Cooler Master MH752 Gaming Headset with Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound – PC/Console Compatible with 40mm Neodymium Audio Drivers, Crystal Clear Boom Mic and Lightweight Frame – USB/3.5mm Standard Jack

Weight: | 1 kg |
Size: | one |
Dimensions: | 29 x 26 x 11 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Model: | MH-752 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Size: | one |
good sound however i struggled with the volume controller changing the volume i have to unplug and replug in the whole time on my ps4 pro however is overall good with 7.1 surround for gaming 7.1 surround is not good with music
very good quality headset and very comfortable but the mic is a little bit on the low quality but other then that its a very good headse
-Ottima Qualit audio
-Microfono eccellente
-Microfono e cavo staccabili
-Padiglioni non sostituibili
-Software praticamente inutile
detailed sound, a great microphone and usb dac, more comfortable then any other headphone i have tried
Sono delle takstar pro 82 ribrandizzate cooler master con l’aggiunta di un microfono e un piccolo controller/mixer. Uno dei pochi headset da “gaming” che mi sento di consigliare semplicemente perch in realt sono delle cuffie da studio mascherate. Ottimo il design privo di loghi rgb o tamarrate da gamer, utilizzabili tranquillamente anche in altri contesti oltre a quello videoludico. Peccato solo per i materiali plastici utilizzati che mi lasciano pi di un dubbio in fatto di durabilit (solo l’archetto in alluminio), sembrano infatti estremamente fragili. Ear pads di ricambio purtoppo non presenti.
Prezzo attualmente un po’ gonfiato (intorno ai 100 euro), quello giusto dovrebbe essere 70-80
Great headset. Mic is crystal clear, mute and volume controls are great. Very comfortable for long periods of time. Audio quality also great.
Keep in mind that there is quite a lot of noise cancellation (passive) so things like the doorbell or noises are pretty much completely blocked out. Also, the surround sound is basically a gimmick from my experience. Useless is FPS games and kind of muffles music and videos.
Qualit del suono:
non ho provato molte cuffie (ho avuto le g430, cuffie di tutto rispetto per il prezzo, ed ho provato le gPro per qualche giorno), per devo dire che queste sono stata una scelta molto sensata. Sono bilanciate, con degli alti leggermente troppo presenti e metallici, nulla che non si possa modificare con l’equalizzatore, e dei bassi presenti, ma non esagerati.
Le ho provate in numerosi giochi, sebbene a livello di fps competitivo preferisco quelle delle gPro, i dettagli sono estremamente chiari, per tutto il resto tutta la vita quelle delle MH752. Il suono proprio diverso, oggettivamente migliore. Anche se non sono pensate per ascoltare musica, non sono per nulla male sotto questo punto di vista. Non aspettatevi troppo per.
Il dongle esterno migliora l’audio,anche se devo dire che ho una soundcard non eccezionale. Con un pc decente non dovrebbe esserci una differenza sostanziale a livello sonoro.
Comodit (top) ed Estetica:
il peso perfetto, sono molto leggere, e la compressione quasi inesistente. Dopo i primi giorni di utilizzo come non averle in testa.
Sono molto gradevoli alla vista e generiche, cosa molto utile in contesti di videolezioni.
sembrano buoni, principalmente plastica rigida di apparente buona qualit e metallo per la fascia che appoggia sulla testa. Il materiale dei padiglioni morbido e non scalda troppo, anche se per saperlo dovr aspettare l’estate. Non mi danno la stessa sensazione di sicurezza costruttiva delle gPro, per queste ultime pesano molto di pi e la compressione maggiore. O almeno quello il feeling.
Dongle esterno:
funge praticamente da amplificatore, permettendo di poter alzare il volume senza distorcere il suono.
Non l’ho mai usato per il surround. L’ho provato, ma il suono personalmente mi sembra peggiore.
Tuttavia molto consigliato se giocate su ps4, l’audio in uscita dal controller pessimo, con il dongle usb il suono simile a quello su pc . L’equalizzazione pi semplice usando il dongle, lo si fa attraverso il software.
lo uso spesso il microfono, e sentendomi con il test di Discord mi sembrato di tutto rispetto, nessun problema nel suo utilizzo con i vari software che uso. Simile a quello delle gPro, solo che quest’ultimo riduce pi spesso i suoni ambientali. Forse l’unico nota il volume in uscita del microfono, per poter farsi sentire normalmente bisogna alzare tutti i volumi di sistema+app al massimo. Mi era successo anche con le g430, quindi forse un problema mio.
Il microfono rimovibile, scelta estremamente gradita, visto che piuttosto ingombrante.
Conclusioni (TLDR):
consigliate se, come me, volete cuffie utilizzabili in tutti i contesti, con prestazioni di tutto rispetto, oppure se la comodit la vostra priorit. Prendete le MH752 se vorreste usarle con una ps4 o con pc che ha una soundcard no al top, altrimenti prendete le MH751. Il microfono ottimo, anche se bisogna portare al massimo il volume, cos come il feeling dei materiali.
Per casi specifici (fps competitivo), sebbene non siano male, meglio altro ripiegare su altro.
