Couchmaster CYCON² – Black Edition – Couch Gaming Desk for Mouse & Keyboard for PC, PS4/5, XBOX One/Series X|S

Intelligent design and innovative features: this is the new Couchmaster CYCON²

The Couchmaster represents nothing less than a true revolution in gaming. With the smart CYCON², you can game in a relaxed position at home on the sofa, or even in your bed. The generous couch gaming desk can be used for input devices as well as with a notebook. Thanks to its ergonomic sitting position, no signs of fatigue or tension appear while gaming on the couch, even after hours of use. The Couchmaster CYCON² is versatile and can be used perfectly with a PC, Mac, notebook or game console.
Compared to a conventional lap desk, the Couchmaster CYCON² consists of a generously dimensioned desktop, which is placed on two high-quality cushions made of memory foam. Since the two support cushions are not fixed to the tabletop, the Couchmaster can be individually positioned to fit any body size. In addition, getting up is significantly easier, as you can easily move the support board to the side. When the gaming session comes to an end, the Couchmaster can be quickly stowed away, thanks to its three-part construction.

Smart Design
The new CYCON² represents the current flagship of the available Couchmaster models. Thanks to the six integrated USB 3.0 ports, all required input devices such as keyboards, mice, gamepads and headsets can be connected directly to the Couchmaster. Of course, mobile devices like smartphones or tablets can also be connected and charged at the fast-charging USB port. To keep the cables of the connected devices out of the way, the Couchmaster CYCON² has a modified and now even more easily accessible cable management system.

Ultimate Power
To avoid having to lay countless cables across the living room up to the couch, nerdytec came up with something very special. A cable, especially developed for the CYCON², establishes the connection between PC and Couchmaster, and simultaneously provides additional power with the included power adapter. This way, even the most power-hungry devices can be operated with the CYCON².

Compact and resource-saving
Thanks to the compact cushions, the new CYCON² takes up less space on the sofa. In terms of materials, we chose high-quality memory foam and a robust suede-like cover. For environmental reasons, the cushions are now vacuum-packed, so that the size of the packaging is considerably reduced. On the other hand, only fully recycled plastic is used for the support board.

Perfectly ergonomic
From an ergonomic point of view, the Couchmaster CYCON² is highly recommended.
Physiotherapist Roland Kellerbach from Cologne, Germany comments:
“From a health point of view, I can say that the Couchmaster offers the best ergonomics for using the PC/laptop from the couch. Thanks to the large cushions, the shoulder and neck muscles are relieved during use, which effectively prevents tension.”
As the graphic shows, the Couchmaster allows a back-friendly sitting position. Health problems can thus be completely eliminated.
Weight: | 4.2 kg |
Dimensions: | 85 x 22 x 60 cm; 4.2 Kilograms |
Brand: | Couchmaster |
Model: | NT-CM-CYCON-SKY-Black-001 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Nerdytec |
Colour: | Black |
Davvero comoda, proprio quello che mancava per poter lavorare, o giocare per i gamers, in tutta comodit dal proprio divano. I supporti laterali non scivolano e neanche il tavolino, una volta appoggiato sopra. L’ampio tappetino per il mouse pu essere letteralmente incollato, tramite adesivo 3M, al tavolino onde evitare di avere un pezzo in pi a spasso sul divano. Ha anche delle tasche, pi una opzionale che quindi si pu, oppure no, applicare tramite strappo al tavolino. Bene anche i materiali, i cavi e i componenti accessori, tutti di qualit, il che giustifica il prezzo. Personalmente, mi sto trovando davvero bene, avrei dovuto acquistarlo prima!
Pour l’avoir utilis dans mon salon pour jouer aux jeux vido ou pour ma conjointe qui est enceinte, la qualit est au rendez vous. Les coussins sont moelleux et suffisamment rigides pour ne pas se dformer et maintenir la personne en place. La table pour poser le clavier et la souris est elle aussi de qualit. Il y a des espaces de rangement pour ne pas que les cables/ fils ne trainent. Le prix est pour moi lgrement trop cher mais au vue de la qualit du produit, je ne peux plus m’en passer. Je recommande tout les gamers pour vos longues soires de jeux vido
As others have said I wish there was another option in the $100 – $150 range, maybe one without all of the integrated electrical/power options, especially since I’m using a wireless keyboard and mouse that doesn’t need to be plugged in all the time.
