Einhell Manual Lawn Mower GC-HM 400 (for Lawns Up to 250 m², Ball-Bearing Mounted Mower Spindle with 5 High-Grade Steel Blades, 4-Position Cutting Height Adjustment 13-37 mm)

Einhell GC-HM 400 Hand Push Lawnmower — Manual Lawn-Mower With 40cm Cutting Width, 27L Grass Box, 4 Cutting Height Levels — Walk-Behind Lawn Mower For Small Gardens

einhelleinhellLarge wheels

The manual lawn mower has lawn-friendly large wheels.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Grass catch basket

The 27 liter grass catch basket is removable and easy to empty.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” /> GC-HM 400

Products in comparison

40 cm

Cutting width

30 cm

4 | 1.3-3.7cm

Height adjustment

4 | 1.3-3.7cm

12,5 cm

Spindle diameter

12,5 cm

5 Pieces

Number mowing knives

5 Pieces

27 L

Capacity catch bag

16 L

21.5 cm

Wheels diameter

21.5 cm

40 cm

Cutting width

38 cm

4 | 1.3-3.7cm

Height adjustment

4 | 1.3-3.8cm

12,5 cm

Spindle diameter

12,5 cm

5 Pieces

Number mowing knives

5 Pieces

27 L

Capacity catch bag

26 L

21.5 cm

Wheels diameter

22 cm

40 cm

Cutting width

40 cm

4 | 1.3-3.7cm

Height adjustment

4 | 1.5-3.5cm

12,5 cm

Spindle diameter

12,5 cm

5 Pieces

Number mowing knives

5 Pieces

27 L

Capacity catch bag

27 L

21.5 cm

Wheels diameter

21.8 mm

40 cm

Cutting width

30 cm

4 | 1.3-3.7cm

Height adjustment

stepless | 1.5-4.2cm

12,5 cm

Spindle diameter

12,5 cm

5 Pieces

Number mowing knives

5 Pieces

27 L

Capacity catch bag

16 L

21.5 cm

Wheels diameter

21.8 mm

  1. GC-HM 300 einhell
  2. GE-HM 38 S-F einhell
  3. GC-HM 40 einhell
  4. GC-HM 30 einhell
  1. einhell

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Dimensions: 128 x 53.5 x 30 cm; 7.5 Kilograms
Model: GC-HM 400
Part: 3414129
Batteries Included: 1 Unknown batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Einhell
Dimensions: 128 x 53.5 x 30 cm; 7.5 Kilograms

109 Responses

  1. specialawf says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Schneidet sauber, ist im Verhleich zu meinen Nachbarmhern berhaupt nicht laut, gut voreingestellt und leicht aufzubauen. Fr das Geld kann ich nach gut 5 Mhrunden sagen: jeden Cent wert. Die Beanstandungen der anderen Rezessenten kann ich in meinem Fall absolut nicht besttigen.

  2. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Fcil de montar pero como no es elctrica sino manual, la recomiendo para reparadas habituales no muy crecidas del csped porque de lo contrario cuesta cortar ya que hay que emplear ms fuerza. La pueden usar hasta los nios ya que no tiene peligro al ser manual.

  3. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Schneller problemloser Zusammenbau. Leichtgngige Handhabung. Relativ geruschloser Einsatz – auch am Sonntagnachmittag und eine platzsparende Einlagerung – bin zufrieden.

  4. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Belle qualit mais coupe tout sauf les longues tiges (genre pissenlit). Malheureusement je l’avais principalement achet pour ces fameuses longues tiges qui poussent mme en cas de scheresse . Idal pour un gazon constitu que de gazon.

  5. Haunting Review says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Lo trovo molto comodo e leggero. Anche il sacco per l’erba tagliata si stacca e attacca facilmente. Per il mio piccolo prato utile

  6. RolandoConsiden says:


    Por lo general, cumple con lo que promete. El montaje es sencillo, aunque podran mejorar las indicaciones en el manual. Por otra parte, no me gusta del todo el mecanismo con el que se engancha el mango al cortacsped. A veces, al girar o cuando hay que hacer algo de fuerza uno de los lados del mango se sale de su sitio y es un fastidio. Por lo dems todo correcto. Corta bien y casi sin esfuerzo.

  7. webteam-aj says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAuch wenn er echt laut ist- das htte ich brigens niemals vermutet !
    Aber er schneidet, angeblich soll es sogar besser und gesnder fr den Rasen sein.
    Da mein Garten klein und verwinkelt ist, hatte ich keine Lust lnger mit dem Stromkabel rumzuwurschteln und es irgendwann durchzuschneiden. Fr meine Ansprche reicht es, aber ich gehe auch nicht mit Lineal in den Garten:-)
    Der Auffangkorb ist Mumpitz, aber ich lass den Schnitt auf der Wiese liegen, da ich mit dem Hand Rasenmher Rck zuck Mal eben alles wieder gekrzt habe, sind das keine grossen Mengen und die Natur freut sich auch darbe

  8. Daily Mothering says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my dad as he is old school and doesn’t like the electric lawnmower, he put this together and it works well
    Good quality at a good price
    Everyone happy all round

  9. Sharmila says:


    Hace muy bien su funcin, corta y recoge la hierba es facil de manejar la nica pega que encuentro es que no se pliegue para almacenar en menos espacio.

