its smaller siblings. I can’t say much about the phantom power, since I only use electronic instruments.

  85. ElliottNeustadt says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe build quality isn’t as good as a Mackie and Behringer’s documentation leaves a lot to be desired (like … documentation), but for the price, I’m satisfied. Excellent sound quality. Recognizes on both Mac and Windows without needing to install a driver. Would recommend to others looking for a bargain mixer for amateur purposes.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Truly one of my best purchases ever.
    Perfect for all my home recording mixing needs.
    I am using it to mix down into Cubase 5 and to dump to my Digital Recorder.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI bought this mixer to replace a Mackie Mix12Fx that left me hangin’ after the third (3) time it was taken out of the box, and let me tell you, I should have bought THIS ONE FIRST..! Then I wouldn’t have wasted my money on that other junk.. This mixer has EVERYTHING you would want in a pro quality mixer..! It has Pan Left/ Right, Three (3) Band E/Q. on each channel, full controll of digital effects, high and low Z inputs, you can run your mics, guitar[s], your Key Board, ALL OF IT, right from this mixer.! Use the USB connection and record direct to your Lap Top, and be editing a live show recording on the way HOME..! My Father would say it’s the best thing since sliced bread, I say it’s just plain GREAT…!

  88. GlennRitter says:

     United States

    I ONLY use Behringer gear. Since 2009. This Mixer is Awesome! Love it. This is my 3rd mixer for my 3 Full Systems..ALL Behringer Powered speakers and Mixers. I DO WISH there was a Rack mountable Road Case for this unit and if there is, PLEASE tell me where I can get it!

    I ONLY use Behringer gear. Since 2009. This Mixer is Awesome! Love it. This is my 3rd mixer for my 3 Full Systems..ALL Behringer Powered speakers and Mixers. I DO WISH there was a Rack mountable Road Case for this unit and if there is, PLEASE tell me where I can get it!

  89. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis was a great addition to our church. This was a total upgrade from the 4 channels we had and with the added effects and recording capabilities made it worth its weight in at least silver.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Bit of a learning curve on some of the features, but after that this has been great. Works well, nice effects.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis mixer was an upgrade for me. I’d previously been using a smaller 2 mic input behinrger mixer which only had one aux send and no inserts; I wanted a mixer with this funcaility to feed a looper from an aux send, as well as adding reverb. Those in the market for mixers will no doubt be aware that inserts and multiple sends/outputs are only available on large mixers, hence my choice of the x2222usb.

    On the whole, tHis mixer peforms beautifully and Im very happy with my purchase. The are certainly more pros thans cons!

    The Sub group is a nice bonus for me to supplement my basic home recording setup. I foresee that this could be useful for monitoring/recording vocals i.e. sending dry vocals through the sub group outputs (to a recording device) whilst monitoring the vocals (with the main mix) with reverb.
    The compressors are nice and transparent. I feared that they might be “squishy” but they sound good to my ears.
    Each main (Mic) channel has a mute, solo, main and sub group switch.
    Each main (Mic) channel has 3 sends and an insert.
    The phones/control room has a nice bank of switches to dictate what your monitoring through phones/control room outs.
    Ease of use is worthy of note. I’ve been using it for a few days and already am confortable with most of the functions. Highly recommended for those wanting an introduction into PA/recoridng/mixing/live sound equipement.

    The other built in effects are ok for the price, but each preset just seems too much. You can tame it by adjusting the channel and master send/return volumes, but the ability to configure one of the parameters would be nice. This can be overcome by inserting your own rev/fx unit. For my purposes, its a non-issue.
    All the pots are plastic shaft types and probably PCB mounted. This not uncommon these days, but Im wary that if these shap, replacement will be tricky it not near impossible (hence 4 stars and not 5).

    ***Im aware of the USB in/out but deliberately not mentioned as I ahvent tested it. One youtube video suggested that the USB out can be configured so that each Mic channel is outputted individually via USB and therefore could be simulaneously recorded individually. I do suspect this to be false. I suspect the USB out only carries the stereo main mix L and R. USB is still useful for home pc recording though.***

  92. Chandra says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersWe bought this mixer for our little church, we’ve used it for almost month now with up to 6 singers, music track being feed into one fader channel and recording the services off the USB connection. Couldn’t be happier so far no issues and has handled everything we have thrown at it.

    Nicely organized board clearly labeled with colored knobs for quick reference allowing quick and easy mixing to get the best sound we have had yet.

  93. JeffereyShumway says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great mixer. Very quiet and the built in effects are decent enough. I can’t find any fault with this for the price range.

