beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless High-End Stereo Headphone

Amiron wireless – Room to move
Home has always been considered the ideal place to experience your music. Now with the Amiron wireless, your music has the space to reach its full potential â and follow you wherever you go. Without cables. With best sound quality.

Legendary sound
The music that moves you deeply can finally move with you. Every room comes alive with the mind-blowing wealth of detail thanks to our legendary Tesla technology. No two seconds pass after the comfortable pads have enveloped your ears before you are immersed in the captivating spacious and realistic sounds produced by the Amiron wireless â from deep and precise basses to equally full and natural mids, through to silky-clear highs.

Revolutionary sound personalisation
Discover your favourite songs all over again with the pioneering beyerdynamic MIY app (âMake it yoursâ). At the heart of the MIY app are the award-winning sound personalization features developed by Mimi Hearing Technologies. A certified test allows you to analyze your own hearing. The Amiron wireless then adapts the sound precisely to your personal hearing profile â amazing you with an entire world of details that you never before knew could be heard.
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Untethered movementWhether desk, kitchen or armchair â your music can now follow your every move. Without cables. But with best sound quality. The Amiron wireless impresses with its ultimate ease of use via the intuitive touchpad and excellent Bluetooth transmission. And fitted with the best available codecs: Qualcomm aptX HD and Apple AAC â plus aptX LL for audio transmission without delay. Optimised for hi-res audio*. *only with wired connection. | Unique comfortWith the Amiron wireless, all you feel is the music. And for hours on end. This is possible thanks to decades of experience in the design of headphones for musicians, sound engineers and audiophile music enthusiasts. The result: perfect wearing comfort. Thanks to masterfully balanced contact pressure and an uncompromisingly perfect fit. | Highest-quality materialsThe Amiron wireless will delight you for a very long time â and that’s something you’ll sense at the first touch. And the next. Year after year. This is the feeling of flawless workmanship carried out by experienced hands in our German headquarter â and of the unfading quality of our chosen materials, such as the soft headband made from Alcantara and the sophisticated aluminium details. |
Weight: | 381 g |
Size: | Medium |
Dimensions: | 20.5 x 10.49 x 14.99 cm; 381 Grams |
Model: | Amiron Wireless |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Colour: | Black |
Size: | Medium |
Nach einer unerfreulichen Technics Erfahrung jetzt endlich ein Kopfhrer, der mich zufriedenstellt. Gut, er kostet auch 200 mehr, aber dafr spielt er in einer anderen Liga. Einrichtung geht kinderleicht, erstmal ber PC die Firmware aktualisiert und dann mit mit der MIY App den Klang personalisiert. Was ihm nochmal ordentlich was brachte. Der Hrer hat ordentlich Punxh, auch ihm Bass, ohne aufgeweicht oder irgendwie knstlich berhht zu klingen. Gleichzeitig sehr schn luftig und rumlich. Wegen des Tragekomforts hatte ich erst Bedenken aufgrund der Gre, aber aufgrund des ohrumschliessenden Designs trgt er sich sehr angenehm.
Tolles Klangerlebnis, preis gerechtfertigt. Tip: unbedingt die Klang Personalisierung vornehmen.
A bit heavy after a while, but quite bearable. Not as noise cancelling as the Sony WH-1000XM3 but the sound is better – no exaggeration of the bass. I am pleased I bought the Amiron Wireless.
Sono anni che cerco questo suono: dettagliato, preciso, setoso, equilibrato. Molto comoda e stabile in testa. La ascolto collegata a un Dac Onix, che dispone di una valida uscita cuffia e con dei Marantz della serie P.15. Pur essendo una 250 ohm, fornisce un volume superiore alla Denon Ah2000. I bassi sono meno invadenti, ma molto profondi. Buona la spazialit, non troppo allargata, ma corretta, come a concerto. Unisce i pregi della Denon a quelli della Akg 701Q, senza condividerne i difetti. Credo sia difficile trovare di meglio a questo prezzo. Consigliatissima.
Io “purtroppo” quando l’ho provata ero gi in possesso di una Hifiman Sundara e qualche differenza l’ho avvertita fin da subito. Anche se in grado di sopperire a qualche sua mancanza, pochi gli aspetti che mi hanno spinto a non preferirla totalmente rispetto alla cinese. Un ottimo suono che mai affatica accompagnato dalla presenza di un buon basso, maggiore isolamento nonostante sia anch’essa una cuffia aperta, comodit non eccelsa a mio modo di vedere forse per i pads non troppo spessi, un cavo eccessivamente lungo che poteva essere compensato dalla presenza di un bilanciato pi corto. Prezzo forse alto ma non avendo provato prodotti pi cari credo sia giustificato per quanto rende. La Sundara di listino costa anche lei 500 euro, ma il suo solito prezzo di vendita ormai stabilizzato sui 350 euro. Con qualche accorgimento in pi sarei stato tentato a tenerla ma cercando una cuffia in grado di esaltare determinati generi musicali ottenibili con ben altro budget ho dovuto desistere. La Amiron richiede di un’adeguata amplificazione per rendere al meglio delle sue potenzialit cosa che non ho potuto fornirle, vi consiglio inoltre di non avere fretta di avvertire subito la qualit senza opportuno rodaggio altrimenti rischiate di rimanere delusi.
Having owned and used DT770’s for most of my life and wanting a decent BT headphone in addition that could sound something like the quality I’ve become used to, I tried cheaper versions from well reviewed manufacturers such as Sennheiser, but was always disappointed. Then I bit the bullet and paid a lot of (comparatively) money to give the Amiron wireless a go. I really was not expecting not be impressed after previous experience with BT, but WOW, are these different!! They do have a different sound signature to the DT770’s , but only slightly. The main difference is really how easy these are to drive, even in wired state at only 32 ohms there isn’t much effort required to make these sing. BT mode is efficient and easy, they remember pairings instantly when switched on and have a really stable signal through the odd internal wall. The only thing I’ve done is change the leather ear pads for the DT velour ones (so easy to do with Beyerdynamic), these are the ultimate in comfort and I can wear them for hours with no problem.
As most of the professional review sites say, these are probably the best wireless headphones in the world at this price.
Non a caso si chiamano Home e sono pantofole in alcantara che quando entro in casa (anche se in un periodo di pandemia esco quasi mai) mi spoglio e le indosso: si appoggiano sulla testa, non stringono, proprio come delle pantofole. Il suono non neutro, ma piacevole, asciutto, mai affaticante… insomma “comodo” anche il sound!
Non costano poco, ma sono ben fatte.
Ich brauchte aber eine Weile um zu verstehen, dass eine normale PCI Bluetooth 4.2 Karte nicht ausreicht. Also ohne einen Bluetooth Transmitter aptX HD geht da gar nichts.