  10. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Nachdem ich das Teil ausgepackt aufgebaut und ausprobiert habe hat es nichts geschnitten aber Mann kann alles einstellen, nachdem ich die Schnittkante auf die Spindel eingestellt hatte lief es einwandfrei, und das war kinderleicht

    Allerdings ist das gute Stck bei Nicht-Vorzeige-Rasen” gerade bei etwas lngeren Stengeln von diversen Eindringlingen gerne berfordert
    Reinen Rasen schneidet es wunderbar!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Comprato per piccolo terreno in casa montagna. Taglio una volta al mese nei periodo estivi. Ero stanco ogni volta di accendere decespugliatore a scoppio. Se terreno libero da rametto in legno il baracchino fa io suo lavoro. In pi si fa del sano moto fisico che aiuta

  12. CarmelGilley says:


    Les plus:
    – gain de place considrable compar aux autres types de tondeuses
    – bon rapport qualit prix

    Les moins:
    – Le panier se dcroche trs facilement (une dizaine de fois pour une seule tonde!)

    J’aurais donn cinq toiles s’il n’y avait pas ce problme de panier.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Ho cercato un tagliaerba a spinta per vari negozi, perch volevo vederlo, ma non l’ho trovato.
    Cos un po’ al buio ho ordinato questo e devo dire che proprio quello che cercavo.
    Ho un giardino non molto grande, 25metri quadri, con un prato spontaneo e riesco a dargli una bella rasoiata nell’arco di 15min.
    Non si riesce a tagliare bene i bordi, non taglia molto bene se sul terreno ci sono degli avvallamenti, e non riesce a tagliare le erbe spontanee troppo grandi. Per avere un prato ben rasato ho dovuto passarlo pi volte.
    Rimango comunque soddisfatto: non si fatica nel passarlo, si liberi da elettricit o benzina, fa poco rumore, taglia in maniera cos sminuzzata da poter lasciare il tagliato sul prato, non ingombrante.
    A questo prezzo va pi che bene.
    Consegna entro i giorni stabiliti.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Un coup de main prendre mais, aprs quelques temps d’adaptation, outil tonnamment pratique, simple de montage et d’utilisation. Il fait le job sans trop de bruit mcanique. Lorsqu’il coince, c’est qu’un morceau de bois, de racine ou autre objet dur c’est incr entre les lames. Il n’y a qu’ les faire tourner en sens inverse avec la pointe du pied, dplacer la tondeuse lgrement et c’est reparti !
    cologique, permettant d’conomiser l’lectricit intelligemment, il peut tre utilis facilement par les femmes et les ados sur des terrains plats ou lgrement en pente, mme pour tondre des herbes un peu hautes.
    Le plus : cela permet de faire un peu de sport et d’entretenir sa forme !
    Le rcuprateur de tonte est pratique mme s’il se dtache quelques fois et n’est pas ferm ni n’a de couvercle.
    Je recommande sans hsiter !

  15. CathrynBrunner says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Pensavo che senza motore fosse pesante da spingere, invece leggero e maneggevole, taglia benissimo e con la sua sacca raccoglie bene l’erba tagliata.

  16. Demetrius9860 says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Bon rapport qualit prix. A viter sur terrain un peu caillouteux. Pour moi rien redire.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Best cut ever, couldn’t recommend it enough. Lawn has never looked so good.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo acquistato questo prodotto perch guardando le recensioni di tosaerba elicoidali a spinta, sembrava proprio ci che cercavo. Prodotto comodo, ecologico e funzionale
    E’ facile da montare, anche se di certo le istruzioni non sono molto di aiuto se non si ha un attimo di manualit.
    L’ho gi usato 3-4 volte, perch per utilizzarlo al meglio bisogna passarlo un po’ pi spesso di un normale tosaerba elettrico, ma mi piace molto come lascia il prato, il taglio piuttosto preciso e non si fa fatica (a meno che non trovi qualche rametto che si incastra nelle lame o ci sono eccessivi avvallamenti, ma nulla di che). Il motivo per cui bisognerebbe passarlo spesso, dovuto al fatto che se l’erba troppo alta (credo sui 20cm) non riesce a tagliare ma piuttosto tende a schiacciarla sul terreno. E questo l’unico difetto che al momento mi sento di segnalare, ma un compromesso che sono disposto ad accettare per un prodotto che consente un pi che discreto lavoro con poca fatica e poca spesa.
    Lo ricomprerei di certo.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Found the instruction a bit hard to follow. Had to look at the picture to set it up

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Only issue really is that the grass collection bag isn’t very good. If grass cut frequently then collection isn’t necessary.

  21. Medicines Australia says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEn primer lugar, le doy 4 estrellas por dos motivos, el paquete vino roto, con algunas piezas con seal de uso/montaje y porque no es muy til con hierbas altas.
    Por lo dems, el montaje es sencillo (necesitas herramientas para apretar las tuercas) aunque la bolsa se cae hasta que encuentres la forma correcta de colocarla. En 30 minutos estaba el aparato montado y el csped cortado (es un pequeo jardn).
    Corta bien y de forma limpia, eso s, si hay mucho desnivel has de encontrar el ngulo. El terreno tiene piedras y desniveles pequeos y ha hecho su trabajo.
    De ruido, nada. Espero que siga haciendo su trabajo con los meses.