Other than that, I’m still happy with the purchase as it greatly improves my comfort and posture while gaming on the sofa.
The foam is lightweight and solid enough to support my arms for extended periods of time. They also have some handy pockets on the sides for convenient storage. The tabletop is large with plenty of room for larger keyboards and mouse pads and feels sturdy and well built. I also like how modular it is with 3 pieces that are easy to store when not in use.
One suggestion for a future alternate version would be foam blocks that are slightly angled on the bottom. As of right now, depending on how inclined I’m positioned on my sofa, the angle I’m sitting alters the angle which the foam/table sits, causing the mouse to slide when I’m not holding onto it. That’s not a complaint, but more of a note.
This company took this into account when they designed this product. It is wide and tall enough that it does fit over my legs/lap when sitting or reclined. It fits perfectly and once set up is completly comfortable to use. The memory foam arm rest pillows are made of sturdy foam (no off-gasing smell that I could detect) covered in a suede textured cloth that doesn’t retain or reflect too much heat. Nice and comfy for prolonged use.
I would say too that it’s not overly large for a person of average or smaller stature either. They hit the sweet spot with their design.
Getting down to functionality. It feels great to use. I am finally able to rest my arms at a height that keeps them parallel with the keyboard and mouse, virtually eliminating the wrist strain. The board is large and provides ample room for a full size pro gaming keyboard deck and mouse with a little extra space. The onboard USB ports with the detachable extension cable make it easy and convenient to use and to store when not in use. It also looks awesome.
I could not be happier with this product. Worth every dollar and I wish I hadn’t waited several months thinking about it before I decided to try it.
Es war sehr benutzerfreundlich und einfach den Couchmaster aufzubauen und anzuschlieen. Es war sehr intuitiv, wie die Verkabelung platziert werden muss. Auerdem ist die ordentliche Verkabelung innerhalb des Couchmasters durch die Sulen ein einfaches.
Das Verbindungskabel zur Konsole / zum PC ist durch die Lnge des Kabels auf beiden Seiten des Couchmasters mglich.
Die Kabellnge zur Verbindung zwischen Gert und Couchmaster ist lang genug, um auch grere Strecken abzudecken.
Ein kleiner Nachteil ist, dass die Klappen auf der Rckseite nur mittig verschraubt sind. Wenn das dicke Verbindungskabel fr den Anschluss an der Konsole also an einem der Seitenausgnge herausgelegt wird, dann steht die Ecke der Klappe leider etwas vor. Das lsst sich natrlich durch eine geeignete Fixierung im Nachhinein lsen (oder dadurch umgehen, dass das Kabel durch die obere ffnung verlegt wird), htte aber gerne auch mit einer kleinen Schraube von Haus aus gelst werden knnen.
Nutzbarkeit und Funktion:
Nachdem die Anschlsse von Tastatur und Maus, sowie des Verbindungskabels zum zu steuernden Gert abgeschlossen waren, war es lediglich Plug & Play um die Gerte vom Couchmaster zu nutzen. Die Konsole erkannte die Maus auch sofort und lies sich entsprechend konfigurieren.
Kompatible Spiele waren sofort steuerbar, ohne eine weitere Umstellung vorzunehmen.
Das Gewicht des Couchmasters ist vllig in Ordnung und die Kissen sind hoch genug, um vernnftig darunter zu sitzen (Mittelgroe Person mit 175 cm Hhe).
Wenn der Couchmaster allerdings z.B. auf einem Sessel (mit eigenen Lehnen) genutzt wird und nicht gerade aufliegt (also eine Neigung zur Person oder von der Person weg hat), dann rutscht die Maus leider entsprechend in die Richtung und mindert die Spielerfahrung etwas. Da muss dann eine eigene Abhilfe zur Anpassung des Neigungswinkels her.
Insgesamt wrde ich dem Produkt, trotz der zwei kleinen Anmerkungen, 5/5 Sterne geben.
Verglichen mit anderen Produkten auf dem Markt hat der Couchmaster diverse Vorteile und ist auch preislich deutlich gnstiger. Wenn die zwei Kleinigkeiten behoben sind, ist durch die einfache Installation und einfaches Plug & Play, eine tolle Spielerfahrung garantiert.
