DMT W6EFC Three 6-Inch Diamond Whetstone Models in Hard Wood Box – Multi-Colou

The DMT Difference
Since 1976, DMT has been in business to do just one thing: make the world’s best diamond sharpeners. Product innovations such as our signature polka-dot interrupted surface, and others with our continuous surface of high-performance diamond, are praised worldwide for their superior quality.
From pocket-sized whetstones to heavy-duty bench stones, the difference arrives time and again through our undivided pursuit of sharpening excellence.
For DMT products, no oil or pressure must be used to sharpen the tool or knife.
Quality must be manufactured, not fabricated
Diamond Coverage differs widely from one manufacturer to the next. For long-lasting performance, DMT makes certain that each sharpening surface carries the most diamonds per square inch in the industry.
Diamond Uniformity is also key to sharpener performance. DMT uses a proprietary process that ensures near-perfect consistency in grit size. The result is a micronised monocrystalline diamond that covers evenly across the sharpening surface to prove effective with every use, year after year.
Beware of imitators!
Surface Flatness can mean the difference between a well-honed tool and one that is barely serviceable. Flat surfaces maintain consistent, even contact with the edge to produce a bevel that carries the same degree of sharpness from end to end. DMT sharpeners are engineered to be the flattest on the market, and built to outlast other products, which are variable in surface, and often warped, hollowed or grooved.
DMT Benefits
- The most diamonds per square inch in the industry
- Near-perfect consistency in grit size
- The DMT sharpener produces a clean, razor-sharp edge
- Best Surface Flatness
DMT – Applications
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Home and CulinaryDMT Diamond Sharpeners will quickly sharpen the hardest stainless steel kitchen cutlery while removing a minimum of material from the blade, unlike electric sharpeners. Whether you have a Chef’s knife, a Sashimi Knife, Ceramic knife or even a steep angled meat cleaver, DMT kitchen knife sharpeners can do it all. | Gardening and LandscapingHone pruners, knives, loppers, edgers, axes, shears – even lawnmower blades. DMT sharpeners enable gardeners of all skill levels to keep all of their gardening and landscaping tools in top condition. With a sharp edge, garden and landscaping tools produce smooth, clean cuts that are better for plants. | Outdoor Sports and TacticalOutdoor Enthusiasts worldwide prefer the award winning DMT products to care for their edges. They withstand harsh environments and sharpen all kinds of knives, tools and edged equipment that hunters, hikers, rock climbers, adventurers, campers and sportsman rely on to survive and enjoy the outdoors. | WoodworkingSharp tools make every job easier. Unleash your creativity with woodworking tool sharpeners and chisel sharpeners that work with you, not against you. Our woodworking tool sharpeners are valued by woodworkers who want effective, precise sharpening for all of their tools. |
DMT – Product line
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DuoSharp and Dia-SharpThe first rule of shop maintenance is sharpen your tools. DMT Diamond Whetstones, DuoSharp Bench Stones and Dia-Sharp Bench Stones, are renowned by woodworkers and others for their remarkable sharpening speed, precision flatness and ease of use. | Diafold and Mini-SharpThe lightweight DMT Diafold and Mini-Sharp sharpeners are easy to use. The compact models are ideal for on the way. During transport, the handle is used as a protective cover for the diamond surfaces. | Guided SharpeningThe DMT grinding systems enable a professional edge care, regardless of the manual skill. Both novice and professional will enjoy precise, professional, consistent sharpening results. | Diamond SteelDMT Diamond Steel Sharpeners combine high performance diamond and ceramic sharpening surfaces with the realigning and convenience of traditional steels for sharper results! DMT sharpening steels truly sharpen- not just hone. |
Weight: | 816 g |
Dimensions: | 22.86 x 27.94 x 27.94 cm; 816.47 Grams |
Model: | W6EFC |
Part: | W6EFC |
Colour: | Multicolour |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Acme United Corporation |
Colour: | Multicolour |
Quantity: | 1 |
Sharpened all my kitchen knifes! Quick results and so easy.
I am using the box as a holder while sharpening, and it is a little clumsy. May need to get a holder of some sort or use my vise…
And I could see for maintenance of edges, I would probably never use the coarse stone, but it is good to have.
