Bold Smart Lock – SX-33 Smart Cylinder Lock – Silve

Weight: | 540 g |
Dimensions: | 6.5 x 7 x 16.5 cm; 540 Grams |
Model: | 100039 |
Part: | 100039 |
Colour: | Metallic |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Bold Smart Lock |
Colour: | Metallic |
Dimensions: | 6.5 x 7 x 16.5 cm; 540 Grams |
Wir haben es zurck geschickt sa wir uns was anderes darunter vorstellen habe
The locks and ap working as it should but the geofencing is very hot and miss sometimes taking 30 minutes to work so you need to get your phone out and unlock with the ap other times it works when your 100 meters away and times out before you get chance to unlock the door
Shame as that’s the main reason I bought i
habe das schloss angeschafft, weil das schlsselloch meines bros mutwillig mit dreck befllt wurde. installation war easy, das unternehmen bold hat auch alle anleitungen parat. das schloss ist nun komplett safe gegen vandalismus. bin sehr zufrieden. mit der extra erhltlichen wlan brcke ideal fr rume, die man von distanz aus ffnen mchte. lager, airbnb, tolle sache und optisch komplett unauffllig. mir gefllt alles daran.
leicht einzubauen und zu installieren. Funktioniert super.
Einziger Kritikpunkt: beim aktualisieren der App muss man sich danach einmal neu anmelde
Only had this for a week and it’s brilliant. It’s a bonus that you can set a pin to unlock the door without having to use your phone.
Concept is really simple, and as long as you’ve got the dimensions right for your lock, it literally takes minutes to install.
Really impressed so far. For the pin unlock, you just twirl the outside door knob to align with your 5 number pin. 2 turns represents the number 2 etc.
Well worth it.
The beta feature which senses your arrival is great. Its only downside is that you have to first get some distance away for it to register your return and so release the lock. So remember your phone when you go to empty the bins!
Es ist einfach zum Internieren, allerdings die Stabilisierungs-Schraube nicht mit Akkuschrauber zur drehen. Kopf ist ab, Handarbeit ist angesagt, werde wohl neu kaufen mssen.
Comoda soluzione per gestire una serratura da smartphone. Pecca che per gestire da remoto bisogna acquistare un secondo dispositivo dedicato.
The best product and not complicated..beautiful .. working fine especially with the hot weather like me
Trs simple installer. Trs apprci pour ma location distance…
Produit de qualit. Rien dire 🙂
Great lock! The proximity feature is poor…. its only worked once since I’ve had it, and disabling notifications doesn’t seem to stop notifications when re-entering the 200 meter radius to your front door, and you get notifications about “activate the lock now?” despite the door not even being locked as other people are already home. So it has minor “quirks”, but overall I’m very impressed by it! I can give permission to anyone, and even state whether its permanent or temporary access. It’s only the cylinder section so has no ability to auto lock the door for you, but that’s fine for me. The Bold Connect optional add-on does allow for remote unlocking though!
It was the only smart lock with SKG*** security rating (the highest possible) that I could find. This high rating is “lost” if you enable the cylinder pin entry feature (should you leave your phone at home, you could use the cylinder like a safe combination) but you’re advised not to enable that for the extra protection/security.
Installation was a doodle, but measuring or getting the right one was a little tricky. I first got the SX33 which just about fitted but was far too tight. I sent that back and got the SX45 and that’s brilliant! Doesn’t stick out too much, and freely turns with ease.
I’ve contacted Bold customer support 3 times now with various questions, and they get back within a couple of days and all the answers are satisfactory and given me more confidence at the high security of this lock!
einfache installation, app ist total easy, unter den vielen die ich schon getestet habe ist das das beste.
I bought this lock for my mum who suffered a stroke and it changed our lives! Me and my siblings have access to her property 24/7 and combined with the Bold connect hub, Ring Video Door bell and Alexa my mum can open the door to anyone by pressing the big button on the connect! Please note the connect hub is primary used for the homeowner to have access to the lock from anywhere around the world!