    Bien, pero no para hierbas altas

  22. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto ben realizzato e funzionale. Molto facile da montare ed utilizzare, ha un ingombro ridotto per cui pu essere riposto in piccole rimesse o armadieetti abbastanza capienti. Si tratta di un prodotto a spinta, per cui adatto per prati di piccole dimensioni e possibilmente senza grosse asperit. Ci premesso, risulta molto facile da utilizzare anche se ovviamente bisogna dotarsi di pazienza e buona volont, in quanto appunto va spinto a mano. Le lame sono comunque scorrevoli ed affilate, ma ovviamente nel caso in cui l’erba da tagliare sia molto folta e fibrosa sar necessario fare un po’ di fatica per portare a casa il risultato. Con gli opportuni accorgimenti comunque un prodotto ottimale per la manutenzione casalinga di piccoli prati o giardini.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I got this a few weeks ago for a small 12sqm lawn. The building was a little bit hard as the instructions need you to jump between a few pages but anyone with half a thought and 10 minutes can do it! Once build great quality and a great cut! Would highly recommend it as a starter. Not quite as premier and as many settings as some others but for a small lawn or someone new to lawn care like me 10/10. Blades are great quality and easy to push even when lowered when on the lowest setting quite hard to push through thick grass. but for me in height setting 3 or 4 flows nice and smooth.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWon’t just work out the box to get the best out of it u will need to back lap the blade once u have done that you be good to go, leaves fine cut better then any rotary mower on marke

    5.0 out of 5 stars Back lap needed

  25. ThelmaColston says:

     United Kingdom

    Great little pushalong that cuts well (except those long wirey bits). Very light and easy to use.

  26. Bella says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect for small gardens, it works better than any electric machine.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A great little machine, easy to assemble and easy and lightweight to use.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this product bought if for our allotment and works a trea

  29. edurolimeg says:


    C’est trs bien pour un terrain plat mais facile bloqu par les pommes de pins 🙁

  30. ClariceBowe says:

     United Kingdom

    1.Cuts grass fast, if it’s not too long
    2. Reasonably light
    3. Easy to change grass box
    1. Not good if cutting very long grass
    2. Grass falls out of grass box very easily
    3. Handle used to push the mower falls off when you lift it; and you have to put it back on – made worse if the garden has a steep slope and v long
    4. Blades get jammed, if you have twigs – as I have large tree – but easy to clear

    More suited to flat gardens with grass that’s not too long. So, I wouldn’t buy agai

  31. AnneElphinstone says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersOne of the best purchases I’ve ever made. Great product and makes life so much easier.
    Use to hate the chew of getting the electric mower out with extension leads etc. not any more. So practical and convenient. And actually cuts great, despite some of the reviews I’ve read.
    Don’t get me wrong, that first cut of the year, where the grass is over grown will require my electric mower. But keeping on top of it every week or so is so easy.
    The instructions weren’t the easiest to follow and putting together was a lot harder than it needed to be.
    Would have been a 5 star as I love this push mower. But the handles simply attach to the base of the mower by clicking over the hooks on the inside. The handles on mine aren’t far enough apart so kept coming off on one end. Very frustrating and nearly sent it back. But love the product. So spent time trying to gently bend the bars further apart so they don’t come lose. Read reviews where some have had this issue but most haven’t, so not sure why that’s normally the case.
    Overall a great product, highly recommend. So convenient, easy to push, practical and of course energy efficient.

    Game change

  32. RainaDasilva says:

     United Kingdom

    Easily better than any electric one. more gentle on the less even parts of the garden and it’s actually quite fun to use and eco friendly very easy to clean and space save

  33. The Secluded Tea Party says:

     United Kingdom

    Very pleased with the cut of the lawn much better than my old hover mower.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Not the most straightforward to assemble but lightweight and glides over my lawn with good result.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    All good but would have been nice to have some pictured instructions on how to assemble. I only really know I must have it right because it works.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It is a super product so light and easy to use.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good value for money,works well and easy assembly ideal for postage stamp size garde

  38. WilhelmSalcido says:

     United Kingdom

    Happy with my purchase, I really like the old school style feeling of cutting the grass,
    1 problem I noticed is it struggles to cut stronger strands,
    If your Garden is just grass this will work perfectly

  39. Katie @ Will Race for Carbs says:

     United Kingdom

    Great lawn mower. Light, easy to use. Gives me great lines in my grass!

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for doing a smaller lawn rather than getting petrol mover out. Easily to use in tight small spaces – cute really well

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOMG. This is fabulous!!! I’ve just got this today and was out like a shot testing it out. My last was a hover mover, which didn’t really hover as my lawns aren’t even, so it was a workout in itself.
    This little beauty just glided along and wasn’t as hard work as the hover. Don’t hesitate to choose this, you won’t be disappointed. I’m well chuffed, plus saving your electricity bill too. Win wi

  42. OmerRoberson says:


    Je m’attendais moins de bruit . Tond parfaitement , laisse quelque herbe qui ressemble au bl . Le bac de ramassage et vite remplit et on en laisse beaucoup par terre .sinon sa fait le travail content de l’acha

  43. JanA88ovvg says:


    Coupe correctement de l’herbe pas trop haute : comptez maximum 8/10cm sinon a va bourrer, et c’est la galre. Le terrain doit tre plat et sans nid de poule.
    Dit autrement c’est vraiment bien pour de l’entretien, pas la premire tonte annuelle.
    Cela ne vaux pas une tondeuse thermique, dfinitivement.

    Comme dans les prcdents commentaires, le panier rcuprateur est le truc le moins cher et le plus mal fichu du du monde. Oubliez le.

    La notice de montage est trs succincte.