L’unica cosa che mi manca da testare la longevit, nel caso aggiorner la recensione.
Das Headset ist echt top, wie das schon die vorherigen Bewertungen behaupten. Allerdings hat das Headset aufgrund des billigen Preises einen begrenzten Lebensdauer. Bei mir nach ca. 26 Monaten gelegntliche Benutzung ist ebenfalls der rechte Ohrmuschel abgebrochen (der Plasticksocket wo die Schraube eingeschraubt wird ist abgebrochen). Wie andere das schon geschrieben haben, knnte man das reparieren, ist es aber einfach bei dem Preis nicht wert. Beim nchsten Kopfhrer wird es nicht gespart.
Fantastic headset.
The only problem is that Xbox Series X doesn’t support audio via USB so you won’t be able to control the volume of the game/voice chat since the adapter is on the USB end and also won’t be able to use the surround sound.
However, that can be fixed by buying an external volume adapter to connect to your controller.
Despus de probar varios auriculares entre ellos los hyperx cloud flight me quedo con los mh752. Es verdad que los flight los noto ms cerrado que los mh752 pero los graves que tiene el flight los noto algo exagerados para m. Para el tema de posicionamiento no es algo muy a favor. Esta bien que tengan un poco de graves pero no tan exagerado. Los mh752 cumplen con un buen grado de graves lo que permite escuchar bien el posicionamiento de los enemigos. Adems lo bueno de estos cascos es que tienen su propio software para equalizarlos y aadirles ms o menos graves o cualquier otro ajuste que se le quiera hacer. El tema del 7.1 para escuchar msica es una basurilla ya que digamos que es simplemente ECO. En juegos como warzone s que se nota el sonido ms espacial y si se podra hacer uso del 7.1 en el, an que yo siempre juego con el 7.1 desactivado.
Los cascos son bastante cmodos aun que es verdad que los flight los notaba ms cmodos que estos, el tema de que los flight fueran inalmbricos tambin jugaban un buen papel en la comodidad.
Si lo que quieres son unos cascos duraderos con una calidad de sonido buena, con micrfono de los mejorcito, cmodos y que no te dejen tirado por la batera… Los mh752 son tus cascos. No llevan tonteras de RGB ni diseo gaming pero en este rango de precio es lo mejor que vas a encontrar en sonido.
Das Headset trgt sich sehr entspannt und ist gemtlich an den Ohren.
Die 7.1 Sourround Sounds finde ich berhaupt nicht gut gelungen, es ist einfach zu laut und man versteht garnichts mehr. Ich denke diese Funktion ist nur zum Musik hren geeinigt, zum zocken eher weniger.
Das Mikrofon lsst sich abnehmen und man kann das Headset entweder per USB oder per Link Kabel verbinden.
Tasten fr die Mikrolaustrke funktionieren und die Sounds ohne 7.1 sind auch super, nur wenn ich die Sounds auf ganz laut stelle fliegen meine Ohren fast weg, weil die Hhen viel hher sind als die Tiefen.
Aber so an sich, wenn ich das Max Volumen um 3 senke ist der Sound top.
Wrde es fr Leute empfehlen die auf Komfort sehr viel Wert legen, soundtechnisch fr den Preis nicht so gut.
da pi di un mese che uso queste cuffie e le trovo impeccabili, non hanno alcun difetto.
Isolano benissimo dall’ambiente esterno.
I bassi possono essere regolati a proprio piacimento.
Il microfono buono, anche se si poteva fare di meglio, la qualit audio per compensa.
Il 7.1 ottimo.
Sono molto leggere e confortevoli.
The comfort of the MH752 is quite overrated by reviewers, I feel there is not enough padding on the headband which can cause discomfort after wearing for a long time.
Sound quality is good but it is very bassy so if you dont like bass then maybe choose something else.
Detachable cable is a nice feature.
Mic quality is average from what I have tested.
Durability has been fine so far.
Surround sound has been a useless feature for me however the controller is quite nice for controlling the microphone.
I was sick of all my cheap headphones breaking/ going dodgy so I decided to step up abit to these and I was not disappointed at all, I’ve had them about 2 years now and use them daily for gaming, productivity and in the last year for work!
The sound quality is amazing, even better when making full use of the 7.1 surround capabilities.
has a handy little clip on controller for volume, mute and 7.1 toggle, I wish there was a mute button on the actual headphones for when playing on console though!
they look really well, I didn’t want any big tacky RGB filled gamer headphones wanted something sleek and understated and these are exactly that!
Mic quality is very good, very comfortable headphones to wear even for hours on end!
wish they were foldable but you can’t have it all I suppose!
10/10 would but agai
The sound quality is just really good. If you like bass tho, forget about it. These shine on the imaging and soundstage.
The included dac does it’s job, but IMO is unnecessary. Would rather have a cable splitter to use the mic. (I know the other version has it but it wasn’t available)
One of the comfiest headphones I’ve ever used. The 7.1 Surround Sound card that comes with it is useless imho, so it’s a better deal to get the cheaper model without the card. The sound quality for gaming is amazing as well as the comfort, multiple hour sessions with these are a breeze. If these had a wireless version, it would be game over. A small quirk, bass seems a bit lacking, but that might be only me, cause I’m a bass junkie.
