Chicreat 80514 Garden Bench, Silver Grey, Aluminium, 135 x 40 x 45 cm

Dimensions: 40 x 135 x 45 cm; 9.36 Kilograms
Model: 80514
Manufacture: Huitong

26 Responses

  1. HarryMaccallum says:

     United Kingdom

    Ordered six of these benches unfortuanately 3 of the benches did not survive the transit and the bench part was broken on delivery and had to be returned.
    These are lovely looking, neat & sturdy benches when put together but the company need to wrap the bench part up with more bubble wrap to protect during transport to avoid dissapointment.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought two of these benches and have been very pleased with them. They are very good quality and were easy to put together. They look great too.

  3. AnnmariGravatt says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good produc

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The paper instructions for the assembly were quite confusing,in fact one part was completely wrong, but the video on u tube was very comprehensive. The bench was a bit tricky to assemble but I managed it and I am very happy with result and it looks great on my patio!!
    Also it arrived the day after I ordered it which was another bonus

  5. JaxonHardaway says:

     United Kingdom

    This is exactly what it says it is. Looks good and works well. Excellent value for money.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to assemble looks good and matches my gray shed!

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great bench. Very smart. Good value for money. It’s handy having a second pair of hands to help line up the screws and holes but otherwise pretty easy to assemble.

    Great bench.

  8. BoyceKnott says:

     United Kingdom

    Reading some reviews, it appears that some had assembly problems. I didn’t have any problems at all. All the holes lined up exactly & provided all bolts are in place before final tightening then all should be fine.
    The seats are very sturdy & stable in use (when the weather permits!), and appear to be quite weather resistant, but only time will tell properly on that.
    They look very good in the garden but could equally be useful indoors as additional seating at a table or anything else.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived damaged corner of on e of the seat slats was snapped off, glued it back on as didn’t want the fuss of the return. Overall pleased with product looks good, easy to put together.

  10. Alice Saville says:


    Einfach und schnell montiert, ausreichend stabil und optisch voll in Ordnung

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ce banc correspond bien la description et ce que je cherchais j’espre qu’il sera assez rsistant car il passera l’anne l’extrieur son design est sympa il est facile transporter tout la fois leger et rsistant voir dans le temps..

  12. celestina says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Sehr stabil verarbeitet. Konnte sehr schnell und einfach aufgebaut werde

  13. Anonymous says:


    Die Bank lie sich ganz leicht zusammenbauen. Sie ist leicht und uest stabil. Sie sieht gut aus und kann im Garten, berall wo sie gerade gebraucht wird, mitgeschleppt werden.

  14. RobtBranham says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Sie sehr stabil und sehr sauer gemacht ich bin sehr zufriede

  15. ClaudioStroud says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Me gusta mucho buscaba un banco para la terraza para estar tranquilo despus de trabajar y este es perfecto y es bastante resistente yo peso 85 kilos y mi mujer 65 y sin problema ok para el banco

  16. BessieDhlov says:


    Der Zusammenbau war im Prinzip relativ einfach. Leider waren 2 Bohrlcher nicht ganz przise, so dass das beim Aufbau rgerlich war. Glcklicherweise befinden sich die Schrauben auf der Unterseite und sind somit nicht sichtbar. Das Produkt ist trotzdem wirklich schn und von guter Qualitt. Preis/Leistung passt ebenfalls, sowie schnelle Lieferung.

  17. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto di ottima fattura, montaggio semplice e rapido e come al solito consegna top e super veloce.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Tolle Bank, hlt was sie verspricht. Schnell und unkompliziert montiert steht sie bei uns im Duschvorraum. Preis, Leistung ist absolut ok.

  19. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Einfach aufzubauen. Fr den Preis vllig in Ordnung, mal sehen, wie lange sie hlt 😉

  20. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe zwei fr den Garten genommen und bin erstmal von der schnellen Lieferung begeistert und von der leichten Montage! Zur Qualitt kann ich noch nicht viel sagen. Sehen aber gut aus und Preis Leistung stimmt…
    Leider viel zu viel Plastik…knnte man auch anders verpacken!

  21. Anonymous says:


    Esteticamente come in foto.
    Il montaggio relativamente facile. Alcuni fori non si prendono con le apposite boccole di invito. Con le viti, essendo pi piccole, non ci sono problemi di centratura.
    Ho cambiato le viti da testa a brugola a testa esagonale. Ci permette di chiuderle meglio e pi rapidamente anche negli angoli superiori dove, la chiave a brugola non si riesce ad usare.
    Tutto sommato buon prodotto….da verificare, come nel titolo, con il tempo.

  22. John Patrick Pullen says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought these for a holiday house to leave them out all summer – perfect and very food value.

  23. michael edelman says:


    Bank ist super verpackt angekommen, war einfach zusammen zu bauen , steht super fest , wrde sie wieder kaufe

  24. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSenza dubbio una buona panchina in alluminio da esterni questa di Chicreat, molto solida e stabile da montata risulta gradevole anche nel design. Arriva in 5 pezzi da montare con 16 viti. Il montaggio semplice ma lungo, noioso e frustrante, soprattutto se eseguito con la chiave in dotazione! Raccomando di serrare per bene prima le viti della struttura e poi posizionare la seduta in quanto dopo saranno irraggiungibili. I fori per le viti di struttura e seduta combaciano abbastanza bene. Comodi i tappi in plastica a protezione delle viti. Posizionata in terrazza ha gi subito le prime intemperie e sembra sopportarle bene, vedremo nel lungo periodo.
    Un prodotto sicuramente valido e ben fatto, design moderno e gradevole, rapporto qualit/prezzo migliorabile ma giustificato dalla bont della fattura. Consigliata!

    Solida e gradevole, montaggio frustrante!

  25. KandisBiaggini says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersChicreat, banc de jardin en aluminium, un petit banc sympa, en aluminium et bois composite. Le montage est trs simple, la visserie est fournie ainsi que la cl (6 pans). Il y a aussi des capuchons gris pour les vis une fois le montage termin. Parlons du montage, dans le sachet il y a des petites vis et des grandes vis. Les petites vis servent monter la structure et les grandes vis servent monter le plateau sur la structure. Sur chaque vis, on mettra une rondelle (fournie). Il faudra bien veiller ne pas serrer trop fort les vis car les crous qu’il y a dans la structure ne sont pas souds, ce sont des inserts sertis dans un matriau tendre. Sur la notice de montage, il y a une erreur, le plateau ne se met pas par en dessous mais par dessus la structure. Je n’ai pas rencontr de problme particulier lors du montage, c’est trs simple. Je remarque un petit dfaut d’alignement du plateau sur la structure, c’est pas grand chose mais a mrite d’tre dit, voir photos. Sinon dans l’ensemble, c’est pas mal 😉

    Petit banc sympa !

  26. ArleneUMLM says:


    Kam flott, ist praktisch und wetterfest.
    Genau, wie man es wollte