I have never sharoened knives before. I watch several videos on youtube and with this diamondstone kit I had 8 sharp knives and a hatchet within a few hours.
I am 100% a novice but these did the job so great it was a confidence booster.
Article achet pour affter couteaux et ciseaux bois. Il suffit d humidifier les lames. Pas d huile et de risque de dformation comme sur les pierres traditionnelles. Ses 3 granulomtries permettent de rattraper les clats et de finir par un travail soign en peu de temps. Excellent produit.
Avec un gabarit qui va bien, permet un affutage prcis.
The Product works perfect. Its very easy to sharpen Blades. Its definitely worth the price.
Facill de usar y deja el filo perfecto. Super contento
3 different colors , easy to know which is one ,nice protect !!
Htte nicht gedacht das die Schleifsteine so gut sind. Messer werden sehr scharf.
Die Qualitt der Schleifsteine ist sehr gut.
Einzig die Lieferzeit von 11 Tagen innerhalb Deutschlands ist nicht OK.
Ein Schrfset, mit dem mir das Schrfen von Messern Spa macht. die Messer lassen sich schnell und einfach (nach ein bisschen bung) schrfen.
Now I can sharpen my Knifes the same than one Razer, perfec
Sehr gute Ergebnisse bei entspr.reifer Technik, abschlieend noch mit Lederband geglttet, Rasiermesser artige Schrfe!
These worked very well. I think you will like them.
Es braucht schon etwas bung bis man ein Messer scharf hat.
Die Halterung des Wasserschleifsteins kann man weiterverwenden was die Umstellung erleichtert da die Arbeitshhe weitestgehend gleich bleibt.
Die Diamandschleifsteine erfllen ihren Zweck perfekt. Endlich wieder scharfe Messe
Sehr gutes Set, man bekommt alle Messer fast bis Rasiermesserscharf ohne groen Aufwand. Zu beachten ist keinen groen Druck ausben, denn die Diamanten machen die Arbeit. Zu groer Druck die Diamanten brechen raus und der Stein ist hin. Ein Vorteil ist wenn man schon schleifen kann, geht 3 bis 4 mal schneller als auf dem Wasserstein “Empfehlung”!!!
Conforme a la description. Trs bonnes pierres pour afftage de mes ciseaux et rabots bois. 4 /5 a cause de la boite en bois qui prsente un jeu important un peu gnant pendant l’utilisation.
Gut es hat zwar etwas gedauert bis ich den Winkel raus hatte, aber ich habe es geschafft.
Ich lege mein Messer auf meine Hand und ziehe es ohne druck durch Papier. Was will man mehr.
I bought these for flattening my waterstones, but they also work very well to sharpen smaller blades.
Got this for my husband as it was a kit he used at a friends house and was really impressed with it.
He got his and has been very satisfied. I have seen him recommend it to many of his other friends, so I know it is a win.
Absolutely marvelous. Recommended by Paul Sellers and they are the best sharpening stones ever. Excellent price and a quality product.
Really great. Best diamond plates I have used. Cuts quick and creates a beautifully clean edge on Japanese cutlery. Awesome on tools, knives and anything that benefits from a plate. Does not warp like a whetstone. Great purchase
Besser und schneller als mit einem Stein. Immer schn plan.
Messer werden ausreichend scharf. Man kann ja noch mit einem Leder abziehen..
Ergebnis der zu schrfenden Teile rechtfertigt auch den nicht niedrigen Preis. Produkt kann man voll empfehlen, vor allem fr jene, die tagtglich z.B. zur Arbeit scharfe Messer bentigen. Handhabung auch perfekt, wobei Reihenfolge und Winkelhaltung eingehalten werden mu.
J ai trouver les pierres Correct dans l ensemble je recommande …peut tre faudrait il revoir la finition de la boite en bois (jeux aux extrmit)
Still getting used to them, but seem to work pretty well
Ich wurde durch den Youtubekanal eines britischen Schreiners auf das Set aufmerksam. Sehr gute Verarbeitung, genauer als Steine, man braucht sehr sehr wenig Kraft.
Messer, Stecheisen, Spachtel, alles wird wunderbar scharf, WENN man es nach dem Diamantstein auch noch ber einen Lederriemen zieht.
Dieses hier habe ich fr Keramikmesser gekauft, weil Keramik hrter ist als die Schleifsteine.