Aber warum der Ganze Kram mehr als 550 Euro kosten muss, ist mir schleierhaft. Liegt wahrscheinlich an der geringen Produktionsmenge…
Nachdem ich bei dem ersten erhaltenen Amiron Wireless die Telefonie nicht nutzen konnte (ich hatte unmittelbar das Firmware-Update auf 1.0.58 vorgenommen und das Gert mit einem IPhone 8 gekoppelt) und man mir bei Amazon nicht helfen konnte, habe ich den Kundendienst von Beyerdynamic kontaktiert. Mit dem 2. Hrer – Ersatzlieferung von Amazon – habe ich dann zunchst mit der Version 1.0.55 getestet. Telefonieren funktionierte. Erst nach dem Update auf 1.0.58 ging dies berhaupt nicht mehr. Beyerdynamic hat mir den Fehler in der Firmware-Version besttigt und heute eine korrigierte Version 1.0.59 bereitgestellt.
Mit dieser funktioniert jetzt auch die Telefonie wieder.
Ich hoffe, dies hilft einigen Nutzern, die hier gerade dieses Problem besonders strte.
Extremely comfortable, the sound quality is outstanding. Listening to a wide range of music, movies, podcasts and audio books. I am appreciative that the base comes through clearly without blowing out my ear drums. Could use a bit more low end while listening to rock/ metal. Have made some adjustments on my phone and home system to adap
Il suono eccezionale.. coinvolgente e selettivo.. ma la portabilit da criticare in quanto i padiglioni non stringono bene alle orecchie e tendono a scappare. Il pulsante di accensione e spegnimento un pianto .. ma una bella levetta .. no ..?? La confezione lasciava un po’ a desiderare.. non sapeva proprio di nuovo e intonso. Insomma, se non le render sar esclusivamente per il suono, che le altre mie cuffie, anch’esse titolate ed importanti, non hanno.
The only problem – it is not sitting well and tight on my head. Its feels like it going to drop. No problems with other headphones.
I listen to Tidal with these and a Dragonfly Cobalt DAC. My advice – get both! Astounding sound quality for the money.
Die Hrer sind bequem so das man sie lange tragen kann. Aber eher zu Hause. Fr mich der beste Bluetooth Kopfhrer.
Der Klang ist – besonders nach der individuellen Einstellung – sehr gut !
Da ich einen recht schmalen Kopf habe, sa er anfangs “weit”, die Bgelgabeln lassen sich einfach etwas nachbiegen, nun passter perfekt und schliet sauber ab.
Die Idee der Klanganpassung ber den Hrtest in der App ist toll, wenn es funktionieren wrde. Erst nach mehrmaligen Starten der App wird eine Verbindung mit dem Kopfhrer hergestellt obwohl er bereits mit dem Telefon oder iPad verbunden ist. Wenn sich die App irgendwann bequemt den Hrtest durchzufhren, hatte ich auf dem jeweils anderen Hrer immer laute Strgerusche, was die Konzentration extrem gestrt hat und das Ergebnis (ich bekomme keine weitere Information ber meine Hrfhigkeit) sicherlich verflscht hat. Ich hatte auch beim hren immer wieder kurze Verbindungsaussetzer.
Alles in allem sehr durchwachsen und nicht den Preis wert.
Positiv hervorzuheben ist, dass der Klang bei ausgeschaltetem Kopfhrer via Kabel besser ist als via Bluetooth — Dies kenne ich bei keinem anderen Bluetooth Kopfhrer.
Liebe diese Kopfhhre
Ich nutzte den Kopfhrer seit ein paar Wochen und bin vom Klang begeistert. Meine bisher verwendeten Teufel und Sony reichen nicht annhernd an den Amiron heran.
Beachten sollte man jedoch: die Abschirmung nach auen ist nur gering. Daher kann der Kopfhrer eigentlich nur in ruhigen Rumen genutzt werden.
Einfach ein spitzen Klang mit toller Verarbeitung. Besonders mit hochwertigem audio files ein Fest:) Ob Musik oder Gaming zum konsumieren genial. Mir persnlich gefllt das Klangbild besser als bei den dt 1770 oder 1990. Nur eine gute soundkarte oder externe Lsung sollte schon mit im Spiel sein.
I bought these to replace my Grado 325, which are very good headphones. But these are just so much better in ever department.
Absolutely class, the sound quality delivered is fantastic. Like being at a live gig …, comfort is decent to good but with on head sounds…, there as good as can be , some people like them some don’t. I’m ok with them but also have wireless in ear earphones which are good. All in all 95/10
These headphones are undoubtedly the best aptxHD available and although I rarely use them wired they sound great that way too.
I particularly like the accompanying app which allows you to test and set the headphones based on your personal hearing characteristics. It also measure usage, volume, connection and battery.
I got these to use at home and would also use them if flying but for a daily commute they are probably just a bit too bulky.
They are not cheap and I tried lots of (still expensive) but lower priced alternatives but still decided these were worth the money. I will probably keep them for 10 years or more and I’m confident they will stand the test of time so over the lifetime of the phones I think that will be good value for money.
Bluetooth connection is excellent but not long distance in aptxHD mode I would say 5 to 10 metres which is adequate for me.
Great Headphones that totally justify the price.
They have a very solid build with touchpad controls on the right earcup like the Sony WH1000XM3s have only these work much better than Sony’s implementation does.
There is no ANC on these and LDAC is also not present either but APTX-HD gives these cans an amazing crisp, clear connection.
One of the other cons for me is the same as others have stated, that being that the designers missed the mark whith the earpad alignment and fit. The yoke doesn’t have much play and the supplied earpads are rather stiff so many people have a difficult time positioning the pads to get a tight seal, especially on the bottom. This translates into a loss of bass and a small soundstage. Simple fix though: spend $20-30 over at Brainwavz on some nice cushy hybrid earpads and voila!
Einen Punkt weniger als volle Punktzahl vergebe ich beim Komfort weil ich die Kopfhrer auch etwas unbequem finde. Die Bedienung / Fernsteuerung ber das Touch-Bedienfeld auf dem rechten Ohr funktioniert einwandfrei. Beinahe htte ich den Kopfhrer nicht gekauft wegen irrefhrender Bewertungen. Bin total glcklich dass ich den Amiron doch gekauft hab und meiner Meinung nach ist der Amiron jeden Cent wert.
Suono particolare, rilassato ma bassi troppo ridondanti. Bisogna sentirle prima di acquistarle.
Um diese Kopfhrer zu testen / vergleichen kann ich Aurora – seed empfehlen (Amazon Musik Ultra).
Was meiner Meinung nach dieser Kopfhrer berhaupt nicht kann ist Bass.
Ich als passionierter Techno Hrer vermisse bei diesen Kopfhrer einen tiefen Pass.
Da ist der B&W px7 ein sehr guter Kompromiss. Die hhen sind nur einen Hauch schlechter als bei den Beyerdynemics dafr haben sie einen viel hrteren bass. Auerdem haben sie noch berdurchschnittliches ANC das man aber ausschalten muss wenn man den Vollenmusikgenuss haben will.
Wenn Beyerdynemic diese Kopfhrer mit verbessertem Bass herausbringen (V2?) Dann werde ich meine px7 verkaufen und mir wieder welche von Beyerdynemics holen.
These are very comfortable headphones and the sound quality is impressive for wireless headphones. They are quite big but they don’t feel heavy. These do fit me well but I can see that the fit could be problematic for someone with a bigger head than me.
Probably worth trying a pair on before buying.
The sound is not bass heavy but quite neutral and the imaging is not bad by headphones standards. These are not in the same league as my Audeze LCD2 headphones but far more practical and reasonably practical for travelling.
