Coredy L900X Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Automatic Dirt Disposal Smart Laser Navigation, Precision AI Mapping Technology Robot Vacuum Hoover, Compatible with Alexa

robot vacuum cleaner
robot vacuum

Weight: 9.6 kg
Dimensions: 45.4 x 39.4 x 38.79 cm; 9.6 Kilograms
Brand: Coredy

19 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This has changed my life, with pets and kids at home, there seemed to be constant hair everywhere have to hoover a couple times a day minimum, and it still always looking a mess. But now I have this which is just as good as a roomba and with dust collection is excellent, has also helped me keep everything tidy as I know else it will get “eaten” I have It programmed to do the whole downstairs 4/5 times a day which keeps all the hair and crumbs at bay, and has no issues transitioning from wood floor to carpet and my pets are actually less scared of it than the normal hoover.( Which now I can keep upstairs instead of lugging it up and down.) Also the mop is excellent I usually fill it with half cap of zoflora and warm water and is excellent, only issue I had was it struggles to get over the little lip from the kitchen to lounge with the mop on, but no issues without, and a little nudge over the lip and it’s continues.

  2. Alicia says:

     United Kingdom

    Everything Was Good But What Needs 2 Imported Off This Is It Comes On Time Instead Off Being Late

  3. AnnabelSunseri says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this as I have a large downstairs all tiled,this nifty machine vacumns and mops and really saves me a job as my dyson runs out of battery as it’s a whole ground floor. The mop is also great and gets all the dust off the floor so keeps it clean and shiny ,the mop won’t mop up dried on dirt so I do need to do some parts with the flash mop but I haven’t tried it on spot clean yet so that maybe the answer but all in all Fantastic and brilliant peice of kit,couldn’t do without it now!

  4. IsraelMontgomer says:

     United Kingdom

    We had been looking at purchasing a robotic hoover for sometime due to having four dogs that shed hair constantly, we had a Dyson cordless hoover which was forever running out of charge half way through a clean and was very frustrating.
    We looked at different robotic hoovers but found most of them would of struggled to go under our furniture until we came across the Coredy L900X so we placed the order on Amazon after reading very positive reviews.
    It came within two days which was very good and set about unpacking and checking what had been sent.
    We carefully followed the instructions on setting the machine up which for someone like me who’s not the most tecky of people was relatively easy, I had a couple of technical questions in regards to my WiFi and pairing the machine etc so I rang the Coredy technical helpline and it was dealt with by a lovely and very helpful gentleman called Paul who guided me through things.
    Once everything was set up and the Coredy app was installed on my iPhone we started the clean, we have a very large mixed vinyl and wood floor area with quite a few large bits of furniture and this wasn’t a problem for the machine, I was hugely impressed how the machine moved around the house from room to room as though it had been here before, it was amazing to watch as it mapped out the room shape and sizes, also mapping out chair, table and sofa legs and feet, also heading back to the docking station when the machine was full to empty it’s contents into the docking station.
    We tested it on all the suction levels and found it works on the low setting very well on our vinyl floors.
    When you look on the app it shows you the journey it has taken around your house on the map, you can see it how it has mapped out every nook and cranny, every chair and table leg etc.
    In a nutshell this little machine has saved us so much time on our cleaning chores, it gives us more time to do other cleaning tasks around the house, we are massively impressed with its overall performance and especially the technical back up from the Coredy team.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am really impressed with the Coredy L900x Robotic Vacuum. I previously had the R550 and decided to upgrade with a newer model that had far superior technology. The Coredy has no problem negotiating around and under furniture and can go over rugs with ease. Because of the self mapping of my kitchen it does not seem to bump into objects quiet the same as my previous version making it more efficient and therefore spends more time actually vacuuming the floor. The suction is very good and it picks up everything, with the outer brushes sweeping dust etc into the line of the vacuum. Perfect for kitchens with kickboards as gets right to the edges and into the corners also. Love the self emptying upgrade.
    I had some technical issues with my previous Coredy and Peter Fritz was extremely helpful and courteous. I am very pleased and would highly recommend this product.

  6. Jay S says:

     United Kingdom

    The Coredy L900x is so much better than we ever expecting. We were apprehensive about purchasing a robotic hoover as we didn’t trust it would do a good job, how wrong we were! After speaking with Paul from Coredy regarding a few technical questions, the initial setup was very straightforward. The robot was very impressive how it scans and maps out the rooms, it handles all my floor areas, wood, tiles and carpet. The suction is much better than expected and the remote control from your phone is very easy to work. A big worry for us was how our dogs would react as they normal go mad at a normal hoover, as the robot is so quiet this hasn’t been an issue. My favourite part is how it empties on its own after it has finished hoovering. My wife and I are delighted with this product and would highly recommend.