Funktioniert nach anfnglichen Schwierigkeiten ganz gut.
Kommt aber vor, dass man den Finger zur besseren Erkennung leicht anfeuchten muss.
Unter einen “Smart Lock” stelle ich mir etwas vor, das per App dann auch gleich aufsperrt, das wrde aber wohl die Akkuleistung/Akkulanglebigkeit berfordern.
Nun denn, das Schloss lsst sich per App aktivieren, womit dann fr eine gewnschte Zeit das Auf-/Zusperren mglich ist.
Dann soll man noch ein Passwort eingeben knnen, wo ich aber nicht ganz schlssig bin, wie man das dann ber den Knauf realisieren soll – lass ich mal lieber.
Im Grunde bin ich mit dem Produkt ganz zufrieden. Das Handy hat man aber damit besser immer dabei – was aber kein Unterschied ist, vorher war es der Schlssel.
Tolles Produkt mit kinderleichter Montage. Auch der Service war sehr ansprechend.
Bitte bei der Installation wirklich die einzelnen Schritte beachten, dann funktioniert es auch. Bei uns war nicht das Produkt schlecht sondern einer unserer Bediener.
This was very easy to install, no different to any other euro lock cylinder. Software was easy to setup on both IOS and Android devices.
We’ve had it a few months now and it seems to work very reliably. Looks OK, just a bit bulky, indoors. The outdoor side is unobtrusive.
wenn das Setup – also die App nicht tricky-wre – also die Registrierung mit der Handynummer hat einen Bug und erlaubt die Eingabe nicht so wie erwartet – ein kleine Hrde, aber sonst gut durchdacht und einfach. Das Beta-Programm zum Aufsperren bei Ankunft mit Handy in der Tasche/Jacke ist zurecht noch BETA – aber hat gute Anstze. Eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
Serrure de bonne facture qui se programme facilement. Aucun souci pour le moment.
I use without the added WiFi hub and it (mostly) auto-unlocks perfectly.
Sometimes you have to manually unlock it using your phone but it is still extremely quick so doesn’t bother me.
Installation was a breeze, it comes with three small plate adapters to match the exact depth of your handle plate.
The app is reliable, I hope they release one for the Apple Watch also.
The combination function works well also, I showed a family member just once and they were able to operate it first time.
Overall I am really impressed with the streamlined and simple design. No more keys!!
I did a lot of research before buying Bold. My door sometimes requires an adjustment to be locked, so the motorized smart lock is not for me. The long battery life is another consideration.
Bold is very easy to install; both the lock and the app. It works perfectly as expected. I don’t have to carry the key anymore.
Love this lock!
Really good product! Makes life much easier not having to worry about losing keys anymore.
Easy to install, simple to use.
Easy to fit to a composite door, just remove one screw to remove the old euro cylinder and replace with this one. Worked well with easy set up. Better than the powered digital locks and Recomended.
Beautiful, robust smart lock that does the job very well. Installation easy and with very intuitive and easy to use app. Battery life 2 years, which I haven’t found with the competitor. Using the Bold 2 weeks and very happy so far!
You have to measure your door’s existing euro profile cylinder. You need 2 measurements: from the middle of the cylinder to the inside and outside edges. Removing your existing cylinder is easy enough to do, usually by undoing a screw or two, then give the cylinder a wiggle until it pops out. Then select the appropriate Bold smart lock to fit.
Best thing about this lock is you don’t need keys. You use your phone’s Bluetooth. And for those of us with dodgy WiFi at home (mine keeps dropping every now and then), it doesn’t need a WiFi connection to operate. If you lose your phone or the battery dies, you can use the rotational back-up PIN system as long as you’ve set it up on the free Bold app. Simply turn the smaller (outer) knob x number of times left and right to match your PIN number.