Comfier Full Body Massage Mat, Shiatsu Back Massager with Heat & 10 Motors Vibrating Massage Mattress, Shiatsu Massage Pad for Bed,Massager for Neck and Back,Thighs,Legs

Comfier Shitasu Massage Mats for Full Body
A Shitaus Massage Mat for back and 10 Vibrating Motors Massage Mat with heat help improve circulation / energy levels / stress / anxiety / neck and shoulder tense and fatigue / sleep quality.
The massage mattress with heat has 4 rotation nodes to provide shiatsu massage for full back 3 massage zones – upper, lower or full back for options. There are 3 programmed modes and 3 variable intensity options.
You donât have to go out of your way to book an appointment for Professional MassageTherapists â all you have to do is sit or lay on your massage pad.
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Shiatsu Back Masager– 4 rotation nodes to provide shiatsu massage – 3 massage zones – upper, lower or full back for options | 10 Vibrating Motors Massage Mat-10 Invigorating Massage nodes – massage area: from head,neck,shoulder,back to legs – 3 programmed massage modes – 3 variable massage intensities | Soothing Heat FunctionThe heat on shiatsu balls provides a warm & gentle massage to further relieve tight muscles and promote blood circulation. |
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FlapFlap for back allows to choose a softer or more intense massage. | Foldable&PortableThis massage mat can be folded easily and conveniently stored for transport in the Storage bag.You can take this massage mattress wherever or whenever you want. | Convenient Remote ControlEasy to use corded hand controller allows you to customize your massage experience well. |
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In the bedEnjoy a excellent shiatsu massage to relieve stress, tension, muscle tense and fatigue & improve sleep quality. | On the floorLaying on your massage mattress to get a relaxed massage while spending time on the phone or reading the book. | On the sofaEnjoy comfortable massage anytime at your home while youâre lying down on sofa to melt away. You will notice the effect of this massage mat shiatsu from the first use. |

Brand: | COMFIER |
Origin: | United Kingdom |
I’ve been using the Homedics Shiatsu Massage in a Bag mat for years(same design as this not the thin one available now)and it’s getting a bit tired so I was looking for a replacement as it is discontinued otherwise I would have bought another one. The Shiatsu section on this one is pretty good but when the programme ends it stops in the middle instead of travelling to the top of the spine. Heat at good temperature. Overall design the same as the original Homedics. Once switched on goes directly to full setting and the vibration sound is awful, loud, too loud and definitely not relaxing unless you love vibration and loudness you would need to use ear plugs to listen to music to block the noise, not a good feeling on the body in my opinion and definitely not relaxing! I will use the heat and shiatsu ONLY! For the vibration programme this mat loses 1 star.
It is a nice bed massage overall. Good for relaxation but not for strong massage. The noise from the roller is very loud though.
Bought for my elderly dad who suffers with bad hip and leg pains. He reports that the pain is greatly eased when used regularly. The heat helps a lot to relax the muscles. Just note that all these devices raise blood pressure so people with high blood pressure issues must follow the guidance given and limit use to 15/20 minutes at a time. There is a timer which switches massage off after this limit just don’t be tempted to set again straight away .
I just love this i have long standing back problems this is no cure but certainly gives some short term comfort and relief
This massager mattress is impressive, we love particularly the demo function that helps you to relax your back. The rolling function can stretch the top of your back as well. Last but not least, it is delivered with a bag that is very useful for transporting it. Really good value for money.
I suffer quite a lot from back pain so decided I would give this a try.
It comes in a handy carry bag that keeps it safe and makes it easy to store away when not in use.
It unfolds easily and lays nice and flat in the floor ready for use. It’s a good size for mend I seem to fit perfectly in it.
The control unit is attached to the side and gives you plenty of options to get the right massage for you.
I find it extremely useful matter a hard days work, it is so good at easing my lower back pain and leg discomfort. There are different levels of intensity so you can assured you’re going to get the right level for you.
It’s not too noisy which is great meaning it won’t disturb anyone else while your using it.
Quality wise I’m going to say it’s excellent. I’ve used it every day since getting it and it’s showing no signs of use and everything works as it should.