  44. AdellPeralta says:

     United Kingdom

    I love that we can mow the lawn without plugging anything in. Very easy to use.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good for a small garden, lightweight and give a clean cu

  46. Abdul Q says:

     United Kingdom

    I was surprised how easy this was to assemble and even more surprised how easy it has been to cut my large, uneven lawns. The grass had not been cut for 3 weeks and (Im 78) I anticipated that it would be difficult and very hard work to cut but to my surprise I’ve mown the lot in 2 hours. Small sticks must be removed though. I read that it’s light. It is.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased this mower to act as a replacement whilst my petrol mower is being serviced. Took about 15 minutes to asemble (Tip: connect the lower section of the handle first) and once done I mowed the grass with fantastic results. As someone else has said, the grass collection bag is rubbish so I didn’t even bother with it. However, the blades cut the grass so fine that it pays to just let the cuttings land and feed the lawn.
    It’s obviously slightly more strenuous than a mower that drives itself but it’s probably a good workout if you want to do a little exercise! Overall I am extremely happy with this purchase and I would recommend it. No nonsense – no petrol – no electric – no batteries to charge – no cables and easy to carry and store.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect for mowing small lawns. The grass catcher is a bit hit and miss but collects most of the grass. I think I just need to empty more frequently. Much quieter than electric, much faster as no faffing with wires and I think it’s actually better for the grass too. Really pleased.

  49. EleanoreMaltby says:

     United Kingdom

    Well, I don’t like at all these garden jobs, nevertheless they come together with the chance of enjoying a garden.
    I have two gardens for a total of about 50 m2 and using the electric mower was pretty annoying (plug extension, heavy mower, cleaning it after…) while using this manual mower made things a lot faster and easier. The grass is cut well and you can do that frequently.
    Now my wife can do it too

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    his item is very good bought it to go to the allotment with very easy to use

  51. Anonymous says:


    Montaggio facile cos come l’utilizzo. Regolazione non difficile. Se si rispettano le indicazioni sui limiti di taglio fa egregiamente il suo lavoro.
    Spedizione puntuale e buon imballo.

  52. RickWarrick says:


    Le istruzioni sono molto intuitive.
    Consiglio di fare attenzione a rametti od erba troppo legnosa.
    Ha tre altezze diverse di rasatura, il raccoglitore facile da attaccare e da svuotare.
    Va inclinato l’asse con la maniglia per far scivolare le lame sull’erba, altrimenti restano bloccate.
    Nel complesso lo consiglio vivamente.
    Certo non come un tosaerba elettrico ma assolve in modo ottimale alla sua funzione.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I was looking to replace an old Flymo Turbolite 400 that gave up the ghost and I came across other reviews that recommended this product.
    Decided to give it a go and I am truly amazed with this bit of kit!
    Easy to assemble (yes I’m a mere girl!) easy to use (it’s not heavy) and cuts the grass beautifully.
    Can be used with the grass collecting basket or, if you prefer to put the goodness back in your lawn, it chomps the cuttings very fine and leaves them on the grass. This option gives a really lush lawn as all the goodness goes can’t fault this mower!!

  54. JamalBernardino says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Reue aujourd’hui comme prvu. Monte en moins de 30 minutes (prvoir une cl de 10 car non fournie avec les crous).
    Utilise sur une pelouse haute d’environ 20 cm et trs humide (premire tonte du printemps) donc difficile mais pas tellement plus qu’avec une thermique (bourrages, repasser plusieurs fois au mme endroit, insister sur les touffes plus paisses). J’ai mis 1h30 pour 300 M2.
    Je suis ensuite repasse sur toute la pelouse avec 1 taille plus courte pour voir et j’ai mis seulement 30 mn sans aucune difficult (trs maniable, passe partout).
    Quant au bruit cela quivaut au renroulage d’un tuyau d’arrosage donc trs faible et largement supportable.
    Juste un bmol sur la fixation du bac trop lche et donc perd beaucoup d’herbe mais a va en tondant une fois par semaine avec une herbe plus courte a ira…

    Elle a tout d'une grande !

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI am writing this because I can see that people have said in their reviews that the screws are too long or that the nuts have fallen off or that they needed to use washers to get a tight fit etc. The screws and nuts supplied are fine. The problem is that the instructions do not state that you must use a spanner (preferably get an adjustable spanner) to tighten the nuts. You cannot do this by hand – trying to do that gives the impression that the screws are too long.

    There is also nothing wrong with the grass collection bag. The problem is that the pictorial assembly instructions are not clear. There are some written instructions in English and these are better, but not very good either. Remember to put the bag together before you try to attach the bag to the body of the lawnmower.

  56. Tara Lamont-Djite says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDidn’t know if this was going to manage cutting my lawn I’d left to ruin… Never cut it before as it was too small a garden to buy an expensive motorised lawn mower, then found this and it glided through my overgrown mess of a garden easily! I can’t comment for longevity but it feels robust and well made, if it managed to cut my grass in the sad state it was in then the rest of the time it should be a breeze. Just hoping my grass does grow back as I really did neglect it for a long time! 🙁

  57. EmmaBlaxland says:

     United Kingdom

    This mower was fairly light and very easy to use. The screws provided were different sizes and the instructions not as good as they might have been, but it worked well in the end.

  58. Anonymous says:


    Das Teil ist spitze (wenn man sich etwas eingearbeitet hat). Die Schneiden sind scharf, schnell weggestellt und man kann sogar Sonntags seinen Rasen mhen. Lediglich der Auffangkorb ist etwas ungnstig angebracht. Durch den Anstellwinkel der Messer landet das Schnittgut nur zum Teil im Korb. Ein nicht geringer Teil fliegt seitlich darber hinaus (hier sollte der Korb vielleicht eine seitliche Auffangwand haben).

