Digital Photo Frame 8 inch FHD, Fambrow Digital Picture Frame 1920×1080 Full IPS Display with Photo/Music/Video Player/Calendar/Alarm, Brightness Adjustable Electronic Photo Frame with Remote Control

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5-in-1 Multiple FunctionsFeatures with Photo / Music / Video Player / Calendar / Alarm all in one device. Allows you to keep your precious memory in it. | 1920 x1080 FHD DISPLAYBuilt-in full high definition display with an 8-inch large screen, restore the most detailed picture and video details in rich and vibrant colors display | Share Your Best MemorySupport Max 32G SD card, USB flash drive, and USB devices connection. Allows you to share your best memory between the smart device and the digital photo frame. |
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Convenient Auto-RotationNo longer limited to your photo type. Auto-rotation function helps you to display the photo the way you want, only need to rotate the photo frame. | Easy Remote ControlThe package included the remote control, you can control it and make the settings even more effortless. | Best Choice for GiftThe best choice as a gift for anyone for every single special day. Be the best and meaningful gift they have received ever in their life. |
Size: | 8 inch(1920*1080) |
Dimensions: | 29.7 x 16.3 x 5.9 centimetres |
Brand: | FamBrow |
Model: | P800 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Size: | 8 inch(1920*1080) |
We had problems setting it up but eventually got there. For the price it is good.
Bought it as a gift they loved it, although I thought the screen a bit to small.
Compared to my previous digital picture frame this one has amazing colours. I can really enjoy having it in the background playing my pictures. Very easy to set up and the remote control is very handy.
Picture quality is really good and it’s easy to use.
Also good value for money
Lo compr para un regalo y fue todo un acierto, quera que pudiese funcionar de manera simple y con buena imagen, y cumple su cometido de manera impecable. La reproduccin de video que tambin me interesaba es igualmente correcta (ojo no poner videos verticales que se vern deformados).
El funcionamiento del mando a distancia, el manejo etc, tambin me gustaron aunque no profundice por que la persona que lo va atener no va a usar funciones adicionales.
This item was bought as a present, easy to set up, fast delivery, good quality, great price, really happy with purchase, would recommend
Picture quality is good and really easy to set up needs a 32g memory card good size for placing on a small shelf 8 inch size I bough
I have bought this frame to showcase my studio work on market where I trade. Picture quality is very good. It’s so nice to get those personal images off the phone or camera and onto this funky screen. I’m happy with the product. Remote control stopped working after 3-4 weeks and refund service was superb. They have sent me replacement pack within days. Looking forward to unpack the new frame and get it going again
Thank you
We ordered the device and amazed at how quick it was delivered as most items can take days. On arrival we noticed so minor issues and after speaking to the company who sell the item they have quickly resolved the issue. Customer service for me was first class.
The frame arrived but without the rod to support the frame to stand up. I asked for a replacement rod but was sent a while new product. Works fine and picture quality is good.
Es una marco digital el marco es elegante y de color negro con rayas por los lados,incluye un mando a distancia.
Tiene un soporte pequeo que se puede enroscar en la parte de atrs y lo puedes poner vertical u horizontal.
Elegi este modelo principalmente por el precio y las buenas opiniones, es sencillo ya que hay otros que tienen ms prestaciones que este modelo por ejemplo con wifi o tctil, pero yo creo que con este tenia bastante.
buscaba algo sencillo y que estuviera bien de precio y he acertado.
No tiene batera incorporada lo que hace que tenga que estar conectado a la red siempre. Se puede poner encima de un mueble o colgado en la pared.
La imagen de las fotos es buena, tiene buena claridad y se puede aumentar o disminuir el brillo.
Funciona perfectamente y no es nada complicado insertar fotos o vdeos, pero siempre utilizando un USB o tarjeta SD.
El tamao del marco es justo como lo queria.
Las instrucciones estn en varios idiomas incluido el espaol.
So easy to install and great colours of your pictures
Very clear picture but sound was poor. Could only play mp4 video. Calendar and clock was good. Remote good.
I was really impressed with this picture frame. Very easy to set up, looks great, and the image quality is sharp. Just remember to buy your SD card to go with it! It stands well on my shelf and is a lovely feature. Great to finally see my photos somewhere other than my phone!
Qualit video ottima e audio altrettanto ma lo user principalmente per le fotografie .
It’s a new product for me and I like it. This can be put on a wall or on a desk and it will keep showing images videos. The screen is nice, software is okayish. It needs a USB stick or SD card to display content. The only drawback is that it doesn’t have a battery so need constant power supply using including power bricks and cable.