I do like this headset, i had previoulsy the Corsair VOID RGB, so in comparison to it, the positives are –
– Better Sound quality
– Lighter
– Comfier fit
– Great cable
– Design
The only negative i have about this, is i would prefer to have the mute button on the headset itself. Everything is done by the control pad which is cool, but when you want to mute quickly, it is a pain to keep going to the control pad because the mute button, is small and it you need to slide it. The Corsair had a mute button on the ear and it was so easy to do.
Apart from that i am happy and i can wear these for hours and be comfortable. Mic and sound quality is good. The 7.1 surround button is nice and this is something the Corsair did not have unless you opened the Corsair app to enable the boost.
Simply incredible at this price range. The sound quality is amazing, it doesn’t have the same high bass and treble with low mids as other gaming headsets, though it is still present, it’s not as extreme. If you prefer that you can change it in the EQ settings in the software.
The mic quality is also excellent, lacking the ‘digital’ noise of other mics, making your voice sound natural. One criticism of the mic is that there is no noise cancelling on it, so it can pick up breathing sounds, but you can simply move the mic to a spot out of the way and the sound quality benefits of having unaltered mic audio is worth it.
Volume control is great on PC thanks to the USB soundcard, giving you control over volume, mic mute, mic volume and the 7.1 surround sound. However, on consoles, you will not have control over volume or mic mute, as there are no in-line audio controls for the 3.5 aux cable.
Speaking of 7.1, the surround sound is great. It is so much fun to play with in games and videos, but I wouldn’t recommend it for music, as sound quality takes a bit of a hit when using it.
Build quality is solid. It’s mostly plastic but doesn’t feel cheap at all. It also has a metal band for the adjustable head heights.
Comfort is great thanks to how light this headset is and the ear cushions are comfortable,
with a lot of room for your ears. Though I personally prefer a more breathable fabric over leather, it does provide a better seal, keeping sound in the headphones.
Style wise, it’s simple, but looks good, avoiding the G4M3R asthetic most other options go for. This, along with the detachable microphone, allow you to wear these in public without looking like a moron.
All in all, I would strongly recommend this headset if you have a PC, and if you don’t, and want to game on console, go with the MH751 instead, as they have in line mic and volume controls, as well as the same god qualities mentioned here, but lack surround sound.
Los auriculares tienen muy buen sonido, quiz es ideal probar con la aplicacin que tiene para dejarlo a tu gusto, pero en general tienen muy buen balance entre los sonidos graves y agudos, y no pierdes ningn detalle.
Posiblemente el nico inconveniente sea algo a gusto personal, pero encuentro que los bajos podran ser algo ms graves (personalmente). Tambin el 7.1 como todos comentan, la verdad es que en alguna ocasin puede ir bien, pero en general no vale mucho la pena tenerlo.
Si te preocupa ms el micrfono para teletrabajar o si simplemente quieres que se te oiga bien, estos son tus auriculares.
Ottime cuffie da gaming sui 100 euro non penso ci si possa trovare di meglio a questa cifra.
Suonano bene sia in fase da gaming e sn ottime anche per la musica e film.
Bien, ya tuve un producto similar y da buen resultado… no utilizo el micro por lo q se lo he quitado y no puedo valorar esta funcin, pero es buen producto sin ser extraordinario, aunq de los que hay en el mercado buena relacin calidad-precio.
Me suena bien, pero no se como se compara a los demas.
El conforto es un poco raro en la primeira semana, pero despues se adapta y se queda increible.
Es un muy caliente para el verano si tienes >30C dentro de casa, pero abajo de eso se va perfecto.
Con la pequena interface que viene tienes un button ON/OFF para el micro y puedes regular el volumen de micro. El microfono sale muy bien y lo quito muchas vezes quando no lo necesito pero podrias dobrarlo al lado y dejarlo ai.
Muy buena compra!
An sich echt schn gemacht fr diesen Preis. Mikrofon ist mit einer der besten im Gaming bereich die es so gibt dafr gibt es aber kein Noise Cancelling, somit werden alle gerusche vom Mikrofon empfangen und das strt extrem. Bei lautem Musik hren oder spielen nimmt das Mikro sogar das Spiel aus denn Kopfhrern rauskommende mit auf.
Komfort: Ist echt gelungen sollte jedem Kopf von klein bis gro passen. Ohren werden etwas warm. Das Leder ist naja nichts besonderes fhlt sich nicht hochwertig an. Druck auf Kiefer und Ohren ist vorhanden aber nicht extrem wie bei manch anderen.
Qualitt: Nicht besonders gut von 5 Sternen nicht mehr als 3 in meinem Fall. Linke Seite klappert extrem und fhlt sich alles nicht sehr stabil an. Ich nehme das Kabel mal mit hier rein und das ist wirklich absoluter Mll jedes gerusch vom Kabel landet laut im Kopfhrer und es ist stark verdreht.