Es funktioniert perfekt!
Und Stahlmesser sind damit wesentlich schneller scharf als mit den blichen Schleifsteinen.
Die dnne Schleifauflage lsst mich frchten, dass sie schneller abgentzt sind, als Schleifsteine. Aber das ist nur eine Vermutung, die die Zeit besttigen oder widerlegen wird.
Wie gesagt, fr Keramikmesser unumgnglich.
This set performs very well. I’ve used this on very dull, cheap knives and the results are excellent. I’ve also used this on my chisels and the blade of my block plane which also produced excellent results. I don’t even need to use a honing guide because I only need less than 50 strokes total (using all 3 grits), which means I don’t need to maintain the angle for a long time.
I’ve only used this for less than a week, so I cannot comment on long term use (which I believe the ad said it has a long service life).
The product description mentioned about a beautiful hardwood box. It’s nice, but I won’t call it beautiful, especially since the top and bottom halves don’t even have the same size. The cavity for the sharpening stones is rough as if the routing job only had one pass. Also, the case was glued from two pieces of wood (2 pieces on the top half, and 2 pieces on the bottom half). Finally, the stones sit at a bevel inside the cavity, which irritated me more than the rough routing job. I’m not removing any stars though, as I don’t really care about the case, but since it was advertised as beautiful, I thought I’d leave a comment about it.
I’ll probably buy the 2X course grit later.
Par contre, la boite est une franche dception. L’emplacement des pierres est nettement trop grand (quelques mm) ce qui fait que les pierres bougent et tapent bruyamment devant et derrire chaque allez retour de la lame. Les pieds anti drapant semblent uniquement l pour la dcoration. Et surtout, j’ai eut la surprise de trouver ma boite avait compltement gauchie cause de l’eau le lendemain de sa premire utilisation…
These are fantastic sharpening stones. My wife says the kitchen knives have never been sharper. Not only that, these stones are pretty aggressive which means it doesn’t take endless strokes to finish. I even sharpened a crappy quality steel pocket knife to a good edge. They can be expensive but you really get what you pay for with these.
Compared to the tradition japanese wetstones I’m used to using, these things are clean, fast, and very efficient. The course stone is no slouch, so be sure to be careful while using it. It’s great for remaking bevels and cleaning up chips and nicks in record time. From there you’ll find yourself working through the fine and extra fine stones very quickly. I work in a fairly small, inconvenient area, so these things are great for minimizing messes. Maybe not noise though. As you can imagine, grinding knives on steel and diamond grit is a bit more noisy than sliding one along slurry-covered wetstones.
Oh, and my box came in nice and straight. It’s lightly oiled to a smooth finish and comfortably fits the stones without cramping them. Although the box does have rubber mounts that keep it from moving around, I recommend investing in a more reliable base that won’t be affected by water. Thankfully I got that single extra course stone first, so I can just swap the stones out onto that.
I’m very satisfied with this product, I wish I could give it six stars. I’ll keep my comfy japanese wetstones around for when I have time to get messy. But for the most part, this will be all I need. Love it.
I’ve been learning how to sharpen all my wood working tools better and these diamond stones are great, makes them razor sharp!! Nice storage box also.
There are two things I don’t like about these diamond stones (they’re not big enough to warrant removing a star):
– I wish the stones were slightly wider. My most used plane (#4) is wider than the stone is, so I have to sharpen it on an angle… see picture.
– The stones don’t fit snuggly into the wooden case, so you have to remove the stones in order to accurately sharpen something. I think there’s about 1/16″ – 1/8″ play on either side of the stone.
Have used these for sharpening chisels, and they do a very good job getting them ready for woodworking and do not take much effort.
They are exactly what I was looking for as a starter set for sharpening hand tools, and I actually prefer using them to a finer grit whetstone.
Knives are sharp again. For some knives, I would recommend to use only the blue and red ones (coarse and medium) but not the green one (fine) as the become sharper. The wood may crook if you do not dry it absolutely and totally before storing it (it happened to me, I leave it to rest in sunshine and it went back to normal). Great presentation. Loved it.
Definitely works and it’s nice that I don’t have to worry about the surface staying level. Awesome to not have the mess and hassle that comes with whetstones. But I still use some high (8000) grit stones and it also does great to keep my whetstones level.