I use my TV set as monitor and needed something to use when surfing and couch slouch gaming,
and lo and behold – Cycon2. Perfect for my needs. I can fit my G13, a 65% keyboard and a mouse without the “desk” getting crowded. I can definitively recommend it!
Also a Huge plus for superior Customer support!
I needed a replacement cushion for my Cycon2 and was helped by Laura, a lightning fast and effective support crew. Within three days I received my cushions. Top-notch!
5/5 Absolutely worth the price. Plenty of space with endless possibilities for customization. I’m so glad I invested in this before dropping way more money into a desk chair that couldn’t come close to the comfort of my own living room and recliner.
I really can’t overstate how awesome the couchmaster is. Whether gaming, working from home, or just browsing, being able to kick back on the couch instead of hunching over my laptop at my desk or table is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. The only drawback is getting out from under it.
Here’s the best part though: support is fantastic and helpful. Jamie was awesome in helping me purchase additional accessories not found on their website.
10/10 would recommend.
Works as intended, but the included usb hub is very poor quality. As well there should be a piece at the back which allows the board to tip up in the back. to change the angle for the user. For this premium price point it should be more configurable.
Been gaming from the couch for years. Where have you been all mylife.
Super Teil, zwar nicht ganz gnstig aber sehr zu empfehlen. Die Auflage ist ausreichend gro und das Kabelmanagement ist gut gelst. Die Kissen haben fr mich (180cm, 85kg) die perfekte Hhe. Das mitgelieferte Mauspad ist auch ziemlich gut. Kann ich echt empfehlen. Und ich schreibe sonst eher selten Rezessionen, da muss mich etwas schon sehr begeistern.
Que des avantages, parfait pour jouer tranquillement dans son canap
I am a cross country truck driver and there are almost no good solutions to gaming on the road. This device is a wonder and it makes the breakdown and setup of my station a breeze. It offers me an ergonomic setup for gaming on the road and it solves half a dozen problems at once with its single plug and play solution to peripheral devices. If you are a trucker gamer and you are looking for a good product i cannot recommend this enough.
Jag blev tvungen att sluta spela vid ett skrivbord p grund av fysiska skl. Tanken uppstod att man kanske skulle kunna “snickra till” en lsning med kuddar och en stadig planka fr att kunna spela PC-spel med mus och tangentbord sittandes i en soffa!
Sagt och gjord, jag drog till Googlemobilen! Inom 3 klick s hade jag hittat till Amazon och denna produkt. Den var precis vad jag letat efter och mer drtill! En liten soffa slpades hem och en hylla sattes upp, sedan var framgngen ett faktum! Jag slipper armont, ryggont, ont i nacken och sitter s ofrskmt bekvmt att det knappt kan beskrivas med ord!
Nackdelar med produkten har hittills varit att den antar att brukaren r man. Kuddarna kan vara fr lga fr oss med kortare armar, men det problemet har jag kommit runt medels en rd kudde att lgga vnster arm p och en (oanvnd) hemorrojdkudde fr hgerarmen! Man kan sklart snickra till armstd av ett hrt skumgummi eller dylikt, men jag r njd shr.
Ett annat mer ptagligt besvr som kan drabba alla som brukar denna produkt r att bottenplattorna inte ger tillrcklig stttning. De brjar vika sig och bukta utt i kanterna, en kabel kan enkelt trycka upp dem nr man flyttar runt p konsolen. Detta lste vi med hjlp av tejp, enkelt men ngot fr tillverkaren att ha i tanke. En skruv i varje hrn, inte bara en stor i mitten, vore kanon!
verlag s r jag dock s oerhrt njd att det inte gr att beskriva, denna produkt r vrd sin vikt i guld. Till och med kuddarna har imponerat, de hller formen fortfarande trots pfrestning och upprepat tryck varje gng jag ska kliva ur soffan! Rekommenderas varmt till alla som vill g ifrn att spela PC vid ett skrivbord!
Finally got rid of my shoulder and upper back pain while gaming on the couch. Light, ergonomic and very comfortable
This set up is comfy. Sure you have to move or take apart anytime you want to put it up for the night or even get up from the couch, but if you don’t have space for a desk, then this item works great.