Sound: Ist ganz Ok aber nicht mehr. Gaming ist hiermit 3,5 von 5. Schritte und Entfernung nimmt man wahr aber sehr schwammig und leise da gibt es besseres (Hyperx,Logitech usw) aber fr diesen Preis ist es wiederum wie gesagt ok es reicht aus. Musik dafr aber leider sehr enttuschend, Kaum Bass, Stimmen gehen unter. Fr mich was Musik angeht so mit das schlechteste im Gaming bereich was Ich getestet habe.
Es kann alles einigermaen aber nichts wirklich gut (auer Mikrofon) was aber bei diesem Preis akzeptabel ist.
3,5 Sterne von mi
Amazing headphones, for their price range I am stunned at just how high the quality of these things are.
Not only that but they’re some of the only headphones that have a jack that can unplug from the volume controls so you can insert them into mobile devices without any fuss.
the over the ear covers stop all but the loudest of sounds from getting in, or out and the covers themselves are luxury for the head, like two gentle pillows surrounding your ears.
best purchase I’ve ever made on amazon.
Estaba buscando unos cascos para jubilar mis Sony Pulse Elite y le mucho sobre estos cascos, aunque los devolv porque la calidad del audio era igual a mis actuales cascos, debo decir que la calidad de materiales y la comodidad de estos cascos son realmente impresionantes, como digo la calidad de sonido es buena. Mi opinin personal para el uso en consola PS4, le en muchos sitios donde decan que el DAC no funciona para la PS4, pues os digo que si funciona y a la perfeccin, incrementa considerablemente el sonido en la consola, cosa necesaria porque a travs del Jack 3.5mm se queda un poco corto el volumen. El 7.1 es lo mas horrible de estos cascos, no vale la pena en lo absoluto, distorsiona de una forma horrible el sonido. Los recomiendo para una persona que est buscando sus primeros cascos gaming de gama media/alta, no se arrepentirn, es de lo mejor que podrn conseguir a ese precio.
Es de lo mejor que he probado, hyper x cloud II y Alpha y este le da mil patadas a los 2. Calidad precio insuperable.
The sound quality is good and the mic is crystal clear (so I’m told) and the whole thing feels like a good quality item with nice materials everywhere and even the button clicks feel premium on the inline controls. The clamping pressure is a bit heavy for me for long periods of time, and the braided cable rubbing on the desk can be heard though the headphones when you move. Otherwise I cannot fault this headset and have recommended it to friends and colleagues.
Great heasdset for mutiple uses, work (videoconferencing), music. movies, and gaming.
Very Comfortable, light weight, good quality sound, good microphone, removable cable and microphone.
The USB sound card, adds a nice control to the speakers’ volume and micro. Windows software also allows sound adjustments.
Also, it doesn’t have a gaming design making them quite OK to use outside.
The virtual 7.1 surround sound is the only thing that I didn’t appreciate much, but it’s optional to use.
Good choice by Cooler Master to use the Takstart 82 headphones as the basis for this headset.
Cuffie comode e con una buona vestibilit. Le uso per gaming su pc. La resa ottima anche se il 7.1 simulato forse migliorabile
Did a lot of research for my next headset after my previous one broke. Wanted something sleek and simple, clear audio and comfy/light weight. This ticks off all those boxes, and even has a mic, which is a reassuring backup as I use an external mic for my pc. However, this product isn’t perfect.
It’s extremely comfortable and light. I had a bulky headset and wanted a change. I can wear this for hours on end without it getting uncomfortable. Earcups are deep, large and cushioned enough that my ears don’t hurt or get squished after long periods of time. Light enough that you forget you’re wearing them.
It also look nice and clean. Nothing flashy, plain black and gray metal. A simple hexagon on each earcup. You could wear this out in public or in the office, anywhere really without looking silly or standing out.
Good quality audio, and has very good volume, in fact I normally keep my computer volume at 40% and it’s plenty loud. Very easy to hear where people, gunshots and loot is if you’re playing games, and it sounds fine to me for general videos and music. I mainly bought them for gaming.
However, while the DAC/adapter that comes with this is very nice, I personally think the 7.1 surround sound feature is a joke. It’s terrible for gaming, and makes directional audio a lot less specific and clear. Just kinda sounds like it’s coming from all around you as opposed to a specific location. Hate it.
The mic is also good. Like I said, I use a mic on my desk so I don’t use it, but part of the reason I bought this over the Tackstar Pro 82’s (which was my other choice) was that it did come with a mic, so if my Blue Snowball ever broke I at least had a spare.