  59. EmmettGladney says:

     United Kingdom

    As long as you keep
    Your grass short, this works a treat.
    It’s fantastic

  60. Jamie says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI like using this mower, it’s the first time I am using any mower. I got an electric one first, but it was raining every few days, so the ground was either wet or drying out. I was afraid to use the electrical one, so I got this manual one. By the time I got it, the grass was too long, so it cut some and push some down, did those with hand tools. Once grass same level, it does the job. The grass collector keep coming off, if too much grass in it. It does not catch all the grass cutting, but most of it. When finish you have to remove all the grass, caught up around the inner wheels. Nice red colour, still shiny, had it a few months

  61. ShawneeRoehl says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent and easy to use no bother to assemble…strong!

  62. VanitaPalumbo says:


    Der GC-HM 400 von Einhell ist auch auf leicht unebener Wiese sehr gut einzusetzen. Er erzeugt ein schnes Schnittbild, solange eine Halmlnge von ca. 10cm nicht berschritten wird. Das Messer war bei Lieferung perfekt eingestellt, Zusammenbau und Inbetriebnahme erfordern keine handwerklichen Vorkenntnisse und nur haushaltsbliche Werkzeuge. Nach mehrmonatigem Gebrauch musste das Messer nachjustiert werden – mit Hilfe der Anleitung eine leichte Aufgabe. Durch den sauberen Schnitt erholt sich das Gras innerhalb weniger Wochen. Eine umweltfreundliche und zeitsparende Alternative zum Benzin- oder Elektromher!

  63. Anonymous says:


    Montarlo non stata proprio una passeggiata. Maneggevole e taglio abbastanza preciso. Unica pecca il raccoglitore dell’erba che non serve a molto. Nel complesso un buon prodotto e facile da usare. Ottimo quando non si usa per la possibilit di metterlo in verticale in modo che non occupi spazio

  64. James Warrington says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple ,efficient, easy to push lawnmower which gives an excellent cut. Good collection box and light enough to carry and store tidily.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The product was excellent, just what I wanted. I got on to Amazon, ordered it and received it, in fact a few days before the delivery date and I was delighted with my purchase. Thank you.

  66. Anonymous says:


    Non paragonabile ad un tagliaerba a lama orizzontale di buona qualit. Questa macchina non pensata per tagliare erba alta o infestanti, bens per il taglio di un tappeto gi curato al quale va fatta la consueta manutenzione.
    Il tappeto erboso con questa macchina va tagliato massimo entro 7 giorni. Io lo taglio ogni 3 giorni circa. Il motivo di questo appunto relativo al fatto che anche utilizzando il cestello, parte del prato asportato ritorna sul terreno e se la parte asportata troppo lunga non solo da un aspetto un po’, passatemi il termine, brutto una volta che secca, ma si rischia anche la proliferazione di parassiti come funghi e microrganismi patogeni. Il tutto viene limitato fortemente, anzi al terreno potrebbe far anche bene, se la parte asportata molto corta quindi i tagli devono essere pi frequenti rispetto ad una macchina a lama orizzontale.
    In linea di massima per appezzamenti piccoli di tappeto erboso, potrebbe convenire. La macchina per avere un taglio omogeneo e soddisfacente va passato un paio di volte nello stesso punto.
    probabilmente pi avanti metter qualche foto.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Light but does the job on a very difficult small patch of grass, which is not all grass!!

  68. AlinaChambliss says:


    Versteh nicht das hier manche meckern , dass der Mher laut ist. Der gibt doch kein Ton von sich. Als er falsch eingestellt war , und etwas geschliffen hatte, da war er laut ja. Ich mhe whrend der Ruhezeiten, und niemand bekommt was mit
    Ansonsten ist das Teil sehr stabil, man kann 4 Hhen unten vor den Rdern einstellen. Platz nimmt er auch keinen weg, einfach in die Ecke gestellt, den griff in die richtige Richtung, dann kann er auch nicht umfalle

  69. Tabish Khan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI like this product as it does the job I needed it for. It’s light enough for my 9yrs old daughter to use who wanted to help me cut our garden.
    Assembly isn’t too difficult, even though you’ll need tools that’s not provided for.
    It’s pretty easy to use, as you just need to push while walking at a reasonable pace.

    This mower doesn’t perform well if the grass is long. The wheels just skids across the surface meaning the blade doesn’t turn to cut the grass. Also it is useful keep your grass free of bits of sticks as the blades gets jammed easily. I would have liked some more info regarding cutting height. Could have cut a bit lower for my liking.
    I am getting used to using this product. Now that I’ve gotten into a routine of cutting the garden on a weekly basis, the result are much better.
    Overall I like this little mower. I didn’t have the option of using an electric mower as the garden is far too long. I also didn’t want to be constantly buying petrol either. I wanted to save some money and this has cover all those bases.

  70. Anonymous says:


    Also der Rasenmher schneidet sehr gut!
    Leise ist das Gert auf keinen Fall, klingt nicht viel anders als ein normaler Rasenmher. Leise ist er nur, wenn man sich ganz langsam bewegt, aber dann ist auch jede Schnecke ich Garten flotter durch gerutscht 😉

    Also ich wrde ihn wieder kaufen, aber ohne Korb. Der fngt einfach nichts auf, trotz korrekter Anbringung. Zwischen Schneidwerk und Korb ist eine zu groe Lcke, wo alles durch fllt. Wenn das Gras zu lang ist fliegt sogar alles ber den Rasenmher und wird dann erneut geschnitten.

    Ich lasse den Korb jetzt ab und den Abschnitt liegen, soll ja ohnehin besser fr den Rasen sein und oben drauf ist der Rasenschnitt emissionsfrei 🙂

    Fr alle die den Kauf erwgen: Kaufempfehlung, aber ohne Korb!