Superb headphones from Beyerdynamic. I also have the DT 1350 and the Amiron home did not didappoint. They are just superb.
I have tried all the bluetooth headphones on the market and these sound the best by far. They clamp my head fine, The on/off button is fine. Comfort is good. They controls work well. The app the tests your hearing is genius (all headphones should have this). They pair with two apple devices and will fast switch (yay) – stop music on one device and then play on the other seamlessly. Not too heavy. Only negative (apart from the price) is the stock pads are useless – no bass; but once fitted with Dekoni Elite Hybrids they are transformed. UPDATE: firmware v2 fixes the power button issue (turning on again after turning off) + add sidetone for phone calls + add equalise
I was very suspicious about very expensive headphones, thought about it as a gimmick. Beats were pretty good for a half of the price. My son, audiophile, told me about those, I decided to try. First I did not like highs….. Then they gave me a hearing test on the phone app and adjusted headphones to my hearing. Fantastic! I never had a better sound going through 5 different – not cheap – headphones (Beats, Sony, Bose, Covin and Sennheiser). Battery life is excellent. Comfort — Cups might be a little bigger for my ears to cover, I have big ears, but it would be 10 – 15% of the market. I would like to have noise cancellation as an option, it degrades the sound, but good in airplane to carry the only headset.
I am using these with a beyerdynamic a 20 headphone amp they are comfortable to ware for long periods of time and the sound is very clear with good treble midrange and bass i could highly recommend these headphones
Fr unterwegs wrde ich den Kopfhrer allerdings nicht empfehlen.
Update nach ca. 6 Monaten:
Gert verbindet sich per Bluetooth, aber ohne Ton. Getestet an mehreren Abspielgerten. Mein Amiron lsst sich nur noch per Kabel betreiben, allerdings mit einem Spitzenklang.
Da nach ca. 6 Monaten ein solcher Defekt bei einem solch hochwertigem Gert nicht vorkommen darf, gibt es leider wieder 3 Punkte Abzug.
Update 16.05.2020: Habe ein neues Gert im Austausch bekommen. Der Klang ist einfach nur gttlich, wollen wir hoffen das es nicht zu einem weiteren Defekt kommt.
Aufgrund der einwandfreien Abwicklung gibts wieder volle 5 Sterne.
This headphone is truly sublime , it’s a beautiful piece of art , very very comfortable , the sound is remarkable, ignore the negative reviews.
I have many headphones , including Denon Ah -D 500 , Oppo pm 1 and 3 , Sennheiser 650 and 800 and various in ear and on ear derivatives.
Some of the above come close , but nothing surpasses the warmth and musicality of these beauties.
This is Beyerdynamics masterpiece , I,m an Audiophile —- 64 years old.
Anyone that loves detail, warmth , smooth creamy mids , sumptuous low end , huge soundstage and ultra comfort —- unless a pinhead (they will be too loose ) — sorry.
Forget the rest —- these are the best.
I never write reviews but felt I had to support this fantastic headphone !.
Purchased these headphones to compliment a Schiit Audio Lyr 3 DAC/Amp; to use as my daily drivers while at my desk. In brief: Absolutely faultless. The headphones are exceedingly comfortable (I happen to be exactly a setting 3, so perhaps if you’re caught between headband settings it could be a little less so), to the degree that you almost forget to wear them. The included cable is about a mile long, so I have swapped that out for a shorter one that’s a bit more practical. Sound quality is phenomenal as you would expect for the price tag.
Alles funktioniert tatenlos beim beyerdynamic, Touch, Bluetooth.. 1A
Das Problem das oft diskutiert wurde wegen Anpressdruck kann ich nicht bestndigen, meine Meinung nach war das bei den ersten Kopfhrer der Produktion die das Problem hatten meine dichtet perfekt ab. Um einige Mythen aus der Welt zu schaffen “mit smartphone, Ipod, spotify reizt man ihn nicht aus.” Meiner Meinung kompletter Schwachsinn, ich nutze das P30 .,ipod touch mit Spotify. Und der Klang ist einfach der Hammer! Ich kann nur noch sagen i bereue den kauf keinesfalls!
Als Zuspielgert wurde ein A&K Ultima SP1000m genutzt mit Tidal, beide Kopfhrer ber aptX HD verbunden.
Bei der Akkulaufzeit trumpft der Sony ebenfalls auf: Nach 10 Stunden Flug und Dauerbetrieb waren immer noch 60% Kapazitt vorhanden, beim beyerdynamic waren es im Dauerbetrieb gerade mal 40%.
Fazit: Ein guter Kopfhrer aber eher etwas fr zu Hause und nicht unterwegs. Zu teuer, mehr als 400 EUR sollte dieser Kopfhrer nicht kosten. Eine gute und deutlich preisgnstigere Alternative ist der Sony.
Eine Klare Kaufempfehlung wenn man sich einen spitzen Kopfhrer wnscht mit ein klareres und deutlicheres Sound-Bild! Das dann auch noch personalisiert werden kann was besonderes fr ltere und geschdigten Ohren sehr hilfreich ist.
Mein alter Bose QC war zwar gut, aber kommt nicht in die nhe von dieses mchtige prachtstck.
5 Sterne nach BT transmitter Wechsel auf >Avantree Langstrecken aptX HD Low Latency Bluetooth Transmitter Empfnger fr TV, Toslink Optisch AUX, Audio Splitter, Wireless Sender Receiver Support Dual kopfhrer – Oasis Plus< weil die reichweite drastisch erhht wird. Eins vorweg, man merkt, dass das ein beyerdynamic Kopfhrer ist. Klang und Tragekomfort sind wie bei meinen anderen Kopfhrern DT 990 ASIN: B00193FT26 und DT 770 ASIN: B0006NL5SM super. Aber was die Ingenieure noch nicht wirklich im Griff haben ist bluetooth. Hier ist meine Geschichte Verbindung mit Samsung 4k TV kann man herstellen aber man muss sich schon < 2m davor setzen sonst kommt es immer wieder zu aussetzen. Daher habe ich mir ein Kabel gelegt und ein Bluetooth Sender der nher am Sofa ist. Der konnte auch gekoppelt werden und die Aussetzer waren Geschichte aber so was bei einem 600 Kopfhrer machen zu mssen ist ziemlich nervig. Mein billiger Sony hat mindesten 10 m Reichweite OHNE aussetzer Dann die Software auf dem Kopfhrer ist wohl nicht beyerdynamic Strke. Normal kommt die Meldung beim Einschalten wieviel Kapazitt noch vorhanden ist. Wenn die Software abstrzt ist dies nicht mehr der Fall. auch muss man beim Ausschalten aufpassen das man ja nicht lnger auf den Schalter drckt. Drckt man zu lange dann fllt man in den pairing Modus. Selbst ausschalten hilft da dann nicht mehr. Beim nchsten Einschalten ist er sofort wieder im pairing Modus. Wie bld ist das denn. Ach ja, ich habe natrlich die aktuelle Firmware drauf. Das nur an all die jetzt sofot wieder schreiben man muss die aktuelle Firmware aufspielen. Mein Zusammenfassung Zielgruppe: Hipster die das Teil mit Ihrem Apple iPhone koppeln und das nicht weiter als 150 cm vom Kopf aufbewahren. Alternativen: Solange beyerdynamic das mit bluetooth nicht im Griff hat lieber zu deren Kopfhrern mit Kabeln greifen. Zurckschicke: Werde ich Ihn wohl nicht. Der Klang und Tragekomfort gefllt mir ich werde den Kopfhrer jetzt wieder zurck setzten und neu koppeln.