Now here comes the main problem. You absolutely cannot use the cable it comes with. It’s unusable. It’s a fabric-type cable and you will hear everything it touches through your left ear cup, as what is best described as “scratchy”. You will constantly hear a scratching sound in the left earcup, and it’s loud too. And what’s worse, the headset has a locking mechanism for the headset. No clue why, as this causes to problems. 1. If you lock it, and stand up suddenly forgetting you’re wearing it (and you will because it’s so comfy and light) you will rip the whole headset off and damage it as opposed to just the cable being pulled out. Dunno why anyone would prefer that, but there it is. 2. When you get a replacement cable, which you will NEED, you have to either find a very specific one that is narrow enough at the end to plug into the headset, as the locking mechanism makes the audio port more thing and long, OR you will need to cut off the plastic/casing around the 3.5mm Jack on the cable so it fits in. I had a long rubber cable from my previous headset which I bought for more length, and after cutting off the surrounding plastic it fits in and sounds SO MUCH BETTER. You can still hear the scratching (just like with any pair of headphones), but only about 40cm down the cable and it’s wayyy less annoying/loud, and from there lower you can’t hear anything. On the cable it comes with however, you can hear the loud scratching all the way down the cable down to where it plugs into your pc. Seriously, you need to replace the cable.
So, once you get a replacement cable, and if you have the money, this headset is amazing. I love it, I love wearing it, I love playing games and watching videos with it. And, if I don’t want to wear headphones, I put it on my desk and turn up the volume, and it’s just like having normal speakers.
Nach einigem Hickhack mit billigeren Headsets aus der Logitec-Ecke bin ich jetzt bei dem hier gelandet, per USB am iMac Pro unter Windows und MacOS sehr guter Sound und erstaunlich angenehm zu tragen, auch stundenlang. Das Mikrofon ist nicht das weltbeste, aber als Gaming Headset zur Kommunikation total OK. Und fr den Preis perfekt!
Cuffie di ottima fattura, con microfono estraibile e scheda audio usb abbastanza buona! Secondo me il miglio articolo per rapporto qualit prezzo
Best gaming headset. I don’t use the 7.1 but if you’re into that it’s supported. I use it for my PS4
Ho provato cuffie di altre marche e modelli. Queste, con un prezzo “contenuto” offrono qualit audio, qualit del microfono ed una comodit assoluta. Il microfono removibile grazie al suo connettore jack 3,5mm. Le cuffie hanno un connettore jack 3,5mm che pu essere collegato a Smartphone, PS4 e altri dispositivi, oppure collegarlo al suo adattatore (presente all’interno della scatola) cos da poterlo collegare tramite USB al PC e sfruttare appieno le sue potenzialit e virtualizzare i 7.1 canali. Migliori cuffie sotto i 150-200.
Cuffie comode e con una buona qualit del suono. Le uso per gaming su pc. La resa ottima ed anche il confort non male. L’audio simulato 7.1 forse migliorabile
As a pair of headphones the sound quality is amazing, paired with the MasterPlus of software to adjust the equalizer to your liking. The microphone is also amazing sound quality but picks up on background noise. Go for the 751 if you don’t need a Dac as it’s the same headset without surround sound.
(R6S PS4 )
Jedes Mal aufzhlen, welche ich bereits auf dem Kopf getragen habe, wrde hier erstens langweilen und zweitens inzwischen den Rahmen sprengen…
Daher vergleiche ich hier das CoolerMaster MH752 mit meinem letzten, dem Asus ROG Delta, welches immer noch um die 200Geld kostet.
Zuerst das Unwichtige…die Verpackung und Lieferumfang:
Einfache Schachtel, Headset, Mikrofon, USB-Soundkarte und ein wenig Papier.
Leider keine Ersatzpolster und auch keinen Pop-Schutz fr’s Mikro.
Die Kabel sind gesleaved und wirken solide. Das Klinker-Kabel wird ind Headset gesteckt und lsst sich wechseln, was von Vorteil sein kann.
Die Verarbeitung ist jedoch nicht mit dem Asus ROG Delta zu vergleichen. Das Headset ist deutlich leichter und wirkt von der Verarbeitung qualitativ minderwertiger, klappriger.
Allerdings lsst es sich durch das geringe Gewicht sehr angenehm tragen. Kein Drcken oder Knartzen.
Die Tonqualitt ist mit einem reinen Hifi-Kopfhrer nicht zu vergleichen, jedoch durchaus beachtlich.
Nachdem ich mir die zustzliche Software (Cooler Master Portal) installiert und ein paar Feineinstellungen unternommen habe, klingt das Headset richtig fett. Hut ab.
Die Ortung ist wirklich sehr gut…nur das Surround ist immer noch schwammig und klingt matschig…da ist das Asus deutlich berlegen. In Sachen Musikwiedergabe berzeugt mich das Headset ebenfalls.
Das Mikro hat einen vernnfige Stimmenwiedergabe…kann man nicht meckern. Um einen adquaten Vergleich mit dem Asus ROG Delta, dem Beyerdynamic Custom Game, Corsair HS60 oder Void Pro ziehen zu knnen, msste ich wirklich mal Testaufnahmen machen…
Mein einziger Minuspunkt ist, dass es keine wechselbaren Ohr-Polster gibt.
Fazit: Fr 70Euro gibt es auf dem Markt viele Headsets. Aber ein Headset mit USB-Soundkarte, echt gutem Klang, gutes Mikro und einem sehr angenehmen Tragekomfort findet man nicht so schnell.