So I have decided to rate this massage mat 5 stars, simply because it’s excellent and is helping me manage my back pain massively. Absolutely worth every penny in my opinion.
Love the roller moving up and down the back, it rotate and massage deep muscle to help relax after exercise. It fold up to save space and comes with a carrying case to keep it dust free when stored away.
Just plug in the 3 pin plug in your main socket and you can choose the type of massage you need with the remote on the side. Option to have heated roller which is great in winter months when my outbuilding is so cold. The main rotating massager moves up and down to massage different part of the back, there is an option to do “spot”, just choose the up and down button to move the massager to where it is needed.
It also have vibration built in, I feel that only at the highest level it makes a difference to the lower body, it does get rather noisy with the motor which I usually switch it off if I only needed a back massage.
The roller head does work well even with my 93kg body weight on it, there is no slip in gear or reductant to move. I wish the roller moves beyond the hip and down to the legs but this mat is limited to back only. It comes with a mat to soften the blow if you are sensitive to massage, I will always use the mat when I am done exercise as the felt material on the machine is not easily washable.
Hi, I have a problem, I bought a massage bed 2 months ago and now it does not work for me and I cannot contact you what should I do thank you
It’s very well built and is very relaxing to use.
I put it in demo mode first which is an awesome way to test drive the bed. It is so relaxing and comfy and real high quality.
The only issue is getting my boyfriend off it when it’s my turn! Highly recommend and great customer service
The customer service is also very good and I received the product in great condition and with very fast delivery.
But shisutu only have 1 speed
Overall satisfied.
As an athlete l am always looking for ways to soothe the stresses on my body and this most definatley does the job!
When you purchase it l really suggest playing around with the many options this massage has to offer. I just love it!!!
I start my session on low, and work up to the highest point on the roller system and it is now my end of the day treat. A bye product seems to be that I sleep better which is always good.
All around made PU leather material which easy to clean, just possible to wipe off with wet tissue and it’s clean.
It has rotating back massager and vibration massager all around the back, covering legs arms and neck.
It also has heating option which soothe the back pain faster.
Ideal to lay on it after long working hours, great relaxing massager.
Size around 200 x 60 cm wide.
It came with nice remote control which has a lot of options how it works, many options to choose.
Have a look to my pictures to see real size, hope it will help to decide if it’s suitable for personal needs or not.
Short story, just buy it, its an amazing value for money and pain relief machine!
And it doesn’t reach ur neck, it goes as far as shoulder blades on me.
Of course on the first day it arrived I used it loads lol and ended up with a tender back so that’s when the extra padding that it comes with came in handy so I could continue being beautifully massaged for the rest of the day. So 9/10 cos I gotta go buy me a neck & shoulder massager now ;~)
Ps it’s lovely & quiet except if you use the vibration then it’s noisy
Es eine sehr gute hochwertige Matte kann ich sie empfehlen schade das man extra Adapter fr Steckdose erst bestellen muss ansonsten top produk
Also verehrte Amazon Kunden, wenn ihr eine Vernnftige Massagematte bentigt, schlagt zu, das Teil ist es echt werd!
Livraison : le dlai annonc est respect, livraison en main propre parfaite
Emballage : le tapis est bien protg dans le carton du fabricant, attention l’ouverture ne pas mettre un coup de cutter dans le tapis lui-mme.
Au dballage: Un livret explicatif en franais est fourni avec le tapis. Bien que trs simple utiliser, il vous permettra d’en dcouvrir son fonctionnement dans les moindres dtails. Installez le tapis au sol ou sur un lit/canap, placer vous dessus et lancer le mode dmo pour profiter immdiatement de votre 1er massage… Le tapis est en simili cuir et tissus, l’ensemble semble de bonne qualit. Il vous faut disposer d’une prise de courant bien entendu. La tlcommande filaire se range dans un emplacement ddi quand on n’utilise plus le tapis. La housse de rangement est de bonne taille, permettant de ranger le tapis sans avoir forcer. L’oreiller et le surtapis gris sont dtachable, on peut les mettre ou pas (ou mettre son propre oreiller). Le surtapis permet de moduler la force du massage selon nos prfrences.