The sound tuning app (to compensate for hearing) works and makes an appreciable difference.
Sound quality via the wired connection is even better. Superb midrange, neutral bass and an exciting but non-fatiguing treble as well as a good sound stage for a closed back headphone make this an excellent listen. Not for bass heads, but brilliant accros a wide range of music.
I bought these, thinking I might send them back given the negative reviews. I did not. They are amazing and come with a great carry case.
Highly recommend to anyone wanting excellent headphones, wired or wireless. I prefer these to my Audioquest Nightowls. Expensive, but worth it if audio quality is the goal.
EDIT: Some of the reviews here are misleading eg someone is knocking the Bluetooth connectivity here with a Naim Uniti Star source. The issue is the source – the Uniti bluetooth only allows one way communication – input from a source. It does not allow connection to any Bluetooth headphones. So giving these headphones a bad review because of that is misleading in the extreme.
Allgemein Musik mit Iphone XS Max:
Qualitt ist Top und bequem sind sie auch. Leider muss man sich immer wieder komplett neu mit den headphones verbinden was ultra nervt. Das Bluetooth kickt einen nach jedem ausschalten raus was bedeutet man muss die Kopfhrer entfernen und neu conecten… vom Sound her sind die schon toll man hrt Details und mehr Flle aber ich kann keinen groen Unterschied zu meinen Sony WH-1000XM3 feststellen daher gehen diese hier zurck.
Ich besitze die Sennheiser GSP 600 welche ein echter Gamchanger sind. Die Beyerdynamics knnen hier nicht im Ansatz mithalten.
Schade denn ich hatte mir nach diversen Rezensionen mehr erhofft.
Fr mich war es das erstmal mit Beyerdyn.
Excellent sound quality for listening primarily to jazz- bright highs and resonnant base (not too boomy). Also very comfortable to wear.
Yes these are more expensive than you’re usual headphones but they are worth it. I listen to music in a studio with monitors costing 8k+ and I can hear similar (if not better) detail in these headphones. I haven’t even tried connecting via the 3.5mm jack yet which should improve things even more. It is important that all sources are the best you can get – so Spotify needs to be set at highest resolution or you will neot get the best out of these headphones. There are lots of tech stuff regarding Bluetooth audio transmission and the inherent loss but read about the various audio standards and you will find that you are getting a good experience even with Bluetooth.
A few reviews elsewhere convinced me to try them and I’m so glad I did.
These are my first Beyerdynamic headphones and they were a bit of a gamble as I’m always wary of headphones that have any sibilance or harshness. These certainly do not and I’ve been able to listen with them for hours with not a hint of ear fatigue.
They have a reasonably high impedance (250 Ohms) so you do need something to drive them to their full potential. I’m normally using them with a balanced desktop setup (requires separate balanced cable), and they sound amazing.
They don’t sound too bad from my phone (LG V20) either but would suggest getting an external amp dac with any other smartphone that doesn’t have a dedicated one built in. Saying that they are open-back so not really the best for a mobile setup.
All in all, a recommended purchase although I wouldn’t class them as a bargain. If you’re into your headphones then they are money well spent.
The Beyerdynamic Amiron is a little expensive, but you value for money and good sound quality over the ordinary. I can surely recommend these headphones, if you really like music.
I’ve had them for almost two years and I’ve decided that it is time to get myself some high end headphones. So I bought the Amiron Wireless over the Home, because I also wanted to use them for work.
Wearing those headphones is like you are wearing clouds on your ears for the first five minutes and then the clouds evaporate into thin air. You forget you have headphones on.
These headphones are so good, that I can’t tell the difference between the wireless and wired mode. Both sound amazing. I am using a FiiO DAC to amplify them when used wired and a Bluetooth Adapter when used wireless.
If you are getting those headphones, YOU HAVE TO get a Bluetooth Adapter … the aptX LL difference is just incredible and A MUST HAVE if you want to use them for gaming or movies. With such an adapter there is no noticeable latency at all.
I’ve tested those headphones and I can hear from 12Hz – 20kHz. If you want a really nice bass, you are looking at the wrong headphones. Don’t get me wrong, the bass is not bad at all, it is great … but it could be better for the price.
I am using those headphones for everything … literally everything … gaming, movies, music, phone, at work and they work great! I appreciate the hard case they come with … so they don’t get damaged.
The battery life is also incredible. I’ve charged the headphones overnight and in 10 hours (at work) the battery dropped to 80%.
The only reason that I am giving those headphones 4 stars is the price. I have nothing against the price … I actually like that the price is a bit high .. so not everybody owns one of those … which makes them exclusive. But for that price I think Beyerdynamics should at least include some more goodies like maybe spare ear pads or something like that.
If you are on a budget then go get some of the DT series which are great for the price. If you however want the best, then I totally recommend these headphones!
2- Very sturdily built
3- Wireless bluetooth
4- Charges quickly
Cons: 1- If you have a “large head”, then you will find it’s a challenge to completely surround your ears, since it is an over-the-ear headphones. If you put it on your head at a 90 degree angle, you will probably find that your ears are not totally surrounded. You have to tilt the headphones forwards or backwards to surround your ears. I have never had this problem before with ANY headphones! I deducted one star for this defect, and it astounds me the engineers did not design this better
2- A small annoyance is the fact that it is a tad tricky to turn them off completely. If you do not release the power button rapidly enough, they are restarted again. The second time usually does the trick.
If both of those “cons” were remedied, the headphones would be perfect.
On edit, September 10 2019: now the phones fit perfectly. Don’t ask me why, but somehow they now do, despite my best efforts months ago.
This Beyerdynamic Amiron Home High-End Stereo Headphone is probably the best headphone I’ve bought. The sound quality is brilliant and it fits comfortably. It would be great if the next model could be a bit lighter.
+ Die Tonqualitt ist hervorragend. Ich hatte bisher keinen besseren Kopfhrer, wobei ich auch noch nie so viel Geld dafr ausgegeben habe (vorher BOSE, AKG und Standardohrstpsel (Beilagen bei Handys etc.); 50-200 Preisspanne). Unabhngig davon welche Musik ich hre ist der Ton stets klar und der Bass przise, wobei nicht zu dominant. Mit Kabel und Kopfhrerverstrker (lediglich ein Einstiegsmodell) ist es sogar noch viel besser.
+ Die Kopplung mit Bluetooth funktioniert mit allen Gerten einwandfrei. berwiegend benutze ich den Kopfhrer mit einem Oneplus 6T, das aptx HD beherrscht. Ob es ein Unterschied zu “normalen” Bluetooth” gibt hre ich nicht immer heraus, aber der Musikgenu ist da.