Ich bin berzeugt und NICHT gesponsert…nur ein dezent durchgeknallter Gamer, der immer wieder neue Headsets kauft…
Zwischen der ersten Rezension und dieser hier, liegen jetzt 1 1/2 Jahre.
In der Zwischenzeit habe ich mit (unter anderem) noch das CoolerMaster MH670 zugelegt.
Da es sich hier um ein Wireless-Headset handelt, kann und darf/sollte man nicht mit einem kabelgebundenen Headset vergleichen…zumindest was das Mikro angeht.
Das Headset wurde schnell und in der typischen CoolerMaster-Designe-Verpackung geliefert.
Inhalt: Headset, Mikro, Dongle mit Adapter zu USB-C, Ladekabel, 3,5mm Klinke-Kabel, kleiner Beutel, Klopapier.
Wieder kein Sabberschutz fr’s Mikro und keine Ersatzohrpolster.
Wireless-Betrieb: das Gert wird sofort erkannt und nach der Installation der Software wird einem klar, dass diese fr’n Popo ist. Der Sound ist zuerst abnormal schlecht. Der Equalizer verschlimmbessert alles nur.
Er ist nmlich nur im Frequenzbereich 60Hz/120Hz/500Hz/1000Hz und 2000Hz einstellbar…Hat zwar noch ein separaten Regler fr die Hhen und Tiefen, aber nee…
Daher, besser den Windows-Equalizer verwenden und sobald dieser dann aktiviert ist, merkt selbst das ungebte Ohr den Unterschied.
Die Bsse sind druckvoll, zwar nicht so sauber wie die vom JBL Quantum 600 und JBL Quantum 400, aber gut.
Die Mittel- und Hochtne werden klar wiedergegeben und gehen voll in Ordnung.
Der Klang an sich ist so hnlich wie der vom Roccat Elo Air….aber Klang ist immer noch Geschmackssache.
Jetzt zum Mikro: Wie bei fast allen Wirelessheadsets ist auch hier die Mikro-Qualitt nicht besonders gut. Das liegt aber nicht am Mic selbst, sondern an den bertragungsfrequenzen, besser der Bereicht, der bertragen wird.
Wird das Headset ber Klinke betrieben, klingt das Mikrofon erheblich besser.
Und das ist brigens ein groes Plus gegenber dem Roccat Elo Air…es kann halt auch ber Klinke verwendet werden.
Aber fr ein Wireless-Mic ist es schon in Ordnung. Ein wenig schlechter als das vom Roccat Elo Air, aber fr Discord und Teamspeak reicht es immer noch locker.
Hier ein kleiner Tip: APO-Equalizer mit Peace verwenden. Damit kann man in der Qualitt schon einiges verbessern. Peace hat leider keine Mglichkeit, das Grundrauschen vom Mic zu kompensieren, aber es gibt Anleitungen, wie man ein Bild vom Rauschen mit OBS erstellt und dieses dann in Peace einfgen kann.
Die Verarbeitung vom Headset ist in Ordnung. Es wirkt ein wenig hochwertiger als das Roccat Elo Air, aber nicht so wie das Corsair Virtuoso (was ja auch doppelt so viel Geld kostet).
Es hat aber eher was von einem Kopfhrer, etwas massives.
Lediglich die Arretierung fr die Kopfgre ist (bei meinem Model!) auf der einen Seite etwas zu schwammig und verstellt sich zu leicht. Aber es knarzt nicht wie das Roccat Elo Air.
Was mir ein wenig negativ aufgefallen ist: wenn man lnger nach unten schaut, um sich zum Beispiel mal etwas zu essen zu machen, rutschen die Hhrer…das war’s aber auch.
Ansonsten ist die Verarbeitung solide.
Kaufempfehlung: Ja!
Nulla da dire per ora su qualit di riproduzione e registrazione, paragonabili solamente a prodotti di fascia molto piu’ alta. L’unica cosa che mi ha lasciato da pensare e’ l’assenza di un tappino in gomma per coprire l’entrata del microfono quando questi non inserito.
the 7.1 is a bit of a gimmick i think but the usb dongle does make it easy to connect to the pc,i would prefer a rotary volume on the headset itself rather than inline digital buttons..much easier to make volume adjustments that way but apart from that they are superb in my eyes.
Excelente calidad de materiales, comodidad y ergonoma fabulosa, almohadillas grandes y blandas perfectas para la gente con gafas que no acumulan mucho calor en las orejas y aslan perfectamente el sonido exterior sin necesidad de cancelacin de ruido. Su micrfono extrable suena ntido y fcilmente posicionable, perfecto si uno no quiere pagar por un micrfono de pie pero un peldao por debajo como vendra siendo normal. Respecto al sonido sin pegas, suenan perfecto y con un alto espectro reconocible.
Cable trenzado en tela que hace un total de 1,8m si tenemos en cuenta la parte USB con el controlador de micrfono, volumen y botn 7.1 (digital) ms otra parte con conector jack 3.5mm en ambas caras que lo hace perfecto para llevarlos con el mvil. La conexin jack tiene una posicin exacta ya que en uno de los lados tiene unos salientes que hacen un bloqueo con medio giro al conectarlos en los auriculares, lo que imposibilita que se desconecten de un mal tirn.