Utilisation :
– Le tapis se dplie (en 2) en une fraction de secondes, et se pose sur un lit, sur un canap ou au sol. Une fois connect une prise courant, il est utilisable. Le tapis lui-mme comporte 2 poignes, permettant de la transport hors de sa housse sans problme.
– Le mode dmo est trs agrable. On peut aisment personnaliser le massage que l’on veut grce la tlcommande.
– On peut dire qu’il y a 2 types de massages avec ce tapis.
>> D’une part le massage par vibrations. Plusieurs moteurs de vibrations sont disposs sur le tapis, peut choisir parmi 3 niveaux de vibration. Cela permet de dtendre tout le corps, c’est extrmement agrable. Aprs une sance de 15 ou 30 minutes avec les vibrations, on ressent rellement leurs bienfaits.
>> D’autre part le massage mcanique, uniquement localiser dans le dos. Il y a 2 modes, le 1er ressemble une masseur qui viendrait vous masser le dos avec ses doigts, le 2nd c’est comme si on vous massait avec une roue proche de la colonne vertbrale. Ces 2 modes sont diffrents, mais tout autant agrables l’un que l’autre. On peut affiner ces modes avec un massage de tout le dos, ou que le haut du dos, ou que le bas. On peut aussi bloquer le massage sur une zone spcifique. Je ne pensait pas qu’une telle machine pourrait raliser rellement ces massages avec une force suffisante et pourtant c’est bien le cas !!
Je recommande ce produit car il ralise rellement des massages, certes ce n’est pas totalement comparable au massage chez un masseur, mais aprs une sance quotidienne, en quelques jours vos douleurs de dos vont se dissiper, et vous allez vous sentir bien dtendus. Bonheur assur.
En circunstancias normales, hubiramos ido a un masajista para aliviar dolores lumbares y de citica, pero en las actuales mejor no tomar riesgos, pero aun as haba que tomar alguna decisin y despus de probar soluciones mas sencillas y que funcionaron de manera correcta pero no definitiva, nos decidimos a probar una solucin de mas potencia con la esperanza de aliviar esos dolores. Al cabo de unas semanas de uso continuo, la mejora es notoria, aunque, sobre todo las primeras veces el masaje central tipo shiatsu te deja bastante molido 🙂
Esto es lo mejor
1 Comparada con los productos pensados para colocar en una silla, esta esterilla mejora de manera radical la eficacia de los diferentes elementos de masaje porque te tumbas cmodamente y evitas las malas posturas inherentes a estar sentado, ya que tendras que estar perfectamente recto y eso, al cabo de unos minutos se complica. Al estar tumbado, primero ests mas relajado y segundo, evitas cambiar de postura.
2 Incorpora 3 tipos diferentes de “masaje”. Uno, en el centro de la esterilla, esta compuesto por lo que parecen unas bolas que van girando y subiendo arriba a abajo alineadas con la columna. Son bastante perceptibles y no son nada suaves, asi que mejor ir probando intensidades, empezando por las ms suave, porque la fuerte te da un buen meneo 🙂 El segundo tipo esta situado en toda la esterilla, y son unos motores que vibran para estimular la circulacin y relajar. En este caso, hemos ido directos a la mxima intensidad y es realmente relajante y agradable. Y la tercera forma es la aplicacin de calor en la zona central de la esterilla. De nuevo, vale la pena ir probando intensidades porque se puede llegar a poner realmente templado. En caso de que incluso las intensidades mas suaves puedan ser molestas por las caractersticas de la persona, se aade una esterilla superior de quita y pon que hara las veces de moderadora de la intensidad.
3 El control remoto (con cable) se guarda cmodamente en una especie de funda a la derecha, y puedes acceder a el sin problemas para cambiar todos los valores de masaje de una forma muy sencilla sin tener que levantarte. Hubiera sido ideal, quizas en el futuro, que se incluyese una App que permitiera definir rutinas mas complejas, pero, tal y como est diseado el mando, es realmente facil ir cambiando y adaptando la intensidad y la zona de masaje.
Esto es lo bueno
1 Es plegable, pero no es pequea. Repito, no es pequea. Cabe debajo de la mayora de las camas, incluso plegada sobre si misma. En el caso de que no quepa, siempre se puede guardar desplegada, sobre todo para quien la use de manera intensiva. La funda de transporte es como una maleta grande, porque la esterilla se pliega solo por la mitad y de forma asimtrica, con lo que aun plegada sigue abultando.