Un super produit robuste… Idale pour tre bien confortable dans le canap je recommande pour les gamers
Es muy recomendable, son dos cojines rectangulares negros que colocas a cada lado y una
“tabla/mesa” que pones y quitas en la que entra muy bien teclado, raton y movil. Es caro para lo que es, pero muy contento por que estoy muy agusto.
Pros: Super Duper comfy. Convenient. I’m sitting on my couch right now facing my windows using it and typing from the… whatever this doohickey is called. I’m not a gamer btw. I work remotely and get tired of being in the office and want to be in the living room with the big windows and space. So this thing is a God-Send to have and it’s perfect for what I need. I already love it and am thrilled to have it.
So why is it overpriced then if it’s giving me so much value?
Cons: Grab yourself a couple of pillows, an extended tray table and a mouse-pad, and you’d have the same thing. Sure you can plug USB ports into the table… but I don’t need them. Sure it has a drink holder… but so does my cheap fold-out camping chair — and the cup holder is exactly the same. What I’m saying is, this thing could be sold at $40 for what it is and seem like it’s worth the money. $200? No. It’s waaaayyy overpriced.
But, because it’s exactly what I need, and there’s nothing else on the market, to me the purchase was worth it. But if you’re on the fence and don’t have the cash, find some long rectangular pillows and a long flat surface of some sort, a mouse pad, and you’ll pretty much have the same thing.
Compos de deux coussins rectangulaires sur lesquels repose un plateau en plastique rigide, le Couchmaster Cycon s’est rvl tre un outil de gaming devenu indispensable pour moi, tant le confort d’utilisation qu’il apporte est important.
Le plateau est destin accueillir un clavier et une souris (il existe le modle Cybot pour les ordinateurs portables). Deux compartiments accessibles par en-dessous permettent la fois de ranger et brancher les cbles de la souris et du clavier, ce qui rend l’ensemble trs propre en vitant des fils qui tranent. Sur le dessus du plateau, deux ports USB supplmentaires sont proposs, utiles pour brancher une clef USB ou pour recharger le casque sans fil, par exemple.
Du plateau sort un unique cble (assez long) qui ira jusqu’ la tour o il se divisera alors en deux : une extrmit viendra se brancher en USB l’ordinateur, l’autre tant une alimentation secteur. Concernant cette dernire, je dois avouer tre un peu dubitatif : la planche peut fonctionner sans, mais il est probable que vous ne tireriez alors pas pleinement parti du port USB rouge du plateau qui est destin charger rapidement des priphriques.
Concernant la connectique, je suis l aussi un peu rserv. Branch sur un port USB 2 (port noir), l’ordinateur a tendance me dire que le priphrique ne fonctionne pas aussi rapidement qu’il le pourrait (cela dit, tout fonctionne parfaitement). Branch sur un port USB 3.1 gen 1 (bleu), ce qui me semblerait tre le plus pertinent, le gestionnaire de priphrique semble dtecter du matriel par intermittence. La liste des priphriques USB se met se rafrachir toutes les 2 3 secondes et certains jeux sont perturbs par ce qu’ils pensent tre un dbranchement-rebranchement permanent de matriel. Sans compter le fait que l’ordinateur n’arrive alors tout bonnement plus dmarrer 3 fois sur 4 (il reste bloqu avant le chargement de Windows). Enfin, sur un port USB 3.1 gen 2 (rouge), l’ordinateur dtecte carrment une surtension et s’teint directement au dmarrage pour protger le matriel. Je laisse donc le plateau branch sur un port USB 2, a fonctionne mais a ne me semble ni pertinent, ni intuitif. Pour le prix, je m’attendais ne pas avoir de difficult avec les branchements.
Pour le reste, rien redire : c’est bien pens, c’est confortable, a remplit parfaitement son rle : je ne peux que recommander.
Product is well made and very comfortable when using for several hours of use. The cord included is high quality with no issues with disconnects. The cushions included have just the right firmness and thickness to get into a good seating position. Unit is pricey, but you’d be hard pressed to find anything compatible.
….MERAVIGLIOSO !!! Lo uso per collegare mouse e tastiera alla PS5 e l’hub esegue magistralmente il suo compito con una compatibilit completa. Ultra comodi i cuscini e il fatto che siano separati dalla board rende il tutto super modulare e adatto ad ogni utente. Personalmente ingrandirei un po’ gli accessi per i cavi cos da garantire il passaggio anche dei cilindri di ferrite pi grandi, modifica che non impatterebbe, a mio avviso, sul design. Come altri utenti prima di me, ero titubante riguardo il costo ma assicuro che la postazione vale ogni euro speso, basti pensare alla comodit durante le lunghe sessioni di gioco.