A great set. Made in the USA. I use mine for chisels, plane irons, my drawknife and to flatten the bottom on my spokeshave.
Quality is very good. I’ve been using them to recondition hand plane knives with a Veratas MK2 jig. The extra fine is still a little too rough for me and my final grit is a 2000 wet/dry paper. Over all very satisfied!!
Product received is as shown on product listing. Sharpens well.
I started with the black colored dmt stone. It took a lot of elbow grease. The middle picture that I’ve attached is after 45 minutes on the stone. It took about 30 min after that to be decent. The blade was very rough after the black stone. After that I used the blue, red, and green 10 minutes each. I’m happy with the results, and I’m glad I bought the black stone, otherwise it might’ve taken longer.
Bought this for my brother as a present whom is a chef, he stated that these are very good whetstones and was extremely excited. They also shipped very fast.
Bought these as a wedding present, and the groom is a chef. Besides the stones being useful, the wooden box is very nice and made this a high quality gift. An added bonus is that if you remove to of the stones and leave the third one in, the box acts as a stone holder. Would recommend for serious cooks.
Good price arrived on time and as described. Been using these type stones for years.
Well, i’d love it more if there were a REALLY coarse one, along with a superfine one – can’t get my straight razor sharp enough with the fine grit here. *sigh* Super coarse could flatten carborundum and sand stones.
If they were about 10 inches long, and cost less………. lol.
Awesome. Used these stones to sharpen my wood working chisels. They worked perfectly. And so did the chisels after sharpening. 🙂
The best of the best. If you can’t sharpen a knife on these razor sharp you should get someone to teach you how to sharpen a knife.
I have had the fine DMT diamond one since 1999 and it still works great.
great diamond stones for the money I use these everyday and they perform very well
Great set. this is a must have item to keep your knives sharp.
Very happy with it! Its my first set of stones so I cant compare, but I can tell you that my Henckels knives are sharper than ever! 🙂
1. They’re small. Bigger ones are easier to use but also of course more expensive.
2. Keeping a consistent angle is key to success, and these do not address that part of the sharpening equation.
One thing to mention (which is probably a common thing that I’m just unaware of) is that the “stones” will move a little bit (maybe 1/16″) in their opening in the box. This means that, if you’re putting water on the stones and some of the water rolls off (as it will), then the water is likely to splash up dirty water onto you. Not an issue for me as I don’t wear my fine clothes when I’m woodworkiing, but just something I thought I’d mentio
Excellent product. As advertised and as expected. Delivered on time.
Nice set of stones, only complaint is that they could us a raised platform to work with them on, not that this is difficult to achieve on your own, just would be nice.
These are great whetstones. I have used them for years–at my other home–tuning up chisels and plane irons. I couldn’t work without having another set at hand. The box organizes them, and stabilizes them well when sharpening. Excellent product.
If you can’t get your knives sharp enough with this set if stones, you just need to ask someone else to sharpen them for you, because you obviously suck at freehand sharpening.
Quality stones for sharpening all types of knives. Bought this for the neighbor because he had finally worn down his stone from all of the sharpening.
These diamond stones work great for getting a sharp edge on any knife.
I had an old KA-BAR that could barely cut paper and with just a few strokes on all three stones it was nice and sharp. I’m not particularly experienced with sharpening knives but these stones are very easy to use. What i like the most is the ease of maintenance with this product as they don’t require any messy oil or water. While these stones might not give a razor sharp edge they will still sharpen the hell out of any knife. I’m very happy with these stones!
I haven’t used it much yet, but I like the way it’s boxed and color coded. I bought it based on reviews from woodworking magazines. I engraved my own reminder on the box regarding which grits were which color. It would have been nicer if the box came that way. I expect the stones to give me years of excellent service.
It’s definitely not perfect but considering its low price tag, I say, it’s pretty much worth it. These stones are quite small, about the size of an iphone 5 but a little longer.
Finaly I can have my chisels and planes realy sharped, thanks to this whetsones, woodworking essentials tools in your workshop
It only took me about 5 minutes to take my dull kitchen knife to a razor sharp edge again. Worked great on my Henkles Santoku and Shun Pairing knife, they’ve stayed fairly sharp and only need a hone every once in a while.