  7. IsiahLauterbach says:

     United Kingdom

    I am so impressed with the Coredy L900X robotic vacuum; I love that I can turn it on, pause and recharge all from the Coredy app on my phone and the set up was really easy! It’s a great vacuum, and I would definitely buy again. I also had some questions regarding this model so I spoke to Paul on the tech support line and he ansewered all of my questions.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Tech support really good. Paul answered within a couple of rings when it wouldn’t connect to my WIFI and he soon had it sorted for me and now a couple of my other gadgets work to now my router is outputting the right signal. We have three dogs two of which shed hair and the hoover makes absolutely short work of that. I tested it on all three levels of suction and it had no problem picking that up on quiet mode. I boosted up to max near the back door and it mounted the mat picked the outside dirt on the mat in a single pass. I ending up watching it as it weaves and manoeuvred under the dining room table going under each chair one by one and when you look at the mapping you can actually see the table legs and chairs get into the places our Dyson cannot.

    Had no problems getting on and off the rugs and when it’s battery was low off it went back to the charging station emptied its contents into the bin turned around and put itself on charge.

    The App is straight forward once you are hooked to the Wi-Fi (uses 2.4ghtz) to set schedules. I’m going to run it on quiet over night. You can also exclude areas, which I did with the spaghetti junction of wires under the sofa.

    Great product from my experience.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The L900X is simply amazing and has a whole load of new features. The longer brushes really get into the corners 300% better than R750. It maps the room first then goes up and down a zone in straight lines before moving to next zone. The old one just randomly cleaned the area. This is much more concentrated.
    No need for the magnetic strips now as knows if there is a staircase. Moves easily between hard floor and carpet.
    App easy to set up and shows a map of your room! And then you can pick an area to clean.
    The best thing is it empties the bin for you by reversing onto Dock then there is MASSIVE suction to suck out the dust into the main bin then it turns round and docks to charge.
    The robot talks to you.. charging WiFi resetting etc.
    Its an excellent upgrade.
    With my previous robot r750 I had brilliant help from Paul on the coredy helpdesk. He was also able to answer all my questions re the
    Is new model before purchase. Saves so much time. Just set it going and get on with something else.
    Love it.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We bought a Coredy R750 last year which has revolutionised keeping our house clean – affectionately named ‘Adam’ by the kids. I was gutted when it started making a loud noise recently and my floors quickly started looking grubby – I called Tech Support and spoke with Paul who was really friendly and helpful – he quickly helped me identify the problem, answered some questions I had and advised on replacement parts.

    I subsequently discovered that Coredy had recently launched a new model, the L900X and couldn’t resist ordering one, justifying the need to myself – a robot for each floor.

    It arrived a couple of days ago and I’m delighted with it so far. Set-up was incredibly simple and quick including downloading the App which is a lot more sophisticated than the R750 – as before, it allows you to control the robot remotely but also provides functions such as silent mode, find my robot, and dust collecting scheduling.

    The most noticeable improvement from the R750 model is the automatic dirt disposal base where the robot automatically empties itself after cleaning in to the dust bag. These only need changing ever 4-8 weeks.

    Suction is good and the robot cleans the edges and corners well.

    I tried out the mop yesterday and was impressed by the coverage – it cleaned well and didn’t leave the floor too wet.

    As with the earlier models, the robot finds its way ‘home’ to the charging dock and recharges itself. I have it scheduled to come on at 2am (the silent function is particularly welcome) so wake up to nice clean floors and a recharged robot.

    Overall, I’m very happy with our new purchase – a well worth investment.

  11. BXWPhillip says:

     United Kingdom

    We recently purchased the Coredy L900 X from Amazon . Prior to purchase we had some detailed technical questions and we contacted Coredy and our questions were answered promptly by Paul. We are delighted with the product and are amazed at how it copes with and works it’s way round the various obstacles in our house ..We have two large dogs that both moult and it collects the dog hairs and fluff without any problem . It works it’s way between the dining chairs and bar stools and even cleans the base of the bar stools . It works efficiently on both our tiled floors and carpets . A truly amazing product .We would highly recommend this produc

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am really impressed with the Coredy L900x Robotic Vacuum. We live in an old property with uneven floors and lots of little nooks that hard for the vacuum to get to. The Coredy has no problem negotiating around and under furniture and can go over rugs and bumps in the floorboards with ease. The suction is very good and it picks up everything, with the outer brushes sweeping dust etc into the line of the vacuum.
    I had some technical questions after the initial set up (which was very straightforward) and Paul answered all of these promptly and succinctly making the customer service side of the purchase great too.
    Overall I am very pleased and would definitely recommend.