2 Es mejor usarla en el suelo. Aunque hay fotos en que se muestra como usada en un sof, nosotros hemos probado y no es lo ideal, porque el sof no es rgido y por tanto es fcil que se generen dobleces en el centro, y te hundas, cuando lo idea es mantener el cuerpo totalmente rgido. Por tanto, al ser larga no cabe en todos los sofs, en el nuestro iba superjusta y adems generaba una tendencia a que el cuerpo se fuera hacia el respaldo. Por tanto, mejor en el suelo. Se mantiene en su posicin ideal, adems es cmoda porque es gruesa y densa.
Esto es lo mejorable
1 Insisto en que es voluminoso. Si buscas una esterilla de masaje pequea, no es la tuya. Si buscas una eficaz, no te lo pienses mas.
2 Y como se ha mencionado antes, una app hubiera sido un toque genial.
Esto es lo malo
1 Nada a menciona
sehr zufrieden waren, dachten wir uns, das das ganze im Liegen ja noch entspannter sein knnte.Kurzum, Infos gesammelt und, auch ob der positiven Bewertungen/Beschreibungen, diese Massagematte bestellt.
Lieferung wie immer flott,obwohl wir zuerst einen Schreck bekamen, was fr ein groes Monster uns da verpackt
geliefert wurde(es lag aber nur daran, dass die Lieferung der Matte im ausgestrecktem Zustand erfolgte).
Wie schon in anderen Rezensionen beschrieben, lt sich die Matte aber einfach zusammen klappen und mit
dem mitgelieferten Etui gut verstauen.
Ansonsten ist die Matte gut verarbeitet und macht den Eindruck, dass man einige Zeit Spa mit ihr haben kann.
Sie ist sehr schnell aufgebaut und,obwohl ihr eine bersichtliche Bedienungsanleitung beiliegt, eigentlich selbst-
Als erstes wurde natrlich der Demo-Modus ausprobiert, in dem man smtliche Mglichkeiten der Matte antesten kann. Alles in allem war es letztendlich genau das, was wir wollten, ganz entspannt im Liegen eine herrlich entspannende Massage genieen, besonders das auch die Lendenwirbel durchgeknetet werden, hat uns gut
Von uns also klare Kaufempfehlung .
Negatives are:
It says memory foam but had a big dip after few uses. For an average sized adult usage, it was not that I expected at all.
The pillow is small and does not fit well, had to use thin pillow for head support therefore decreases its neck massage functionality.
Calf and thigh massage could barely be felt, as my husband get calf muscle pain in particular, this function was of my main concern.
The wires leaves dangling around when not in use as only controller has the storage sleeve at the side. Hence when it needs to be fold away, wires need to be kept with care.
The packaging is not good at all!!
It came lying in the carry bag with no Styrofoam to protect around it. Unknowingly, with these minor yet important details, we opened with the stanely knife and accidentally cut through the bag. Upon consulting the customer service, although they initially dismissed my concern, however, their later responses have been considerate.
Indeed Positives are: comfortable, pain relieves, and good massaging functions for the upper body. The heat function is very good all in all, it does help in rejuvenating your strength as it is a nice product but can be improved.
(Deducted 1 star because of a little bit of damage on the pillow, due to the plug pressing against it while sitting in package/storage. This is not a reflection on the bed itself)
This one comes in a large enough folded up briefcase type setup that unfurls into a full length mattress (i’m 6ft and it still works for the whole of my back with my feet off the end). Once unrolled you plug it into the mains in order to get power, but it also comes with a remote control on a cable so you don’t have to bend over to adjust anything.
It has a few settings but i myself am quite partial to the Shiatsu setting as this seems to give me more relief than others on my back, however after that i follow it up with the other massage points including hip and head massages which are really relaxing.
Although i doubt very much that it would cure anything it does exactly what i expected which is easing the general day to day pain i get from my bad back. I leave it on a medium intensity too as the higher one is a little bit much for me, but i’m sure it would suit people who want a more intense massage.
If you’re looking for a way to get a massage at home without the messing of finding someone then this is the only way forward.