Definitely read up on sharpening techniques (or watch the video on their website) before using this. It may help to have a cheaper knife to practice if it’s your first time sharpening because it’s easy to get a weird grainy look on the blade (or scratch parts of the blade that you don’t want marked up)
These diamond whetstones work dull blades back to excellent edges. The three stones provide progressively finer honing for a razor-sharp edge. I use the finest stone to maintain the edges. Easy to work with, especially using water instead of honing oil
These “stones” are not really stone, plastic and man made objects, but that isn’t bad. The diamond cutting surface removes material from blades in a controlled fashion and clean up easy with water. For serious cutting edge work, these are strongly recommended.
He loves It! He can now razor-sharpen all his knives and tools, for a very long time. A gift that can become a family heirloom, treasured for years to come.
Bought this for my husband as a Christmas gift as he had been talking about purchasing the 3 stone set himself. He loves them & has been amazingly impressed at how quickly they sharpen compared to the old sharpening stone he has used in the past. Sharpening takes only a fraction of the time!
I have never used any sharpening stones before. These have sharpened all of our knives, a wood chisel, and a hand plane and the results are simply amazing. Five strokes on each stone is enough to sharpen every knife to razor sharp edge. I hope to be using these for many years.
I’ve used these several times and they do what they said they would.
Wish they would of put them in a wider box so you would not have to separate them to use on wider iron.
This diamond set put an edge on a very dull knife I have very fast. Very pleased with results and quality.
Loving it, it sharpens really well and the wooden box provides a simple containing solution which works as a gift box as well. all 3 sharpeners are mounted on a heavy dense plastic giving it some weight, does not really move about when sharpening. If it does, it probably means you are using too much strength on the blade.
I have been using Japanese water stones for years on my plethora of chisels and plane irons. My set goes from 320 to 8000 grit and they allow me to achieve an absolute mirror finish. So why am I reviewing diamond stones? Well, all water stones dish (cup) in with use and are soft enough to gouge easily. They also groove easily i.e if you re-bevel a 1/4″ chisel and move on to a wider one next over the same tract, you can observe the lack of cutting on the chisels bevel. Obviously there are workarounds – start with widest first, do run along same path). While this is especially true of the lower grits, even the 8000 which is relatively hard will require resurfacing, which can be a time consuming task. So I decided to give diamonds a try. I have used small diamond cards for touching up router bits but this was my first time on my chisels and irons.
I got this set for several reasons: DMT’s reputation for quality, a good spread of 3 different grits, and a great price for a 3 stone set. I was worried about the 6×2 inch size as I always use a Veritas jig (never developed the skill of hand holding) resulting in a shorter stroke, and my irons are 2″ wide (easy to miss the edge on a 2″ stone).
* They cut is very fast. I chose not to use the word `aggressive’ as it may imply a coarser than expected cut, I compared the surface scratch pattern left from these to ones left by comparable water stones and they matched up well. The difference was how fast I got there, it required approximately 1/3rd as many strokes on the diamond stones to achieve the same result!
* They are ready for use instantly, you should allow 30 minutes of soak time prior to using Japanese water stones.
* Virtually no mess (comparatively speaking). Water stones generate a lot of slurry quickly and must be washed down constantly. These diamond stones only need a light misting and the “polka-dot” design does a good job of capturing the particles making clean up fast, easy, and infrequent, all it requires is a wipe down with a damp rag. I think I would prefer a continuous surface on anything smaller than ” (DMT has other products that provide this).
* The finest grit in this set is only 1200 and the coarsest is 325. I can see and feel the difference in performance when I polish the final bevel with my 8000 water stone but for most work and most users the 1200 finish is fine. Note that DMT does make 2200 and 8000 grit stones but I have not tried them (yet). If you need to do a major repair of change the bevel angle, it will take you awhile with the 325 stone. DMT should think about offering a 4 or 5 stone set, but these 3 grits are sufficient for a wide variety of sharping.
* Very light weight. The diamond plate is laminated to a hollow thin plastic box. This is a bit of a disappointment as it gives it a cheap feel (may be one reason for the set being so economically priced). Heavy downward pressure can/will deform, running surface flatness. However, as they cut so well you only need a slight down force. The big disadvantage is that you really cannot use them out of the wood box as they move around easily. The box does do a good job holding them in place.
