Well received birthday present. My granddaughter loves it. Very good quality and sturdy. However, I have one small issue with the seat being hard plastic type material, which proved to be a little slippery. My granddaughter struggled a little staying on the seat as she peddled. I’ll might stick some form of friction tape on the seat to resolve the issue.
Bought this for my granddaughter because she needs a bigger bike and she loves it because it has Frozen pictures on it. The original one was damaged in the post, but Amazon soon delivered a replacement, which arrived safely.
Santa bought this for my daughter so I am writing review for him.
The bike came in almost fully built, so a plus. We only needed to put the paddles and small accessories on.
The build quality in general is good, except the paddles where one of them is very tight, and the basket and back seat are all very soft plastic which I could foresee them breaking not far in the future. Hence 4 star, however more like 4.5.
Lovely bike Bought this for my granddaughter absolutely loves i
Well received birthday present. My granddaughter loves it. Very good quality and sturdy. However, I have one small issue with the seat being hard plastic type material, which proved to be a little slippery. My granddaughter struggled a little staying on the seat as she peddled. I’ll might stick some form of friction tape on the seat to resolve the issue.
Bought this for my granddaughter because she needs a bigger bike and she loves it because it has Frozen pictures on it. The original one was damaged in the post, but Amazon soon delivered a replacement, which arrived safely.
Santa bought this for my daughter so I am writing review for him.
The bike came in almost fully built, so a plus. We only needed to put the paddles and small accessories on.
The build quality in general is good, except the paddles where one of them is very tight, and the basket and back seat are all very soft plastic which I could foresee them breaking not far in the future. Hence 4 star, however more like 4.5.
Overall, Santa did a good job 🙂