+ Der Tragekomfort ist enorm. Ich hatte in einer anderen Rezension gelesen, das man bei diesem Preis Leder erwarten msste, aber das Alcantara finde ich viel bequemer. Ich kann den Kopfhrer sehr lange tragen und meine Musik genieen. Aufgrund der Gre ist er nur fr daheim gedacht und bei sehr schnellen Bewegungen rutscht er vom Kopf, wodurch er nicht fr unterwegs ist. Drauen sind mir unterwegs persnlich zu viele Strgerusche als dass man Musik bewusst hren kann. Daher ist alles in Ordnung.
+ Ohne genaue Zahlen nennen zu knnen bin ich mit der Akkukapazitt voll zufrieden. Ich habe gefhlt jede 1,5 Wochen den Hrer aufgeladen.
– Kleines Manko: Das Touchpad auf der rechten Seite des Hrers ist fr mich persnlich zu ungenau in der Steuerung, weswegen ich es so gut wie gar nicht benutze. Dennoch kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass man mit ein wenig bung sich daran gewhnt.
– Kleines Manko: Beim Ausschalten des Kopfhrers (im Bluetooth Betrieb) muss man relativ lange den Knopf drcken. Wenn man jedoch gefhlt einige Millisekunde zu lange drckt, dann schaltet sich der Kopfhrer wieder an. Nervig, aber nur ein kleines Aua.
+ Update 07.04.2019: Nachdem ich in meiner ersten Rezension noch einen Stern abgezogen habe, weil die MIY App auf Android 9 nicht funktionierte, gab es vor kurzen ein Update der App. Nun passt alles und auch das UI ist ansprechender. Perfekt!
Ich habe seit kurzem ein Knistern im linken Ohrhrer, vor allem bei tiefen Tnen. Amazon hat mir den Kopfhrer ersetzt (Top Service) und den Defekten werde ich entsprechend zurckschicken.
The verdict: if you want a flashy funky piece of gear, a headturner on the grounds of admiration and jealousy, look elsewhere now! Think of two letters with & in the middle. Any of those, honestly, independent of what musical genre is your top fav. Though if you’re an addict to live recordings of instrumental music and vocals, as well as patient perfectionist with near paranoiac attention to smallest nuances in His Majesty The Sound, AND the Creator blessed you with thicker skin and total ignorance to what others around you thinking “what’s on his head?!” (Bernard Shaw, not me) the Amiron is just made for you and your precious wireless moments on the go. You won’t regret this choice. I don’t. Not at least until the Lagoon to hit retail shelves in not so distant future as promised by Beyer. The rest is just MUSIC!
A bit of advise here. Don’t try to break your nails when pressing that darn ON/OFF button. It appears quite a few of Amiron’s have this regretful feature and the button sits nearly flash with cup rim. Simply do request a replacement from the vendor.
There are plenty of issues with the Amiron Wireless that noone seems to talk about but it still sounds fantastic if you can live with the work around.
– Incredible sound quality. (You don’t know how good they really are until you try to go back to you old set. I did try my Bose Soundlink II Headphones after 3 weeks of using the Amiron Wireless and realized I can’t go back anymore.)
– No white noise when nothing is playing. (This is a big issue with other headphones like Bose Soundlink II, Steelseries H Wireless & Arctis Pro Wireless)
– Plenty of batter life. (I wish there was a battery swap option like Steelseries has for many years now but I was not able to drain the battery in a single day, so for now will have to live with having to plug it in every 2 days)
– In wireless mode the built in microphone is less then useless. (There are actually 2 mics when using the headphones in Windows. Chat [Tape recorder quality] in wireless mode & Stereo [CD quality] when using a cable. Not having a good quality mic in Wireless mode beats the purpose of having one at all.)
– When the Amiron mic is selected as source in Windows, the High Quality Stereo Sound is disabled and only the much lower quality Chat Sound works again beating the purpose of having a mic at all.
– The ‘Exclusive Mode’ control of Windows is completely ignored by the Amiron Wireless. (If you play anything on Spotify, it will take exclusive control on the headphones. This means that if you stop playing music, it will mutes all other sounds from Windows as well. Interestingly enough if you play something but mute Spotify, the sounds of Windows will work, so it doesn’t control the volume of sound. The only way to “release” the Amiron from the claws of Spotify is to disconnect then re-connect it.)
If you have the Wireless Modmic, then you can work around the microphone issues, although I do not believe this erratic behavior is acceptable from an item with such high price tag. None the less I will keep them because for now there is nothing better.
Cuffia di fascia medio alta, non ha tradito le mie aspettative.
Ben costruita e tutto sommato leggera, dopo poco ci si dimentica di indossarla.
Gli ascolti sono sempre naturali e mai affaticanti anche con i generi musicali pi estremi (ascolto anche molto metal), gamma bassa consistente, gamma media ed alta dettagliata ma mai affaticante, ricostruzione della scena molto buona.
Acquisto consigliatissimo.
Before buying the beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless, I searched online for as many free comparison reviews I could and read as many customer reviews I could find too and although customer reviews were a very mixed bag of positives and negatives. Nearly all commercial reviews raved about how good these were and mostly labelled them as THE best wireless headphones around at the time of going to press (late 2018/early 2019).
Naturally, hesitant at first because they are twice the price as any pair of headphones I’d bought previously. I was understandably I expecting to be blown away by them at that price. My first sceptical listen, I was underwhelmed by the sound. But after several hours of listening at work in a busy office environment giving them chance to settle and bed in the sound is akin to feeling like my playlist I’ve had for years are completely new playlists. I’m enjoying all over again, hearing new depths of sound and noticing detail I was never aware of.
Other than sound (which is fantastic) the ups and downs of these headphones are pretty much what almost all reviews have mentioned i.e. they’re not noise cancelling and you have to crank the volume up compared to other headphones but if you do that pretty much cancels out ambient noise, they’re big with a big case making they bulky for transporting (something you’ll figure out and get around easily enough if sound is important to you on the go), battery life is outstanding (I’ve used them for 4 days straight at work almost a full 7 hours x 4days and the headphones are telling me the battery is still at 80%… and has been since Tuesday), as you may have guessed from my last point – they may bulky, but they’re comfortable enough to wear all day at work. Lastly the touch controls are 90%+ reliable. Taps are more reliable than the swiping actions – working with both listening from my phone and controlling Spotify when listen through my laptop and the bluetooth connectivity is impressive too.
Major downside – 2 weeks in and have had zero joy in getting them to pair with the Android app, so unable to comment on the sound personalisation of them.
The Beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless don’t show any of the usual Bluetooth bandwidth compression. That is their greatest achievement.
The sound is clean and balanced. Mid-bass seems a little flatter than is currently in vogue, but the headphones are otherwise very accurate, detailed with great subbass rumble. No sibilance.
The set is too big to take on the road. The gigantic earcups can be a little awkward : I have a medium-sized head, but the earcups extend so far out around my ears, that a large portion of the cups ends up on my cheeks. Not uncomfortable; but feels a little weird.
Clamping force is also fairly low. Avoid sudden head movements : headphones might fall. Isolation from outside noise is by itself relatively low. But at medium volume, the sound fills up the cups well-enough that most average external noises are low enough or inaudible (within a home setting).