* The Box. It is a nice holding fixture and has rubber feet on the bottom. For many things (like chisels) it is convenient to have all three stones held alongside each other so you can quickly go from one to the next. However it is a pain for things like long knives. The lid just sort of sits there, allowing it to fall off easily. Some sort of latch or magnets to hold it on would be an improvement.
* DMT uses a color code to identify grit. While I don’t mind this it really would be nice if they printed the grit number on the stone or the holder.
Unknowns: How long will they last? Japanese water stones can last several life times, resurface (flatten) it and you have a new stone, I am still using the ones I got 15 years ago and only the very coarsest ones are showing their age (thinning from flattening). How long these DMT’s will maintain their cutting ability remains to be seen but from everything I have read, they should last a very long time. However the small diamond hones (brand x not from DMT) I use on router bits have not lasted, so I remain a skeptic. I will update this review down the road and let you know.
I highly recommend these as a starter set for anyone looking to try diamond sharpening stones and I will likely be buying additional DMT products. I do not think you can find a better value for the price of this set.
his is an excellent starter set for those who are venturing into the diamond whetstone world. I’m a hard core Japanese waterstone guy, but I wanted to try Diamond whetstones for specialzed sharpening needs. This looked like the ideal set, and so far they do not disappoint. They cut fast, retain their flattness, and seem to be of very high quality.One advantage is that these stones do not require any flattening, while waterstones must be flattened on a consistent basis. The box is nice also. I look forward to incorporating them into my shop set up (which is currently under construction) that will absolutely include an area devoted to sharpening.
I used it on my kitchen knife. The blue takes down the nick fast, than use the red and finally with green all under running water. Good on stainless knifes and they come very sharp.
hese diamond stones are not cheap but they work very well, I am happy I spent the money on them. I can get my knives very sharp. Be sure and buy the Razors edge guide to help you get the correct angle.
I absolutely love these stones! They stay true and even, and give a truly sharp result. Would highly recommend this 3pc-set. 🙂
This is the ideal set of diamond sharpening stones to keep every knife you own sharp. This product sharpens knives quickly, and the hard wood box makes protecting and storing simple.
I have many different sharpening tools but this was my upgrade to a good diamond stone set. The product is very nicely packaged in a wooden case and, more importantly, does an exceptional job sharpening just about anything. I love a sharp tool and keep everything VERY sharp. After trying out this set of stones on my every day carry knife I found them to do an outstanding job. So much so that I drug out just about everything I had and sharpened them again.
My only complaint with this purchase was the time estimated for shipping. I had looked at several suppliers and nearly all estimated around 4-6 days for the exact same item. The company I purchased from had a price that was about 20 percent less but estimated around 60 days for shipping. The problem appeared to be where they were supplied from and I decided to go with price over shipping speed. Turns out they got the item in much quicker (aout a week) and I had my stones at a great price and in a very timely manner.
These diamond knife sharpening blocks are one half the price here then at my local store. I like this because all three stones are stored in one spot plus the case helps to protect the sharpening blocks. In the past I had Smith’s stone that came with a wedge showing me the correct angle to lay the blade app. I gave those old stones away. I wish these came with a wedge to lay on the block to show the proper knife blade angle this would help to give the mind some memory angle to use while sharpening the knife. I also wish that the case had some type of latch to hold the lid on. This would protect the blocks in case of droppage. I have dropped mine one time in the crushed rock driveway and everything went all over the place, I do not think though that the blocks were damaged.
These cost less than the DMT fully coated diamond stones but seem to work just as well. I have both and chose to get this whole set of three for the cost of one replacement fully coated stone. In actual use these are lighter so you must hold them down or use them in the nice wood box, but that is really a non-issue in real use.
UPDATE: Well, DMT DOES tell you the grit of these stones. Today I just flipped over the paper that came on the cover of the box and on the back of that is listed all of the stones’ colors AND their respective grits. DUH!! 😉 So, my only complaint has been negated. These are good sharpening stones and remember that the paper cover DOES HAVE the grits listed on its reverse side. Happy sharpening! 🙂
itle says it all–they are great for getting a very sharp edge… nearly there–you still need things like ceramic stones and leather strops to get the super fine “razor” edge… if that is what you are after. Otherwise, you can put a very sharp edge on your blades, capable of getting most tasks done.