Echara en falta un tapn para la parte del micrfono cuando no se usa sea para evitar que entre suciedad o simular unos simples auriculares de movil.
queste head set mi a stupito! confezione molto belle e carina. le cuffie sono molto comode e il suono non per nulla male. il 7.1 in ambienti di gioco chiusi d’anno un effetto molto bello! consigliate !
The sound is so clear
Good amount of bass not too much or not enough
So, so, so comfortable ( more comfortable that and other headphones i have ever tried)
Great for traveling!
Look clean, no read and blue stripes like other gaming headsets.
Mute button is so useful
Mic sound better than other gaming headsets 100+
Virtual 7.1 surround sound is nice to have on a headset at this price, but only use it for gaming.
If you can live with a wired connection for a headset then go with this and save yourself some . I can honestly say the sound quality of the MH752 is so much better than the A50’s.
*Just to add make sure you update the soundcard firmware so that it works with the PS4 correctly.
Slick packaging, well built product, ultra comfortable with amazing sound quality. For 73 these beat Astros and similar in the range hands down. Downloaded the latest firmware which added even more levels in the overall volume settings. I bought to use as an PS4 FPS headset so wanted clarity, volume and sound to highlight enemy footsteps etc and these delivered. Brilliant product.
Sonido: El sonido es muy bueno en general, los agudos y los graves estn muy presentes, los describira como “divertidos”, a medio camino entre auriculares profesionales y los de perfil ms comercial, creo que gustarn a todo el mundo vengan del auricular que vengan, todo suena donde tiene que estar, los detalles se perciben con gran precisin, hay un nfasis controlado en las frecuencias bajas que se agradece para disfrutar de msica electrnica, cine, etc.
Tambin se acentan las frecuencias altas, pero no hacen tan buen trabajo, aunque estn por encima de la mayora de auriculares de estos precios sin duda, no son su mejor aspecto, de todas formas cumplen muy bien, y no se perciben sibilancias molestas ni nada parecido.
Construccin: Al igual que los takstar, son unos auriculares muy ligeros, y muy cmodos para usar durante horas, de hecho son de los auriculares ms cmodos que tengo. Los materiales son aceptables, completa construccin en plstico recubierto de una goma muy agradable en la diadema, las copas son de plastico aspero al tacto, el acolchado es bueno, los pads son muy muy buenos, aslan correctamente. El cable es de calidad tambin, pero esta recubierto de tela (algo que nunca me gust y no entender jams) y si se roza con la ropa puede trasmitir el sonido del roce y perjudicar la experiencia, pero es subsanable, por que el cable puede ser fcilmente sustituido por otro, es un conectos de 3,5″ minijack normal.
El micrfono: Funciona correctamente, no suena espectacular pero cumple su cometido y se puede quitar si se quiere.
Tarjeta de sonido: El 7.1 es un efecto cutre, como casi todo lo que he probado de estas gamas, el efecto puede resultar curioso en alguna escena o incluso cancin, pero es un efecto cutre que juega con la equalizacin, aade reverberacin, y sospecho que con el desfase de algunas frecuencias medias para exagerar el efecto estreo. Es cutre, para que nos vamos a engaar, pero estas tarjetas virtuales baratas lo son siempre, pero ojo, si ignoramos el efecto 7.1, no es mala tarjeta del todo, no suena mal, y est relativamente bien construida, desde ella podremos controlar el volumen de los auriculares y el micro, as como mutearlo, y por supuesto podremos usarla con otros auriculares, me ha movido perfectamente auriculares de 150 Ohm, lo cual est muy bien, y se atreve a darle guerra a auriculares de 250 Ohm pero ah ya se empieza a encontrar al lmite, lo cual est francamente bien, es ms yo ni hubiese puesto el botn del 7.1, pero claro es un reclamo para mucha gente.
Por cierto la he probado con un cable Otg, para conectarla directamente al usb de un android, y me ha funcionado hasta el control de volumen, me parece un dato relevante. Era de esperar por que al final todas estas tarjetas llevan los mismos chips estandarizados y cumplen los protocolos.
Resumen: Por el precio son una ganga, la versin sin tarjeta 7.1 lo es incluso ms. Por sonido y comodidad, por su esttica discreta, y sobre todo por el precio de derribo, estos son los auriculares que siempre recomiendo.
The mic I had, not as good quality as the one this comes with.
The sound? Incredibly well balanced and detailed for the price. I’ve had M40Xs, Edition S, MSR7 and many more, but these bring the best parts of those all together.
Super comfy (like the Edition S), pretty sturdy in build (like the M40x), and the sound is very similar to the MSR7 but with a bit more bass.
These are a steal for 60 if you don’t care for the control module, and if ya do, then it’s a steal for 80.
Brilliant sounding headphones with THE best pads for comfort I’ve ever used and I have 10 pairs ranging up to 500 and these beat all those for comfort!