  94. AishaZQNOywaj says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersIch habe mir dieses Mischpult gekauft um fr Videoschnitt usw. Ton aufnehmen zu knnen. Dieses Mischpult hab ich wegen den positiven Tests gekauft und ich bin nicht enttuscht worden.
    Ich hatte beim ersten anschliessen des Gertes ber USB an meinen PC nur einen anhaltenden sehr hohen Ton, der sich nur beenden lie indem ich den USB-Stecker wieder heraus zog. Im Internet stie ich darauf, dass das wohl ein “bekanntes” Problem sei, fand aber keine Lsung. Ich rief daraufhin bei dem Hndler “Musik Produktiv GmbH” an, der das Mischpult ber amazon verkauft hat. Die Lsung des Problems wird sich bestimmt einem Elektriker, Physiker, Tontechnikmeister erschliessen 😉 mir tat es das jedenfalls nicht. Ich sollte Mischpult und PC in einen Stromkreis hngen, ich hatte aus “Lasttechnischer” Sicht den PC komplett getrennt von Mischpult, Studiomonitoren, Monitoren und Co betrieben. Als ich beides in einen Kreis eingesteckt hatte, war das piepen kaum noch wahr zu nehmen und dann kam der Trick, bei dem ich erst dachte mein gegenber am Telefon wollte mich verppeln, ich solle den Netzstecker des Mischpultes um 180 Grad drehen und wieder einstecken…….hab ich gemacht…..seitdem hrt man kein piepen mehr, unglaublich.
    Ich lasse mir gern als Kommentar auf diese Rezension einmal erklren wieso das funktioniert hat.

    Fazit: Fr meine Zwecke, Ton und Musikschnitt fr Film am PC (iPad anschliessen etc. funktioniert ebenso einwandfrei) ist es ein sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhltnis. ber die technischen Feinheiten knnen sich gerne andere auslassen, davon hab ich keine Ahnung.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersVery well built. Tons of features. Easy computer connection via USB (doesn’t even require a driver install on Win7). Simple clear labeling on all the controls. Responsive. Quiet. Well behaved. Far better than my children. I think I’ll keep it.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A bit above me as far as tech goes, but a fab machine and looking forward to mastering it regardless of how long it takes.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI already had amazing amplifiers and finally got a board that balances and gives the options I need. The system is best for live performance I haven’t tested out its recording abilities.
    Only issue we have had is needing to watch out for the FX some of them add buzz to your mikes.

  98. ShannonERS says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersYes this unit is perfect for the job ieat price require to do, high quality at a great price, Value.

  99. MistyPring says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our Usersits not often i review anything, mainly cos i cant be bothered. but this mixer is such good value for money i felt i had to.

    8 mono and 8 stereo channels is more than enough for my needs which is why i didnt go for anything bigger.
    build quality is pretty decent, mic preamps sound great. built in fx are good, as is the compression. the usb audio interface works a treat on my mac,
    the ability to stream any channel directly into my DAW is incredibly useful. it doesnt do multi channel recording, which to me is no big deal, but to others it may be.
    it just sends a simple stereo signal via usb. this was a big reason in making this my choice of desk, and it works brilliantly.
    just keep in mind this mixer is 250 quid or less. not bad so far…
    it has the usual fx returns which seem to work quite nicely with my virtualizer. it has 2 sub out channels too, which i use to pipe sound out to the input on my
    e-mu e5000 sampler. samples directly from the desk, simple but useful.
    the desk also comes with a cd full of useful plugins of fx and synths and a proper printed manual. which seems to be becoming an old school deal these days.
    it also comes complete with rack ears too, useful.

    i know behringer have had a bit of a dodgy reputation for gear, but this mixer, with all its features and flexibility, at this price? its worth every penny!

  100. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI bought this board to do music and voice tracks for a documentary on the Anasazi. I came up with the initial themes on my old Steinway, and ended up using Finale’s PrintMusic to input and arrange them for flute, piano, bass and drums.

    I used an EV RE20 microphone with the board to record voice tracks and send them to a computer running energyXT 2.5 Compact, the DAW software that comes with the board. I added mild reverb to the voice with the board, and used it to monitor punch-in edits and the overall mix. It worked seamlessly with energyXT, making the recording process much easier than it used to be when I was working with 16 tracks on 1 inch tape.

    The final documentary used stock bird and environmental sounds and 15 years of photographs from Anasazi ruins to show what happened at Chaco Canyon, Aztec Ruins, Salmon, and other sites across the Southwest. While I didn’t end up using the board to live-record keyboard parts and synthesized drum tracks, it and the included DAW software made “Tracking the Anasazi – How Great Houses and Stripped Resources Led To Abandonment” very successful with audiences.

    Within the two-channel stereo transmission limitation of the barefoot board, I highly recommend it. It and hardware like it have radically changed the face of recording from my last studio time in 1986. It made this project very easy.