Researched a lot of stones, I didn’t want to use oil. I have an old Boy Scout stone that can just use water and I could get my swiss army knives as sharp as razors, but it took forever. These stones take less than half the time, don’t need water but is recomended if you want the sharpest blade. Nice solid wooden box, not crap. And comes with all the gradiants you need for standard sharpening.
I love this set and have used it to really get some scary sharp edges! Hand sharpening does take some practice and I also felt like the stones cut better after they got broke in (like after sharpening 3-4 knives). The wood box it comes in is pretty nice and has grip pads on the bottom to hold it in place (tennis racket grip tape also works very well for that).
I added something to this set that I really like. I cut some thin glass the exact dimension of the stone, glued leather to one side and put a thin coat of silicon caulk on the other side. The leather is for the strop and the silicon lets u set the glass on a stone and it won’t slide off. Because the glass is thin you can store it under a stone and still put the lid of the box on.
With three different grits, I also no longer have to “make do” with a one-size fits all sort of sharpener, none of which have ever been able to restore my Ka-Bar to my standards. To be fair, I’d beat that knife up; it is my go-to survival tool, and it needed a LOT more TLC than I’d invested in it. However, in a fraction of the time I’ve spent trying to use many other sharpening tools, the course and then the fine grit diamond stones had my knife sharp enough to slice my finger without my realizing it immediately. This is what I’ve been looking for.
Unfortunately, the quality of the box itself was not as high as I’d expected, as the slots for the stones are slightly too small in the top of the box, forcing the sharpening surface to stick inside the box and making it difficult to extract the stones altogether. I then had to run my fingers over the stones to find which color corresponded with which grit, as they are nowhere labeled. For the price, I would expect this to be a lot more user-friendly. However, the stones themselves are a treasure.
This was a good purchase. The three stones in one deal was a great savings on three separate purchases. Package was delivered five days after purchase. Use mostly the blue and red stones, and occasionally the green, fine edge for that extra touch. The stones do a great job, with minimal effort, of sharpening knives, chisels and scissors. Package is very portable, took it camping last time out to service my camp knives. Very happy with this purchase.
My order came in quick and the 3 stones work great on all knifes. The price was great for the 3 stones!
ADDENDUM: Some months later, I happened to be asked to sharpen a friend’s knife block’s worth of kitchen knives. I brought this set along and my beloved water stones. I sharpened half of the knives with each. To my surprise, the knives sharped with this DMT set were sharpened as well or better than the ones sharpened with the water stones. Of course, these DMT don’t need to be re-flattened or presoaked.
I hate to admit it, but this DMT set sharpened as well or better than other methods requiring a lot more trouble and a lot more skill…
These diamond whetstones are fantastic. Yes, I’ve owned diamond whetstones before, and owned several at the time I purchased these; but, they are all smaller than these bench stones, and I find that with age comes the need for a stone I am not holding in my hand…too, too many scars. Anyway, these whetstones live up to the standard that I expect to come from DMT. They are well made, and these in particular come in a nice wooden box…the box IS quite handsome despite its simple construction, but serves its purpose well.
With these three stones, you can achieve a razor edge on good quality knives. These stones, indeed NO whetstone or sharpening system, will give an edge worth a darn to really cheap stainless steel from Wal-**** or some other department store. With a good quality steel knife, though, these stones CAN put a razor’s edge on your knife.
These stones go from course to extra fine (1200 grit), which is good, but won’t give you a S U P E R edge. I used to use a japanese style waterstone for that SUPER edge, but DMT has come out with an extra extra fine (3000 grit) diamond stone, DMT D8EE 8-Inch Dia-Sharp Continuous Diamond Extra-Extra Fine ,which I will soon purchase…from DMT themselves, as it seems there is a question as to whether or not the stone listed in that link is actually the EE Fine stone advertised. Even if it does not work out well, I’ll still fall back on my trusted method of putting a glass-polished edge on my knives…a leather belt and jeweler’s rouge. I haven’t found anything better yet to use for the final touch than that yet.
Anyway, these three stones are very nice indeed, and will give you a razor edge on a good quality knife blade.