  13. Gabe Gurwin says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best robotic vacuum cleaner I have ever used (I have used two previously). It cleans well, has good suction and self-empties which is a nice feature. The vacuum has an intelligent room mapping feature that allow you to select the areas you don’t want the vacuum to go, which works well. I had a couple of questions about the maintenance of my device and Paul in the Coredy customer services team was very helpful in answering questions. Glad I took the plunge and bought this item.

  14. Amber says:

     United Kingdom

    We have an old robot vacuum which did a reasonable job of vacuuming, but randomly wandered about and had absolutely no idea where it was, like a drunken teenager on a night out. We have had the entire ground floor of our house covered with laminate, which seemed like ideal territory for a robot vacuum. It initially resisted my efforts to connect it to our wifi, but after a large glass of scotch (for me, not the robot) and randomly playing around with the app, it connected. Firstly I let it wander around and map the house, then after a brief rest and a charge I sent it out on its first mission. Our old robot was extremely keen on bondage and managed to get tangled up with every cable it came across, but this one seems to largely avoid any unexpected objects, such as when our gigantic Newfypoo puppy drops doggy toys in its path. It was fascinating to watch it cover the entire ground floor with military precision as it marched up and down in precise overlapping rows collecting every piece of detritus and it gets right into corners and edges very well. After about 25 minutes it seemed to conclude that its work was done and made a beeline for the charger and base station and precisely parked itself. At that point for about 10 seconds it sounded like a jumbo jet on full throttle as the base station removed the dust from the robot. I have not yet connected it to our Alexas or used the mopping function, but just scheduled it to clean up three times a week. I will report back on the further progress of our robot (Cleenopatra, well I had to call her something!), but so far so good.
    UPDATE: Although the robot reliably trundles out as scheduled, it sometimes seems to believe that it is about to fall off of a cliff and stops and appeals for help. I imagine that this is because we have a rug with a black border, that it (sometimes) interprets as an edge or stairs. It also sometimes seems to get vacuum constipation and trails around a load of dog fur and mixed detritus from the aperture where it is emptied.
    UPDATE: We bought some new rugs for the hall; we wanted grey but only black ones were available in the sizes that we wanted, so we got those. I was horrified to find that the robot, will not cross these rugs, not because they are thick, but because they are black. I imagine that the “drop sensor” believes that a black rug is a drop as it would find on stairs, so it will not cross them. So we are now stuck with the decision to either change the rugs, or to not be able to use the robot vacuum. Or lift the rugs to allow the robot to function, which is a bit like having a dog and barking yourself.

  15. MaritzaTimmons says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI needed to call the Coredy helpline as one of my 750s wasn’t mopping well. The call was answered and problem promptly solved – simply by unblocking the water nozzles with a pin. (I had put a thick cleaning fluid in which caused the problem).
    Whilst looking for the telephone number, I saw that there was a new model, the L900x. Decided we could use the current 750s on the first and second floors and that the new model would be perfect for the ground floor.
    Ordered it and it arrived the next day. Unboxed and up and running in 20 minutes. It’s brilliant.
    Apologies for my daughter’s acting !

  16. KKHKeeshad says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this product. Cleans the floor well and mops at the same time. Automatically disposes of the dust after cleaning and avoids items on the floor by itself.

    great machine!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my first robotic vacuum. It does a good cleaning job.
    Setting up the Wi-Fi connection could be made easier it only accepts a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well I loved my coredy r750 and I put it through its paces. We have a dog and decided to upgrade to this one which empties itself and WOW it is so clever. It maps the room electronically and the app is awesome. It is quiet. It goes over rugs and mats like a charm. It is so clever I was scared of it. Now I love it. It’s the best thing in the house next to the dishwasher. Peter Fritz was very helpful in all my dealings with support thank you

  19. Giovanni Bruno says:

     United Kingdom

    A vacuum like no other! It can do it all. Go over thresholds in between rooms, carpets and it’s even small enough to go under your entertainment stands! Best feature of all is being able to see where the vacuum has cleaned through the interactive map and tracking. The bonus feature of having a mop as well makes cleaning easy. Have a baby sleeping in the house, this is the vacuum to get as you can change the suction level to quiet, standard or max mode! Cleaning the vacuum is easier than ever and takes minutes to do unlike other vacuum’s I’ve had. Having a dirt collection station makes life that much easier! Highly recommend this product and you definitely get your money’s worth. I called customer support and Peter Fritz was very knowledgeable and professional.

    Vaccum into an easy life