For sound I’d say they are well balanced with a good bass punch, great for those explosions. Software is ok, very simple and easy to use. For the most part I use these in the stock settings and never use the 7.1 mainly got these so headphones could be used via USB for the mic and not 3.5mm.
One issue I have noticed is that if you plug these in to a front panel USB you may experience issues where the control will stop working for volume. To fix this connect to the motherboard rear panel and all will be well.
Cooler master are quite clever using the Takstar pro 82 as a gaming headset,you know it will sound decent when originally it was a very good music headphone.
Really comfortable,soft ear cups, soft headband with a wide adjustable range for different heads.
The 7.1 control box is a bit far down the cable ,cable is braided good quality and dont seem to kink much,the 7.1 surround is ok but the software is a bit sparse at the moment,i prefer to plug the headset straight into my Creative sb z as its better sound and software than the controll box, i swapped the cable from my Hyper x clouid Alpha because it has an inline volume control ,if you have a good sound card already get the MH751 instead as that has inline volume controll, all in all a very good headset recomended.
Update . After about a year and a half use the right channel stopped working, they have been looked after very well so this must be a design fault, looked on the internet and seems to be a common problem.
Zu allererst muss das Headset gelobt werden, denn fr 80 bietet das Headset dermaen viel:
+ allererstesahne Sitz und Komfort, echt berragend bequeme Kopfhrer.
+ toller Sound (geschlossene Kopfhrer)
+ abnehmbare Mikro fr potentiellen gebrauch in der ffentlichkeit
+ ohne unntigen Schnickschnack (RGB, GAMERPWN4GE Design)
Leider gibt es auch einige Designfehler die mir nicht gefallen:
– der Ton des Mikros wird nicht an die Ohrmuscheln gesendet, sodass man sich wegen des geschlossenen Designs und gute Isolation schlecht selbst hrt.
– der 3,5mm Klinkenanschluss des Kopfhrerkabels ist zu dick fr den Gebrauch am Smartphone mit Handyschutzhlle. Das schrnkt den mobilen Gebrauch stark ein. Ein 3-poliges Ersatzkabel reicht aber aus.
– kein Passstck fr die ffnung des Mikrofonanschlusses. Ein 3D Drucker kann Abhilfe schaffen, setzt sich aber farblich ab.
Insgesamt sollte man sich beim Kauf bewusst sein, dass es sich um einen geschlossenen Kopfhrer handelt. Ich persnlich bevorzuge den Klang von offenen Kopfhrern.
Estn basados en un modelo de un fabricante chino que tiene bastante buena reputacin, los Takstar Pro 82. Y adems, estn a un precio muy atractivo, hasta el punto de que apenas merece la pena comprar los Takstar porque por un poco ms se tiene acceso a estos o a su hermano menor los MH751 (estos no incluyen la tarjeta de sonido USB, y el cable que traen tiene una rueda de control de volumen; y por tanto son ms baratos; en el resto son idnticos). Con el aadido de que los Cooler Master traen un micrfono bastante bueno, y que el extremo del cable que se conecta a los cascos los han cambiado de 2.5mm a 3.5mm, decisin que en cuanto calidad de audio no importa nada, pero para longevidad s importan, ya que hay mucha ms variedad de cables auxiliares de 3.5mm macho a 3.5mm, frente a 2.5-3.5; en el hipottico caso de que acabe por romperse el cable que viene con ellos.
En cuanto a calidad de sonido, son bastante claros en todas las frecuencias del espectro audible, con bastante definicin en los altos, las frecuencias que ms importan para fps competitivos; pero sin llegar a ser fatigantes (problema que plaga a marcas como Beyerdynamic y HyperX Cloud), y siendo muy placenteros tambin para el disfrute de msica y pelculas.
Son bastante eficientes y por tanto se pueden escuchar en cualquier dispositivo sin necesidad de una unidad dac/amp (aunque no les hace dao tampoco); pero an as para personas que que lo vayan a usar principalmente en PC o consolas yo recomiendo ms esta versin porque la mayora de tarjetas de sonido incluidas en placas base y porttiles estn sometidas a bastante interferencia electromagntica; y con la tarjeta que viene incluida con estos cascos se circumventa este problema.
Y en cuanto a comfort, como digo en el ttulo, no hay nada que les gane en el mundo de los auriculares cerrados. Estn a la altura de los Bose QC35, y eso ya es decir mucho acerca de lo cmodos que son estos cascos, ya que los Bose son un modelo con una tremenda reputacin de ser cmodos.
If I haven’t convinced you, go check out Z Reviews YouTube review on this headset.
-Davvero comode. Nessun problema anche dopo ore di utilizzo
-Microfono removibile e di buona qualita
-Cavo removibile
-Buona qualit costruttive
-Qualit audio ottima
-Perdono molto quando usate su PS4 collegate al controller, dovrete utilizzare la scheda audio USB.
-La parte del cavo che si collega alla cuffia ha un sistema di blocco che risulta comodo in certi casi, ma potrebbe rendere la sostituzione del cavo, in caso di malfunzionamento, complicata.
In conclusione, sono davvero soddisfatto del mio acquisto e consiglio vivamente questo headse