  71. UlrikeLove says:

     United Kingdom

    I am so pleased I bought this lawn mower. It is exactly what I wanted. It is extremely easy to use and handles well. The height adjustment of the cutting blades is simple and the cut is excellent. I cannot comment on the grass box as I don’t use it, preferring to let the clippings put nutrients back into the soil.

  72. Therese says:

     United Kingdom

    Very well made and strngly made.Very light weight and easy to use.

  73. Anonymous says:


    Die Lieferung erfolgte schneller als angegeben und der Aufbau ging auch recht leicht von der Hand. Insgesamt macht das Gert einen recht stabilen Eindruck.
    Insbesondere von der Mh-Leistung war ich dann doch wirklich positiv berrascht, da der Schnitt sehr gleichmig ist. Da ich immer ohne Fangkorb mhe, finde ich den Auswurf nach vorne sehr praktisch. Bei einem herkmmlichen Mher verklumpt der Gras-Abschnitt ja schon mal, besonders wenn das Gras etwas nass ist.

    Erwhnt werden sollte noch, dass der Mher bestenfalls auf recht ebener Flche eingesetzt werden sollte. Unebenheiten blockieren die Messer teilweise und man gert “aus dem Fluss”.

    Insgesamt kann ich den Mher nach einigen Einstzen gut empfehlen!

  74. Holden Walter-Warner says:

     United Kingdom

    Strange going back to no electrical garden tool ,never used one before but absolutely brilliant keeps grass all at the same hight and just looks grea

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I used to live in France in the country, a 3 acre garden, I had a Kubota tractor mower. 4 hours to cut all the grass
    But moving to Chilworth the garden’s a lot smaller and a hand mower is all that’s needed
    The Einhell is perfect, very light, easy to manoeuvre
    15 minutes for the front
    20 minutes behind

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Having dragged the same hover mower around for the last 30 years, I approached this purchase with scepticism. After using the Einhell, I was pleased to take the Flymo to the tip!
    Lightweight, easy to push, gives a good finish, with easy to set height adjustment. It also takes up very little space in the shed. Easy to assemble, after finally engaging brain over the grass catcher assembly.
    My electric Flymo was far harder to man handle (I suspect the hover function had stopped years ago) and I had scalped the cable on a few occasions, as did a mate I leant it to!
    I am now a convert to manual push cylinder mowers. We chose one that was not the cheapest.
    The only negative is the grass catcher: it holds very little contents, and not all mown grass goes in there. But that is not a major issue.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 45 From Our UsersI don’t normally write reviews unless it’s crap or outstanding and I’m pleased to say I loved it. I’ve had many rotary electric over the years and my Flymo Multimo 360 (Mulcher) died after 7 years.

    I watched YouTube videos to find out which cheap model to replace and I came across manual mowers.

    So after 2 days of research I decided to buy this model and was shockingly surprised how good it was.

    As you can see from the pics I cut the back lawn in less than 15mins, my son who hates cutting the grass wanted to try. It was so easy to cut and so smooth. The grass was cut on Sunday with the Flymo and was was getting long. The Flymo was always set to #4 which was about 3inches…this mowers highest setting was 38mm that’s about 1.5inch and gave a good cut. I did go over it twice as I wanted to mulch the clipping…I’ve never bagged as mulching is far better and healthier as long as you keep on top of it.

    My lawn looks so good that I can play golf on it lol…beautiful scissor cut action and will reduce grass turning brown due to torn grass from a rotary blade.

    I suffer from back pain and have had an operation so was worried about how much effort it would require…the Flymo was heavy and would take me upto 1 hour to cut…had to stop so many times due to the power cord…the Einhell is so light and easy to push…no cord…no electricity…no petrol…just a little push and on you go.

    I had a little trouble to assemble it as the instructions weren’t as clear…took me about 20mins to assemble it. Looks very smart and a modern look which is cool. My only worry is when it needs sharpening…I’ve seen kits that are available but I doubt I’ll need it anytime soon.

    It you’re not sure it only costs 70 which is way cheaper than a good rotary mower.

    Finally all I can say is…I love it!!! Will never buy rotary again. I need to try it on wet grass though but I think it can handle it.
    My cheapest mower and favourite by far.

    Best lawnmower I bough

  78. Anonymous says:


    Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Der Rasenmher funktioniert genau wie erwartet. Das Schieben ist einfach, und das Gestnge ist sehr robust. Ich habe mich bewusst fr dieses Modell entschieden, weil alles aus Metall ausgefhrt ist. Es landet auch fast das gesamte Gras im Auffangkorb. Mich berzeugt hier auch die Befestigung, sie ist leichtgngig und zweckmig. Einzige berrascht war ich von der Lautstrke des Rasenmhers, er ist zwar leiser als ein elektrisches Gert, der noch etwas lauter, als ich gedacht hatte. Aber kein Problem.

  79. TimothyFrame says:

     United Kingdom

    Well made but instructions were not available in English. Also no guarantee info in English.

  80. Isabelle says:

     United Kingdom

    This was bought to replace my defunct electric rotary mower.

    It is perfect for my small front lawn and larger rear lawn. It is lightweight for carrying around and pushing; also very maneuverable. It copes well with the slight slopes and bumps too. And no cables to drag around or get tangled up in shrubs.

    Another benefit is that it takes up much less space in my small shed compared to the old electric rotary.

    Final point is that it seems well made and looks like it will last.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was bought to replace my defunct electric rotary mower.

    It is perfect for my small front lawn and larger rear lawn. It is lightweight for carrying around and pushing; also very maneuverable. It copes well with the slight slopes and bumps too. And no cables to drag around or get tangled up in shrubs.