The MIY app is a great add-on but is not a requirement.
The one defining feature though remains the absence of audible Bluetooth artifacts and distortion.
Der Tragekomfort ist sehr angenehm.
Der Klang ist sicher das Beste, was ich bisher kabellos ausprobierte, kommt aber nicht an hochwertige kabelgebundene Hrer ran, wie z.B. AKG K812. Da feht die unbeschwerte Musikalitt, Luftigkeit und Spielfreude. Dies ist vermutlich auch der geschlossenen Bauweise geschuldet, die Auengerusche weitgehend fern hlt und zu einem geschlossenen Klangbild fhrt.
Praktisch fnde ich eine Mglichkeit zum Stummschalten, die auch ohne Verwendung entsprechender Zuspieler funktionierte.
Die Reichweite ist gegenber z.B. Sennheiser RSXXX deutlich eingeschrnkt. Dies ist m.E. alledings nicht dem Kopfhrer anzulasten, sondern systembedingt dem Standard fr Bluetooth-Verbindunger geschuldet. Gartenbesitzer, die gerne auch mal im Freien Musik hren wollen, werden da eher enttuscht sein. rgerlich sind auch die Klackgerusche, die beim Abbruch der Verbindung die Ohren maltrtieren.
Was sich die Entwickler beim Knopf zum Ein- und Ausschalten gedacht hatten, bleibt mir ein Rtsel. Der Knopf ist bndig zur Hrmuschel, ein Druckpunkt ist kaum sprbar und die Beleuchtung des Knopfes zur Statusanzeige beim Niederdrcken nicht mehr zu sehen! Diesem rgernis konnte Abhilfe geschaffen werden durch vorsichtiges Aufkleben eines passend zugeschnittenen Stckes Plexiglas mit Sekundenkleber. Nun kann ich den Druckpunkt spren und die Statusanzeige optisch wahrnehmen.
Mein Fazit: der audiophile kabellose Kopfhren ist immer noch nicht gefunden, auch wenn der Amiron dem schon recht nahe kommt. Alles in Allem sicher kein Fehlkauf!
Really good soundstage. No claustrophobic left channel right channel sound on these.
Sound signature is smooth and warm.
The price seems accurate when compared to other headphones in this range.
Can’t be used with a cell phone. It’s just going to sound thin and lifeless.
The higher frequencies can sound very thin. I would this is the most obvious downside when compared to something more expensive like Audeze.
Super Bass, tolle mitten, Geile Hhen und ich grinse den ganzen Tag.Kein Sennheiser, Hifiman
kommen an den Amrion heran.
Danke Bayerdynamic
Der Kopfhrer ist mit einem A20 in Kombination, der Traum eines jeden Audiophilen. Du willst ihn einfach nicht mehr absetzen, weil er dich so mit reisst und dich in seinen Bahn zieht, dass du manchmal am liebsten vor Freude weinen knntest. Das auch noch ohne Aufdringlich zu wirken, und so vergehen die Stunden mit ihm wie im Flug…
Ich brauche hier keine Vergleiche aufzhlen, weil jeder der Ahnung hat, wei das jeder high end Kopfhrer besonders ist 🙂
Aso und denkt daran, der Hrer hat 250 Ohm der braucht einen sehr guten Verstrker um berhaupt seine ganze Pracht zu zeigen. Wenn ihr den nicht habt, kann ich euch nur raten, die Finger davon zu lassen…
Dicke Kaufempfehlung
They sound great, when plugged in. When on Bluetooth the audio quality sounds great too.
Reason I am return is because simply the audio output on bt is not very loud. I don’t listen at high levels usually. But they just don’t got loud enough to hear more detail.
The sound quality is nice and clear. Yes I am hooked on the sound tone. But for the price they don’t get loud enough for me. Sometimes I want clear and loud, there is no loud though on bt.
Add better amps for BT and I will consider getting another version.
Overall great sound, but not enough oomph for the BT amps for what I want.
I will be looking into a good set of Beyerdynamic for wired listening.
Liegt vielleicht auch daran, dass ich mglichst neue Soft- und Hardware verwende, wie z.B. das iPhone X oder einen PC mit Bluetooth 4.2.
Damit kommt es erst bei ca 5 Metern und ein, zwei Wnden dazwischen zu Aussetzern.
Was den Klang angeht: hervorragend; klar, kein Rauschen, fr alle Einsatzgebiete geeignet. Aber dazu gibt es ja schon gengend ausschweifende Rezensionen.
Tragekomfort: erstaunlich gut, insbesodere bei hherer Raumtemperatur und mehreren Stunden Nutzungszeit htte ich deutlich weniger Komfort erwartet, da der Kopfhrer eine geschlossene Bauweise hat. Jedoch sitzt er auch da sehr bequem, auch der Anpressdruck ist optimal – zumindest wenn man nicht allzu hektische Bewegungen macht.
Material: kommt mir sehr solide, sehr angenehm vor, Langzeiterfahrungen habe ich aber noch nicht 😉
MIY App: erledigt ihren Job, bei mittlerer Einstellung ein wahrer Gewinn.
Se amate rilassarvi la sera sul divano ad ascoltare la musica, prendetele senza pensarci, rimarrete folgorati dalla note che in grado di emettere. Consigliatissime. 5 stelle senza alcun dubbio.
La confezione con cui arriva, una semplice scatola di cartone, non molto lusinghiera, un p povera, mi sarei aspettato di meglio ricordando la vecchia confezione della DT880 in alluminio, ma forse la cura del prodotto da qualche altra parte.
Infatti aperta la scatola ne esce, dal suo box per il trasporto, una cuffia per i miei gusti bellissima, sobria, elegante, vagamente retr,che invoglia ad essere accarezzata e questo sicuramente ben dispone all’ascolto.
Quando la si indossa si ha la sensazione di calzare un indumento, morbidi pad che ti coccolano,bassa pressione sulle orecchie, archetto imbottito e ottima stabilit con una distribuzione del peso ineccepibile.
Il cavo di ottima fattura, lungo, per molti troppo, per me perfetto, mi permette di stare sul mio divano rilassato che dista proprio la lunghezza di questo.
Per l’ascolto ho utilizzato HDAC con l’ultima versione degli AF-C02, ampli AF-6 e ligthining, tutte realizzazioni del Giardino Elettronico
Inizio l’ascolto con un disco di pianoforte di Roberto Szidon Le rapsodie ungheresi di Liszt, un disco meraviglioso sia come interpretato che come reso tecnicamente. Il piano l, immenso, potente negli attacchi e nei fortissimo, delicato e suadente nei passaggi pi delicati, articolato e avvolgente nei momenti pi complessi. Una dinamica e microdinamica eccellenti che ti trasportano nell’evento, si pu alzare il volume o abbassarlo, ma i contrasti dinamici rimangono, l’ascolto quindi rimane apprezzabile anche a livelli sonori pi moderati.
Il bilanciamento tonale ottimale, con una gamma bassa e mediobassa presente, potente e articolata, la cuffia vira sul versante caldo, ma mai deborda oltre offuscando la frequenze superiori.
La gamma media chiara, aperta, liquida, mai affaticante, i tasti centrali della tastiera hanno il giusto peso, proprio quello voluto dall’artista, il medioalto mai un accenno di nasalit o ipercaratterizzazione.