Se siete PC Gamer della vecchia guardia e avete fatto il passaggio a console e divano, non potrete farne a meno!!!
Trs bon support. Accoudoirs assez ferme pour soutenir la planche support et confortable pour poser les coudes. Bonne qualit de tissus pour les accoudoirs, la planche assez longue pour clavier et souri gaming.
Ok first of all is this product worth buying? yes. Its the best lapboard on the market that i’ve used, hands down, because it technically isn’t a lapboard. The worst part about lapboard is they sit on your lap. Crazy, i know. But in basically all circumstances a lapboard falls into one or multiple categories. its either; too big to be comfortable, too small to be effectively usable, too uncomfortable to sit on your lap for long periods or so light and cheap that its hardly worth the money. This board is Massive, heavy and sturdy but the cushioned side supports keep it comfortable for extended periods and the size is large enough to accommodate a full size keyboard and mouse easily. The downside is it takes up a good 2/3 of an average sized couch so if you have only one couch and someone else needs to use it they might be a little tight on space. Im 6’1″ (thats right ladies) and it fits pretty comfortably over my legs with enough room for my ADHD raddled brain to continuously engage my Restless leg syndrome nonstop. The usb hubs on the top of board work well for phone charging or plugging in a wireless mouse/keyboard (or both, theres 2 ports) and the ports and cable management for a wired set up underneath the board are very well thought out and made. Overall super pricey but worth it in my humble opinion.
Molto comfortevole e versatile, non so proprio come facevo prima e non credo di poter pi tornare indietro! La struttura moldo solida anche se il tavolo semplicement appoggiato sui due cuscini senza un meccanismo di bloccaggio. Comodo il supporto per le braccia tramite i cuscini assolutamente nessun peso su gambe o altra parte del corpo che potrebbe causare scomodit per sessioni lunghe.
Lo sto usando principalmente per il mio setup di gaming in soggiorno, ma qualche volta l’ho usato anche per lavorare sul divano con il mio laptop o come semplice tavolino per leggere o anche fare uno spuntino.
Davvero molto soddisfatto, vale ogni centesimo!
Produit reue en avance de 3 jours , il est pratique confortable et trs personnalis ! Maintenant je peut jou dans mon lit ou canap confortable ! Il y’a des pochettes sur les cts se qu’il est pratique pour du rangement .
I brought this so I could sit in a sofa and play pc games ( in fact I liked it enough that I brought a second one a few days later for my wife).
The only problem I have is that the sofa has squidgy cushions which means that I cat fit both of the couch master cushions on the sofa and sit between them. That’s not really a problem though as I use one couchmaster cushion at one end and the sofa arm cushion at the other end.
On a whim I bought this couchmaster here.
This thing is saving my boredom so I can use my computer and hook it up to my tv. There are 6 usb ports on the inside which I could not get a picture of. There is only one cable to plug in to whatever device you will be using this for. There is one thing, but this is personal for me, I do wish the pockets were on both sides of the cushions, as I lean to the right side a lot, and that’s where the pockets are.
Now, onto the cushions. The cushions are surprisingly comfortable. One you get them in the mail, it does take 24 hours for them to come to their true form. Took Vegeta longer. Anyways, I enjoy the cushions a lot, theyre very comfortable, something for me to rest on, put my arms comfortably on and have full movement for my keyboard my mouse, whatever else I have plugged in.
All in all, this product is very much worth the price tag it has. I’m glad I bought this one instead of some other table for my laptop.
I just recently purchased the Couchmaster Cycon2 and I love it! I had an unique situation being a gamer, I moved and my bedroom is extremely small and is pretty much taken up by my bed. As such I couldn’t setup a computer desk, and being a gamer, this meant I would have to prop up on my bed and play, but it became very uncomfortable. With the Couchmaster, I can sit up like I’m at a desk, while sitting on my bed. And gaming feels good again. I love all the usb ports to hook up devices right at my lap. I do wish the power cord that runs from the PC to the base would connect on the left side rather then the right, but that’s a very minor grip, I can likely run the line across.