    Another benefit is that it takes up much less space in my small shed compared to the old electric rotary.

    Final point is that it seems well made and looks like it will last.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got for my daughters wee garden: works well so far ( not sure what happens when blades go blunt ). Fab little mower, old school . Good for holiday house / car/ small garden etc . There’s inadequate instructions on how to assemble ( ie none ) but look carefully at the photos on box and you can work it out. Good quality . No tool included so need a wrench thingy to tighten the bolts .

  83. Anonymous says:


    Schneidet auch recht hohes Gras ohne zu blockieren (anders als bei anderen erlebt). Mit einer Hand, kinderleicht. Macht Spa!!!
    Ich bin begeistert. Das jahrelange mhevolle Aggregat (Kleingartenanlage) in Gang bringen und schwere Dieselgerte wuchten und platzieren endlich vorbei. Wenn der ne Weile hlt bin ich mehr als glcklich!
    Er ist recht laut, aber die Vorteile berwiegen.
    Bin happy.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDespite my struggles assembling the mower, this is a quality product that does exactly what it sets out to do. I have given 2 stars for assembly as there are pictures but they are small and limited. You also receive two lengths of bolts with no instruction (in English) which goes where. After a bit of head scratching I worked it out and assembled perfectly. It cuts grass well and is easy to push. I would say its no harder to push around my garden than my old hover-mower.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product for anyone with a small garden looking for something not too bulky! It doss struggle with longer grass but for regular use it’s perfect.

  86. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem mein elektrischer Mher den Geist aufgab, habe ich mich entschieden diesen Hand-Rasenmher auszuprobieren. Ich habe nicht viel Wiese und wollte zudem einen Rasenmher, der nicht so viel Platz wegnimmt.

    Er macht seine Arbeit sehr gut und der Schnitt sieht auch viel besser aus als beim elektrischen Mher. Im Auffangkorb landet nahezu alles vom Schnitt. Es ist auch deutlich mehr als der Schnitt, den ich mit dem elektrischem Mher erzeugt habe.

    Man muss schon etwas Kraft anwenden, um ihn anzuschieben, aber das schafft selbst meine 6jhrige Tochter. Er ist etwas lauter als erwartet, aber in meinen Augen nicht strend. Selbst auf unebenen Wegen kommt er zurecht.

  87. DarrellINJ says:


    El cortacsped es simple pero prctico, para terrenos pequeos funciona bien. Aunque la cesta que han puesto para recoger el csped cortado es muy mala y va mal enganchada, por este motivo bajo su nota.

  88. StefanLxfhe says:


    Im allgemeinen verrichtet er seine Arbeit mit der schnell rotierenden Messerwalze sehr gut..Einen Nachteil habe ich allerdings bemerkt, da die Rollenwalze des Abstandshalters den Rasen an den Boden drckt und damit kein guter Schnitt des Rasens erfolgt. Es mu mehrmals nachgemht werden, was das Ergebnis unbefriedigend erscheinen lt.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEasy to put together only the handles that’s it. 100% recommended.

  90. OmarS59ogkkqh says:

     United Kingdom

    Lightweight cylinder mower, easy to use. Only downside is the bag to catch the cuttings.

  91. ClintonChaves says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHatte ich mir schon lange gewnscht und bin sehr zufrieden; seine Stabilitt und Arbeitsweise lsst nichts zu wnschen brig.

  92. FerdinaFranklin says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch denke der Mher macht was er soll und passt vom Preis her , habe nur selber nicht bedacht das das Gras nicht zu hoch sein darf (rollt sich sonst neben den Klingen auf oder knickt vor dem Mher bzw.vom Mher um ) und das der Boden recht eben sein muss,weil er sonst gerne mal blockiert…dafr kann der Mher aber nix ,sondern nur meine Fehlplanung sind glaube ich alle nicht so rubust das man damit oft in Senken hngenbleiben kann, die Rhrchen sind ja heute alle nicht mehr sehr Robust und knnten knicken wie diese Kunststoffeingefassten Gartenrankstbe/Halme,weil ja keiner mehr schwer heben darf und es ja auch nicht ewig halten soll ne, passt,das ding luf

  93. Anonymous says:


    Meine Intention zum Kauf war die geringe Lautstrke und das Mhen ohne Strom/Benzin. Paket kam gut verpackt. Zusammenbau war schnell. Produkt hatte keine Mngel. Alles passte.
    Doch bei meinen mehrmaligen Einstzen merkte ich Schnittmngel beim Mhen. Es blieben Stellen ungemht. Der Krafteinsatz ist erhht und bei Unebenheiten hat der Spindelmher auch seine Probleme. Von der Lautstrke dachte ich auch leiser. Hab jetzt doch einen Mher mit Strom, das machts um vieles einfacher.

  94. XOZKarryemrzoh says:


    Altbewhrte Technik, die es neben Sichel und Sense, vor dem elektrischen Rasenmher gab.
    Das Gert fordert ein bisschen mehr Krpereinsatz als die elektrische Variante und ist einfach zu handhaben.
    Vor allem braucht man kein Kabel mehr hinter sich herzuziehen. Und es ist die kologischste Variante des Rasenmhens – gegenber elektrisch/akkugetrieben.

  95. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo acquisto. Usato appena arrivato per un giardino di 300 mq circa con erba incolta e abbastanza alta. Fa il suo lavoro col minimo sforzo per bisogna passare pi volte sugli stessi punti per ottenere i risultati migliori. Solo il cestello raccogli erba si staccato pi volte ed alla fine lo abbiamo tolto. Prima usavamo un decespugliatore elettrico e a parte la fatica il prato era sempre irregolare, invece adesso perfettamente rasato allo stesso livello. Molto leggero e maneggevole una volta riposto occupa uno spazio minimo. Consegna puntuale come sempre.