La gamma alta in questo disco dona un senso di ambienza corretto, ampio, ma lo strumento sempre focalizzato e stabile al centro senza disperdersi lateralmente.
Il secondo disco The Firebird di Stravinsky, ottimamente diretto da Pierre Boulez: tra i migliori dischi di classica da me ascoltati, tecnica di registrazione magistrale, un affresco di suoni, emozioni in continuo mutamento che travolgono l’animo di chiunque e in questo incalzante susseguirsi di colori musicali la Amiron direi che scompare… No, non scompare, ma la musica diventa l’elemento dominante come giusto che sia, si investiti dalla musica di Stravisky direttamente senza alcun diaframma, nessuna compressione, le sezioni orchestrali sono perfettamente separate distinguibili, al loro posto, ma anche integrate tra di loro in un unico musicale. Spiccano le sezioni degli ottoni, potenti, lucidi e ambrati contemporaneamente, mai trapananti o aggressivi.
Don Rafa mi permette di apprezzare la voce profonda e intensa, appesantita dal fumo, ma sempre agile del grande Fabrizio; la ritmica percussiva distribuita su tutto lo spettro sonoro evidenzia le doti di dinamica e microcontrasto della cuffia mantenendo intellegibile l’intreccio musicale.
Ovviamente come sempre quando arriva una nuova cuffia ho saggiato brani presi qua e l nella mia libreria musicale, anche canzoni vecchie, anche mal registrate, ma ho sempre percepito la tendenza di questa cuffia a coinvolgere, a farti partecipe della musica, senza mai relegandoti ad un ascolto distratto, distante. Insomma sei sempre dietro il direttore d’orchestra, nelle prime file, fai parte della musica.
Insomma una cuffia senza difetti?
Non lo so, probabilmente la sorpresa di incontrare una cuffia cos interessante per il momento mi oscura particolari meno riusciti, rimane comunque difficile da battere in questa fascia di prezzo e anche oltre.
La prima esperienza, subito dopo l’unboxing, stata negativa..
– App MIY macchinosa, processo di personalizzazione del suono lungo e noioso. Per necessario, altrimenti la cuffia “out of the box” ha un suono piatto, troppo neutro.
– Problemi col pairing via Bluetooth. Ho dovuto riassociarlo pi volte. Sul mio iPhone 8 Plus appare due volte nella lista dispositivi, come fossero due cuffie diverse con lo stesso nome.
– Utilizzo del pulsante di accensione/spegnimento davvero frustrante. Non si capisce se le stai accendendo, se le stai mettendo in pairing mode; se premi col dito non vedi la luce che emette e non capisci cosa stia succedendo. Mi capita spesso di accendere le cuffie e metterle erroneamente in modalit pairing. Frustrante. A volte decido di usarle col cavo proprio per non avere “sbattimenti” con l’accensione del Bluetooth.
I controlli touch non sono molto veloci e precisi. Mi trovo spesso a ripetere i movimenti pi volte perch non vengono percepiti. Non regge il confronto con le Sennheiser PXC 550 e con le B&O Play H9i, che hanno dei controlli touch molto precisi e sensibili. Da questo punto di vista, sfioriamo la sufficienza appena.
La qualit sonora via Bluetooth discreta, non eccellente. I limiti del protocollo di comunicazione si sentono. La trasmissione via aptX HD funziona solo con i dispositivi che sono dotati di tale trasmettitore. Avendo iPhone e MacBook Pro, non ho potuto provarle con aptX HD. Con iPhone va in AAC, col Mac va in aptX solo se forzato, altrimenti di default trasmette con il basilare SBC.
Per avere una buona qualit sonora, per ottenere il meglio da queste cuffie, bisogna collegarle con cavo ad un amplificatore. Anche se non si raggiunge il suono ampio e rotondo, profondo e spazioso delle Amiron Home, che sono cuffie aperte, a differenza delle Amiron Wireless che sono chiuse, rimane comunque una piacevole esperienza di ascolto.
Il microfono integrato l’ho provato con chiamate vocali ed andata abbastanza bene, anche se la qualit del parlato non eccellente come con altre cuffie (B&W PX o Sennheiser PXC 550).
Comfort buono, ma non ottimo, materiali morbidi. Cuffia un po’ grossa e pesante, ma non da fastidio anche per ascolti di diverse ore. Ruotando velocemente la testa rischiano di cadere proprio per le dimensioni generose. Anche se profondamente soggettivo, a me a livello estetico piacciono molto (ma io sono un amante delle Amiron Home). A livello di costruzione e materiali, sebbene siano molto simili, le Amiron Home hanno un aspetto, al tatto, pi solido, pi “premium”.
Infine, prezzo un po’ alto. Il prodotto sicuramente buono ma, a mio avviso, non merita tutti questi soldi. Per fortuna Amazon ha un servizio clienti eccellente, quindi le ho restituite dopo meno di due settimane di prova perch, alla fine, non ne sono soddisfatto. Direi che delle Bowers & Wilkins PX da meno di 400 non hanno nulla da invidiare a queste cuffie di ben altra fascia di prezzo.
Anche se sono tentato, non me la sento di dare 3 stelle. La quarta stella se la meritano perch, alla fine, sono un buon prodotto, di buona qualit. Ma avendo provato altri prodotti di buona qualit posso essere un po’ critico. Secondo me dovrebbero costare 200 di meno, in quel caso avresti messo 5 stelle senza esitazione.
Cuffie davvero morbide e comode perch completamente rivestite in alcantara. Leggere, grandissime, avvolgono le orecchie e quasi neanche lo tocca.
Wonderful clear sound. Full bodied too with a touch of warmth and a wide soundstage.
Very comfortable.
Non sono un esperto ma sicuramente mi piace ascoltare la musica. Queste cuffie offrono esattamente quello che ci si aspetta dal loro nome… sono indicate per l’ascolto a casa, sul divano, ove sembrer di assistere ad un concerto. Le ho acquistate nonostante una non incoraggiante recensione da parte di un altro utente, con la consapevolezza offerta da Amazon che avrei potuto cambiarle o restituirle qualora non fossero state di mio gradimento.Tuttavia, dopo averle acquistate, non ho alcuna intenzione di restituirle. Aspetto che arrivi sera per accomodarmi sul divano e farmi trasportare dalle note. Le uso sia con un onkyo a 9050, sia con un fiio x5 accoppiato all’ampli fiio a5. In entrambi i casi sono molto appaganti. Quanto ad Amazon, per quanto mi riguarda insuperabile.
The Amiron are my new Beyerdynamic favourite: I am actually listening them more than anything else since a month ago when I got them. They are that good! I use them with a Cyrus Soundkey, also highly recommended and a fantastic match, and a Burson Audio Conductor SL.