This can be used to watch videos also but that may not be a good use case for this. Overall it does its job good.
L ho preso come regalo per il mio pap, piaciuto un sacco ed semplicissimo da usore
Ottimo prodotto, proiezione video fluida e ottima risoluzione. Bella esteticamente e schermo 10″ ampio.
Zunchst eine Richtigstellung der Auflsung: Das 10-Zoll-Gert hat nicht – wie angegeben – eine Auflsung von 1920 x 1080 HD (das entsprche auch nicht dem Seitenverhltnis von 16:10), sondern das IPS-Display hat 1280 x 800 Pixel.
Doch die Bildqualitt ist wirklich gut: Scharf, natrliche Farben, selbst wenn man seitlich auf den Monitor schaut (andere Bilderrahmen in diese Preiskategorie haben teilweise eine katastrophale Bildqualitt). Einstellen lsst sich nur die Helligkeit, aber da Kontrast und Farbe tadellos sind gengt das auch.
Es wird eine andere, schwarze Fernbedienung mitgeliefert (die beim 8-Zoll Gert abgebildete), sie ist recht gut. Lobenswert sind die Tasten auf der Rckseite des Bilderrahmens, mit der man die wesentlichen Funktionen auch ohne die Fernbedienung erreicht.
Man kann auf dem Speicher (SD-Karte oder USB-Stick) mehrere Verzeichnisse anlegen und im Setup eines davon auswhlen. Wird das nicht explizit gemacht, dann werden die Inhalte aus allen Verzeichnissen angezeigt. Die Fotos werden richtig dargestellt, hochkant bleibt hochkant, zu groe Fotos werden proportional verkleinert.
Im Setup gibt es die Option, die Diashow mit mp3-Musik zu hinterlegen, ich habe das aber noch nicht genutzt.
Ganz schn ist die Kalenderfunktion, bei der rechts neben dem Kalenderblatt die Fotos durchlaufen.
Der Digitale Bilderrahmen ist ein No-Name Produkt aus China (weder auf der Verpackung noch auf dem Rahmen findet sich einen Marke). Die Bedienungsanleitung verdient diesen Namen kaum, man muss viele Funktionen selbst erkunden.
Fr den gnstigen Preis bietet dieses Gert aber eine ordentliche Qualitt, mit Abstrichen: 4 Sterne
Nice size, nice screen, good value only criticism is the instructions are limited
A great present for my mum, she loved it. Easy to install, just plug & play with sd card. The picture quality is really good, so very happy with the purchase.
oggetto arrivato in tempi brevissimi e corrispondente alle qualit descritte
Une chose retenir, si vous avez des fichiers non pris en charge sur la carte USB ou SD, le cadre photo fermera probablement la fentre photo et affichera une erreur, alors assurez-vous que vous n’avez que des fichiers pris en charge sur votre stockage. J’aurais aim qu’il y ait une fonction de minuterie pour tre allume et teinte des heures fixes, mais c’est mineur, la tlcommande fonctionne trs bien, donc je l’teins manuellement avant d’aller au lit et je la rallume quand nous nous rveillons. Nous l’aimons vraiment.
humbs up, the picture quality is really good and even play music, very happy with the purchase.
Nella scatola c’erano, il telecomando l’adattatore e due supporti di appoggio.
Eccellente qualit di imagine hd delle foto .
Facilissima da telecomandare.
Orologio digitale con la data che si possono impostare nella modalit he vuoi.
Molte modalit delle apparizione delle foto dalla desta alla sinistra , ingrandendo eccc.
Spegnimento e acensione automatica (puoi impostare lora che vuoi e la cornice si spegner e si accender nella ora che scegli).
L’adattatore e molto lungo e comodo anche se le presa che hai non e vicina.
Si puo impostare lora della sveglia.
Una bella cornice vale i soldi che ha costato.
Est muy bien. Para mi gusto podra alternar entre videos y fotos, pero el hecho de que reproduzca videos con sonidos est muy bien. Me gusta.
Lo tengo puesto en un mueble a la altura de los ojos, y sentado en el sof no pierde calidad de imagen…es cierto lo del angulo de visin.
La calidad de imagen me ha sorprendido.
Lo recomiendo 100%
La verdad muy chulo casi perfecto creo que es de lo mejor en marcos digitales, como pega poner que las fotos para buscar una especfica se pone muy lento el sistema y lo reinicia.