  96. MyrtleBrodzky says:


    Perfetto per la mia necessit, cio quella di tagliare l’erba di un piccolo giardino che si trova in mezzo ad altre case, perci volevo qualcosa che non avesse motore per evitare rumori fastidiosi. Funziona benissimo, montaggio semplice perch va montato solo il manico, il sacchetto raccoglitore facilissimo da staccare e riattaccare. L’unica piccola difficolt l’ho trovata con l’altezza di taglio 1, ma probabilmente un problema del mio giardino perch il terreno non piatto ma ha dei piccoli avvallamenti e delle montagnelle perci in qualche punto si bloccava. L’ho posizionato sul taglio 2 ed perfetto, sia come altezza di taglio sia perch scorrevole e quindi facile da maneggiare. Molto comodo anche il fatto che si possa posare in posizione verticale, cos occupa pochissimo spazio. Lo ricomprerei senza dubbio!

  97. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDer kleine Handrasenmher ist einfach super. Selbst ein groer Garten lsst sich easy und unkompliziert mhen, bei sehr hohem Gras ist es etwas mhsam, er schafft es aber auch.
    Umweltfreundlich, leise, unkompliziert. Wrde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen und kann ihn nur empfehle

  98. Africa says:


    Golden Review Award: 39 From Our UsersIch habe noch den alten Spindelrasenmher von meinen Groeltern in Erinnerung, womit wir frher als Kinder uns immer einen Spa daraus gemacht haben wer damit mal eine Bahn mhen kann, da dieser Mher so schwer ging.
    Daher waren meine Erwartungen an den Einhell Spindelmher nicht sonderlich gro, aber nach der ersten Benutzung wurde ich eines besseren belehrt.

    Aufbau und Montage

    Vor der Benutzung muss man noch den Handgriff zusammenschrauben und in dem Mher einhaken. Dafr bentigt man einen 10er Schlssel/Nuss. Werkzeug ist keins dabei.
    Der Auffangkorb muss noch zusammen gesteckt werden und dann ist die Montage erledigt.


    Dieser Spindelmher hat eine Hheneinstellung von 13 mm – 37 mm. Ansonsten kann man bei Lagerung den Griff hochklappen und das Gert steht von alleine.

    Mhergebnis und Kraftanstrengung

    Meine Erinnerung an einen Spindelmher ist, dass es eine Strafarbeit ist und man keinen Spa daran hat, da es einfach so schwer geht.
    Unser Rasen war zum Zeitpunkt des Testes eigentlich fr einen Spindelmher schon viel zu hoch und somit ein idealer Hrtetest.
    Und was soll ich sagen: Selbst bei greren saftigen Graspscheln konnte ich den Spindelmher relativ leicht durchschieben und diese waren perfekt geschnitten.
    Nur wenn ein kleinerer Ast oder Rindenmulchreste auf dem Rasen liegen, dann kann es sein, dass er stecken bleibt und man die Spindel ein Stck zurckdrehen muss um es zu lsen.
    Eigentlich wollte ich nur ein Stck zum Test mit dem Gert mhen, aber da es doch so einfach und gut ging habe ich direkt den ganzen Garten gemacht.

    Der Auffangsack ist wirklich nur fr ganz kleine Abschnitte geeignet, da es sonst liegen bleibt. In meinem Fall habe ich den Sack dann doch ganz abgemacht und habe berall gemht und spter dann das Gras zusammengeharkt.


    Einmal auf die richtige Lnge gemht sollte man den Spindelmher schon so 3 mal die Woche ber den Rasen schicken, damit es den Effekt wie bei einem Rasenmhroboter hat.
    Der Grasschnitt ist dann so gering, dass dieser direkt als Dnger dient und man ist eigentlich sogar schneller fertig als mit einem normalen Rasenmher.


    Nicht viel erwartet und dann doch voll und ganz berzeugt. Das Gert funktioniert super und deutlich leichter als man es erwarten wrde. Fr hohes Gras ist es natrlich nicht geeignet, sondern man muss sich die Zeit nehmen und schon 3 mal die Woche zu mhen. Dann soll man hnlich zum Rasenmhroboter einen schnen saftigen und dicken Rasen bekommen.
    Ich hoffe meine Rezension war ntzlich und konnte weiterhelfen. Vielen Dank!

    » geht erstaunlich leicht und liefert ein TOP Ergebnis

  99. RafaelSykes says:


    Nel montaggio non avevo inizialmente fatto caso alle viti che sono di diversa lunghezza, ma poi ho trovato il modo di rimediare. Il tosaerba taglia in maniera soddisfacente il mio giardino rustico, permettendomi anche di fare un po’ di attivit fisica. Leggero, sembra robusto. Consigliato.

    Sì, consigliato

  100. Dan Ginn says:


    Troppo presto per dire sulla robustezza, che comunque mi pare esserci, per il resto un buon attrezzo, leggero da trasportare a mano da un luogo all’altro, di facile uso ed installazione (intuibile, cmq istruzioni comprese e con immagini). Adatto per piccoli prati (io lo uso per una piccola superficie) la spinta a mano deve essere decisa ma non veloce e comunque non affaticante. Meglio fare una pulizia sommaria a fine lavoro per preservarlo al meglio. Lasciando il manico in verticale non occupa molto spazio in garage.
    PS: Pacco perfetto, spedizione velocissima, Amazon non si smentisce.