When compared to the Sennheiser 6XX line, you can’t fail to notice the extra clarity. The 660S in particular have that thick and fairly impactful sound which I thought to enjoy until I got the Amiron. I keep on comparing them but there is no contest for my ears, the Amiron are my favourite. The HD800 offer a different soundstage, wider in two dimensions but in terms of 3D I do not find the Amiron taking a step back: in fact, they take you closer to the music and I prefer that. I listen only Jazz and Flamenco guitar so acoustic music is my thing. For classical I have no clue, perhaps the HD800 remains king…
Overall I do not find them a very relaxed listen as some reviewers have described, and I say this with praise. For a night relaxing listening experience I would favour 90% of the time both the HD600 and 650. They are better at that. With that said, soundstage and clarity of the Amiron are much superior. One of the closest competitor is the Focal Elear: besides the handicap of being 2x as expensive in the UK, I find them really uncomfortable to wear, as way too heavy and also completel non-portable, even on a trip. Their excel at piano reproduction, in my view, but not much else although they cerainly are a very capable headphone. I have both and have compared extensively: I still prefer the Amiron in about all aspects but if piano is the focus of your listening you may want to give the Elear a listen first.
According to the spec sheet, the Amiron is 90 grams (about 3oz) heavier than the HD650, but it is not noticeable in use, and the clamping pressure is lighter on the Beyers. So the edge in comfort- traditionally a Sennheiser calling card- goes to the Beyers easily. Despite what is implied in Beyer’s marketing materials, don’t expect much plugging into your phone- it needs an amp, period.
The HD650 is discontinued so a more appropriate comparison would probably be to its replacement, the HD660S. Unfortunately I haven’t heard that headphone, but I have heard the 700 that it apparently borrows its driver elements from, as well as most of the big-name contenders around this price point, and the Amiron can hold its own against any of them, including the planars. I preferred it for both comfort and sound to the $400 more expensive Focal Elears. Beyer has a real winner here as far as I’m concerned.
El trmino “home” en el nombre no es por casualidad. Son bastante cmodos para estar utilizndolos durante horas en casa y con el sonido ocurre algo similar. Tienen unos agudos presentes pero no molestos.
Las almohadillas no son excesivamente acolchadas, por lo que no causan la sensacin de opresin de la mayora de cerrados ni de otros abiertos. Y el hecho de que sean bastante ligeros en cuanto al peso tampoco est de ms para la comodidad.
Adems la impedancia de 250 ohmios hace que necesiten algn amplificador o DAC normal, aunque por otro lado tampoco imponen las necesidades de otros competidores de 600 ohmios.
Como nico contra, mana personal, los habra preferido con la diadema forrada de cuero y algo ms de aluminio en otras zonas.
Glad I jumped off the Sennheiser bandwagon to try something differe
Couple of things I have ran into over my 8 months of use.
I had some creeking noise issues with the clamps when I would move my head etc. I found by loosening the screws the issue would go away. I pulled the screws out with a T6 torx and applied a little Loctite blue 242 thread locker to keep the screws from falling out since I have them in just snug enough to keep the squeaking from returning’.
The pads are very easy to take off. (I did this to try other pads) but they are not for the faint at heart for putting back in. I noticed after taking them off they had the small notch like on the 1990s which would indicated that you would insert the lip of the pads and work them around the cans, but this is not the case, the plastic lip is made of a very pliable plastic and I spent hours trying to thread the pads back on, turns out the the outer ring snaps off and it was pretty easy to get the pads back on this detached ring. Make note of the notches of the inner part of this ring and match it up to the cans and snap them back on.
good luck out there
Original review
Excellent buy. These ‘phones are not cheap but they could be the last headphones you’ll ever need to buy. I like all sorts of music and these play all equally well. I am still running them in but they are already superior to any I have tried so far. I find a closed-back design too claustrophobic and too boomy bass-wise, even with expensive models available now. I have had open ‘phones before and while they were good they were lacking in the bass department and in my case a bit too harsh. These are just right – not a forward bass but still punchy and deep. They are smooth and neutral but can handle tough complicated sections of music with ease.The highs are really really sweet – not harsh but still detailed and clear. Mids are detailed too. I am hearing little guitar tweaks and finger noises on metal strings I have not noticed before. I suppose that I could sum it up by saying I want to tap my feet when I ‘m listen now. I smile, even laugh out loud – music is completely engaging again. Lots of fun! My old ‘phones (still a good pair and from an utterly respectable manufacturer) will not be used again except if these break – I hope not! They look and feel well-built. I would have expected a spare cable though for this price – that is the most vulnerable part of the package.
i hope my review has helped those who had similar concerns to not worry about purchasing these headphones. great sound and hearing instruments that hadnt noticed before.
Ok.. So I’m not an audiophile, I also don’t know much of the audiophile lingo, (so apologies if this review sounds basic.) but I wanted a decent pair of headphones that will last me a long time. I listen to High-res music and enjoy gaming too, so presumed this would be a good fit. I picked these up for less than 300 during the warehouse sale, which was a fantastic price really. (can’t fault that). I also can not fault the build quality..too much. These are made in Germany and you can tell as they are made to last..just the materials seems a little cheap with a plastic/felt build to it.
Now I’m using a cheap amp (SMSL M3) so maybe that’s why I didn’t think these sounded too good, but the sound quality was just..adaquate. when these were listed on here for 503 you expect a high-quality sounding product, but they personally sounded no better than a 100-200 pair of headphones. The sound is clear and you can hear everything around you, it’s immersive. Bass is not boomy and is rounded nicely. highs are nice and the mids/lows are present and decent. it’s just missing..something, especially for the price, it’s at. I haven’t tried the DT1990 but it seems like that might be suited to me more personally. I’d suggest picking these up when they are cheaper.
I do my listening straight from a CD or from the FLAC quality streaming service on TIDAL and it goes through an Asus Xonar Phoebus sound card.
I have previously owned the DT 990 Pro and the T70 250ohm.
The build on these headphones are very comfortable and they disappear once you put them on.
The only thing that will remind you they are there are the cords.
The thing that I noticed right away when comparing these to my previous head phones is that I was able to get a really clear sound of the bass lines from songs.
I was impressed right away. This is what I was looking for.
I didn’t want a super strong punch to the bass that muddles the mids, but I wanted something that made the bass sound accurate.
The next thing I noticed is that live recordings sound a lot better when compared to my DT 990 and T70.
This is mainly because I feel like the Amiron Home has a better sound stage compared to my previous models.
I mainly noticed how good it was when listening to some live albums like Tool’s Salival or A Perfect Circle’s Mer De Noms Live.
I also tested these out on some more bass heavy tracks like Lindsey Stirling’s Crystallize and was happy to find the bass was very present and accurate, while I could hear the violin highs very clearly.
I would recommend these headphones for anyone looking for a set of high end plug and play headphones.
It doesn’t seem like you need much to drive these to sound good, as I’m basically playing directly from my sound card amp.
Great design and high quality. The longer cord then my previous headphones i needed, which is nice. After 5 minutes of wearing them I forget they’re on my head so they’re comfy. They’re a lot lighter then I expected, not heavy at all on my head. The split of the cord going to the left/right is a lot lower then my previous headphones which is better.
The sound is exactly what I was looking for. The bass is punchy and responds fast, it doesn’t over due it at all. It’s very clear, so clear that I can tell which tracks have faults in them or not. There’s definitely more bass then the hd650. I’d say it’s a tad more clear then the hd650 as well.
Very happy with these and I’m sure from the build quality they will last many years.